Servers Share Stories of Their Worst Customers Ever

Waiting tables was one of my favorite jobs – you worked with fun people, the job was fast-paced so it was hard to get bored, the hours were nice (if you’re a certain age) and the money wasn’t bad either.

It wasn’t all good, though, and aside from cleaning stinky stuff in the kitchen, dealing with customers could definitely be the low point of any day – a fact these 11 servers are going to prove with tales about the worst people they’ve served.

11. When they actually write in ZERO.

Major dislike.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

10. I have actually done this.

I’m not sure I know a server who hasn’t.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

9. Don’t be like these people.

We don’t like them at all.

8. You can’t do this, though.

Not unless you want to lose your job.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

7. All you can do is your best.

But sometimes that doesn’t pay your rent.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

6. We call those verbal tippers.

They’re not the best.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

5. Definitely not the way to get a date.

Or make friends or be a decent human being.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

4. I definitely agree with this sentiment.

Solidarity. Order takeout.

3. I bet they thought that was adorable, too.

Spoiler alert: that’s not cute.

2. The rage when this happens.

It’s like you’ve wasted your entire shift.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

1. I mean…you’re trusting a whole kitchen staff an awful lot.

I bet he doesn’t tip much, either.

I’ve gotta say, I don’t miss tables like these!

If you’ve ever been a server, add your horror story to the pile in the comments.

The post Servers Share Stories of Their Worst Customers Ever appeared first on UberFacts.

Completely Petty Reasons People Refused a Second Date

Dating is hard.

What’s more, relationships are even harder, so if there’s something that really bothers you on a first or second date, it’s probably going to be a dealbreaker eventually, anyway.

Might as well call it off without wasting anyone’s time then – or at least, that’s probably what these 10 people figured when they gave totally petty reasons for refusing a second date.

10. And fast.

All The Words In Every Text He Sent Were Capitalized.

Trust Me, It Got ANNOYING.

9. Five. Months.

He would call me his “beautiful angle”.

He really didn’t know how to spell angel so for 5 months I put up with being an angle.

Also dated a guy who wanted to put a singlewide trailer on his parent’s front lawn and thought I was unreasonable for not wanting to move in with him once he did so.

8. Did they light up, though?

My mom stopped dating a guy because he unfastened and refastened the velcro on his shoes throughout an entire movie.

7. Was she Amy Farrah Fowler?

She would insist on a job interview level of formality whenever we talked.

For those asking for examples, the first time I asked her to my place went like this:

Me: So do you want to take this back to my place?

Her: Is this an invitation for intercourse?

Me: … yes… it is…

Her: Please ask again properly please.

6. Distracting is a nice word for it.

On the first and only date – she chewed her food with her mouth open – it was so distracting I couldn’t bear it.

5. That would be annoying.

He wore a Bluetooth piece in his ear. The constant blue light blinking from the side of his head was too much for me.

Another guy would text “dame” instead of “damn”. It wasn’t a typo either, it was every time.

4. This made me giggle.

She called someone “a pompous”. Nope, she didn’t say he was acting pompous or that he was a pompous ass. He was a pompous.

3. A tragedy for our time.

Not me, but someone refusing to date me because, “it’s weird you don’t have Instagram.”

2. Excuse me, are you Jerry Seinfeld?

Everything was going great, thought she was an amazing girl and we’d been seeing each other for two months. Go to her house for the first time and it was a little messy, but nothing to write home about. Then I go to the bathroom and put up the toilet seat…

I don’t think she’d ever cleaned the bottom of the toilet seat given how disgusting it was. From then on, the only thing I could think about when talking or being with her was that disgusting toilet seat.

1. This cannot be real.

He was wearing a hideous brown fake leather jacket, it was so old that the ‘leather’ had started to flake off and parts were just now canvas.

He kept stopping to look at himself in windows and saying ‘oh god I look so hot today’ ‘I just can’t believe how hot I look’ smoothing down his manky jacket, side eyeing me, expecting me to agree with him.

I left so he could be alone with his jacket.

I’ve gotta say, I don’t hate most of these reasons.

What would you put on this list? Share with us in the comments!

The post Completely Petty Reasons People Refused a Second Date appeared first on UberFacts.

People Admit the Pettiest Reasons They’ve Refused a Second Date

Dating can be a minefield that requires a bunch of snap decisions to navigate with any satisfaction. We have to say yes or no to people and dates without having a ton of information, many times just based on a gut feeling.

Maybe some of the reasons we use to blow people off seem surface level, but I used to automatically decline anyone who didn’t list a last book they read – who has the time.

These 12 people also had petty reasons for not going on date #2, and they’re going to make me laugh.

12. It worked out, anyway.

She was super hot, but she smelled. I dunno if she didn’t shower or use deodorant, but she just smelled funky. I couldn’t do it. My best girl friend at the time was like, “just tell her”.

How do you tell a girl you’ve known for a few weeks that she smells bad?!?! So I just stopped talking to her. Brilliant.

11. As one should.

She was a volunteer at the Zoo and when kids asked her questions she didn’t know the answer to, she would make something up and lie.

Growing up on zoobooks and Steve Irwin, I take animal facts very seriously.

10. Definitely a red flag.

I went out on a few dates with a guy that I had been really into for months.

I was starting to realize he wasn’t the brightest bulb in the room.

Then one day he said he liked watching commercials on TV and that was that.

9. It seems like a small thing but it’s really not.

He didn’t re-rack his weights. I will never, for the life of me, understand why people don’t return/re-rack their weights.

8. Did he show her one I wonder?

She didn’t know that foxes were real animals.

She thought they were mythical and just in movies.

7. OK this is petty af though.

My new car kept scraping on the bottom while pulling out of their steep driveway to the main road.

After the fourth time of trying to be careful and it still scraped……..

6. It’s just too much.

I went out with someone who has the same name as my cat.

I brought him back to my house and the second I got home I greeted my cat and the guy looked at me and I knew right then and there that I couldn’t do this.

5. I pictured this in my mind and laughed out loud.

Went on a first date to the movies.

This f**king guy…instead of picking up his drink and lifting the straw to his mouth, he would put his hands on his knees, keeping his eyes on the screen, and lean over to the drink and ‘hunt’ for the straw with his face and his mouth contorted sideways trying to land on the straw.

4. This happened on Seinfeld.

Her complete inability to follow the plot of a movie.

“Who’s that?”

“Where’d he come from?”

“Why’d she do that?”

“Who is he again?”

I just couldn’t.

3. I don’t understand.

He stared at me blankly when I said the word “republican” when describing one of my family members.

I followed up and sure enough, he literally had no idea what the word republican meant and didn’t know about our largely two-party system. He was in his late 20’s.

If you’re not into politics, that’s one thing, but he had managed to live nearly three decades in our country without knowing basic information about our political system. My brain could not comprehend and I worried about what other basic information he had managed to avoid was.

‘Twas a hard no on my end.

2. That’s definitely odd.

A guy on a dating app said he wouldn’t date me because I didn’t like oysters.

1. That’s why you pick a fun name for your kid.

A very attractive, fun, smart woman asked me if I wanted to go get ice cream with her.

I turned her down but I guess in a way that she felt was flirty, so she kept asking.

And finally I had to tell her I was turning her down because she had both my mother’s first and last name.

She laughed a lot and agreed we couldn’t date.

I mean, I feel like some of these are fair.

What’s the pettiest reason you’ve ever broken something off? Confessions in the comments!

The post People Admit the Pettiest Reasons They’ve Refused a Second Date appeared first on UberFacts.

This is Why One Person Thinks High School Shouldn’t Start Earlier Than 10 A.M.

Reddit’s Unpopular Opinion thread is the place to go for people who think they know a better way to do things, or a way things should be done – that said, oftentimes it ends up being more of a popular opinion than people thought.


This guy basically wrote a dissertation about why teenagers shouldn’t be required to get up so early.

We know TWO things about teenagers: (1) they need between 8-10 hours of sleep per night and (2) that their circadian rhythms, or the biological mechanism that regulates human sleep and wakeness patterns, operate in a way that, on average, they don’t start producing melatonin until after 11 PM.

Taking those two facts into consideration, the typical high class has class at around 7 am and most students have to wake up between an hour or two hours before their first class if they don’t want to be late. So like at 5 or 6 am. Let’s assume that teens fall asleep right on the dot at 11 pm (even though in reality they actually fall asleep much later since melatonin takes time to induce sleep), and have to wake up at 6 am. That’s only 7 hours of sleep, which is already under the 8-10 hour requirement.

And in reality since most teens fall asleep at least 15 or so minutes after 11 PM, as well as how some students wake up for school even earlier than 6, you have students getting between 4 and 6 hours of sleep, and this situation gets worse for students with jobs, lots of family obligations, extracurriculars, or lots of homework.

And listen, he’s got solutions, too!

These earlier start times just DON’T work. We already have the data for why they’re a terrible idea and even the CDC recommends that all high schools start no earlier than 8:30 am.

The reason I say 10 instead of 8:30 is because those same students who fall asleep at midnight and have to wake up two or so hours before school starts to make it on time would get 8 or 9 hours of sleep. You would have to fall asleep at 1 or 2 am to fall below the 8-10 number. That’s way better than if you had school at 8:30 or even nine.

And I know what people are gonna say. But what about students with jobs? What about athletics or clubs? What if the school day is longer?

Well, for athletics or clubs you can either have them at 9 am or have them as part of the regular school day if we reduce instruction time (which we should do anyway), so that way people don’t have to stay after school. You can also have tutorials and additional help during these times.

And about students with jobs, well I’m sorry but the rest of the school body shouldn’t have to suffer because a minority of students have jobs. What’s more, with a later start time, people have more time to spend doing things in the evening so maybe try to adjust your hours with your boss?

What does Reddit think about all of this? 10 people are weighing in!

10. We know it’s better, but…

I did my masters thesis on how to help students perform better in school. In short, studies support this. I dont know about 10, but 9 seemed reasonable for most.

Sh%t, I think I started school at like, 7:15. My gf was in honors choir, so she actually started at 6. Marching band was first hour and it was in the dark.

9. So many kids do this.

That’s why me and my homies used to sleep in school.

I slept more in school than at home some weeks, still managed decent average, schools make learning boring.

8. Thank goodness for college.

Yep… School started at 8am for me, from kindergarten till the end of high school, so I got up at 7 every school day for 14 years straight.

Then in college, the earliest any class you could enroll in started at 8:30. I’ve purposely avoided those at all costs. I’ve had a couple courses that started at 9:30, and even those were really hard to get to on time, or even at all.

I think I’d flunk out of college if I ever had to wake up for a class at 7am again.

7. This is ideal.

I teach middle school and we start at 8:20, which I like but feel is still a bit early.

8:45 would be perfect.

6. Because of society.

The general gist of it is teenagers are benefited by starting school later.

Youngsters are benefited by starting school EARLIER.

We do it the exact f**king opposite.

5.  Most of them are silent until lunch.

Maybe 8 or 9ish?

10 seems late to me.

It was amazing how some kids had enough energy to fight at 7am, I’d just be there half dead.

4. To put it bluntly.

Yes, we’ve chosen to value productivity over the developmental needs of our children.

This is very bad because kids who aren’t given the chance to grow as they should are obviously going to carry that forward into adulthood.

3. A minor quibble.

Got some of your data wrong.

Melatonin is produced at 1045, so the average international time to fall asleep is indeed at 11:00 pm sharp.

If you then want an average of 9 hours of sleep, you wake up at 8.

Delaying it until 10 has no basis in science (I lived far away from school and still didn’t need to wake up 2 damn hours beforehand), but there is a reason why most psychologists are calling for a start time no earlier than 830.

2. That’s so tough.

I don’t wake up til like noon.

High school was basically impossible because I’d just sleep all day.

That was until I flipped my schedule so that I would sleep when getting home and wake up at night.

Do my homework when I wake up and then end the day by going to school.

1. We have to grow up sometime.

People are angry in these comments.

I didn’t read the body bc its far too long but I remember in high school I was confused why the high school started the earliest out of all three types of school and I still am.

However ten is too late too. I’d say 8 or 9 though. I mean most adults work 9-5.

It makes sense, but what a big job it would be to switch things around.

Do you think we should try to make it happen? Tell us why or why not in the comments!

The post This is Why One Person Thinks High School Shouldn’t Start Earlier Than 10 A.M. appeared first on UberFacts.

Ways You Can Tell if a Guy Is Insecure in His Masculinity

The way that we form relationships these days is much different from how we’ve historically formed bonds – we’re forced to make more snap judgements than ever because our encounters are fleeting and not usually in person.

If you’re wondering if there are some telltale signs that the man you’re interested in isn’t as secure as he could be, well, here are 15 people’s opinions on that.

15. Sports are not life.

Has to make any situation about them, has the be the “alpha”, compensates not just with a truck but constant overt “look at me” actions, disregards your opinion immediately if they disagree, dismissive towards anyone who doesn’t act like them.

Loud on purpose because they think everyone like the sound of their voice as much as they do, “act like a man bro”, constant put downs, refuses to drink any non “manly” drink, mentions how big their d%ck is (it isn’t), thinks sport knowledge is a personality trait

14. Ugh, the gym.

I go to the gym a lot, I’ve seen guys ripped af yet don’t show it off. Then I see the guys who think they need to show off every muscle in their body and have close to no actual muscle.

Or simply people on any online game with the name “alpha”

If you are alpha you don’t need to show it off like its a big deal.

13. It can be hard to tell the difference.

I went on a few dates with a guy like this. Constantly puts me down if I have different opinions and expect people to pick the path he believes is the best and agree with his choice even if it’s their lives.

Sometimes low self esteem can be really similar to arrogance.

12. The proof is in the pudding.

I remember reading a book called HOW TO BE AN ALPHA MALE unironically…

Some good advice here and there but I pretty much remember why I bought it, I was insecure as f*ck.

11. Not just probably.

Putting nuts on their trucks probably.

I want to hear the mental discussion they have with themselves before they make that purchase.

10. I mean truly.

The overzealous gym bro. The absolute worst.

It’s the guy at the gym busting his ass like a machine with his head down that’s really impressive. He means business.

9. Calling yourself out.

Whenever he insults himself a lot, doesn’t like to be complimented, when he acts very negative,

These are some of the things that I do when I’m insecure.

8. A narrow mind.

His view on what makes a man a man is narrow.

In his mind, there are only 2-3 types of men and other types are wrong.

7. You gotta love yourself.

Whenever the dude constantly asks for validation from other people.

Honestly, if someone wants validation, that’s okay, everybody needs it. I think it’s healthy to be upfront about wanting it and asking for it from people you trust.

Needing it constantly and / or trying to goad it out of people with weird games is not.

6. Bullies beget bullies.

When i was in the army we would definitely see people who were bullied in high school and decided to be “billy badass” and join the military then they would be teased and hazed a little as privates.

But as soon as they got their own little team and a taste of power they would be the ones that made everyone’s lives much more miserable than they needed to be reveling in being the tormenter.

5. Those hashtags are a dead giveaway.

The worst are guys who use hashtags on instagram like #realman, #realmen, #realmenhavebeards, #manly, #man, #men, #alphamale, #intelligent, #smart, etc.

I’m like dude, I’ve never seen a confident masculine man ever once use sh%t like that. If you have to tell the world you’re a “real man”, or how “intelligent” or “alpha”, you are… you aren’t. hahaha

4. A short list.

1. Constant need to be in a relationship or have a “girlfriend” no matter how he feels about her.

2. Guys who talk crap about women who speak up or needlessly call them names

3. Guys who are uncomfortable being CLOSE emotionally or physically around other men in fear of being gay or emasculated.

Also just trust your gut around people. Everyone has insecurities but there’s a fine line as to when it’s a part of people verses when people are a part of them.

3. Nothing girly, please.

Definitely show offs. If you are easily insulted by things tied to lack of masculinity(secretly liking pink for example) then you have fragile masculinity.

Normally the truly masculine people are those that a true people. They don’t need reassurance, they show emotion and the idea of girly colours, smells etc do not exist.

2. I think we’re done here.

I disagreed with a guy on a political issue, and he immediately called me a beta. So…yeah pretty clear cut there.

1. Fighting, period.

Worrying about face and honour and fighting over it.

I’ve never been in s fight. 99% of my friends have never been in a fight. None of my colleagues have ever been in a fight.

Yet… you come across these f**kwits who seem to think that it’s normal. Quite often they complain about it. “Aw I can barely leave my house without someone starting shit”.

In every single scenario, it is them who is the problem.

I agree with these assessments. Co-sign.

Drop your own tips for weeding out the insecure in the comments!

The post Ways You Can Tell if a Guy Is Insecure in His Masculinity appeared first on UberFacts.

Why Do Certain Smells Like Onion and Garlic Stay on Your Hands After You Wash Them?

If you’ve done any cooking in your life, then you’ve probably noticed that certain foods you prep…linger. The smell of onion and garlic, for example, can be scented days after you’ve made the meal, after you’ve washed your hands multiple times and even showered – but why?

This is the perfect query for Reddit’s No Stupid Question forum, and I don’t know about you, but I’m super pumped that someone actually asked it.

How do certain smells like onions stay on your fingers for so long, even after you wash your hands repeatedly? from NoStupidQuestions

Let’s hear what these 11 Redditors said in response then, hmm?

11. The technical answer.

When cut open, onion cells release enzymes which convert its amino acid sulfoxides into sulfenic acid, the effects of which can be felt immediately.

That same chemical adheres to skin and stays there, sometimes for days, until something neutralizes the acid. Soap typically won’t do the trick.

10. Using stainless steel can help take it away.

The sulfur from the onion, garlic or fish is attracted to—and binds with—one or more of the metals in stainless steel. Formation of such compounds is what makes stainless steel stainless. Onions and garlic contain amino acid sulfoxides, which form sulfenic acids, which then form a volatile gas—propanethial S-oxide—that forms sulfuric acid upon exposure to water. These compounds are responsible for burning your eyes while cutting onions, and also for their characteristic scent. The sulfur compounds bind to the steel—efficiently removing the odor from your fingers.

So, next time you find your fingers and hands smelling from fish, onions or garlic, don’t reach for the scented spray; grab a stainless steel knife. Take care, though, to wipe your hands on the flat side, and your limbs will be scentless in no time.

9.  This smell isn’t so bad, though.

Oranges too; gets in the creases of your hands.

8. Get yourself some stainless steel.

So because the smells are caused by sulfur, it turns into sulfuric acid when you wash your hands with water. So the stainless steel basically binds to the sulfur molecules and thus, “washes” away the smell on your hands.

I got a stainless steel soap from the dollar store and they had this explanation on the back of the packaging in terms of the smells being negatively charged ions and the stainless steel being positively charged, so basically positive attracts negative and zoop, your smell goes away.

But I was terrible at Chemistry and last I studied that shit was in 2014, so I don’t know if this ion business is legit. The first paragraph is the actual explanation for sure, though.

7. Because sticky molecules.

Same reasons why some stains are difficult to remove while others aren’t.

The adhesive force between your hand and the particles are strong and possibly stronger than the cohesive force between the particles.

Basically some molecules are sticky.

6. It can happen to your kitchen, too.

If your kitchen smells funky and it’s not the trash or the fridge, give every stainless steel appliance a rub down with salt mixed with baking soda (as long as it’s not a pan), then rinse with warm water. The smells should go away.

Typically kitchens retain scents for reasons I don’t know but this pretty much always works and in the worst case scenario you’ve cleaned the kitchen a little more than you needed to.

5. Moisten. Ugh.

They don’t if you keep some baking soda next to the sink.

Moisten your fingers and rub them with the baking soda after working with onions or garlic and poof, smell gone.

4. The tricks might not work, though.

Most likely not. Sulfenic acids bond covalently to the proteins in your skin, causing them to be released slowly. There isn’t much you can do about that except wait. The chemicals you’d need to reverse that aren’t generally available to consumers/are too harsh to put on your skin.

Interestingly, a lot of lachrymators (compounds that make you tear up) work this way, including some types of tear gas. Generally, highly reactive compounds are dangerous, so your body reacts strongly and tries to get them out of your eyes as soon as possible. Onions exploit this reaction to try (unsuccessfully) to get you to not eat them.

3. Soap doesn’t solve everything.

I see a lot of responses on how to get rid of the smell but not so much on why it lingers.

The reason it lingers is because soap is a surfactant that can remove some things, but it doesn’t work as a solvent for everything.

It’s why lemon juice or baking soda work for cleaning: acids and bases will dissolve some things.

Various foods will and will not dissolve in various solvents.

2. Props, indeed.

Jesus !! I never thought there was an actual answer to that question, I’ve always thought that’s just how things work, and have accepted it cause that’s how the things work

Props to the guy who asked the question, and the person who understands the answer to that should give it a shot and try to apply to SpaceX.

1. I need the answer to this one next.

Diesel is the one that gets me.

What’s the neutralizing yin to that yang on my hands?

If you didn’t know, now you know. Pumped!

Are these answers correct? If you need to fix some details, our comments are open!

The post Why Do Certain Smells Like Onion and Garlic Stay on Your Hands After You Wash Them? appeared first on UberFacts.

Interesting Maps of the U.S. Show How We Can Look at the World in Different Ways

While the U.S. might be as divided as ever, there are a few things that can unite us. One of those things is reading about interesting information and putting it in the proper context.

That’s what the folks over at reddit/r/MapP**n like to do. Check out the following 14 maps that show all of the interesting ways that information about the U.S. (and beyond) are contextualized into something truly unique.

14. Puts the devastation into perspective.

And it’s a lot.

Area of the Australian bushfires compared to the United States from MapPorn

13. Way more on the east coast than I would have expected.

New Mexico making a good showing, though.

UFO Sightings in the United States Based on 90,000 Witness Reports from 1905 to 2015 from MapPorn

12. Reportedly haunted locations.

What is going on in Texas, y’all?

Map of reportedly haunted locations in the US (via Wikipedia). More info in comments! from MapPorn

11. Why do so many places think 16 year olds can make decisions?

18 is pushing it, honestly.

Age of Consent across the United States from MapPorn

10. Really puts it into perspective.

It’s honestly flooring.

Gun deaths per 100 000 in US cities compared to some of the most dangerous countries. Scary stuff… from MapPorn

9. Welp, I guess it’s time for me to move.

What is happening in Arizona?

Venomous animals in the United States from MapPorn

8. People with asthma, take note.

It really does matter where you live.

Mapping Where Traffic Pollution Hurts Children Most from MapPorn

7. We’re all in trouble.

That’s the bottom line here.

Cumulative rates of smoking, obesity & excessive drinking in the United States from MapPorn

6. No one is spared.

For once, we’re all in this together.

Drug overdose deaths by region. from MapPorn

5. This one just looks cool.

Kind of like lightning, I suppose.

Lightning strikes in the contiguous United States, 2018 from MapPorn

4. I guess it’s not unexpected.

I would have expected a bit more variety, though.

Places of death of American presidents from MapPorn

3. I hope y’all on the east coast have got some good bug spray.

Go west! That’s all I see…

Tick-borne disease cases in the United States (2017 data) from MapPorn

2. Whoa, Pennsylvania.

The schools are expensive there, I guess.

Average Debt of University Graduates in the United States in 2017/2018, by state from MapPorn

1. Goodness why are there still so many of these.

Let’s move on, y’all.

United States counties, or equivalents, still named after slave owners. from MapPorn


I just love cool maps – they’re so interesting!

If you do, too, share your favorite map with us in the comments. I’d love to see it.

OR… tell us which one of these made you really interested in learning more!

The post Interesting Maps of the U.S. Show How We Can Look at the World in Different Ways appeared first on UberFacts.

Was This Woman Wrong to Tell Sibling Her Body Hair Was Standing in the Way of Love?

When it comes to people’s physical appearances, keeping mum is often the best and really only course of action. When someone you love comes to you asking for advice or opinions – or is lamenting a problem when you think their appearance might solve the issue – the advice to keep silent isn’t always the best course of action.

This woman and her sister have a condition called PCOS that affects their body hair, leading to a thick, dark covering that society often doesn’t expect to see on women. Both girls used to shave/remove it but recently her sister has decided she wants to live more naturally – which is fine.

My sister (22F) and I (26F) both have PCOS. As a result we have very thick, dark body hair and facial hair that can honestly rival some men’s. I personally choose to shave regularly because I can’t stand how it looks and feels. My sister used to shave but about a year ago decided she wanted to stop. Of course I support her 100% and think she’s beautiful! What she does with her body is her business.

When the sister posts pictures of herself on dating sites, however, she uses old photos from when she was clean-shaven. Her dates often leave in the middle or refuse a second meeting, leaving the sister wondering exactly what she is doing wrong.

OP thinks she knows why, but stopped short of saying it for some time.

However, there is an issue. My sister uses old pictures of herself back when she was shaving on dating apps. This has led to a lot of problems in her romantic life. She often complains she never gets a second date and sometimes people even leave mid-date.

I think this is kind of her fault because she’s being disingenuous about her appearance which is a sh%tty thing to do. I have always bit my tongue and just supported her about this topic until recently.

When OP finally broke down and suggested she update her profile pictures, because leaving them gives her dates expectations that are not being met, her sister flew into a hurt rage, arguing that the right person won’t care.

OP agrees, but doesn’t think that’s really the point.

The other day she was venting again about another failed date. She asked me why this keeps happening to her. I told her she should consider updating her profile pictures. She got defensive and asked why she would need to do that. I told her that it would probably help so people know what she looks like since she looks a lot different than when they were taken.

She started getting extremely angry and said that “a little body hair doesn’t make that much of a difference” and “the right person won’t mind a little hair.”

Again, our body and facial hair is very thick and dark, and (imo) definitely makes a difference. When I don’t shave, I get a full mustache and beard, and my sister is the same. The people she’s going on dates with aren’t expecting her to show up with a full mustache and beard because her pictures show her clean-shaven.

The sister and even their family think OP was shaming her, which she maintains she was not. She was only encouraging her sister to be herself from the start if she truly wants to find the right guy.

I told her that she’s beautiful but she’s giving people false expectations which is why she’s having bad luck dating. She should just be honest from the start and the right one will come along! But she was infuriated and said I was being unsupportive and misogynistic. She has refused to talk to me since and my family is now calling me an asshole too because they think I was shaming her.

My sister even posted on social media that “body hair is beautiful, the stigma attached to it is misogynistic, it sucks when your own family won’t support you.”

Now she’s wondering whether or not she was wrong to say anything at all, but she still feels like her sister is in the wrong – not because she’s being herself, but because she’s misleading people and then blaming them for her mistake.

Did I go wrong somewhere here? I love my sister and don’t think body and facial hair is a bad thing at all! But I don’t think it’s right to basically catfish people and then blame them for not being interested, and treating them like they’re horrible people when you misled them…


The internet, of course, has some thoughts, so let’s hear them out!

The top comment pointed out that her sister is obviously not as ok with how she looks now as she thought, so there are probably some deeper-seated issues at play.

Image Credit: Reddit

She’s attracting the wrong people, not the right ones, and the sooner she realizes that she’s the one at fault there, the better.

Image Credit: Reddit

And I mean, no one really likes a liar.

Image Credit: Reddit

Deceiving people isn’t the way to start any sort of experience.

Image Credit: Reddit

No one likes having their time wasted, you know?

Image Credit: Reddit

There you have it! I have to say that I agree with OP on this one.

What about you? Drop your opinions in the comments!


The post Was This Woman Wrong to Tell Sibling Her Body Hair Was Standing in the Way of Love? appeared first on UberFacts.

Appalling Examples Of Overbearing Parents

It’s easy to judge other parents before you have your own kids. It’s harder to do that once you are a mother or a father and quickly realize that nothing is simple or cut and dried, or one-size fits all.

That said, sometimes you see the behavior of other parents and it’s so appalling, so over the top, that you can’t help but stop and stare (and feel a bit badly for their kids).

That’s what happened in these 14 cases, when people were stunned by some truly appalling overbearing parents.

14. Oh my laundry.

I’m in my mid 20’s and my mom asked a attractive girl, who I barely knew from high school if she was mad at me because she didn’t say hi to me at work.

13. Therapy, anyone?

I’ve had a friend since elementary school whose mom has always been super strict.

We’re in our 20s now and in college, and her mom still “won’t let her” get her license.

The worst part is my friend lets her mom continue to control her like this despite her being an adult. She’s at school with a full scholarship so it’s not like she depends on her for financial support.

12. I hope those kids are ok now.

Not terrible but back when kids used to play outside more there was this little kid who was not allowed to leave his driveway… One day he went off into the cul-de-sac 3 houses away to play with a group of kids throwing a football back and forth to each other. The father ended up literally dragging the kid back home.

The kid started a scream-o band in his garage and got a 13 year old girl pregnant at 12 years old.

11. That doesn’t sound like their business.

Growing up my next door neighbors told my parents that they needed to have my brother and I go to bed at seven o’clock because their kids could see our bedroom lights on after they had to go to bed and it made them jealous.

10. Truly next level.

I managed, scheduled, and hired for “a fast food place” in a good neighborhood. Kid comes in for an interview in a button up and tie, I am liking him, want to know if he has extra curriculars so I can make sure neither of us are wasting our time. I hire him on the spot.

Comes in on his first day, looks like Mom dropped him off. Ok fair enough first job whatever. She sits down without ordering and watches him walk to the back to do computer BS. I go back to the front to work and she is still there. I go check the lobby about 30 minutes later. Still there. I get off, a couple hours later I get a call from my co worker asking about the new kid. I figure it was about his timecard or something. No. Woman is still there, manager wanted to know if the kid is special or something (he was not, wouldn’t have mattered anyway besides accommodating him.)

Get to work the next day, answer the phone. Woman wants his schedule. I say I can’t give it out he needs to ask for it or come to the store. She argues with me for a couple of minutes I absolutely refuse to give out his schedule.

He comes in about an hour later to get his hours, I had to pencil him in so I have the entire schedule book for the week out. She tried to take it from me. I snatched it and tossed it on the (employee) counter and tell her in the most “I’m being polite but F*ck you” voice that she is not allowed to look at our schedules because she’s not an employee and that it is protected communications. She huffs, I give the kid his schedule. Don’t see her for a while, great.

About two months later she calls the store to tell me to cut his hours (?) because he’s “too busy” now. I called him into the office while I wrote schedules for the next week and asked HIM if he wanted his hours cut. He had no idea why I would ask to cut his hours. I explained his mom called, he looked at me with a 1000 yard stare and said “I just turned 18. Schedule me 40 hours a week PLEASE. I get out of school at 11:00, I can be here at 11:30.”

I scheduled him 38 hours, Mom calls and tries to yell at me. I explain that a) I am not her child, or a child at all, and will not be yelled at. b) her adult child asked for full time work. c) I do not under and circumstance owe her any explanation for how I do MY job. She calls two rungs up the ladder and speaks to the franchise supervisor. He told her if she’s so concerned about his work life to fill out an application.

Three and a half years later, I am not there, kid is a manager, Mom is still ridiculous.

9. To what end, I wonder?

My parents called Common App, broke into my account, and locked me out because I started to send my college applications out without telling them.

I had my college adviser’s and principal’s approval and went to boarding school across the country from my parents.

8. Who knew?

My best friend in first grade was not allowed to come to school on halloween. We all dressed up and had a little parade. Her mother claimed it was the devils birthday.

It was a private religious school.

7. I hope he can get some help.

know a kid whose mom never thought whatever school he was in was good enough. He could never make friends because he’d change schools two times a year and was never allowed to follow anything that he enjoyed, everything he did had to be something that would put him on track for an ivy league school.

Gets into an ivy league school and finally gets some freedom away from her, joins a band a discovers singing and apparently was really f*ckin good at it. When he graduated he wanted to stay with the band and perform on weekends but the mom kept berating him for it and called him childish. He now works am upscale job in corporate America that his mom chose for him(through connections) that he hates.

After graduation his dad snapped and left his mom, literally just woke up one morning, got into his car, and drove off.

6. That poor baby.

I work with kids. At the YMCA we have a place called KidZone where parents can drop their kids off and we watch them while they work out. We get this 5 year old pretty often and his dad is a little scary. One of the bodybuilder, bearded type guys.

The kid was here one day and he was sitting and coloring and the dad was walking in the hallway, saw him through our window, and stormed inside yelling at him to get up and play basketball (we have one of those electronic net games in the room).

The kid was f*cking coloring and he already was playing basketball for a long time before the dad came in. The room became eerily silent after that. Pretty embarrassing

5. This is a tragic tale.

my aunt didn’t let her children leave her sight, watch tv, make friends, and didn’t feed them anything but plain rice and chicken for years. there was a mandatory hour of ‘cuddle time’ with mom. they barely knew how to be human beings. the youngest was 8 and couldn’t dress herself since her mother did it every day for all three kids. She home schooled them too. only time they left the house was to go to the doctor or dentist.

oldest left the house and immediately lost her f*cking mind. she had no idea how to say ‘no’ and didn’t want to anyway since she was now ‘free’. got addicted to meth in less then a month and was dead in two from an overdose of meth and cocaine as well as alcohol poisoning. auntie sobered up instantly and handed the other two- i think they were 8 and 10- over to the dad before hanging herself in her backyard.

the two kids don’t even remember her, they barely remember anything before they went to live with their dad. as far as i know they’re both mostly normal.

boy still doesn’t season his chicken though.

4. Cults are never healthy.

Mine. They joined a cult before I was born, which prohibited watching TV or any sort of interaction with the outside world. My childhood was not too fun.

For those who care, the cult was a very, very obscure offshoot of Christianity. Probably mostly akin to Southern Baptist in practice but much more strict. There was the speaking in tongues and all of that. A man named Sam Fife started this organization, which goes my the name of “The Move” or “The Move of God.”

He believed that the end times were imminent and encouraged his followers to go off into the wilderness and build communes to wait for Jesus’ return in five years. 40+ years later, they’re still going.

The Move prohibits anything that has to do with “The World” as they call it. Modern haircuts, TV, pants for women, and even dating. Young adults are encouraged to “walk out a year in the Lord” with a potential partner in which time they get to know each other. A “six inch rule” is enforced meaning the couple must remain six inches from each other at all times until marriage, to prevent lustful demons from entering the couple.

Other charming practices of The Move include beating children and forced exorcisms.

I wish I was f*cking making this shit up but I am not. As far as I know you can google the basic facts of The Move including that Sam died I think in ’79? And Buddy Cobb took over. My childhood was really f*cked up but I am mostly over it.

3. I can’t believe she actually called.

A girl came to a sleepover I was invited to when i was around 14 or 15.

This girl had to call and ask her parents before we could watch ‘Mulan’.

They said no, because it “glorified the occult”.

2. At least she did it on her own.

My sister in law wasn’t allowed to watch Harry Potter until she was 18 because her parents said it was witchcraft.

1. Where can I get one of those?

I teach sewing lessons.

Had a parent end a lesson on how to make skirts for fear the student might make a short “slutty” skirt with this knowledge.

I hope I never end up on one of these lists. Woof.

Have you ever encountered a really overbearing parent? Tell us about it in the comments!

The post Appalling Examples Of Overbearing Parents appeared first on UberFacts.

Memes That Will Remind You There Is a Little Good Left in the World

It’s easy to believe that we should just give up on people – watching the news for about five minutes does the trick, most days. We have to seek out the good news, the positive posts, and the memes that remind us that we’re actually surrounded by people who are actually…nice.

Most of the time.

If you’re on the hunt for something that lifts your spirits today, these 12 memes should fit the bill.

12. Go with god, little friend.

Eat some mosquitos for me, yeah?

Image Credit: Cheezburger

11. Wait, people close their tabs?

I was unaware that was an option.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

10. Everyone is perfect in the Hundred Acre Wood.

Make your life the same way.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

9. That kid has no idea how awesome that is.

One day he will, though.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

8. What would our lives be like without them?

Yucky, that’s what.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

7. Thank you for feeding my belleh.

Now I owe you a blood oath.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

6. It’s all going to be ok.

All you need is love.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

5. What an honor.

Be worthy of the title.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

4. Why is this so wholesome?

My goodness they’re crustaceans.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

3. We can all use good friends.

Dead or alive, I suppose.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

2. We all need to be propped up sometimes.

Maybe they’ll last longer. You just never know.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

1. You gotta just dig in.

No matter the problem.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

I’m feeling a bit better now, so that’s something.

Where do you go when you’re looking for good news? Tips in the comments!

The post Memes That Will Remind You There Is a Little Good Left in the World appeared first on UberFacts.