Artist Transforms Old CDs Into Nature-Inspired Sculptures

Image credit: 
Courtesy of Sean Avery

Each year, millions of CDs and DVDs end up in landfills and incinerators. To help save the planet, Australian artist Sean Avery upcycles the plastic discs into what he refers to as “sustainable art”—elaborate, spiky sculptures of flowers, birds, woodland creatures, and more.

According to Avery, his 3D figures aren’t actually as sharp as they look. While making them, the artist is actually more likely to burn himself with a hot glue gun than he is to cut himself.

“I use kitchen scissors to cut the shapes I need out of the CDs, then arrange each shard by color and size,” Avery—who’s also a teacher, a designer, and a children’s book author/illustrator—explains on his website. “I then hot glue those shards one-by-one to a wire mesh frame (that I shape by hand) to create a natural fur/feather pattern. My sculptures usually take a week to make, maybe longer depending on how motivated I am to get them done!”

View some of Avery’s creations below, or visit his website for more information.

All photos courtesy of Sean Avery

[h/t deMilked]

January 29, 2017 – 6:00am
