15 People Talk About the Movies They Find to be Magical

I’ve always been obsessed with the magic of movies.

So much so that I studied them in college and have since learned a thing or two about actually creating them. Which, truth be told, takes a lot of the magic away.

So when I see something that, despite my background knowledge, STILL just absolutely transports me? I hold onto it.

What movie is simply magical to you, no matter how popular or unpopular it may be? from AskReddit

Here are just a few of Reddit’s highest recommended flicks, and why.

1. Anastasia

I was 4 years old when I saw it in theaters for the first time and I still remember the awe I felt at the animation and the music.

Still my favorite to this day!

– Lightromance

2. Ever After

Dunno if it’s been mentioned already but Ever After (1999), there’s something super magical and special about it’s storyline and the genuine love between the main characters.

Also, I’m a sucker for Cinderella.

– Lazarth

3. Secret of Nimh

This movie was anchored in my childhood.

I re-watched it recently and was instantly reminded how comforting Mrs. Brisby’s voice was. Great movie

– jason2042

4. Big Trouble in Little China

The best scene is when they drink the magic tonic.

When they’re all in the elevator together and start to get the “I feel awesome” effect.

Cheers me up every time I watch it. What a great movie.

– occidental_oriental

5. Beetlejuice

It’s one of my favourite movies ever made. It’s really hard to explain how it influenced me but it really is a magical movie.

Thank you now I’m going to watch it once again! If you never saw Beetlejuice you must. It is truly a magnificent movie.

– B4R7H0L0M3W

6. Starship Troopers

The sudden change from lighthearted (if concerning) high school love triangle drama to terrifying warzone is done just expertly.

Not just that, but the sheer scale of some scenes with the number of armored up extras is absolutely insane.

– Fadman_Loki

7. The Fall

It centers around a Hollywood stuntman and a little girl, both in the same hospital, and the man tells the girl a fantastical story in exchange for something I won’t spoil here.

The story is great, but the cinematography is out of this world.

Main character is Lee Pace, the bad guy from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1 and the good guy in Pushing Daisies.

Sad part: not free on any streaming service, AFAIK

– vashthestampeedo

8. 12 Angry Men

I thought it was going to be boring when I first had to watch it, but man it was just so captivating and still holds up so well over 60 years later.

– -eDgAR-

9. The Land Before Time

Only the first one though!

I was obsessed with this movie as a kid, since I loved dinosaurs.

That scene with Little Foot and his mum gets me every time :,(

– farrockaway

10. The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996)

I cannot state enough how much it saddens me to see this movie go so unappreciated.

The animation is gorgeous even by today’s standards.

The songs are great.

There’s not much I can say bad about it.

I just kinda wish more people were into it.

– Destor1239

11. Big Fish

Great movie.

But I made the mistake of having my wife watch it shortly after her dad died.

I… somehow forgot that was a huge part of the movie.

– InjektedOne

12. Blade

Just the first one — too many people conflate or confuse it with the rest of the trilogy.

And it stands alone.

Even with faux-Gotham it’s a perfect snapshot of the late 1990s, from the interior sets to the music to the hip-urban-vampire aesthetic going on then.

Snipes’ schtick worked around a solid enough plot.

Few movies have better continuous-sequence choreography that — this is key — gets as outlandishly inventive.

It defines beat-’em-up; even better than Burton’s Batman.

It’s impressive and schlocky in all the right places.

– wilsch

13. Jurassic Park

I know its a popular movie to begin with, but I absolutely adore it.

Im 17, so I’ve never had the chance to see it in theaters on the big screen, and that’s one of the things I wish for the most.

I’m not sure what about makes me like it so much, I just do.

– poulet_bleu

14. Back to the Future

I’m 38, and I first saw that movie when I was 10 years old, and I would still watch it from start to finish right now.

Very few movies have that distinction for me. Good choice.

– OfCourseIKnowHim

15. Amelie

I went to see Amelie at the theater by myself late on a Wednesday night, 10:30 showing.

I was the only one in the audience (though a staff member came in periodically to check if I was still there, I guess, but they let me watch the whole movie).

This enhanced the connection I felt with Amelie the character and the film, as it seemed like an Amelie-esque experience.

To twenty year old me, it was truly magical.

– Belletenebreuse

Word of advice – if you’re a millennial like me, or older, and you had a movie you loved but haven’t seen since you were a kid, go look it up and see if you can watch a nice HD restoration of it on a big new TV. You’re in for a ride.

What movie will always be magical to you?

Tell us in the comments.

The post 15 People Talk About the Movies They Find to be Magical appeared first on UberFacts.

15 Times When People Shared WAY Too Much Information With Other Folks

Have you ever been in a situation where you’re just thinking “why is this person talking to me and when will they stop?”

Reddit certainly has. I mean, holy crap, just look at this:

What’s the most fucked up thing someone has told you about themselves after barely getting to know them? from AskReddit

A lot of these stories are pretty disturbing, so, proceed at your own risk.

1. The worst depths of the closet

In third year university, heading home from a late night of studying for midterms, i met a kid crying in one of the stairwells of the university centre.

I asked him if he was alright and sat down with him, he was a foreign student, his english wasn’t strong, but he said his life was over, family was going to disown him, he had nowhere to go, etc.

So i asked some more questions and then he came out and said he thinks he’s gay, and his parents are from a conservative culture which says it’s NOT Ok, he doesn’t know anyone here other than a few ultra conservative foreign students from his country, and he felt like there was nothing he could do, nowhere he could go, all that.. I felt so bad for the guy, he asked if he could hug me, which was a bit awkward, but i said ya and held him for a bit.

Then we spoke for another like 30 mins and i told him all about the free counselling options at the school, and how nice and understanding they were for my mental issues, told him that his sexuality wasn’t as rare as he thought, and there were plenty of gay people at the school, some of whom felt just like him. I gave him a business card for the councillor i was seeing, gave him my number if he wanted to talk, and headed out.

He called me to talk and meet up on campus and thank me a few weeks later, and then i never saw him again.

Hope the dude’s found comfort in his skin and a happy life in canada.

– avanross

2. The troubled adventurer

I’m a female, and I met a girl at A local coffee joint. There were regulars coming there for months. So we chatted casually..

But one day I was going to drive to see friends 3 hours away for a fun filled weekend. She said it sounded fun and I don’t know why but I invited her. She said yes and I picked her up the next day. Mind you, we were both around 19.

Well it was a three hour journey of hearing her life stories. She told me she was bulimic and used to hide jars of vomit under her bed from her parents so she wouldn’t get in trouble. She ran away and left them there.

Then I heard about an Amtrak ride she took when running away that was three days long. She met an older couple on there and spent the three days doing drugs and having threesomes with them. I’m sure there was more but those things stuck with me.

She ended up getting pregnant by another guy at the coffee joint who she constantly told everyone how big his d**k was. I never saw her after that.

Naive 19yo me just sat there driving and thinking, holy f**k. Me now is still thinking holy f**k to be honest. I hope she’s ok. 19 year old me had no idea how to support her.

– milf_2sugars

3. The self-aware addict

Moved to a neighborhood not to long ago first person I meet was a older woman in her 50s.

She told me all about her drug use and how sometimes she ends up outside naked and asked if I would help her back inside and put clothes on her.

This was all in 5 minutes of saying hello.

– Horribleheadaches

4. “I’m just here to work”

Used to work at a ski resort and was working in a different area than I normally work.

Well this lady who I was working with found out I was slightly acquainted with her fiance and proceeded to tell me all about how his family hates her and is mean to her and all about his substance abuse issues.

I don’t remember all the details because it was a few years ago but she unloaded on me with every issue of her relationship and I’m like I’m just here to work. I didn’t really even know her fiance. I avoided that lady after that.

– beau8888

5. The weekend warrior

My favorite ever was some stranger outside a bar.

Seemed normal enough until she said “My husband and I used to do meth, but we don’t anymore.”

I applauded her on this and then she followed up with “Yeah, now we only have meth weekends.”

– FaintCommand

6. The ghost whisperer

Worked in a catalogue store and sold a middle aged lady a dictaphone after she sheepishly asked me if there was something she could use to record people without them knowing. It was weird, but who am I to judge, I just work the tills and suggest the items. However she then decides to tell me she needs it, because she’s being bullied or harassed in her home. So she buys the dictaphone and I think nothing of it.

On my next shift, she is back in and demanding to speak to me about the device. First words out her mouth are “should there already be voices on it”. I was kind of weirded out and surprised to hear that the device had already been used.

But then she leans across the counter and suddenly begins telling me (in whisper tone) that she is being attacked by spirits in her home and she needs proof. She plays the dictaphone without being prompted to do so. Anyway there’s nothing ghostly on it, just some mundane household sounds and eastenders (a british soap opera).

She became quite fond of me, came in repeatedly to tell me about the ghosts, but it just seemed so crazy that within like two shifts she had unloaded all her delusions. She even asked to know where I had went after moving away. My old colleagues obviously didn’t tell her. She was a harmless lady, just a bit odd.

– conorb_93

7. Well that escalated quickly…

Hired an older plumber (in his 60s) at the company I worked at when I was an apprentice and I got put with him during his first week.

Within 10 minutes of meeting him the small talk topic of his choice was that his mail order Thai wife had died a few months ago and that he’s been plowing through prostitutes and he recommends hiring a Cambodian woman as they are by far the best in bed.

– Slignig

8. The kink master

We were 17, first year of uni, and I had known the guy for a week or two tops.

Out of f**king nowhere, he tells me he had a kink for getting farted in the face by girls. I p**sed myself laughing and we became good friends for a while.

– I_hate_traveling

9. The massage enthusiast

At a work Christmas party, it was mentioned we were going to Vancouver for a meeting next month.

New guy is so excited he’s losing his mind. He proceeded to tell us about how they have the best massage (happy ending kind) parlours. He went on and on about how great they were last time he went, he also told us about etiquette and what to expect.

He was married with three kids, and all I could think of, is what kinda s**t is he not telling me if he is this open about this

– emotionalsupporttank

10. The listener

A friend of a friend of mine and I were sleeping on some couches after a party and we got to talking. More so her than me, I’m definitely a better listener than talker. She confided in me that she watched her boyfriend (might have been fiance?) pull a gun and shoot himself in the head in front of her.

She also told me how she and her best friend of years, someone I knew for a very short time, and her had been urban exploring on a smoke stack catwalk in an abandoned paper mill and she watched her friend miss a step and fall to her death.

She wasn’t making these things up either, the next day I mentioned to our mutual friend that she had opened up to me about this stuff and he confirmed it was sadly true about the boyfriend committing suicide. The accidental death I had known about through the news, I didn’t know she was the person with her though.

Poor girl witnessed the loss of two very important people to her and at the time she was only 19-20 when she told me this. I hope talking to a near stranger helped though, even if all I did was listen.

– mrdotkom

11. The realities of addiction

When I was in rehab, my roommate whom was only 18 told me that she had been stripping and selling herself since she was 11 to get her dope. And that you can “connect the dots” of the abscess scars on her arm. She’d continually shoot up in a spot till she got an abscess and then she’d just cut it out of her arm herself.

Being an ex-heroin addict myself, abscesses weren’t anything new but the fact that this tiny little 18 year old girl (she couldn’t have weighed more than 90 pounds,) had nine abscess scars on just one arm, I just couldn’t even wrap my head around that.

You hear some of the worst f**king stories ever in rehab (and I’ve been to ten during my entire addiction) but this was one of the worst I had ever heard. Especially because she was so nice and had such an innocent way about her. It was heartbreaking.

– buttononmyback

12. The baggage of grief

I started working at a flower shop as a delivery driver and on the very first day of training the woman I was paired with proceeded to tell me all about how she was still processing her parents’ deaths. Went into great detail, explained the stresses of funeral arrangements and how she had to dress her mother for the viewing because her siblings weren’t able to handle it. Even told me about a text message she believes she had gotten from her mother after she passed.

I did my best to be sympathetic but we were out on a 4 hour delivery drive and she definitely took the opportunity of a captive audience to dump a serious amount of baggage. At a certain point I just didn’t know what to say anymore.

– redradbot

13. The frightening smile

I met a guy once at work, we talked for about 5 minutes and he was suspiciously way too nice.

After a few minutes later and just to give me “context”, he told me he had attempted suicide several times and that he could be violent sometimes.

We kept talking like it was nothing for like 15 more minutes. During al the conversation he never stopped smiling

– TotalCardiologist793

14. Monsters, Inc

I grew up somewhere that gets very cold and dark in the winter months. In my mid 20’s I worked for a medium sized local bank that had bought an even smaller bank.

Right before close, during a snow storm, a woman came in with really old financial documents that smelled of mildew. She claimed her husband had accounts with the current bank and that she needed all the money out and close accounts.

Problem was the paperwork she had was not for either of the banks described and her husband was not in the system.

Then she proceeded to tell us how her husband had died after being attacked by a werewolf who was actually her husband’s brother. And that her husband was also a werewolf. She claimed she needed the money for protection.

After muttering a little more and randomly walking around the lobby agitated, she left.

Luckily my manager was really cool and dealt with talking with her and I was a bystander but it was still a very weird thing to hear especially under the circumstances.

Gave bad vibes for sure.

– Ortuatra

15. The sadist

Dude got hired at my job and within the hour, not only was he saying massively homophobic and racist s**t, he also told a story.

A story about how, at his second job the day before, his coworker got his hand caught in a machine. This dude absolutely delighted in telling us that, not only did he openly laugh in his face while the dude sat there sobbing in pain with a missing hand, he also kept telling the guy that he was going to be in debt for the rest of his life because no one’s going to pay for the accident, his wife is going to leave him, he was going to lose his job, etc.

Basically whatever he could say to make this dudes awful day even worse. And he got glee out of it!

The second he finished that story I told him to gtfo and never come back (i was M.O.D) because what the actual f**k

– D**dosinthesky

What can I say but yikes.

Have you had an experience like this?

Tell us about it in the comments.

The post 15 Times When People Shared WAY Too Much Information With Other Folks appeared first on UberFacts.

People Reveal the Ways Poor Folks Pretend to be Rich

I’ve never been rich in my life. And I probably won’t ever be. And that’s fine, as long as I can live a decent life.

But there are some people who, for a variety of reasons, would love to be PERCEIVED as rich, even if they don’t get any of the actual experiences that come along with it.

What screams "I’m poor but pretend I’m rich"? from AskReddit

How do we tell when this is happening? Reddit has some examples.

1. Showing off your cars

There is a security guard that works at a popular bar/club in my city. He managed to buy an old(er) Lambo recently.

On the weekends, he will drive by the bar several times before his shift as people are lined up outside revving his engine while at the stoplight. His new thing is pulling onto the sidewalk in front of the bar, parking it, getting out, saying hi to everyone he works with, waiting for people to walk by the car so he can let them know it’s his, and then leaving (again-revving the engine as loud as possible on the sidewalk).

He does this for about 2 hours before his shift starts at 11 or 12…..If you have money and can afford nice cars, you do not need to show them off.

– 2med_or_2bed

2. The special plate

A few years back, my dad brought home one of those fancier looking square plates. He then told my mom that he wanted all of his dinners served only on this plate.

We lived in a trailer park and always had cheap things for dinner but for some reason he felt like he was special enough to only use this plate and be the only one allowed to use it too.

At some point, she forgot and put his food on a different plate. He yelled at her, threw that food in the trash, and broke his special plate.

Dude is poor financially and poor in his treatment of his family so this is a pretty good answer to me.

– LiaLovesCookies

3. The social media grifts

Asking people on Facebook to get in on your Herbalife scheme

Bragging about how you’re going to get rich from crypto but you keep talking about a different “coin” every week

– garlic_naaaannn

4. Just braggin’

Bragging about wealth or high paying jobs.

Most of the rich people I’ve known in my life were actually quite quiet and secretive about their wealth.

– slider728

5. Flexing

Honestly, anyone that feels the need to openly display how “much” money they have.

By flexing designer clothes, talking about their income, showing off their car, etc.

It just screams insecurity.

Aside from maybe a few outliers, the only people who do this are poor or kids spending their parent’s money.

– ur_boy_skinny_penis

6. Putting everything on credit

I worked a min wage job for a long time and it was crazy to me how many of my co workers always had the newest iPhone, an expensive Starbucks drink twice a day, and obviously expensive clothes, hair, and makeup.

It just all went on credit.

However, it is ridiculously expensive to live where I am ($1 million for a 1000 square foot home built in the 1980’s level expensive) and I think the apathy over knowing they will never own a home no matter how hard they work and save leads people to simply buy what gives them that rush of dopamine and makes their day to day life more enjoyable.

Rent is also super expensive here, about $1500 a month for a 1 bedroom ~500 square foot place. It’s hard to blame people for spending the little bit of money they have left over at the end of the month on fun things rather than saving it.

– FromDwight

7. Making a persona

I have a high school friend who is a self proclaimed rapper.

We are in our late 30s.

He has LV and Burberry everything, and posts photos of his shoes, belts, sunglasses, and even face masks. He poses in front of his apartment that I know is not the best. He also has a go fund me for studio time. He has a few kids and I’m in touch with his first baby momma. She says his income reported to the court does not match his lifestyle.

I am hoping he has success in his career, for the kids’ sake.

– d0m1ng4

8. Flashing it

Blatant displays of trying hard ‘wealth’ in the form of ostentatious brand names, flashy accessories, etc.

A couple of genuinely rich people I know keep it very low key.

They have money in stuff like property, don’t flaunt their wealth in your face, and often look/dress like Joe Average from the suburbs.

– MisterMarcus

9. The Mountain William

My aunt was what we call a “Mountain William”. It’s a term for a hillbilly (which we are, to a degree) who has had a taste of the finer life and wants everyone to think they are rich and high society. I loved her to death, she was and is my favorite aunt. Sweetest most generous woman I might ever meet.

But her home had an air of… Falseness about it that shaped my view of people well into adulthood.

She loved “crystal”. Bowls, lamps, chandeliers in every room made of crystal or fake crystal. Baskets that were supposed to mimic wicker, but we’re woven with fake gold wire with crystals embedded aesthetically. She had fancy looking furniture, and it was probably expensive, but the fact that her massage chair was probably the most expensive thing in her whole house just enhanced that fake richness of the whole thing.

Don’t get me wrong, her home was beautiful and as a kid, I was so afraid to touch anything because it looked so nice. But it also just felt fake. So to me, surrounding yourself with grandeur like that feels fake.

– SickViking

10. Twisting the numbers

I tell people I made a 140% profit on AMC when it exploded a few days ago.

Which is true.

What I leave out is that I only put in 5.75, so my 140% profit is like 7 dollars.

– 52-61-64-75

11. The Great Gatsby

It’s been a while since I’ve read it, but at some point they discuss the differences between those with new money and those with old money.

I think that people – who are over-zealous in showing/spending their money – indicate an insecurity in their wealth. It is one sign that they may be a poor person pretending to be wealthy.

This is not entirely the case, but definitely something to think about.

– Alfred_The_Porcupine

12. Just rudeness

Talking down to people in service jobs. The cashier, waiter, guy stocking the shelves is not your personal servant and you don’t yell commands at them.

One of my friends comes from a generationally wealthy family who has a live-in butler. The family speaks to the butler with the utmost respect.

There’s a certain professionalism with the butler (doesn’t get too close with the family for example), but he was not looked down upon in any way.


13. Counterfeit clothes

I work at a sneaker store and it is FILLED with fake designer clothes and rare sneakers.

Every time I see one I make a point to greet that customer and ask where they got it.

It’s hilarious to watch them scramble for an answer.

– CRRudd98

14. The posing

Me taking pictures of myself on vacation staying in luxury hotels knowing good and well I couldn’t afford to stay in these places without splitting the cost of the room between me and my three closest family members.

That’s fun!

– blackwidowinsc

15. It’s in the bag

Seen hordes of women shopping at a walmart with luis vuitton handbags, gucci clothes etc, but they buy the cheapest food we have.

They think spending their money on a f**king several hundred dollar handbag is more important than healthy food.

What a joke!

– Swimming-Perception7

The reoccurring theme here is that most people who are truly rich would really rather not advertise it – they don’t want you bothering them.

But what do you think about this?

Give us your thoughts in the comments.

The post People Reveal the Ways Poor Folks Pretend to be Rich appeared first on UberFacts.

Are One Night Stands Awful? Let’s See What People Had To Say.

There’s a cliche in so many movies and TV shows. You’ve got a character to introduce (usually a guy) and you need to show that he’s kind of living wildly, so you have him wake up naked next to some attractive young woman whose name, we find out, he can’t remember.

But how much is this really happening? And how much does anyone really like it?

One user took to r/UnpopularOpinion to parse things out.

Casual sex and one night stands are overrated and unfulfilling

It seems media has made sleeping around casually and hooking up look like a liberating experience. You meet someone, you may or may not know their name, then you have sex with them. You do this every week or so, never getting to know the person except physically. I’m not one of those you should play hard to get or make em wait people but I think you should at least feel a deep affection first. We all know that sex feels great. But having an intimate conversation with someone, being vulnerable with a person you trust, & expressing your passions can bring a much more fulfilling experience. A lot of times we feel ashamed and regret sleeping with the person soon after. Yet, giving yourself completely to someone you have a deep reverence and compassion for does the exact opposite usually. We all have the power of choice and with that comes great responsibility. Let’s be a bit more thoughtful of who we decide to give ourselves to. Stop trying to fill that void and find more meaningful outlets and ways to connect.

And how did the people of Reddit respond? Let’s dive into the discourse.

1. “After a while it gets really old.”

Yep, after awhile it gets really old and you just want to have a real connection with someone. I distinctly remember the moment where I realized enough was enough and that I wanted a girlfriend after a couple years of casual relationships.

The worst part, and what probably pushed me over the edge, was when they wanted to get brunch the morning after. It was always so awkward and deflating, and made it obvious that this was no way to live life.

– StevieWonderTwin

2. “The feeling is beyond words”

So very true. I’ve had commitment issues my whole adult life but particularly in college. Ended up passing on some amazing women because of my emotional unavailability. I’ve worked through this now and tried to fix my relationship with my mother where I think caused most problems. I remember thinking I was the coolest at the time but the more it went on the emptier I felt.

I’m now with an amazing girl who truly completes me. I do not deserve her by any means but everyday I wake up just a bit before her and I watch her wake up and think how crazy lucky I am to have a life partner like her. The feeling is beyond words and I wish I met her years and years ago. She doesn’t know it yet but there’s not a doubt in my mind that she is my wife. I’m proposing in August.

Keep the faith guys!

– JoltyJob

3. “The hopeless romantic type”

My first relationship (started at 15) lasted 9 years so I ended up being kinda late to the casual thing.

I didn’t think I would like it much, I’m more of the hopeless romantic type. I’ve had a few over the years now and I mean… it’s not terrible, but it’s certainly missing some of the depth of a well known partner.

You basically exchange knowing your partner and being into them emotionally for the thrill of someone new. The thrill is pretty good, don’t get me wrong, but I’ll always take the long term partner over it.

That said if you find the right person, FWB situations can be pretty good. It’s kind of like a mix of both. You don’t love them, but you like them, and you get to know them in bed too. If you aren’t after a relationship it’s better than random hook-ups imo. Long term > FWB > randoms.

– thesircuddles

4. “Still crazy about him”

A friend had tried to hook up with me for years, but i turned him down. I wasn’t into casual.

I finally decided I wanted something easy with no strings.

We’ve been married for 20 years and our oldest is graduating this year. I’m still crazy about him and the s** is incredible.

– Own-Classroom-1660

5. “So awkward.”

They’re so awkward too the next day.

When I’ve had one night stands, I’d be drunk that night and so waking up sober in some stranger’s bed is h**la awk and uncomfy

– SurferBoi_

6. “Never gonna happen”

I could confidently say I’ll never have one night stand.

How the h**l are you not gonna put a night stand on both sides of your bed? Gotta go with two.

About the s**? Yeah that’s never gonna happen either lmao.

– GamerZ44

7. “I could never do that”

S** is definitely better when you personally know that person.

You’re showing vulnerability mentally, emotionally, and obviously physically.

I could never do that with some random stranger.

– viintageteen

8. “Let people do as they please”

given that this sub only upvotes Highly popular opinions … and that reddit is full of sad, self deprecating, and lonely people (tho not exclusively) and of course people who like making others feel bad for their choices… this makes sense it reached the front page.

let people do as they please. if sleeping around is what they like them let them live. if not being monogamous makes them happy. let them be. and if they don’t want to be vulnerable then there’s nothing wrong with that.. respect other people’s decisions.

– ThisGuyRightHer3

9. “Completely different versions of the same thing”

lots of weird comments here.

Like a family cooked dinner with all my loved ones is more fulfilling than stuffing my face with fried chicken.

I still love fried chicken though.

It’s two completely different versions of the same thing.

– Expensive_Cattle

10. “The lifetime average”

This is a topic the mainstream media pushes too in addition to division, strife, and whatever else.

How the f**k is everyone f**king weekly if the goddamn lifetime average is 7?


11. “Not fulfilling”

I had a FWB before marriage… It was not fulfilling for me personally.

I understand some may enjoy it, but you have to have the personality to not need personal connection to enjoy s**.

I’ve come to describe casual s** like eating a chocolate bar when you’re hungry: sure, it takes the edge off your hunger, but if you could have something more (ful)filling (like a steak), you would prefer that instead of the candy.

– olympus321

12. “Different preferences”

Different people have different preferences.

If you personally prefer one or the other that’s fine but don’t act as if your preferences are superior and talk down to anyone who likes casual s**

– elementgermanium

13. “It depends on my mood”

Like everything in life, it depends on the situation.

Sometimes I’m just looking for s**…got an itch that needs scratching.

And sometimes I’m lonely and looking for an actual connect/relationship. It depends on my mood.

– katiek1114

14. “Stop giving your attention to media”

Maybe stop giving your attention to media that as you say promotes the antithesis of what you believe in.

Some people are into that s**t; many aren’t.

Perhaps consider avoiding the forms of media that make you think that’s a common belief.

– babyshaker_on_board

15. “The only thing I want”

It depends on individual desires.

I myself have zero romantic aspirations.

Because of this, physical pleasure is the only thing I have to gain from fornication, and the only thing I want from it.

– MilkPatty_

I guess at the end of the day the answer is…why not both?

But what do you think of all this?

Give us your thoughts in the comments.

The post Are One Night Stands Awful? Let’s See What People Had To Say. appeared first on UberFacts.

Weird Things that Made People Cut Off Relationships Right Away

Do you remember that episode of Scrubs where JD wants to break up with a woman because instead of laughing at anything she just says “that’s so funny?”

I felt that. When I watched that, I felt that. I don’t know how I could deal with be with a person who didn’t laugh.

But how petty a reason is too petty? Let’s go to Reddit to find out.

What’s the pettiest reason you’ve rejected someone? from AskReddit

Here are some folks who are looking for love in all the wrong places.

1. The constant caller

I broke up with my girlfriend in eighth grade because she called me four times a day when we didn’t have cell phones.

I got tired of talking on the phone and broke it off.

– qkathmandu

2. Who’s laughing now?

This is awful but it was her laugh. I never told her obviously because someone’s laugh is a representation of when they are happiest.

So shallow as she was pretty awesome.

– Ochsenfree

3. The beer snob

I was rejected because I didn’t like the taste of his preferred beer.

That was it, I wasn’t asking him to stop drinking it – I just didn’t personally want to drink it. We were about to order another round, he asked if I knew the one he had just had, and offered me a taste. I gladly accepted because I try to be open to tasting new things.

I just said I found it a little too hoppy for my tastes and I was happy to stick with what I was drinking. I wasn’t rude, I said it was nice, but a little hoppy for me. His face dropped, it was almost comical. He then said something along the lines that he had changed his mind and he had better get home.

That was the end of that first date. As in he literally decided he no longer wanted another round. The date was over. He had blocked me on Facebook before I walked the 100m to the bus stop.

Pretty sure I dodged a bullet there.

– Sharkoslotho

4. Bod speeling

She was texting me to tell me about her standards for men which were pretty high.

That’s fine.

But I didn’t like all the spelling mistakes she was making.

– yawnandshrug

5. Ew

Dude kissed me open mouthed with relaxed lips.

Not meant as a make-out kiss that was a quick kiss. Just opened his mouth and smashed his face into mine then pulled back. Ew

– kitcat7898

6. Scent of a woman

I could not stand her smell. No, she didn’t stink. But it was that “immune system does not match”- smell.

I just could not get turned on, and the kisses felt like paper.

Luckily, we handled this like grown-ups and are still friends.

– IlPrincipeKaoz

7. Color me surprised

Dated a guy who was color blind.

He’d argue with me about the color blue-green even if I was the only person in the relationship who could actually SEE blue-green!!

– suresher

8. Horrible taste…

Dude was super sweet, had a lot of good qualities.

He was a plumber and casually admitted to me that sometimes he will bite/clean his nails after work and taste the remnants of what he touched that day.

I could not get over that and had to move on.

– AdmiralPendeja

9. The nose knows

It wasn’t just about her nose, or the way she spoke.. but something about the combination of the two that I couldn’t get past.

All things considered, she dodged a bullet big time

– wormholetrafficjam

10. The dangerous keepsake

Went on a first date with someone that was out of my league. Couldn’t believe my luck! On our way to dinner […]

Suddenly she screamed at me to stop the car. Not pull over, stop right here right now immediately in the suicide lane of a 4 lane major road. Just before I came to a complete stop in the middle of this busy road, she opened the passenger door and tried to jump out. If a cop saw all this it probably looked like she was escaping a kidnapping.

She jumped out of the car and played Frogger across two lanes of traffic, and I sat there stunned with my passenger door hanging open into traffic. A few seconds later, she came running back with something under her arm. I couldn’t see what it was in the mirror. She had a huge smile on her face and as she climbed back into the car she squealed with delight as she showed me what it was.

A f**king hubcap.

She said it was to commemorate our first date, and that we could share custody of it. I could have it first.

That was our first and last date.

– Uncle_Baconn

11. Oh, baby

I broke things off once because of the size of her teeth.

They were tiny compared to the size of her mouth. It shouldn’t have been an issue, but it creeped me out. I don’t know why, but it was one of those things that I couldn’t ignore and gradually became the only thing I could see. Grown woman with a mouth full of baby teeth… just weird

– CarrollGrey

12. Give me a minute?

She would call me every single day like 2 minutes after I clocked out from work. I asked her several times to just give me an hour before she called. Let me get home first. I had a 45 minute drive home that was my decompression time, blast the radio and get over the days bs.

She couldn’t do it. That hour was to much to ask “but I couldn’t wait to hear your voice!” So I broke it off. My friends tell me that’s incredibly petty. I feel like she can’t respect simple boundaries and it will be a big problem later.

– TacticoolFudd

13. Fellas, is it gay to shower?

He said he never washed his butt because it would be “gay” to touch his own a**.

After that moment all I ever saw when I looked at him was poop.

He was literally a walking turd.

Never dropped someone so fast in all my life.

– Pricklypots

14. No scrubs

He didn’t have soap at his apt.

Even by the 3rd date, no soap anywhere at his place, no dish soap even.

He never smelled or anything, but just weirded me out.

– Additional_Ad1054

15. “Poor people food”

I had an ex who i asked to put a pizza in the oven, and he did. I took a bite out of it when it was done and realised he’d left the plastic film on and it’d melted into the pizza (i thought it was just weird cheese at first.) He then blamed me for making him cook “poor people food” that he didn’t know how to cook, cos his mum apparently didn’t buy that stuff.

His mum did buy that stuff cos id talked to her about food recommendations before, the reason he didn’t know is cos his mum cooks every meal for him and he never sees it before its finished 😓 he assumed she makes everything from scratch.

– sakura_gasaii

Well, that’s a whole lot of yikes from me.

What’s the pettiest reason you’ve rejected someone / been rejected?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Weird Things that Made People Cut Off Relationships Right Away appeared first on UberFacts.

Women Discuss What it’s Like Being a Single Lesbian Mom

I can’t imagine how hard it must to be a single parent in this world, especially if you don’t already have, like, a buttload of money stashed away so you can hire a bunch of help.

On top of that, many LGBTQ+ people in this world still face a lot of stigma and difficulty on that front. So try and put yourself in the shoes of someone standing at the crossroads of both identities.

Here are ten anonymous confessions from lesbian women who have found themselves in the position of being single moms.

10. Don’t care

Well, that’s a good start. You do you.

Source: Whisper

9. Seriously?

That’s a pretty childish understanding of how things work, people.

Source: Whisper

8. It’s complicated

Being in an environment in which you’re not comfortable being yourself is very trying.

Source: Whisper

7. Come on out

Enter the dating world, it’s totally fine.

Source: Whisper

6. I made it happen

Good for you!

Source: Whisper

5. Are you out there?

*Cue that heartbreaking song from Fievel Goes West.*

Source: Whisper

4. No idea

But the truth will find its way out eventually.

Source: Whisper

3. Hard enough

Did you check underneath the couch or like behind the fridge?

Source: Whisper

2. Cheater, cheater

Oh. Well. That’s um…complicated?

Source: Whisper

1. Ah heck no

I’ll bet ya don’t though.

Source: Whisper

To all the single parents out there of all stripes – we salute you. You’re doing some really tough work, that will hopefully prove quite rewarding in the long run.

Have you had experiences with this type of dynamic?

Tell us about it in the comments.

The post Women Discuss What it’s Like Being a Single Lesbian Mom appeared first on UberFacts.

Housekeepers Talk About the Biggest Secrets They Discovered on the Job

I’m not rich enough to hire a housekeeper or a maid or any kinds of help. I’m barely even rich enough to pay myself in my own time to clean my own kitchen.

But for those who are – what kind of implicit social contract is that? And how does it all shake out?

Housekeepers of reddit, what do you know about the owners of the houses that they don’t know you know? from AskReddit

Let’s snoop with some Reddit folks, shall we?

1. The recovery

Dog walker, here. I was dog sitting for an older work friend once and saw her “days sober” calendar.

I was simultaneously sad, because I had no idea she was struggling, and happy for her because she had almost a full month marked off.

– cleanandclaire

2. The loud talker

I’m a nanny. The last family worked for I overheard the Dad calling his insurance asking if a certain Rehab was covered.

He talks LOUD naturally.

I heard what he was going for and everything. Nobody knew not family not friends. Just me and them. They never knew I knew.

– Thesugarsky

3. The Narnia office

A bit of an innocent one but while I was cleaning I saw this cabinet that was very large. Like someone could fit a body in there.

So, being curious, I opened it and saw A WHOLE ROOM. It was crazy!

Inside there was a bed and lights attached to these tall wood pieces. Then a mini bookshelf with some books and a desk and computer. It was absolutely amazing.

– LemmeHear

4. Silent but deadly

Not a house keeper but a nanny.

A family once took me on vacation with them so I could watch their kids while they‘d go out and explore the area.

That week, my bed was the couch in the living room. It’s late at night, the kids are sleeping, I’m laying on the couch and the parents get back.

The dad says, “is she sleeping” referring to me? I didn’t say anything so apparently he assumed yes. He then started farting very loudly.

– sisof2

5. The expectation

Our maid service found our positive pregnancy test in the bathroom trash, after presumably finding negative pregnancy tests in the bathroom trash for the previous 12 months.

Left us a nice little congratulations note on my wife’s nightstand.

– fizzleguy

6. Playtime

I’m not a housekeeper but my late aunt used to be.

One of her clients, who was fairly well-to-do, had a whole closet full of genital themed toys. And when I say “toys,” I’m not using a euphemism for “sex enhancement items” or anything like that. Literal genital toys.

Windup penises with googly eyes on them, PEZ dispensers shaped like the most browsed pages of a skin mag (I suspect these weren’t official PEZ brand), rather risque variants on “pin the tail on the donkey”, a Nerf-like gun that fired foam phalluses . . .

– Times_Hunger


My aunt is currently a house keeper.

The had this one client who would throw used feminine hygiene products under the bed; pads specifically. No matter how I think about this I just can’t imagine how someone can get to that level of grossness.

If you’ve ever had a heavy menstrual cycle and wore a pad, you know sometimes not everything is absorbed into the pad. You need to immediately sit down in the toilet or it can quite literally go everywhere.

– aamirazeal

8. Drink it in

That she got a DUI. Typical religious white collar family; husband, wife, and 4 teen kids.

She had one of those at home breathalyzer tests from the court sitting in the master bathroom, it takes your picture as you blow into it and it sends it to your probation officer. I only know because I was on probation a few years ago and had one too.

Curiosity got the best of me and I looked at her public record…yup. DUI and she messed up on probation too, had another court date. After that I started noticing 12 step books and such.

– LunaTheFerret

9. Enjoy your stay

Working in hotels is similar to cleaning someone’s house, because those comfortable will lay it out for you.

You can tell if someone is messy or tidy at home, how well they take care their things, what they eat, how much they drink, what medical problems they may have, and if you get the chance to meet them you can piece together why they live the way they do by telling their stories.

I never made fun of our guests or judged them. That would be so unfair and intrusive.

– silly-noodle

10. I’m not telling him, you tell him

Man of the house ask me and the other cleaning crew ladies if we have ever seen this type of dog leash. Holds up what is clearly a under bed restraint system looking confused. I didn’t say s**t. We all looked at each other like “f**k no im not telling him” he says “mmm, maybe she wants a dog. Why was it under the mattress ???” He just wandered off dragging this thing behind him.

He was a nice guy worked a lot, tipped well, gave us holiday bonuses. She was a trophy wife, and was not nice to him.

They divorced while i still worked their, he got a dog named mayonnaise and was much happier. It was a rescue greyhound. Sweet dog. I don’t live in that town anymore but i hope mr jim is happy still.

– Kantotheotter

11. LOL look at the username

My cleaning guy caught me leaving the house once.

Said he knew I smoked pot because he’d find stuff for it a lot and asked if he could find me some for a camping trip with his wife.

I freaked a little after he just said “I know you do marijuana”. I was like am I catching a lecture

– 420Minions

12. Inside out

Not the housekeeper, but,

I thought I had this brilliant hiding spot. And when I lost my wallet, my Maid told me “you should hide it with those papers inside your nightstand next time”.

I felt such fear. She knows the house better than any of us.

– AndreZB2000

13. Twilight breaks

Buddy of mine used to clean houses with his mom.

He told me about this one massive mansion they would clean and how there were no mirrors in the entire house. There also weren’t a lot of windows and if there were, they had thick drapes.

He met the family only once and told me they were very pale and quiet people.

He worked for f**king vampires

– drop-mylife-away

14. Everything

Honestly, everything. I worked in a house manager/butler type of position, and there is nothing you don’t find out eventually.

The trajectory of the toothpaste droplets on the mirror would tell me which of the women had spent the night. I knew passwords to computers, alarm systems, bank accounts and safes that I hadn’t necessarily been provided with.

Drugs, kinks, medical history, sordid family secrets, skeletons in the closet, you name it. I think that’s the reason salaries get obscene if you stay long enough, your silence is literally golden.

– CopingMole

15. The embezzler

I wasn’t exactly a housekeeper but I was cleaning up files at a job that I quit a few years ago.

Within a week, I found out that the owner never paid any of her bills and used government funds (that was supposed to go to the adult care center she ran) to buy herself expensive cars and houses that she shouldn’t have been buying in the first place.

– curlyquinn02

The intrigue is absolutely scintillating.

Have you ever been in a position like this?

Tell us about it in the comment.

The post Housekeepers Talk About the Biggest Secrets They Discovered on the Job appeared first on UberFacts.

Couples Talk About Why They Decided to Open Up Their Marriages

I was once a guest performer for a sketch show in New York and the rather explosive opener we performed was about a couple who announces at a dinner party that they’ve decided to have an open marriage.

Things get immediately awkward. It’s comedy, it’s over-the-top, it’s cynical. But of course, the real reasons people go for that sort of thing, and the results, vary quite a lot in the real world.

Here are ten bits of anonymous input from couples who decided to open things up – and why they did it.

10. We’re exploring

It’s a whole new world out there.

Source: Whisper

9. So far away

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

Source: Whisper

8. Incompatibility

It kinda seems like that’s a problem that’s not gonna be solved?

Source: Whisper

7. Jealousy rules

Why do I feel like this can’t be sustained? Maybe I’m just a prude.

Source: Whisper

6. Years of research

What, like, in a lab? With white coats and mice and stuff?

Source: Whisper

5. Hot stuff

Let the fun times roll.

Source: Whisper

4. For us…

Did you blink it out with each other in morse code?

Source: Whisper

3. Hands on deck

Everyone head to the lifeboats while the band plays on.

Source: Whisper

2. The depressing truth

“But it’s mostly me that plays on the side.”

Source: Whisper

1. Chick, chick, boom

Is it really?

Source: Whisper

To each their own, I suppose. Whatever works for you works for you! The point is that you deserve to be happy.

Do you have experience with this kind of thing?

Tell us about it in the comments.

The post Couples Talk About Why They Decided to Open Up Their Marriages appeared first on UberFacts.

“Rich” Behaviors that People Think are Highly Suspicious

There’s absolutely no shame in being poor. Or at least, there shouldn’t be.

It is, after all, the state that the majority of humans live their lives in, usually through no fault of their own.

And yet we do so closely associate being financially poor with being a failure as a person. Which is probably why so many poor folks just decide to pretend they got money.

What screams "I’m poor but pretend I’m rich"? from AskReddit

Reddit’s got some examples of this strange phenomenon.

1. Just showing it

It’s generally good advice if you have a lot of money to keep your wealth secret or at least ambiguous else people try to take advantage of you.

Most wealthy people follow that rule, or they learn it pretty quickly.

So anyone trying to show wealth is either new to it or showing more than they have.

– Nirosat

2. The tracksuit don

I have a relatively poor friend who doesn’t have a tv or anything, but they go around in a several hundred pound tracksuit and wear fake diamond rings they bought on wish, which he tells people are real

– IrishPotato28

3. The $10 Cadillac

Use to work at a 7/11.

Once a month for a week this guy would come in with a rented green Cadillac and a very obvious prostitute on his arm.

Would flash a wad of money while in the store and make it VERY specific that he wants $10 on “THAT GREEN CADILLAC RIGHT THERE!” Co-worker told me he does it with his SSI check.

– ScreamingBaboon

4. The MLM babe

Women who post a bit too often about how great it is to be your own boss and be living a plush life and here are pictures of me by a pool wearing a sparkly swimsuit and you too can be rich, set your own hours, travel, and get to lounge by pools if only you sign up with this definitely-not-a-pyramid-scheme company.

Bonus points for having a glass of wine in the shot and forgetting to move the box it came in out of the shot, thus ruining the illusion that it was expensive wine.

– Eliott_of_Elsinore

5. The sad reality

As much as some of these examples are based on s**tty choices, there’s also the fact that the poorer people get, the less stake they have in any kind of future or long term thinking.

That’s not a critique of their intellect, it’s just their reality that they’re never going to be able to travel, own a home, any of the basic aspirations that used to be drilled into people as options if they worked hard.

So where I might see a big TV as something that’d be nice, but I don’t need one right now, they see that as being as good as life gets, watching bulls**t in increasingly higher definition, because poverty doesn’t have room for long term gratification.

– EndlesslyRotatingNed

6. The 80’s vibes

When my sister and I were little we would unplug the receiver of the phone, take it outside, and pretend to talk on it.

The hope was that someone would see us and think we had one of those new-fangled cordless phones and be jealous.

– rleash

7. Dubai, Felicia

For British people – holidays to Dubai.

Often the same price as going to Spain but somehow seen as ‘flashy’ and aspirational despite being a miserable hole built on slavery


8. The shilling

Shilling online coaching on how to get rich. Usually business/trading/crypto stuff if you’re a man and MLM/manifestation stuff if you’re a woman.

Not that there aren’t people who get rich, through selling courses, not through the methods they’re teaching, but the market is oversaturated.

– Nemesinthe

9. Way out of whack priorities

Too many times I clean up after evictions and there is empty bottles of grey goose, Hennessy

Expensive clothes, shoes.

Many things that if they just bought cheaper stuff or nothing at all they would have been able to pay the rent.

– TJTurner912

10. Getting way too excited about having stuff

Posting literally everything you buy on your Instagram story.

No one really cares about how many gym pants, make up or other packages you bought.

It just always gave me the vibe of you’re not used to getting nice things so whenever you do, you post it everywhere.

Kinda has the opposite of the intended effect

– ocs_123

11. The bigger, the badder

Any clothing with big brand name lettering all over it.

The more expensive the brand and the bigger the lettering the more it shouts “I’m actually poor”.


– Kopites_Roar

12. The YOU show

People who post every single thing they do in their social media, like pretending they’re some kind of super famous models and everyone needs to be aware of what they do.

I don’t think it means “I’m poor” in an economic way but rather “I’m poor in my life and I need strangers to be interested in what I do in order to fill the emptiness in me”

– Mingura666

13. Can you tell?

Honestly it’s hard to tell sometimes. A lot of people here probably think that “real” rich people live in a modest house with a base Corolla/Camry with the beige interior, super cheap budget and live like they have no money… And to me I don’t want to be that guy but I feel like some people who vehemently say/comment this feels like just a confirmation bias to take up the moral high ground on other people who spend their money in more obvious ways.

I worked with CEO’s of airline companies, hedge fund managers, CEO’s of law firms and I can without a doubt I’d can tell you MANY rich people don’t live like broke college students and “modesty” is relative.

For me the pretending to be rich folks are people who window shop with no real intention of buying items at luxury stores to basically take pictures of themselves with luxury items/goods. People don’t like this but when you go to fancy stores like Louis Vuitton, a Mercedes dealership or Burberry the staff are VERY judgmental and I can tell you it’s not really about what you’re wearing that tips them off.

– deathaddict

14. The mismatch

Putting 5$ gas in your fancy a** car, I have seen a bunch of people drive cars they can’t afford while working at a gas station.

– Lachigan

15. Grills?

I had a guy with a grill in his mouth try to intimidate $20 out of me on the street the other day, so I’d say grills.

– backreddit

Sometimes *I* pretend to be rich by making two raman packets at once. Don’t hate, jealousy is a disease.

But what do you think about all this?

Give us your opinions in the comments.

The post “Rich” Behaviors that People Think are Highly Suspicious appeared first on UberFacts.