New Research Reveals Ancient Persians Recognized More Than Just Two Genders

These days, the issues of gender identity is quite a hot-button topic. The idea that gender can go beyond just male and female seems like it’s relatively new, but a study of 3,000-year-old Persian graves has revealed that the idea of more than two genders goes at least as far back as the ancient Persians.

Though some modern people insist that specific sexual characteristics are attached to strict binary genders, Professor Megan Cifarelli argues that’s just not the case.

“The gender binary is culturally specific, in conflict with many, perhaps most, past civilizations.”

She’s conducted a special study of grave-sites from Hasanlu, a treasure trove of 2800-year-old, mostly undisturbed graves in northwestern Iran. The graves contained items that were likely gendered – some considered male and others female – and buried accordingly. But Cifarelli reports that a good 20% of the graves contained a mix of items associated with both genders.

Image Credit: The Penn Museum

She believes that could mean the people who created those graves believed in a third gender, or saw gender as a spectrum as opposed to a binary.

Her theory rests on a golden bowl that depicts a man with a beard performing typically female roles, though she has yet to publish her findings. She’s presented them at academic conferences, though, and Cifarelli says responses have been positive.

It makes sense, since it’s widely accepted that many Native American cultures recognized more than two genders, exemplified by the “two-spirit people.”

If the idea of gender is malleable, it could change more than the way we understand sexual culture and gender roles in ancient societies, but also change the way archeologists categorize the sex of bodies they uncover. Right now, graves are categorized, on occasion, based solely on what sort of items are found with the deceased.

Image Credit: The Penn Museum

“This has been replaced with a medical model, looking at bodies as being sexable via scientific methods,” Cifarelli told IFLScience. “However, for a large percentage of the population we can’t tell.”

She believes some of these people would be classified, in modern terminology, as intersex, and knows that not everyone will agree with – or even understand – her findings.

“People think I must be a crusading radical, pushing contemporary identity politics into the past, but I’m actually trying to lift the weight of the 19th-century identity politics.”

Given the current political climate, the amount of willful ignorance, and a lack of education surrounding the subject, it’s not surprising that presenting her work in public could be fraught with issues. Thankfully there are people like Cifarelli willing to speak for those who can’t – whether they lived 3000 years ago, or are living their best life today.

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7 Little-Known Facts About The Beatles’ Famous Debut on “The Ed Sullivan Show”

Whether or not you’re a fan, there’s simply no denying that The Beatles are right up there amongst the most iconic bands of all time. Their debut on “The Ed Sullivan Show” in 1964 was a total game-changer that sparked a musical revolution.

Here are 7 things you might not know about The Beatles’ first trip to America.

#1. Seeing it live was like winning the lottery.

Image Credit: Wikipedia

Only 728 lucky people were chosen to attend, out of 50,000 fans who requested tickets.

#2. One of The Monkees was there that night, too.

Image Credit: Wikipedia

Davy Jones was on the show to promote Oliver! on Broadway, in which he played the Artful Dodger (and was nominated for a Tony).

#3. They got paid for their appearance.

Image Credit: Pixabay

While most acts appeared on the show in exchange for mere exposure, The Beatles would only agree to hop the pond if The Ed Sullivan Show agreed to not only cover their travel expenses, but to pay an additional $10k fee (around $80k in today’s dollars).

After getting an agreement for 3 appearances and not just one, a deal was struck and history was set in motion.

#4. That said, it was a bargain.

Image Credit: Wikipedia

Close to 74 million people – an astonishing 40% of the country’s population – tuned in for the band’s first U.S. performance.

#5. The “very nice” telegram from Elvis Presley wasn’t actually from Elvis Presley.

Image Credit: Pixabay

The telegram reportedly wished the Fab Four “tremendous success,” but it was actually sent by Elvis’ manager, Colonel Tom Parker, because he thought it would make The King look good. Elvis was notoriously jealous of The Beatles, and the feeling was likely mutual – Harrison responded to the telegram backstage with a mocking “Elvis who?”

#6. They weren’t the only act that night.

Image Credit: Wikipedia

Don’t feel badly if you don’t remember Brill & McCall – few do. They followed The Beatles performance and recall that they couldn’t hear each other during their sketch because of the screaming still going on.

Still, McCall doesn’t regret it, saying “we were there when the world changed.”

#7. The show’s musical director didn’t think much of the band.

Image Credit: Pixabay

His comment to The New York Times? “The only thing that’s different is the hair, as far as I can see. I give them a year.”

Keep on rockin’!

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Check Out This Hilarious Tumblr Thread About What Angels Really Look Like

Tumblr is a very diverse community – you’ve got posts of all kinds from questions blogs and poetry to hilarious stories and/or users just going off the rails theorizing about stuff.

Take this thread for example. It started off innocuous enough, but quickly turned into a hilarious discussion of what angels not only look like but also how humans might react to seeing them.

Photo Credit: Tumblr, @mckitterick

Photo Credit: Tumblr, @mckitterick

Photo Credit: Tumblr, @mckitterick

These depictions are very different in some ways, almost as if people couldn’t really explain what they were seeing. But it’s these next folks who really kick it up a notch.


Photo Credit: rearfront

Yep, accurate.

Photo Credit: rearfront


Photo Credit: rearfront

If Mary’s there, then all is safe.

Photo Credit: rearfront

God’s got jokes! Thank goodness for Tumblr, otherwise, I would have felt odd screaming at an angel.

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20 of the Greatest Tinder Profiles We’ve Ever Seen

You’ve gotta spend a LOT of time on dating apps before you find someone you’d actually consider meeting up with. On the other side of that, it also takes more effort than ever to get noticed and stand out from the crowd.

If you’re lucky, you’ll come across some folks like these with funny and unique profiles.

1. Some kind words

Photo Credit: Tinder

2. Sense of humor is a must

Photo Credit: Tinder

3. Get it?

Photo Credit: Tinder

4. Judy!

Photo Credit: Tinder

5. She’s a gem

Photo Credit: Tinder

6. That’s weird?

Photo Credit: Tinder

7. Ouch

Photo Credit: Tinder

8. Don’t mess with her

Photo Credit: Tinder

9. Hey o!

Photo Credit: Tinder

10. Pros and cons

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11. What a gentleman

Photo Credit: Tinder

12. Reviews

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13. What to expect

Photo Credit: Tinder

14. All sound like good options

Photo Credit: Tinder

15. Needs a new companion

Photo Credit: Tinder

16. Bless her heart

Photo Credit: Tinder

17. LOL

Photo Credit: Tinder

18. Not smelly

Photo Credit: Tinder

19. You got Rick rolled

Photo Credit: Tinder

20. No nudes

Photo Credit: Tinder

Are you looking for love? Any luck?

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This ‘Driving In’ Meme Is an Instant, Hilarious Classic

Every now and then, a meme hits the internet and instantly becomes a classic. The “Driving In” meme is the latest example of this. The premise is simple enough: use emojis and fake billboards to show what it’s like driving in your city or state.

This is why Twitter was invented, people.

1. Gators!

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. I don’t like the looks of this one

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Strippers!

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. Now I need a hot dog

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. You better go to church…or else

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6. Very true

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7. The Bible Belt

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8. Cold…and lots of deer

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9. Pull over for Dunkies

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Twisters and Toby Keith

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. The worst

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12. Pretty much

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13. Gridlock

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14. Wait a second…

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15. On point

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16. Ears of corn everywhere

Photo Credit: Twitter

17. Lots of activity

Photo Credit: Twitter

18. Mormon influence

Photo Credit: Twitter

19. Such an odd state

Photo Credit: Twitter

20. Nice and quiet

Photo Credit: Twitter

You got one of your own you can share?

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A Dutch Church Held a Round-the-Clock Service Lasting 3 Months to Protect Refugee Family

A family of Armenian refugees has found shelter from deportation in Bethel Church in the Hague. Thanks to an obscure Dutch law, authorities can’t enter a church while services are being held. So, when the Tamrazyan family came to Bethel Church and beseeched them for help, the church was ready. They began service on October 26th and kept it going around the clock, bringing in more than 400 pastors from around the country, according to CBC.

Photo Credit: Twitter

The Tamrazyan family has lived in the Netherlands for nine years. They were initially granted asylum, but that decision was recently overturned, according to the CBC. There is, however, a provision that may allow them to stay, referred to as a “children’s pardon,” according to CNN. This law allows families with children who have been living in the Netherlands for more than five years to be granted a pardon.

Photo Credit: Twitter

The Tamrazyan family has three children. Their daughter Hayarpi, now 21, has frequently used Twitter to thank the volunteers for their efforts.

The pastor of Bethel Church, Derk Stegeman, explained his motivation for helping the Tamrazyan family to the CBC: “We are doing it to show to ourselves and to our community, to our government, that civilization and love in life and civilization, it’s not by expelling people, expelling children. We are trying to prove that it can be different.”

The 24-7 service became so popular that the church had to have tickets for its Christmastime services in order to control the crowd. When asked about the future, Hayarpi, said,

“I really don’t know what the outcome will be, but we hope we can stay here (in the Netherlands), because this is our home, this is where we belong. And my brother, my sister and I, we grew up in the Netherlands and we have been living here for almost nine years.”

Amazingly, Hayarpi is still tweeting, and the 24-7 service is continues on.

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15 of the Pettiest Reasons People Have Swipe Left on Dating Apps

Dating has always been tough, but in the modern age, it seems to have become more complicated than ever! Now we have the option to not even have to look someone in the face as we reject them. All it takes is a simple swipe.

Sure, it’s easier in some ways, but it’s also kind of impersonal and allows people to be pettier than ever

Photo Credit: Twitter

Me? I used to decline anyone who had no “last book read” in that section of their profile.

Photo Credit: Twitter

In the interest of science and love and all that, check out 15 reasons people give for automatically swiping left.

#1. Netflix and pizza, plz.

Image Credit: Twitter

#2. In theory.

Image Credit: Twitter

#3. Hard pass.

Image Credit: Twitter

#4. Somewhere in between but I’m not mad.

Image Credit: Twitter

#5. Save that particular torture for parenthood.

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#6. So much.

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#7. I don’t see the problem.

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#8. A list of grievances.

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#9. You don’t know me.

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#10. Dont @ me.

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#11. Stop it.

Image Credit: Twitter

#12. I don’t need to date anyone who’s going to make me feel bad about myself.

Image Credit: Twitter

#13. You’re too much work.

Image Credit: Twitter

#14. I don’t want to do that.

Image Credit: Twitter

#15. Fail.

Image Credit: Twitter

Good luck out there. It’s rough!

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Teen Job Hunter Gets Ridiculously Mean-Spirited Rejection Text After an Interview

Looking for a job can be a full-time position in and of itself, and the interview process can be especially daunting. It’s important to remember, however, that professionalism in a job interview goes both ways – the employer needs to respect you as a person, and a rude interviewer can be a major red flag about working at that organization.

18-year-old Megan Dixon was on the job market and had recently interviewed with Miller and Carter Steakhouse, in hopes of gaining experience as a server. After the interview wrapped up, Dixon was told she’d be hearing from them in a few days.

But she actually heard from them within minutes of her leaving – via text – and to say the potential employer was being disrespectful is putting lipstick on a pig.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Dixon told the Sun:

“At the end of the interview, I asked when I would hear back. She told me it was never more than a few days and she had my email. But I got the texts a few seconds after leaving.

“I was shocked. The least she should have given me was some proper feedback.

“And the laughing face emoji was so unprofessional. It was a really bitchy thing to do.”

“Maybe because I’m 18 she thinks it’s OK not to be professional with me? I don’t know.”

Apparently, that text was meant for someone else internally.  Shantel Wesson, the assistant manager who interviewed Dixon, refused to comment but a Miller and Carter spokeswoman said:

“We can’t apologise enough to Megan.

“It was never our intention to be disrespectful or upset her in any way. The texts were sent in error and were intended for our manager, not the candidate.”

She also said this situation was being taken “extremely seriously” and is under investigation.

Which – good! Because how hurtful!

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These 15 Parents Honestly Deserve an Award for Their Patience

Parenting is easily one of the hardest jobs out there, and I honestly tip my hat to all the parents out there. You’re doing great!

I especially have to give props to these parents, who deserve a Nobel Prize or a new car.

1. I’d say genius

Photo Credit: Reddit

2. That’ll help

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3. Keep going

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4. Not a good Saturday

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5. Not like that!

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6. For sale

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7. Amazed

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8. Zzzzzzzzzzz

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9. Dog?

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10. They’re real

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11. Not a pancake

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12. I like this term

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13. Tomato warning

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14. Unprepared

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. Me, too

Photo Credit: Twitter

And the award goes to…

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10+ Things That Could Have Only Happened in the South

As someone who has spent his share of time in the South, I can tell you that it’s definitely different from the rest of the country. In my experience, the food is AMAZING and the people are generally very friendly.

The South also has plenty of unique quirks though, and they’re even more glaringly obvious if you’re not from around there. Here are 15 prime examples.

1. Pig crossing

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Lost and found

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Y’ain’t

Photo Credit: Reddit

4. Sweet tea EVERYWHERE

Photo Credit: Reddit

5. “Regular” means “Sweet”

Photo Credit: Reddit

6. Charlotte airport has rocking chairs!

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Morning commute

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Ranch soda

Photo Credit: Instagram

9. Never-ending church options

Photo Credit: Reddit

10. Grammar lesson

Photo Credit: Reddit

11. You better be there

Photo Credit: Instagram

12. Look at that

Photo Credit: Imgur

13. Weather alert

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. Everything shuts down

Photo Credit: Instagram

15. Horseback drive thru

Photo Credit: Instagram


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