Was This Man a Jerk to Put His Nanny (and Not His Wife) on a Family Membership?

Family dynamics are really tough and not something we can really comment on from the outside most of the time. Families not only look different than they used to, they function differently, too, with both parents working or the woman becoming the breadwinner, etc.

The people of Reddit being asked to weigh in on these situations aren’t the only ones still figuring out how to navigate things, either – so are the spouses and partners living it every day.

In this family, the wife has more responsibility at work and works more demanding hours, leaving the childcare to the father and the nanny most days.

I’m a father of 2 kids. Wife and I both work. She works considerably more than I do with less flexibility. She also has a ton of responsibility at her job where even if it’s her time off, if s*%t goes down, she has to handle it.

When the father took his two kids to a museum, he realized it would be cheaper to buy a membership than to just pay the admission fee a few different times.

Since the family membership included two adults and two children, he listed his kids, himself, and his nanny, since they would be the four people most likely to check out the exhibit.

So a few weeks ago I took my kids to a local museum that they LOVED so I joined for a membership. The membership is good for 4 people, you can add extras but it costs more. I just did the 4 but instead of adding my wife as the other adult, I added our nanny. 9/10 it’s either me or our nanny taking the kids somewhere so it made sense.

When his wife found out she was angry, and thought him choosing the nanny over her for the membership really said something about his feelings for her.

My wife discovered it after looking on our account because the kids and nanny are going today so she wanted confirm the membership was good. It hurt her feelings and I suppose she chose to take it out on me with anger.

She didn’t like my answer for why I did it and kept saying it “says a lot” that I just put our nanny in the “mom slot” instead of paying the extra $15 for her to be in there, too.

Now he’s wondering whether or not he was inconsiderate, and of course Reddit has thoughts.

This person wanted to give the dad the benefit of the doubt, because a) there is no “mom slot” and b) he was just trying to be practical.

That said, the parents really need to have a chat, because no one’s feelings should be hurt over saving a couple of bucks.

Image Credit: Reddit

There were several that concluded there are NAH (No A$$holes Here) because he was trying to be frugal but she’s also allowed to have her feelings on the matter.

Image Credit: Reddit

Others thought the wife was right, and the guy is a jerk for listing his nanny as part of his family.

Image Credit: Reddit

While others definitely think the wife is being too sensitive. (2)

Image Credit: Reddit

Just because the wife is hurt doesn’t necessarily mean the husband is the a$$hole. There are other options.

Image Credit: Reddit

I have to agree that no one is wrong here. The wife has the right to feel stung over the perceived slight, but that doesn’t mean the husband was wrong.

It probably just means they need to have a chat about the whole thing.

Tell us your thoughts down in the comments!

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When You Treat Your Employees Badly, They Repay It In Kind

If we lived in a perfect world, employers would treat their employees like human beings whose live and health outside of the workplace matter as much as what goes on in the office. In that world, employees would work hard for you because they feel respected and valued, so everyone wins.

In reality, too many employers treat their people like cattle and not humans, and in turn, their employees cut corners and stay home whenever they can.

This scenario illustrates that point, because when this person wanted to take a few of their vacation days that were about to expire, only 1 – in the middle of the week – was approved.

My vacation leave credits expire next month, so I requested 5 days off hoping to go home to my family and get some rest. Only 1 them got approved, and it’s in the middle of the week. Reasoning being that we’re short-staffed, as usual.

It just so happened that same week they had an arthritis flare-up, but when they called in to let them know they were sick, their employer therefore canceled their one day of vacation.

I suddenly had a very bad flare up of arthritis in the beginning of last week. I could barely sit up, and walking up the stairs to get to my workstation (I work at home) is out of the question. So I took a day off, and my boss said okay, that’s fine, but we’re going to have to cancel your vacation leave, since you’re going to rest anyway.

When OP ended up in the hospital with their intense pain and received a note to stay home for 5 days to recover, they took every last one of them, even when they felt much better before then.

It’s not like I had any rest when I was writhing on my bed in pain. Spite empowered me and I managed to get to a hospital with the last of my strength (and my boyfriend’s help) to get my fluids drained. I felt a lot better, but I was in so much pain in the beginning that my doctor seemed to take pity on me and gave me 5 days rest, and he told me to just contact him if I need more.

I was only planning to rest it out for a day or two more, but I ended up having a whole week (or more if I feel like it) to myself feeling much better. I was even able to go home. The best thing is that it’s all paid since I also have plenty of sick leave credits left and there’s nothing they can do about that.

This is what you get when you treat people like crap, employers – pay attention!

Would you have done the same thing? Or would you have sucked it up and gone back to work the minute you were feeling well?

Tell us which and why in the comments!

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Was This Kid Wrong for Moving Out and Leaving His Parents High and Dry?

Hopefully, parents can care and provide for their children as long as they need a hand – so, for most of us, until we graduate from college and find a job of our own. Honestly, with the economy the way it’s been for the past couple of decades, most kiddos need a bit of a hand even longer than that.

Life isn’t always ideal, though, and some parents are forced to depend on their kid’s full- or part-time jobs to help make up the difference when it comes to household bills.

This 18yo kid has graduated high school and is planning to attend community college. He has a full-time job that will become a part-time job when he starts classes.

I (18M) just graduated and gonna be starting community college in August.

Barely started doing full-time hours but that’ll change to part time again once I start my classes.

His parents have informed him that if he expects to continue living with them past his 18th birthday he’ll need to pay rent for his room, plus half of the utilities.

He thinks it’s a lot, since he shares a room with his brother and obviously doesn’t use half of the utilities in the house.

Before my 18th b-day over a month ago, my parents started talking about how they expect me to pay for rent then half the bills if I expect to stay there. That wasn’t the problem.

The issue was they were expecting me to pay $1,300 a month for my tiny ass room that I share with my little brother. Not including the half of the bills they expected me to pay .

In fact, apartments in his area go for far less, but when he tried explaining this to his parents, they didn’t want to hear it.

Most apartments in our city are around that range but that’s for a whole ass apartment, not a single bedroom plus sharing space with everyone else. Most of my paycheck would just be going to that then.

Like I asked my parents I don’t got a problem with helping with the bills and paying for my room if they made the rent to be lower.

They said that’s how much they agreed on so that’s what I’d have to pay if I wanna keep staying there.

So he went looking for a solution, and found a much cheaper one that also afforded him his own room and bathroom.

So I said fine and talked to one of my friend’s I already knew had his own place but was looking for a new roommate for the past 3 months.

Ended up going with him and he added me to the lease.

My own room and bathroom, plus the total for rent and my half of the bills it’s like wayyyy less than the rent by itself that my parents expected me to pay.

His parents are mad at him for moving out, saying that he abandoned their family and put them in financial hardship, and that he should have just helped them pay since they’re struggling.

Now he’s wondering whether it makes him a jerk that he left his parents high and dry, even though the situation is much better for him.

But the thing is they’re super mad at me for leaving. My mom ignored me when I moved out, my dad kept saying how he’s so disappointed in me.

For a while they were hoping to rely on me with helping out with their mortgage payments on the house also with the bills so now that I’ve chosen to leave instead my dad says I’m going to leave them really struggling and he can’t believe I decided to be selfish instead of helping my family out.

So that’s sort of why I’m asking if I’m TA. It was super high what they were expecting me to pay (literally whole paycheck would go to just that) but also I left them to struggle when they were hoping for me to help out so idk.


Reddit is weighing in below!

The top comment pointed out that OP is under no obligation to help his parents out, and it’s pretty crappy that they presented everything to him this way and are now angry with him for taking care of himself. (2)

Image Credit: Reddit

Financial abuse is a thing, and everyone is proud of OP for not standing for it.

Image Credit: Reddit

It’s actually awesome that he was able to draw this very healthy boundary now.

Image Credit: Reddit

Parents are not supposed to take advantage of their own kids.

Image Credit: Reddit

It’s not the paying rent that’s the problem, per se.

Image Credit: Reddit

I totally agree that it’s fine to teach a kid about living expenses and the real world, etc, and to ask them to pitch in financially once they’re adults living at home, but that’s different than taking advantage of your kid and asking them to support you as soon as they’re able.

What are your thoughts? Drop them in the comments!

The post Was This Kid Wrong for Moving Out and Leaving His Parents High and Dry? appeared first on UberFacts.

Some Older People Never Slow Down and Here Are Some Great Examples

Age ain’t nothin’ but a number, my friends!

And believe me when I say that a lot of old-timers out there these days are still going strong, living their best lives, and even doing cooler stuff than people half their age.

That’s why I personally believe that getting older is something to look forward to instead of dreading.

You can always be a kid at heart, whether you’re 10, 50, or 100-years-old.

Enjoy these pics because we think they are pretty inspiring.

1. Pokemon is for everyone!

Not just for those young folks.

The moment you realize Grandpa has been practicing Pokemon cards and kind of knows his shit… from gaming

2. This stuff belongs in a museum.

And she’s still as sharp as a tack!

This is my grandma and her 3rd weather book. She has recorded the weather every day where she lives for 30 years and is filling out the last year of the 3rd book. Not sure if it counts, but it counts in my eyes from nextfuckinglevel

3. They are stylin’ and profilin’.

I wouldn’t mess with them if I were you…

I got a pair of circle rim shades but my girlfriend didn’t like them. So I gave them to my grandmother and then all her friends bought matching pairs. Now they look like they’re about to drop the hottest album of 2017. from funny

4. She’s a total bada**.

She’s in better shape than most people I know!

My grandmother turned 100 last Oct., this is her doing the plank for 30 seconds. from pics

5. This lady is awesome!

And she still likes to have a good time!

My friend’s grandma just turned 103. For her birthday he took her to the casino, to an all you can eat crab place, and then he took her to get her first tattoo. from pics

6. There’s no doubt he won.

He’s still a party animal!

This 86 year old man challenged me to a pole dancing contest while at happy hour, he won. from funny

7. Let’s revisit the past.

He hasn’t forgotten a thing.

My grandpa showing us the place he lived as a child in google earth VR, telling us stories of all the buildings and areas. from aww

8. The best license plate I’ve ever seen.

She knows it, too…

Get it granny. from funny

9. Let’s hit the open road.

Get out of her way!

Yesterday I took my Grandmother on her first bike ride in 59 years, I need a new word for awesome. from pics

10. He was a natural!

And I bet he wasn’t phased one bit.

I went skydiving with my 83 year old grandpa today! from pics

11. Get out there and enjoy yourself.

This guy definitely is!

My 87-year-old Grandpa learned how to scuba dive in the past year so he could visit the shipwrecks in Palau (he’s a huge WWII history buff) and posed with his local newspaper. I’m so proud of him! from pics

12. Can’t stop, won’t stop!

I wonder how long she held it for…

Now it’s your turn to show us some pics!

In the comments, share some photos of older folks living it up!

Maybe it’s your grandma, your dad, or maybe it’s YOU!

Thanks a lot!

The post Some Older People Never Slow Down and Here Are Some Great Examples appeared first on UberFacts.

Some Folks Who Use Craigslist Are Insane. Here’s the Proof.

Do you ever browse Craigslist ads where people are selling stuff?

It can be an easy rabbit hole to fall into because you get everything on there: the good, the bad, and the ugly…

Read on to see some prime examples.

1. I wonder how long this sat out there…

It might even still be there…

Photo Credit: The Chive

2. Here’s the story…

There’s a lot of information to process here.

Photo Credit: The Chive

3. Wow! It’s vintage!

Don’t miss out on this great opportunity!

Photo Credit: The Chive

4. If you love the crust, this deal is for you.

You get the sauce, too.

Photo Credit: The Chive

5. Definitely stylish and classy.

How could you possibly deny these?

Photo Credit: The Chive

6. A really good deal.

And they just dropped the price!

Photo Credit: The Chive

7. This looks very familiar…

Is Fred Flintstone around here somewhere…?

Photo Credit: The Chive

8. I’ll take it!

I don’t even need to see it in person.

Photo Credit: The Chive

9. Innovative and necessary.

Are you gonna take the plunge?

Photo Credit: The Chive

10. I think you might have some other problems on your hand.

You might need a new engine soon…

Photo Credit: The Chive

11. Hmmmm. This is interesting.

Anybody gonna make this deal happen?

Photo Credit: The Chive

12. This is how you really mix drinks.

Forget about the old ways!

Photo Credit: The Chive

What are some of the weirdest ads you’ve seen on Craiglist or other places where people sell stuff?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know.

Thanks a million, friends!

The post Some Folks Who Use Craigslist Are Insane. Here’s the Proof. appeared first on UberFacts.

If You Cheat on Your Spouse, You Will Suffer the Consequences

Cheating is dirty business. There are plenty of reasons people become unhappy in committed relationships and sure, folks make mistakes, but ongoing affairs have always just smacked of arrogance or cowardice to me. Or both.

This man – a pastor who always answered his phone – was not cheating on his wife when he received a phone call from a woman he didn’t know one night.

In a previous life—before my world came apart about five months ago—I was the solo pastor of a medium-sized church in a large(ish) Southern city. One unhappy side effect of being a solo pastor is that when your phone rings, you answer it even if you don’t recognize the number since you have no idea how important the call may be.

It could be a church member’s grandkid (whom you’ve never met) calling to tell you Miss Bessie has been diagnosed with some horrible disease. Or it could be a church member who just wants to talk your ear off for two hours.

So earlier this evening my phone rings. And since old habits die hard, I answered it.

He was polite but detached at first, figuring that the call had something to do with work.

Me: “Hello?”

Her: “Heeeeeey, what are you up to?”

I want to be clear before I proceed that I don’t recognize this lady’s voice but I just assumed that she was a former church member, member’s kid or grandkid…something. So I was cordial.

Me: “Not much, honestly. I actually just walked through the door with some food. How about you?”

Her: “I’m hanging out with {girl whose name I don’t know}.”

Me: “Great. I’m sorry to have to ask this, but with whom am I speaking? I don’t recognize your voice and I have no idea who {other girl} is.”

It didn’t, and hoo boy, he had stumbled into a circus full of someone else’s rabid monkeys.

Ladies and gentlemen, apparently that was the wrong thing to say.

Her: “Darren, you know who this is! This is Jessie!”

Me: “Well, Miss Jessie, I hate to break this to you but my name isn’t Darren and I don’t know any women named Jessie. I believe you’ve called the wrong number.”

Her: “No I didn’t! This isn’t funny Darren. What happened? Did you leave your ringer on again and you’re worried your wife is going hear us talking?”

Me: “Ma’am, I’m very sorry but now I know you’ve got the wrong number.”

Her: “I want to come over there and tell her all about us and how you’ve been screwing me behind her back for two years. I’m sick of this s*%t.”

Instead of trying to backpedal or to convince the woman that perhaps confronting a sleeping, clueless woman and her crappy husband in the middle of the night, she just sleep one it herself and re-evaluate in the morning.

Cue malicious compliance.

Me: “…you know what, that would be great. By all means, come to my house and wake my wife up and tell her all about our torrid sexual affair.”

Her: “I’m leaving now.” engine cranks in background.

Me: “Okay. See you soon!”

His decision was likely influenced by the fact that he had recently found out that his own wife had been cheating on him for the duration of their marriage, like some kind of sociopath.

He has no regrets, at least not about the phone call.

Five months ago I discovered that my wife of ten years started cheating on me eighteen months into our marriage. She racked up a grand total of 16 affairs in a decade.

Somewhere in my immediate area a man’s wife was just awakened by her husband’s sidepiece banging on the front door. She deserves to know what kind of man she married.

I’m just sorry I can’t be a fly on the wall for the very special episode of the Jerry Springer Show that just started in her driveway.

I have a hard time feeling sorry for this Darren person, though maybe that’s wrong.

Do you think he should have stayed out of business that wasn’t his? Tell us why or why not in the comments!

The post If You Cheat on Your Spouse, You Will Suffer the Consequences appeared first on UberFacts.

Funny Amazon Reviews That’ll Make You Shake Your Head

The point of Amazon is for people to buy items and have them shipped to their homes.

But, I have to say, you can really get lost in their product reviews if you take the time because so many of these are just plain weird and hilarious.

Are you ready to see what I’m talking about?

Take a look!

1. No picture attached.

It’s a good thing. Trust us.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

2. Worked like a charm!

Rest easy down there, Gramps!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

3. He will sin no more.

Do you think this parent might be a little bit overbearing?

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

4. You gave the whole thing away!

What a bummer!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

5. This is really wholesome.

Actually, never mind. It’s not at all.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

6. This isn’t creepy at all.

I need one of these to wear around the neighborhood!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

7. Just doesn’t seem to be working.

Good luck with the whole abduction thing…

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

8. Uh oh…this isn’t good.

Where did the rest of it go?!?!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

9. If you own a cat, you might need this.

Give it a shot!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

10. They’re complaining because it’s too fast.

Well, you don’t hear that every day…

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

11. Where are all the wolves?

I’d call this false advertising.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

12. Really does the trick!

Saved their relationship!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

Now we want to hear from you!

Have you seen any weird or funny Amazon reviews lately?

If the answer is YES, please share some photos with us in the comments. Thanks!

The post Funny Amazon Reviews That’ll Make You Shake Your Head appeared first on UberFacts.

Posts Comparing American Work Culture to Other Countries Are Hilariously Depressing

If you don’t realize that Americans are one of the only cultures in the world that revel in a work culture that’s 24/7/365, you haven’t been paying attention. Those in the States are expected to be available literally all the time, even on their vacations, which most of them don’t actually take anyway.

Things are different in places like Europe, when people clock out and mean it, and also take extended holidays with their families during which they are literally and functionally out of the office.

If you’re wondering what those differences really look like, these 16 posts should give you a really good idea.

16. I think they enjoy rubbing it in a bit.

No one can really blame them.

Image Credit: The Chive

15. No one is going to violate that out of office.

Unless something is literally on fire.

Image Credit: The Chive

14. How did we get here?

If anyone has answers, I’m truly curious.

Image Credit: The Chive

13. It’s all about time management, my friends.

And also setting healthy boundaries for yourself.

Image Credit: The Chive

12. Trust me, there’s no prize.

There’s honestly usually not even more money in the end.

Image Credit: The Chive

11. It’s not about working less, or not as hard.

It’s more about working on your terms.

Image Credit: The Chive

10. I’m totally stumped.

Maybe she just thought it was something she had to say.

Image Credit: The Chive

9. If you’re going to work internationally, you’ll have to compress your schedule.

No one is going to answer your emails in the evenings.

Image Credit: The Chive

8. Imagine your government having your back.

What a wonderful world that would be.

Image Credit: The Chive

7. Not only do they have five weeks a year…

They actually take five weeks a year and enjoy them, too.

Image Credit: The Chive

6. Laws to actually protect employees.

Just sit with that for a moment.

Image Credit: The Chive

5. Wouldn’t it be cool to have summer vacay as an adult?

You could actually, like, hang out with your children.

Image Credit: The Chive

4. Proof that it works.

Everyone survives quite successfully.

Image Credit: The Chive

3. When you put it that way…

It sounds pretty depressing, right?

Image Credit: The Chive

2. It seems luxurious to us.

But it’s really quite normal and also healthy for everyone involved.

Image Credit: The Chive

1. They fiercely protect vacation time.

And why shouldn’t they?

Image Credit: The Chive

Y’all. I think we’re doing it wrong here in America. I’m just saying.

What about you? Do you see anything wrong with the way we’re doing it, or do you think Europeans just need to work harder? Sound off in the comments!

The post Posts Comparing American Work Culture to Other Countries Are Hilariously Depressing appeared first on UberFacts.

You Can Combine 4 States That Touch Into a New Country: Which 4 Would You Choose?

I love “what-if” questions – the ones that have no actual consequences or right or wrong answers, but can be fun to think about and answer.

Also, the answers can tell you a lot about a person, I think.

If you’re curious how other people responded, here are 16 replies to the question of what 4 contiguous states would make the best new country.

16. I like the way she thinks.

What is more important than yummy food?

15. Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio

I’m honestly not sure what the reasoning on this one would be…

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

14. I’m ok with that.

Texas needs to be messed with once in a while.

13. Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Arkansas

But she wants to live somewhere else. Ha!

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

12. Decisions are hard.

Then again, this is a game.

11. This person is thinking about access to fresh water.

That’s smart. And of course, New York is the coolest.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

10. There’s always one anarchist in the bunch.

They make the world go ’round. Or not.

9. More references to the drinking water.

I suppose that’s pretty important.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

8. Do you think this is a game, sir?

I mean. I guess it pretty much is.

7. There’s always one joker in the bunch.

What would we do without them?

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

6. Poor Michigan.

The Big 10 is really going to miss them.

5. This person is out to make some cash.

It’s the American way.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

4. Oops.

Still, there’s no need to be that person.

3. I hope they have plans to combat the drought.

And also the electrical grid in Texas.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

2. Idk if it’s a complete package.

But it’s some kind of package.

1. I’m not sure this is allowed.

You can’t just sneak in a bunch of Canadians.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

These replies are really making me think, y’all.

Tell us in the comments how you would answer this one – we’re dying to hear your reasons!

The post You Can Combine 4 States That Touch Into a New Country: Which 4 Would You Choose? appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss How Working in Europe Differs From Working in the United States

You might know that people in other parts of the world get way more time off every year than people who live in the United States – and if you didn’t, I’m sorry. That’s something you can never un-know now.

Basically, in other places employees are allowed to turn off their email or their phone and take more than a week’s vacation and also when they have babies? They get to stay home and recover and bond with them for like, an entire year.

I know. Sounds fake, doesn’t it.

These 14 people are sharing more details, so if you’re working in America, gird your loins.

14. They’re not going to change for you.

We should be more like them, to be honest.

Image Credit: The Chive

13. You might think this is an exaggeration.

It’s not.

Image Credit: The Chive

12. Five weeks a year.

AND they actually take them.

Image Credit: The Chive

11. You cannot flap them.

They are unflappable.

Image Credit: The Chive

10. Summer vacation as an adult.

Now there’s an idea.

Image Credit: The Chive

9. I think you know who has the better quality of life.

It’s not even close, as a matter of fact.

Image Credit: The Chive

8. Anyone else feel called out?

It can’t be just me.

Image Credit: The Chive

7. You’ve gotta take advantage.

You never know when the next nice day is coming down the pike.

Image Credit: The Chive

6. You can get really good at time management.

Which is never a bad thing.

Image Credit: The Chive

5. It’s absolutely shameful.

Seriously, not good for anyone.

Image Credit: The Chive

4. No one is using that contact info.

Nor should they.

Image Credit: The Chive

3. It sounds crazy.

Until you realize it sounds amazing.

Image Credit: The Chive

2. Imagine your employer wanting you to be gone for a month straight.

And not making you feel badly about it, either.

Image Credit: The Chive

1. It can be a bit of an adjustment.

But in a good way.

Image Credit: The Chive

I guess there’s not room for all of us in Europe, huh? But there’s probably room for me…

Are you ready to move? Tell us why or why not in the comments!

The post People Discuss How Working in Europe Differs From Working in the United States appeared first on UberFacts.