It seems like every couple of weeks there’s a fresh set of jokes online about the people looking for new homes on HGTV’s House Hunters, and let’s face it, they really bring it on themselves. Whether they’re complaining about cosmetic things like having to change the paint colors, freaking out about tiny kitchens abroad (duh!), or talking incessantly about having enough space to entertain (how many friends can a person have?), there’s no shortage of jokes, really.
But the jobs people have and the way they never seem to match up with the budget is everyone’s favorite joke – and these 12 are gold.
#12. How interesting.
#11. No biggie.
#10. You should get paid that much to help blind dogs.
#9. Only part time.
#8. “Laberdoodles.” Lol.
#7. Co-exist.
#6. At least they compliment each other.
#5. In all fairness six years isn’t a long time.
#4. MEAT.
#3. Both of these are unacceptable.
#2. I feel like the wife is already living the dream.
#1. Well that’s why he needs a new house.
h/t: Woke Sloth
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