Penguin females have been observed trading sex for stones! These stones
are valuable to females because they are necessary for building nests.
Male penguins are known for being monogamous, so it is these females
that venture off to make some rocks by making some beds rock!

They typically target single males in order to avoid unnecessary
complications, however scientists believe the intercourse is not merely
for the stones because females would need to copulate with hundreds of
males in order to build a decent nest (they only take 1-2 stones each
time, and a nest requires hundreds!)

Scientists theorize that the females may be testing future mates in case their current partners happened to die.

Man marries pillow

Lee Jin-gyu fell for his ‘dakimakura’ – a kind of large, huggable
pillow from Japan, often with a picture of a popular anime character
printed on the side.

In Lee’s case, his beloved pillow has an image of Fate Testarossa, from the ‘magical girl’ anime series

Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha.

Now the 28-year-old otaku (a Japanese term that roughly translates to
somewhere between ‘obsessive’ and ‘nerd’) has wed the pillow in a
special ceremony, after fitting it out with a wedding dress for the
service in front of a local priest. Their nuptials were eagerly
chronicled by the local media.


‘He is completely obsessed with this pillow and takes it everywhere,’ said one friend.


‘They go out to the park or the funfair where it will go on all the
rides with him. Then when he goes out to eat he takes it with him and it
gets its own seat and its own meal,’ they added.
The pillow
marriage is not the first similarly-themed unusual marriage in recent
times – it comes after a Japanese otaku married his virtual girlfriend
Nene Anegasaki, a character who only exists in the Nintendo DS game Love Plus, last November.

Your funny bone is not actually a bone. It’s actually a really sensitive nerve. And hitting that nerve isn’t funny at all!

The ulnar nerve (scientific name for “funny bone”) is a huge nerve that
extends from your elbow to your hand. It lies directly under the skin on
your arm. Usually nerves like that are protected under muscles. The
ulnar nerve isn’t protected near the elbow. There’s only a thin layer of
skin there to shield it from pain.

So why is it the funny bone, if it’s clearly not funny at all? One
theory is that since the bone that extends from the elbow to the
shoulder is called the humerus, the name “funny bone” was used as
a bad joke. More likely, though, the “funny” in “funny bone” just means
odd. As in, it’s really odd that one little nerve can hurt so bad.


Chocolate can help you live longer.

Chocolate has antioxidants that can protect you against heart disease.
Dark chocolate has 8 times the amount of antioxidants than strawberries.
The flavonoids help relax blood pressure by producing nitric oxide.

A small bar of dark chocolate every day can help lower your blood
pressure and cholesterol. Chocolate also has serotonin which acts as an

Also, while chocolate has fat, most of the fat in chocolate does not
impact your cholesterol. Chocolate is still high-calorie and high-fat,
so you need to eat in moderation. You don’t need more than about 3.5
ounces of chocolate to receive the benefits.

If you want to eat chocolate to improve your health, eat dark chocolate
because it has the most antioxidants, don’t eat too much of it, and
don’t eat it with milk. Milk can prevent your body from processing the

The bigger your dinner group, the more you are likely to eat.

People eat when they’re not hungry.
It doesn’t really make sense, but we do it all the time. It’s not
healthy for you either. Television commercials have the power of suggestion to
get you to eat when you’re not even hungry. People also eat for social
purposes, regardless of how hungry they are. Eating in a big group with 8 friends? You’re likely to consume TWICE as many calories!

You can change your language on Facebook to "Pirate."

This includes calling friends “Mateys”, the word “Cap’n” appears before
everyone’s name, pictures are called portraits, commenting is called
“scrawling a mark”, and instead of liking something you just say “Arr!”.

You have to go into “Account” and then “Languages” and find “English (Pirate)”.

Cosmonaut Sergei Avdeyev holds the world record for TIME TRAVEL. He traveled 0.02 seconds into the future.

Yes, folks, it is possible to travel in time, at least, to travel to the
future. There’s no time-traveling phone booths. What Avdeyev did to
travel in time is to orbit the Earth 11,968 times over the course of 748
days in the Mir space station. By the time his stint in space was over, he had experienced 0.2 seconds less than the rest of the world did.

This made him 0.2 seconds younger than he would have been if he had never gone into space. To put it in another way, he traveled 0.02 seconds into the future.

Hypothetically, you travel a whole lot more in time if you traveled faster, closer to the speed of light.

Confused? Perhaps Carl Sagan can explain it better in this interesting video.

Bulls are colour blind.The color red DOES NOT make bulls go crazy.

Ever see those Bugs Bunny cartoons where Bugs would paint something red
and a bull would go crazy and charge at it? Turns out that wouldn’t

The Mythbusters tested this one out and found that the bulls were just
as likely to charge at white flags and blue flags as they were to charge
at red ones. The bulls also ignored a guy dressed in red who stayed motionless. Turns out that bulls just charge at whatever moves the most, regardless of color.

This makes sense, since bulls wouldn’t be able to tell if a cape or a flag was red anyway. Bulls are colorblind. Besides, in the middle of a bullfight, the bull is probably more mad about having a bunch of guys stabbing him with spears than he is about the color of the matador’s cape.