Memes That Anxious People Can Go Ahead and Worry About

It’s not easy being an introverted, anxious type of person. Most of us find our ways and our outlets where we feel comfortable breaking out of that, but we’re still probably going to wear our giant headphones as we walk around town with nothing playing in them, just to dissuade anyone from thinking we might want to interact.

Luckily, there are lots of ways to cope, and as with most things, the number one coping mechanism available to us is memes.

So let’s look at some memes courtesy of Reddit which will help us process our anxiety, anxiously.

10. Form your words

But when it DOES happen to hit right, you feel like a superhero.

Always embarrassing myself from socialanxiety

9. It’s a sign

I dunno man, pretty sure I’m imagining this right now. Aren’t you a No U-Turn sign?

Whoever made this get out of my head. from socialanxiety

8. Give me compliments

But also please don’t because I have no idea how to process them.

Uh.. from socialanxiety


7. Which is which

“You’ll worry less what people think of you when you realize how seldom they do.”

This is too real from socialanxiety

6. Here and now

It’s gonna take quite a while to prep for this.

Plus thinking about how you sounded afterwards from socialanxiety

5. The best laid plans

Why do I do this to myself? How have I not learned?

*checks excuse book* from socialanxiety

4. The cycle

You think the makers of Spongebob ever thought he’d end up getting used like this?

It’s a vicious cycle from socialanxiety

3. Sending signals

Also I don’t wanna use any apps, so just figure it out everybody.

Hope it works… from socialanxiety

2. The golden ratio

I can’t look this in the eye.

Aye, contact sucks from socialanxiety

1. Game over

Some things are just the last straw.

Thanks brain, very cool from socialanxiety

Hang in there, fellow awkward people. We’ll make our way through.

What’s your most awkward moment lately?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Memes That Anxious People Can Go Ahead and Worry About appeared first on UberFacts.

People Who Grew up Poor Discuss the Unwritten Social Expectations of Their Worlds

I grew up in a middle-class household, so I have absolutely no idea what it’s like to go hungry or go without the basic necessities in life.

But, sadly, there are far too many people out there who grew up in poverty and still continue to do so.

Folks took to AskReddit to talk about the unwritten social expectations they had to deal with while growing up poor.

Take a look.

1. Don’t talk to anyone.

“My parents worked and were usually home about an hour or so after my elementary school got out.

We lived around the corner and down the way, like… less than one km, probably half a mile or so… anyway, I had a cell phone to call when I got home.

I was prepped with “do NOT answer the door for ANYONE. Not your grandpa, not your uncle, not our friends, your friends, mailman, NO ONE. not the police or fire department UNLESS the house is already on FIRE.”

I never opened the door for anyone. If I knew who they were, I would shout through the paned window overlooking the porch. But even then, that was rare, I usually just stayed out of sight.

I also ALWAYS keep my front door locked now too. And if I’m not expecting someone, I don’t answer the door if I’m home alone. I also have a big dog with a big bark.”

2. Freezing cold.

“I lived in a place with bitter winters. while the thermostat at school and other public spaces was turned up past 70 degrees F, my home was always around 60 degrees, sometimes dropping to the 50s.

We’d offset the low temperature by sleeping with multiple blankets and wearing layers upon layers, sometimes even wearing snow pants around the house and to bed.”

3. Take care of those teeth.

“My dad made us brush our teeth for 5-10 minutes every night. And we never got sweets. Because we couldn’t afford to go to the dentist.

I think I went two, maybe three times until I got a job with benefits in my early 20s. My teeth are crooked AF but surprisingly escaped with very few cavities.”

4. Go the cheap route.

“You are perpetually young. Going to a movie? Only during matinee showings AND you are 12 years old until you’re 16. At a restaurant, you’re also 9 forever.

Going to fast food (with any adult), you only order off of the dollar menu.”

5. Don’t say a word.

“I was talking to a friend and she stopped me and said, “you don’t tell people what goes on inside of this house, do you?”

No of course not, I lied, because if I’d said yes, she’d manipulate my father into beating my a** within an inch of my life.

She pretty much got my father to beat me whenever she wanted it.”

6. Borrowing and burning.

“Generous borrowing and “burning” culture.

Everything you own is available to be borrowed by other poor people. My family had an extensive movie collection (especially when we could record movies from cable to VHS tapes), and our neighborhood friends were welcome to borrow what they needed.

Games, movies, CDs. We swapped and borrowed a lot. Often times, it was only long enough to burn a copy to have for oneself.”

7. Life lessons.

“My father was constantly driving these two things into my head since I was old enough to remember: 1). Hard Work will set you free 2). You WILL NOT get anyone pregnant.

He never meant that hard work would make you rich. He meant that if you’re willing to work hard, you can always work some s**t job that puts food on the table, and you’ll be so exhausted by days end, you can rest.

In my father’s eyes food on the table and a good night’s rest was all a person really needed. The pregnancy thing was totally about shame. He grew up in the deep South with a Baptist preacher father. My father was around 6-7 in the early 1950’s when his oldest brother (15) got a girl (18) in the church preggo.

The resulting shame and shunning from the community that ensued drove my father’s mother to suicide. I’m sure to some degree, he blames his current life on the pregnancy that he had nothing to do with.”

8. Hide it.

“Hide money or it will be “borrowed.” Also, don’t get attached to anything because if it’s any good it’ll be sold in a yard sale, and if it has any value it will be pawned.

I got the same CD player for three Christmases and birthdays in a row…out of pawn for birthday, pawned again a month later, out of pawn for Christmas, pawned again by March, etc.”

9. Wouldn’t trade it.

“Independence at a young age. But also responsibility.

You cook, clean, and pitch in before you are asked. If you’re waiting for an adult to make dinner, you’re going hungry. Also, poor doesn’t mean dirty. You keep what you have nice, clean, and well cared for.

Seriously, I wouldn’t trade my upbringing for anything in the world.”

10. Not all the way.

“Never fill up the gas tank.

You don’t want to be in a situation where you have gas in your car but no groceries.”

11. Hmmmm…

“”The second you become working age, 10+. You will help with bills. You have no choice. Your money is everyone’s money.”

Which is fine, until you realize the new tattoo mom has and dads new TV.”

12. Keep it to yourself.

“Keep your aspirations to yourself.

Telling anyone in your household/social strata about your plans to get out and do better may be met with bitterness and downright ridicule. People will call you uppity for wanting to go to school or stupid for having a career goal that isn’t modest and local and vaguely dead-end.

People will tell you that you have no common sense simply because you refuse to see the world in terms of pure survival.”

13. Just can’t afford it.

“Going to the doctor isn’t an option until your fever is sustained at 104, a bone is broken, or the tooth rotted and won’t fall out on it’s own.

I am in my late 30s with full insurance and still have a hangup about going for medical care.”

What do you think about this?

Speak out in the comments and let us know.

Thanks a lot!

The post People Who Grew up Poor Discuss the Unwritten Social Expectations of Their Worlds appeared first on UberFacts.

Memes for Everybody Who Knows All About That Sibling Life

When you look at the stats, you can see that at any given time, the most common number of children for a family to have is actually only one, followed by two, and trailing a bit distantly is three or more.

Which means that if you, like me, grew up with two or more siblings, your experience is actually in the minority, even though the things we’ve seen feel so very universal, and are so aptly expressed in these memes.

15. The attack

Oh now you’ve done it, you’ve unleashed the beast.

Via: The Chive

14. The difference

Gotta smile for the camera.

Via: The Chive

13. Oops

He was like this when I found him, I swear.

Via: The Chive

12. The oldest trick in the book

In the era of all-wireless controllers it’s even harder for them to tell.

Via: The Chive

11. Ending the cycle

I am with you in this cause.

Via: The Chive

10. The smug look

I have everything and you have nothing!

Via: The Chive

9. What a twist

Then you learn the trick and perpetuate it on others, that’s how this goes.

Via: The Chive

8. Take a seat

It’s not about comfort, it’s about the principal of the thing.

Via: The Chive

7. The ruse

TV day, here I come.

Via: The Chive

6. What’s mine is mine

We’re not super great at leaning toward equity naturally.

Via: The Chive

5. The switcheroo

You shouldn’t have. No really, you shouldn’t have.

Via: The Chive

4. Mean machine

I ain’t your dad.

3. Brutal

If you let me keep a 60/40 share of the money you can beat the crap out of me, homes.

2. Don’t tell mom

It goes on and on.

1. The look

This too shall pass.

Ah, siblings. Gotta love ’em. GOTTA.

What are your siblings like?

Tell us about them in the comments.

The post Memes for Everybody Who Knows All About That Sibling Life appeared first on UberFacts.

If You Grew up Poor, What Were the Unwritten Social Expectations? Here’s What People Said.

Growing up in poverty has to be very tough on children.

In addition to going without material things, there are also certain expectations that they had to deal with because of their lack of money.

If you grew up poor, what unwritten social expectations did you have to deal with?

People shared their thoughts on AskReddit.

1. Ugh.

“I once told some friends we had mushrooms growing in our house. I thought it was cool. My mom was angry and told me to never tell anyone again. I realized as I got older why she was angry.

The floor of our house was rotting…thus the mushrooms. But she couldn’t afford to get it fixed. She was worried CPS would take me away for unsafe living conditions.”

2. Private.

“Do not answer the door. Do not answer the phone.

When the man is looking through the window, make sure you can’t be seen.

Do not tell anyone who knocks on the door where the parents work.”

3. Not enough to eat.

“Not eating lunch because it you either “just ate breakfast” or “dinner’s only a few hours away you’ll be fine”.”

4. No extra money.

“We weren’t allowed to do any kind of extra curricular activities.

So, no instruments, no joining any kind of sports or girl scouts or anything that required an upfront investment for uniforms or the season. Walmart shoes.

My dad once said I wasn’t really in need of glasses, that I just wanted to look like all my four eyed friends? lol (spoiler alert, totally needed them)

Off brand everything.”

5. We’re not trash.

“Keep your hair brushed, your clothes clean, and be articulate and polite in all circumstances. We were not going to be “trash” just because we were poor.

Also, no wearing ripped jeans, even if it’s the style. We’re not spending money on new pants that look like old worn out pants.”

6. Hot and sticky.

“A/C was only for company.

I lived in South Florida and didn’t know I could use the air conditioner without having someone over until I moved out of my parents’ home.”

7. Go cheap.

“If someone buys you food at a restaurant order as cheaply as possible even if they tell you order whatever you want.

Used to get glares from my parents if I ordered something 10 bucks or over at a place where average prices was 10 bucks.

If you can get a burger and fries for 8 you better be eating a burger.”

8. Better not get caught.

“Don’t do anything bad or illegal.

But if you do, don’t get caught.

Bail is expensive. Lawyers and court fees are expensive.”

9. Say nothing.

“Never tell your friends that you couldn’t afford food or give them any clue about what it’s like at home.

My mother used to ask me if I told anyone how we live and that’s when I questioned our situation.”

10. The rules.

“Never see a doctor or go to the emergency room unless you are actually d**ng.

And, if you touch the thermostat you will be d**ng.”

11. Don’t waste anything.

“Nothing wasted!

Mom had a dish called mixed-up stew which was basically a little mince beef, mashed potatoes and any leftovers from the fridge.

Good menu planning – she never called it that but one meal led to the next with last’s night leftovers included. Failing that, she always had a soup on the go using bones from chicken, dried barley and, yet again, leftovers.

Thing is they were all delicious, but that could be me just remembering her fondly.”

12. Not worth the bother.

“You never brought the field trip permission slips home because you knew better than to make your mom feel guilty she couldn’t pay the $5-20 fee to let you go.”

What are some more unwritten expectations of growing up poor?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know what you think.

We look forward to hearing from you!

The post If You Grew up Poor, What Were the Unwritten Social Expectations? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Admit the Basic Facts They Learned Embarrassingly Late in Life

I had a friend who said something when we were in college that kind of blew my mind.

Someone referred to a celebrity as a “primadonna”, meaning someone who has a huge ego and is really impressed with themself.

My friend said he thought that term meant someone who was around “pre-Madonna.” Like the singer…

Hmmm…well, let’s just say we all had a good laugh at that one.

AskReddit users admitted what basic facts they learned WAY too late in life.

Let’s see what they had to say.

1. Ohhhh…

“I was 23 when I learned I was allergic to apples.

Someone was complaining about their throat closing up after s**king, and I responded with “oh yeah like when you eat an apple?”

You can imagine how the conversation went from there.”

2. A great drink.

“In my mid 20s I moved up the food chain from server to bartender at the restaurant I worked at. Someone ordered a Roman Coke. I didn’t know what was in a Roman Coke so I told him so and but that I would figure it out.

I figured out that what I had been understanding as a Roman Coke my whole drinking life, was in fact a Rum & Coke…that, I knew how to make!”

3. Oops.

“I’m from Pennsylvania. When they do the nightly lottery drawings on TV, they always add a reminder at the end: “Benefits Older Pennsylvanians Every Day!”

So, naturally, I just assumed that a lot of elderly people won the lottery. When I was a teen I made a joke to my dad about him turning 50 and having a better shot at winning the lottery, and he looked at me like I was nuts.

Turns out that “Benefits Older Pennsylvanians Every Day!” means that the lottery is a fundraiser for senior services, and here I was thinking that it meant Grandma was winning millions on her scratch-offs.”

4. From beyond!

“Space heaters are so named because they heat a room (a space), not because they look like futuristic devices from outer space.”

5. Good one, Mom!

“My mom used to tell me the car doesn’t start if the seatbelts aren’t buckled.

I didn’t know that wasn’t a real feature until I was 22.”

6. More lying moms…

“My mother told me that if you swallowed gum it would stick to your ribs.

I was in my second year of college in an Anatomy class when it hit me that this isn’t true.”

7. This is great!

“It took me an embarrassingly long time before I realized that when a movie had a blurb from Rolling Stone…it wasn’t The Rolling Stones reviewing it.”

8. Like unicorns, right?

“Reindeer are a real animal. When I found out about Father Christmas I thought that meant reindeer weren’t real.

I was very much an adult when I was very confused (and excited) to see one in real life.”

9. Don’t say that!

“When I was young, I found a Doobie bBrothers CD at a relative’s house.

I asked my mom what a Doobie was.

She said it’s a lady’s private parts and to never say it.

I was 17 before I saw someone call a joint a Doobie.”

10. Urban legend.

“There’s no chemical in the pool that reveals pee.

A buddy and I were talking about it and we both realized at the same time that nether of us have actually SEEN it.

We looked it up and felt dumb as hell.”

11. Billy goat.

“Ok so I grew up on a small farm.

We had cows, chickens, pig, rabbits and goats and more. On occasion we had to shear the goats, the goats would hold very still when being sheared. Like statue still. I saw this on pretty regular occasion.

When my parents would take me to get a hair cut they would tell the barber to give me a billy goat cut. Of course to me this meant hold really still, so I did. Had the same barber for a loooong time.

Eventually he passed when I was in high school. Leaving me to find a new barber. Imagine my and the new barbers surprise when he said “how do you want it cut” and I said I just want a normal billy goat cut….

This is one of those things that makes me cringe at night.”

12. Awkward!

“That Apollo 13 was an actual event and not just a movie starring Tom Hanks.

Would have been embarrassing in any context but all the more so when I was working with Cpt. James Lovell and asked him why he was signing new paperbacks of Apollo 13 with Tom Hanks on the cover, “Oh, did you work on that movie?” I asked. Beyond awkward.

We had an hour’s drive together and so after he patiently explained that he was on that mission and as I had not seen the movie, I asked if he would tell me the story. He laughed and agreed, “Ok! I’ve never met anyone who didn’t think they already knew the story…”

Hearing him tell it to me was riveting (and special) . 25 years later I still cringe but it was one of the best days in my life. He is truly an amazing human.”

13. Pretty confusing.

“The song “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus” is not about creepy infidelity, but rather, hinges on the fact that dads sometimes dress up as Santa.

Which I realized in my 20s when I brought it up with my Catholic roommate.”

Have you ever learned any basic facts embarrassingly late in life?

If so, please share them with us in the comments.

Thanks a lot!

The post People Admit the Basic Facts They Learned Embarrassingly Late in Life appeared first on UberFacts.

People Are Putting Wigs on Dogs Now Because, Why Not?

I have a quick question for you. If you were to, hypothetically, head over to Instagram and search for the hashtag #dogwig, how many results do you think would pop up?

No cheating. No peeking. Take a guess. A few? Dozens? Hundreds? What if I were to tell you that the answer is *SEVERAL THOUSAND.*

That’s right, thousands of people found a wig, put that wig on their dog, took a picture of that, uploaded it to the internet, and took the time to be sure to add the right tag so that it could be properly found.

That’s just the world we’re living in. That’s just Instagram. And here are some of our favorite dogs that have been found as a result, with names and personalities we’re purely guessing about based on their aesthetic.

10. Mr. Stacks

Always has candy for you. Doesn’t understand why millennials are struggling because he thinks a four bedroom house still costs a dollar.

9. Leslie

Has some hot neighborhood gossip to tell you, if she can get up the nerve.

8. The Barrister

He has served this court for fifty years, and he’ll have none of your nonsense here.

7. Frank

One of the only people who has actually read all the books on his shelves. Doesn’t remember anything in them.

6. His Honor

Order. Order in the court.

5. Zachery

Disappointed by the sales of his latest album, but trying to rebrand that as a “turning point for him.”

4. Ashleigh

Just needs to bum a cigarette off you real quick if that’s alright.

3. Pat

Didn’t realize everyone else at this costume party was going to actually put in so much effort.

2. Cruella

A turncoat for dogs if ever there was one.

1. Margerie

Very happy you took the time to mow her lawn, now just wait right there and she’ll find her checkbook.

I love them all. I love their looks.

Which one is your favorite?

Tell us in the comments.

The post People Are Putting Wigs on Dogs Now Because, Why Not? appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss the Women’s Issues That Are Often Overlooked

I’m not a woman, so I have no idea what they struggle with.

And I’m not going to pretend that I do.

But, I have a mom, two sisters, and a lot of female friends, so I do my best to try to understand the issues that they believe are important.

And I’m going to learn some more today, which is always a good thing.

AskReddit users talked about women’s issues that they believe are often overlooked.

Here’s what they had to say.

1. Don’t feel guilty.

“Postpartum Depression

It’s so much more common than people think but many mothers feel too guilty to reach out for help because they think everything is supposed to be amazing after getting the baby.”

2. Need to know.


I was properly shocked when I learned about this surprisingly somewhat common side effect from childbirth.”

3. The important stuff.

“Having access to pads and tampons.

Most women have access to pads and tampons in my country, but we often forget about the women who don’t.

Also s** education is not good. We need to be teaching about anatomy, periods, and menopause.”

4. Trauma.

“The time it takes to heal from trauma. And money.

I’ve been in therapy for 4 years, read a hundred books on healing, gone to retreats, etc. and I’m sitting there this Saturday in a circle of women who are about to talk and cry for 6 hours on a Saturday… like what are our r**ists doing right now?

Cause they aren’t sitting in a circle talking about their feelings trying desperately to feel good in life again.”

5. Keeping up appearances.

“The extra time, energy, and money that must be spent to look professional.

I sometimes try to throw my hands up and say “f**k it, let them think I’m ugly,” and I stop plucking my eyebrows for awhile, no makeup, etc… and I’m treated noticeably different.”

6. Ridiculous.

“I have endometriosis, terrible genetics, and my husband and I don’t want children.

Getting an IUD was still a pain in the a**.

Why must women suffer to avoid being even TEMPORARILY infertile?”

7. Cult-like.

“The cult/religion I was raised in taught little girls and young women that if they weren’t virgins(regardless of whether it was something they consented to) then they were worth less then a chewed piece of gum on the street.

I’m a dude and I was only taught that I should stay a virgin until marriage because it’s a sin. I didn’t learn what they taught to the women until a few months before I left that cult/religion while I was attending the college they own.

There’s also a ton of victim blaming. There was a girl who was kicked out of the cult/religion’s college because her r**ist said she drank al**hol on the night he r**ed her. The r**ist was allowed to stay, and as far as I know, didn’t get any serious consequences.”

8. THIS.

“The fact that s**ual harassment often starts before a girl is even an adult.

The fact that women grow up learning that their most important source of value is in their appearance, and other women also participate in reinforcing it.”

9. Never thought of this.

“Nearly every safety invention is designed for the average man. Airbags, seatbelts, dosages for drugs, safety bars on roller coasters, etc.

Look, I know we can’t all custom order cars with different sized belts and bags, etc, but women can sustain serious injuries because safety features aren’t meant for them.”

10. Definitely wrong.

“In my country feminine hygiene products are subject to the same tax as luxury items.

Something seems wrong there.”

11. Shouldn’t be this hard.

“My inability to get sterilized. I do not want children. I never have, never will. I will never have children to please a partner. If a partner wants children, they’re not the one for me.

I want to be sterilized so I have a very very very minimal chance of getting pregnant. But I cannot do it because I’m too young, I’ll change my mind, my partner might want kids, etc.

It shouldn’t be this hard for me to make a choice on my own body but I am sure about.”

12. The view from overseas.

“In my country, Bangladesh, women are blamed for everything wrong that happens.

For example if a girl marries a guy and after years the guy d**s of a disease or something people will say “the girl ate the guy” meaning anyone who marries the girl will d**.

Another example is that when women are s**ually assaulted people say stuff like “why did the girl go in front of guys? Why did the girls go out at night? why did the girl wear short dresses in front of guys?”


This is what Asian girls go through. I hope one day girlblaming will come to an end.”

13. Scary stuff.

“Pregnancy consequences in general.

Pregnancy is scary.

I’ve decided not to have kids and some of it stems from absolute terror at all the stuff that can happen because of it.”

Now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us what women’s issues you think are often overlooked.

Thanks in advance!

The post People Discuss the Women’s Issues That Are Often Overlooked appeared first on UberFacts.

Failure Tweets Brought to Us By Funny People

If you think you’ve been failing lately, chances are you’re right. Because a lot of us fail in little ways all the time. It’s just part of life. Make peace with it. Find your zen.

One way to help you make peace with it might just be realizing how much worse other people fail and create facepalm inducing scenarios on a day to day basis.

And if you need examples of just that, look no further than the friendly folks of Twitter. They’ve got the fail you need to succeed. Or something.

12. I’m a weirdo

Radiohead is one of those things I absolutely love and am simultaneously embarrassed to be a fan of, because of stuff like this.


11. Ur cute

It’s like Schrodinger’s gay over here.

10. Thank you very much

Hey, some of us still like to show some manners in this society.

9. Charcuterie

I get it man, it really is quite a big commitment.

8. Welcome to the show

Definitely crossing a line there, but how were you to know?

7. They sucks

I mean, is this the singular they though?

6. Punch it up

How people manage to put this much work in for free I’ll never understand.

5. Out with the girls

You really need to be a kept man, don’t you?

4. That bites

Ma’am I don’t want to alarm you but I think you’re raising a vampire.

3. Carpe diem

And some denim, too, while we’re out here.

2. Look at this photograph

I feel like this might just be the worst picture of an elephant possible.

1. I no it

You no it, we all no it.

If looking at those facepalms doesn’t make you feel better about your own life, then I can only assume that you’re one of these people. In which case, I apologize.

What’s the worst fail you’ve had lately?

Tell us about it in the comments.

The post Failure Tweets Brought to Us By Funny People appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss Glamorized Career Paths That Are Actually Total Nightmares

It’s interesting how we view certain occupations when we’re young. Things that seem glamorous and exciting can actually be, well, kind of s**tty.

And it’s also interesting how our attitudes change after we’ve actually worked a specific job and not read about it or daydreamed about it.

But I guess you never know until you’re in the middle of it.

Folks on AskReddit talked about career paths that tend to get glamorized but are actually total nightmares.

Let’s take a look.

1. In the kitchen.


Been in the business for 12 years. In the US, 8 hour days and paid overtime. In UK, I’m working 60 hour weeks, 13 hour days, on salary with no overtime.

My personal life has taken a nosedive and so has my health. The only time I have to go to the gym (a hobby I loved!) is after midnight after working all day. I don’t get scheduled breaks, and if I get a chance to eat, I’m shoving fries into my mouth.

For those who are interested in becoming a chef, it is not for the faint-hearted. Have a backup plan or some other marketable skills so you’re not up a creek if this industry does take its toll.”

2. Yikes.

“I don’t practice law anymore, but when I did I mostly did criminal defense and occasional civil cases. Almost all the attorneys I knew all had great professional lives and personal lives comprised of utter s**t.

Al**hol abuse was rampant. Drug use was frequent. I knew attorneys who had “pharmacy drawers” in their office that they consulted when they needed a specific remedy.

I knew a public defender who dropped d**d of a massive heart attack as he was leaving for court. One attorney I knew said he loved going to new restaurants because he and his wife didn’t have s** any more and that was his only real passion now.

And I’m sure there are some attorneys who love their job. I’m sure there are many who are satisfied. But glamorous? Not in my experience.”

3. Insane.

“My sister just left her dream job as a Zoo Keeper so that she could go work at Petco.

Pays twice as much and has better benefits.”

4. Much better now.

“Working in film.

I thought I loved the job. And when I got out, I was floored by how much happier I was on a day-to-day basis. My standard for happiness was pretty much at ground level and I hadn’t even realized it.

When I did my last show, the folks there had worked with me for years at that point. They knew about what I had been doing the past few months, and that I was choosing to leave.

Multiple people, including the showrunner and that episode’s director (this was a huge network TV show), pulled me aside to give their well-wishes…and to say that I was living their secret dream of escaping the industry. Blew me away.

Guys with esteemed Hollywood careers that I thought were in love with the job, shaking their heads quietly and saying, “if only I’d have got out at your age.” Any lingering doubts about my choice vanished that day.”

5. Academia.

“Academia in general is potentially a garbage fire career path.

Namely because it’s so competitive that a lot of people burn out and become shells of human beings just from the stress and pressure of grad school and the job market.

A lot of people put pressure on themselves to end up in a top tier university when that just isn’t in the cards for everyone. So many people end up broken.

I’d just say that for anyone considering academia after a PHD, be ready to give a lot and get very little in return.”

6. Too bad.

“Being an architect is really bad.

Most people don’t complete it and the mental health issues are quite serious. There’s a lot of criticism and stress in the beginning, lots of late nights and hard work. At the end of the work you get insulted in public.

There’s no real reason for this. You aren’t going to be saving lives or anything, there’s no need to make it so expensive either.

So three years later, you get a degree and have to do a year of intern work, then it’s time for another year of study and projects and exams. Then two years of minimum wage work.

Then you come back for more exams, essays and projects.

It’s really too hard for what it is. I get paid very badly and I don’t really use any of my training. It was pointless really but girls like it at parties when I say I’m an architect. That’s a lie I don’t go to parties I have no social life.”

7. No fun.

“Investment Banking.

People talk about the fancy plane rides, expensive dinners, wild parties with your colleagues or a client. The reality of it is you’re never trully off work, always on-call like a surgeon.

Works weeks are usually 60-100 hours and can be brutal if one follows another.

It’s really more like working from 9AM-10PM in office and then get home to work another bit and have any given presentation ready stat.

I’ve gone all-nighters followed by client meetings where all I have time for is a quick shower and a 7/11 coffee.”

8. Hard to help people.

“Behavioral health.

I spent a long time working towards a career in therapy, and I’ve noticed that a lot of new people/people looking to get into the field go in with the starry-eyed “I want to help people” mentality. I did, too.

You do help people, but it is f**king hard to help people. A lot of jobs are high stress/low pay type of deals, because a lot of the jobs available are through nonprofits that only have so much funding to go around.

You are vicariously exposed to other people’s trauma, and it does affect you, no matter how good you are at creating boundaries and practicing self care. It’s an admirable profession, but a grossly under appreciated one, and it most certainly isn’t for everyone who wants to “help people” for a living.”

9. Too bad.

“The nonprofit sector.

You’re mostly putting a bandaid on issues. You go into it wanting to help people, but far too many people are ungrateful, not willing to help them selves, or complain no matter how much you’re trying.

I cannot tell you how many people have made threats even when you’ve gone well above and beyond for them. So many people abuse the system for freebies. I had people come in trying to get freebies who make over 100k a year.

The pay is always s**t unless you’re at the executive level. It is ridiculous how much executives make compared to the workers doing 90% of the work. The CEO of my organization makes well into the six figures while we have to work 3 years to get a 3% raise on our low salary.

They also devalue you constantly. You have people with master’s degrees working entry level positions being bossed around by some old lady with zero education but who’s friends with the CFO or something.

You’re constantly working with a ramen noodle budget expected to come out with steak and lobster results. 9/10 volunteers are only there because they’re trying to get hours or a reference and complain a lot.

You’re constantly battling other nonprofits even if you’re just trying to share resources. You can do completely different things and are just trying to refer clients back and forth so they can acess all available resources, but they’ll guard their clients like gold.

The amount of shady practices that occur as well… Inflation of numbers, total lies, etc… it is really sad how many places do nothing or very minimal, but are galmorized as “doing good”.”

10. This would be very difficult.

“Law Enforcement.

I went into it with the naive belief I would be making a difference. I wanted to protect people and make my community safer. Instead, I got to see the worst humanity has to offer day in and day out. Lets see if I can list all the negatives:

Most departments are filled with arrogant assholes with inflated ego’s that love to condescend to other officers or the public when they themselves can barley read.

Many officers have severe anger issues and love to take it out on the public (never saw it happen physically but verbally or by issuing ever ticket possible).

Try to suggest changes to bring about better relations with the public? Prepare to be ostracized and bullied till you tow the line.

The overall level of incompetence is staggering, with some officers barely knowledgeable of the firearms they carry everyday.

Your view of the public and people in general becomes very dark. The amount of EDP’s (emotionally disturbed persons), druggies and alcoholics you deal with each day is ridiculous and you start to wonder how society hasn’t collapsed.

You arrest a violent offender just to see them quickly released over and over, whats worse is how many times an abuse victim files a complaint because you arrested their “love” despite almost being k**led.

Very few people are actually grateful when you cut them a break. They DO take it as a sign of weakness and try to push the envelope. This is an often overlooked reason why some officers become a**holes. You try to help people out and they spit in your face (sometimes literally), this gradually tears you down until you can barely recognize what you are becoming.

The uniform is a target. You can be the nicest most patient officer in the world but to many the uniform means you are the enemy. You will get cursed at, attacked and have your private life laid bare.

Low pay not even remotely commensurate with what you have to deal with.

There is sooo much more but I was lucky enough to get out and change careers before it all really got to me.”

11. All or nothing.

“Professional sports.

People have no idea how much time, effort and resources goes into competing at elite levels of any sport/esport. It is soul-sucking. Think a 50hour work week is hard?

Nah fam, try living and breathing what you do. That’s why I h**e that people think talent is what gets you there, but in reality those people are just extremely dedicated to their craft.”

12. I can see this.

“The video game industry.

A lot of kids and teens want in it so bad because “I grew up playing games blah blah blah they take me to another world blah blah blah.” Then you become an adult and learn that it’s all math and physics, and making a video game has NOTHING to do with what you experienced growing up. It’s all black screens of code, polygons, and being criticized for your work.

What’s worse, if you make games you probably never have the time to play them anymore. The gaming industry is notorious for implementing 60-80 hour work weeks.

EVEN WORSE depending on what company you work for, you may never have stable work. You finish a project and then the company tells you “we don’t have another project for your particular skill set.” Then you gotta look for more work.

AND IF ALL THAT WASNT BAD ENOUGH, you’ll probably never work on a game you want to work on. All those big, fancy games and indie darling on Steam are a very small fraction of what exists. Barbie’s Horse Adventure? Those people got degrees and we’re inspired by the same games as you.

Crappy Candy Crush knock-offs? Same degree and inspiration. Stupid table-top games that you only see in the family section at Walmart? Those also utilize game designers/programmers.

Don’t get into videogames because you like videogames. Get into videogames because you’re passionate about math and science.”

Now we want to hear from you.

How do you feel about this?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know!

The post People Discuss Glamorized Career Paths That Are Actually Total Nightmares appeared first on UberFacts.

What Did You Do “Before It Was Cool”? People Responded.

I remember when I first started going to punk rock shows in small coffee houses, garages, and basements, it was a little bit intimidating.

I was a normal suburban kid without a chip on my shoulder, but some of the people at these shows clearly didn’t want new kids coming in and being a part of a scene they’d been in for a while.

But I guess this sort of stuff happens all the time, right?

Folks on AskReddit talked about what they did “before it was cool”.

Let’s take a look.

1. Ahead of the curve.

“Listened to podcasts before they were podcasts.

Recorded shows (just like today, some were for online distribution, others were recorded versions of broadcasts) were put on a web server or FTP server where you could come download them.

They weren’t quite podcasts yet, because the idea of hooking them up with an RSS feed hadn’t come out yet (not even sure if RSS had been invented yet, TBH) so I had a script that ran as a cron job on my desktop, which would grab a directory listing at regular intervals and download anything I didn’t already have.

Most of them were MP3, of course, but at least one was RealAudio.”

2. Now it’s cool.

“Everything nerdy. I attended high school in the 90’s and you kept the nerdy s**t hidden.

Then came the Star Wars special editions. Then LOTR won a bunch of Oscars. Nerd stuff became more and more mainstream. Then the cool kids started watching Game of Thrones. Now dungeons and dragons is having its biggest growth ever.

So grateful. I love how it’s no longer niche targeted at young males.

Now, the neckbeards who get triggered over “fake geek girls,” I dont understand them. I’m old enough to remember when a girl who had the same interests as you was “a good thing” and “the basis for a relationship.””

3. Nerdin’ out.

“I was a big nerd and gamer in the late 1980s and 1990s.

In 2000 I went to an EverQuest guild meet up in Toronto and customs was incredulous.

“You’re coming to another country to meet people you met in a video game online?” They asked like 10 times in different ways.

Then in 2008ish I went to Toronto again for a (then-WoW) meet up. “Why are you coming to Canada?” “World of Warcraft guild meetup.” “How long are you staying?” “A week.” “Enjoy your visit.””

4. A great man!

“Watching Bob Ross.

Literally the only channel that was decent in my house was PBS.

As soon as I came home from school it was on.”

5. A huge hit.

“Black Panther was my son’s favorite superhero back in like 2014.

There was no character merch and I paid ridiculous money to find discontinued Black Panther toys.

Flash forward a couple years and we’re at the theater on opening day in full Black Panther costumes.”

6. They came around.

“I was the first boy in my middle school to pierce my ears (trying to be like my big brother).

Everyone roasted my a** to the point I just had to take them out.

Fast forward a couple years to high school and every dude that gave me s**t for pierced ears had gotten it done themselves.”

7. Wildly successful.


I pl ayed it way back in the Alpha version before everyone and their mom knew about it.

Watched Seananners make a video about it and bought it immediately and that video was the first spark towards it being the giant it is now.”

8. Youtubing.

“Youtube. I had a video in 2006 get over a million views.

That was big back then. I got some ad revenue, a couple of sponsors, and people putting my videos in compilations.

Haven’t done anything with it since then.”

9. Trendsetter.

“Reading Harry Potter.

We had a copy of the Philosopher’s Stone before a second book had been announced, and before either of them had come out in the US.

Absolutely obsessed with it – you couldn’t really get any toys or merch back then besides the books themselves so we would make our own.”

10. Awesome.

“I was into Nirvana early on.

I was a subscriber to the Sub Pop single of the month. I heard their cover of Love Buzz before it appeared on Bleach I think it was November of 1988.

Saw them twice before Nevermind was released.

Feb 1989 at Marsugi’s in San Jose with Mudhoney. Was a spectacular show in a venue that held less than 70 people. I think it took a couple days of days for the ringing to stop. But it was worth it.

Saw them a year later after Bleach was released at the Cactus Club.”

11. Before it came overseas.

“Watching the Office as an American when it was only the UK Version as it first aired in the US.”

12. This is funny.

“F**king everything. I’ll start doing something and it blows up in a few years. And I am far from cool.

I am a 33 year old fat white lady who can barely use her cell phone. My husband calls me “accidental hipster.””

13. Livin’ the vinyl life.

“When I was growing up, my dad had an extensive record collection from the 50’s and 60’s. And I always loved putting them on and listening to them.

They were all country/bluegrass, and some jazz. But I was huge fan of folks like Patsy Cline, Buck Owens, Dolly Parton, Eddy Arnold, Chet Adkins, Boots Randolph and Johnny Cash just to name a few. Also had some musicals in there like Annie Get Your Gun. We had so many, we hand to store them in a trunk since it collapsed out bookshelf.

This was of course during the rise of CDs, so finding vinyl was hard unless you came across them at a flea market, or Goodwill or something.

Seems weird now that Vinyl is outselling CDs and Dolly Parton and Johnny Cash are legends in our generation now. And my favorite song from Annie Get Your Gun is now remixed for athletic commercials (anything you can do I can do better)

For the longest time I couldn’t talk about it for fear I was a dork. Now I can’t talk about it for fear of being a hipster.”

What did you do before it was cool?

Talk to us in the comments.

Thanks in advance!

The post What Did You Do “Before It Was Cool”? People Responded. appeared first on UberFacts.