What Person Do You Miss Most Right Now? Here’s What People Had to Say.

It’s been a rough year…

And almost all of us have been longing to see our friends and family members again so we can give them a big hug and spend some time with them doing the things we used to do before the world got turned upside down.

But we’re getting there!

Who do you miss most in your life right now?

Here’s what AskReddit users had to say about this.

1. Old friends.


I graduated from college the summer right before COVID, and moved back to my hometown, basically everyone I knew in high school had moved away, and all my college friends I can only text because they’re so far.”

2. Sorry for your loss.

“My grandmother. She was my best friend.

She died alone without someone nearby.

I work with the elderly…. Now I make sure others don’t have to die alone.”

3. A long recovery.

“My husband. He’s sitting right next to me, but I’ve never felt so alone.

A week ago today he had surgery to remove a large brain tumor and his speech/general communication has suffered. Recovery is a long road to walk without my best friend, lover, and soulmate at my side.

I feel awful for wanting my pre-surgery husband back, even just for a moment to tell me that he’s going to be ok.”

4. Missing Mom.

“I miss my mom, who has been gone for almost 9 years, but missing her has basically become a daily thing.”

5. RIP.

“My brother who was k**led in a car accident 2 years ago.

He was bipolar, and had so many issues, working and being with him was like being around “an inexperienced car bomber.” It’s that I never knew if helping him out would blow me up and my family.

Never knew what was coming next… his getting arrested for parking tickets, or staying in a storage/warehouse until he could find housing. Living with him was impossible, but so was giving him $$$ to get him through another day.

I never figured out how to help him, and I mean really help him out, and I wept when I learned he’d died. RIP Allyn, thanks for the laughs, and good times, as I think of you every day.”

6. Ghosted.

“My best friend who ghosted me.

It’s been over 2 years and I still think about her all the time and wonder what I did wrong.

I haven’t been able to make any new friends since.”

7. Not the same.

“My friends from university.

We still talk all the time online and in group chats but it just doesn’t feel the same not seeing them everyday and hanging out on a whim.

I feel now too its had a strange effect where I dont really want to socialize with anyone or open up that much to people who don’t remind me of my friends.

Probably because I’m aware of what I once had and want to find it again.”

8. Feels empty.

“I still miss our beloved cat that had to be put to sleep.

He often appears in my dreams (some quite vivid) – and when I wake up, the house seems “empty” without him.”

9. Looking for a friend.

“Someone whom i can call a friend.

This pandemic and lockdown completely hit me as I am already an introvert so I already have very little friend circle, due to lockdown period then in between that I got corona myself, many distanced themselves from me due to fear of spreading it that time.

Now things are start to get normal but it seems that part of my life got lost, those friends moved on in there life without me. No msg, no calls.

When I tried to call and talk to them, I felt awkwardness in their voice.”

10. My ex.

“My ex-girlfriend. She is my ex not because of choice.

I wanted to get married to her and she wanted to marry me. But then COVID happened and we started drifting apart. I didn’t have a good house or money to give her the life she deserves. So she got engaged to someone else from pressure from her parents. She wanted to keep them happy.

I am from India so this is something that occurs here. I really want her back and I truly love her. But she is about to get married on May 9th. I do not know what to do.”

11. Came out of nowhere.

“My daughter ‘ran away’ in the night with a man she met online about about two months ago. I say ‘ran away’ because she had turned eighteen a few weeks before, so I guess technically she just left.

It came out of nowhere. She will fail school. She has no license and is mentally ill. She hasn’t spoken to anyone—family or friends or her therapist—since before she left and I don’t even know if she is alive currently.

I miss her so much I can hardly get through my days sometimes. I enjoyed her and her company so much and now she is disappeared possibly forever and it is hard to cope with.”

12. Dogs are the greatest.

“My dog that died a few years ago. He was a coon hound, so anyone who knows that breed knows how much of a character they can be.

Best memories of him:

Climbed onto a folding chair and got stuck

Climbed a tree and got stuck

Climbed between two fences and got stuck

Got out of the backyard, ran down the block, wouldn’t come home when yelling for him, so we held out some stinky ham and there he was trotting back home wagging his tail (very food motivated)

Me sitting in a recliner and he comes up and climbs on me like a lap dog even though he was bigger than me. (I’m an adult for size reference)

My baby niece was crying and getting attention and he got jealous so he climbed on me yet again

I gave him a Whopper (which I regret and learned better) and he ate everything but the lettuce, which he spat out completely intact)

He figured out how to turn the bath water on, but couldn’t turn it off.”

How about you?

Who do you miss the most right now?

Tell us in the comments!

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What Things Are Awkward but Really Shouldn’t Be? Here’s What Folks Had to Say.

Why is asking someone who owes you money awkward?

It shouldn’t be, right?

It should be perfectly acceptable to say, “John, I lent you $200 back in 2010 and I’m here to collect. And since I’m such a nice guy, I’m not even charging you any interest!”

But…it’s just awkward for some reason.

AskReddit users shared what they think is awkward but really shouldn’t be.

1. Cringeworthy.

“Listening to people sing you Happy Birthday…”

2. Back away slowly.

“Leaving someone’s yard sale without buying anything…and you were the only one there.”

3. Get it together!

“Asking my roommate to do basic household chores.

General clean up, dishes, don’t put out a grease fire with water.”

4. Here we go again.

“When you say bye to someone, then inexplicably run into them again a few minutes later.

I find it awkwardest in the grocery store because after you say goodbye you are most likely to meet in every single aisle until the checkout.

Cue awkward smiles every 5 minutes.”

5. Now it’s a race.

“Walking the same speed as someone else.”

6. This is weird.

“When you arrange a meet up with someone and you spot each other from far away.

Then have to walk towards each other not really sure if you should just stare at them or just ignore them until you get within greeting range.”

7. Thank you so much!

“Opening presents in front of someone.

Pretending you are not disappointed when there’s no money in the card.”

8. Let’s just get this over with.

“Trying to park while the person next to you is getting into/out of their vehicle.

Or when you and the car next to you both need to back out…

So you wait for them to start, but they take forever, so you take the right of way at the exact moment they decide to start going.”

9. Right?

“Asking someone for the money they owe you.”

10. Now what do I do?

“Receiving a compliment.

Are you supposed to return the favor, just say thank you and move on, downplay it to appear modest, etc…?”

11. Doh!

“Accidentally touching your friend’s hand while walking together.”

12. Isn’t this your job?

“Calling to make an appointment.

The people on the other end of the phone always seem confused or flustered.

Like they’re being bothered. Maybe I just get bad doctor offices.”

13. What are we doing here?

“That situation where you don’t know whether you should hug a girl or shake her hand.

What the f**k is the protocol here?!”

14. Being judged.

“Meeting your SO’s family for the first time.

As long as you treat your SO well, things should go fine right?

But there they are…watching…judging…”

What situations do you think are awkward but really shouldn’t be?

Tell us what you think in the comments.

Thanks a lot!

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Disney Facts That Might Have Escaped Your Notice

It’s kind of hard to believe there’s anything we don’t know about Disney, their movies, and their history – after all, we’ve lived and breathed it pretty much our entire lives.

The great thing about corporations as huge and far-flung as Disney, though, is that there’s always something lurking, waiting to be uncovered.

We’re hoping that, among these 12 more obscure facts, you might find something new to learn!

12. Disney’s first PG movie was The Black Hole.

Image Credit: Disney

Director Gary Nelson says they were trying not to get a G rating all along.

11. “A Spoonful of Sugar” was inspired by the polio vaccine.

According to Jeffrey Sherman, son of Robert Sherman (who helped write the song) he told his dad how he’d received his vaccine on a sugar cube.

10. Both Joan Collins and Bea Arthur turned down the role of Ursula in The Little Mermaid.

Image Credit: Disney

Both actresses agents sneered at the role, when nowadays, a-listers clamor to do voice acting in animated pictures.

9. Dick VanDyke blamed his questionable Cockney accent on his vocal coach.

Image Credit: Disney

His vocal coach was Irish and, according to Van Dyke, “didn’t do an accent any better than I did.”

8. The gold-and-blue theme of the ballroom scene in Beauty and the Beast was deliberately chosen.

Image Credit: Disney

It was meant to represent Belle, who was typically in blue at the beginning of the movie but morphed to gold as her character went through a transformation.

7. Julie Andrews wasn’t the first person to play Marry Poppins.

Image Credit: CBS

Actress Mary Wikes played the character in a one-hour TV adaptation on CBS in 1949.

6. Mary Wikes returned to Disney at least one more time.

Image Credit: Disney

She played Sister Mary Lazarus in the Sister Act films.

5. Disney wanted the Beatles to make a cameo in Jungle Book.

Image Credit: Disney

John Lennon was reportedly the one who nixed the idea.

4.  Angela Lansbury is a pro.

Image Credit: Disney

Her version of “Beauty and the Beast” only required a single take.

This was even after she was up the night before on a flight to New York – a flight that included a bomb threat and an emergency landing – that almost made her miss the recording altogether.

3. Disneyland’s King Arthur Carousel was built for the Sunnyside Beach Park in 1922.

That makes it older than the park.

2. 1993 was the first time Disney released a trailer that was an entire scene.

It was from The Lion King, and I think it’s fair to say that it paid off.

1. The first air-conditioned attraction at Disneyland opened in 1963.

It was the Enchanted Tiki Room – they needed to keep the computer system cool.

I definitely learned a thing or two.

Which of these was new to you? If we taught you something, tell us what in the comments!

The post Disney Facts That Might Have Escaped Your Notice appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Scariest Facts They Know

Whenever I really want to creep myself out, I start to read about the nuclear arsenals that different countries around the world have and how many of them could easily fall into the hands of the wrong folks out there…

That’s the scary stuff for me.

But everyone is different.

What’s the scariest fact you know?

Here’s what folks on AskReddit had to say.

1. Don’t get rabies.

“A lot of people don’t realize rabies is extremely fatal. It’s one of the deadliest diseases to ever be seen on planet earth, deadlier than any plague.

Only a handful of people have ever survived rabies untreated, I believe the number is around 5. And most of them were completely crippled for the rest of their short lives.

Even treatment isn’t very effective.

Don’t ever get rabies.”

2. Not Hollywood.

“That a large number of asteroids and comets that could potentially hit Earth directly have not even been discovered as of yet.

And our ability to actually stop a large object travelling stupidly fast is much worse than depicted in films.”

3. Now that is gross.

“Your tastebuds are actually cilia and are constantly being worn down by the movement of your tongue in your mouth.

If you end up in a coma for long enough, your tongue becomes fuzzy.

Maybe it’s just me, but that adds to the very long list of reasons I never want to be in an extended coma.”

4. Not a comforting thought.

“We’ve come very close to nuclear war and had nuclear accidents many times.

Also, we’ve lost a lot of nukes.

Google “broken arrows” some time.”

5. Sleep is good.

“That you really do need 7-9 hours of sleep every day.

Even at 6 hours, the lack of sleep decreases efficiency, productivity, and increases risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s. Furthermore, it weakens the immune system and handicaps the body’s ability to destroy cancer cells, which therefore increases risk of cancers of the breast, colon, ovaries and prostate.

The scary part of it is that you can’t get back all the sleep that you lose out on because “sleep efficiency” decreases, so trying to catch up on the weekends isn’t really making up for what you lost throughout the week. Ironically, those who say “I can sleep when I’m dead” will end up dead quicker because of lack of sleep over time.”

6. Beware of the botfly.

“A botfly can lay an egg in a fraction of a second.

Literally swatting the fly can be enough for it to lay an egg which burrows into your flesh and feeds in there until it hatches and matures enough to fly away and start the cycle again.

It can also happen to an eye. I know this because I’m an eye doctor and I have removed a botfly larva from the INSIDE of an Eyelid (tarsal conjunctival membrane).”

7. Let’s hope not.

“At any second the whole planet could be completely destroyed by x-ray bursts from quasars.

So many other scary things have practical solutions for protecting the human race, but there is no defense humanity could conceivably develop against such a massive amount of energy.

I subscribe to the Star Trek utopian techno future, massive gamma or x-ray burst.. nothing can stop it.. goodbye planet earth.”

8. We’re due.

“Geologist here.

The earth’s magnetic poles (places your compass point to) are moving at an alarming rate.

While they switch (think north compass arrow will point south) every 10,000 years or so, we are over due for a switch… so like happy 2021 y’all.

Also the supervolcano under Yellowstone does technically have the fire power to wipe out much of life on planet earth, but its NOT over due like many people try to claim it is. That’s just fear mongering.

ALSO there was a point in the past during the ice age (I think) were less then 2000 humans were alive. If it would have been modern humans we would have to put ourselves on the endangered species list.”

9. Freaky.

“Surfer’s myelopathy is a non-traumatic injury most often seen in novice surfers, where they tweak their back while trying to get up on the board.

They initially feel pain and and weakness and then they become fully paraplegic. It doesn’t even have to be surfing. Yoga, pilates, or even getting up from laying down.

You just hyperextend your back a little weird one day and bam, you’re in a wheelchair, completely paralyzed from the waist down.”

10. A world of plastic.

“There is plastic everywhere from the highest mountains to the deepest trench in the ocean.

It’s estimated that by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean.

And it is bad for us, likely causing fertility problems and reducing pe**s size.”

11. Truth.

“You die 3 times..

You die

Your grave gets visited the last time

The last person who even knows your name dies

You are completely forgotten and gone.”

12. Wow.

“If you commit a m**der in the United States, the chances that you will be arrested and convicted for it is less than 50%.”

13. Keep your eyes open.

“An average person walks past at least 16 m**derers in their lifetime.

And sometimes the m**derer turns out to be someone you grew up with.

One of the most disturbing phone calls I’ve ever gotten was an old friend calling to tell me a mutual buddy had just been arrested for beating his ex-girlfriend to death with a brick.

It’s been fifteen years since we graduated high school and went our separate ways, and I still can’t reconcile the memories of a goofy skater kid with the facts that came out during his trial. How could we not have seen the anger in him?”

What do you think is the scariest fact you know?

Talk to us in the comments.

Please and thank you!

The post People Share the Scariest Facts They Know appeared first on UberFacts.

What’s the Best Theory About UFOs or Aliens? Here’s What People Said.

When I was in middle school, I read everything I could get my hands on about the supposed UFO incident in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.

And even though I’m not convinced that UFOs and aliens exist, I still like reading about it and hearing people talk about why they believe.

AskReddit users shared the best theories they’ve heard about UFOs and aliens.

Let’s see what they had to say.

1. Maybe?

“If aliens are on this planet, they are likely using the ocean as a place to hide.

The Nimitz encounter and some of the best actual video evidence we have shows that UFOs and USOs might be the same thing and that they can easily travel through water and air both.

Plus there have been rumors about Lake Baikal in Russia for centuries.

Lake Baikal is one of the deepest lakes on Earth and could absolutely harbor some crazy s**t.”

2. You never know…

“The premise in Lilo & Stitch.

That Earth is a mosquito preserve.”

3. Not going back there.

“Aliens landed once in Africa, got eaten by lions.

Planet now marked as dangerous by the Galactic Feds.”

4. We can’t see them.

“That if any civilization elsewhere in the universe had the technology to reach us, for any reason, they’d be very likely to be also be able to disguise their presence from our detection methods.

They could observe us close up using nanotech, microscopic biological spacecraft etc and we’d never know.”

5. Think about it.

“Consider the fact that the human race is a divided mess of contradictory intents.

We have the scientific community reaching out peacefully, yet if aliens do come into the airspace of any nation, the first to greet them would be the military.

You can imagine what the response of the military would be when a UFO enters forbidden airspace.

Given the declassified government files regarding UFOs, it is quite likely that contact has been attempted in the past and the results were tragic.”

6. I want to believe.

“That “greys” aren’t fully biological, but rather remotely controlled androids, or that they are biological, but their grey appearance is a suit and not the body.

Imagine other lifeforms looking at our astronauts saying “here come the marshmallow cyclops creatures again”.

7. Two theories.

“The best two I’ve heard:

We don’t allow ourselves to contact lost tribes in the Amazon or other wild places. Extraterrestrials may have similar laws on a galactic scale.

We split the atom, but made weapons out of them instead of trying to reach the stars. They leave us alone out of fear that we’ll destroy ourselves if war accidentally breaks out.”

8. In the past…

“There are so many star systems with potentially inhabitable planets out there that the chances that we have been the only life in the universe is extremely slim.

The question, instead, is whether life arising elsewhere has managed to survive destruction and remain alive today such that they might be able to contact us.

That is to say, there have probably been countless civilizations for the past several billion years that simply haven’t made it.”

9. We might not recognize it.

“That life in the universe could be so unrecognizable to us that we wouldn’t even register it as being alien life.

What if life on another world was not carbon based, but another element?

How would we even know what to look for since our definitions and descriptions of life are based on a completely different perspective?’

10. Well, there’s that.

“They came, they saw, they weren’t impressed.”

11. Let’s see what else is out there.

“They visited 250 million years ago.

Saw a planet full of big lizards and labeled us a junky planet not worth revisiting and moved on.”

12. We’re being studied.

“Any species advanced enough to find us wouldn’t “make contact”.

They’d study us the way we study animals. Ideally with minimal interference.

Compare the average “abduction” story to the way we dart large animals, collect data and leave them to wake a bit groggy and confused but unharmed.”

What do you think?

Is it possible that UFOs and aliens exist or is it all a bunch of malarkey?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know!

The post What’s the Best Theory About UFOs or Aliens? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Shared Who in Their Life They Miss Most Right Now

I know who I miss the most these days.

I miss all my friends who live in different parts of the country that I haven’t been able to see in quite some time now.

As you know, certain world events have thrown a wrench into plans to go visit people for the past year or so, but we’re almost there, folks!

So keep the faith!

Folks on AskReddit opened up about who they miss most in their lives right now.

1. Tragic.

“My Sister, who passed away in 2014, and my Father, who passed the following year.

They shared a birthday which also happens to be today.

I really miss you both.”

2. Think of them often.

“My two dogs from my first marriage.

My ex-wife got both of them (vet said they couldn’t be separated bc one had crippling anxiety and separating them would be too detrimental and I couldn’t bring myself to fight to separate them knowing this).

Not a day goes by that I don’t think about them.”

3. Everyone back home.

“I’m from Buffalo, but I’ve lived in NYC for the last year or so due to work.

I haven’t been able to see my family back home since I work in a high risk field for COVID.

Last week, I went to a Wegmens upstate and got emotional walking around, because I guess I just sort of compartmentalized how much I miss home.

So, home.”

4. Mike.

“Mike. He was my “punching bag” when life was hard. We worked together in automotive shop.

He was around until right before my first husband and I got married, he quit or got fired. He showed up and got his job a week before my first husband unexpectedly d**d. He was with me through that, my mom dying of pancreatic cancer, being evicted because my landlord didn’t pay his mortgage.

He would walk up to me and say I looked like I wanted to punch someone, and would let me punch him. I didn’t always but sometimes it helped a lot. He also made me laugh, a lot, even when I didn’t want to. He was the person who let me have a small pity party for myself then tell me to get over myself. I would. He knew me better than I knew myself and we were either really good or very awful.

When we would fight, everyone knew and it was over dumb things and last… sometimes for weeks. He d**d a couple years ago.

I believe that was because I would never need him that way again. But I miss him a lot and wish he could see where I’ve gotten from where I was.”

5. Dad.

“My dad. He k**led himself when I was 15.

I don’t even remember the last thing I said to him. I know I was angry from the abuse and him moving out of state when I was 11.

I miss him so much I wish I could tell him I loved him again.”

6. Still miss him.

“My ex husband.

Yes we’re divorced for good reason but it’s been difficult these past few years without him.

I really do miss him, even though we had our problems.

I bet a lot of people feel like I do.”

7. A sad story.

“My niece.

She passed away in 2019 after her first birthday. Long story short my wife and I dont plan on having kids. Her sisters child (my niece through marriage, who I also love) moved across country so we almost never get to see her.

So when my brothers daughter was born we were always around when we could be. Brought my family together a lot. She was such a sweet kid. She didn’t like a lot of people when she was younger, but I was the only one who could always get her to smile. We just had such a great bond and she was in a coma before she passed away.

That week ruined me, and I was at the hospital every moment I could be. Even now writing this it feels like my heart is being ripped out of my chest. I just miss her so much, and I miss life where my brother wasn’t a broken person, he was beyond destroyed.”

8. A voice of hope.

“My grandmother. She was always a voice of real hope and balanced reason, with a big pinch of Southern charm.

I’m ok without her, but a big part of me becoming successful was to validate her impression of me.

She bragged about me all the time.

I became the most deserving of that praise about a year after she passed, and I just wish she could have seen what I’m up to.

She’d have smiled pretty big for her 5 foot self.”

9. Other side of the world.

“My fiancee.

She lives on the other side of the world and I haven’t seen her other than through a phone/computer screen in 6 months.”

10. BFF.

“My dog.

She was my best friend for 14 years and we had to say goodbye in January.”

11. An old friend.

“There’s an old friend I’ve been thinking about lately. We had a lot of adventures together when we were younger and we were both broken is similar ways that made us natural friends and allies.

I was honestly smitten with her at first sight. We met at a local music club and had a lot of fun times together going to local music festivals, open mic nights, and hanging out at diners. Then, we just sort of drifted apart.

I tried to reach out but I got an “It was nice to know you” letter in return and I took the hint. Ha, I was actually pretty embarrassed at the time that I hadn’t realized she just wasn’t into our friendship anymore.

Still, I really miss her. That was all a long time ago, long enough that the person I miss certainly doesn’t exist anymore. She wouldn’t know me, either, anymore than I’d know her. I would never insert myself into her life at this point and I’m not entirely sure I would welcome her if she did so. I’m still a little offended she ghosted me if I’m being honest.

But I do mostly think back on our friendship fondly. When it comes to the people I used to know, she’s the one who most frequently ends up on my mind. She’s been in my mind a lot the last few days and I find myself stupidly wishing I could go back in time for a weekend and just enjoy the moments we used to have.

Some people seem to imprint on you forever. That can be a very mixed bag. Gods’ honest truth, I’d probably choose to forget her if I could. The good outweighed the bad, but maybe not by enough?”

Who do you miss the most right now in your life?

Tell us in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

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Movies That Bombed at the Box Office but Not in Fans’ Hearts

There are a lot of ways to judge a movie’s success or failure, and only one of them has to do with box office receipts. Like with all creative media, it’s impossible for the studios and powers that be to guess, with 100% accuracy, what’s going to resonate with audiences.

Not to mention that there are plenty of examples of films through the decades that have flopped at the box office only to become beloved classics – or cult classics – somewhere down the road.

Here are 13 movies that are technically failures, but that have found their way into the hearts of thousands of viewers nonetheless.

13. This one was super fun.

If you’re into a cowboy romp, it’s got your covered.

Image Credit: The Chive

12. Fantasy elements can really make or break a film.

They obviously spent some money on this one.

Image Credit: The Chive

11. This movie made me rage.

But to each their own.

Image Credit: The Chive

10. It’s no Scream.

It’s not bad, though.

Image Credit: The Chive

9. These are facts.

I push it on everyone I know.

Image Credit: The Chive

8. This movie is legit amazing.

If you haven’t seen it, rectify that immediately.

Image Credit: The Chive

7. This one was super fun and under-loved.

The cast is something else, too.

Image Credit: The Chive

6. I’ve never even heard of this film.

But if that’s Jude Law, consider me in.

Image Credit: The Chive

5. If you’re into that sort of thing.

This picture alone is making me queasy.

Image Credit: The Chive

4. That checklist has me convinced.

Have you seen this one? Thoughts?

Image Credit: The Chive

3. We can all agree this has reached cult classic stage.

For Gen X, anyway.

Image Credit: The Chive

2. Not enough people saw this one.

I think the commenter nailed the reasons, too.

Image Credit: The Chive

1. I’m glad I’m not this guy’s friend.

Maybe I’m being too judgmental.

Image Credit: The Chive

I have tons of these flicks that aren’t “good” but are nonetheless great.

What’s your favorite underrated film? Share with us in the comments!

The post Movies That Bombed at the Box Office but Not in Fans’ Hearts appeared first on UberFacts.

Should We Always Have to Let Family Stay When They Ask? A Woman Asks The Internet Their Thoughts.

Family decisions are tough and always full of potential pitfalls. There are expectations and guilt involved, and the fact that whatever you decide, you’re going to have to hear about it for the next twenty or so years.

Which is probably why this person is wondering whether or not she was wrong to refuse to let her sister and nieces/nephews move into her new house.

OP saved up for and bought a house for her single self and her two dogs, and she was so happy with her purchase. It was the perfect amount of space for her, but her entitled sister – who lives in a much smaller space with three children – thought she was being selfish.

Their mother got involved and said she thought OP was being mean for not inviting the sister and her kids to move in.


Image Credit: Twitter

OP refused, saying that she bought the house and wanted the space to herself, but did offer to help the sister rent a larger apartment with more space.

That’s when she found out that her mom and sister had intended for OP to move out and let the sister move in.


Image Credit: Twitter

I have no idea what these people are thinking, but let’s hear what Reddit has to say while I sort it out, hmm?

It is kind of hilarious when you put it that way.

Image Credit: Twitter

To sum up.

Image Credit: Twitter

She definitely needs to leave her foot down.

Image Credit: Twitter

This sister just cannot be serious.

Image Credit: Twitter

A lot of people need to learn this lesson.

Image Credit: Twitter

Some of these are so NTA that it’s just laughable, y’all.

Go ahead and scream into the comments – that’s what we’re here for.,

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Random Facts About Disney That Most People Don’t Know

If you think you’re the biggest Disney fan that ever lived and you know absolutely everything there is to know about the House of Mouse (and everything that goes along with it), well…you might be right.

Just in case you’re not, though, don’t you want to scroll through these 13 Disney facts and see what we’ve got?

You never know, we could surprise you!

13. The voice of Cinderella’s narrator might sound familiar.

Image Credit: Disney

Betty Lou Gerson was also the voice of Cruella de Vil in 101 Dalmatians.

12. Walt Disney mortgaged his home to make Snow White happen.

Image Credit: Disney

It was obviously a gamble that paid off, but he must have been nervous.

Even his wife, Lillian, suspected the movie would be a bust.

11. Snow White was also the first movie to be released with an accompanying soundtrack.

Image Credit: Disney

A practice that’s obviously made a lot of people a lot of money in the decades since.

10. There had been a previously released single, from “Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf,” though.

Image Credit: Disney

The 78 rpm record was a big seller.

9. Lady Tremaine (Cinderella) and Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty) are both voiced by Eleanor Audley.

Image Credit: Disney

Apparently scary lady voices are hard to find.

8. Eleanor Audley is also the voice of Madame Leota in the Haunted Mansion Ride.

Image Credit: Disney

The face you see in the crystal ball, though, is Imagineer Leota Toombs Thomas.

7. The first Disney character merchandise was a Mickey Mouse writing tablet.

Released in 1930, the licensing of the character to earn extra money was an eye-opener./h1>

6. “When You Wish Upon A Star” was Disney’s first Oscar-winning song.

The tune from Pinocchio won for Best Original Song.

5. The Haunted Mansion ride is in a different land at every Disney park.

Image Credit: Disney

New Orleans Square at Disneyland, Liberty Square at Magic Kingdom, Fantasyland at Tokyo Disneyland, and in Paris, you’ll find it in Frontierland.

4. Disney was a big part of the WWII war effort.

90% of their production was propaganda films, training films, print campaigns, and other things that supported the Allies’ war effort.

3. Sleeping Beauty took 8 years to make.

Image Credit: Disney

It went into production in 1951 and was released in 1959 – Disney was working on building Disneyland at the same time.

2. Cinderella was shot in live action first.

Image Credit: Disney

Animators then used the live-action movements as reference to animate the movie. Wild.

1. Anita from 101 Dalmatians was based on Julie Andrews.

Image Credit: Disney

There’s probably no way to make a human more likable.

Well, I’m waiting on the verdict!

Tell us in the comments which, if any, of these facts were new to you!

The post Random Facts About Disney That Most People Don’t Know appeared first on UberFacts.