Which Sportsbook Software Is Right for You?

Are you a bookmaker who is interested in offering your clients the opportunity to place sports bets online? Then you’re going to need to get your hands on the right sportsbook software. The total number of people participating in online sports betting has quadrupled over the last few years. It has made it very important for all of the bookies out there to embrace sports betting in the digital world. You shouldn’t pick out just any old sports betting software, either. You’re going to need to obtain pay per head software that will allow your clients to participate in online

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Pilgrimage and Crusade

The Volksdeutsch Amerikaner Republikaner began as a pilgrimage to the Christkindlmarkt-SLC 2018. I was laid off from my job with the Bureau of Land Management in October because of a downsizing. I was back on the job search as a result. The Republican Party suffered a disastrous defeat in the 2018 Elections. My future did not look very bright as an unemployed young professional with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. I set Saturday, December 1st aside as my day for my personal pilgrimage to the Christkindlmarkt-SLC 2018. A dense, heavy fog descended and covered the Salt Lake Valley

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People Who Escaped A Serious Accident Unscathed Share Their Experiences

When faced with mortality, how can you ever look at things the same?

Life and death experiences are teaching tools—pay attention.

Redditor CrownedBird wanted to hear from everyone who was lucky enough to be able to tell us their close call story.

They asked:

“What moment made you say ‘Yep, I’m definitely dead,’ but survived with no major injuries?”


“Not me, but my mom before I was born.”

“She was riding in a convertible with a friend of hers.”

“They came to an intersection and the friend wasn’t paying attention and lost control of the vehicle.”

“There was a big rig going through the intersection and they went right under the trailer.”

“My mom ducked, the driver didn’t not.”

“Driver was decapitated, my mom was lucky and only ended up with a scalp full of glass and some serious psychological trauma.”

“She had to get over 200 stitches in her scalp, but nothing else significant.”

“I think about it all the time and think how close I came to never being born at all.”  ~ Laszerus

Taking the Bend

“I was at the end of a 2 hour journey about 10 mins from home, pretty rural and I was probably complacent because I took that road everyday.”

“I took a bend at 40MPH (legal limit was 60MPH so wasn’t breaking any speeding rules) which I’ve done many times before, probably faster which looking back was really reckless.”

“Didn’t see until it was too late that a car had spun out on the other side of the corner and another car had pulled up to help.”

“I slammed on but I wasn’t going to stop in time before hitting the cars pulled up/crashed.”

“I was hurtling straight towards the other cars and people who where stood in the road from the other crash.”

“It was like time slowed down and I was at a cross roads; in my mind I had three choices.”

“Continue on my path and hit the other cars and people, veer to the right and go into a field but there was oncoming traffic and there was a chance I’d hit them or veer to the left and fly into a wooded area.”

“I chose the last option, and in that moment I knew the chances of me surviving or not being seriously injured after a 40MPH head on collision to a tree in a 10 year old Ford KA was pretty slim.”

“I just felt a complete peace come over me, turned the wheel and woke up slumped over the steering wheel to some poor man shouting ‘OMG I THINK SHES DEAD!!’”

“Turned out I passed out from shock or something before the impact so when I hit the tree I was completely floppy and this contributed to me having no serious injuries.”

“The front of my car was completely disintegrated, after coming to I tried to put my clutch down to take the car out of gear out of habit and my foot hit the tree trunk.”

‘The tree was absolutely fine. I drove past that tree everyday for years after and you could see the chunk my car took out of it.”  ~ Comfortable-Pie8349

Falling to Doom

“I had an idiot friend and we were hiking.”

“We got to this waterfall and he goes ‘dude let’s climb it!’”

“I said no f**king way.”

“He says ‘well I’m gonna do it and if I fall and die it’s on you for not coming.’”

“So I climbed it with him.”

“Got stuck halfway up on a slick a** rock.”

“Pinched a nerve in my shoulder, so my right arm was useless.”

“I thought I was certain to slip off the rock to my doom, but we managed to get me unstuck.”

“That was the beginning of the end for that friendship.”  ~ blindfire40

Rolling in the Deep

I survived a car crash that wrecked my car.”

“Rolled twice, landed upside down, learned the hard way that I didn’t have airbags (or at least they didn’t deploy).”

“Did have my seatbelt on though, that probably saved me.”

“Paramedic said he hadn’t seen a wreckage like that and have it end well.”

“Not even a hairline fracture.”  ~ Chempenguin

Well this is it…

“I went out for a surf on a stormy day and thought to myself, ‘no one else is out, those idiots.’”

“Before being held down by 2 waves after eating it on the first wave of the set.”

“First wave of the session.”

“Was thrown down and held under and while being tossed around my leg rope wrapped around both my legs and one of my arms so I was probably being held at around 5ft under with only one arm free while my board tombstoned.”

“Board tip is barely visible at the surface but floats vertical like… a tombstone.”

“Finally managed to catch a breath between sets before taking another 3 or 4 on the head and for sure just thought… well this is it.”

“No ones out, fishermen will find my body or my board.”

“Managed to get my other arm free and got to shore very quickly and then avoided the ocean for a few days even though the waves were absolutely perfect.”

“There’s a reason no one was out, everyone else was 10 minutes down the road at another beach where the waves were smaller and cleaner.”  ~ Gigiskapoo

In Air Issues

“Parachute deployed but failed to open.”

“That was one of those moments, than training kicked in.”

“Cut away failed chute, deploy secondary.”

“But for a brief moment life was about to be over in my mind.”  ~ GREYDRAGON1

Hanging in the Balance

“Tire popped going over a two lane road with steep drops on both sides.”

“My car jerked to the side hard, and my car went sideways.”

“Half my car hung over the side and luckily it’s low so it bottomed out.”

“I climbed into the back seat and jumped out the back door.”

“Some dude in a truck pulled me out and I drove on a flat to the other side and swapped my tire out.”  ~ pineappledaddy

How Am I Alive?

“I was driving in the left lane of a highway going 80.”

“A car didn’t check their bond spot and merged into me.”

“I was run off the road and lost control of the car.”

“It flipped and dragged along the highway for 200 feet.”

“I remember the sparks flying up at me in slow motion.”

“The only damage to be was cuts on my arm from done glass.”

“My girlfriend just had a few cuts on her leg.”

“When I look at the photos of the car it doesn’t look like anything could have survived that.”  ~ ImpressivelyLost

From the Rear

“I was driving down a highway, doing 65 MPH, and suddenly my car started to shake.”

“I tapped the brakes in reflex and my entire car flipped 180 degrees.”

“I’m now facing oncoming traffic, including a semi truck.”

“I was so close I couldn’t see the driver compartment.”

“I screamed and jerked the wheel, bringing me in front of a sedan with two people screaming as they watched me appear out of nowhere.”

“I kept screaming and floored the gas pedal.”

“Made it to the side of the road and cried for a long time.”

“I had blown a rear tire. Hitting the brakes was a terrible terrible choice.”  ~ AhFFSImTooOldForThis

Bad Highways

“I was driving home from college on one of those highways with only one lane in either direction and no shoulder.”

“A guy in the oncoming lane didn’t see me as I was in a small car.”

“He thought he could pass 4 18 wheelers in one go and pulled into my lane going at least 90.”

“There was no where for me to go.”

“He flew off into the ditch to avoid hitting me head on, likely did severe damage to his car, but I lived!”  ~ pilatesse

That is a lot to process.

I never want to get in a car again and skydiving is definitely out.

People Describe The Exact Moment They Instantly Regretted Showing Up For A Date

Sometimes we’re just better off being alone.

That is a life fact many of us need to come to grips with.

So Redditor Zuzpo wanted to hear from everybody who has been disappointed on the search for a mate—sometimes that free dinner just ain’t worth it.

They asked:

“What was the moment you realized that you shouldn’t have showed up to a date?”

I’m Pooped Out!!

“An alleged friend told me her coworker and I would be great together and wanted to do a double date at a festival with her and her husband.”

“Date suggested he and I meet up the night before to get to know each other and I suggested a gaming bar I’d wanted to try.”

“Date time arrives and he’s not there.”

“He finally shows up and tells me he had to stop home to let the dogs out so they don’t s**t all over the floor.”

“He then proceeds to show me a picture of a floor covered in dog s**t and says guess it didn’t work.”

“He is still wearing his work clothes.”

“It has been three hours since work ended and he went home to deal with the dogs but didn’t change.”

“He proceeds to eat the rest of the charcuterie plate I ordered by himself and then orders wings for himself.”

“We decide to check out a game since I have now paid for more game time.”

“He wants a mall madness game that is not designed for two people.”

“We settle on a playable game. It’s not great.”

“As we are wrapping up he tells me the last date he took here fucked him in the parking lot he stares at me expertly.”

“I tell him that’s not going to happen.”

“I tell my friend I’m skipping the festival.”

“He’s shocked and thought we had a spark.”  ~ Polyf**kery

Wouldn’t it be better to just be gay?

“My mom met a nice girl during the day, unknown to me.”

“My mom and I were supposed to go out for dinner that night.”

“She invites the girl, unknown to me, then ditches the dinner once she knows she has set me up on a date.”

“My mom was very worried I was gay at the time.”

“The girl and I get to chatting over drinks, she’s fun, flirty, cute – and a meth-addicted prostitute who thought it was some weird kink game that she was being hired to get into the middle of.”

“So…YEA. She was understanding when we realized the mix-up, but I gave my mom shit for that one for years.”   ~ Yvaelle

Maybe I’ll Drive

“He was picking me up and texted me ‘here’ a little early so he had plenty of time to do this before I got down to his car.”

“But he waited until I opened the door and there was about a dozen magazines (like rifle mags) on the passenger’s seat and he said ‘hope you’re not some crazy liberal! don’t mind these mags.’”

“And then brushed them onto the floor. It was super awkward/cringy.”

“Also it was my first date since I rough breakup and the rest of it was just as bad if not worse, I ended up crying in the bathroom half way through.”  ~ lebrunjemz

From Hinge to “Unhinged!”

“Matched with a girl on Plenty Of Fish, we were talking for a while and she worked out she knew someone I had worked with in the past.”

“I asked him what she was like, he said she’s ok and not ‘mental or anything’, little did I know he really didn’t like me because I was better at the job then he was and he was straight up lying his a** off.”

“So I arrange a coffee date between our houses, she only lived like 5-10 minutes away and the nearest shopping centre cafe was 10 minutes away.”

“I arrive and wait a few minutes and in walks this girl 10-15kg heavier then her display picture with a baby in a pram, she recognised me and sat down like this was normal.”

“The entire time we had been talking she’d told me she had a daughter who was 2, I told her I had a 2 year old son as well.”

“Turns out her daughter was 2 months not 2 years and she never corrected the fact.”

“Also this is the first time we had met and she asked me 5 minutes into the date if I could buy her baby formula.”

“One look at her and I could tell she actually needed the formula and was in a desperate situation so I bought it for her because I’m a sucker and didn’t want her baby to starve.”

“I politely told her it was never going to work because she straight up lied, she said yeah fair enough and left.”

“About 2 months later I was talking to another girl on POF who happened to be friends with her, she seemed normal and not like the complete psychopath I’m sure she was.”

“The crazy one from the first part of the story rang me (she stalked me through my friends) and told me how the 2nd one was bats**t mental, I said I didn’t believe her and she hung up on me.”

“Ten minutes later my messenger starts going off, it’s girl #1 sending film clips and news articles of girl #2 having a complete psychotic break and torching her ex boyfriends car.”

“On camera in a shopping centre.”

“So it all worked out well and I dodged the bigger bullet because girl #1 thought I was too nice a guy to deserve girl #2.”  ~ Aussiegamer1987


“I went on a date a few months after me and my college gf had broken up.”

“I had matched with this girl off of tinder and we messaged a bit, but she was relentless about wanting to know more about my ex and how I felt after the break up.”

“I looked past this and met her for dinner a couple nights later.”

“I walked in the restaurant and my ex is sitting at the table under that girl’s name.”

“I turned around to walk out and got a tinder notification from the girl I had agreed to meet ‘you’ll never be able to get away from me.’”

“Should have stayed home that night, and steer clear of blind dates.”  ~ Automatic_Doctor4934

Good Luck

“When at the party I met her at and her boyfriend said ‘Go ahead, take her. I’m sick of her s**t.’”  ~ cleric3648

Use an Uber

“When he said ‘wow you even walk like a guy!’”

“As soon as he got out of my car. Whatever that means.”

“He then proceeded to be racist, sexist, and homophobic during this ‘date’, which was more of a monologue from his part, and even implied I’m fat and that he had no interest in me before trying to kiss me.”

“Please don’t take people you don’t know on dates using your car.”

“You’ll be stranded with them.”   ~ redvaporeon-sk

And you are?

“When he said he was actually from an entirely different state.”

“He looked completely different from his photos and then asked if he could borrow $400 for Methadone before we even ordered.”

“I left immediately. Been stalking me for over ten years. Fun times.” ~ AlienFemTech

Suspicious Behavior

“She was a kleptomaniac.”

“Thought she was exaggerating or maybe just went through a tough time.”

“Then she showed me the pile of legal paperwork.”

“She was on 1st name terms with the judge she had been to court so many times.”

“Then she asked me to touch her back.”

“Said she felt super sweaty from the MCAT she’d taken and then showed me how she disposed of her used needles because she was a heroin addict.”

“Should have noped out sooner but she was sweet but yeah, she needed a therapist not a boyfriend.”  ~ DeadlyChaffinch


“When he didn’t let me look at a menu, ordered for me (a water and a kids chicken tender meal- I’m 24), ate half my meal, and was talking so much about himself he spit pieces of chicken at/on me.”  ~ EstetheAinur

Yeah, I’m just going to plan for a Golden Girls scenario.

This is nonsense—wildly entertaining to read about… but nonsense none the less.