The Rubik’s Cube was originally called the “Magic Cube.”
020817 newsletter
Newsletter Item for (76558): How Did English End Up With There/Their/They’re?
How Did English End Up With There/ They’re/ Their?
Today’s Big Question: How did English end up with there/ they’re/ their?
Newsletter Item for (91628): The Apollo Astronaut Who Was Allergic to the Moon
The Apollo Astronaut Who Was Allergic to the Moon
In 1972, geologist Harrison Schmitt became the only professional scientist to ever put boots on the Moon. And then he began sneezing.
Newsletter Item for (91896): Do Certain Sounds Enrage You? Neurologists May Know Why
Do Certain Sounds Enrage You? Neurologists May Know Why
Neurologists have spotted physical differences in the brains of people who are triggered by specific noises.
Newsletter Item for (91956): This Restaurant Is Located in an Indoor Diving Pool
This Restaurant Is Located in an Indoor Diving Pool
Diners must venture 16 feet below the surface to enjoy their meal.
Newsletter Item for (86923): 11 African American Inventors Who Changed the World
11 African American Inventors Who Changed the World
Get to know the brilliant minds that brought you blood banks, personal computers, touch-tone telephones, and more.
020617 newsletter
Cadbury invented the heart-shaped chocolate box in 1861.
020717 newsletter
11 Steps for Stress-Free Mattress Shopping
11 Steps for Stress-Free Mattress Shopping