10+ Scientists Share the Common Misconceptions About their Jobs That Drive Them Crazy

Every profession has its pet peeves, often involving what the job really entails versus what the average person thinks it is. One such profession that people definitely don’t understand fully? Scientist.

So it’s unsurprising that these 15 scientists were willing to dish on the worst offenses.

#1. Built by consensus

“Peer review isn’t this magical thing where passing instantly conveys some level of unassailable validity. It’s 2-5 overworked scientists taking a quick look through someone else’s work, in a field that might be only tangentially within their area of expertise.

The job of peer review is to identify glaring mistakes (and, if my experience is anything to go by, apparently for the reviewers to try and squeeze a few more citations out of their papers by insisting the author references them). It generally doesn’t eliminate papers with subtle methodology or measurement flaws. It doesn’t weed out deliberate fraud. Hell, sometimes it even lets through glaringly obvious screw ups (as I said, the reviewers are generally overworked).

This is not a factor of the quality of the peer review, mind. Hell, sometimes even the very best journals get it wrong; the case of the Japanese Obokata group reporting induced pluripotency (which was a BIG DEALTM at the time) that got published in Nature, before being retracted because it turned out to be fraud.

Further, just because something is published, doesn’t mean it’s been published in a respectable journal. There are predatory journals, pay-to-play papermills, low quality scrub journals that don’t have standards, ideologically-driven rags, and more.

As a result, you can find papers that say damn near anything.
A single paper doesn’t mean anything.

What matters is that people can reproduce the work in question. Peer replication is the only true test of scientific validity, and that can take decades (assuming the topic ever even attracts enough attention to warrant replication attempts).

You see, scientific understanding is built by consensus. That is, the gradual accumulation of results in support of a new theory, and overturning an old one. If a theory is testable and valid, it will eventually be found to be true regardless of the odds stacked in front of it. This may not always be achieved rapidly.

So when you see a paper that seems to promise something against the norm, don’t assume it’s correct just because “scientists say”. Trust in the consensus that’s been built over time. Yes that does get overturned occasionally, but that is far, far rarer than the number of times those out-there results are correct.”

#2. Keeping it from the public

“I am a scientist and my sister legitimately thinks the cure for cancer has been found and ‘we’ (I am not a cancer scientist but apparently we’re all in on it together) are keeping it from the public. She does not understand what cancer actually is or that its really bloody hard to treat but gets really angry at me whenever cancer is mentioned because I’m the reason people are suffering. Wtf.”

#3. “Why did this happen?”

“The biggest one I deal with at work is “scientists know everything.” I work as a food scientist/R&D, and whenever we have something unexpected happen (e.g. a product is way stickier than I thought it should be, takes more water than our quality regs allows to prevent mold, etc.), no fewer than 4 people will come to me with a product in-hand and ask “why did this happen?” No context; not even sure what the actual problem is, just that they’re holding something that’s apparently not right. Depending on what the problem is, I usually have a couple ideas. Follow-up is then “well which one is it??” Like I’m actively trying to avoid giving them the one correct answer.. No, it could be any one of them OR it could even be a combination of all of them. We just have to try them out to find know for sure. My boss is the biggest offender of this, where he’ll send me an email saying “Product X doesn’t look good. What happened. We need to fix it” and I have even less to go on..

I don’t have all the answers, and scientists aren’t fiendishly withholding knowledge from people.”

#4. One big hat

“That “science” is one big hat. There seems to be this assumption that an astronomer and a biologist are one and the same.

While there is an extremely small subset of scientists that are cross-trained in multiple fields, the vast, vast majority of scientists have one small area of expertise.”

#5. Two misconceptions

“Zoologist here there are two misconceptions that drive me up a wall:

1.) When people say, incredulously, that humans evolved from monkeys, as if to denounce the whole idea of evolution as some crackpot idea. No, we did not evolve from modern day monkeys, we both share a common ancestor.

2.) Whenever people say that modern AZA zoos steal animals from the wild. They did do that in the past, but nowadays pretty much all animals you see in a reputable zoo are bred in captivity using SSP guidelines. Of course the same people who like to spout such nonsense also support shoddy “reserves” that have less funding and less support for their animals, and sometimes are no better than those roadside zoos that only see their animals as money makers.”

#6. It’s not

“That ‘cancer’ is one disease process and can be cured in aggregate.

Its not.”

#7. The things that are natural

“That things that are “natural” are automatically safe and effective. Toadstools are natural. All kinds of dangerous, poisonous things are natural. What natural really means is not tested in a scientific manner therefore potentially unsafe, almost always ineffective and somehow grandfathered in.”

#8. Some great global conspiracy

“That there could ever be some great global conspiracy of scientists to hide the “truth” about climate change or evolution.

Research science is as filed with pettiness and ego as any corporate boardroom. Everyone is trying to get out the next big discovery, and the competition between labs is fierce and sometimes nasty.

There is no way 97% of climate scientists are getting together and sharing a cheese plate while discussing how to take away your Suburban.”

#9. Multiple universes

“Physicist here! People often think that multiverse theory suggests that literally anything you can think of is true in some parallel universe (i.e. in some universe everyone lives on giant turtles).

This is not the case. Multiverse theory (which has very little evidence of being true) suggests that there are multiple (possibly infinite) universes. Although there could be infinite universes, that does not imply that they satisfy all possibilities. The sort of standard way of describing it is that there are an infinite number of numbers between 0 and 1 (i.e. 0.1, 0.01,0.001 etc) but none of them are two.”

#10. As seen on TV

“I work in the field of forensics. Yes it is cool, no it is not nearly as cool as on TV. Typically lab scientists (at least all the ones I know) NEVER go out to the scene to collect evidence. Results take so much longer than what they show on TV and are not always as clear cut either. Don’t even get me started on wearing PPE.”

#11. How little we know

“Geologist here, people don’t understand the massive time scale of the earth, and how little we know absolutely beyond the last 100-1000 years.”

#12. What’s the use?

“What’s the use?”

Most of the time, we either don’t know or have a vague idea of how research could go out of the lab. It is usually written in conclusion of articles, sometimes a bit too emphatically, which gives sensational headlines.”

#13. It’s just a theory

“About three months ago I went on a huge pseudoscientce and conspiracy theory binge for the hell of it. You would not believe the number of times they will pull the, “It’s just a THEORY, that means it’s NEVER BEEN PROVEN,” bullcrap.”

#14. Human calculators

“Mathematician here, but it’s astounding how many people think that people get Ph.Ds in the subject simply to be “human calculators”. I once told someone I had a degree in math, and the person proceeded to ask simple mental math questions. Once I answered them (toughest was 17*15) he admitted that I really was amazing at math and that my degree was put to good use. I don’t think I’ve facepalmed harder.”

#15. That one thing…

“Neuroscientist here. If everyone stopped repeating that “we only use 10% of our brain” thing, my blood pressure would probably drop significantly.”

I hope you were listening, folks!

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10 of the Most Brutal Revenge Stories in History

Confession time: I’m actually a bit of a history nerd (or buff, if you prefer). History is full of so many interesting moments if you know where to look.

So go ahead and thank these 10 people in advance for telling some pretty amazing, true historical stories, this time about revenge.

#1. The best and the wisest out of the way

“Princess Olga of Kiev. Her husband was murdered by the Drevlians. So she was in charge of the city. Then the Drevlians wanted her to marry their prince. They sent 20 of their best men to convince her to marry their prince. She had them buried alive.

She then sent a message that she accepted the proposal, but required the Drevlians to send their best men to accompany her on her journey in order for the common people to accept the transition.

They sent the best and wisest men who governed their land. When they arrived she sent them up and offered them a bath house to get cleaned up and relax after the long journey. Once inside she barred the doors and burned it down.

With the best and wisest out of the way, she invited more of them over for a funeral service. And somehow not sensing the trap, 5,000 of them showed up. Once they were good and drunk she had her men kill all of them.

She then placed their city under siege. And after several days she asked for 3 pigeons and 3 sparrows from each household, claiming she didn’t want to burden their city any further. The people happily complied.

Olga then had her soldiers each take a bird and attach a burning coal to it (somehow) and released the birds and they all flew back to the city and it burned to the ground.

Damn it’s good to be gangster.”

#2. The Indian Slayer

“Maybe not the most satisfying but, the story of Tom Quick the Indian Slayer is pretty insane and fucked up. The Quick’s were one of the first white families to settle on the Delaware river near Milford PA. Initially they had good relation with the natives but after a group of them killed Tom Quick Sr., Jr. swore he would never rest until he killed the entire Lenape tribe, who were responsible. He supposedly killed 99 of them in his lifetime and on his death bed asked his son to bring him one more so he could make it an even 100. His son refused but after his death members of the Lenape stole his body, cut it up and sent parts to all the neighboring clans. Each clan had a pow-wow where they burnt their part of the body as a celebration of the death of their long time foe. The only problem was Tom Quick died of small pox and these pow-wow effectively spread the illness to nearly the entirely of the Lenape people. He swore he wouldn’t rest until he destroyed the tribe and in death, he did just that.

Here’s a write up from 1851 that paints him as a hero: http://www.jrbooksonline.com/HTML-docs/tom_quick_1851.htm”

#3. The men who killed his father

“Frank Eaton, who became a sharpshooter when he was 15 by outshooting everyone at a nearby fort, then personally hunted and shot down all the men who killed his father. One of the men was killed before Eaton could get to him, so he went to his funeral to make sure he was dead.”

#4. Long game revenge

“Count of monte Cristo is a pretty good one. That book is practically a standard for long game revenge.”

#5. A queen’s vengeance


(According to Tacitus’ version of events which are much more fucking metal).

Boudica, as queen of the Iceni after the death of her husband King Prasutagus, saw the Romans rape her daughters, confiscate her lands and then publicly flog her. So doing the sensible thing, she raises an army and marches on Camulodunum (Colchester) in AD60.

She massacres the population, methodically burns the city, and displays the bodies for miles around. After effectively destroying the IX Legion sent to relieve it, she marches on Londinium (London). This she also burns, to such an extent that a fine red layer of pottery fragments and brick ash is visible under London’s streets, and then does the same to Verulamium (St. Albans).

Boudica is only finally defeated by Governor Suetonius Paulinus, who marches down from his campaigns in Wales to halt her at the Battle of Wattling Street in AD. 61. By this point though, she’d killed around 80,000 Roman citizens and auxiliaries.”

#6. Without retribution

“The Cask of Amontillado, specifically because of the main character’s insistence on not only having revenge, but having it without retribution, and such that Fortunado knew that it was him who did it.”

#7. Not history, but it’s too good to leave out

“The giving tree.”

#8. Too sore to defend themselves

“The story of Dinah from the Old Testament.

TL;DR- Dude rapes girl, then asks her family to marry her. Family says sure, but all of your people need to be circumsized first.

After the circumcisions happened, the family fell on them and slaughtered the men while they were too sore to defend themselves.”

#9. Rural American Punisher

“Buford Hayse Pusser, he was sheriff, they killed his wife and he went on a one man war to rid his county of all crime. He was basically rural America Punisher.”

#10. A pretty good one

“Titus Andronicus is a pretty good one and an overall interesting book.”

I’m off to fall into a Wikipedia hole!

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15 Little Things You Can Do to Appear More Attractive

The older I get, the less I care about what people think of me, especially whether or not they find me attractive. I’m not really someone who thinks too hard about my appearance, and besides, the people who love me do so for reasons other than what I look like.

However, I must admit there are still times when looking attractive (or at least presentable) is required or desired. And if I were single, I would be more invested in my appearance, for sure. If that’s your current sitch, then you might be interested in what these 13+ people have to say!

#1. Magically transformed

“Be kind and joyful.

Be engaging.

Be funny.

I once saw a documentary and one of the women was objectively very unattractive, just a weird looking face, no makeup, almost looked like an alien. But she was so lively and fun, and full of enthusiasm and good humor that by the end of it she had magically transformed into an attractive person before my eyes.”

#2. A list of tips

“Be clean and well kept. Here are some of my best tips:


Shower daily, use good quality soap that isn’t overly scented
Wash and condition your hair every few days if not daily (depends on your hair)
Wear deodorant
Wear clothes that are clean and fit well
Looking healthy:

Drink plenty of water, it will make you look and feel more awake and can help clear up your skin
Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, this will also contribute to glowing skin and can also help you shed excess weight
Get plenty of sleep. Not getting enough sleep contributes to weight gain, dull and/or blemished skin, under-eye circles, and an all around “tired” look

Keep your eyebrows maintained – if you don’t get them waxed, be sure to pluck stray hairs, especially between your brows. You can also spritz an old toothbrush with hair spray and brush your eyebrows, which keeps them in place and neat throughout the day
MOISTURIZE! This is especially important in the dry winter months. Invest in a good moisturizer for your body and another for your face. You don’t have to spend a ton of money, they have good moisturizers at drugstores and supermarkets
Keep your hair neat and brushed, styled with a little product if necessary. If you dye your hair, don’t let your roots grow out too long
Keep your nails clean and trimmed/filed/manicured. If you wear nail polish, either touch it up or take it off when it starts chipping. If your nails are long, be sure to clean underneath them regularly
Find a perfume or cologne that you like, that isn’t too overpowering, and that mixes well with your body. Wear it regularly
KEEP YOUR TEETH AS NICE AS YOU CAN. Teeth are a HUGE factor in attractiveness. If your teeth are crooked, you can’t change that (at least not immediately), but you can floss daily, brush twice a day, and wear your retainer/mouth guard if you have one. Take the best possible care of your teeth that you can

Dress appropriately for your job; this differs depending on the job, obviously
Wear a few classic pieces of jewelry. A watch, nice bracelet, rings, etc. Jewelry is fine, but don’t go too over the top with cheap, gaudy jewelry
Invest in a few pairs of nice shoes. Again, what type of shoes you invest in depends on your job and lifestyle.”

#3. Memory

“Remember the persons name and use it when appropriate. Not being able to remember my name 5 minutes after meeting me is a huge turn off.”

#4. Kind of my specialty

“Stripper here, I’m a bit late to this party but this is kinda my specialty so figured I’d contribute. People think good looks are all luck or genetics or whatever, nope. They’re attainable by almost anyone imho.

Hygiene is #1. You could be a perfect 10, but smell bad or have bad breath and that drops you instantly to about a 3. Shower everyday. Listen to the dentist, brush and floss everyday.
Have a bit of a tan. It makes you look about 5-10 pounds slimmer instantly. You dont need to lay In the sun to do this either – I use Jergens Natural glow moisturiser which is like $8.59 at Target and won’t give you skin cancer.
Whiten your teeth. You don’t need expensive procedures or veneers to do this. Crest Whitestrips work just fine. They’re about $50, for a week long treatment that lasts a year.
If you are a lady, having long hair makes you look much slimmer and more attractive. Straightening it is a bonus. Just be careful with heat treatments – if you straighten every day like I do, use a product to protect from heat. Anything by Redken is great.
Learn the art of makeup, ladies. Guys say they appreciate “natural beauty” but their idea of this is so rare it almost doesnt exist. You want to be wearing makeup but have it look like you aren’t. Learn contouring and a subtle cat eye, for example. Done right, this will up your “score” by a good 2 pts. My SO (we are very honest w each other) knows all my makeup routines; he says I’m a 7 without makeup and a 9 with, and he isn’t wrong.
Wear clothes that fit. If you’re a medium buy a medium rather than trying to squeeze into a small.”

#5. Clean and confident

“Hydrate your skin and take care of your hair.
Smell good.
Take care of your teeth.
Wear clean clothes that make you feel confident.

But most importantly: smile and make eye contact (not staring!) with people.”

#6. Posture, posture, posture

“I had success with a mixture of:

rolling out my thoratic spine (helps with slouch)
barbell rows (pulls shoulders back. ideally you’d work out your full body)
core work (straightens hips)
think about being pulled up by strings like a puppet to straighten up. eventually it becomes natural to do if you practice it enough.”

#7. Clean and trimmed

“Keep your fingernails clean and trimmed. No one cares if you look like Idris Elba or Olivia Wilde if your nails look like you pick your ass with them.”

#8. Strengths and weaknesses

“Lean on your strengths, forget about your weaknesses.

Figure out what your best feature is and make that as noticeable as possible. If you have great hair/eyes/butt/whatever, draw as much attention as you can to it.

The idea behind this goes like this – people generally only notice/remember one or two things about about a person. If you can impress on them that you have really strong shoulders or really great tits that’s generally all they’ll remember. “Karen?… Oh right, the girl with that beautiful long curly red hair! She’s pretty.” But if Karen is a little overweight or has an ugly voice, they will be less likely to remember that than if she has a good feature that she can make stand out.

As well, you can’t have awesome/perfect everything. So rather than trying to work on everything all at once, or trying to change things like height/face shape, just try to improve and highlight something you already have. Hide your weaknesses in plane sight.

So, figure out what your “thing” can be and accentuate that as much as possible.”

#9. Practice

“Learn your angles!! Practice smiling in a mirror and figure out what expressions look best on you.”

#10. Double points

“You’d be surprised what a shower a day, and clean clothes will do. Double points for having well kempt hair.”

#11. Always a jokester in the crowd

“Low lighting.”

#12. Simple things

“The same answers appear every time this gets asked, and ultimately boils down to the same pointers.

– Decent haircut (also hair that isn’t greasy).

– Clothes that fit properly (Not to baggy or purchased from Walmart, I like Ross and sometimes I’ll frequent the mall, I like the vans store).

– Cut your nails

– Smell nice (There are memes referencing a woman’s “hoe side coming out” when smelling a nice fragrance.

I’m not the best looking guy out there, kind of chubby with big glasses at times, some times I wear contacts. My girlfriend is a knockout though, and I like to think covering the previously mentioned pointers helped me out.

Side Note: If you want to meet women you have to talk to them, starting the conversation is half the battle, Introduce yourself, ask a question that may lead to another question to keep things going.

I.E. ” Do you like coffee”? Followed by “Would you like to get coffee:?​

This will may lead to intercourse but is not guaranteed.”

#13. Niceties 

“Be nice to other people. Show gratitude. Laugh a lot. These things are very attractive to other people even if they can’t pinpoint why they like someone. This attitude or way of being will start to show in other aspects of your life.”

#14. A great haircut

“Always have a great haircut or hairdo and smell nice.”

#15. Physical activity

“Physical activity of any sort, doesn’t have to be weightlifting but that’s an option.”

Go forth and stun!

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Girl Tries to Scam Tinder Date for a Free Fancy Dinner, Backfires Spectacularly

If you’re old enough to have dated both pre- and post-Tinder, you know how much the app has changed the game. One little swipe is all it takes now. Still, some things never change: dating was kinda sucky before, and it can still be pretty sucky now.

Instead of finding dates through mutual friends, we end up going out with strangers based on how somebody randomly answered our questions, then sitting across the table from people we don’t know at all, without any idea whether we like them that much.

I mean, how do we end up knowing less about a person despite having talked to them beforehand?!

Imgur user minilogo37 learned all of this the hard way. Because very soon into a Tinder date, he discovered that his “match” was just using him for dinner and drinks.

Photo Credit: Imgur

You can see where this is going, right?

Date orders the most expensive things on the menu.

No attempt at conversation.

Straight up scam city.

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But minilogo37 didn’t take it lying down.

He fought back.

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Commenters were quick to praise him for his response to this nasty situation:

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Also, this being the internet, people had other solutions for avoiding this kind of situation:

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And yeah, some thought OP was a dick…

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What say you? Did she deserve it? Should he have stayed and paid?

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15+ of the Best Burns in the History of Facebook

Someone call the doctor and get some ointment, because these people all got BURRRRRRNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDD.

Straight-up savagery!

1. It’s true

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2. Hat burn

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3. Back to the future

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4. Grammar burn

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5. Mine too

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6. You asked for it

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7. Burnnnnnnnnnn

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8. That’s real betrayal

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9. He showed them

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10. SBT (sad but true)

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11. That’s what that means

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12. Just like the commercial

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13. This is incredible

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14. Wonder who that’s from?

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15. George Takei for President 2020

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16. Oh, Hugh!

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17. Burn! (And I hope they found him)

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18. Arnie on fire!

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19. It was a long three days

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20. I’m with him

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This Explanation of Men’s Emotional Needs Will Encourage You to Compliment the Men in Your Life More Often

Over the past several decades, society has seen a pretty massive an wonderful movement to be more encouraging to girls and women. Women today are far more aware and confident in their ability to do anything than their great-grandmothers likely did, and it’s been a beautiful and necessary shift in society.

But while boys and men may not need as much reminding that they can do anything or be anything (they’re given that privilege by society, after all), boys and men do need to be reminded that their emotional needs are valid and matter and do not make them less of a “man.”

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That’s the crux of the issue of “toxic masculinity,” a concept many are starting to believe is behind many of the emotional issues rampant in male culture – basically, the belief that boys and men need to be tough and stoic and stay guarded in order to be a “real man.”

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It’s damaging, and one Tumblr user’s post about how she takes care of her boyfriend’s emotional needs is really putting things into perspective.

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And others are responding with their own stories about how they remember to take care of the men in their lives, not just physically, but emotionally, and how much they like it.

And more than that, how much they need it.

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The fact that women can feel unsure or uncomfortable when handing out compliments, sympathy, or encouragement to men is only proof that toxic masculinity affects everyone in our culture, not just men.

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Take care of your boys, yes.

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Or, you know…take care of each other. It’s the only way we’re all going to make it.

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Here’s What Women Would Do If Men Had a 9:00 P.M Curfew, and it Will Break Your Heart

Being a woman is amazing (or at least, so I’m told), but it comes with a pretty serious risk – men. Knowing that a man’s worst fear on a first date is rejection while a woman’s is possible rape/death is absolutely heartbreaking. Women have learned to live their lives defensively, always trying to be prepared for the worst.

As a man, talking to the women in my life revealed some pretty startling truths about how different life is for them. One of the major differences? Enjoying nighttime. As a guy, I don’t ever really think twice about going anywhere after dark, but for a woman, that becomes a series of risk-assessment calculations.

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When Danielle Muscato went on Twitter and asked women what they would do if men lived under a 9:00 p.m. curfew, as is enforced against women in a few regressive nations, the answers where wholly depressing, and sadly unsurprising.

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It’s not that women want to go out and do all kinds of crazy things at night, but if they do, that’s okay. Women want to do the simple things that we should be able to take part in that are missed. Going for a nighttime jog, maybe even with headphones on, would be great. Catching a bus without fear. Going to the grocery store alone at night. They are the kinds of things women immediately relate to, and miss themselves.

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What we learn by reading what thousands of women answered is that the world feels, and too often is, dangerous for women.

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Without fear of men, women might open doors at night. We might stop off at someplace new for a coffee. Maybe we would even smile more – because isn’t that what so many men keep telling women we need to do anyway.

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15+ People Who Are Definitely Having a Worse Day Than You

Having a tough day? We’ve got just the thing to make you feel better! Just scroll through this list, and you’ll see that things could always be much, MUCH worse.


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I feel better about my life – don’t you?

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12 People Who Lied Online and Totally Got Called Out

The thing about social media is that if you lie, people will probably know. If you lie on social media, people will know. There’s pretty much no way around it.

1. Ummm, that’s just a filter

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2. Not being political

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4. And this neverending disaster

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5. Called out!

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6. Hahaha, this one is great

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7. Oh, forgot about that…

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8. Never been worn

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9. Looks suspicious to me

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10. Cool story

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11. Ummm, no

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12. A true genius

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A word to the wise, don’t lie or you gonna be made a fool!

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