We could use some extra hands around mentalfloss.com this fall. Writer and producer hands, specifically.
You’ll be writing, researching, and doing web production work for mentalfloss.com. An interest in food and travel writing is a plus! The internship starts ASAP. You’ll be working remotely and, ideally, be available 12 to 15 hours a week. The internship pays $12/hour.
Send us an email with the subject line “Mental Floss Fall 2016 Internship” before 11:59 p.m. EST Friday, September 16, 2016.
In your email, include the following:
1. In one paragraph, tell us about yourself.
2. In another paragraph, tell us why you’d make a great mental_floss intern. If you have CMS experience, let us know!
3. In a third paragraph, tell us when you could start and when you’d be able to work this fall.
4. This is the most important part: Come up with one great story idea for mentalfloss.com, with a brief summary that sells the idea.
5. Attach your resume and up to three links to awesome things you’ve written.
September 7, 2016 – 5:05pm