People Discuss the Most Ridiculous Luxury Items They’ve Ever Seen

The luxury goods market is definitely interesting.

I mean, I’m as guilty as the next person of spending my hard-earned money on ridiculous things.

But there are definitely some items for sale that make you go “what?”

Last month, mother and hockey fan Lexi Brown, PhD, went viral for her Tweet about random and ridiculous luxury items, spawning a thread of similarly themed responses.

Lexi found a… well, they call it a “bag” (but it doesn’t actually hold anything) shaped like a diamond-encrusted folding chair, and the reviews were hilarious.

Users were similarly dumbfounded by the weird little purse:

Lexi’s post went viral, and soon her followers were chiming in with ridiculous finds of their own.

User Raahina Somani shared a similarly bizarre purse that I’m still trying to wrap my head around, but check out that price tag!

But it gets better. Zaza Chilvers found a Louis Vuitton bag and I honestly LOVE it, but it costs more than my car.

And for people who really love their veggies, there’s this hideous broccoli bag.

But I think I’ll take the broccoli purse over the shrimp cocktail one.

Danielle P. chimed in with another absurd bag she found at a different online shop:

Moving on from bags, there was the $280 (each) hair-roller for wealthy grandmas the world over.

And Greg never does explain why he owns this, but it comes with its own little pocket.

And then @Kristin_wrote was perplexed by this unusually shaped ping-pong table, but I guess it would add another level of complexity to the game.

Getting into the spirit of mocking Nordstrom, one user shared diamond-lined ski goggles.

Several users found something to balk at from Tiffany, where nothing comes with a small price tag.

And don’t forget the lovely but possibly useless sterling silver greenhouse.

One that really set the bar was shared by @thaisaustin.

Who, in their hour of grief, wants to commemorate their lost love with a 3D version of their head for the mantle?

No price tag here, but I’m guessing these don’t come cheap.

The winner of Twitter that day, though, was definitely @MsModernity who added Bernie Sanders to the OP.

I’ve seen all I need to see.

I honestly can’t even with most of these. What’s the most ridiculous (and ridiculously expensive) thing you have ever seen? Tell us in the comments.

The post People Discuss the Most Ridiculous Luxury Items They’ve Ever Seen appeared first on UberFacts.

Funny Times When People Were Way Too Tired for Life

Most of us are overworked and underslept.

My dog insists on waking me up earlier on the weekend than I have to get up during the week, and she refuses to be ignored.

So I totally get how people can be just too tired, although I do worry about some of them being out on the road.

Here are 13 people who were too tired to do much of anything.

1. At least they’re obeying traffic laws

I mean, mostly… ?

This morning I was so tired that when I stopped at a stop sign I was waiting for it to turn green.

Image credit: Whisper

2. Maybe a checklist in the bathroom

I’ve been so tired I couldn’t remember if I washed my hair or not, but man…

One time I was so tired that when I got in the shower, I started washing my hair, then realized that I still had all my clothes on.

Image credit: Whisper

3. There are just too many passwords

I could totally see myself doing this one.

I'm so tired that I put my phone password in the microwave to heat up pizza. I need a break.

Image credit: Whisper

4. Or were you trying to warm it up?

I have 100% been here before.

I was so tired that I blew on my ice cream to cool it off... I only noticed after it was all gone...

Image credit: Whisper

5. We’ll all just pretend it didn’t happen

I have fallen asleep mid-conversation many times, and boy did those conversations get weird.

About a week ago I fell asleep at a restaurant. I was so tired that when I woke up to order, I asked the waitress for nail polish.

Image credit: Whisper

6. You only do that when you’re tired?

I do that frequently. Also the whole “where are my glasses?”
(Hint: usually on my face.)

Once I was so tired that I texted my friend saying, "I can't talk now, I can't find my phone."

Image credit: Whisper

7. Overly tired or just very proud?

Maybe just enthusiastic about new bling.

I'm so tiredthat I'm in my bathroom looking into the mirror saying, 'I am the gay LORD' just cause I got a new rainbow bracelet.

Image credit: Whisper

8. Rocks are people too

Is it the rambling that’s an indicator of exhaustion or the subject matter?

I'm so tired that I'm rambling on about rocks to myself.

Image credit: Whisper

9. Now, that’s just polite

Also, how old is the elevator?
Is it possible that you’re sensing the spirit of the elevator operator of yore?

This morning I was so tired that I thanked the elevator on my way out.

Image credit: Whisper

10. I get it. Words are hard.

Sometimes I call scallops “little round fishy things” when I’m tired.

The other night when I was really tired I referred to my legs as 'skin pants'.

Image credit: Whisper

11. We’ve all been there

But you know, at least it was soap and not deodorant… or toilet cleaner.

This morning I was so tired that I used soap to brush my teeth instead of toothpaste...

Image credit: Whisper

12. Very tired–or just really old?

Honestly, even before the pandemic timewarp, this was frequently a problem for me.

I'm so tired that I had to look up my age at work because I couldn't even remember my birthday to do the math.

Image credit: Whisper

13. It’s like trying to catch a rainbow

There’s something almost poetic and Quixotic about this one.

This morning I was taking a shower and I was so tired that I slipped and tried to grab onto the water like it would save me.

Image credit: Whisper

Honestly, it made me tired just reading all of those. I hope these people all get some sleep soon.

What about you? What is the most tired you have ever been? Tell us about it in the comments.

The post Funny Times When People Were Way Too Tired for Life appeared first on UberFacts.

Embarrassing Typos That Should Have Been Avoided

Part of being human is making mistakes.

As a writer, I have definitely made my fair share of embarrassing typos. I remember one particular social media post where my mistake made it hilarious, but it was also devastatingly inappropriate and embarrassing, and I had to delete it as soon as my sister pointed it out. It pays to have a copy editor in the family. Some professionals across a variety of industries are not so lucky.

Here are 12 embarrassing examples from the subreddit r/NotMyJob where people either needed a quality assurance reviewer or simply didn’t care enough to double check their work.

1. Thank you for your attention

Maybe if they had spelled it correctly, the package would have been handled with actual care.

Damaged package reads: Handle with care. Fragile. Tahank you.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

2. World War Eleven

Is it a typo, or is it from an alternate dimension?

In memory of World War 11, 1939-1945

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

3. Bestsellers for bookies

If anyone is going to catch it and call you out, it’s a keen-eyed reader.

Betseller category in the bookstore

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

4. Dollar Tree

To be fair, when you’re working up close, it’s hard to see the forest for the E’s.

Okay Boss, I Put up the sign from NotMyJob

5. Five hearts are better than four

That’s actually my lucky card.

4 of diamonds, 4 of spades, 4of hearts (has 5 hearts), 4 of clubs

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

6. Not just the land down under

Is this a joke about how everything is backwards there because they’re upside down?

Map labels Australia as Austarlia

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

7. Someone forgot to replace their placeholder text

(Like I almost did on # 6.)

Have fun finding the error from NotMyJob

8. Up or Down?

It’s actually a new motion that tips you forward so you fall on your knees and bow down. Bown.

Chair lever with instructions for lock, free, up or bown.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

9. When Mork from Ork gets involved

I mostly want to know where they lost the E.
And were these discounted? Will they actually detect smoke? Or only smork?

Smoke alarm labled 'Smork alam'

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

10. Typos happen when you don’t wear you glasses

Get it? Because they were looking at the front of the glasses?
(I’ll see myself out.)

Ad for glasses shows a view of the 'fornt' and the back.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

11. Open 7 Days a Week

People always forget about that midweek Trewsday that most of us sleep through.

Hmm from NotMyJob

12. Braille for the sighted

When it comes to accessibility, it’s not the thought that counts.

Elevator sign in the hospital with Braille printed onto the paper….so it’s flat from NotMyJob

These all show that editors and QA specialists need a raise, pronto, because without them, there would be a whole lot more.

(I won’t tell you how many typos I found in reviewing this article.)

What’s the most embarrassing typo you’ve ever seen in public? Tell us in the comments.

The post Embarrassing Typos That Should Have Been Avoided appeared first on UberFacts.

Check Out 27 of the Most Fascinating Shower Thoughts

If you’re looking for a little bit of inspiration, look no further than r/Showerthoughts, a subreddit with a sort of perpetual prompt: give us something interesting to think about.

“‘Showerthought’ is a loose term that applies to the types of thoughts you might have while carrying out a routine task,” say the moderators, “like showering, driving, or daydreaming. At their best, showerthoughts are universally relatable and find the amusing/interesting within the mundane.”

Here are a few of the best from our reliable Redditors. Let’s become enlightened.

1. Priorities, people!

The drink list on a restaurant menu is never at the very front, despite it being the very first question asked at every restaurant.

– NopeyNope_the_5th

2. Self-training

Pavlov probably thought about feeding his dogs every time someone rang a bell.

– pyro925

3. Three, two, one…

The syllables in ‘on your mark, get set, go’ are a countdown.

– ManGood2002

4. Whoever collected the most wins!

Our whole life, we’re just gathering guests that’ll attend our funeral.

– DressedInMistakes

5. And there always will be

There is a number so big, no one has ever wrote it, said it, or even thought of it.

– matuman17

6. They’ll send him to a farm up-galaxy

If Wookies have a 400-year life span, then Han Solo is basically like Chewbacca’s third dog.

– BookerDeWittsCarbine –

7. Antique roadshow syndrome

Lots of random people own rare, valuable items without knowing it.

– iwastoldnottogohere

8. We all grow up

When you’re growing up as a kid, you don’t realize you’re also watching your mom and dad grow up.

– zjb55446

9. It’s all relative

We laugh when dogs get excited about hearing a bark on TV

But if TV was a nonstop stream of unintelligible noises and then someone suddenly spoke to you in your language, you’d be pretty f**king startled, too.

– Biles

10. Don’t think about it too hard

Gummy worms have more bones in them than actual worms.

– edgememeston

11. It’s electric!

Lamps in video games use real electricity.

– 1Ferrox

12. Style over substance

James Bond is always doing amazing feats in tailored suits.

It’s amazing to think of what he’d be able to accomplish in athletic wear designed for the specific extreme activity he was involved in.

– sirheyzeus55

13. Literary devices

If someone tells you a plot point for a story in advance, it’s a spoiler.

But if the author does it, it’s foreshadowing.

– givemethebat1

14. Had to think about this one for a second…

Almost everyone will go around the sun more times in their life than around the Earth.

– Haminthepaint

15. The problem of evil

Santa Claus knows exactly where all the evil people are in the world but doesn’t do anything about it.

– Katiari

16. The first shall be last

Being the last person to comment on something is actually a lot harder than being first.

– Raphael_Stormer

17. Locking mechanisms

Your password has probably locked you out more times than it has locked other people out.


18. Wha?

You can remember that you forgot something but you can’t remember what you forgot.

– Just_Strawberry7295

19. Can’t fast-travel

Anxiety is like when video game combat music is playing but you can’t find any enemies.

– Canadaba11

20. The real formula

You aren’t paid according to how hard you work; you are paid according to how hard your employer thinks you are to replace.

– Bismuth81

21. Honoring the fallen

Stan Lee’s funeral was a reverse cameo.

All the superheroes appeared in the background of his story.

– Adamb1403

22. To be in your shoes…

The tallest person in the world has physically experienced being the exact height of every other person in the world at some point.

– SilphRoadPokemon

23. You’re perpetuating the problem

People who respond with, ‘That’s not how the world works!’ when told to be nicer by others are the exact reason that that’s not how the world works.

– ObsoleteOcto

24. And man is it boring

Watching a graduation ceremony is essentially just sitting through a movie that’s entirely end credits.

– definitelyusername

25. You’ll need a cipher

Your thoughts might actually be in such a personalized, coded shorthand that even if someone COULD read your mind, they wouldn’t understand what the hell you’re thinking.

– jfi224

26. That’s the idea

Light bulbs were such a good idea that they became the symbol for a good idea.

– Frahmy12

27. Make lemonade

A lemon is not naturally occurring.

It’s a hybrid developed by crossbreeding a bitter orange and a citron.

So life never gave us lemons; we invented them ourselves.

– TripleRangeMerge

Deep thoughts, indeed.

What wisdom do you have to contribute?

Drop it on us in the comments.

The post Check Out 27 of the Most Fascinating Shower Thoughts appeared first on UberFacts.

Check Out 27 of the Most Fascinating Shower Thoughts

If you’re looking for a little bit of inspiration, look no further than r/Showerthoughts, a subreddit with a sort of perpetual prompt: give us something interesting to think about.

“‘Showerthought’ is a loose term that applies to the types of thoughts you might have while carrying out a routine task,” say the moderators, “like showering, driving, or daydreaming. At their best, showerthoughts are universally relatable and find the amusing/interesting within the mundane.”

Here are a few of the best from our reliable Redditors. Let’s become enlightened.

1. Priorities, people!

The drink list on a restaurant menu is never at the very front, despite it being the very first question asked at every restaurant.

– NopeyNope_the_5th

2. Self-training

Pavlov probably thought about feeding his dogs every time someone rang a bell.

– pyro925

3. Three, two, one…

The syllables in ‘on your mark, get set, go’ are a countdown.

– ManGood2002

4. Whoever collected the most wins!

Our whole life, we’re just gathering guests that’ll attend our funeral.

– DressedInMistakes

5. And there always will be

There is a number so big, no one has ever wrote it, said it, or even thought of it.

– matuman17

6. They’ll send him to a farm up-galaxy

If Wookies have a 400-year life span, then Han Solo is basically like Chewbacca’s third dog.

– BookerDeWittsCarbine –

7. Antique roadshow syndrome

Lots of random people own rare, valuable items without knowing it.

– iwastoldnottogohere

8. We all grow up

When you’re growing up as a kid, you don’t realize you’re also watching your mom and dad grow up.

– zjb55446

9. It’s all relative

We laugh when dogs get excited about hearing a bark on TV

But if TV was a nonstop stream of unintelligible noises and then someone suddenly spoke to you in your language, you’d be pretty f**king startled, too.

– Biles

10. Don’t think about it too hard

Gummy worms have more bones in them than actual worms.

– edgememeston

11. It’s electric!

Lamps in video games use real electricity.

– 1Ferrox

12. Style over substance

James Bond is always doing amazing feats in tailored suits.

It’s amazing to think of what he’d be able to accomplish in athletic wear designed for the specific extreme activity he was involved in.

– sirheyzeus55

13. Literary devices

If someone tells you a plot point for a story in advance, it’s a spoiler.

But if the author does it, it’s foreshadowing.

– givemethebat1

14. Had to think about this one for a second…

Almost everyone will go around the sun more times in their life than around the Earth.

– Haminthepaint

15. The problem of evil

Santa Claus knows exactly where all the evil people are in the world but doesn’t do anything about it.

– Katiari

16. The first shall be last

Being the last person to comment on something is actually a lot harder than being first.

– Raphael_Stormer

17. Locking mechanisms

Your password has probably locked you out more times than it has locked other people out.


18. Wha?

You can remember that you forgot something but you can’t remember what you forgot.

– Just_Strawberry7295

19. Can’t fast-travel

Anxiety is like when video game combat music is playing but you can’t find any enemies.

– Canadaba11

20. The real formula

You aren’t paid according to how hard you work; you are paid according to how hard your employer thinks you are to replace.

– Bismuth81

21. Honoring the fallen

Stan Lee’s funeral was a reverse cameo.

All the superheroes appeared in the background of his story.

– Adamb1403

22. To be in your shoes…

The tallest person in the world has physically experienced being the exact height of every other person in the world at some point.

– SilphRoadPokemon

23. You’re perpetuating the problem

People who respond with, ‘That’s not how the world works!’ when told to be nicer by others are the exact reason that that’s not how the world works.

– ObsoleteOcto

24. And man is it boring

Watching a graduation ceremony is essentially just sitting through a movie that’s entirely end credits.

– definitelyusername

25. You’ll need a cipher

Your thoughts might actually be in such a personalized, coded shorthand that even if someone COULD read your mind, they wouldn’t understand what the hell you’re thinking.

– jfi224

26. That’s the idea

Light bulbs were such a good idea that they became the symbol for a good idea.

– Frahmy12

27. Make lemonade

A lemon is not naturally occurring.

It’s a hybrid developed by crossbreeding a bitter orange and a citron.

So life never gave us lemons; we invented them ourselves.

– TripleRangeMerge

Deep thoughts, indeed.

What wisdom do you have to contribute?

Drop it on us in the comments.

The post Check Out 27 of the Most Fascinating Shower Thoughts appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk ABout the Weirdest Animal Mating Rituals Out There

You know when you’ve been enjoying a nature documentary and then it gets to the really uncomfortable mating part and you feel like maybe you’re gonna vomit?

If you hate that, do NOT read on.

What is an animal’s mating ritual you’re glad humans don’t have? from AskReddit

We’re about to get the lessons in nature we never wanted, thanks to Reddit.

1. Scorpions

Scorpion males are smaller than females and are often hunted by them. In order to reproduce the male must lock pincers with the female and then drop a packet of sperm on the ground.

He must then maneuver the much larger female over the packet so that she gets the sperm inside of her.

This whole time the female is trying to eat the male who, after his tango with death must run away or become lunch.

– Gringoboi17

2. Tasmanian devils

The male holds the female hostage in her own den until she becomes pregnant, which could be days.

She does violently chase him from her den after she’s pregnant.

But I can’t imagine those days trapped with him are pleasant.

– indigocraze

3. Hippos

Hippos s**t and twirl their tails propeller-style to impress their mates, and if Gloria is interested, she will take a dump on Moto-motos head, which is something I am glad Humans don’t do.

– iamthesex

4. Koalas

Besides that horrifying screams that they produce, there is no actual ‘mating ritual’ or even ‘mating season’ – koala males straight up r**e female koalas whenever they please.

– defaultQueue

5. Ferrets

As cute as ferrets are, they have a horrible mating ritual.

Basically, the male ferret (called a hob), has to maul the ever living s**t out of the female ferret (called a jill) to get her to ovulate.

If humans did this, is would make it a lot easier to avoid accidental pregnancy, but would also make it very obvious when a woman was trying to have a child.

“Not sure if spousal abuse, or just trying to get pregnant” would be a common sentiment.

– Fairytaleautumnfox

6. Frogs

Male Frog: Let me inflate my body to three times its natural volume and then blast it out in the noisiest way possible, girls love this s**t

Female Frog: Your self inflation fetish has seduced me, grab onto my belly and fertilize the water with your male products as I squeeze out a huge mass of absolutely disgusting jelly blobs

– ThadisJones

7. Horses

(well, mares anyway) spontaneously urinate when they’re in season and they’re near a stallion.

It’s completely instinctive and I get the impression it’d be quite embarrassing in humans.

– fursty_ferret

8. Hummingbirds

I watch a lot of hummingbirds around my backyard. I love them so much.

But let me tell you, being a boy hummingbird trying to snag a mate has got to be the most terrifying thing….they fly up quite far, dive bomb almost into the gravel..multiple times. And when one looks like a pretty clear catch, another male bird will come out of nowhere and attack him.

Then come and have the audacity to sit on my feeder and make eye contact with me, with an enemies feather stuck to his face.

God, they’re precious

– Shaneaux

9. Octopus

I don’t want to just rip off my arm which is also my penis and give it to some girl to use then throw away or really and cephalopod because that would involve me sticking my arm penis into her face vagina

– Le-smexy-Baggutte

10. Jackals

I saw a nature film where a female jackal will bring her chosen mate back to her family for a meet up.

Her father and brothers will surround him and scratch up dirt while urinating, soaking him in a mix of p**s and mud.

– wufoo2

11. Ducks

They’re cute r**e machines.

There’s an arm race going on, where males evolve a penis that’s meant to be as efficient as possible for r**ing females, while females evolve twisted vaginas meant to make r**e as hard as possible.

Read about it, it’s fascinating/horrifying.

– thePsychonautDad

12. Surinam Toads

The Suriname Toad keeps its eggs in its back the eggs infuse with the skin.

When the eggs hatch the tadpoles will live inside the skin of their mother until they have matured into young frogs and squeeze out.

– Block_Mountain

13. Worms

There is a kind of worm where the females never want to mate with the males.

So instead actual intercourse the male shoots the sperm after the female, so the worm with the best range gets to pass on their genes

– gifflareater

14. Porcupines

So much erect penis pee spraying and screaming, and then of course the risk of the act itself.

The only good part is they do it once a year instead of frequently, but still.

– BuffetOfBeav

15. Garden birds

Many garden birds have a ritual in which the male pecks the female’s cloaca empty of the sperm of previous mates before having his own go.

Imagine if men would suck out previous partners’ sperm before having sex with a woman. I have imagined and I am very sorry I did…

– MissRbvK

If you’ll excuse me, I need to go wash my brain out with soap.

Any other weird animal facts you know?

Share them with us in the comments.

The post People Talk ABout the Weirdest Animal Mating Rituals Out There appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About What They Miss Most from the 1990s

The 90’s. It feels like a lifetime ago.

Maybe even another dimension. Or a weird, puke-green dream.

But a lot of us miss it anyway.

What’s something from the 90s you miss? from AskReddit

What does Reddit think was the best part of this era? Let’s find out.

1. Sit-in Pizza Huts

I was on vacation in the mountains up state and they had one in town. I got to have pizza in an actual Pizza Hut for the first time since the late 90’s early 2000’s.

We had one outside of town and then that closed and they made a to go one that ended up also closing. Now I can have one of the local places or Papa John’s or Domino’s.

The target nearby does have the mini Pizza Hut pizzas and some of their appetizers. It’s hardly the same as getting it from a Pizza Hut itself.

– twin-shadows

2. Goofing off without it being posted

I had to stop drinking with one of my friends because she’d ALWAYS record everyone doing anything even remotely fun or goofy and it’d be on snapchat or Facebook within seconds.

Like, I just wanna get a little drunk and dance and have a good time with my friends, I don’t want every person I hardly know seeing me let loose.

– nothoughtsnosleep

3. Authentic social interactions

Being social with people felt so different and authentic.

My friends would sometimes just “drop by” to see if I was home to say hi.

We could pick up the phone and have hour long conversations.

It felt like text message cheapened that.

The lesser dependence on technology seemed to cultivate more genuine friendships but that was just my experience.

– runr7

4. TV with specific broadcast times

We would all gather in my tiny college apartment to watch The Office every week. Good memories!!

And I believe Game of Thrones was the last time I did that with any friends as well.

I wonder if we’ll ever do that again.. weird to think that might have been the last time.

– Smilingaudibly

5. Being unreachable

I miss not being able to be reached, or being able to reach people.

Back then you’d call your friend and it would ring somewhere in their house. If there was no one there (which was common) you’d shrug and just carry on your day. If you just wanted to chill out on your own you’d just not answer the phone.

Now, everyone knows people are never without their phones. I’ve had people p**sed at me because I took an hour to reply to a text.

– kor_hookmaster

6. The 90’s aesthetic

It was extreme and alternative, not family-friendly wacky or dystopian like a lot of people think when they see an 80’s aesthetic.

Example: the entire aesthetic of Nickelodeon in the 90’s. Slime and extreme s**t.

– XtremePizzaBuilder

7. Online privacy being the norm

It’s unreal how blithe some people have gotten toward privacy.

My brother’s a high school teacher, and a few years ago he caught a girl in his class livestreaming herself just…sitting there, learning. He asked her to stop, and noticed that there were 15 people apparently watching her on the stream, and suggested that the kinds of people who would watch a 16-year-old girl sitting in class are maybe not the kinds of people she should want watching her.

The girl’s response was a confused “Why not?”

– Dahhhkness

8. Mor affordable housing

There was a time when my kid could have moved out and rented with room mates or even on his own.

But its very hard for young people to start out with the current condition.

– etriff

9. Just general childhood

Free from most adult responsibilities, free from social media, free from bulls**t politics (they were there for sure, but you literally had to look for them, lol), free from a general miasma of fear coming from the media.

When I think back, all I remember is sunshine, the lack of a weight bearing down on my shoulders all the time and the sweet sounds of amazing music.

While I miss it, I am just grateful that I got to experience it.

– Throwaway7219017

10. The optimism

It was a pretty happy decade. The Cold War was over. The economy was booming. Technology seemed to be offering us solutions before we even knew we had a problem.

The products of pop culture almost never dwelled on dystopia or decline.

Air travel was about as dangerous as bus travel.

Acid rain and the hole in the ozone layer were problems of the decade before that seem to have been fixed, and climate change was still called global warming and was not nearly so front and center in how people talked about the future.

All in all, the 90s were a pretty solid decade.

– faceintheblue

11. Mom and pop shops

Family owned convenience stores, diners, burger joints, ice cream parlors, cafes, bookstores, delis, etc.

Even small neighborhood grocery stores.

And independent music venues!

Seems like I’m talking about the 50s but in the 90’s these places still existed. In my hometown most of them are completely gone and were replaced by generic corporate chains or condos. The ones that are still around are struggling to stay afloat and compete.

I’m glad I got to enjoy them while they existed but also realized how much I took them for granted.

– dotskee

12. The optimistic internet

I genuinely feel like the Internet has gone from “the most important and greatest achievement of humanity” to “something that might have been a mistake” during my lifetime

It’s really sad because a global communications network should be a great thing for everyone

– Badloss

13. The airports

I miss how chill and cool airports were.

Watching the plane leave after hugging my parents goodbye or waiting at the window watching it dock knowing someone you were waiting for was about to get off.

– MindSecurity

14. The arcades

Arcades died specifically because home console graphics caught up to them. The PS1 and Saturn got close enough that the differences started feeling minor and then with the Dreamcast and PS2 (and the rise of online gaming) it was all over.

It’s not as though Dave and Busters and Round One are unpopular, but you go for experiences that don’t translate as well to home, which means the few modern arcade games are either steering wheel racers, light gun games, or peripheral-based rhythm games.

– milespudgehalter

15. Full size Frosted Strawberry Pop Tarts

They’re, like, half the thickness these days!

That and eating them while watching back to back episodes of Saved by the Bell on Saturday mornings. Good times…

– panamanimal

Yeah. I agree. With just…all of that.

What do you miss about the past?

Tell us in the comments.

The post People Talk About What They Miss Most from the 1990s appeared first on UberFacts.

Weirdly Gross Things That Couples Do For Each Other

When people discuss intimacy in a relationship, they’re usually referring to the steamy, sensual stuff. Which is weird, because the truth is, most of the intimacy that comes along with getting close to someone isn’t hot at all. A lot of it is just plain gross.

Because getting close to someone – warts and all – involves stuff like, yanno, warts. And oddly, you begin not to mind. Because that’s love. That’s real love. That’s the kind of intimacy nobody’s searching for, but that they all find eventually.

And then you take to the internet to tell strangers about it anonymously.

Warning: if you’re queasy, some of this is genuinely gag-worthy.

10. The ingrown hair

What greater love hath any man than this?

Source: Whisper

9. The towel boy

It’s a tough job but somebody’s gotta do it.

Source: Whisper

8. The peel

Oh man, it hurts so much just reading this.

Source: Whisper

7. The pore

Well that’s…very nice for both of you.

Source: Whisper

6. The zits

I’ll never understand why some people are fascinated by this kind of thing.

Source: Whisper

5. The was

All the better to hear you with, my dear.

Source: Whisper

4. The extra mile

Totally reasonable.

Source: Whisper

3. You gonna finish that?

I’d freak all the way out if someone started doing this to me.

Source: Whisper

2. The back

It’s kind, but it’s also such a hassle.

Source: Whisper

1. Down there

Well now we’re crossing back into the hot territory.

Source: Whisper

How do you know you’ve found true love? Probably when something like this happens.

What’s something weird you’ve done for your partner?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Weirdly Gross Things That Couples Do For Each Other appeared first on UberFacts.

People Remember Their School’s Dumbest Rules

There’s nothing more satisfying than knowing that YOU are the reason there’s a new rule at some place.

It happened to me at my old school, which was rife with plenty of ridiculous rules. Apparently I’m not alone in that.

What’s the dumbest rule your school ever enforced? from AskReddit

How are our institutions of learning striving to keep the peace? Reddit tells all.

1. “No jackets without the school logo”

I was a high school teacher for several years, both buildings I worked in were FREEZING, and having admin pull students out of my classroom during a 50 minute period & giving them detention instead of letting them LEARN is cruel and completely unnecessary, in my opinion.

– Master_Catch_9089

2. “No snowballs”

If you throw snowballs, you get a one day suspension.

The first long weekend after a snowfall everyone would throw snowballs to get an additional day added to the long weekend.

– MrFake_Name

3. “Go to class, no exceptions”

I got Saturday school for missing a day of classes when I was 16. Seems reasonable, except I missed to go complete my US citizenship and officially become a citizen alongside my mom (it took us 12 years to go through the legal process, btw. Whole other issue).

I had a note from my mother as well as a signed official Federal form they give you to explain to school/employers why you were absent.

Apparently the only acceptable absence excuse was illness. I got punished for becoming a citizen ?‍♀️

– Lumpy_Constellation

4. “Zero tolerance”

That if you say/do anything back to your bully it becomes a mutual conflict and isn’t bullying, so if they start calling you slurs and making you feel bad every day and you call them stupid once or twice the school probably won’t help.

– wowthatfood

5. “If you’re late, we’ll make you more late”

The new Principal made a “morning round-up” rule where anyone arriving to class after the last bell had to go to the cafeteria and listen to a lecture about not being late for class.

This took about an extra 15 minutes, making the students even more late to class than they would have otherwise been.

Needless to say, everyone hated it, even the teachers. That principal didn’t last long…

– LiveTrash

6. “Toilet paper must be rationed”

This was in 1997/98, btw.

Apparently the high school girls room was going through too much toilet paper so the dean, a woman, stood outside the door and distributed a few squares of 1-ply institutional toilet paper to us as we went in. If she noticed toilet paper on the floor, our ration got cut down. If we asked for more for…bigger jobs…we were told to saved it for home.

There were several episodes of girls stuck in stalls until friends could beg for more TP because of period messes or unexpected bowel incidents. The dean wouldn’t even hand it over–she would go in the bathroom and pass it a few squares at a time over the door. If you didn’t catch it as it fell and it landed on the floor, well, that’s your fault and you’re not getting more. If you used more than she thought necessary, tough luck, go to class with blood/s**t on your body.

It took about a week of extremely angry parents coming to the school and calling both the school and the school board, but we finally got our toilet paper back, unlimited.

How did we celebrate?

By TPing her car, of course.

– stabbyspacehorse

7. “Bathrooms are closed”

Closing boys toilets, because some c**t was stealing toilet paper.

When school staff announced this stupid rule, some students actually threatened to s**t on the tables then.

– latvian_username

8. “ID safety”

It wasn’t really the rule that was dumb but the reason for it. In my last year of high school, the school issued a rule that all students had to wear student IDs. If you didn’t, you had to immediately go and pay for another ID. While you can see how many students may have saw this a way to skip class, the reason for this was the school shootings that happened the previous year.

The reasoning was that it would be easier to spot who is a student and who is not a student to then see who has malicious intent…..except that most shooters were students….so….

– Seiko_Enohara

9. “No touching the snow”

In grade school, we weren’t allowed to play on the playground equipment when it snowed.

Eventually, were weren’t allowed to play with snow or even go near it- I got in trouble for sitting in snow.

This was in Minnesota where it snows half the year. Recess basically consisted of milling around the blacktop for thirty minutes.

– BW_Bird

10. “Don’t play on the golf course”

Our tiny community got a burst of cash in the 70’s due to having mineral rights on land with oil. It was amazing some of the things we had access to for a school in the plains in Montana: computer lab, ceramics, photography, and a freaking laser! They also bought the grade school a miniature golf course in the center of the playground.

A majority of the playground was concrete squirrels, turtles and a whale. These looked like a lot of fun to play on for a kid. We couldn’t touch them. We couldn’t get near them. We couldn’t land our star wars figures on them, incorporate them in our games in any way or even walk near them when running from someone playing tag. Once in PE we got out the clubs and played a few rounds in my entire time in school. Other classes never even got that.

After about 30 years, during a student clean up, they got some of the upper level high school kids to take hammers to them and pulverized them.

– DarrenEdwards

11. “Ties ALWAYS”

You have to wear your tie all the way home.

Some sad bastard teachers would stand on the main road away from the school and try to hand out detentions in presumably their own time

– ——__————

12. “Bathroom sign in sheets”

My friend is an administrator at a private school in NJ and the faculty has to sign in and out of the bathroom using Google sheets.

9am, 10 minutes, M-F

– no__ragrets__

13. “No ankles allowed”

Girls weren’t allowed to show their ankles.

The dean had a pack of socks in her office she would give the students and make them wear.

Only girls tho. This was the 2000s.

– LoveAndDynamite

14. “No unnatural hair colors”

Except for Lily, who dyed her hair the school color (maroon).

It was dark enough to argue it was a weird red/brown, but it was clearly maroon and I think she got away with it because it was “school spirit”

– poachels

15. “We keep your phones”

If you were caught on your phone they’d take it until the end of the week. you’d get it back at half 3 on friday.

parents went mental and a few even came together and sent bills through for part of the phone bills, they ditched that rule after 2 weeks.

phones were kept overnight in the school in the office until that friday if they were confiscated. no safe or anything, just in a plastic box. no getting it back at the end of the day, you just had to go for days without a phone, even at home

– bigfrogb**ch

Well, I’ve certainly learned a lot.

What was the dumbest rule at your school?

Tell us in the comments.

The post People Remember Their School’s Dumbest Rules appeared first on UberFacts.

Weird Things That People Faked for Attention

We all need a little attention from time to time. But how far are we willing to go?

For some, the answer is clear: WHATEVER. IT. TAKES.

What was the weirdest thing you’ve seen someone fake for attention? from AskReddit

Oh boy, does Reddit have some stories.

1. A heart attack

My grandmother faked a heart attack because she and my dad got into an argument at Thanksgiving.

Grandfather was so embarrassed.

– acorngirl

2. The “asthma” attack

One of my classmates got an asthma attack and everyone was flocking over to them to make sure they were okay.

On the other side of the room another one of my classmates also got an asthma attack, even though it was common knowledge that she didn’t have asthma (there were very few people in class that had asthma and we all knew just in case it was an emergency). They faked the hard breathing and exaggerated gasps.

It was weird that someone would do something like that just so they would have attention.

– AmeriRos

3. The hallucination

One of my friends friends pretending to be hallucinating.

She even had the nerve to ask me “how long do hallucinations last?”.

She was doing it to see how her boyfriend would react.

– Anqel_Celeste

4. The seizure

A girl in my class faked a seizure after someone got injured in baseball practice, she loved the attention.

Her seizure magically came to a halt when I suggested we call 999

– chocotripcookies

5. The possession

Being possessed by the devil.

He would ask people to hit or slap them to prove that it didn’t hurt him as if that proved he was possessed.

This went on for like 3 months until he got bored and just started acting normal again.

– dylan7404

6. The center of attention

There was this one dude, Jake, hated it when the attention wasn’t on him.

This was roughly 12 years ago but once after a party ended he was deemed too drunk (he had a beer and 2 shots of sour pucker liquor) he stayed the night them pretended to sleep and that he was a soldier during nam and was running all over the place with his eyes closed.

One of his buddies ended up tossing a bucket of water on Jake but that didn’t wake him up. That same buddy tackled Jake before he ran outside to make a scene and that magically woke him up.

Whenever there were get togethers he would saying he’s gonna hurt himself when people weren’t interacting with him.

People stopped paying attention cause he would say it every single time and when he realized it he’d start throwing a tantrum that everyone hates him and that he has no friends so no one would care.

I responded, “the police will care. Let me call them” he stopped that act real quick

– SingleWar5

7. The other woman

In high school I had a toxic, controlling friend. She once set me up with this classmate of ours, essentially pushing for it to make us both just feel cornered.

A week or so later, he breaks up with me (didn’t really give a s**t, really) and then not quite 12 hours later, she calls me and confesses that he loved her all along and how guilty she felt but this is the man for her.

She’s just going on and on. His sisters are supposedly pressuring him to confess that he’s gay but he denies it, says he and my friend have s** all the time. So she runs with it, allowing this ongoing lie that they’re having all this s**, they’re so in love, just really laying it on thick.

Dude later comes out as gay and they were both still virgins. I just don’t get the point? She further ruined a s**tty friendship for a guy that was gay. But for what? People are f**king weird.

– bitterherpes

8. The miracle recovery

A girl said to me she has cancer 3 days after I rejected her proposal.

I still didn’t accept her in my head I was feeling terrible that I am such a bad person but 2 days after that she said she got cured.

So either I am crazy or there must be some fastass super effective chemotherapy out there.

– shrewdlyweird

9. The phantom pregnancies

A chick I went to high school with always faked pregnancies, did this multiple times.

It got to a point where she stole her sisters ultrasound pictures and posted it everywhere… Her sister ended up calling her out on her bs.

Then she claimed she had a miscarriage..which she also lied about multiple times.

– mynameis-human

10. The fight


I was in an argument with a girl in elementary school and she was being antagonistic.

She picked a scab and squeezed it until it started bleeding. She started crying as if I’d hurt her.

– Narrow-Ad-6338

11. The injury

I’m an aerial instructor, some of my students are young girls, between 9 and 14 yo..

One of them once said she broke her back and she wouldn’t be able to climb on the silks.

Then she spent several minutes crawling on the floor asking for help.

She had absolutely nothing, she always does that kind of thins the get attention

– TotalCardiologist793

12. The finger-pointer

A pupil with a grudge against a teacher at my school deliberately broke his own finger by slamming a locker door on it and then accused the teacher of slamming his finger in a door in a fit of anger, just to get him into trouble.

Of course, the problem was it was his index finger and he could not have had it so badly damaged without severely bruising/cutting/breaking the fingers on either side.

He was psychotic!

– VorlonKing

13. The hall of fame

we had a girl fake asthma (for years, she then became a smoker so), a couple faked mental health s**t like anxiety, depression, panic attacks and tics.

My personal favorite is this one guy faked having a record label sign him even though he was 12 and he would leave class on fake phone calls with his “producers” lol.

– punkmf

14. The inmate

A friend of my classmate faked her death once.

My classmate went on for five years believing that her friend was dead.

Turns out, the girl was just in prison.

Her grandparents (who she had been living with her whole life) told everyone that the girl had died and everyone believed it.

They even had a fake funeral for her. I don’t know much about it, but that’s what I do know.

– purple_flower18

15. The survivor

In second grade this girl everyone loved said her sister threw a plastic headband at her and it scratched out her eyeball, so she had to go to the ER and they dug through a bucket full of donated eyeballs to find one that matched her iris color.

She also told us she had her leg bitten off by a shark and had a prosthetic leg (but we all saw her at a water slide party a week later so that was hard to explain)

– OctopiBlobby

However lonely you get, try to never be this person.

Do you have stories like this?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Weird Things That People Faked for Attention appeared first on UberFacts.