Fascinating Facts to Put Your Thoughts on Hyperdrive

There’s a pretty good chance that one of the reasons you follow this page is because you love facts of all kinds – and we all know we could go on for days if started listing all manner of random facts.

These 10 facts are some that are not only wild, but will get your brain juices flowing in a way that will have you clicking onto another page, then another, and another, until oops! Rabbit hole.

We’re not going to apologize, though, because we love a good rabbit hole, right?

10. We have created a zonkey.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Why? Apparently because we can – it’s what you get when you breed a zebra and a donkey.

I guess if it works it can’t be too much against nature.

9. A mysterious, vintage Coke machine used to live in Seattle, WA.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

For decades, there was a vintage Coca-Cola machine in Seattle, and if you put in 75 cents, it would give you a mystery can of soda. Sometimes you’d get a newer can, but other times your prize would be a can of soda that had been discontinued years earlier.

No one knows who stocked and maintained the machine – or who removed it in 2018. It was there for nearly 30 years, and then it wasn’t.

8. The oldest animal alive was born in 1832.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Jonathan the Tortoise has lived his whopping 189 years in the Galapagos Islands.

7. Sperm whales don’t like to sleep alone.

Image Credit: Pexels

They sleep in large pods, and they all snooze while vertical.

I’m not sure why I never imagined whales sleeping, but I never would have guessed they sleep like this, either!

6. Shakespeare may have lost his head.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A group of archaeologists got together in 2016 and used ground-penetrating radar to study the contents of Shakespeare’s grave, and get this – he doesn’t appear to have a head.

This seems to confirm a tall tale that circulated for years, that a group of thieves in 1794 broke into the coffin and stole Shakespeare’s head in order to sell it for 300 pounds.

It doesn’t, of course, tell us where that head might be now.

5. The world’s oldest wine survived for almost 2,000 years.

Image Credit: Speyer

The 1700-year-old bottle from a gravesite in Speyer, Germany, is still in its liquid form, which is basically unheard of.

Experts think it was able to survive so long because they poured olive oil into the bottle to seal it off from the open air before placing the cork.

4. During prohibition you could get a prescription for whiskey.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Pharmacists were allowed to fill prescriptions for “medicinal whiskey,” which basically gave them a monopoly on selling alcohol during prohibition.

Running a pharmacy was quite lucrative at the time because of that fact, drugstore owners (like, say, Jay Gatsby) were essentially making money bootlegging whiskey.

3. There was a backup speech in case the moon landing didn’t go as we hoped.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

It’s always good to be prepared, and of course no one knew what would happen if Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin made it to the moon but couldn’t make it home.

Here is the full text:

Fate has ordained that the men who went to the moon to explore in peace will stay on the moon to rest in peace.

These brave men, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, know that there is no hope for their recovery. But they also know that there is hope for mankind in their sacrifice.

These two men are laying down their lives in mankind’s most noble goal: the search for truth and understanding.

They will be mourned by their families and friends; they will be mourned by their nation; they will be mourned by the people of the world; they will be mourned by a Mother Earth that dared send two of her sons into the unknown.

In their exploration, they stirred the people of the world to feel as one; in their sacrifice, they bind more tightly the brotherhood of man.

In ancient days, men looked at stars and saw their heroes in the constellations.

In modern times, we do much the same, but our heroes are epic men of flesh and blood.

Others will follow, and surely find their way home. Man’s search will not be denied. But these men were the first, and they will remain the foremost in our hearts.

For every human being who looks up at the moon in the nights to come will know that there is some corner of another world that is forever mankind.

2. A frog in your milk can keep it fresh.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Before modern refrigeration was a thing, people in Russia dropped brown frogs into their milk because they claimed it made it stay drinkable and fresh for longer.

It sounds crazy, but Russian brown frogs actually secrete a gooey substance that has strong antibacterial properties.

So, I have no idea how the first person to figure this out did it, but they weren’t wrong.

1. Some very inept thieves tried to ransom the FIFA Cup in 1966.

Image Credit: Mpilcher84

The cup was stolen in London, just a few months before the tournament was set to begin. The police received a ransom note and the public began to panic, but before anyone could decide what to do about the 15,000 pound ransom, the trophy was found.

The hero of the day was a dog named Pickles, a collie who sniffed the trophy out in a bush while on his evening walk – proving once again that dogs are the absolute best.


I’ve got to go find out some more details on some of these myself, I swear.

What’s the best rabbit hole you’ve tumbled down lately? Share with us in the comments!

The post Fascinating Facts to Put Your Thoughts on Hyperdrive appeared first on UberFacts.

This Guy Got Revenge on Someone Who Was Vandalizing Mailboxes

If you act like a jerk, it’s eventually gonna come back to bite you.

And that goes double for folks who intentionally mess with other peoples’ property.

And, at least in my humble opinion, this person definitely got what was coming to him…

Take a look at this story from Reddit about a vandal who learned his lesson in a painful way.

Intentionally unintentional revenge on a mail box vandal.

“This is my dad’s revenge, not mine and this happened last summer.

My parents live out on a lake just outside of town. Their property extends to both sides of the road, and their mail box is on the opposite side of the lake and the house.Over the 4 years they had lived at the property, a black SUV has knocked down their mail box 6 times (they catch the vehicle on the security camera on the gate but get no identifying info).

My dad would report it every time, but not much could be done. It was knocked over by a drunk driver once as well, but he crashed a bit further down the road so that was the only time that my dad got reimbursed for the damage.Well after the seventh time it was knocked down, he had had enough.

The land on the opposite side of the road dropped off steeply immediately after the shoulder, so my dad contracted some guys to build out a small gravel pad (15 feet long and 3 feet deep or so) so he could set his mail box back from the road. My dad told me that if someone tried to knock it down now, they would regret it.Well about 4 months after the work was complete, my parents were awoken to a loud crash in the middle of the night.

They called the police and went out to investigate. They found the black SUV off the road and having crashed into a very large tree.The guy was taken to the hospital and was charged with a DUI from the crash as well as possession of drugs they found in the vehicle.By building out the gravel pad and moving the mail box back by just a few feet, it still appeared that the mailbox was on the shoulder, and still seemed like an easy target.

In reality, those 3 feet made all the difference. Because the pad was so short, the vandal left the roadway before the pad started, and when the right side of his vehicle went off the shoulder, he car went veering down the steep incline.

The dude was pretty badly injured, and I know my dad felt bad about this. I think this was much more effective than he had in his mind.

My dad isnt the kind of person to intentionally injure someone, so I am sure he was hoping to just cause damage to a vehicle and teach a lesson that way.”

Wow…what a story…

Now let’s take a look at how Reddit users reacted.

This reader said they wouldn’t feel bad at all about what happened because the person was driving under the influence of alcohol.

Justice was served!

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person argued that it didn’t really turn out the way the dad wanted, but the guy got what he deserved.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This individual said there might be some potential legal problems here for the dad, so they offered up an excuse about an excuse he could use if asked about what happened.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And finally, this Reddit user said that the dad was not to blame here and that this guy, who is obviously a jerk, did this to himself.

Photo Credit: Reddit

What do you think about this story?

Talk to us in the comments and spill your guts!

We’d love to hear from you!

The post This Guy Got Revenge on Someone Who Was Vandalizing Mailboxes appeared first on UberFacts.

People with Antisocial Personality Disorder Discuss How Exhausting It Can Be

There’s a lot of misunderstanding about different mental health disorders out there.

Especially when these disorders are misrepresented in TV and movies, right?

One example is Antisocial Personality Disorder.

People with this diagnosis can be described as sociopaths, but not psychopaths, as some people assume.

The two may share some traits, like recklessness and impulsiveness, but Antisocial Personality Disorder is treatable and doesn’t mean the person is dangerous.

Living with a diagnosis that others are suspicious of can be exhausting, as these 10 people will attest:

1. Pretending to react the way people want you to

You know what’s expected, but having to fake it all the time will really wear you out.

I'm tired of pretending that I have emotions. I have APD and I can't help how I'm wired.

Image credit: Whisper

2. It puts you under a microscope

And suddenly even your family thinks they need to worry about you.

I was diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder last week. Now my mother keeps googling it and looking at me in a judgmental way. I'm still the same daughter. Me being f****d up is not brand new info.

Image credit: Whisper

3. It can be a lot to take in, even for yourself

Because what does a diagnosis really mean, at the end of the day?

Recently disagnosed as having antisocial personality disorder, technically a sociopath. It makes perfect sense, but also doesn't feel true or real. I don't feel particularly worse than anyone else.

Image credit: Whisper

4. Maintaining relationships can be a real challenge

You can’t always give your family what they want and need.

Antisocial personality disorder really hurts my family life. I have no emotions and never have remorse for my actions.

Image credit: Whisper

5. It can be a weird internal dichotomy

You don’t care how they judge you, you just don’t want them to judge you at all.

Telling people I have antisocial personality disorder is a lot better than the world psychopath. I am so tired of the judgment... but I also kind of don't care.

Image credit: Whisper

6. Finding someone to be with is endlessly frustrating

People tend to stop at the label and not look any deeper.

I hate my life. I just can't seem to find someone to date who looks past my diagnosis and just sees me for ME. So what if I have antisocial personality disorder? I am so much more than that.

Image credit: Whisper

7. Fitting into society’s norms is the most exhausting part

It’s never easy to have to pretend all the time.

I have antisocial personality disorder. I'm tired of hiding everything and being forced to pretend to be normal.

Image credit: Whisper

8. Dealing with the repercussions of lazy tropes may be the worst part

Forget what you’ve read and seen on TV. A diagnosis doesn’t turn you into a serial killer.

I have antisocial personality disorder which means I'm a diagnosed sociopath. I experience and process emotions differently. Thisdoesn't make me eviland you shouldn't be scared of me.

Image credit: Whisper

9. Treatment may be a long hard road

But it’s at least a relief to know that there are treatment options available.

I got diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder (APD). My first therapy session starts today. I'm nervous, but I know it's needed.

Image credit: Whisper

10. Even though it’s hard, answers are good

A diagnosis is never easy–even ones that make you go, “Oh. That makes sense.”

This morning I learned that I have an antisocial personality disorder which I later learned is a nice way of saying I'm a sociopath. Sadly, it all makes sense now...

Image credit: Whisper

Those all make me feel a lot of empathy for people with this diagnosis.

What about you? Does it bring a little clarity to their struggles? Tell us in the comments.

The post People with Antisocial Personality Disorder Discuss How Exhausting It Can Be appeared first on UberFacts.

15 People Talked About Wild Animals That Are Unexpectedly Dangerous

Look at that cute koala bear over there! Maybe we should go pet it?!?!

Those are some famous last words if I’ve ever heard ’em.

The point I’m trying to make is that some animals that we don’t necessarily look at as dangerous can really cause us human beings some major problems.

So you gotta be careful…

What wild animals aren’t looked at dangerous but really are?

Here’s what people said on AskReddit.

1. Terrifying.


They can run faster than dogs, can do much more damage, and their response to a fatal injury isn’t “oh s**t i gotta run away”, it’s more like “I’ll drag you to hell with me b**ch”.”

2. Roos.

“Australian here:

Kangaroos! Never approach a Kangaroo on land! They will beat the s**t out of you! Also never approach a Kangaroo in water! They will f**king drown you and they are very f**king good at it too!

Also be careful not to hit a kangaroo with your car! They always have the last laugh when it comes to fighting 2 ton machines!”

3. Don’t get close.


It’s a f**king wolf in a wetsuit, leave it alone.”

4. You better not intrude.


They will viciously defend their territory and gladly bite a chunk outta ya.”

5. Beware…

“Did anyone say Zebras?

Zebras have no interest in being domesticated, and will absolutely f**k you up if they feel like it.

They are not like horses. Give them space.”

6. Dangerous.

“Just learned this today actually but larger species of otter can k**l a full grown human.

Even the smaller ones can mess you up.

Keep that in mind if you see any wild otters.”

7. Observe from afar.

“Deer and Elk.

Bucks and bulls in rut are dangerous as they will ram into you with sharp antlers if they see you close to a female. Does and cows can trample humans if you are too close to their babes.

They are beautiful animals and there is nothing wrong with observing them. But it’s best to do it from afar.”

8. The plague!

“Prairie dogs carry rabies and the plague.

They may be cute little things that literally cry on the side of the road when one of their family d**s but I don’t need the plague, thanks.”

9. Rip you apart.


They’re often in movies, wearing clothes, being cute, but the reality is they’re incredibly strong and will literally rip a person to shreds.

I think that attack by Travis the chimp in New England awhile ago shed some light on how powerful and dangerous they can be, but that wasn’t an isolated incident.

There are plenty of chimp attacks.”

10. Don’t be a dummy.

“Sometimes people will think that herbivore = safe to try to pet.

Don’t approach a moose or a bison, dummy.”

11. Yikes.

“The platypus.

They have a poisonous barb on the back of their foot that will make you want to d**.”

12. Brutal.

“Chickens, specifically rooster that live alone with multiple hens.

They are territorial, they have giant claws, some people use them to bet on fights. Don’t mess with roosters, they can and will maim you.

I had chickens. That rooster was brutal and k**led an actual bird of prey in a fight and ate it to show dominance.”

13. Big and mean.

“Mute Swans.

Big, mean and the don’t f**k around when protecting their nests.

Even the biggest idiots with wave runners on the lake I live on soon learn to stay away from their nesting sight.”

14. Slimy.


Eating one can give you a brain infecting parasite that will leave you paralyzed or k**l you.”

15. Hellbeasts.

“Wolverines are nightmarish hellbeasts of omnidirectional hate.

It is actually impossible to overstate how scary they are. Somewhere along their evolutionary pathway, their fight-or-flight instinct got permanently stuck on “fight”, and now every single one of them is a Gandhi-level apocalypse engine of the frozen wastes.

A zoo once thought they could put a wolverine on exhibit with a polar bear, figuring that the wolverine was tough enough that the polar bear wouldn’t bother it. They were right, of course; the polar bear left it alone. But that wasn’t enough for this dog-sized packet of aggression.

It decided that it shouldn’t need to share its enclosure… so it k**led the bear. By suffocating it. The wolverine clamped down on its throat and just hung on until it d**d.

These things are the apex predators of the entire planet, and we are lucky they typically confine themselves to the tundra.”

What are some more animals that are unexpectedly dangerous?

Educate us about them in the comments!

Please and thank you!

The post 15 People Talked About Wild Animals That Are Unexpectedly Dangerous appeared first on UberFacts.

This Woman Refused to do Extra Work After She Didn’t Get the Promotion She Was Promised

I think we’ve all been in this position before…

You’re promised something at work and then it doesn’t happen. It’s a bummer but we’ve all been there.

But a woman took matters into her own hands about how she’d work moving forward when this happened.

Let’s see what went down.

So I’m not getting the promotion you promised? Then I’m not doing the extra work.

“This isn’t my story, but my wife’s. She doesn’t have Reddit and said I could share her story with you lovely people. Allow me to set the scene.

My wife – Harper’s – official title is Mental Health Professional, or MHP, and she has been in this position for three years at a live-in care facility for adults with mental illnesses. Before that, she work for several years on the mental health ward at the hospital, so she had more experience walking into her current position than anyone else they had hired.

Within her first year, she got 2 lifers to progress in their treatment plans so thoroughly that they both got the okay to move out into the sister program that has more freedom and independence. She was working with a third “lifer” who was about ready to apply for the sister program when lockdown hit and the transfers between housing, or even non-AMA releases, were suspended.

All this is to say that she has made some very serious and positive changes for this facility from the moment she started working there. They made her the Lead MHP, and her direct supervisor’s boss started giving her more responsibilities; like the morning team report for the whole facility, handling client money, making decisions on big changes to help the overall workload, ect.

Her yearly review happened in December, which was promised to come with a large raise to reflect all the added responsibilities she has been gradually given. Of course, it didn’t. She stayed on HR about her raise for a month or so after the review itself until the big boss finally brought her into his office to discussed with her a promotion.

It would be a bit tricky because she has her Bachelor’s in psych and social work, but not her Master’s – which we’re working on getting her back in school soon to complete, and which she needs to officially fulfill the job title they had in mind.

Still, she was clearly leaps and bounds beyond her coworkers, often staying over to help clients or to help finish paperwork, filling in wherever she’s needed. So, promoting her would be cheaper than hiring on someone new, and of course this would come with an even better pay raise.

So, for the last few months my wife has been doing even more for her supervisor’s boss and the big boss. Anything they ask of her, dangling that official promotion over her head, constantly saying it would be a “gradual transition” and she needs to learn this or that – do this or that – to train for it. Out of her own pocket, she bought new binders and other supplies that made the various parts of her job and theirs easier.

She planned, reorganized, filled-in, whatever. The supervisor’s boss even told her verbatim “I don’t know what I would do without your help!” several times. All this with the promise of an official promotion and a raise.

Then it happened. Last week, Harper was tasked with sorting through potential new hires – as they had been hurting for more MHPs for some time, and the bosses had taken some of Harper’s clients off her work load to make room for the new responsibilities – she noticed that of the stack she was given, all applicants had a Master’s or qualifying credential in social work. Hmmm… Worrisome.

Two days ago, it was business as usually for most of the day until about an hour before Harper was supposed to clock out. She called me in angry tears ranting about the conversation she had just had with the supervisor’s boss. He told her she would unfortunately be taking on more clients, and the promotion would be put on hold for the time being.

She said he didn’t come right out and say he had decided to hire one of the people with a Master’s instead for the position, but what he did say was “you’ll have to relinquish any added responsibilities and return to being just an MHP”.

Okay. Bet.

After trying to calm her down, I gave my normally frustratingly accommodating wife a nudge in the malicious direction. One of the first added responsibilities she was given was the morning report. It was her job to have all the staff gather during the clients’ breakfast to relay what happened during 3rd shift, the plans for the day, coordinating client appointments, ect.

She would have to be in the facility before 3rd shift clocked out to get their notes, and then plan a traveling and gas budget for all the appointments, review any safety concerns or incidents, and this all added about an hour to her morning.

So, how happy was she the next morning when she got to snooze her alarm and sleep in a bit longer. When she got to the facility at her usual clock in time as an MHP, she said the place was already in chaos.

A fight had broken out and someone had some money stolen out of their room (all normal events for this place) but no one was exactly sure on the who or why of it because 3rd shift had had no one to pass along the notes so they just filed them and left. Of course Harper knew where they had been filed, because she organized the filing system no one had thought to check.

As soon as supervisor’s boss saw her clock in, he asked why she wasn’t there for report. See, he is always a seemingly sweet and soft spoken man, which made the sudden change of mind all the more surprising. Harper said she just stared him down, trying not to grin, and said “I’m just an MHP. I can’t handle the morning report.”

She then spent the rest of the day giving him the cold shoulder; relaying only necessary information to him while focusing on her clients and paperwork. I want to be clear, it isn’t that the chose a more educated person for the hire position.

That makes plenty of sense. It’s that they promised her that position, spent the last few months transitioning her responsibilities to that position, promised her the pay raise to go with it, and then ripped it out from under her. That’s some underhanded bulls**t.

Oh, and since she isn’t getting the promotion, she went to HR to see about her over due yearly raise. She was told no one is getting a raise at the moment because of Covid.”

Now let’s take a look at how readers responded to this story.

This person said that you should always be on the lookout for what else is out there in your field, no matter what.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This individual said the woman needs to take advantage of her new title and start looking at other companies if her current boss is going to drag their feet.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader shared their own story: sometimes, you just have to play hardball.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Finally, this person brought up a good point: these kinds of work experiences can actually cause PTSD for some folks.

Photo Credit: Reddit

How do you think you would’ve handled this situation?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post This Woman Refused to do Extra Work After She Didn’t Get the Promotion She Was Promised appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About What They Did “Before It Was Cool”

I was into that before it became cool!

Whether it’s music, video games, movies, fashion, or a million other things, people like to make this claim and to put other folks in their place.

I guess you can classify it as shaming of some sort.

What did you do “before it was cool”?

AskReddit users shared their stories.

1. Cool!

“The Martian.

I read “The Martian” back when it was just a text file on some backwater website.”

2. All the rage.

“I had a fidget spinner on my desk for about six months before they blew up.

At that time they weren’t being mass produced at all. You pretty much got them 3D printed or laser cut from acrylic.

I thought they were neat and sent them to my dad and brothers for Christmas.

I still have my first one on my desk. It’s laser cut neon yellow acrylic.”

3. Back in the day.


My friends and I were doing it with a Palm III with the GPS attachment back in 2000.”

4. Bitcoin.

“Bought Bitcoin in late 2010. Was on a malayasian private server for an old game I used to love, called Risk Your Life (RYL)

This server has a real money mall and of course I am dumb enough to want to pay to win.

So I go on their site and they don’t take normal credit card or PayPal but they offer some weird s**t called Bitcoin.

So I go through the steps to buy it, spent around $100 USD for around 1000 Bitcoin.

Spent 600 of the Bitcoin on some rings/ a sword/ an amulet and an armor

And 400 sat on my wallet until I sold most of it in 2017 for an absolutely massive profit. Still holding a few and changed my entire life.”

5. Early to the game.

“When I was a young kid, my dad brought home a Fairchild gaming system, and I got addicted to playing video games like Pong and Breakout on my home television.

This would have been 1976.”

6. Grunge kings.

“I ordered Nirvana’s ‘Bleach’ on cassette before Nevermind came out.

Saw in a magazine that they were supporting Sonic Youth, and Daydream Nation was my favourite album at the time, so that was enough of an endorsement for me.

I was the coolest 14 year old in New Zealand for, like, two months. Then Smells Like Teen Spirit came out, and I spent the rest of my teenage years declaring that i liked them before they were cool.

Nobody cared. And I still miss Kurt.”

7. Storage wars.

“Storage unit auctions

Before 2010 when the Storage Wars show first started, you could find auctions with a few bidders, mainly pawn shop guys, but find smaller ones on the cheap for furniture, especially during my cheap college years. Show up, place a bid for $20, get a couple end tables, bed and chair.

Thanks to that show, everyone thinks they’ll hit the jackpot, as if people who default on their units all leave behind 1940s memorabilia or something. Bids skyrocketed beyond comprehension on or around 2011, it just hasn’t been worth it since then.

Most the stuff is junk, people. The tv shows are fixed and edited. It’s not worth it thinking something is always hidden. People with valuables many times put that in a safety deposit box, not a storage shed unit.

I feel bad for the college kids who not only can’t get decent apartment rent levels, but also can’t get furniture on the cheap from storage sheds like I used to, simply because of the false expectations from a fixed TV show.”

8. Pre-Twitch.

“I used to record with a VCR when I played Mario bros 2.

When VCR recording came out I thought, hey, I could record whatever is on the TV right? It worked, I was floored. I ended up watching the tape once and thought it was the coolest thing ever.

This was on a huge furniture tube TV that sat on the floor and only had a few channels you selected with a dial. So, I pretty was a twitch streamer before it was cool. The only minor difference was I didn’t make millions of copies and mail them out to the masses. Minor.”

9. Now a household name.

“My college roommate was from Seattle- he had been to a few Macklemore shows when he was in high school.

I remember when “Language of My World” came out, my roommate was certain that Macklemore would go from being a semi-underground PNW rapper to a household name.

Later on, we had tickets to see him at a small show in Vermont. We bought the tickets a few weeks before “The Heist” came out. I think we bought the tickets for $15 each?

We bought three tickets and our other friend couldn’t come. We ended up selling that ticket for a few hundred bucks- it paid for our gas and drinks for that weekend trip.”

10. Local band.

“My high school friends were convinced that local band Slipknot was going to be some big deal.

They’d go watch them play in like basements and s**t.

I saw them play in a field once with people gathered around them in a circle.”

11. Whoa.

“I was on the Internet in the mid 1980s.

I was the only kid in high school that printed book reports and probably one of the few that even knew what a MODEM was.”

12. Blades.


I bought a pair in the US circa 1989, when the only people using them were ice hockey players doing summer training, and they were completely unheard of in Europe.

Brought them back to the UK, and for a while, I was the most cutting edge skater in town. By the time they became popular, and dare I say, ‘cool’, I’d already ditched them and moved on.”

13. Would have been amazing.

“Saw AC/DC in concert before they were cool (at least before they were cool in Fresno.)

There was a lot of serious heckling and booing — cups and stuff thrown onto the stage. Bon Scott dropped his trousers and bared his a** to the crowd then walked off the stage.

If I recall correctly, there was nothing wrong with the performance, but the people were there to see Aerosmith, and were just didn’t want to wait.”

14. You have no idea…

“Read Game of Thrones in 1998.

I had to wait for book three.

You kids have no idea.”

15. You’re crazy.

“I saw The White Stripes open for another band before they blew up.

I thought they sucked. My BF at the time thought they were amazing and was convinced they were going to be huge. I thought he was crazy.

He was right and I was not.”

What are some things that you did before they were cool?

Tell us all about them in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post People Talk About What They Did “Before It Was Cool” appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Parenting Tricks That Can Actually Mess up Children

It seems like the world of parenting has changed so much since social media came along.

Some parents think they have a lot to live up to and they do things that might not necessarily be good for their kids. At all.

And there seems to be a lot of these examples out there.

What “parenting tricks” can actually mess up kids? Here’s what folks on AskReddit users had to say.

1. Messed up.

“Pretending to call the police when you’ve done something bad.

Did you know that there are YouTube videos with fake police calls, including a voice for the police officer, and they are always made to be intimidating?

One of them even said something along the lines of “If they have not stopped crying, we will send them to the military camp.” Or something like that. It is messed up.”

2. No privacy.

“I think this is obvious, but apparently not to a handful of parents I’ve met. Snooping through your children’s stuff and making it everybody’s business to know what you find.

Bonus points for being encouraging of your other children to invade their privacy as well. This happened to me when I was in foster care. I was already f**ked up and this took away few of my only coping mechanisms.”

3. That’s not motivation.

“Putting down your child to “motivate” them.

My parents never gave me positive reinforcement, they’d be quick to jump all over my mistakes and they even told me that I was faking my grades when I got the straight A’s they wanted.

It didn’t do anything except sow the seeds of self-doubt that I still have to this day.”

4. Gotta be socialized.

“Not letting the child go to any party or meet friends after school?

Well, this is how you get an adult with no social skills!”

5. Leads to issues.

“”Next time” promises to make the child not complain, but are never fulfilled.

It only leads to trust issues.”

6. A bad lesson.

“Giving kids the Silent Treatment when they’re in trouble

It honestly teaches them to shut down when things get difficult rather than talk things through.

I am personally unlearning that behavior to this day because of how often my mom did that.”

7. You see a lot of this.

“Scare tactics. My mom was always telling me horrible stories to scare me not to do things.

Like yes I get it, I won’t play by the train tracks or the canal but it seemed like everything I wanted to do had a scary story to go with it. Even when I was going to college and trying to decide on a career.

Oh you don’t want to do that because so and so did that and are now homeless, divorced, depressed, etc.”

8. Going about it the wrong way.

“Cleaning your room as a punishment or something to hold over your kid if they want to do something fun.

This will give your kid the impression cleaning their room is a bad thing. Treat it as something you both can do together, encourage them to do it because they want to.

I’ve decided that I will always help my kid clean his room solely to achieve the goal of a clean room, that’s it.”

9. Boundaries are important.

“Not allowing kids to have their own boundaries.

Forcing them to hug, kiss or be touched by relatives if when they don’t want to or ask for it to stop.”

10. Leads to bad things.

“Stop telling your kids they wont be mad if they tell the truth, then get mad when they do.

It taught me how to make a d**n good lie, hell, you don’t even know if I’m lying right now.”

11. Ownership.

“Forcing kids to share everything with everyone – even a kid they just met.

Ownership is a thing. Respecting ownership is a thing. Belongings have a value.

You don’t see adults randomly coming up and asking to “share” your iPhone because they want to play Candy Crush too. (And if they do, most sane people are going to say “no.”).”

12. You can be unhappy.

“Thinking that you should always keep your kid happy.

Always trying to keep your kid happy, always giving them what they want and always distract away any negative emotions will lead to them never learning emotional regulation, acceptance of boundaries, recilience in uphill battles, admitting wrongdoing and learning from mistakes, self esteem, communication skills…

Just the whole shebang.Everything in moderation, even happiness.”

13. Gaslighting.

“My parents would ignore any medical issue and say that I was lazy or it was because I ate poorly (???you buy the food?????) Nothing happened until at 17 I fell into a myxedema coma.

Turns out I had many many untreated autoimmune conditions that have caused permanent issues because they were ignored.

My parents still, as an adult, gaslight me when I say I have anything wrong or still outright deny I’m chronically ill.”

14. Never wrong.

“”I’m your parent, I’m always right.”

“You need to listen and just say okay to what I tell you to do!”

Cut to me as a 25 year old who always has an anxiety attack whenever I stand up for myself…”

Do you have any “parenting tricks” to add to this conversation?

Talk to us in the comments.

Thanks in advance!

The post People Share Parenting Tricks That Can Actually Mess up Children appeared first on UberFacts.

What Did You Witness as a Kid That Still Haunts You Today?

Some scars from childhood never quite heal.

And I’m not talking about the physical ones, either. I’m talking about the things we see as kids that we carry with us throughout our lives because they were traumatic and painful.

AskReddit users opened up about what they witnessed as kids that still haunts them.

Let’s take a look at their stories.

1. Whoa.

“My father met my mother when she was very young in a foreign country.

Due to age difference (he was 40, she was 25) they would argue a lot, my mom being young, she wanted to go out a lot and live her life. I walked up into their room once my father trying to suffocate my mother with a pillow. I was around 6 years old.

When my father saw me he completely stopped (he loved me so much despite the problems with my mother), and jumped in to hug me and took me to the other room. She called the police and put a restriction order on him.

To this day my mother says I saved her life, but that image has never left.”

2. What an a**hole.

“I was about six at a party at my dad’s secretary’s house.

He thought it’d be funny to throw me (fully clothed and unable to swim at the time) into the pool and laugh at me in front of everyone. I was so humiliated and embarrassed that my own father would use me as a prop to make his moron friends laugh.

I later found out he was f**king his secretary on the side and is the father of her daughters.”

3. Sounds of pain.

“My mom is a very strict person when it comes to school so when we do bad we get punished heavily.

I remember multiple times when my sister would get an F and would get beaten and yelled at. I still remember the guttural screams of pain when she got hit. I had many sleepless nights of overhearing my sister sobbing and screaming because of my mom.

Happened so much that I got desensitized to it.”

4. Ouch.

“Overheard our dad say to our stepmother, “if I could go back in time and never have those kids I would do, so I could only have your children”.”

5. Scarred for life.

“My grandparents getting it on.

There’s nothing more to be said.”

6. Harsh.

“Being called a “Useless, useless evil child that only gets his siblings in trouble. So weak and frail and useless.”

My Baba said this about me to my Auntie.

It sounds harsher in Russian.”

7. Scary.

“When I was in 3rd grade, my class took a field trip to a history museum in the capital of the state I lived in at the time.

After the tours were over and we had eaten lunch, we piled onto the buses and started to leave. To put it nicely, the capital wasn’t a very nice place, high crime rate, bad roads, worn down houses, that kind of stuff. Anyways, the bus was stopped at a stop light and my friend and I were playing the alphabet game, so we were naturally looking outside the window at the time.

Should’ve just slept the way back, because we saw a guy get mugged and s**bbed right at the crosswalk. Parents and teachers started to freak out, one parent vomited, the bus driver just floored it out of there. Kinda screwed everything up at the school for the next few weeks, the word got out real fast and we had to have an assembly about it.

Occasionally still have nightmares about the whole thing, never found out if the guy ever got medical attention or not, so it’s possible I watched a man die when I was just a small kid. To this day I can’t drive through that city, if I have to get close to it in any way I take a different route.”

8. RIP.

“When I was three my grandma d**d in her sleep and everyone went crazy.

I remember her boyfriend for some reason sneaking me in to see her body and then just sobbing a lot and saying I needed closure.

I wouldn’t call it bad trauma, especially compare to a lot of other things, but decades later I still remember what she, her boyfriend and the room looks like vividly and it comes up in my head sometimes without me even thinking about it.”

9. This is awful.

“I grew up near a highway with a 70 mph speed limit.

One day our dog got out of our yard and ran out onto the highway while I was helplessly trying to call it back. I’ll never forget the sight of it getting hit, going under the bumper and then bouncing between the pavement and the underside of the van. At least the driver had tried to stop.

He got out and dragged the body off the road and just looked up at me and said “he’s d**d” with a kind of half shrug. Nothing more anyone could have said or done after that”

10. A terrible sight.

“When I was about 6 I saw this guy dragging a kid covered in blood over a hill.

I ran inside my house panicked my dad called the cops.

Turned out the guy was mad that this kid beat up his son not sure what happened on other side of hill but he got arrested.”

11. Uh oh…

“Overheard a relative angrily confronting another relative about their homemade p**n tape. as said tape was playing.

I get the shivers every time the memory invades my thoughts.”

12. Sounds like a terrible person!

“My grandmother calling me fat, ugly, stupid and worthless when I was about 5-6 years old.

She’d have long, mocking conversations with her husband, family and even my mother about all that was wrong with me. She never said those things directly to me, she tried avoiding talking to or even looking at me as much as she could, she just made sure I always was close enough to hear her say it.

I have a whole conga line of trauma, but those years of abuse really left a mark. She’s on her deathbed now and I’ll be popping champagne when she’s gone.

It’s “funny”, though: Around the same age, I saw at least two badly damaged bodies (pedestrians hit by a car) and a horse suddenly collapsing and dying in front of my eyes, but had absolutely no reaction to that. 25 years later I still hurt from being called ugly though.”

13. Who was it…?

“Me: Imagine knowing a m**derer

Mom: You do

Me: Who?

Mom: I won’t tell you as you will never look at them the same.

Me: Then why did you tell me?

Decades later and I still haven’t figured out who it is.”

Do you have any stories like this?

Please share them with us in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post What Did You Witness as a Kid That Still Haunts You Today? appeared first on UberFacts.

Check Out These Examples of Terrible Food Ideas

Sometimes, your efforts just don’t quite hit the mark.

Kind of like the classic “nailed it” and cake fail memes, where a good idea is poorly executed.

At other times, the best possible implementation of an idea can’t make up for a bad idea.

Here are 13 mostly beautiful food-themed fails from the Awful Taste But Great Execution subreddit that just shouldn’t have been tried to begin with.

1. Curry Phone Case

I like curry as much as anyone…
but I’d give this lumpy gem a heat level of 0 for taste.

This curry phonecase from ATBGE

2. Cheese Keyboard

Cheese is my favorite food group…
But having your hands smell like cheese is not the best part of eating cheese.

Keyboard with cheese styled keycaps from ATBGE

3. Madagascar Cake

Traumatizing children by beheading beloved characters seems like a bad idea.

This Madagascar cake from ATBGE

4. Savory Wedding Cake

Just. Say. No.
I’m really struggling on who thought this was a good idea.

Wedding cake made with cheese, bacon, beans, and… triscuits? from ATBGE

5. Salad Lasagna

So… refreshing?
What was wrong with a side salad and a real lasagna?
It just seems like so much work for so little payoff.

Salad lasagne from ATBGE

6. Moldy Fruit Art

What to buy for the grandma who has everything?
I just… I don’t even want to look at this. ?

Moldy fruit art using precious gems and stones from ATBGE

7. Red Cabbage Slippers

For the vegan foodie in your life.

These red cabbage slippers from ATBGE

8. Cookout Candles

What could possibly go wrong?

I saw the hotdog candle here last week. Here is the whole collection. from ATBGE

9. Burger Bed

Go to sleep hungry.
Wake up hungry.
Always so hungry.

Hamburger bed from 1972 from ATBGE

10. Embroidered Snack Bags

Turning litter into art.
It’s like permanent, decorative litter.
It’s so meta it broke my brain.

this one is also literal from ATBGE

11. Sperm Cake

Because who wouldn’t want to eat that much… icing?

I wonder what flavor it is from ATBGE

12. Tee-Tee Tea

For the brave and bold tea drinker in your life.
I hope they have a sense of humor.

Feel like a cuppa’ ass tea? from ATBGE

13. Messed-Up Spaghetti

I legit don’t know what this is but I think I threw up in my mouth.
Please, tell me it’s a joke.

Meat-ghetti and spag-balls from ATBGE

Those are all certainly… interesting! What’s your favorite “nice try” terrible idea? Show us in the comments.

The post Check Out These Examples of Terrible Food Ideas appeared first on UberFacts.