Clean Up Sunnydale With This Buffy the Vampire Slayer Board Game
Newsletter Item for (91127): Do Carbonated Drinks Go Flat Quicker on Their Sides?
Today’s Big Question: Do carbonated drinks go flat quicker on their sides?
Newsletter Item for (91292): 11 Forgotten Apple Products
11 Forgotten Apple Products
Over its 40-year-history, Apple has produced so many iconic products you might have forgotten about those that crashed and burned. (Remember iPod Socks?) Here are 11 Apple products that fell behind the rest of the pack.
Newsletter Item for (92704): Wild Elephants May Get the Least Sleep of Any Mammal
Wild Elephants May Get the Least Sleep of Any Mammal
Move aside, college students. Scientists say wild African elephants may get the least sleep of any mammal.
Newsletter Item for (92651): Why Making Decisions Stresses Some People Out
Why Making Decisions Stresses Some People Out
You’ve heard the expression “FOMO” tossed around a lot these days—but have you heard of “FOBO” (Fear of a Better Option)? Canadian researchers have identified why making decisions stresses some people out and how they can avoid this.
Newsletter Item for (86084): 10 Workout Tips From a 14th Century Knight
Bored with your typical gym routine? Maybe it’s time to give it a medieval twist. Here are 10 workout tips from a 14th century knight.
030217 newsletter
John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men was almost called Something That Happened.
The Church With a Cemetery in the Basement
The Church With a Cemetery in the Basement
2112guy, Wikimedia Commons // Public Domain
For Women in China’s Red Yao Tribe, a Haircut is a Once-in-a-Lifetime Event
For Women in China’s Red Yao Tribe, a Haircut is a Once-in-a-Lifetime Event
15 Fabulous and Famous Internet Pigs
15 Fabulous and Famous Internet Pigs