26 Things That Inspired Movies

filed under: Movies, video

Don’t miss an episode of mental_floss on YouTube—subscribe here! Images and footage provided by Shutterstock. Here’s a transcript courtesy of Nerdfighteria Wiki:

1. Did you know that the screenplay for Groundhog Day was inspired by vampires?

Danny Ruben, who wrote it, has cited his main inspiration as being Anne Rice’s The Vampire Lestat, which made him think about vampires who were just like normal people except they lived forever.

2. There’s a famous moment in Jurassic Park when the entire car shakes, including a glass of water, before the T-Rex shows up. Director Steven Spielberg actually came up with this idea after listening to an Earth, Wind, and Fire song in his own car.

He had his bass turned up all the way. The shaking car gave him the idea.

3. Speaking of Spielberg, let’s talk about the inspiration for one of my favorite films, E.T.

The alien was designed by a special effects artist named Carlo Rambaldi. Spielberg gave him photos of Albert Einstein, Ernest Hemingway, Carl Sandberg, and some elderly people during the Great Depression.

A painting titled Women of Delta also shaped E.T.’s look, but the biggest influence on his appearance was Rambaldi’s pet cat.

4. Oh yeah, one more Spielberg fact. This is more of a behind-the-scenes thing, but Spielberg and his crew nicknamed the shark in Jaws, Bruce. He was named after Spielberg’s attorney, Bruce Ramer.

5. E.T. wasn’t the only alien film influenced by art. The chest-burster in the 1979 movie Alien has an appearance that was inspired by a 1944 painting by Francis Bacon titled Three Studies for Figures at the Base of Crucifixion.

6. And Christopher Nolan came up with some of the ideas in Inception based on the art of M.C. Escher. You can see one of his designs while Arthur and Ariadne walk around a dream city.

The paradoxical Penrose Stairs are also used in Escher’s art. Nolan even named a character Maurice Fischer, which sounds very similar to Maurits Cornelis Escher.

7. The house in the classic Alfred Hitchcock film Psycho was inspired by a painting titled House by the Railroad, which was painted by Edward Hopper in 1925.

Psycho screenwriter Joseph Stefano once said, “I told [actor Anthony Perkins] that I felt that Norman Bates, if he were a painting, would be painted by Hopper, and he agreed.”

8. Similarly, director Robert Zumekis wanted the town of Greenboro, Alabama from Forrest Gump to resemble paintings by Norman Rockwell. He even recreated Rockwell paintings for certain shots.

Like when Forrest waits to see the principal of his school, the image looks almost identical to the painting Young Lady with a Shiner.

9. Christopher Nolan’s brother Jonathan wrote the screenplay for The Dark Knight Rises and he said that the film was based on parts of A Tale of Two Cities. Both stories contain—spoiler—secret societies, secret identities, an orphaned woman looking for revenge, and faked deaths.

Gordon also quotes the novel in the film. There’s even a character in Dark Knight Rises named Phillip Striver just like Striver in the Dickens novel.

10. The relationship between Clarice Starling and Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs was inspired by the real-life relationship Detective Robert D. Keppel had with serial killers including Ted Bundy and Gary Ridgeway.

Keppel and Bundy exchanged tons of letters while Bundy was in jail and Keppel even got Bundy to confess to more crimes. The Silence of the Lambs was actually a book first, for the record.

11. And another famous movie character inspired by a real person—The Dude in The Big Lebowski. The Coen Brothers met a film producer named Jeff Dowd while trying to distribute their film Blood Simple.

They also got story inspiration from another real-life person, a script consultant named Peter Exline.

12. A very different real man who inspired a movie is a Mexican priest with a stage name Fray Tormenta. In 1973, he started doing lucha libre wrestling in order to financially support a local orphanage.

He retired in 2011, and from that amazing true story, we got the mediocre Jack Black movie Nacho Libre.

13. A few popular films were inspired by lesser known anime movies. Like it’s believed that Darren Aronofsky got a lot ideas for Black Swan from the anime Perfect Blue.

He claims that he didn’t borrow from it, but there are exact shots in both that are identical. Plus, both films feature an intense mother character and a frightening doppelganger.

14. The Wachowskis, on the other hand, acknowledge The Matrix was influenced by anime. To sell the film, they even showed Ghost in the Shell to producer Joel Silver and said they wanted to make it with real people, specifically Keanu Reeves.

15. Speaking of classic action films, The Fast and the Furious started with a magazine article. That just makes perfect sense. In 1998, Vibe magazine published a piece called “Racer X” by Kenneth Lee about illegal street racing in New York. Director Rob Cohen heard about it and was inspired to make the first film.

16. A Nightmare on Elm Street was also inspired by an article. During the late 1980s, the LA Times published a series of pieces about mysterious deaths among immigrants from Southeast Asia.

Allegedly, young men were dying in the middle of the night due to nightmares. This was how Wes Craven got the idea for the famous horror franchise.

17. Sometimes inspiration can come from someone’s own family. Dan Aykroyd has spiritualists in his family, which is part of the reason why he wrote Ghostbusters.

His great grandfather was a renowned spiritualist. Aykroyd’s father and grandfather had other jobs, but they maintained an interest in the paranormal, which got passed down to Dan.

18. And another ghost movie, The Sixth Sense, was inspired by the director’s family. M. Night Shyamalan does a cameo in this film as a doctor. He did that as an homage to his family because a lot of them are physicians.

19. Moving on to a famous movie moment whose influences are debated: the scene in Pulp Fiction where Uma Thurman’s character tells John Travolta, “Don’t be a” and then draws an invisible square with her hands, which appears on the screen in the form of dots.

We’re not sure exactly where Tarantino got the idea for this moment, but it was a popular trope in TV and film at the time. Before Pulp Fiction came out, it appeared in The Flintstones, The Muppets, and Loony Tunes cartoons.

20. There’s also a moment in Pulp Fiction that you might think is inspired by the Bible, but you would be wrong. Samuel L. Jackson’s character quotes Ezekiel 25:17 before killing someone, but what Jackson says isn’t anything like the actual Bible verse. That’s because it’s actually a quote from a 1976 film titled The Bodyguard, which also referred to it as Ezekiel 25:17.

21. Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey is another movie inspired by movies. It’s believed that Kubrick watched pretty much every space movie he could get his hands on before making this film, and critics have noticed many similarities between his finished film and the 1960 documentary Universe.

He even tried to hire one of its directors, who turned down the job. Special effects artists on Universe did work on 2001, though, and the narrator of the documentary, Douglas Rain, was the voice of HAL.

22. For The Shining, Kubrick also got inspiration from another movie. In the 1921 film The Phantom Carriage there’s a scene where a door gets broken down by an ax-wielding person. There’s no doubt this influenced Kubrick.

23. There’s a huge estate in Villanova, Pennsylvania known as the Ardrossan Estate, and a famous family lived there in the early 1900s. The 360-acre property and the daughter of the family, Helen Hope, inspired playwright Phillip Barry to write The Philadelphia Story. And that eventually became a film.

It’s said that Hope once received four marriage proposals in a single day, which may sound familiar to you if you’ve seen the movie.

24. Another film inspired by a mansion is the classic Disney movie Beauty & The Beast. The film’s animators based the Beast’s castle on one in France called the Chateau de Chambord.

25. Pixar animators also took inspiration from real-life locations while designing the school in Monsters’ University. They visited UC Berkeley, Stanford, Harvard, Princeton, and MIT.

You can definitely see the parallels in the finished product, too, like Troll Bridge resembles the bridge at Harvard that goes over the Charles River. There are archways in the outdoor areas that look a lot like the ones on Stanford’s campus. And the amphitheater is reminiscent of the one at Berkeley.

26. Finally, the Millennium Falcon was created as an emergency. The original design of the spaceship was dropped because it was too similar to the spaceship from the movie Space: 1999.

George Lucas told the designers to make a completely different ship, and he didn’t care if it looked like a flying saucer, so that’s what they did.

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24 Historical Inaccuracies in Disney Movies

filed under: Movies

Don’t miss an episode of mental_floss on YouTube—subscribe here! Images and footage provided by Shutterstock. Here’s a transcript courtesy of Nerdfighteria Wiki:

1. Did you know there are some architectural inaccuracies in Disney’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame? Or “dahm.”

The story takes place in the late 15th century, but the Notre Dame in the film has a few features that weren’t added until later, like the large statues of the twelve apostles wouldn’t have been there even though they make several appearances in the movie.

And remember those stairs that Quasimodo’s mother died on? The real Notre Dame is more or less at ground level without gigantic stairs in front of it.

2. In Sleeping Beauty, Prince Phillip tells his father, “You’re living in the past, this is the 14th century!” So we have a pretty good idea of when the film took place. And there are some problems with that.

Like when Aurora waltzes with the prince, for instance. This type of dance emerged in the 16th century. Phillip and Aurora would have been doing a line dance in the 14th century. Or at least something involving holding hands. He definitely would not have been touching her waist.

3. Moving on to Mulan, this is an ancient Chinese legend, so we have a pretty good idea of the time period. Her story was first written in the 6th century and it was believed that she lived somewhere between 420 and 589 CE.

Unfortunately, Disney didn’t take those dates into consideration. They just kind of mashed together a bunch of Chinese history. Like, for instance, the Great Wall of China can be seen in the film. And while there were, yes, there were walls built around China from the 8th century BCE on, the one that appears in the film didn’t exist until the 14th century CE.

You know, around the time that Philip and Aurora wouldn’t have been waltzing.

4. At one point, Mulan also writes some text on her arm, which happens to be simplified Chinese, a bunch of characters that weren’t invented until the 1950s.

5. Another issue? Fireworks. It makes sense that they’re there, but they would not have been multiple colors. Multi-colored firework displays weren’t developed until the 18th century.

6. Now, it’s less clear when Beauty and the Beast was supposed to take place, but it’s probably in the 1700s in France. Not only is that when the story was written, but there are also some clues in the film like, uh, the appearance of rifles? And in that case, one anachronism at least, the Eiffel Tower appears during the “Be Our Guest” scene. The characters wouldn’t know about the structure because construction wouldn’t start until 1887.

7. There’s also some debate about when Tarzan takes place. The first book about him was published in 1914, but Disney enthusiasts put this version at around the late 1880s, partly because of a certain kind of typewriter helps date it. Regardless, it doesn’t make ton of sense when Jane tells Tarzan that she can take him to meet Charles Darwin and Rudyard Kipling. Darwin died in 1882 and Kipling didn’t become famous until 1889.

8. Frozen probably takes place around the same time. The costume designer said she was going for 1840 Western European look, so that gives us a clue. This means that Elsa wouldn’t refer to “frozen fractals” in the song Let It Go because the word fractal was first used in 1975.

9. Also, this is gonna sound weird, but in the 1840s in Europe, there should have been guns. There are way more swords and crossbows in that movie than there should have been. Those characters in that movie should have had rifles by that time.

10. Now, let’s move on to Tangled, because as our Disney fanatic viewers already know, it is said to take place in the same universe as both Tarzan and Frozen. I mean it, Google it. That means it takes place in the 1780s, at least according to the filmmakers, which means that Rapunzel would not have been able to use matches to light candles.

11. Hercules is obviously about a mythological character, but we’re still gonna mention some inaccuracies to the original myth because it was very real and important to ancient Greeks and Romans. First of all, he was never said to be Hera’s son like he is in the movie. His mom was actually a mortal named Alcmene.

12. And Hades wasn’t actually evil! In fact, for more info on that, you can see our episode on mythological misconceptions.

13. Okay, let’s move on to Robin Hood. So, the presence of King Richard in Robin Hood helps us place the film somewhere between 1189 and 1199 when he reigned. And that means at least a couple things are out of place—I mean, aside from talking animals and whatnot: Badminton and the farthing coins. Even badminton’s ancestors only date back to the 1600s and farthing coins wouldn’t be minted in England until 1222.

14. One of Disney’s first high-profile computer animated films was the movie Dinosaur from the year 2000. It was about a dinosaur who’s been raised by lemurs. I’ve had to watch it 4000 times and I’d just like to say there were no lemurs at any point when the non-avian dinosaurs were roaming the earth.

15. Another out-of-place animal in a Disney film, the Coelacanths in Atlantis: The Lost Empire. They can be seen in an aquarium, but the film takes place in 1914 and Coelacanths weren’t rediscovered until 1938. Until then they were believed to be extinct. [gasp] Just like the city of Atlantis! Maybe they did that on purpose. Those Disney people are geniuses.

16. Jasmine’s outfit in Aladdin would not happen. I mean, this film is estimated to take place sometime between the 4th and 7th century CE. She probably would have worn much looser clothing without her stomach showing. And because she was a princess, she’d probably have a veil.

17. Now, to be fair, the Genie references Jack Nicholson and the Marx brothers, so many people theorize that the film actually takes place in a post-apocalyptic future.

18. The opening of Pinocchio shows a clasp-bound book version of the story. But the story was actually published in 1883 and probably takes place around then too, and, of course, us book-binding experts know that a book written that late in time would not have clasps! They were reserved by then only for Bibles and journals.

19. Another hard-to-spot anachronism: One Hundred and One Dalmatians has a TV show within the movie starring an action hero dog named Thunderbolt, but it’s sponsored by Kanine Krunchies, a type of advertising that would have been against the rules in the UK at the time.

20. OK, we’re gonna finish up with a couple movies that are actually based on true stories, like the 2013 live action film Saving Mr. Banks. A couple important corrections: Walt Disney and Mary Poppins author P.L. Travers did not ever visit Disneyland together.

21. Travers had also essentially signed away her work to Disney in 1960, before she even met Walt Disney and before going to his studio. The film doesn’t even start its story until 1961. That’s when we see Disney try to convince her to sign the rights over, which she had already done.

22. And while Travers did cry at the premier of Mary Poppins, it was not for the reason the film makes it seem: happiness and relief. According to the biography Mary Poppins, She Wrote: The life of P.L. Travers, she cried because it was still jarring to see the words Mary Poppins onscreen, let alone her name in such tiny print.

23. Another non-fictional person made into a practically fictional character: Pocahontas. The real woman went through a lot more turmoil than the movie portrays, and one thing that tends to shock people; she was only about ten years old when John Smith came into her life.

24. And finally, there was no romance between Pocahontas and John Smith either, you’ll be glad to hear. She did save his life, but he was just a friend.

September 8, 2016 – 12:00am