What’s Your Big Family Secret That Ended Up Coming Out?

A lot of families out there kind of operate like soap operas.

There’s drama, intrigue, backstabbing, and a whole lot of dark secrets that seem to come out at the worst time.

Like a wedding or a funeral.

And that’s when the finger-pointing and the fighting start!

Have you ever had a big secret come out in your family?

Folks on AskReddit shared their stories.

1. So many questions.

“My mother is kid #7 of 10.

My aunt (kid #4) who was born in 1945 did her DNA and found out that she has a different father from everyone else. She was devastated. There was always rumor that there was an affair but nobody talked about it.

She has so many questions but nobody’s alive to answer her.

2. Crazy.

“In the 1970s a dead girl was found on my grandpa’s property.

Everyone including the local police just assumed she was in with a bad crowd and m**dered by drug dealers.

In the 1990s, some of his grandkids came forward about all the molestation.

After that, people started to realize grandpa probably k**led that girl.”

3. Shocking and sad.

“My dad always thought his father who raised him wasn’t his biodad and the father thought the same.

He was treated terribly by his father because the father was told he couldn’t have children and my father was born prematurely (but at a healthy weight).

So, everyone assumed my grandmother had an affair and got pregnant with my dad. It was to the point that after my grandmother d**d, my grandfather failed to even mention to his new wife that he had a son and grandchild (me).

Years later, my dad gets an AncestryDNA test for him and me. He find out that his dad was actually his bio dad. It was shocking and sad.”

4. A reunion.

“Found out my grandma had a baby as a teenager and was forced to give him up for adoption by my great grandparents.

40 years later he found us.”

5. Wow.

“My great grandmother wasn’t actually Mexican, but rather was adopted by Mexicans from a Chinese family who was being kicked out of Mexico when railroad construction was over.

She always had more typically Asian features but only spoke Spanish and it was never really questioned. 23 and me is a hell of a thing.”

6. The gift.

When I was 5 years old (1988), Santa Claus left a Nintendo on our front porch.

It was wrapped in newspaper, and my parents had no idea who gifted it to us. My dad, particularly, tried to figure it out. He was always suspicious that it had been a family friend. It was by far the best gift of the year, and we played it all the time throughout our childhood.

My dad d**d in 2004.

Last Christmas, my mom explained that she was the one who had bought it and surreptitiously placed it on the porch. My dad really liked to be in control of things and had forbidden the purchase.

She knew better. She didn’t tell a soul for 30 years.”

7. The real story.

“After my mom d**d I found out the real story behind my parent’s marriage.

She came to my father’s country to visit some of her relatives. Met my father and after just one week she asked him to marry her so she could stay in the country. My father accepted because he had no one else and his parents were pressing him to get married already.

But the highlight of the story is that over some time, the two of them fell in love with each other. Their love only grew over the time and they were really happy together. My mother spent her last days very ill, and she would accept only my father by her bedside.

He swears to this day that she was an angel sent from god to take care of him. I am shocked that they got married just like that, out of the blue and ended up loving each other so so so deeply. I can only hope to have as good and loving marriage as they had.”

8. Scandalous.

“About a month ago, my mother-in-law’s 88 year old sister revealed on her death bed that her husband’s best friend was actually the father of all 4 of her children.

Her husband was an abusive Grade A jerk by all accounts.

While everyone was shocked, no one was saddened by this news.”

9. Where the bodies are buried.

“I only just recently heard about this, but my grandmother had gotten a little drunk with my dad and brother a month or so ago and started talking about our great uncle Ferber (not sure on the spelling).

From what I heard he apparently k**led quite a few people and buried them on some family-owned land in a swamp.”

10. What a story.

“My uncle served in Vietnam. While over there his troop found a baby that had been orphaned or abandoned, they aren’t sure.

My uncle was shipping back to Australia soon and wanted to adopt him, but my aunt said no (they’d only been married about 4 months when he was drafted, so while I don’t agree with my aunt’s actions and generally don’t like her as a person, I can understand why she said no). My uncle’s troop found a family to raise the baby, and that’s the story the whole family knows.

The secret is that my uncle and some other guys from his troop stayed in contact with the family and the kid, sending them money every month to help raise him and then to help him go to university and eventually helped him and his adoptive family move to Australia in the last 90s.

My aunt and the rest of my family had no idea all this time, it only came out when my aunt and uncle divorced in 2017 and she had a forensic accountant go through their bank records. She worked at a bank for like 40 years and always noticed the money missing, but his reasons were always justified.

Since we all know now, my uncle has introduced some of us to the guy and his family. They’re all really lovely people.”

11. Mobbed up.

“My great grandfather didn’t d** of cancer.

He d**d from complications after being shot when one of his businesses was being robbed. Maybe. He also spent a lot of time in Atlantic City. He also had a lot of partners in the Teamsters and other unions in coal country. Also, everyone called him “Smiling Tony’ but his name wasn’t Tony.

He d**d in the 1960s, long before my time, but when my great grandmother d**d 20 years ago, a very old guy showed up to the funeral in a white suit and all of the oldest people in my family kisses his hand. When I asked, no one knew who he was.

My grandfather moved his family away from central PA in the late 1960s and disconnected from all of this but, there it is.”

12. Grandpa.

“When my paternal grandfather d**d the federal govt reached out to do a state funeral. He’d been career army and a colonel, so we didn’t question it.

Then the funeral came and they went ALL OUT! Huge procession, people showing up who are really big names, like heads of dept’s, senators, retired senators, people from the CIA and State Dept.

It was nuts and we were all super confused. Turns out he was a key dude in the OSI during WWII and when the OSI splintered into the CIA and Secret Service, he went the Secret Service route.

He wasn’t on White House detail, but instead worked in a covert office that dealt with counterfeiting and currency. He went blind when I was a toddler and retired from ‘the Army.’

For whatever reason, he told no one about all his covert work with the OSI and Secret Service and the only person who knew (my grandmother) was sworn to secrecy and never told anyone. My father grew up thinking he was just a colonel working on base.

Only after his death were we given all sorts of cool s**t like publications by him, lectures given by him, and all kinds of things from various things he did and was known for. All I knew him as was a blind old man who was perpetually smoking, drinking and being a crotchety b**tard.

Turns out he was a bad motherf**ker and all but none of us knew.”

Okay, it’s confession time…

Tell us about a family secret of yours that came out.

Time to give us all the dirt!

The post What’s Your Big Family Secret That Ended Up Coming Out? appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss the Scams That Most People Don’t Realize Are Underhanded

This promises to be a very interesting article.


Because there are a whole lot of scams going on around us that we don’t even realize are scams!

It’s true…and it’s also pretty scary…

AskReddit users went on the record and discussed things that most people don’t realize are scams.

Let’s take a look.

1. Don’t do it!

““Free Trials” that ask for your credit card anyways?

I’ve never tried buying them because I don’t know what actually happens and I don’t wanna lose random money.”

2. Yup.

“Mega churches.

When the preacher’s suit cost more than your car….”

3. Shout it out loud!

“Being told not to discuss your salary.

If your boss doesn’t want you discussing salaries it may mean theres a major problem concerning equal pay.”

4. Big money.

“In my own opinion, the wedding industry.

Little girls are taught from birth that they have to have a massive blowout of a wedding. Little boys are taught that they have no say in how their wedding will be.

I just got married, and my wife and I were trying very hard to keep it as cheap as possible while my mother-in-law and mom kept adding bigger and bigger things.

It was a fun party, admittedly, but with a price tag a would have much rather spent on rent and gas.”

5. I’ll try it!

“How much toothpaste you actually need on your toothbrush.

You really only need a pea-sized amount, but every toothpaste commercial would have you believe you need to use a 1-inch strip!”

6. Even unhealthier.

“Low fat products.

They just replaced the fat with sugar and made the food even unhealthier and probably more expensive.”

7. Thoughts on this?


They aren’t even close to being as rare as they are depicted.

So the prices people pay for this glorified coal are just dumb.”

8. Read the fine print.

“Adobe’s subscription model.

The fact that it’s a yearly subscription with a cancellation fee, but they hide that fact well in the small print and let people think it’s a monthly subscription instead, when that’s just the payment schedule.”

9. Overpriced.

“Funeral services

I don’t know the legality of this, but just bury my a** in the backyard and throw a party in my honor, rather than spending thousands.

Doubt I’ll mind considering I’m d**d.”

10. That would be nice.

“The act of doing your own taxes. In other countries, they do it for you, and you can double check them.

But here in America, taxes are so convoluted that you might even have to hire a guy to do them for you, or big bad Government will come and get you!

For those unaware, there are free options for people with simple tax forms. The IRS website has links for their Free File program, which will take you to a partnered site that will file your taxes for free. (Use the link, because just going to the listed site on your own may not get you the Free File.)

I have happily been using TaxACT for several years, as my taxes are usually just one or two jobs a year at most. 2021 will be interesting, as I started investing in s**t, so I don’t know how that process works yet.”

11. Where’s your donation?

“Donating money at checkout.

“Would you like to donate $1 to support ______”. These corporations take the $1 they earn multiplied by millions of customers and use it for a massive tax write off as a large donation.

Donate your money yourself and write it off on your taxes. Even if it is a small amount, don’t contribute to the tax evasion of the mega rich!”

12. All in the marketing.

““Natural ingredients” “All natural” “no chemicals” Bulls**t marketing. Its in food, in skincare in hair care…

Literally EVERYTHING is a chemical. also “natural” MOST of the time is worse for your health

You know whats also natural? arsenic, lead, cianide. You know what is a chemical? water, all vitamins, all proteins… but it doesn’t sound as good if i say dihidromonoxide (water), or retinoic acid (vit A) , or ascorbic acid (vit C)… which is the same thing.”

13. The workweek.

“The 40 hour work week. It was created with the idea that one adult person, working only 40 hours a week would be able to support a family at a decent quality of life and would have the support of a spouse or other adult at home to handle all the cleaning, cooking, etc.

Except now it usually takes both parents working 40+ hours to barely keep their heads above water which makes all the rest of the work at home impossible to fit in unless you can afford to pay someone else to do it.”

14. Hear a lot about this one.

“The Mormon Church.

Most people recognize the insanity of Mormons, but don’t realize how much money is involved with that religion. They are the wealthiest religion on the planet, with a horde of over 100 billion dollars sitting in their bank account.

Okay, they have lots of money, but how does that make them a scam? The fact that all of their money comes off the backs of their members. The members of the church clean, maintain, and operate the buildings.

The members put hours of work in weekly and get absolutely nothing in return. On top of that, they are required to pay 10% of their own income to be in good standing. If they stop paying, their access to the temple is revoked.

Awful scam.”

What do you think about this?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post People Discuss the Scams That Most People Don’t Realize Are Underhanded appeared first on UberFacts.

What Men’s Issues Are Often Overlooked? People Shared Their Thoughts.

I think times are changing, but there was a time when most men just didn’t really open up about their problems and about how they felt about a lot of things.

And, in turn, a lot of things that men deal with haven’t been explored at all.

What men’s issues tend to be overlooked?

Here’s how people responded on AskReddit.

1. Isolated.

“Isolation. Many men have no friends.

More so, they don’t know how to find meaningful friendships, it’s incredibly difficult to know where to even begin, moreso if you’re not in college or school.

I’m 24, almost 25 and never had an emotional outlet. I don’t even know what that looks like in a healthy sense. The first relationship I had, I believe I ruined because I put too much of what I had been carrying for so long on that person, as patient and as caring as they were.”

2. Take it like a man.

“Abuse from women/other men.

We’re told to just take it and toughen up, it builds character, puts hair on the chest etc. and we don’t need support or a helping hand.

F**k that.”

3. Needing support.

“The lack of a good support system.

Just because a guy has people that he hangs out with, doesn’t mean he’s comfortable telling them serious personal issues.”

4. No laughing matter.

“The fact that people ridicule and laugh at you for having depression is something we ALL need to talk about.

It isn’t funny. Depression is real and the fact that so many are choosing to keep it quiet is disturbing.”

5. What do you do?

“In western culture, men are defined by what they do and not by who they are (being).

So, when they retire they often develop mental illness because they are no longer “doing”. this often leads to s**cide.

Then there’s the whole nonsense of the stoic emotionless man getting on with the work.”

6. A lot of this out there.

“Emotional ab**e of men.

My BF suffered that in both his marriages and I am SO CAREFUL to not say or do anything that could make him feel the way they made him feel. I try very hard to be sure he knows I value him for who he is, just the way he is, every single day. Even he doesn’t know how much damage they caused him.

I will never get over this 1950s assumption that women can’t abuse men. Women ab**e men way more often than anyone realizes, and the system is stacked against men in so many different ways.”

7. Mind your own business.

“So I’m at the park playing tag with these kids I’m babysitting and out of nowhere this old lady comes up to me and starts asking all sorts of questions. Do you know these kids? What are there names? Can you call their parents for me?

Even asking the kids if they knew me and when they answered yes, she responded with “you don’t have to lie, if you don’t know this man, you can tell me and I can help you.””

8. Not a joke.

“Erectile dysfunction.

It seems like a joke, but guys literally k**l them selves because of it.

It’s like losing the ability to love, losing your manhood, losing your ability to feel intimate with someone”

9. Has an impact.

“Male pattern baldness and the impact it can have on mental health and body image.

Imagine being in college surrounded by guys with perfect NW1 hairlines with all these cool fades and modern trendy hairstyles while you’re stuck looking like Moby or Varys from GOT. Brutal.

The worst part is nobody really talks about it, it’s a very hidden and taboo issue that many men go though but society refuses to truly address, so they are forced to suffer in silence.”

10. Disposable.

“Male disposability.

If something is dangerous, send men. Your partner can replace you easily. Your only value is what you offer to other people and the minute you are not useful anymore people cast you aside like the fungible commodity you are.

I would like to be treated like I have inherent value as a person, not like I’m something to be tolerated until I’m no longer useful.”

11. Hurtful.

“I run recreational kids programs at a community center.

There have been several times women refuse to drop their kids off when myself and another male are working the program. Doesn’t matter if other moms dropping their kids off tell them we’re fine and they’ve known us for years.

Then they go to the front desk to complain and get told the same thing and they act like they simply can’t understand how two adult males could possibly care for a group of 3-5 year olds. There are often implications they dance around as to why must be working there.

And I get you should be comfortable with the people you’re dropping your kids off with but what kind of message are you sending to your own kids when you pitch a fit about how men simply can’t be trusted? What message do you send to your own son?

I love my job and it hurts to be viewed as untrustworthy or even a predator simply because I’m a guy.”

12. Insecure.

“Insecurity in general.

You’re not supposed to show that you have doubts or worries about your abilities or self-image. A man is supposed to be confident, able and self-assured. It’s not okay for men to admit that they lack self-esteem, or that they have genuine problems with their self-image, as they are seen as weaknesses in-and-of themselves.

Other men or women aren’t going to ‘bring you up’. They won’t provide emotional support and tell you it’s okay to be unconfident or to feel shame about who you are – they will simply expect that you should take it on the chin. Not everyone can be ‘that’ guy.

But, for a man, what actually makes you feel like a man is being that guy.

So you kind of walk around pretending that you’re happy, despite the fact that you’re not seen as valuable or as desirable as other men – because in doing so, you would be seen as even less valuable or desirable.”

What men’s issues do you think get overlooked?

Talk to us in the comments and fill us in.

Thanks a lot!

The post What Men’s Issues Are Often Overlooked? People Shared Their Thoughts. appeared first on UberFacts.

What Animals Are Unexpectedly Dangerous? People Shared Their Thoughts.

You never know what you’re gonna get when you encounter a wild animal.

Or an insect. Or any other specimen in nature.

And that’s why you have to be careful around all of ’em! Maybe they have rabies, maybe they have a poisonous bite that you don’t know about, or maybe they look adorable and cuddly but they’ll rip your face off.

So keep your eyes open!

AskReddit users educated us about animals that are unexpectedly dangerous.

Let’s see what they had to say.

1. Amazing.

“At the Birmingham Sea Life Centre, if an otter escapes they have to evacuate the building and send in guards wearing chain mail.”

2. But they look so cute…

“Dolphins, they have teeth and kill for fun.

Oh and they like to r**e other fish and humans if they feel like it.”

3. Psychos.

“Some seals are psychopaths.

Other than humans and orcas, they’re one of the only animals on the planet that seems to occasionally k**l for fun.

They’ve been found to continue k**ling penguins even when they’re no longer hungry and they’ve even been photographed tearing ocean sunfish apart and then not eating any of the meat.”

4. HUGE!


Probably already been said, but they have hooves the size of dinner plates and if you mess with a momma with calves, she will f**k up your life. They are also fast as f**k and 6 feet tall at the shoulder.

Don’t be fooled by their cute, smooshy noses.

Signed, a guy who grew up in rural Alaska.”

5. Sharp talons.


They have a back talon that’s incredibly sharp.

They jump about 2-3 feet in the air and kick with their talons when scared or protecting the flock.”

6. Be careful!


I have a squirrel that I started putting out peanuts for, she is so used to being fed that she stands outside my back door and taps on the glass some days. I can tell this squirrel apart from the other squirrels.

Usually I open the back door and the squirrel will sit on my back fence. I wave my hand at it and it backs up a few feet for me to put some peanuts out, then I close the door and it starts eating… One time I guess it didn’t like how long I was taking and bit my finger and clawed my hand.. Blood was gushing out of my finger.

A second time a different squirrel was sitting outside my back door… It looked pretty thin so I opened the door to put out a handful of peanuts, my hand was about 2 feet above the squirrel… And I guess it was startled, the little f**ker jumped in the air and lunged at me… Bit hard into my finger and would not let go, I had to shake it off… Blood was pouring out the same finger.

Luckily squirrels do not carry rabies, but I went to the doctor and got a tetanus shot anyway. My doctor had never had a patient that was bitten by a squirrel and had a pretty good laugh.”

7. Fast and aggressive.


Everybody knows that they’re big but thinks they’re slow and lazy; not nearly enough people know how fast and aggressive they are.

Y’all, please stay the hell away from hippos, especially if you’re in the water where they’re most territorial.”

8. Beware…


I’m from Scotland where pretty much nothing in nature is harmful.

Visited New Orleans, a buckmoth caterpillar fell out of an oak tree and landed on my arm. I felt like my arm was literally on fire. It swelled up, went really hard to the touch, and was BURNING. My my friend’s mum had to use tape to get all the barbs out of my skin.

Ever since then, my skin has been horrendously sensitive. I now have medication for rosacea, because my stupid immune system is terrified of flipping caterpillars and will freak out at almost anything.”

9. Venomous.

“Blue Ringed Octopus.

So cute!

I’ve seen videos of people handling them out of water.

It carries enough venom to k**l 26 adult humans within minutes. Their bites are tiny and often painless, with many victims not realising they have been envenomated until respiratory depression and paralysis begins.

They kill very quickly, and there is no anti-venom.”

10. Australia is terrifying.

“Studied abroad in Australia for 5 months. There’s a colorful peacock looking emu like animal there called a Cassowary.

Apparently, it’s one of the most dangerous animals in Australia specifically because no one thinks it looks dangerous except for the fact it’s got a hard bone like horn on its head that it uses to k**l.”

11. This is disappointing.

“Koalas. They are the absolute worst.

We had this “girls in science” club when I was in middle school and we were invited every now and then to see some animals behind the scenes at the San Diego Zoo.

We’ve seen some pretty cool exhibits like all the snakes, the tigers, and this time we were to see the koalas or the polar bears. I’ve never been a fan of koalas, so I voted hard for the polar bears, however, most of the girls wanted to see the koalas sadly.

When we go to the exhibit, the club was all too excited when some of the trainers came out with three young koalas. One of the trainers, however, was giving all these warnings about koalas about their bipolar temper, kinds of diseases they can give, and all kinds of other stuff.

So a girl was asked to volunteer to hold one of the koalas. We will call her Sara. This one koala bear, the trainers claimed was the calmer one of the three. Sadly it wasn’t the case. Sara was given this leather bib looking thing to wear while holding the koala.

All the girls looked absolutely pi**ed that they couldn’t have a turn holding the koala, but that all quickly changed after like two minutes. This koala started making weird noises, and the trainer was next to the girl the entire time trying to reassure it. The trainer had some snacks she left on the fence behind us, and went to go get them. She shouldn’t have left Sara.

I felt so bad for her. Sara was terrified the moment this thing started screaming. It ended up scratching the side of her arm, completely unprotected by that leather bib thing, and bit her there as well! Sara was screaming her f**king head off and so were the other girls!

I’m pretty sure I was too. After that she had to get tested for all sorts of things when her parents took her to the hospital. And that was the end of girls in science club. I’m pretty sure she got a payout from the zoo, but I don’t remember. This s**t wouldn’t have happened had we seen the polar bears.

12. Trash pandas.

“I grew up in the country and was around a lot of wild animals growing up.

Cut to I was living in LA for a little bit when I saw a raccoon in broad daylight foaming at the mouth and just just sitting there looking pi**ed off. I immediately step back and I see some 20 somethings girls going oh my good look how cute it is. I want to get a picture with it.

I yelled at them hey guys that raccoon likely has rabies and you should stay the f**k away from it. They didn’t listen. They got close to it. It got really f**king pi**ed off and tried to bite them, it didn’t thank god. But as I witnessed this I said, don’t say I didn’t tell you to stay the f**k away.

Even if it didn’t have rabies those wild trash pandas can f**k you up if they feel threatened.”

Do you know about any unexpectedly dangerous animals?

If you do, tell us about them in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post What Animals Are Unexpectedly Dangerous? People Shared Their Thoughts. appeared first on UberFacts.

What Do A Lot Of People Not Realize Are Scams?

It’s a true fact of life that there are people everywhere trying to separate you from your money and your belongings in any way that they can.

They’re called SCAMMERS.

And some of them are hiding in plain sight…

What do most folks not realize are total scams?

AskReddit users shared their thoughts.

1. Well, it’s heavy.

“People instinctively perceive weight to indicate quality, so a lot of manufacturers across multiple industries will artificially increase the weight of their products with cheap material.”

2. Be careful.

“Mobile game ads.

Chances are they want your data/info on your device and it’s social engineering, really.”

3. A head-scratcher.

“Most popular branded sunglasses out there are crazy expensive for what is basically mass produced plastic.”

4. Avoid it.

“Black Friday is it’s own scam.

They manufacture products specifically of lower quality to sell for Black Friday.

It’s how you can buy a nice Samsung TV that only has 1 HDMI input.”

5. Don’t fall for it.

“People who knock on your door asking about your windows. Happened to my friends wife.

She invited them in, let them evaluate, said all the windows needed to be fixed (they were all 3 years old…my friend did a full renovation when they moved in) and said the windows were bad. My friends wife thinks everyone is truthful and agrees to start the process.

My friend said he came home to find them still there and his wife was seconds away from signing and writing a $6,000 check. He politely asked them to leave and calmly told his wife she was so naive.

If someone comes knocking at your door to look at anything and you didn’t call them…it’s a scam.”

6. Believe it!

“Publishers Clearing House.

Ever wonder why you get so much junk mail? It’s because you gave all your information to PCH for free (or possibly even paid them for some piece of garbage they sell) and they turned around and sold it to EVERYONE.

Avoid PCH at all costs.


Your mailman.”

7. Ugh.

“Unpaid internships.

There are very specific rules for what can be an unpaid internship and what has to be a paid internship. If you are getting any sort of internship, look up the difference so you don’t get taken advantage of.

Telling interns this has contributed to me losing a job before because one of the interns turned me in, and later got my job.”

8. For-profit colleges.

“Some colleges will offer a full ride scholarship to any student who stays above a certain GPA, give these out to everyone who applies, and then institute a strict grading curve so that the required GPA is nearly impossible to achieve. The “scholarship” usually only lasts through freshman year as a result.

Its usually s**tty for-profit colleges that do this, so the credits won’t transfer. The student is now forced to either pay full price tuition for three years, or lose a years worth of work.”

9. A big one.

“College textbooks.

It doesn’t cost hundreds of dollars to print a book, and we don’t need new additions of algebra and other basic  subjects every semester.

We’re not uncovering or developing any new basic math, they just want you to have to spend as much money as possible.”

10. Happens all the time.

“Small towns giving speeding tickets to people with out-of-town license plates.

Almost everyone will pay instead of showing up to court, and it is the number one source of revenue for many small towns in America.”

11. Flush it out!

“Herbal Detox products, or detox anything in a health store.

It’s just dumb. If your body is actually full of toxins a herbal laxative enema is not going to help.”

12. Preying on people.

“Payday loans, they are preying on people with bad credit. Instead, get yourself a secured credit card.

That’s a one time payment (I initially went through Discover, whatever you deposit is now your credit limit) and the interest rate on even the worst card is better than that they offer.

Pay it off every month, just like you are forced to with your payday loan. You’re doing the same thing you were previously only now your building credit instead of paying some scummy company.

Yep, I’m one of those suckers who did this for far too long, then I did this and now I have good credit. I was actually quite surprised how quickly my score went up. That’s my one neat trick – pay your bills on time.”

13. This old game.

“Stores that always have big “sales” are actually just charging you the accurate price of what the item is worth.

But when it looks like you’re getting it half off you’re more likely to buy it.”

14. All kinds of stuff.

“Work in banking for one week, you’ll realize there is no scam too stupid for people to fall for.

At least once a week we have people who try to file fraud claims because “the IRS called me and told me I need to pay them in apple gift cards”

My favorite was a woman who came in to get a $20,000 official check. My manager thought it was strange so he stopped to ask her what it was for. The client said it was bail for her nephew, which *the client thought was strange too, because she didn’t actually have a nephew.”

What are some more scams that people don’t quite realize?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know.

Thanks a lot, friends!

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People Share Their Pets’ Hilarious Morning Routines

The morning routine. Everybody has one. For me it involves a lot of not getting up, eventually getting up, then walking from one end of my apartment to another, and going back and forth several times before beginning to consider doing a thing.

It’s not ideal, but at least it doesn’t work.

What I was *not* aware of is that most pets out there ALSO have morning routines. And if these examples from Reddit are anything to go by, they might just put mine to shame.

15. One nightstand

Is food time now.

Every morning my cat sits like this on my nightstand from cats

14. Another day in paradise

“Oh thanks gawd. You did me a heckin’ scare again.”

Every morning my dog wakes up, sees we haven’t abandoned him, and smiles so big and we give him all the loves from PuppySmiles

13. The rat attack

He knows what he’s doing.

My rat likes to give me a heart attack every morning by making be think he’s dead. from RATS

12. First rays

Last one there is a rotten doggo.

Every morning my dogs charge out of the bedroom to bask in the morning light while I make coffee. from redscarepod

11. Sweet treats

“If I don’t get ’em, nobody does.”

She sits here and waits by the treats every morning. Yes those are dog treats, she wants those too. from Chonkers

10. The big stretch


Every morning my dog goes into the exercise room to stretch on the yoga mat. from dogpictures

9. From the gecko

Just checkin’ in on each other.

Every morning my cat jumps on the back of my chair to see my leopard gecko, who in turn always waits at the corner of his tank to see her. from MadeMeSmile

8. So patient

Play time is nigh, I can feel it in my bones.

Every morning my dog sits on the edge of the carpet waiting for her tiny humans to wake up. from aww

7. The toes knows

Looks like he’s swearing an oath or something.

Ike cleans between his toes on my boyfriend every morning from spreadytoes

6. Toby

This is a show of dominance.

This is how Toby likes to dry off after a bath. On my head. Every time. Pardon my messy hair, I had a bird in it all morning. from parrots

5. Pillow, please

Shall we start the negotiations? The bidding begins at five scritches.

Every morning my dog takes it a step further and makes himself comfortable on my pillows and gives me the, "These are mine now" look. from aww

4. Shower police

Juno, you little perv.

Every morning, Juno has to sit on the toilet while I shower. If I lock her out she cries at the door until she’s let in. from cats

3. Show me the boy

He and I have great plans this day.

Every morning, our cat patiently waits at my sons’ bedroom door for them to wake up. And it’s not to be fed – he just can’t wait to see them. from aww

2. The pug place

So impractical. So cute.

Every morning my dog takes a litle nap on my wife’s ankle from aww

1. Squirrel gang

You will be overtaken soon.

I love my squirrelies!! I have plenty of peanuts but ran out of bird/squirrel food. Willing to risk my life going to Walmart tomorrow to buy more. Anything for my gang! I have at least a dozen that come to meet me at the back door every morning. from squirrels

Those are some good routines. And good animals. Just good times all around, I guess.

What’s your morning routine? How would you change it if you could?

Tell us in the comments.

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Memes for People Who Really Know the Truth About Siblings

I have two sisters – I’m right in the middle actually. One two years older, one two years younger.

We were home a lot and naturally I wanted people to play with, but I quickly discovered that I did everything wrong. Specifically, I played Barbies wrong. I’m still not sure to this day what the correct way of Barbi-ing is, this remains an eternal mystery I don’t hold much hope of cracking, but I know that however *I* was doing it was definitely not correct, and I was thus usually expelled from play sessions pretty quickly.

And that’s just how it goes when you have siblings. You can’t do anything right, but you can’t do anything too wrong either. These memes know what’s up.

10. Wish away

Imagine living in this kind of perpetual fear.

Via: The Chive

9. Look, alike!

Not sure if insult, compliment, or completely neutral statement.

Via: The Chive

8. In retrospect

Oh that’s right, you’re my family.

Via: The Chive

7. No take-backs

This is OUR shirt, Comrade!

Via: The Chive

6. The summoning circle

Pretty fly for a wifi.

Via: The Chive

5. All’s fair in love and war

“Life isn’t fair,” is a great get-out-of-jail-free card for being a jerk.

Via: The Chive

4. Mom said

Oh y’all had XBOX growing up? Fancy.

Via: The Chive

3. A shining example

Meanwhile she doesn’t know you’re currently super high.

Via: The Chive

2. The struggle

That’s how it do.

Via: The Chive

1. The faker

It takes a while to learn how to spot, but you get there eventually.

Via: The Chive

Love your siblings. At the end of the day, they’re the only ones ya got.

What are yours like?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Memes for People Who Really Know the Truth About Siblings appeared first on UberFacts.