Women Discuss What it’s Like Being a Single Lesbian Mom

I can’t imagine how hard it must to be a single parent in this world, especially if you don’t already have, like, a buttload of money stashed away so you can hire a bunch of help.

On top of that, many LGBTQ+ people in this world still face a lot of stigma and difficulty on that front. So try and put yourself in the shoes of someone standing at the crossroads of both identities.

Here are ten anonymous confessions from lesbian women who have found themselves in the position of being single moms.

10. Don’t care

Well, that’s a good start. You do you.

Source: Whisper

9. Seriously?

That’s a pretty childish understanding of how things work, people.

Source: Whisper

8. It’s complicated

Being in an environment in which you’re not comfortable being yourself is very trying.

Source: Whisper

7. Come on out

Enter the dating world, it’s totally fine.

Source: Whisper

6. I made it happen

Good for you!

Source: Whisper

5. Are you out there?

*Cue that heartbreaking song from Fievel Goes West.*

Source: Whisper

4. No idea

But the truth will find its way out eventually.

Source: Whisper

3. Hard enough

Did you check underneath the couch or like behind the fridge?

Source: Whisper

2. Cheater, cheater

Oh. Well. That’s um…complicated?

Source: Whisper

1. Ah heck no

I’ll bet ya don’t though.

Source: Whisper

To all the single parents out there of all stripes – we salute you. You’re doing some really tough work, that will hopefully prove quite rewarding in the long run.

Have you had experiences with this type of dynamic?

Tell us about it in the comments.

The post Women Discuss What it’s Like Being a Single Lesbian Mom appeared first on UberFacts.

Housekeepers Talk About the Biggest Secrets They Discovered on the Job

I’m not rich enough to hire a housekeeper or a maid or any kinds of help. I’m barely even rich enough to pay myself in my own time to clean my own kitchen.

But for those who are – what kind of implicit social contract is that? And how does it all shake out?

Housekeepers of reddit, what do you know about the owners of the houses that they don’t know you know? from AskReddit

Let’s snoop with some Reddit folks, shall we?

1. The recovery

Dog walker, here. I was dog sitting for an older work friend once and saw her “days sober” calendar.

I was simultaneously sad, because I had no idea she was struggling, and happy for her because she had almost a full month marked off.

– cleanandclaire

2. The loud talker

I’m a nanny. The last family worked for I overheard the Dad calling his insurance asking if a certain Rehab was covered.

He talks LOUD naturally.

I heard what he was going for and everything. Nobody knew not family not friends. Just me and them. They never knew I knew.

– Thesugarsky

3. The Narnia office

A bit of an innocent one but while I was cleaning I saw this cabinet that was very large. Like someone could fit a body in there.

So, being curious, I opened it and saw A WHOLE ROOM. It was crazy!

Inside there was a bed and lights attached to these tall wood pieces. Then a mini bookshelf with some books and a desk and computer. It was absolutely amazing.

– LemmeHear

4. Silent but deadly

Not a house keeper but a nanny.

A family once took me on vacation with them so I could watch their kids while they‘d go out and explore the area.

That week, my bed was the couch in the living room. It’s late at night, the kids are sleeping, I’m laying on the couch and the parents get back.

The dad says, “is she sleeping” referring to me? I didn’t say anything so apparently he assumed yes. He then started farting very loudly.

– sisof2

5. The expectation

Our maid service found our positive pregnancy test in the bathroom trash, after presumably finding negative pregnancy tests in the bathroom trash for the previous 12 months.

Left us a nice little congratulations note on my wife’s nightstand.

– fizzleguy

6. Playtime

I’m not a housekeeper but my late aunt used to be.

One of her clients, who was fairly well-to-do, had a whole closet full of genital themed toys. And when I say “toys,” I’m not using a euphemism for “sex enhancement items” or anything like that. Literal genital toys.

Windup penises with googly eyes on them, PEZ dispensers shaped like the most browsed pages of a skin mag (I suspect these weren’t official PEZ brand), rather risque variants on “pin the tail on the donkey”, a Nerf-like gun that fired foam phalluses . . .

– Times_Hunger


My aunt is currently a house keeper.

The had this one client who would throw used feminine hygiene products under the bed; pads specifically. No matter how I think about this I just can’t imagine how someone can get to that level of grossness.

If you’ve ever had a heavy menstrual cycle and wore a pad, you know sometimes not everything is absorbed into the pad. You need to immediately sit down in the toilet or it can quite literally go everywhere.

– aamirazeal

8. Drink it in

That she got a DUI. Typical religious white collar family; husband, wife, and 4 teen kids.

She had one of those at home breathalyzer tests from the court sitting in the master bathroom, it takes your picture as you blow into it and it sends it to your probation officer. I only know because I was on probation a few years ago and had one too.

Curiosity got the best of me and I looked at her public record…yup. DUI and she messed up on probation too, had another court date. After that I started noticing 12 step books and such.

– LunaTheFerret

9. Enjoy your stay

Working in hotels is similar to cleaning someone’s house, because those comfortable will lay it out for you.

You can tell if someone is messy or tidy at home, how well they take care their things, what they eat, how much they drink, what medical problems they may have, and if you get the chance to meet them you can piece together why they live the way they do by telling their stories.

I never made fun of our guests or judged them. That would be so unfair and intrusive.

– silly-noodle

10. I’m not telling him, you tell him

Man of the house ask me and the other cleaning crew ladies if we have ever seen this type of dog leash. Holds up what is clearly a under bed restraint system looking confused. I didn’t say s**t. We all looked at each other like “f**k no im not telling him” he says “mmm, maybe she wants a dog. Why was it under the mattress ???” He just wandered off dragging this thing behind him.

He was a nice guy worked a lot, tipped well, gave us holiday bonuses. She was a trophy wife, and was not nice to him.

They divorced while i still worked their, he got a dog named mayonnaise and was much happier. It was a rescue greyhound. Sweet dog. I don’t live in that town anymore but i hope mr jim is happy still.

– Kantotheotter

11. LOL look at the username

My cleaning guy caught me leaving the house once.

Said he knew I smoked pot because he’d find stuff for it a lot and asked if he could find me some for a camping trip with his wife.

I freaked a little after he just said “I know you do marijuana”. I was like am I catching a lecture

– 420Minions

12. Inside out

Not the housekeeper, but,

I thought I had this brilliant hiding spot. And when I lost my wallet, my Maid told me “you should hide it with those papers inside your nightstand next time”.

I felt such fear. She knows the house better than any of us.

– AndreZB2000

13. Twilight breaks

Buddy of mine used to clean houses with his mom.

He told me about this one massive mansion they would clean and how there were no mirrors in the entire house. There also weren’t a lot of windows and if there were, they had thick drapes.

He met the family only once and told me they were very pale and quiet people.

He worked for f**king vampires

– drop-mylife-away

14. Everything

Honestly, everything. I worked in a house manager/butler type of position, and there is nothing you don’t find out eventually.

The trajectory of the toothpaste droplets on the mirror would tell me which of the women had spent the night. I knew passwords to computers, alarm systems, bank accounts and safes that I hadn’t necessarily been provided with.

Drugs, kinks, medical history, sordid family secrets, skeletons in the closet, you name it. I think that’s the reason salaries get obscene if you stay long enough, your silence is literally golden.

– CopingMole

15. The embezzler

I wasn’t exactly a housekeeper but I was cleaning up files at a job that I quit a few years ago.

Within a week, I found out that the owner never paid any of her bills and used government funds (that was supposed to go to the adult care center she ran) to buy herself expensive cars and houses that she shouldn’t have been buying in the first place.

– curlyquinn02

The intrigue is absolutely scintillating.

Have you ever been in a position like this?

Tell us about it in the comment.

The post Housekeepers Talk About the Biggest Secrets They Discovered on the Job appeared first on UberFacts.

Couples Talk About Why They Decided to Open Up Their Marriages

I was once a guest performer for a sketch show in New York and the rather explosive opener we performed was about a couple who announces at a dinner party that they’ve decided to have an open marriage.

Things get immediately awkward. It’s comedy, it’s over-the-top, it’s cynical. But of course, the real reasons people go for that sort of thing, and the results, vary quite a lot in the real world.

Here are ten bits of anonymous input from couples who decided to open things up – and why they did it.

10. We’re exploring

It’s a whole new world out there.

Source: Whisper

9. So far away

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

Source: Whisper

8. Incompatibility

It kinda seems like that’s a problem that’s not gonna be solved?

Source: Whisper

7. Jealousy rules

Why do I feel like this can’t be sustained? Maybe I’m just a prude.

Source: Whisper

6. Years of research

What, like, in a lab? With white coats and mice and stuff?

Source: Whisper

5. Hot stuff

Let the fun times roll.

Source: Whisper

4. For us…

Did you blink it out with each other in morse code?

Source: Whisper

3. Hands on deck

Everyone head to the lifeboats while the band plays on.

Source: Whisper

2. The depressing truth

“But it’s mostly me that plays on the side.”

Source: Whisper

1. Chick, chick, boom

Is it really?

Source: Whisper

To each their own, I suppose. Whatever works for you works for you! The point is that you deserve to be happy.

Do you have experience with this kind of thing?

Tell us about it in the comments.

The post Couples Talk About Why They Decided to Open Up Their Marriages appeared first on UberFacts.

“Rich” Behaviors that People Think are Highly Suspicious

There’s absolutely no shame in being poor. Or at least, there shouldn’t be.

It is, after all, the state that the majority of humans live their lives in, usually through no fault of their own.

And yet we do so closely associate being financially poor with being a failure as a person. Which is probably why so many poor folks just decide to pretend they got money.

What screams "I’m poor but pretend I’m rich"? from AskReddit

Reddit’s got some examples of this strange phenomenon.

1. Just showing it

It’s generally good advice if you have a lot of money to keep your wealth secret or at least ambiguous else people try to take advantage of you.

Most wealthy people follow that rule, or they learn it pretty quickly.

So anyone trying to show wealth is either new to it or showing more than they have.

– Nirosat

2. The tracksuit don

I have a relatively poor friend who doesn’t have a tv or anything, but they go around in a several hundred pound tracksuit and wear fake diamond rings they bought on wish, which he tells people are real

– IrishPotato28

3. The $10 Cadillac

Use to work at a 7/11.

Once a month for a week this guy would come in with a rented green Cadillac and a very obvious prostitute on his arm.

Would flash a wad of money while in the store and make it VERY specific that he wants $10 on “THAT GREEN CADILLAC RIGHT THERE!” Co-worker told me he does it with his SSI check.

– ScreamingBaboon

4. The MLM babe

Women who post a bit too often about how great it is to be your own boss and be living a plush life and here are pictures of me by a pool wearing a sparkly swimsuit and you too can be rich, set your own hours, travel, and get to lounge by pools if only you sign up with this definitely-not-a-pyramid-scheme company.

Bonus points for having a glass of wine in the shot and forgetting to move the box it came in out of the shot, thus ruining the illusion that it was expensive wine.

– Eliott_of_Elsinore

5. The sad reality

As much as some of these examples are based on s**tty choices, there’s also the fact that the poorer people get, the less stake they have in any kind of future or long term thinking.

That’s not a critique of their intellect, it’s just their reality that they’re never going to be able to travel, own a home, any of the basic aspirations that used to be drilled into people as options if they worked hard.

So where I might see a big TV as something that’d be nice, but I don’t need one right now, they see that as being as good as life gets, watching bulls**t in increasingly higher definition, because poverty doesn’t have room for long term gratification.

– EndlesslyRotatingNed

6. The 80’s vibes

When my sister and I were little we would unplug the receiver of the phone, take it outside, and pretend to talk on it.

The hope was that someone would see us and think we had one of those new-fangled cordless phones and be jealous.

– rleash

7. Dubai, Felicia

For British people – holidays to Dubai.

Often the same price as going to Spain but somehow seen as ‘flashy’ and aspirational despite being a miserable hole built on slavery


8. The shilling

Shilling online coaching on how to get rich. Usually business/trading/crypto stuff if you’re a man and MLM/manifestation stuff if you’re a woman.

Not that there aren’t people who get rich, through selling courses, not through the methods they’re teaching, but the market is oversaturated.

– Nemesinthe

9. Way out of whack priorities

Too many times I clean up after evictions and there is empty bottles of grey goose, Hennessy

Expensive clothes, shoes.

Many things that if they just bought cheaper stuff or nothing at all they would have been able to pay the rent.

– TJTurner912

10. Getting way too excited about having stuff

Posting literally everything you buy on your Instagram story.

No one really cares about how many gym pants, make up or other packages you bought.

It just always gave me the vibe of you’re not used to getting nice things so whenever you do, you post it everywhere.

Kinda has the opposite of the intended effect

– ocs_123

11. The bigger, the badder

Any clothing with big brand name lettering all over it.

The more expensive the brand and the bigger the lettering the more it shouts “I’m actually poor”.


– Kopites_Roar

12. The YOU show

People who post every single thing they do in their social media, like pretending they’re some kind of super famous models and everyone needs to be aware of what they do.

I don’t think it means “I’m poor” in an economic way but rather “I’m poor in my life and I need strangers to be interested in what I do in order to fill the emptiness in me”

– Mingura666

13. Can you tell?

Honestly it’s hard to tell sometimes. A lot of people here probably think that “real” rich people live in a modest house with a base Corolla/Camry with the beige interior, super cheap budget and live like they have no money… And to me I don’t want to be that guy but I feel like some people who vehemently say/comment this feels like just a confirmation bias to take up the moral high ground on other people who spend their money in more obvious ways.

I worked with CEO’s of airline companies, hedge fund managers, CEO’s of law firms and I can without a doubt I’d can tell you MANY rich people don’t live like broke college students and “modesty” is relative.

For me the pretending to be rich folks are people who window shop with no real intention of buying items at luxury stores to basically take pictures of themselves with luxury items/goods. People don’t like this but when you go to fancy stores like Louis Vuitton, a Mercedes dealership or Burberry the staff are VERY judgmental and I can tell you it’s not really about what you’re wearing that tips them off.

– deathaddict

14. The mismatch

Putting 5$ gas in your fancy a** car, I have seen a bunch of people drive cars they can’t afford while working at a gas station.

– Lachigan

15. Grills?

I had a guy with a grill in his mouth try to intimidate $20 out of me on the street the other day, so I’d say grills.

– backreddit

Sometimes *I* pretend to be rich by making two raman packets at once. Don’t hate, jealousy is a disease.

But what do you think about all this?

Give us your opinions in the comments.

The post “Rich” Behaviors that People Think are Highly Suspicious appeared first on UberFacts.

Examples of Graphic Design That will Stop You in Your Tracks

When you get right down to it, the whole point of graphic design is to create something that is a) memorable and b) attention-grabbing.

And what could possibly be more memorable or attention-grabbing than something that just straight up stops your brain because of how baffling it is?

With that in mind, as we scroll through these graphic design fails brought to us by Reddit, we have to ask: ARE they really fails? Or are the people behind these things secret geniuses?

We can’t know. There’s just no way to know.

10. I My Bike

“Make ’em in red and black.”
“But, the heart is-”

I my bike from CrappyDesign

9. Wait, what?

We were seek ma was born the world you the were I go was born.

Found in a thrift shop, you are what? from CrappyDesign

8. I’m on a roll

This feels right on the border between clever and disturbing.

This woman turning into fish roll from CrappyDesign

7. Assume the position

Is this designed for some kind of lost monkey man?

I saw this on a box. I don’t know how to lift it like the picture said from CrappyDesign

6. A pro gamer move

Yeah I think that’s just cheating.

“Critical thinking” from CrappyDesign

5. Line Up 4

Look, if you’re gonna make a rip-off game, that’s fine, but could you put in like TEN minutes of effort?

she already won, and 3 pieces are floating. epic from CrappyDesign

4. There is no spoon

What they were trying to do here truly isn’t difficult, and somehow they failed anyway.

Kix cereal box has a masked out spoon to give the illusion there’s cereal on top. from CrappyDesign

3. Get a leg up

Denis Leary’s great secret has finally been revealed.

The legs are the exact same length even though one is bent. from CrappyDesign

2. Get her

How do you not look at these things at least ONCE before selling them?

Can u read it properly? from CrappyDesign

1. Saints protect us

He looks as confused as any of us.

Can’t decide if this pool is for giant children or miniature St. Bernards. from CrappyDesign

If you’re gonna do some design, maybe have somebody proof it. It could save you a trip to a list like this.

What’s your biggest fail as of late?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Examples of Graphic Design That will Stop You in Your Tracks appeared first on UberFacts.

People Admit the Little White Lies They Tell Their Customers

It’s no secret that any job that requires you to deal with customers on a regular basis can be a bit of a nightmare, especially if they’re particularly unforgiving.

How do we get around this? I mean, we all gotta eat which means we all gotta get paid which means we all gotta work. How can we keep our jobs, make our money AND keep our sanity?

The answer, as often as not, is just to lie about stuff. Not huge stuff. Just stuff. Stuff that might change a perspective or two. Stuff like this:

Turns out, this person wasn’t alone. In the replies were lots of tales of similar subterfuge that the denizens of Twitter had used to survive their 9 to 5s. Let’s dig deeper, shall we?

10. Corporate says

Darn that corporate. They ruined the corporation!

9. Follow the script

This one almost gives me a headache to think about.

8. Going on holiday

Man that is quite a hangover.

7. First day?

It might not always work.

6. Trust me

Guess it all depends on the situation.

5. Spirits appear!

Ok, this is pretty hilarious.

4. It’s all on them!

Kitchen probably doesn’t care, either.

3. Thanks for the tip!

You might just make money this way.

2. Life-saving techniques

Smart! Although honestly, if your work is being robbed, just give them what they want.
That’s what insurance is for and it’s never worth your life.

1. The golden rule

Good? I guess?

If you’re gonna survive in this working world, you might just have to let slip a few white lies.

Have you ever tried anything like this?

Tell us in the comments.

The post People Admit the Little White Lies They Tell Their Customers appeared first on UberFacts.

Design Fails So Big They’re Kind of Impressive

When I was in college, I took some graphic design courses that helped us learn the basics of various Adobe programs, most of which aren’t in use anymore and the ones that are are so different that the class might as well have happened on Mars.

All that to say, I’m familiar with the ideas of design, but I wouldn’t exactly call myself good at them, so I can’t throw stones at bad art.

What I *can* do, however, is throw laughter at them. Which is what I’m gonna get at for the next little while thanks to these amazing design fails via Reddit.

10. There’s no place like it!

Also it’s no place!

neV york from CrappyDesign

9. A bad fit

“So like, two puzzle pieces, one with coffee and the other with a donut.”
“Got it, I am definitely a reasonable person and you do not need to be more specific.”

they just don’t go together from CrappyDesign

8. Welcome, hoe

When  you just need a little judgement as you return to your abode.

Not the most welcoming door mat from CrappyDesign

7. It’s in the text

There are so many things wrong with this. At least it has the excuse of being done by a high schooler.

A very easy to read graph about texting while driving? Found in my high school yearbook from CrappyDesign

6. Travel the world!

Yanno, it’s one of those places with a building or whatever.

Got this as a gift and honestly I don’t want to throw it away just because it’s terribly funny from CrappyDesign

5. The smear

I see what you were going for, but no. No thank you.

(unintentionally gross) marble looking keyboard from CrappyDesign

4. Get some

To be fair, maybe the whole point was to make you do a double take and look closer?

Don’t have hep c? Get some! from CrappyDesign

3. Una Polo

Thought maybe this was somebody telling me to be a chicken in Spanish.

Be… what? from CrappyDesign

2. The best bite

What is wrong with you?

I don’t think you are supposed to eat it like that from CrappyDesign


We are REALLY having trouble squeezing love into place names, huh?

If only Louisiana looked like a letter of the alphabet. from CrappyDesign

Fails so glorious they really belong in a museum.

What’s been your biggest fail lately?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Design Fails So Big They’re Kind of Impressive appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About How to Prank Scientists With Time Travel

We’re gonna do a little thought experiment that will probably make you stare blankly at the wall while your mind races for an hour like it did to me.

Or at least I hope it does.

God bless Reddit for bringing us all prompts like these:

You can go back 100,000 years to a cave that will be discovered by archeologists, what do you write on the wall to mess with them? from AskReddit

Time travel pranks. Gotta love it. Let’s delve in, shall we?

1. Testing

“Test post please ignore”

– Eldrake

2. Ritualistic

Am an archaeologist and can safely say, “No, it’s not ‘ritual’” scrawled on the wall will fuck with us forever.

– TheMinisterTurtle

3. Oops

“Turns out time travel only works once per timeline. Sorry Guys.”

– Commissar_Genki

4. They will come…

This planet shall be our second home.

– Acharya007

5. Man to man

My regards to Steven Hawking.

Tell him sorry I couldn’t make it to his party.

– Sipyloidea

6. They’ve responded

The pulsar map that we included on voyager.

– A**munchStarpuncher

7. Betas

Hi devs, I found a bug within our simulation.

I was somehow transported back 100k years without any of my items but I still have my abilities.

If I could be transported back by tomorrow that’d be great, thank you!

– _Puddingmonster

8. The shadow

They have taken the bridge and the Second Hall.

We have barred the gates but cannot hold them for long.

The ground shakes…drums, drums in the deep. We cannot get out.

The shadow moves in the dark. We cannot get out.

They are coming.

– notmyrealfarkhandle

9. Memes


With a crude portrait of Giorgio Tsoukalos

– _Ekename_

10. Walkers

I’d def put footprints on the ceiling

– haphazzard66

11. Remember me?

Remember me Michael?

Remember telling me that my time machine would never actually work?

Guess what, f**k you and your “rules of space time”

– Walunt

12. Do NOT

Do not the ca

– electricaldogbus

13. Confusion

I bet you’re confused right now.

– Upset_Anything2628

14. Curse you

what I’d do is find out who was in the team and when they were born (before I left).

Then, once I got there, I’d put their names and birth dates on the cave wall, and I’d then put the same date (let’s say 9/9/21) and then I’d write “the curse is true. Your days are numbered.”

– kingkong139

15. The coma copypasta




– A_man_on_a_boat

16. Intergalactic commerce

If leave a bunch of fake records of transactions with an alien species.

Write up a fake history of alien contact.

And then make up a story recording fake history of a conflict between an alien civilization and advanced humans

– IceColdAardvark

17. Question answered

A picture of a chicken laying an egg and a big #1

– MoreCommonCents

18. Wise words

Here may be found the last words of Joseph of Arimathea: “He who is valiant and pure of spirit may find the Holy Grail in the Castle of Aaaargh

– tcjaeger

19. Welcome

You may be wondering why I’ve gathered you all here today

– moeron9

20. The cool S

You know that “S” that everyone seems to remember writing in their notebooks in elementary school? That

– ghostfoxthefirst

21. Programming

printf(“hello world”);

– young_fire

22. Simulation theory

In big bold letters “SIMULATION #54286”. – asimgeker

23. Ads

There are hot milfs in your area.

– Stalin6989

24. A warning

Leave by 2022.

They do not come in peace.

– MageManatee

25. It’s true!

Draw the earth as flat, you will convince 1% of the idiots of the future

– CisWhiteEarthworm

26. It me

I would write my own name, date of birth, place of birth, and anything else generic that would identity my present self.

This isn’t really messing with them, but it could make my life a whole lot more interesting, that’s for sure.

– TinnieTa21

27. The return

“In 100,000 years they will return. Beware.”

– wws4990acct

28. Futurama

Dear Fry,

Our time together was short, but it was the best time of my life.


– VapidHooker

29. Meta

The URL to this thread.

– redguy989


This cave painting was brought to you by raid shadow legends

– that_sweet_old_lady

I think I’d probably write something like “all the religions are wrong” and see what happens.

But what might YOU write?

Tell us your time pranks in the comments.

The post People Talk About How to Prank Scientists With Time Travel appeared first on UberFacts.

Things That Every Midwesterner Knows to Be True

If you’re from the midwest like me, then there are certain things you just know in your heart.

One thing you definitely DON’T know, though, is where exactly the midwest even is. I mean, where you’re from is part of it, for sure, but the term is kind of slippery.

It’s not like “West Coast,” where there’s a clear criteria test. Does your state touch the Pacific Ocean? Yes? Then it’s part of the West Coast. But “mid” west?

It’s a point of contention according to everyone with whom I’ve ever broached the subject. For the record, the federal government apparently considers the following states to be the “official” midwest: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.

It’s a big club. And we all know what’s up. This Twitter account certainly does.

10. The window clean

I could stand out here freezing my fingers off for another hour and be late to work or I could just get in my warm car and risk it all.

9. The wind

It’s really the only thing that matters.

8. The culture

In Missouri you need to replace that last picture with a QuikTrip.

7. The time

Would ya just look at it?

6. The snacks

The last one is called “puppy chow.”
I don’t know why, I wish it weren’t true, but that’s how it goes.

5. The cows

If you drive by cows and don’t say the word “cows” then I’m going to have to assume you’re physically incapable of speech.

4. The summer 60

It really is the perfect temperature.

3. The scream

And in that moment you question everything that has brought you here.

2. The wiper trick

It helps a little?

1. The “salads”

Somehow they have more calories than the burger.

Ope, looks like it’s about that time!

What’s the most midwestern thing you’ve ever done?

Tell us in the comments.

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People Think These 15 Movies That Are Just Undeniably Magical

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched the Back to the Future trilogy.

Like, for my own safety, I don’t think I can reveal that information.

Because you might just have me committed and I can’t deal with that at the moment.

There’s a reason we obsess over certain movies, though. And that reason is, well, they’re just magic in a way that few other things can be.

What movie is simply magical to you, no matter how popular or unpopular it may be? from AskReddit

Here are just a few flicks that the people of Reddit would love to relive again and again.

1. Treasure Planet

Beautiful backgrounds, interesting character designs, seamless blend of 2D and 3D that was way ahead of its time, and a fun melding of past and futuristic.

It captured my imagination like no other film had or has since.

– Humble-Grumble

2. Galaxy Quest

In high school I was super SUPER into Star Trek: TNG and also DS9 and Voyager, and my parents took me to a con for my 16th birthday. Jonathan Frakes, Marina Sirtis, and Michael Dorn were presenting, and I had the hugest celeb crush on Frakes. It was some of the most fun I’ve ever had.

Fast forward to the year 1999, and I’ve since been to two more cons, and Galaxy Quest comes out. My parents and I see it in theatres. It was magical. I laughed myself sick and loved every minute of it, and to this day it is my favorite movie of all time.

I really appreciate the sense of love you get from the people who made it – they understand and appreciate both the fandom and the source material, and their parody was both respectful *and* a ton of fun.

– 4sleeveraincoat

3. Secondhand Lions

Cheesy and heavy-handed at times, but well-cast and heartwarming. A wonderful combination of coming-of-age and classic adventure storytelling, with a healthy dose of whimsy and wholesome life lessons. Plus, Berkeley Breathed (of Bloom County & Opus) drew the comics that adult Walter has in his studio in the intro/epilogue.

“Sometimes, the things that may or may not be true, are the things worth believing in the most. That people are basically good; that honor, courage, and virtue mean everything; that power and money, money and power mean nothing; that good always triumphs over evil; and I want you to remember this, that love… true love never dies.” – Robert Duvall as Hub

– citizenscythe

4. Stand by Me

It’s a great film. it’s such a wonderful film of childhood and friendships.

It always reminds me of my childhood and the adventures we’d go on. We never found a dead body though.

For the record this has been my favorite film of all time since it came out. I love it so much.

– Tkieron

5. Labyrinth

I think this is my favorite fantasy movie of all time. It’s just so wonderfully whimsical and the use of beautifully painted backgrounds instead of CGI just speaks to the imagination.

With the exception of the fireys which I don’t really enjoy, I love all creatures. Especially Ludo.

– Trania86

6. The Lost Boys

My older sister let me watch it when she was babysitting me when I was about 12. It immediately went in my rotation of 5 films with the Labyrinth, Neverending story, Goonies and Flight of the navigator.

Every film should have a topless mulleted man playing saxophone. That scene on the railway bridge where they drop sh** me up every time.

– Apu5

7. The Jungle Book (1967)

The hand-drawn animations still look amazing, the musical numbers are great, Kaa and Shere-Kahn are both still terrifying.

I want to be adopted by Baloo and Bagheera.

– ipakookapi

8. The Mummy (1999)

It’s silly, exciting, and romantic.

The whole movie is a smoke show, too.

Young me was like, “Ok… I need to pick my character crush: Imhotep, O’Connell, or the swarthy Medjay.”

(Long pause)

“Why not all three?”


9. Babe

It’s weird how much harder the lessons hit when you’re an adult.

Ferdinand tried hard to find a purpose on the farm. He realized that the animals who do work are not eaten, so he figured if he made himself useful he could survive.

Later, when looks through the window and sees another duck cooking, realizing that it was chance alone that spared him, his eyes are opened.

Horse: Why can’t you accept that the way things are is the way things are?

Ferdinand: Yah well “the way things are” stinks.

It didn’t matter how hard he worked or how useful he made himself, he would only ever be a duck in the eyes of the farmer. The system would never let him win. So he chooses to drop out of the whole thing.

– Rusty_Shakalford

10. Jurassic Park

I’m thirty-two years old, and every f**king time I hear that music play and Alan and Ellie see the Brachiosaurs for the first time, I’m immediately transported back to being a five year old.

There’s no movie that has better captured that feeling of sheer wonderment.

– Portarossa

11. Tangled

“I’m malicious mean and scary, my face can curdle dairy, and violence wise, my hands aren’t the cleanest but despite my evil look, my temper and my hook… I’ve also ways yearned to be a concert pianist”

– DuctapeCat

12. A League of Their Own

So many quick references to women’s struggles.

The scene where all of the wives are terrified that the telegram is for them.

The Black girl catching the baseball with her bare hand, and her confident smile where she knows the white girls missed out by excluding them.

– Kayakchica

13. The Neverending Story

Found myself watching that shit on repeat for the longest time.

t’s really good and holds great memories and a special place in my heart (but we don’t talk about the sequel…)

– tommy_facef**ker

14. The Nightmare Before Christmas

When I was a child I borrowed nightmare before christmas from the video rental store and I never heard about it before. It was the most magical, gorgeous thing I’ve seen. I was religiously renting it over and over again and I never talked to friends about it so it seemed like my little obscure discovery

When I was.a little older, but still a child, and traveling I went into a goth shop and I saw some Jack Skellington artwork. I loudly said what it was to show to the store people that I “get it”, like it was some insider reference. I was so proud but no one seemed that impressed although I thought they were my people…

Not long later I realized it was this huge thing, widely popular across the world and definitely not a reflection of my profound tastes and insights. And that every hot shop and other goth stores have the artworks as a given

It very deeply disappointed me but I still think its magical. I just feel it was taken away from me 🙁

– lillie_connolly

15. The Bill & Ted Trilogy

Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter as two high school slackers who must travel through time and face Death and other obstacles to become the saviours of mankind.

It reminds me of my teenage years, of simpler times, and the fact that if two slackers can save mankind, so can I, lol.

– Karl_Hungus_Nihilist

Good picks, all around.

What movies do you find the most magical?

Tell us in the comments.

The post People Think These 15 Movies That Are Just Undeniably Magical appeared first on UberFacts.