People Explain Why They Chose To Be Sterilized

Maybe it’s because it flies in the face of evolution, but people tend to be shocked when they find out others don’t want children.

They assume you’ll grow out of it or change your mind, but for some, the desire to remain childless is as strong as others’ biological urge to procreate.

These 12 people express their feelings about living a child-free life.

1. Pets are better than kids

Except that you can’t really send them to their rooms.

I got a vasectomy and my wife got her tubes tied. We would rather have pets than kids.

Image credit: Whisper

2. Bodily autonomy can be a powerful drug

That’s when you know you’ve made the right decision.

I got my tubes tied a couple months ago. Doctors said I was going to be depressed but I have never been this happy about anything.

Image credit: Whisper

3. Double win, really

Especially when it’s your choice and not the slow march of time.

I had a hysterectomy a month ago. It was liberating to throw away all my tampons today.

Image credit: Whisper

4. It really is hard for people to believe

And it’s easier if they think it’s not a choice.

I cannot have children and people always express sympathy when I tell them. I never bother to clarify that I had myself sterilized.

Image credit: Whisper

5. Lots of people feel the need to keep it secret

No reason to upset the folks. They’ll figure it out eventually.

Got a vasectomy yesterday. Definitely not going to tell parents they're not getting grandkids.

Image credit: Whisper

6. Some secrets are more concerning than others

I guess she’ll figure it out eventually too…

I had a vasetomy 2 years ago. My wife has no idea. She wants more children, and I think 1 was enough.

Image credit: Whisper

7. It’s a great alternative to oral contraception

More effective too.

I just got my appointment for tubal ligation (tubes tied) next Friday. I'm 26 and I never want kids. I'm so excited for my child-free life with no medication!

Image credit: Whisper

8. Definitely cheaper than a lifetime of birth control, too

1 box of condoms is about $7. Pays for itself in no time.

My vasectomy was the best $15, (the consult was $15, the procedure itself was FREE under insurance), I've ever spent. #nokidding.

Image credit: Whisper

9. And there’s so much less worry

In that respect, you could say it pays for itself every month.

Best part of having my tubes tied? You don't freak out as much over late periods.

Image credit: Whisper

10. Of course there are other ways of looking at it

That’s definitely one of them.

The best part of having my tubes tied and having an ablation? Cheating won't end in a positive pregnancy test!!

Image credit: Whisper

11. Some people can’t accept that it’s what you want

As though it affects them somehow.

When I told people I was getting a hysterectomy for some reason they got really mad. Why would MY choice make you mad?

Image credit: Whisper

12. And usually they don’t trust you to know your own mind

It’s the lucky few who are listened to.

One good thing that happened to me in 2016: I got my tubes tied. Everyone told me a doctor wouldn't do it until I was 35. Kiss my a**, I got it done at 23! :D

Image credit: Whisper

Those reasons all make a lot of sense to me. Do you think they made the right choices? Tell us in the comments.

The post People Explain Why They Chose To Be Sterilized appeared first on UberFacts.

People Show the Bitter and Sweet Sides of Sterilization

One of the most invasive questions people can ask you is about your plans to have children…or not.

It’s no one’s business but the people making the choice–and sometimes it’s not even a choice.

But that doesn’t stop people from asking.

At family functions and even in the workplace, if you’re in a committed relationship and over the age of 24, the awkward questions abound.

It’s time to stop asking such personal questions. People don’t have kids for all kinds of reasons.

Fertility issues aside, 10 people explain the myriad emotions surrounding sterilization.

1. Sometimes, it’s a choice you make together

I hope karma, at least, was very sweet.

I got my tubes tied because my husband didn't want more kids. He had an affair and she got pregnant.

Image credit: Whisper

2. Sometimes, it’s the mature thing to do

We don’t know their life.

I went and got sterilized after my abortion. I made the right choice to end my pregnancy, but I never want to have to make that choice again.

Image credit: Whisper

3. No matter what you say, it’s going to be the wrong thing

Even when you mean well, better just to go about your day.

When a nurse tells you how lucky you are to have had a hysterectomy so young, not knowing that you wanted a child and having it wasn't by choice but necessity.

Image credit: Whisper

4. Some people can laugh it off easier than others

But why should they have to?

Thefunniest thing about getting my tubes tied is how much other people think it's okay for them to comment. It's my body, my decision. Kindly f*** off?

Image credit: Whisper

5. Taking “it’s none of your business” to a whole new level

Because safety is about more than just preventing pregnancy.

I got sterilized 4 years ago and can't get pregnant. But I won't tell a guy I'm dating that because I don't want to fight with him over wearing a condom. I want him terrified that he could get me pregnant.

Image credit: Whisper

6. It could become a dangerous game.

Like at some point you have to tell them right?

My secret is that I've had a vasectomy but I never tell any girls that I date.

Image credit: Whisper

7. There are times when it makes total sense

And you end up regretting it anyway.

I had my tubes tied when I was with my abusive ex-husband and now that I'm with the love of my life, I regret it. I want to have a baby with him.

Image credit: Whisper

8. But there is still joy, even with regret

Fertility treatments, foster parenting, adoption, pets.

I adopt animals because I regret having my tubes tied.

Image credit: Whisper

9. Choice is the key

When you don’t get one, either way, it hurts.

I was given a certain amount of time to have a kid before I'm basically forced to get a hysterectomy... I hate this forced feeling and my life is an absolute disaster...

Image credit: Whisper

10. The important thing is doing what’s right for yourself

And living the life you want to live.

I got a vasectomy at 25 and I have zero regrets about it. I have dogs that will never complain about wanting clothes, cell phones, or need to go to college.

Image credit: Whisper

These posts show that people are childless for all kinds of reasons, and that everyone should mind their own business until it affects them.

Do you know of other reasons for not having kids that you want to share? Drop them in the comments.

The post People Show the Bitter and Sweet Sides of Sterilization appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Tweets That Will Make Your Life Much Funnier Today

Twitter is a place where all kinds of things are happening all the time. I don’t know how better to explain it than that. You know stuff? You know how there’s a large variety of stuff?

Well, picture all of that variety happening simultaneously, and you’ve got Twitter.

Lucky for us, a lot of what rises to the top of that maelstrom is funny, and we get to laugh at it. Let’s do so now, shall we?

15. Speaking in code

Maybe he’s just trying to keep things interesting.

14. I am the night

Some people just live for the drama, I guess.

13. Bon Bon

We can’t know. There’s just no way to know.

12. Chuck him in

It may not be the righteous path, but it’s my path.

11. Who??

And your mom will watch an actor in 100 movies and still never know who they are.

10. Mask off

Pretty sure that’s what was happening already anyway.

9. Shoot for the floor

And you really can’t miss.

8. The fit

I don’t know why, but I find this really unsettling.

7. Know the difference

“Terrible, Incompetent Cats” is what the movie adaptation was originally called.

6. Atlas mewed

Carry on, celestial soldier.

5. I’m just sayin’

“Oh so NOW y’all wanna hear what we have to say, huh?”

4. The doors

Everything about this seems impractical.

3. It’s official

Sorry to be the one to break this news to you.

2. Birth giver

I’m not sure why so many of this thought this was a proper joke for so long.

1. By the fire

You make the best of things in this world.

Hope you enjoyed those!

Who are your favorite people to follow on Twitter?

Tell us in the comments.

The post People Share Tweets That Will Make Your Life Much Funnier Today appeared first on UberFacts.

Check out This Video That Shows How Fast Bacteria Can Spread “Down There”

Knowledge is power and sure, one of the best and coolest things about the internet is that we can learn just about anything with the click of a few buttons. Some posts, though, leave me wondering if life wasn’t just a bit happier when we didn’t know everything, because some things…I’d be ok maintaining my ignorance.

Because after you realize something, of course, you feel compelled to, you know…take care of it.

Which is exactly how you might feel after watching this TikTok about how quickly bacteria and bacterial infections can spread in the vagina.

Image Credit: Roxanne Ramsey

The TikToker, Roxanne Ramsey, is going to use a zucchini, water, and ranch dressing to make her demonstration about bacterial vaginosis really pop, so consider the squeamish among you warned.

She grabs three bowls and names them – Ashley, the bowl of clean water, Ashley’s boyfriend Brandon, the zucchini, and Britney, the ranch dressing, who always wipes back to front.

Image Credit: Roxanne Ramsey

“Even though Ashley and Brandon’s relationship is really healthy, Brandon went to the market one day and just couldn’t help himself…”

She goes on to show what Brandon looks like after his experimental dip…and what Ashley looks like after Brandon comes home, sheepish and mum about the whole thing, and dips back into her.

Image Credit: Roxanne Ramsey

Ashley gets medicine for the vaginosis, but lo and behold, look what happens in Part 2 of Roxanne’s video…

The vaginosis comes back, even though Brandon has been faithful since that one encounter with infected Britney.

Image Credit: Roxanne Ramsey

Roxanne spoke to Buzzfeed about why the topic was important for her to inform others about online:

“I began to notice I would only get it after s^x with my partner. I had been to so many doctor’s appointments searching for answers, but to no avail. Every doctor told me I was suffering because of my soap and detergent. Finally, I decided to participate in a study for bacterial vaginosis because I thought something was terribly wrong with me.”

A doctor in the study told Roxanne that she thought her boyfriend was probably the reason, but that there were little to no tools for diagnosing bacterial vaginosis in men, and no treatment options, because many doctors didn’t believe men could get or pass the infection along.

Roxanne, though, knew it was at least worth exploring, since she’d tried everything else.

“It’s funny because I’ve struggled with BV for so long, I feel like I have a bacterial vaginosis degree… Once I learned information from the specialist, I knew that treatment was a possibility. She prescribed me meds, and I simply gave them to my partner. I was so shocked because it worked! It was such a simple fix that could’ve saved me years of struggling.”

Image Credit: Roxanne Ramsey

She wanted to share not only the visualization of how easily bacteria can spread and her own experience, but the message that we know our bodies better than anyone else, and when you’re talking to your doctor, it’s important to remember to advocate for yourself.

Ask the questions, listen to the answers, but remember that you’re in charge of your body and your treatment, so if you feel like something more needs to be done, don’t stop pushing until you don’t feel that way anymore.

Be safe out there friends, and remember to love yourselves all the way up and down.

The post Check out This Video That Shows How Fast Bacteria Can Spread “Down There” appeared first on UberFacts.

Check out This Video That Shows How Fast Bacteria Can Spread “Down There”

Knowledge is power and sure, one of the best and coolest things about the internet is that we can learn just about anything with the click of a few buttons. Some posts, though, leave me wondering if life wasn’t just a bit happier when we didn’t know everything, because some things…I’d be ok maintaining my ignorance.

Because after you realize something, of course, you feel compelled to, you know…take care of it.

Which is exactly how you might feel after watching this TikTok about how quickly bacteria and bacterial infections can spread in the vagina.

Image Credit: Roxanne Ramsey

The TikToker, Roxanne Ramsey, is going to use a zucchini, water, and ranch dressing to make her demonstration about bacterial vaginosis really pop, so consider the squeamish among you warned.

She grabs three bowls and names them – Ashley, the bowl of clean water, Ashley’s boyfriend Brandon, the zucchini, and Britney, the ranch dressing, who always wipes back to front.

Image Credit: Roxanne Ramsey

“Even though Ashley and Brandon’s relationship is really healthy, Brandon went to the market one day and just couldn’t help himself…”

She goes on to show what Brandon looks like after his experimental dip…and what Ashley looks like after Brandon comes home, sheepish and mum about the whole thing, and dips back into her.

Image Credit: Roxanne Ramsey

Ashley gets medicine for the vaginosis, but lo and behold, look what happens in Part 2 of Roxanne’s video…

The vaginosis comes back, even though Brandon has been faithful since that one encounter with infected Britney.

Image Credit: Roxanne Ramsey

Roxanne spoke to Buzzfeed about why the topic was important for her to inform others about online:

“I began to notice I would only get it after s^x with my partner. I had been to so many doctor’s appointments searching for answers, but to no avail. Every doctor told me I was suffering because of my soap and detergent. Finally, I decided to participate in a study for bacterial vaginosis because I thought something was terribly wrong with me.”

A doctor in the study told Roxanne that she thought her boyfriend was probably the reason, but that there were little to no tools for diagnosing bacterial vaginosis in men, and no treatment options, because many doctors didn’t believe men could get or pass the infection along.

Roxanne, though, knew it was at least worth exploring, since she’d tried everything else.

“It’s funny because I’ve struggled with BV for so long, I feel like I have a bacterial vaginosis degree… Once I learned information from the specialist, I knew that treatment was a possibility. She prescribed me meds, and I simply gave them to my partner. I was so shocked because it worked! It was such a simple fix that could’ve saved me years of struggling.”

Image Credit: Roxanne Ramsey

She wanted to share not only the visualization of how easily bacteria can spread and her own experience, but the message that we know our bodies better than anyone else, and when you’re talking to your doctor, it’s important to remember to advocate for yourself.

Ask the questions, listen to the answers, but remember that you’re in charge of your body and your treatment, so if you feel like something more needs to be done, don’t stop pushing until you don’t feel that way anymore.

Be safe out there friends, and remember to love yourselves all the way up and down.

The post Check out This Video That Shows How Fast Bacteria Can Spread “Down There” appeared first on UberFacts.

Get to Know the Oarfish: The Terrifying Sea Serpent of Folklore

I don’t like going into the ocean. There’s a lot you can’t see swimming around in there. Even when it’s not dangerous, I don’t particularly relish the thought of swimming with it.

Maybe it’s because of the time I went snorkeling and people started throwing food over the side of the boat, so that suddenly I was positively swarmed by fish. Touching me. (Shudder)

Well after learning about the creature called the giant oarfish, I may never go in the water again.

What is an oarfish, you ask?

Well, they’re in the same family as eels (Actinopterygi), but they’re not eels.

Recently, a Tumblr user asked to be told about something anxiety producing, and “Be careful what you wish for,” would be an understated warning because user @biggest-gaudiest-patronuses brought the goods.

digitalrabbit asked: Hey I heard you're giving out anxiety, can I have 1 anxiety please? biggest-gaudiest-patronuses answered: yes, here is a baby oarfish.

Image credit: Tumblr via Cheezburger

Because of the fish’s length, users were surprised to read it was a baby, and @biggest-gaudiest-patronuses was happy to provide more detailed information.

imaramennoodle: that's a BABY? biggest-gaudiest-patronuses: boy howdy are you in for a treat! introducing, the Oarfish!

Image credit: Tumblr via Cheezburger

Turns out, they’re fairly mysterious creatures, which is probably why they’re the stuff of Japanese folklore, where they’re known as “the Messenger from the Sea God’s Palace.”

The user shared bigger and bigger examples of the creature, and it gives me the willies.

Not much is known about Oarfish. Their maximum length is debatable, though there are reports of specimen up to 56 ft long. They live at great depths, and are rarely observed alive.

Image credit: Tumblr via Cheezburger

Image credit: Tumblr via Cheezburger

I’m sorry, but it has to be said…

I think they’re going to need a bigger boat.

Image credit: Tumblr via Cheezburger

No one bothered to question who @biggest-gaudiest-patronuses was, or why they had so many pictures close to hand and sounded like the world’s foremost authority on wicked-long fish.

Yeah. These children get long. Like I said, length-variable. That one's only about 28 feet long. So, like, imagine that but double.

Image credit: Tumblr via Cheezburger

The user then zoomed in for a close-up on the faces of the people and the fish, and dropped a little more knowledge.

Look how excited everyone is. Well, everyone but the fish. Oh, fun fact! They can self-amputate up to 3/4th of their body. Lizard-style.

Image credit: Tumblr via Cheezburger

Close up, the fish just looks like any other fish.
Maybe even less mean-looking than an eel.

Historically, Oarfish have been described as sea serpents, and are probably responsible for a fair portion of myths. In Japanese folklore, their appearance portends earthquakes. Though rarely seen, Oarfish live in every ocean. All around the world. Everywhere. No matter what coastline you're on, they're always there.Just a few thousand feet below water. Waiting.

Image credit: Tumblr via Cheezburger

Watching. Fireball-me: Jesus that was more than 1 anxiety! biggest-gaudiest-patronuses: I am a wholesale provider.

Image credit: Tumblr via Cheezburger

(Double shudder.)

I mean. They seem pretty harmless, but I’m still probably going to have nightmares about them.

What do you think of this ridiculously long fish? Tell us in the comments.

The post Get to Know the Oarfish: The Terrifying Sea Serpent of Folklore appeared first on UberFacts.

Get to Know the Oarfish: The Terrifying Sea Serpent of Folklore

I don’t like going into the ocean. There’s a lot you can’t see swimming around in there. Even when it’s not dangerous, I don’t particularly relish the thought of swimming with it.

Maybe it’s because of the time I went snorkeling and people started throwing food over the side of the boat, so that suddenly I was positively swarmed by fish. Touching me. (Shudder)

Well after learning about the creature called the giant oarfish, I may never go in the water again.

What is an oarfish, you ask?

Well, they’re in the same family as eels (Actinopterygi), but they’re not eels.

Recently, a Tumblr user asked to be told about something anxiety producing, and “Be careful what you wish for,” would be an understated warning because user @biggest-gaudiest-patronuses brought the goods.

digitalrabbit asked: Hey I heard you're giving out anxiety, can I have 1 anxiety please? biggest-gaudiest-patronuses answered: yes, here is a baby oarfish.

Image credit: Tumblr via Cheezburger

Because of the fish’s length, users were surprised to read it was a baby, and @biggest-gaudiest-patronuses was happy to provide more detailed information.

imaramennoodle: that's a BABY? biggest-gaudiest-patronuses: boy howdy are you in for a treat! introducing, the Oarfish!

Image credit: Tumblr via Cheezburger

Turns out, they’re fairly mysterious creatures, which is probably why they’re the stuff of Japanese folklore, where they’re known as “the Messenger from the Sea God’s Palace.”

The user shared bigger and bigger examples of the creature, and it gives me the willies.

Not much is known about Oarfish. Their maximum length is debatable, though there are reports of specimen up to 56 ft long. They live at great depths, and are rarely observed alive.

Image credit: Tumblr via Cheezburger

Image credit: Tumblr via Cheezburger

I’m sorry, but it has to be said…

I think they’re going to need a bigger boat.

Image credit: Tumblr via Cheezburger

No one bothered to question who @biggest-gaudiest-patronuses was, or why they had so many pictures close to hand and sounded like the world’s foremost authority on wicked-long fish.

Yeah. These children get long. Like I said, length-variable. That one's only about 28 feet long. So, like, imagine that but double.

Image credit: Tumblr via Cheezburger

The user then zoomed in for a close-up on the faces of the people and the fish, and dropped a little more knowledge.

Look how excited everyone is. Well, everyone but the fish. Oh, fun fact! They can self-amputate up to 3/4th of their body. Lizard-style.

Image credit: Tumblr via Cheezburger

Close up, the fish just looks like any other fish.
Maybe even less mean-looking than an eel.

Historically, Oarfish have been described as sea serpents, and are probably responsible for a fair portion of myths. In Japanese folklore, their appearance portends earthquakes. Though rarely seen, Oarfish live in every ocean. All around the world. Everywhere. No matter what coastline you're on, they're always there.Just a few thousand feet below water. Waiting.

Image credit: Tumblr via Cheezburger

Watching. Fireball-me: Jesus that was more than 1 anxiety! biggest-gaudiest-patronuses: I am a wholesale provider.

Image credit: Tumblr via Cheezburger

(Double shudder.)

I mean. They seem pretty harmless, but I’m still probably going to have nightmares about them.

What do you think of this ridiculously long fish? Tell us in the comments.

The post Get to Know the Oarfish: The Terrifying Sea Serpent of Folklore appeared first on UberFacts.

“Choosing Beggars” That Make Our Blood Boil

There are so many people out there who feel entitled to people’s time, products, attention, etc when there’s absolutely no reason they should feel that way. Anyone who works in a creative field can tell you that too many folks have the idea that “exposure” is worth actual money, even though we can’t eat it or sleep under it, or benefit in any sort of real way.

It might surprise you, though, to learn that good-sized companies also act foolish and entitled, trying to get people do things for them for free.

If you’re in the mood for some righteous anger, these 20 examples should definitely rev you up.

20. I don’t think this person understands how websites work.

Or maybe how anything in life works, tbh.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

19. Do you think they realize how ironic this is?

And no, not in a good way at all.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

18. Harsh, but I mean…

We might need to have another chat about wants and needs.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

17. It doesn’t always pay to be subtle.

In fact, most of the time it definitely doesn’t.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

16. Whoops. Maybe should have modified that audience.

Now I am also curious what happened to the first one.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

15. You have to remember that some things are just not your problem.

In fact, most things are not your problem.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

14. You have to know how far you can push people.

The first chance was the time to grab it and run, it seems.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

13. Be careful who you try to scam.

It just might end up costing you even more.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

12. RIP to this friendship.

Friends support each other’s endeavors, they don’t try to take advantage, y’all.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

11. I mean technically, sure.

But I hope you can calculate percentages accurately.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

10. Sure, it would be nice if things matched.

But she didn’t have to be so ugly about it.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

9. The last bit is my favorite.

Just absolute proof that you have no idea what’s going on in the world.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

8. That escalated quickly.

As things like this often seem to do.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

7. When something is free you shouldn’t question it.

And you definitely shouldn’t complain.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

6. That…seems like quite a lot of food?

I guess I could be wrong?

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

5. Panhandling is not a job.

But also, maybe $10/hr ain’t gonna pay the bills.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

4. I would also like to know if this strategy works.

For reasons.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

3. I would have loved to see the response.

I’m guessing it contained a fair amount of cursing.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

2. Play stupid games.

Win stupid prizes. Every single time.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

1. It’s free. FREE.

The want…something else for free?

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

I swear, some of this stuff is just hard to believe!

If you’ve got a great (aka terrible) story in this vein, tell us about it in the comments.

The post “Choosing Beggars” That Make Our Blood Boil appeared first on UberFacts.

“Choosing Beggars” That Make Our Blood Boil

There are so many people out there who feel entitled to people’s time, products, attention, etc when there’s absolutely no reason they should feel that way. Anyone who works in a creative field can tell you that too many folks have the idea that “exposure” is worth actual money, even though we can’t eat it or sleep under it, or benefit in any sort of real way.

It might surprise you, though, to learn that good-sized companies also act foolish and entitled, trying to get people do things for them for free.

If you’re in the mood for some righteous anger, these 20 examples should definitely rev you up.

20. I don’t think this person understands how websites work.

Or maybe how anything in life works, tbh.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

19. Do you think they realize how ironic this is?

And no, not in a good way at all.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

18. Harsh, but I mean…

We might need to have another chat about wants and needs.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

17. It doesn’t always pay to be subtle.

In fact, most of the time it definitely doesn’t.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

16. Whoops. Maybe should have modified that audience.

Now I am also curious what happened to the first one.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

15. You have to remember that some things are just not your problem.

In fact, most things are not your problem.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

14. You have to know how far you can push people.

The first chance was the time to grab it and run, it seems.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

13. Be careful who you try to scam.

It just might end up costing you even more.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

12. RIP to this friendship.

Friends support each other’s endeavors, they don’t try to take advantage, y’all.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

11. I mean technically, sure.

But I hope you can calculate percentages accurately.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

10. Sure, it would be nice if things matched.

But she didn’t have to be so ugly about it.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

9. The last bit is my favorite.

Just absolute proof that you have no idea what’s going on in the world.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

8. That escalated quickly.

As things like this often seem to do.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

7. When something is free you shouldn’t question it.

And you definitely shouldn’t complain.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

6. That…seems like quite a lot of food?

I guess I could be wrong?

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

5. Panhandling is not a job.

But also, maybe $10/hr ain’t gonna pay the bills.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

4. I would also like to know if this strategy works.

For reasons.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

3. I would have loved to see the response.

I’m guessing it contained a fair amount of cursing.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

2. Play stupid games.

Win stupid prizes. Every single time.

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

1. It’s free. FREE.

The want…something else for free?

Image Credit: 50 Nerds of Grey

I swear, some of this stuff is just hard to believe!

If you’ve got a great (aka terrible) story in this vein, tell us about it in the comments.

The post “Choosing Beggars” That Make Our Blood Boil appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss the Things All of Us Could Do Without

It seems like we can’t agree on much lately. It’s an increasingly divisive time, worryingly so considering the massive challenges we face which certainly won’t be overcome without some common ground and cooperation.

So, to bring us together again, perhaps we can at least agree that some things in this world just…shouldn’t exist.

Let’s start with the ones on this list, then move on to instilling world peace, eh? Take it away, Twitter.

10. Aspic

This may sound prejudicial but I’m gonna go ahead and guess this started with the Brits.

9. These Sauces

I object, actually. The Filet-O-Fish can go, but Big Mac sauce is delicious.

8. Spicy Jellybeans

Who thought this was a good idea?

7. Bug Snacks

If you’re eating these, I just want you to know there are healthier ways to ask for attention.

6. Crocs

Put as many cutesy stickers on ’em as you want, they’re still awful looking.

5. Sour Altoids

Why must we play God in this way?

4. Pineapple on Pizza

It takes some truly innovative shenanigans to make PIZZA bad.

3. White Colored Pencils

Is this an art tool or some kind of prank?

2. Picnic Pants

Do you want ants in your pants?
Because this is how you get ants in your pants.

1. Diet Water

Technically it has half the calories of regular water.
It also technically has double the calories.
That’s how the number 0 works.

I don’t know how these things came to be, but maybe by collectively hating them hard enough, we can bond together as a people again.

What thing do you think shouldn’t exist?

Tell us in the comments.

The post People Discuss the Things All of Us Could Do Without appeared first on UberFacts.