Just because a movie is good doesn’t mean it isn’t without its flaws. Some of the most beloved films in history have more (plot) holes than a piece of swiss cheese. The folks at Buzzfeed recently asked their community about what movie plot holes left them scratching their heads and throwing their popcorn at the screen. Here are the results:
1. Up
The house in Up didn’t begin to float away until the balloons were outside the house. Why does that make a difference? Shouldn’t the house have floated when the balloons were inside? Right?

Photo Credit: Disney
2. All Star Wars Movies
Different planets have different levels of gravity and different atmospheres, but everyone’s running around without a space suit. Shouldn’t someone have exploded? Or at least be mildly uncomfortable?
3. The Last Jedi
Speaking of Star Wars, how was Paige Tico able to drop a bomb on the dreadnought. Since there’s no gravity in space, shouldn’t the bomb have just floated away?
4. The Harry Potter Series
The Marauder’s Map shows the location of everyone in Hogwarts. So why didn’t anyone notice Peter Pettigrew was 1) alive and 2) spending a lot of time with Ron?
5. The Karate Kid
In this inspiring flick about overcoming insurmountable odds, Daniel wins by kicking his opponent in the head. A move which is against the rules outlined earlier in the movie. I guess cheaters sometimes win?
6. Monsters, Inc.
In the original, the two monsters meet in elementary school. In Monsters University, they meet in college. Maybe they forgot?

Photo Credit: Disney
7. Aliens
We all know that Ripley is buff. But holding on to a ladder with one hand to avoid getting sucked into space? Nobody’s that buff.
8. The Little Mermaid
Ariel was able to sign the contract with Ursula, but she didn’t use her writing skills to tell Prince Eric what was going on. Seems like he could have used a heads up.

Photo Credit: Disney
9. 17 Again
Mike’s kids don’t recognize him when he’s 17-years-old again. Even though there are pictures of him at that age around the house.
10. Raiders of the Lost Ark
The Nazis would have found the Ark with or without Indiana Jones. It’s his own movie, and he has no influence on the main plot.
11. Signs
The alien’s weakness is water. So why come to our planet, which is 71 percent water?
12. The Harry Potter Series
Harry spends a lot of time trying to get people to believe that Voldemort has returned. Wouldn’t using the Pensieve have confirmed his story? And saved a lot of time?

Photo Credit: Warner Bros.
13. The Halloween Series
Apparently Michael Myers know how to drive, despite having been institutionalized since he was 10. When did he get a license? Or access to a car?
14. Pleasantville
Where did the visiting basketball team come from? The entire town is only two streets.
15. Cinderella
The entire plot hinges on the fact that her shoes will only fit her feet. How can an entire town not have anyone else with the same shoe size?

Photo Credit: Disney
16. Tangled
The whole plot involves Rapunzel seeing the lanterns on her birthday. Couldn’t the witch have just said her birthday was on a different day?

Photo Credit: Disney
17. High School Musical
Gabrielle gets stage fright before singing her big song. The only problem is, she wasn’t even supposed to sing the first line.

Photo Credit: Disney Channel
18. Ant-Man and the Wasp
How does no one notice an entire building disappearing and reappearing? Hank’s lab keeps moving around the city, and the FBI never notices.
19. Hocus Pocus
Allison, Dani, and Max could have saved themselves a lot of time and trouble by using salt to form a protective circle.

Photo Credit: Disney
20. The Meg
If the submarine just let the megalodons out, how did Jonas see one five years before?
21. A Quiet Place
If the Earth has been taken over by aliens who hunt by using sound, why would they decide to have a baby, a tiny human guaranteed to make an uncontrollable amount of noise.

Photo Credit: Paramount
22. A Quiet Place
Why live on a farm in the first place? They can make all the noise they want to at the waterfall, which would cover up day-to-day sounds.
23. Mamma Mia
In the first movie, Donna essentially says her mother is dead. So who’s in the sequel? Her mother, who is alive and well.

Photo Credit: Universal Studios
Any major plot holes in your favorite movies?
The post 22+ Plot Holes from Movies That Will Leave You Shaking Your Head appeared first on UberFacts.