Incredibly Wholesome Tweets That Prove How Much We Love Our Dogs

My dog is my constant companion.

During the pandemic, she was one of my only companions, so it’s a good thing she loves me so much.

(So much. Like follows me to the bathroom, that’s how much she loves me.)

Seems like I’m not alone out there.

Dogs love people, and people have a lot of love for their pups.

Here are some of the most wholesome tweets that show just how much we love our furry friends.

1. A dog for your dog

And then a dog for your dog’s dog.
Where will it end? No one knows.

2. Norbie the Wonder Dog

Always be zoomin’.

3. Faerie Queen of the Fire Hydrant

Bow down before her fluffy butt and flower crown.

4. Don’t mess with Frank

Squirrel watcher extraordinaire. Mess with the window shade to see this dachshund’s shade.

5. Dogs are the very best judges of character

That’s why most Presidents keep one in the White House.

6. The Avengers know what’s up

They recognize a good boy when they see one.

7. No. Dogs. Allowed.


8. Remember the first time you met a dog?

Mine wasn’t this cute. It chased me and I ran away.

9. Doggo = kitten’s best friend

That dog definitely didn’t help. (But he didn’t stop them, either.)

10. “Are you impressed with my posture, friend?”

Why yes. Yes, I am.

11. Dogz make the best babysitters

Good boy.

12. Doggo album of the year right here

Look at those faces!

13. Their doctor bills cost more than ours do

But who cares? They’re worth it.

Dogs are truly the best. I need to go give mine some skritches.

Do you have a dog best friend? Share a picture in the comments!

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People Share Stories About New Technologies They Remember That Are Now Obsolete

Technology today seems like it’s moving at hyper-speed and if you blink, you’ll miss it.

And it’s pretty wild to see exciting stuff get introduced to the market and then see it go away later.

That’s called getting old, folks!

People on AskReddit discussed technology that they remember being invented and then going away.

Let’s see what they had to say.

1. Gone by the wayside.

“CD Players especially in cars.

I thought the best thing ever would be to have a CD changer in my car.

Now my car doesn’t even have a CD player.”

2. Get where you’re going.

“I remember when GPS devices came out, that was huge. No more printing out directions, the little machine will direct you.

Pretty much immediately the same exact thing was added to smartphones.

I bet my dad still has his GPS in his glovebox dusty as all hell.”

3. The good old days.

“Phone cards.

You’d buy a phone card so that you could use it in a payphone and never have to worry about having change. They converted half the phoneboxes to take them which must have been a major infrastructure operation.

This must have been the 1980s I think. Now completely forgotten.”

4. Oh yeah!

“The word processor.

Like a typewriter with a tiny bit of memory so you could make corrections before it printed the type. Before that it was either strike through or white out. Sort of.

Actually I used a computer at school before I ever saw a word processor but not even my rich friends had one at home. Short lived because home computers started becoming more common and affordable.

Kind of a step back in a way because dot matrix printers looked like c**p compared to something typed on a word processor.”

5. So cool!

“I’ll never forget getting a Sony Walkman for Christmas.

It was amazing to be able to take music everywhere with me.”

6. A status symbol.

“I remember when I was a kid, the rich neighbor down the street installed a satelite dish.

F**k basic cable, he needed a gigantic frisbee on his roof so that he could access dozens of independent TV channels.”

7. One and done.

“Moon boots were supposed to be amazing.

Tricked me into exercise for a weekend.

Never touched them again.”

8. Fancy stuff back then.

“Answering machines.

Like the old style with mini cassette tapes.”

9. I miss them!

“Disposable film cameras.

There is a show called Beyond 2000 from the 80s and 90s that would do segments on technology of the future. Lots of stuff they showed never went anywhere, but I distinctly remember disposable cameras being talked about. Then a few years later they were everywhere, and sometime in the last 10 they’ve mostly disappeared.

Was at a wedding a few years back and they put one camera on each table for the guests to shoot with. All were collected, developed and scanned, then put up online for everyone to see. Really fantastic idea. Now everyone takes their own photos at events like that and there’s not a unified way to share them with everyone in quite the same way.

I’d love to see a digital camera version of the per-table units. Having something shared and physical at an event like a wedding is so much better.”

10. Seen a lot…

“Oh my….. I am 62……

Fax machines, word processors, pagers, home answering machines, cable TV, vhs, Beta, cd players and disks, 8 tracks, 85 percent efficiency furnaces, 4 barrel carburetors.

Fuel injected 2 stroke outboad engines, variable cylinder engines, frozen orange juice, Tang, electric typewriter……..I could go on…..”

11. Do you remember?

“Commodore 64.

Was bought new into my Grade 1 class, and it just sort of sat as an oddity in the corner. My teacher was at least in her early 60s if not older so it didn’t really get used until I started poking around on it.

I got one at home halfway through the year and played a ridiculous amount of Bruce Lee.”

12. So fun!


I remember when I was a kid we would go on vacations with with a couple other families we lived near. We would all put the Talkies on channel 3 and any time one of the cars needed to pull over or something we would all stop.

Was good for asking for directions and whatnot as well in case someone fell behind the rest of the caravan. No GPS back then either.”

How about you?

What technology do you remember being introduced and then going by the wayside?

Talk to us in the comments and share your stories!

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Adorable Animal Memes to Give You All the Feels

Nothing gives you the feels like cute animal memes, am I right?

I still get the giggles over basically the first-ever meme that I can remember–the bunny with a pancake on its head.

I wonder who owns the NFT of that one?

Recently, BuzzFeed did a great roundup of all the best memes, so here are the top animal-themed ones to get you through to Friday.

1. Smile, you’re on candid camera

He’s been on to you this whole time.

2. I love going out, I promise

We just want to be loved.


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A post shared by Daily Doggo Memes ?️‍? (@doggomemes_daily)

3. Actually, here’s what happens next

You find the dog, and you pet the dog.
And you let the party go on without you.

4. All the best cats like stories

Especially ones that are about them.

5. Blame my mom

She’s the one who always said it’s the thought that counts.

6. Lookit his little face

I think we should call him Shakespeare.

7. Okay but from now on, Hedgehogs

I want to bring the energy of this little floof to everything I do.

8. That’s the same puppy as #2, isn’t it?

He’s insta-famous! And insta-dorbs!
(Sorry-not sorry for the bad joke.)


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A post shared by @wholesomeversse

9. Fox, not sox

But don’t you sort of wish your socks looked that comfy?

Bath time doesn’t have to be stressful

Look how proud!

10. Oreo cloud!

When I worked at the zoo we had a goat called Double Stuff. So what I’m saying is… this one should be called Cookies ‘n Cream.


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A post shared by Puppy ? (@puppyofig)

11. Because who HASN’T been dreaming of gator skritches?

At least since their Crocodile Hunter binge-watching days…

12. Even puppies love puppy smooches

And they don’t mind puppy breath!

13. This little raccoon knows whats up

I want him. I want him and his stuffed fren!

I love all these little fluff-balls so very much. Don’t you feel warm and fuzzy now?

What is your favorite critter meme? Drop it in the comments!

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People Discuss Secrets About the Industries They Work In

I’ve worked a lot of different jobs in my life and one of the fun parts about that was learning the inside secrets and the tricks of the trade.

I’ve worked in restaurants, grocery stores, manufacturing plants, and I even did several years working on movies and TV shows.

And it’s all been very enlightening!

People took to AskReddit to share secrets about the industries they work in. Let’s see what they revealed.

1. Do it every day!

“I’m a teacher. If you as a parent will read with your child often and early, your child will thrive in school.

I’m talking daily books read together from newborn to about third grade. Every single day. No teacher can replace that.”

2. That’s not good.

“RV technician here.

They’re designed to start breaking after around 44 uses.

Most RV owners use their trailers on weekends. But not every weekend.

So that 44 uses on average stretches between two and three years.”

3. Be sure to wash it.

“At Goodwill, we don’t clean anything that we sell, and we get some really gross stuff that touches everything else.

So next time you buy something from Goodwill, wash it well”

4. Makes sense.

“The weight loss industry.

This might be obvious, but most of our business comes from return clients after they’ve gained their weight back (and then some).

To be clear, the plan isn’t rigged to make you gain it back, but the fact that it happens easily as a result of dieting keeps us in business.”

5. I believe it.

“As a former TSA worker airport security is a lot of theater. TSA is constantly failing plain clothes inspections.

I worked with a guy who got fired because someone showed him an ID with a picture of Mickey Mouse on it and he let the person through because he wasn’t paying attention.”

6. Boom!

“Federal HR here.

If you put the words from the vacancy announcement about what you need to qualify in your resume you’ll almost always be qualified.

We search for those words instead of reading an entire resume.”

7. Gotta sell those t-shirts.

“I’m a musician.

90% of of our revenue is from merch. Spotify plays, show guarantees, etc, everything is menial in comparison to shirt sales.

In fact, a big reason bands tour as often as possible is because we can sell more shirts when we’re in front of people.”

8. Did you know this?

“Plumber here.

Theirs no such thing as a flushable wipe. The package lies. You drains WILL clog, and fast; your landlord will charge you; it’s going to suck.

Throw wipes in the trash if you use them; toilets paper is the only acceptable wipe.”

9. Pretty much all the same.

“I’m a dentist. Here’s the lowdown on toothpaste.

As long as it has fluoride they are all basically the same.

When I was in dental school the Colgate lady came by and said that everything that says Colgate Total on it is all exactly the same, the only difference is the packaging. So whether it says whitening, or gum protection, or whatever else it is all exactly the same.

The exception is sensitivity toothpaste typically does have an extra active ingredient. KNO3, which helps with sensitivity.

Don’t ever feel obligated to buy the expensive toothpaste because you think it will be better for your teeth, just buy whatever you like best.”

10. About those fines…

“A lot of librarians will waive your fines if you have an excuse and you don’t ask too frequently, even large fines.

Also, librarians DON’T CARE about your fines and aren’t judging you. Please come back.

We personally have more fines than you. Librarians are ALWAYS overdue with their books.”

11. It pays to be nice.

“The guy who shows up at your house to make repairs is usually the guy who decides how much to charge you.

Standing behind him while he works cost extra. Treating him like s**t cost extra.

Being nice to him can save you a lot of money.”

12. Wow!

“Kirkland products, the white label brand from Costco, are independently tested to beat OR EXCEED the industry leading product in that category.

Razor blades. Cookies. Cheese. Laundry pods.

If it doesn’t beat the industry leader, they won’t put the Kirkland name on it.”

13. Straight to the source.

“Employment industry: if the email address of the hiring manager or recruiter is included in a job posting, send an email instead of or in addition to applying to the job through the portal.

So many resumes get filtered because of portal-based applicant tracking systems’ automated sorting methods, so if you have the right experience but are missing a keyword or two, many of which are dictated by folks from HR who have zero expertise in your field, your resume might not ever make it in front of a human.

Please just email me.”

Okay, now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us about the secrets most people don’t know about your industry.

We look forward to it!

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People Talk About Their Ultimate “Broke Food” Experiences

You don’t need me to tell you that it’s not easy growing up poor. Especially if you grew up poor.

My family’s never been wealthy but we did alright. The times when everything was the tightest, I was too young to remember now.

Nevertheless, I’ve had plenty of “broke food” experiences, which is a topic that came up a lot after prolific TV actor Trevor Donovan started this thread:

So, what were we all chowing down on when there was nothing to go around? Twitter tells all.

10. The sugar sandwich

Need the recipe? Bread + sugar. Bon apple teeth.

9. Banquet frozen dinners

Check out that price stamp. Half a buck. Dang.

8. King Vitaman

I don’t know what kind of land you’re ruling, sire, but it definitely isn’t Flavor Town.

7. The flexibility of bread

“I didn’t know I was poor.”

6. Beans and rice

Well that’s…horrifying.

5. Pork and beans sandwiches

Dude, broke or not, that’s a delicious fart treat right there.

4. The cheese preserver

I feel like there are better containers for this but ok.

3. S.O.S.

Who doesn’t love Kool Aid though?

2. A krafty choice

Even adult me who isn’t destitute is lookin’ at that like a fine meal.

1. Government cheese

Everything is better grilled.

Bon apetite!

What’s your go-to broke food?

Tell us in the comments.

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What’s the Best PG Experience Someone Can Have in Life? Here’s What Folks Said.

Get your head out of the gutter, people!

What’s wrong with you…?

Today we’re gonna focus on nice, wholesome things that we should all be enjoying, instead of the s**, drugs, and rock n’ roll that we usually think about.

What’s the best PG experience a person can have?

Folks on AskReddit shared their thoughts.

1. Especially when it’s cold!

“Crawling into your nice, clean bed when you are really tired and peacefully drifting off to sleep!”

2. Total ecstasy.

“The first pee of the day, the first pee after a car ride, and the first pee at the bar after about 4 drinks all hit different but are amazing in their own way.”

3. That’s better.

“When your nose is finally unclogged and you are able to breathe properly and actually feel more oxygen entering your bloodstream.”

4. The meaning of life.

“Being surrounded by people that genuinely like you and enjoy your company.

Being surrounded with friends that genuinely love and support you is, at least for me, the meaning of “a quality life”.

Connections to the people around you that share your limited time alive together are what make that time valuable.”

5. Serenity now.

“Sitting alone in the woods by a river in silence with your dog.

And nobody knows where you are.”

6. Hittin’ the road.

“That moment at the start of a road trip, early morning and you first get on the highway and start to feel like you’re on your way, sunrise in bloom and your favorite song on the radio.”

7. Nothing like it.

“Taking your bra off after a long day of wearing it and putting on a baggy t-shirt.

Nothing like it.”

8. Her hero.

“Coming home to my toddler daughter running into my arms.

She would bolt regardless of what time it was and just climb up me.

Spend the next couple hours attempting to walk with her clung to my leg.”

9. The good stuff!

“That deep, rare laughter when you’re doubled over, with tears in your eyes and every time you almost stop your  parnter starts up again.”

10. It’s over.

“When something bad is finally over and you burst into tears when someone you loves is hugging you.

The relief just washes over you and you’re lifted up.”

11. Time to relax.

“Being in a hammock on the perfect day. Light breeze, sunshine but not too hot, perhaps with your dog laying with you.

It is the picture of contentment.”

12. Perfect.

“Eating a really good meal.

The kind that leaves you full and satisfied, peaceful and knowing there’s something right with the world.”

13. Let it wash away.

“Taking a hot shower after having a terrible and just letting off all the burdens on your shoulders and not having a care in the world.”

14. The best.

“When your dog lays their head on your leg and falls asleep also when a cat lays purring in your lap.

If it happens at the same time that’s were I want to be forever.”

Okay, you’re up!

In the comments, tell us what you think is the best PG experience a person can have.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

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13 People Get Real About Men’s Issues That Are Often Overlooked

The more you know, right?

Society is changing pretty rapidly, but I believe there is still a bit of a stigma surrounding men and how their emotions, thoughts, and feelings are explored or even acknowledged.

So, in short, we still have a long way to go in that department.

AskReddit users opened up about the men’s issues that they believe often get overlooked.

Let’s see what they had to say.

1. Lonely.

“Crushing, black, empty, cold, never-ending, screaming-into-the-void loneliness and everyone’s casual shrug when I even hint about it.

Just work, pay taxes, walk the dog, keep your mouth shut, don’t have feelings, don’t be short, try to keep up appearances of virility, and never, ever, whatever you do, don’t let anyone know how lonely you are because they’ll just sort of awkwardly giggle and change the subject.”

2. Mental illness.

“I work at a psychiatric hospital and out of the thirteen wards, only three are for women.

The huge problem to face men is mental illness and most, if not all the patients are there because they kept taking drugs as well.”

3. Maybe you should watch your kids…

“Was camping with friends a few years back. They have kids, I don’t.

We saw a toddler wandering around with no adults in sight, my friends, dealing with their own kids asked me to go see if I can help the lost kid out. The parents saw me bringing their kid back and instead of thanking me, freaked out and called the police.

Had my friends not showed up, I probably would have been arrested, all because some shi**y parents couldn’t watch their own kid and freaked when a man brought their kid back to them.”

4. Is this fair?

“I saw a woman attempting to hit her boyfriend outside a local supermarket.

He walked away from her. She followed him and kept hitting him. After this went on for about 90 seconds he shoved her away roughly once.

Two cars immediately stopped and men jumped out of them shouting at and threatening this guy for shoving her.

Nobody did anything when she was attacking him.”

5. Awful.

“Men as victims of r**e and s**ual a**ault. It’s a joke. Flat out a joke.

No one believes you. People mock you. “How? Why did you let him/her?” “Why didnt you just… stop them?” “A guy like you? Why didn’t you stop them?”

You’re looked down on as a failure. People don’t care as much because you’re not a female or your “flower” wasn’t taken.

It’s just a massive s**t show.”

6. Feeling isolated.


I’ve felt this myself, and I’ve done some reading about it. Men tend to become more isolated and lonely as they get older. After a certain point they don’t make an effort to gain friendships and tend to shy away from any type of social engagement. I feel this way, because as of right now, I don’t have a close male friend. At least not someone I can talk to about things going on with me personally.

I know a lot of people, but I’m less and less engaged with them as each year passes. It concerns me as of late, because I don’t want to end up a hermit, but without a solid relationship, I could see myself headed this direction in my older years.”

7. Shamed.

“Pe**s shaming. Along with fat shaming and height shaming, it’s some of the most casual cruelty I hear frequently.

Even if it’s joking about “little d**k energy”, even if it’s not meant to be malicious, as someone with not-quite-a-microp**is-but-might-as-well-be, it’s devastating every time.

Just one more way I feel inadequate, one more way I’m “not a real man”. It hurts even more when other men do it.”

8. Sick of it.

“Height is a common thing to joke about.

Nobody sees a problem with it but it can really whittle away at your self worth when people always make fun of you for it.

Yes, I’m shorter than normal.

It hurts.”

9. Only human.

“Man… my entire past built up to a head and I ugly cried on my wife. Completely collapsed and hyperventilated I cried so hard.

Then it took me 2 weeks to feel normal again because of the inadvertent shame I felt for showing those emotions. My wife is super supportive and encouraged me through the WHOLE ordeal and never made me feel shame.

It was me. Brothers, we are too hard on ourselves. We are humans, just like everyone else.”

10. Watch your back.

“Inter male v**lence .

I’m 5’9″ and guys that are bigger have no problem being a d**che or even v**lent with me . I have to watch myself more than others as a result, I have been punched out for bumping into the wrong person.

The cops didn’t help either again cause I’m a guy, they basically thought I started it and should’ve defended myself. When in reality I bumped into someone drunk and he decided to punch me in the back of the head repeatedly .

I got zero help from the cops..

If that happened to a girl they would’ve been all over it .”

11. Careers.

“Society doesn’t seem to support a man who is without a job. There is pressure and programming for a male to be a breadwinner and no sympathy for when they want to be a house-dad.

Reason for my rant: My brother left a job due to a health issue. He has a 4yr old boy. His wife makes better money than him and they are financially secure. He worked too much which probably led to the health issue. I told him to take his time and heal.

If he felt that urge to ‘provide’ that he could take over the house duties and give the nanny the summer off to connect with his son. I shared with him that I had been laid off a few times and each time I rushed back to getting a job even though we were secure enough because of the guilt I felt everyday of not ‘providing’. He took the advice, I could see him smiling more, he started a garden with his boy, he cooked every meal and realized he loved to cook.

I was happy to see him being happy again. Enter my brother’s wife who says to us, “I’m the only bread winner now. I am so stressed out having to provide for this family by myself.” I saw the happiness drain from him and anxiety filled that place. He is now set to start the same job he had prior just appease the guilt he has from not ‘earning’.

The guilt was confirmed by his wife’s statement on top of the male programming of not contributing unless he is making money.”

12. A tough one.

“Mental health.

And this is coming from someone who has lived on the ideas of “you’re a guy, get over yourself”. It was taught to me, I didn’t think much of it, and now that I’m about to hit 20, I can feel the effects like a ripple.

It’s actually hard for me to open up to people and when I do I feel like I’m wasting everyone’s time.”

13. Insecure.

“It’s the worst to feel insecure about feeling insecure.

My ex girlfriend had depression and was always super insecure and needy at the beginning of our relationship. I supported her through it. But when I talked about my own self-esteem issues,I could instantly feel that she lost respect for me. Now I was “too sensitive and emotional”, and I was “the girl in the relationship”.

It’s been over for two months and I am still really insecure about my issues. I am afraid that if I will show my insecurities to a girl again, I will lose her again. But I also don’t want to wear this mask of the secure, stoic man all the time.

I just hope there are woman out there who really allow their partner to feel insecure from time to time and don’t lose respect for them when they do so.”

Okay, now it’s your turn to sound off.

In the comments, tell us what men’s issues you think get overlooked.

We’d love to hear from you!

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Tweets to Help Us Change Our Life for the Better

Are you looking to make a change in your life? Improve yourself somehow? Are you tired of reading through mountains of self-help or trying out various religions, or, even more extreme, trying to use a Peloton?

Well, never fear because you don’t need any of that to become inspired. All you need is some tweets.

Consider these suggestions for ways in which you might get a leg up on life.

13. Become a beekeeper

It’s fun, fast, and easy!

12. Just quit

Be like Pluto – large but not quite large enough for anybody to care.

11. Become ungovernable

Power to the people. Quite literally.

10. Get your priorities straight

NOBODY misses Theodore’s bassoon recital.

9. Check in with friends

Why create masked calls for attention when you can be straightforward?

8. Move to Canada

Just make sure you do your research first.

7. Get into the improv scene

Or maybe don’t.

6. Find your love language

And stick to it.

5. Challenge the past

What’s it gonna do, fight you? It’s in the past.

4. Make some art

Truly a masterpiece is what we’ve got right here.

3. Give to charity

Even if that charity is yourself.

2. Do a little snooping

Everyone around you has a story to tell, and some of them are absolutely dangerous.

1. Learn from the greats

Goldilocks crawled so that we could run.

I think that oughta be enough to get you started on your self-improvement journey. Do let us know how it goes.

What are your big self-improvement tips?

Tell us in the comments.

Thanks, fam!

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People Discuss How Introverts Want to Be Socially Interacted With

I think the responses you’re about to read are going to be very helpful!

Because we all want to know how to interact with people who are different from us and how to make them feel comfortable, right?

Darn right! One of the best things about being alive is meeting a variety of folks!

Folks on AskReddit talked about how they think introverts really want to be interacted with.

1. They don’t like this.

“I don’t like when someone points out my quietness when I’ve been sitting there the whole time building up courage and/or waiting for the right moment to say something.

When someone points it out, I even become more quiet because now I’m nervous people are waiting for me to say something.

Then I would get teased by comments that I’m “making too much noise over there” when I’ve been sitting silently for what feels like hours. Now I just want to leave.”

2. Boundaries.

“Respect our boundaries and don’t be afraid to invite us left and right. Even if we don’t want to go we really do appreciate your offer, it shows you like us enough to wish for our presences.

Also, if things are becoming really awkward we will greatly appreciate any form of rescue that you could think of. And lastly, give us some time.

Once you get to know us we are pretty decent people, that can be pretty bas**t crazy as long as the occasion is favourable.”

3. Leave me alone.

“I just want to be left alone when I want to be left alone. If I say I don’t want to go out, don’t continue to pester me and make me feel bad about it.

Also, just because I don’t want to do something tonight doesn’t mean I won’t want to do things ever. Sometimes my friends will make plans on a day that I would like to go out and be around people, but they don’t invite me because they think I will just say no.

Social battery is real ladies and gents. Sometimes it needs to be recharged by being alone, sometimes it’s full.”

4. In a group setting.

“If we’re in a group conversation, give us the time and space to talk back/interact.

It’s not hard to recognize who is introverted and such, so make us a part of the conversation.”

5. Draining.

“Kind of an extroverted introvert so not sure if my experience will be the same as everyone else’s but I don’t really struggle with socialization its more that spending time with people is draining in a way.

I feel like I’m subconsciously paying attention to my posture or how I hold myself or a million other things and it just sucks the life out of me and I end up needing time to myself to let all those muscles relax and have my battery recharge.

So I guess what I’d say is pay attention to when introverts need some of that alone time because you people exhaust me”

6. Not a fan of the shallow stuff.

“The shallow conversations that are completely fake k**l me.

Like you say it’s great to see me, but I bet you never even gave me a thought. And you want to get together soon? I mean it when I say it so don’t say it if you don’t, and I know you don’t mean it because I never hear from you.

It’s okay to be nice, it’s okay to be respectful but don’t schmooze me with white lies that you think are necessary. They aren’t and you using them feels cheap. You can be polite and friendly without using these fake overtones you don’t mean. I do it so i know others can too.

I just want to talk to people who are genuine. I don’t understand those that aren’t.”

7. Advance warning.

“Don’t invite us to a group setting without telling us it’s a group setting! I have a friend that constantly invites me to do things. I have no issue with that as I’m comfortable around her.

However, she has started inviting me to hangout with her without the prior knowledge of the other 6 people there. May just be me but just because I’ll hangout with you, doesn’t mean I’ll hangout with you in a group”

8. Make it genuine.

“Have a genuine conversation. Polite small talk is taxing and pointless, and I can always tell when people approach me as a way of “doing me a favor” or out of pity bc they think i’m lonely.

The latter upsets me the most; people tend to talk to you like an awkward child. Being quiet doesn’t always mean shy – theres no need to force someone of their shell.

Take social ques. If the conversation is draining me or I wanna leave I let people know, subtly as to not hurt their feelings, but i notice they either don’t care or don’t pick up on it. I once had a friend stay an extra 2 hours at my house even tho i made it clear i was tired. She has not been back to my house since.

Just be respectful and understanding of how they deal with social situations.”

9. It’s the thought that counts.

“Invite me to things. Even if I might say no, invite me if you want me there. Make me feel like I am wanted.

It sucks being caught in the cycle of being scared to be in group settings but not getting invited and feeling like nobody likes me or wants to be around me.

Part of that is anxiety. But I want to feel wanted.”

10. I’m just a normal person.

“Treat me like normal.

I just get full of of social interactions, and need some quiet, or even better, someplace outdoors with lots of trees, to process the social interactions.

Usually, I’m pretty worn out by Friday, but I will still go out, I just may not stay out all night.”

11. Uncomfortable.

“Don’t force us into a position where we have to be social.

If we like you, talk to us, but if it’s just us doing something, don’t try to rope others into the plans without asking us first and getting approval.

That just makes socializing harder for us and can be really uncomfortable.”

12. FYI.

“From a respectful distance.

The worst thing people can do is get too far into my personal space. Thats an immediate nope out of the interaction if I can. (Although it depends on the company. It’s mostly ok if it’s someone we know well).

For as long as we can handle. Everyone is different, but long interactions can be exhausting.

Very important at least to me: no yelling/strong arguments/conflict in the presence. It can be catastrophicly frustrating, to the point of noping out of any form of interaction in the future.

Oh and another one: don’t be insulted if we talk only to one person in the big group. It’s hard to be involved with everyone at the same time.”

What do you think about this?

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The post People Discuss How Introverts Want to Be Socially Interacted With appeared first on UberFacts.