People Confess Which Things They Learned Embarrassingly Late In Life

They say it’s never too late to learn anything.

While that sentiment may be true, it doesn’t mean acquiring what others thought was common knowledge later in life isn’t an utter embarrassment.

Still, that shouldn’t prevent us from seeking wisdom no matter how old we are.

Some may argue that’s easier said than done.

Redditor keepcalmandbecalm provided an opportunity for strangers online to fess up about being late to the game of enlightenment.

They asked:

“What fact did you learn at an embarrassingly late age?”

Before The Feast

“I had to explain to my friend last year (28YO) that the turkey we saw in the farm park was the same animal as the turkey dinner she was eating.”

“She knew this about chicken, but… just never made that mental connection about turkey.” – pianobarbarian1

Airborne Sewage

“I thought piss and sh*t were just dropped out of airplanes mid flight and disintegrated in thin air.” – I_AmTheGovernment

Rinsing Process

“Shampoo goes on first. Made the mistake of arguing with a friend in high about how conditioner makes your hair all weird feeling, so you use the shampoo at the end to bring it back to normal. He’s never let me live it down.” – CeeCeeBABCOCK

Double Whammy

“I’ve got two.”

“Whenever I complained about any part of my body aching, my dad would say “oh that’s cause you’re growing”. And I believed him, right until I was 19.”

“In my culture we use water to wash our asses after pooping, and sure, we all learnt that. What I didn’t realise was that you’re still meant to wipe after, so I walked around with wet pants until I was 20 facepalm.” – yas9in

Growth Spurt

“Growing pains.Thats what my mom always told me when I was little and my legs hurt.I’m 6 feet tall now female.My son is constantly saying his legs hurt so I googled this assuming it’s growing pains.”

“When your a kid your muscles just get sore from over playing,sports,etc.This was maybe a month ago that I learned this,always assumed Growing Pains was a real thing.” – Wtfismypassword4444

Airborne Amphibian

“When I was 28 I learned that flying fish are a real animal. I thought they were pretend, like unicorns.” – fishnugget1

Hot And Bothered

“That the phrase ‘in heat’ didn’t mean they lived in a warm climate. I learned that when I was today years old.” – owestball

Black Hole?

“There was a big building called ‘The Space Center’ that we’d always pass by and for the longest time I thought it was like a space camp sorta place. I was well into the teens when it finally clicked.”

“It’s a storage facility. So yeah that was a major letdown on all fronts.” – WhenBuyIt

Not About Role Playing

“That I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus is about the mom kissing the dad who’s dressed up as Santa. I just assumed it was a little innocent cheating.” – PoolSharkPete

Two Articles Of Clothing

“I was somewhere in my 20s when I found out that the words “sweater” and “sweatshirt” aren’t interchangeable.” – Caitlen315

It’s Not A Mashup

“Mangopapaya is not a fruit, my mom just never remembered the difference between a mango and a papaya, so I grew up thinking a mangos real name is mangopapaya.” – Marosie

What Makes Them Puff

“Pufferfish puff up with water, not air. It’s so obvious and it never even occurred to me.”

“I only realised how stupid I was when I read a reddit comment about a year ago pointing the fact out.” – AgnosticMantis


“I learned at 13 I was circumcized.” – Pyromaniac64

A Safe Combo

“That eating fish and having milk won’t kill you. My parents seem to believe that the combination makes you sick but Google told me otherwise..” – healme_

Altered Snacks

“Pickles are cucumbers and raisins are grapes.” – foxtailavenger

A Pun

“Not a fact, just a realization. It wasn’t until recently (and I’m in my late 40s) that I realized the phrase ‘if I told you that you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me’ didn’t mean that you’d lose respect for me for the act.”

“It finally dawned on me that it meant what the rest of you all know it means. Thankfully this dawned on me privately and not in conversation or I’d have felt like the double the moron I do now.” – Prima13

The Argument

“I thought concur meant disagree till i got in an argument with someone and later found out they were trying to agree with me.” – Lord_Ikaros

Proper Pronunciation

“How rendezvous and dachshund are pronounced. I knew what the words were when spoken, obviously, but every time I’d see them written I’d get stuck. I’d try to sound them out.”

“I remember being stuck behind Buick Rendezvous in traffic and sound it out phonetically and think to myself ‘well that’s a weird thing to name a car.’ In my mid 20s.” – JaggedUmbrella

It’s That Month

“That the month is pronounced and spelled February and not Febuary despite being born in that month.” – jetpacksheep

Crunching The Numbers

“The twelve days of Christmas are from Christmas to the Feast of the Epiphany sometimes called Three Kings Day on January 6th. I was raised Catholic. It’s a holy day of obligation. I just never counted the days. I even wondered why it’s 12 days in the song.”

“The fact that it’s called epiphany stings a bit. I’m 45.” – prolific-lurker

You Only Get One Replacement

“Not me, but I was talking to my best friend about how I have a lisp since the accident last year that left me without several teeth.”

“He replied with ‘wait, it’s been a year why haven’t they grown back?’”

“Me- wtf do you mean, teeth don’t grow back?”

“Him-no no they don’t grow back but wouldn’t the new set have grown in yet or are they still coming in?”

“Me-new set? You only have one set of adult teeth.”

“Him-wait what”

“This man made it to 22 firmly believing you lose one set of teeth as a kid and then have TWO SETS of adult teeth.”

“God, I wish, then I wouldn’t be paying $4000 for replacement teeth.” – MidnightCiggarette

I really shouldn’t be laughing at any of these.

For the longest time, I was fully convinced I had to avoid swallowing watermelon seeds because I thought one would grow inside of me.

I was rightfully roasted for ages when I learned the truth when I was 12.

People Explain Which Things Are Far Deadlier Than Anyone Realizes

When we’re sick, we take medication. When we’re not looking our best, we might seek out a cosmetic surgical procedure.

And when we sit in the same position for hours, we don’t think twice about the gradual effects being sedentary can have on our bodies.

The seemingly innocuous activities we don’t think twice about being potentially harmful to our health got dissected here when Redditor ILikeIceCreamSoMuch asked:

“What is far deadlier than most people realize?”

Take notes.

Some of these examples could potentially save your life.

The things you usually don’t associate with death may surprise you.

Affording Proper Care

“Being poor. You can’t afford basic health care basic dental basic decent anything and your health pays for it. Not going to the dentist can kill you. Not being able to afford medication can kill you. Not being able to afford a day off to rest when you’re feeling bad.”

“Being broke doesn’t just suck because you can’t do ‘fun stuff’ being broke sucks because you have to choose between your health and your immediate well being. And hard work alone won’t lift you out of that deadly negative cycle.” – TaysteePotayto

Dangerous Fruit When Mixed

“Grapefruit in combination with many — MANY — prescription drugs. Basically, grapefruit can affect the way your medications work.”

“With some meds, adding grapefruit screws up the way your body metabolizes the drug, so you end up with far more than the prescribed dosage. It can also work in the opposite way with other drugs, leaving you with less than the prescribed dosage.”

“This is especially bad if you have high blood pressure or arrhythmia.”

“This article on the FDA site explains it way better.” – A-RovinIGo

Abruptly Quitting

“Quit drinking. Been an EMT for a while and work with a lot of the homeless population. Will gets calls for people who decided today is the day to finally quit drinking and do it cold turkey.”

“As soon as the next morning people can present with delirium tremens, severe withdrawals can induce seizures and can also lead to death. A lot of these people will think because they quit hard drugs like heroin or meth cold turkey alcohol would be the same without knowing the major effects it can have on your health.”

“Guess I should add this is only for people with alcohol dependency and not all your casual or even heavier drinkers.” – DiscountSheriff

Beware The Great Outdoors

“Vacation. Particularly in nature if you’re not used to being in nature. There’s a book called Death in Yellowstone and talks about all the weird ways people have died there.”

“Walking off cliffs, falling trees, falling into boiling water… there’s the obvious wildlife attacks but there’s plenty of less obvious ways. The thing is, people are relaxing for once on vacation and they put themselves in different environments than they’re used to. They have their guards down.” – kitkatpaddywat

A good night’s sleep can be hard to come by, especially when you’re not in the proper place for one.

Stay Alert Behind The Wheel

“Driving while tired. All you need is that one slow part, or that one part that lulls even a little to put you out.” – ChryWolferyn

Sleeping Disorder

“Not sure if it’s been said, but untreated sleep apnea. You literally stop breathing, and get little quality sleep. The stress on your cardiovascular system is immense. Get tested. Period.”

“Then wear the CPAP no matter how unsexy it is. Or maybe surgery to eliminate or reduce the problem.” – mengelhart

Being sedentary while awake, however, can lead to tragic consequences.

The Risk For Pilots

“Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a well documented effect of long haul flights too. Which is why pilots who fly long haul and ultra long haul (flights lasting more than 10 hrs) wear pressure socks.”

“Passengers are advised to walk around the cabin once every few hours. With flights lasting up to 18 hours, this is a necessity. Get the blood moving. If any of these clots somehow dislodge and reach your heart, it is goodbye.” – Deepimpact1234

The Risk For Truckers

“Trucker here. I’ve had two blood clots in my legs from driving long distances and having my leg pressed against the corner of the seat for hours on end. One almost killed me.”

“Apparently it’s very common with truckers. You’re supposed to stop and walk around every hour and a half to keep things circulating (which almost nobody does due to time constraints).”

“The same thing happens in gaming chairs apparently – people forget to move their legs because they’re so focused on the game. You don’t need to worry so much if you’re younger, but if you’re a gamer who’s a little older, please be aware.” – tjfergusen

Beware of these below-the-torso ailments

Mood Killer

“Penile Fracture – if this happens to you do not hesitate to get medical help. 12 weeks ago this happened to me. The tissue that fills with blood and makes the penis erect can fracture when impacted awkwardly.”

“Bend at 45 degs and a huge hematoma and swelling. I went the ED and after the poor student doctor saw it, I was rushed into hospital. I was informed if it wasn’t surgically fixed it could mean necrosis and removal!”

“The surgical procedure involved de-gloving the penis, removing the hematoma, stitching up the fractured tissue under the skin and then stitching the skin back on.”

“Still having nerve pain not mention the effect it’s had on our sex life.” – Benellibro

Consequences Of Getting That Perfect Instagram Shot

“A Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) gives people a figure reminiscent of the Kardashians and is hugely popular for getting that instagram body. But a paper in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal found that 1 in 3,000 BBLs resulted in death, making it the world’s most dangerous cosmetic procedure!” – jamestxt

Don’t Drop The Ball On This One

“Testicular torsion – don’t be embarrassed to ask for help. In ALL honesty, the embarrassment is ALL IN YOUR HEAD. Doctors & nurses REALLY don’t give a f’k, they really don’t care, and aren’t judging you one bit.”

“They have seen EVERYTHING, and then some more. But they WILL judge you if you make the foolish decision not to seek help coz of made-up embarrassment and lose your balls.”

“The pain might not be severe, but you have a few hours tops before your balls die.”

“To put some numbers to this – if you wait longer then 6 hours, permanent damage may occur. After 12 hours, there’s a 75% chance of losing the testicle.” – CircleBox2″

Just because there is potential harm in almost anything around us as we go about our daily lives doesn’t necessarily mean we should constantly live in fear.

Thankfully, the examples above could inspire further research into the things you found particularly alarming.

Which example were you most surprised by and how did it change your initial perspective about it?

People Divulge The Craziest Deathbed Confessions They’ve Ever Heard

People on their deathbed must want a clean slate for transitioning into the afterlife, because it is there on which truths are revealed.

Watching a loved one slowly slipping away is indisputably one of the hardest rites of passage to witness.

However, there can be room for the slightest bit of levity when they finally have something they’ve been wanting to get off their chest.

What they impart could potentially change one’s perception of them forever.

Curious to hear some of the memorable things strangers online heard someone on their deathbed say, Redditor random_guy_somewhere asked:

“People who have heard deathbed confessions, what were some interesting ones?”

These final moments were far from peaceful but make for great stories.

A Sinister Confession

“My grandma confessed to murder on her deathbed. Usually you’d think it was the pain relief, but she was such an eccentric it was actually believable.”

“We traced all her ex-husbands, partners and any other likely candidates and fortunately no one was missing or died an untimely death, but sometimes I wonder…” – NotAnEarthwormYet

A Broken Tradition

“Not my story but that of a hospice worker who spoke to my class. For those who don’t know, hospice is a method of end-of-life care that focuses on alleviating the emotional & physical pain of a dying person to ease their passing rather than combatting their imminent death.”

“One of her patients was a bed-bound woman in her 90s who was generally unresponsive but had flashes of recognition & engagement. It’s hard to gauge the level to which unresponsive patients are detached from their surroundings, so they encourage family members to keep their company in hopes of soothing the patient.”

“Now this patient was from a U.S. state that prided itself on its state university (and the university’s football team). The woman’s family had attended this university for four or five generations.”

“During her hospice care, however, her great-granddaughter was the first in their family to decide to go to a different school—the rival state’s university, in fact. Her family was supportive of her decision but often joked about her being the ‘rebel’ or ‘Judas’ or what-have-you.”

“One day, they were all sitting around the woman’s bedside, teasing the girl about her decision. Suddenly, the patient sat up, looked at her great-granddaughter, said, ‘Traitor,’ and f’king DIED.” – scatteringbones

The following confessions were bold enough to elicit a chuckle.

Last-Minute Truths

“My grandpa, a Sicilian man with blessed cooking skills, told us on his deathbed that his meatballs were actually frozen meatballs from the grocery store.” – orangestar17

An Experimental Past

“My grandfather admitted to me and only me that he “accidentally” had sex with a man.” – Aggravating_Fish_169

Why Owls?

“I have an amazing one:”

“My great grandmother lived a very long and interesting life. She was in her 20s in the great depression. She had a wild streak from those days that we don’t know much about, to the point that we actually don’t know our great grandfather’s name. Just the husband she took later.”

“Over the course of her nearly 100 year life, she had collected owls. Literally thousands of owl figurines. She had clocks, wall-hangings, potholders, lamps, stained glass art, salt shakers, and more little figurines than you could imagine, all depicting owls.”

“We all wondered the importance of the owls. She never talked about them, we just all knew she loved owls.”

“Well, when she was nearing death, at the age of 98 or 99, and the docs said she had days, my grandparents went and talked to her and they asked her if she had anything she wanted to share or ask before she goes.”

“She thought for a moment, then said, ‘I never understood the owls.’”

“It turns out, she didn’t really give a sh*t about owls. Near as we could piece together sometime in the 40s or 50s perhaps, she bought either a trivet or a set of salt/pepper shakers that were owls. Then someone got her the other.”

“Those were the oldest owls anyone could remember. But from there, someone got her an owl to match, probably a potholder or place mat. And all the sudden her kitchen was owl themed. From there, it snowballed. The owls flowed like wine, baffling her for 60 years, eventually taking over as the bulk of her personal belongings.”

“The moral is: if you’re not actually into something, mention it early.”

These tender, poignant moments are sure to stay with these Redditors forever.

A Proud Parent

“My dad had Alzheimer’s and ended up in a secure ward. He was blind and almost deaf. I was visiting him one day. He didn’t know who I was, but he started talking about me.”

“He said I had done better than him in life and that he was proud of me. He was a quiet man IRL and never told me that when I was growing up.”

“Looking back, he did things that my dumb ass never realised were for me. Like, when he retired his colleagues asked what he’d like as a present. He chose a scientific calculator (this was back in the 1970’s).”

“He had no use for it. He gave it to me for university. I thought he was just passing it on, not realising that he’d asked for it with me in mind.” – LactatingWolverine

The Favorite

“I don’t know if this counts as a confession but it felt like one.”

“My grandparents have three daughters. Everyone always said that my mom was my grandfather’s secret favorite. He never agreed.”

“I heard he was on his death bed on April 6th. Went to see him on April 8th. He was scary looking and the doctor kept saying he didn’t understand why he wasn’t dead yet.”

“April 9th everyone but my mom had the chance to come and say goodbye. She doesn’t drive and my dad works 10 hours away. My grampa kept saying her name (well, saying.. he couldn’t eat or drink so it was more like a whisper).”

“My mom came by on the 10th. He looked at her.. smiled.. whispered ‘my amy.’”

“He closed his eyes and never opened them again.” – DoctorWhoTheF**k

Ready To Go

“When I was in hospital, the guy in the bed next to me just asked to stop taking his meds as he was ready to die. Last thing I heard him say was ‘There’s no one waiting for me at home, so I’m going where they are.’”

“Wasn’t really a shocking confession, just a lonely and heartbreaking one.” – DanHero91

Deathbed confessions are overrated, I say.

These intriguing anecdotes are a good reminder to ask questions and share as much about yourself to anyone, regardless of their age, while they’re still around.

I would never want to regret not having known a person well or vice versa before one of us expires.

We never know how much time we have with a person we hold near and dear to our hearts.

Overthinkers Break Down The Craziest Scenarios They’ve Prepared For

Overthinkers sometimes get a bad rap for wasting energy on scenarios that never happen.

But the joke is on the haters.

Because with all of life’s unpredictabilities, those who are well prepared for any curveballs wind up coming out on top.

Looking to portray them in a positive light, Redditor lawofdox18 asked:

“Overthinkers of Reddit, what unlikely scenario actually came true that you were completely prepared for because you are an overthinker?”

Some overthinkers helped prevent sartorial disasters.

Sew Prepared

“I always carry a small sewing kit whenever I go to a wedding. I have sewed two brides into their dresses so far!” – soufflegirl55

Don’t Mock Pack Rats

“All the teachers at the Middle School I taught at knew I was a pack rat and one day a kid split his pants and the school counselor came to me and said ‘Mr. Thehogdog, would you happen to have a pair of sweats or gym pants in your truck’. YEP.”

“So the the kid spent the rest of the day in a pair of nylon pants I had behind my seat. He is lucky because if he didnt fit he would have spent the rest of the day in a white disposable ‘coverall’ I had in case I had car trouble in nice clothes.”

“Icing on the cake: It was a student I really liked who was super helpful to other kids and teachers, so it was nice to do something nice for him.”

“I also carried a ‘Swiss Army’ brand soft side brief case (yard sale find) STUFFED and it had a few of each size of battery.”

“One day Phil Niekro and 2 Braves players were there for an assembly and Phil’s mic battery was dying so I SPRINTED upstairs to my classroom, grabbed a 9 volt from my bag, then basically rolled across the panel and switched out his battery and got back to the PA avoiding getting on TV News cameras.” – thehogdog

If it weren’t for these angels in disguise, there would have been grave consequences.

The Life Saver

“My boyfriend who has zero history of seizures narrowly escaped dying from one because my overthinking led me to break into his house when he didn’t answer the phone.”

“My overthinking had begun a few nights prior. He mentioned that he but his tongue in his sleep and woke up with a bloody pillow and sore mouth- but he had no memory of it happening.”

“That for some reason led my overthinking brain to question ‘Wow, did he have a seizure and not realize it?’ He has zero history of seizures, and we had been together multiple years (didn’t live together but spent nights together) and I had never seen a hint of a seizure. But for some reason, this stuck in my mind.”

“Fast forward two days. We usually don’t hang out in the morning because he likes to sleep in late, but on this day we had an appointment to go see a specific dog at the shelter I was thinking of adopting.”

“He wouldn’t answer the phone that morning. I called multiple times before I went to his place, but he never picked up. I started getting a bad feeling but quelled the ‘He’s having a seizure’ thought, because that was clearly SO unlikely, meanwhile making an action plan for that very scenario.”

“I got to his house and he wouldn’t answer, so in a completely NOT ME crazy girlfriend move, I climbed over his fence. Luckily his door was unlocked.”

“I found him unconscious and unresponsive, lying in his back with the sticky remnants of foam all around his mouth.”

“I jumped into action- I rolled him on his side to help curb aspiration, put a pillow under his shoulder to keep him in that position, and called the ambulance.”

“Had I not hopped the fence to get in- had I not driven over when he didn’t pick up the phone- had we not had plans to meet up hours earlier than we usually did- he would have been dead by lunch. His kidneys were already shutting down by the time he reached the ER.”

“If he had never mentioned biting his tongue in his sleep, I don’t think I would have been overthinking at all. No crazy worries about seizures would have pushed me to go over and find him.”

“Turns out to be a weird brain disease that’s bizarrely endemic to New Mexico kind of- cerebral cavernous malformations.”

“Several days later, after we got home from the hospital, I got a call from a friend who said the dog, against all odds, was still at the shelter- as in the very dog we were supposed to be seeing that day.”

“I had given up hope on getting her, pushed it out of my priorities while he was hospitalized- but they had forgotten to take down my 24 Hour Hold sign on her cage, so no one inquired about her.”

“She’s now our miracle dog and is the sweetest animal I’ve ever owned. My boyfriend wouldn’t be alive today if we hadn’t made an appointment to meet her.” – unicoroner

Tending To An Injured Elderly Woman

“Was at one of those trampoline parks with my kid when I look over and see several of the workers attending to an elderly lady sitting on the floor. Turns out she’d taken a shot to the forehead somehow and was bleeding profusely.”

“They were trying to help with paper towels. Well I’d taken a free local Stop the Bleed class “just in case” and since have kept supplies in my truck.”

“Asked if they needed some gauze and a bandage, went and got it, and brought it back. I told the guy, ‘Now if one piece of gauze fills up -‘ He interrupted, ‘Take it off and put on a new one.’ I said, ‘No! You put another one overtop that one, but leave the bottom one there.’ He said, ‘Well, you know more than I do. Come over and help.’ We were able to get her patched up.” – nchiker

Like a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat, these overthinkers had the perfect tricks up their sleeves.

A Convenient Tool

“I didn’t actually plan for this, it just worked out. But one day for some reason I put a suction cup in my pocket. I can’t exactly remember why – it was from a shower hook that I think broke (?) and I put it in my pocket hoping to find a replacement or something.”

“Later that day I was standing around with a few friends and one friend was lamenting that his bumper was dented. He showed us and said, ‘I bet I could pop it right out if I had like a suction cup or something.’”

“I wordlessly pulled the suction cup out of my pocket and handed it to him. Everyone definitely thought I was creepy as hell.” – Wishyouamerry

The Best Kid In Class

“I remember one day in school a teacher was complaining someone had tied her blinds so tightly she couldn’t get them to open or close.”

“Me being the weird kid, I ask her if she wanted a screwdriver to get it undone. She looked at me like I was crazy and a little scared as I reached into my wallet and pulled out this tiny screwdriver from those tiny finger bmx/skateboards and handed it over.”

“Everyone thought I was crazy and my teacher laughed in relief when she saw it. Everyone thought i was weird until I told them I used it to tighten the screws on my glasses.”

“They were constantly unscrewing themselves and I was sick of having to go to the opticians every time it happened. Obviously the solution was to carry a tiny screwdriver with me!” – Zanki

Mom’s Supply

“Not me, but my mother.”

“Apparently at a party where my parents and their friends were playing board games, there was a realization that an hourglass was missing from one of the games they planned on playing. My mother proceeded to reach into her purse and pull out an hourglass she just so happened to bring, on the off chance they didn’t have one.”

“HOWEVER, later in the night when some drinks had been had, someone accidentally slammed a drink down, breaking my mother’s hourglass. Without missing a beat, she reached into her purse and pulled out ANOTHER hourglass.”

“She knew the first one, being glass, might get broken so she had a backup ready.” – BustyChicken

Mock them if you will, but you can’t argue with the fact overthinkers have got it covered.

Think about it.

If you were stuck on an island, wouldn’t you want to be with an overthinker?

Just saying.

People Share The First Thing They’d Buy If They Had Unlimited Funds

No matter how hard we work, put in the overtime and save our hard-earned cash, the money we have in the bank never seems to be enough.

Aside from spending on necessities like groceries and putting money aside just in case of emergencies, there doesn’t always appear to be enough cash to treat ourselves to luxury items.

But what if stressing about lack of funds is eliminated from your daily life?

Curious to hear about the first things strangers online would purchase if money was no object, Redditor ApArAmY asked:

“What is the first thing you would buy if you had infinite money?”

Not-so-humble abodes were the first things that came to people’s minds.

To Own…

“A house.” – potatowarrior1

A Family Commune

“That was my first thought too.”

“I’d buy a big piece of land, and build my sister a house, myself a house and my parents a house – then my sister and her kids would still be near me but we could all move out of our parents house.”

“I’d build a house for my parents so it was fully accessible for my severely disabled brother, with a roof hoist so my mum wouldn’t continue to damage her shoulder lifting him.”

“I’d give them a fully heated swimming pool so my brother could swim whenever he wanted to, he loves swimming but we only have outdoor pools where we live.”

“I’d give them a big fancy spa so my mum could relax when she needed it and the swelling in her feet would go down. A sensory room for my brother, and a real train caboose for my dad for his model trains.”

“My sister’s house would have a bedroom for each of her kids, plus another room to act as their play room, and it would be fully fenced so the kids could go outside and play as much as they liked without any worries about them running on to the road.”

“I’d make sure it had a room just for her for all her crafts with enough storage room for wool and material, and a stationary section so she could geek out all she liked over pencils and quills and pens and stamps.”

“And I’d have a two bedroom place with a built in movie theater and a room just for my DVD and book collection with a table large enough to play board games at.”

“I’d have an aviary for my birds, and a knitting/crochet nook, and a large kitchen with every baking utensil, and a bath large enough for me to be submerged fully without either my knees or boobs being out of the water, and I’d enjoy living in a house again instead of a rented room on my parents property with no bathroom or cooking facilities without having to go outside and up a flight of stairs regardless of the weather.”

“And if there was enough room, I’d add a guest cottage and a little house for my nana.” – ngatiara

Aiming Higher

“A f’king castle. Gimme that sh*t.” – SylverTheKnight


We seldom treat ourselves with things that aren’t necessarily essential in life.


“Telescope but I mean a really good expensive one.” – [deleted]

Freshest Posh Food

“Idk I kinda feel like sushi so probably that.” – littlewing2733

A humble snack

“It sounds silly, but an ice cream sandwich.”

“Several years ago, I was living paycheck to paycheck and had a fair amount of credit card debt. I fell behind in my mortgage and lost my home to foreclosure.”

“Shortly after I was notified, I drove over to a 7-11, bought an ice cream sandwich, and ate it while crying in my car.”

“Unfortunately, every time I eat an ice cream sandwich, it’s still a bittersweet feeling. I always think of the day my favorite childhood comfort food became forever intertwined with my sense of complete and utter failure.”

“After coming into life-changing money, I would hope that an ice cream sandwich would taste as good again as it did when I was a kid.” – Steve-in-rewrite


“A personal trainer to get me in shape and an assistant to follow me around and slap food out of my hand.” – Neither_Most

These may not be essential, but they certainly would some Redditors very satisfied.

Bathing In Comfort

“This very moment if I were given unlimited money, I would go and purchase a freestanding bathtub. I think that’s what they’re called. Like one that can fit my 6’4 ass. I take extremely frequent bubble baths after work and I need a tub that actually fits me.”

“Yes, I know I don’t have to work but I still stand by my first purchase. I f’ks with bubble baths.” – Quit_your_dayjob

Revenge Rain

“Amazon. I’d make all the workers pee in bottles… then I’d take those bottles and make it rain anywhere Jeff Bezos is. I’d pay them an extra $15/hr too.” – megapuffranger

“Sounds ridiculous but a dog nanny. I have two dogs and they are my babies. However, they really limit what I can do.”

“Want to get away for a weekend? Ok, who is going to take care of the dogs? Need to work late? Great, they are going to piss everywhere when no one let’s them out.”

“I would definitely do more but my first purchase would be a full time dog nanny for sure.” – thatotherchicka

Senator For Sale

“A US Senator! Or several of ’em. I’ve always wanted my own Senator.” – a_dangerous_noodle

The Price Range

“They’re pretty cheap I believe. When we find out about bribes I’m always shocked at how f’king cheap these whores will sell us out for.” – poopy_poo_poopsicle

I love to travel.

Ever since I started working on cruise ships and I worked with hundreds of staff members from different parts of the world, I became fascinated to learn about their history and our cultural differences.

Because I have so many international friends because of this wonderful experience, I would love to visit them and spend some time in their country.

This goes well with the fact that I also love food.

I would indulge in the culinary delights of the countries I’m visiting without worrying about making a dent in my wallet.

So, I’d travel to my heart’s content.

What would you buy?

People Share Science Facts That’ll Change The Way You See The World

Most grownups think they’ve got it all figured out.

Life experiences may have made them more street-savvy, but when it comes to science, it turns out we all still have plenty to learn.

We never stop learning, and isn’t that a wonderful thing?

Redditors were intellectually stimulated when Redditor jdgiabajwbdidb asked:

“What is a science fact that not many people know that will change the way they look at life?”

How well do we know the species with whom we share our planet?

The Thing About Elephants

“Elephants are known to bury their dead under foliage and remain with the bodies for some time afterwards, exhibiting behaviour not dissimilar to human mourning.”

“Indeed, it is the association of apparent grief or mourning that is considered to indicate a ‘burial’, as opposed to simply covering up or disposing of a body.”

“I also read somewhere that they have buried humans.” ErrorCodeTaken

The Thing About Spiders

“Not a single Tarantula species is able to kill you with venom, so if you see a big hairy boi just know, it can’t kill you, not yet, also link to a picture of my escaped Tarantula”MeGaPP-_-

The Thing About Mosquitos

“Most people know that the mosquito is the deadliest animal when it comes to total human deaths ever. Next to humans of course.”

“And this is due to the malaria parasite spread by mosquitoes. It is estimated that four to five per cent of all humans that have ever lived died from malaria (rather than half as some sources state).”

“The treatment for malaria is quinine, which was known since the 1700’s. This is often contained in tonic water, which is bitter and not that palatable.”

“The anecdotal story is that during the days of British colonization of India, the British East India Company had of course problems with malaria.”

“Drinking tonic water was not popular with the British, so what’d they do? add booze, i.e. gin. And this is where you get gin and tonic.”

“Of course modern research has shown that the amounts of tonic water you’d need is quite large (~1 liter for a minimal effect) to make that story apocryphal at best (although I know some people who probably managed to meet the necessary quota to ward of malaria).”

“But it is interesting to think that we managed to make the treatment for one of the worst disease humanity has known into a cocktail.”

“What is real though is that malaria can be used to treat syphilis. Malaria causes a high fever which kills the syphilis bacteria.”

“In fact, Dr Julius Wagner-Jauregg received the Nobel Prize in Physiology in 1927 for this discovery (but he later became a hardcore Nazi and eugenisist. Of course we no longer use this because the mortality rate was 15%, but this was much lower than the death rate for syphilis.”

“Unfortunately, many parts of the world still suffer from malaria, where it is still a major killer.” monkeypie1234

We have lived on one planet our entire lives and yet there are many facts about our home that elude us.

The Thing About H20

“Water does not innately conduct electricity, it is all the dissolved stuff that allow electricity to pass through it.”

“Water is fascinating stuff.” Nicholi417

The Thing About Tremors

“Earthquakes can happen literally everywhere on Earth, however humans rarely feel anything below a 2.5 in magnitude.” botchman

The Thing About Our Atmosphere

“The Amazon Rainforest isn’t actually the lungs of Earth.”

“Almost all the Oxygen generated by the Amazon is used by the life found in the Amazon.”

“40% of Earth’s oxygen is actually produced by tiny Organisms called Diatoms.”

“These organisms can replicate at an incredible rate and trillions of them spread throughout the Oceans and create Oxygen through photosynthesis.”

“When the Diotoms die they transform into underwater snowflakes that remain on the sea floor.”

“When these seas dry up, the dead Diatoms create a salt desert, like the one in Northern Africa.”

“Huge sandstorms pick the Diotoms up and carry them across the Oceans and drop them down on the Amazon and are used as a fertilizer for the rainforest.”

“Where are Diatoms born? The rainforest, they spread to the sea, create Oxygen through photosynthesis, die, create salt deserts, get taken back to the rain forest and help create the rainforest that creates them.”

“That’s the circle of life right there.” – LordTopley

The Thing About Our Celestial Neighbor

“On average, Mercury is the nearest planet to every planet in our solar system.” – MoguoTheMoogle

We already know we are very complex organisms.

But just how complex is our species?

Keep reading.

The Thing About Our Ancestry

“Everyone on earth is at least 50th cousin with everyone else on earth.”

“And if you are currently dating or married to somebody who is from your own country and is of your own ethnicity, there’s a one in five chance that the two of you share a common family member fewer than 10 generations ago.”

“Happy investing!” – ArmstrongBillie

The Thing About Our Flesh

“That the human skin Is quite heavy Its around 16% of your body weight.” Idontknowtbhsss

“The first cellular life derived from highly complicated chemical reactions in inert matter. Thus, you could say, that all matter tends towards complication: and once a level of complexity is reached it is then ‘considered alive’.”

“This being true would indicate over time that most atoms in the world, including the ones that make you up, have transitioned through of living systems and inert matter, and if not bound by time, complex information tends towards constructing life, thereby, all matter in the universe could have been potentially alive during its existence before being broken down again—simplified—returning to non life, in a cycle that repeats infinitely.”

“We got stuff from stars in us. And you won’t be remembered but the matter you give life to will exist for unknowable trillions of years, potentially becoming the same matter in another being.” – jert3

The Thing About Our View Of The World

“The retinas of our eyes capture things ‘upside down’. Our brains correct for it and turns the image ‘the right way up’.” – lardill

One fascinating factoid I learned was that we had more bones when we were born.

We basically had 300 bones with cartilage between them, making us flexible enough to pass through the birth canal.

As we grow older, our skeletal bodies end up with 206 bones, as many of them fuse together through our early rapid development.

When you think about it, our mere existence is, in itself, a true miracle.