France demanded billions…

France demanded billions in reparations from the Haitians for their freedom. Haiti was a successful slave revolt and one of many countries in the New World that fought to earn its freedom. France, a little pissed, after having lost its colony and its slaves said “OK, you’re free but you’re going to have to pay […]

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Moving Violations Explained

Most of us have committed some sort of infraction behind the wheel at some point in time. If we’re lucky, it’s nothing too serious. However, it’s important to understand how breaking a rule of the road could affect your driving record. Too many Americans don’t take the time to understand how their driving record could eventually impact their own driving privileges. As a result, millions lose their driving privileges per year. What do moving violations do to our records, and what do you need to understand about this kind of driving infraction? What should you do if you received notice

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Buying Branded Cotton Bags

Nowadays, bags are becoming a significant fashion accessory. Most people prefer going for branded bags over generic ones. Custom-designed bags are quite expensive but are well worth the extra dollars. Branded cotton bags are eco-friendly and durable. In this guide, we look at the benefits of branded cotton bags. The article will also help brands with tips on how they can print branded bags for promotional and marketing purposes. Buying Branded Cotton Bags Size is the first thing that you should consider when buying a bag. When figuring out size, consider what you will be using the bag for. A

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A beginner’s guide to Slots

If you just love taking a chance, or perhaps believe that Lady Luck herself is on your side, then you might’ve considered trying your hand at a slot machine. With the bright lights of colourful machines standing proudly in pubs, and bars, and taking up roughly 70% of the casino floor, it’s no wonder this iconic part of gaming history has caught your eye. But what exactly are slot machines, how do you play, and most importantly; what can you play? Read on as we reveal it all. What are slot machines? A combination of chance randomly generated numbers and

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