People Discuss When They Started Living for Sleep Instead of Tomorrow

Becoming an adult is rough, and it seems as if there are some times in life – usually in transition periods – when people really start to question whether or not live in general really means much of anything in the long run.

What is life without a few existential crises, am I right?

These 13 people are recalling the moments in life when they couldn’t wait to sleep because of what was on tap for the next day…and the times when they woke up thinking about when they would be able to go back to sleep.

13. Growing up is hard to do.

once you go to middle school. middle school is way more stressful than primary school, because suddenly you have a bunch of homework and everything is way harder.

also your peers start to be total a$$holes on purpose

12. You have to figure it out.

People don’t know how to transition to adult life and to make meaning for yourself. There’s no longer someone telling you, “This is what should make you feel good about life.”

I think if people grow up with oberbearing parents then it’s not an easy transition. I think parents that allow their kids some responsibilities and freedom of choice/repercussion will typically find this transition easier.

For pretty much the same reason you said, some times kids have had almost every decision made for them up til that point.

11. That’s a good day.

Mine went the other way when I stopped drinking ! Not waking up hungover is exciting haha

10. Find some space to breathe.

Probably during university, I had lectures, revision, working a job and somehow trying to have a social life.

It was then hectic for a few years following university until I eventually just accepted i was burnt out and gave myself more downtime. I feel its much better now.

9. Something to aspire to.

Not yet.

I’m 63 and still happy every morning because it means I have another day. If you’re tired just make yourself get out of bed, brush your teeth, get dressed, and go about your day. Usually it’ll be better than you feared when you didn’t want to get out of bed.

8. Some people it hurts to lose more than others.

When my great grandma passed away.

7. What about your birthday?

I think the only time I ever was “I can’t wait for tomorrow” was when I was little and wanted Christmas Day/Santa…

6. What a ray of sunshine.

When we realized dreams are bullshit, life sucks, people in general are terrible, and things will not get better, they only become gradually worse.

5. Ain’t love grand.

Whenever my partner gets home from a month away at work. Everytime he gets home, I have plans of giving myself a facial, shaving my legs and getting a good night sleep.

I do all of those things except the last one, cause I’m so excited to see him.

Lucky he still loves me when my face looks like a butthole.

4. Damn the man.

Around the same time capitalism went from ‘work hard and you too can be rich’ to ‘work yourself to the bone and you might be able to survive another week.’

3. Family is everything.

When I stopped sharing things with my friends and family.

Something bad happened to me and I shared it with all my dear ones. Not only they didn’t gave a damn but also they thought I am seeking attention cause “it is normal”.

2. Life is full of ups and downs.

Honestly? During my twenties I was deeply depressed, so that was a brief time it happened. Then I met my fiance, and I was always excited to get to tomorrow. We live together now. But this year has been… I don’t know.

He and I are doing fantastically, but I feel like there is no hope and I genuinely just want to stop existing, or jump ahead, or SOMETHING. It’s difficult to picture and plan for a future when it feels like everything is so uncertain.

1. On an even keel.

I don’t have this feeling anymore since I started taking care of my mental health (medication, meditation, exercising, trying to eat a healthy meal, setting a sleep schedule, and no devices before bed).

I was definitely in this mindset during undergrad and grad school, but I think something changed this year when I started doing things I like again, like knitting, painting, dancing, and all of this is outside my work hours.

It’s a tough spot to be in, but I wholeheartedly believe we can get out of the rut. We just have to find the help we need.

I have to say, whichever stage you’re in, you have to know that the other one will come back around – if being a parent has taught me anything it’s that life is nothing but a bunch of stages.

What say you on this topic? Our comments are open!

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People Discuss When Sleep Went From “Want” To “Need”

Growing up comes with a lot of pains, whether it’s the physical ones of our youths – aching legs and the like – or the emotional scars that we accumulate with years of living.

One of the things that changes without our even noticing is sleep – we used to love going to sleep, right? It felt so good, but mostly, we were excited for one thing or another that was coming up the next day, and sleep was the best way to get there.

Now, sleep is something we can’t help, the thing that we live for in and of itself, and when did it change?

These 15 people are weighing in!

15. Bless.

I remember being so excited to be going to the water park the next morning that I ran up the stairs to bed, tripped on the way and sprained my ankle.

Little did I know that that was a metaphor for life.

14. Is that all?

After 25 years I finally found the solution to my insomnia. All I have to do is exercise at least an hour a day, meditate at least 2 hours a day, eat super healthy with no alcohol / caffeine / sugar and keep a super strict bedtime schedule because even going to bed 30 minutes later one day will fuck my sleep up for a couple of days.

I feel stupid for not seeing this super obvious solution in front of me this whole time and I guess my sister was right when she said it was my own fault that I can’t sleep.

13. No magic bullet.

This is me. I stay up late because if I sleep then work comes quicker. So I stay up late to enjoy more of my free non-work time and then I am tired af the next day.

People will say “then obviously you hate your job”. No, my job is actually pretty good, it’s working I don’t like. If I had my way, I wouldn’t need to work, but since I like not being homeless, I work. There is no magic job that will make me like working or look forward to working.

Best I can hope for is not hating my work and just being a little tired a few times a week.

12. Those things can be taxing.

First full time job.

ive been at 45 hours a week and I hate life now tbh

customers are also genuinely stupid and corona makes them dumber somehow

11. Where’s the middle ground?

As a kid I got excited about Christmas and my birthday and would have a hard time falling asleep due to excitement.

As an adult I have a hard time sleeping because I don’t want tomorrow to come.

10. What choice do we have?

I love these threads because it always makes me realise that I’m not alone and that helps validate my feelings. We’ll get through it together internet fam.

The phrase in the question “too tired to exist” hit home. Its not that you’re physically tired, it’s a weird level of mental/emotional exhaustion that I didnt know existed until it was an inescapable part of life.

9. Idk I though college was fun.

high school.

Ever since high school started, I went to bed hoping I don’t wake up the next day. I’m in college now

8. They do seem to coincide.

The same day that hangovers go from aa mild annoyance to ruining your whole week.

I would say 25/26 is the standard transition period. So everyone should learn which type of alcohol their body doesn’t like, before this age.

7. That’s just too early.

Sometime in high school for me.

I could never sleep in, because the bus left at 6:30

Also when i realized school is only about passing tests, and not the actual learning anymore.

6. That’s the dream.

You’re talking about restorative sleep? I’m envious.

It’s gotten to the point in my early 30s where I genuinely can’t remember ever feeling refreshed and raring to go, fully rested etc.

Always either a mild headache when I wake up, or my eyes ache all day randomly, or feeling a bit jetlagged all day, or physically drained. Never just great, never energized.

6 hours, wake up twice a night, 7 or 8 hours straight, doesn’t matter. I still feel unslept in some way.

5. A reason to get through.

High school, I’d say 11th grade specifically. I’d wake up every morning thinking “I can’t wait to go to sleep tonight”.

4. Whenever that happened.

When you started dealing with way too much shit without properly taking care of your physical/mental/emotional/spiritual wellbeing.

3. What a beat down.

I think it has happened twice for me. The first time I was 13 yrs old and the school counselor pulled from gym class to tell me my mom died in a car accident. After a few years, I felt better and started joying life again.

Then, I joined the service and I got told I was worthless by my supervisor daily and that I was a disappointment to my family. After that, I have struggled really hard to find the light in my life.

2. Wow, that’s early.

Around middle school when things stopped being new and interesting and life turned into a tedious grind.

1. Work isn’t…great.

Age 22 seems about right.

Basically the transfer from college to working full time… Life changes pretty quickly and just kinda fades away like a limp d%*k.

I’m pretty sure it changed for me when I had kids. Just saying.

When did sleep change for you? Confess in the comments!

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How Do We Change the View That Being a Workaholic Is a Good Thing?

In America, people flex about being a “workaholic” – someone who is always plugged into their job, who works way more hours than they get paid for, who can’t put work out of their mind, and who even prioritizes work over family, friends, and their own mental health.

In other parts of the world, like in much of Europe, those traits are frowned upon and not terribly common. People take long vacations with their families and are expected to have a healthy balance between their jobs and their person lives.

Being a ‘Workaholic’ needs to be seen as a taboo and looked down upon by society. from unpopularopinion

Novel, right?

These 13 Redditors are weighing in on whether or not this whole “healthy balance” trend could find a place in American culture.

13. Like that ever did any good.

“You shouldn’t do X because otherwise people will expect others to do X”.

Which is the problem, X or the expectation of it?

The expectation. So direct your complaints at management.

12. It certainly can be.

Or managers should just hold people to normal standards of productivity, regardless of whether or not another employee is working more often or harder. Sounds like a management issue to me.

11. Happiness is key.

I make hiring decisions from time to time, and I never hire workaholics. Hard workers, yes, but not workaholics. Happy employees are more fun and easier to work with, and workaholics can easily poison a work environment.

10. Management definitely needs to take a hard look in the mirror.

I feel like management either totally overworks their employees or underworks their employees. I’m on the opposite end and this whole month basically working from hone it’s been super slow for me, to the point where last week I literally just layed on the couch and worked for maybe 2 hours all week.

Had a meeting with my manager and once question he had for me is my workload is too tough.

9. Some people need boundaries.

In Japan it was such an insidious social pressure that they would have to make new laws or shut off lights after hours so people would leave work at the end of the day. I think that seeing being a workaholic as something positive is kind of destructive.

It’s different if you are passionate about your own business, though.

8. How easily they forget.

To add on to that, corporate should remember what it’s like to be the workhorses. They’re the ones that put the pressure on management, which is then passed down to the employees. All corporate is concerned about is making money.

They forgot all the work that goes into generating all that revenue.

7. Or if you do, you should make more money.

Because a society that views this positively, expects it. People who strive for a good work/ life balance shouldn’t be made to feel that they should do more.

6. The whole culture is whack.

I totally agree about the hostile work environment part. It opens the door to employers adding unreasonable workloads to their staff. I was in a salaried retail management position for several years and my bosses outlook was “if you can do your job in 40 hours good for you go home” but then would dole out 70 hours worth of work

The people getting promoted were the ones who worked 80 hour weeks. Completely unrealistic and not conducive to having a family. The salary was good for 40 hours, and complete trash for more than 60. I took a 9-5 that pays hourly and I couldn’t be happier with that decision

5. Some people don’t want balance.

Its pretty clear who in this thread works retail/other shit jobs vs people who work high paying or otherwise fulfilling jobs.

Newsflash, for some of us, our work is also our passion and what we feel is our purpose in life. I spend all day figuring out how to keep community and other rural/low income serving hospitals/medical practices viable.

Day in day out, I get to work on saving a communities hospital so they don’t have to drive 3 hours through the backroads to deliver a kid.

If that takes me 100 hours a week, so be it, I get to do the right thing and I make a bunch of money doing it.

4. Maybe salaries are the answer?

It works both ways. I’ve been salaried for over 20 years. Some weeks I’ve worked 70 -80 hrs and others, I’ve worked 30. Some, I haven’t worked at all.

My hours aren’t set in stone, I don’t clock in or out, and I’m paid according to my position and completing tasks – whether it be in the office, on a job site, driving, or whatever else I may be doing. My salary is based on 50 hrs per week, but it’s rare that I work more than 40.

I honestly don’t really pay attention.

I’m up extremely early, and in the office by 6 am, so I can avoid a couple of hours of distraction. I generally leave around 3:30 or 4, and I rarely work past noon on Friday.

Hourly positions, by and large, require you to be there and be seen working and performing a set list of duties at all times.

This isn’t to say that all companies have the same work culture, but I know many that do, and I’ve heard some horror stories about those that don’t. That’s the great thing about a free market. You can choose to stay in a job you hate or seek out a better situation.

3. There is always a downside.

One of the most common regrets on people’s death beds is having worked too much in their life, instead of taking time off to be with family or cultivate a hobby or travel and have another passion.

There are positive benefits to working, of course, such as more financial stability, and staying mentally active as well as socially connected. But too much of it is often bad, even if the person worker doesn’t realize it in the moment.

There are people who are probably harming themselves by working so hard, and being indoctrinated to think that that is the measure of a person’s value. I know people who work 12 hours a day and acknowledge this.

There’s a gigantic downside, and everyone has to work, but there are other things in life.

2. To each their own.

I think the problem for me is not that we shouldn’t look down on people who dedicate too much of their lives to their work and have a poor work/life balance, it is instead that if you mention to these people that you do not work late, or work weekends, and instead opt to pursue hobbies and passions during your free time then in my experience you are lambasted for being “lazy” or “not driven”.

Of course, it depends on who you are and if you love (hate) your job, starting a business etc but I absolutely would not have a go at someone for how they choose to use their time, just don’t come whinging to me about how you do not have time to work out or cook meals any more due to a lack of time and energy.

1. Or not…

Well because in this instance, being a workaholic, once normalized, gives additional power to business owners and changes the standard in their favor, like how the proliferation of college degrees has made degrees the minimum now and hiring managers won’t have to worry about employees leaving or asking for promotions because they are in student loan debt slavery and need a paycheck more than they need career power.

Do you want to be competing with a majority of workaholics? Not a workaholic? Less opportunity.

If everybody thinks they have to be a workaholic or corporations expect workaholics, and that then becomes the standard. More production from them with their new workaholics, but you know damn well sure they aren’t going to be paying them more.

Take your vacation days, people. Your employer would replace you in a heartbeat if you died.

Just sayin’.

The post How Do We Change the View That Being a Workaholic Is a Good Thing? appeared first on UberFacts.

This Man Lobbies For the Idea That We Can Separate the Art from the Artist

This is a question that’s getting more and more traction in the age of cancel culture. Because of things like social media, movements like #metoo, and the twenty-four hour news cycle, we’re learning more than ever before about the creators behind some of our favorite products.

It’s not as if we’re unfamiliar with this concept – Hemingway, Roman Polanski, Woody Allen, and like, a bunch of people from old Hollywood were all jerks, and yet somehow, their work manages to stand on its own.

Just because a celebrity did something bad and cancel worthy does not mean we should disregard their catalog of work from unpopularopinion

Nowadays many people seem reluctant to still enjoy a book or movie or television show if it’s attached to someone we later learn is a horrible human being – but should it be that way?

This guy argues not, so let’s see what the responses say on Reddit.

12. It can depend on the lens.

Its also very selective who we ostracize and who we don’t.

For example the msm wants to cancel Marilyn Manson yet the Grammy’s invited Cardi B (drugged and robbed men) to perform

11. It can be done.

One ought to be able to hold in one’s head simultaneously the two facts that Dali is a good draughtsman and a disgusting human being. The one does not invalidate or, in a sense, affect the other.

The first thing that we demand of a wall is that it shall stand up. If it stands up, it is a good wall, and the question of what purpose it serves is separable from that. And yet even the best wall in the world deserves to be pulled down if it surrounds a concentration camp. In the same way it should be possible to say, ‘This is a good book or a good picture, and it ought to be burned by the public hangman.’

Unless one can say that, at least in imagination, one is shirking the implications of the fact that an artist is also a citizen and a human being. -George Orwell

10. Some people do seem to largely get a pass.

I’d like to point out that everyone loves Michael Jackson still, and elvis presley, and lena Dunham. As well as how many rock stars that had groupies that were underage or barely legal that they’ve had s^x and done drugs with.

Another one is if we took all the movies Harvey Weinstein every had anything to do with off of the face of the earth that would be so many. Yes they’ve done horrible things but does that mean I’m not going to watch a movie or listen to thriller every again or that I condone what they’ve done no.

Am I going to buy their personal memoirs and be an obsessed fan no. I think thats the distinction if you’re enjoying their public works thats ok but when you start buying all their merch and reading all their biographies and the like then thats when you became part of the problem.

9. Those decisions are tough.

I dislike Kevin Spacey as much as the next person but there’s no way I’m disregarding all of his iconic performances.

Even to this day, I maintain that continuing House of Cards without him was a big mistake. Just canceling the show right then and there would’ve been perfectly understandable.

As excellent as Robin Wright was, she was only a half of that show.

8. It’s a slippery slope.

One thing to consider about this opinion is that if we start to consider more of the art over the artist (their behaviour/life/deeds) then it becomes a way of life where we actively encourage and contribute to that behaviour by sponsoring them through their art.

It’s like paying more for an author’s (outstanding, unparalleled, very enjoyable) works but the work of someone who outright ostracises segments of people. Slowly it may turn mainstream – that’s how usually propaganda works. Or marketing. And monopolies. Or addiction.

First they hook people in with good freebies, then with lower prices, and then before we know it, people are addicted.

I mean, that’s how money laundering works at many levels too.

7. There’s no easy answer.

Seinfeld went on Colbert discussing the issue regarding Bill Cosby.

What I find so memorable is how easy it is to follow their reasoning, and as much as I respect these men as comedians, I disagree so vehemently about their conclusion. The climax of Seinfeld’s documentary, Comedian, he meets his #1 inspiration and hero, Bill Cosby.

Fast forward to this interview, and he dismisses the very art that got him to where he is now.

6. For some, it’s really that simple.

Meh. I don’t help professional a$$holes make any money off of me.

Tom Cruise is dead to me.

5. Maybe it just takes time.

I mean, we literally do the same thing for past figures and cultures.

4. For some, it’s black and white.

Upvoted because it’s actually unpopular. I completely disagree. I never look at it, read it, listen to it, feel it ever, the same way again.

Guess I’m weird for monsters still affecting me in this day and age.

3. Enjoy it, but don’t give them money.

Okay, but here’s the thing. I love Gary Glitter’s cheesy goddamn music, but I do not want that sick creep making a dollar off of me, so I scrupulously do not stream his music nor would I purchase anything of his at retail.

Same with Polanski. Rosemary’s Baby is a riot, but I watch my second-hand dvd and I do not stream it, even though it would be convenient.

2. If you wanna get deep…

This is a moral dilemma that has existed since time immemorial. People are complex individuals and in the end you can only answer this question in the absence of emotions, but emotions are needed to look at and feel art.

Someone should be subjective and objective at the same time and not lose their mind.

1. Human beings are complex individuals.

Agreed. HP Lovecraft was a vile racist excuse for a human. He’s also the father of modern horror genre. Both these things are true. I love his writings and I hate him, especially for what he named his cat

I think this is a super tough question, and I think the answer is probably (annoyingly) “it depends.”

What are your thoughts? We really want to hear them down in the comments!

The post This Man Lobbies For the Idea That We Can Separate the Art from the Artist appeared first on UberFacts.

Creepy Things People Have Seen On the Road While Driving at Night

My grandpa used to say that nothing good happens after midnight, and while as a teenager I thought it was just a thing he said to reinforce my parents’ good sense in having a curfew, as an adult I can see how there could be some merit to the advice.

These 16 people would probably agree, given the things they’ve seen while driving late at night – and after you read through them, you might enforce a curfew of your own.

16. I have so many questions.

My young wife and I were moving between cities. We’d spent all day loading a large 16-ft. trailer with all our belonging, and began the drive across the state just before dark. I’d borrowed a large pickup truck to pull the heavy trailer to our destination, so the combination of this truck and trailer (fully loaded) was VERY heavy, and pretty slow and cumbersome to start and stop.

We were traveling along a very desolate stretch of highway at around midnight, driving roughly 60-65 mph, when I see what looks like a couple of deer walking out into the road ahead of us…maybe 200 yds ahead? My wife is asleep on the seat next to me. I begin to slow down a bit and lay on the horn to scare the animals off the road before we reach them. Where we live this is a pretty common occurrence, so I’m not slamming on the brakes cause I expect these deer will move well before we get there. They usually do.

Suddenly I realize, as these “deer” come clearly into the light of our headlights, that these aren’t deer! It’s two men, and they’re trying to stop us! It’s only a two lane highway, and one man is standing in the middle of our lane, and the other is standing in the middle of the opposite lane. By now there’s absolutely NO WAY I’m going to be able to stop this rig, and they aren’t leaving me anywhere to go. But they don’t realize I CAN’T stop!

I stomp on the brake pedal, and continue to blare the horn over and over again as fast as possible, hopefully getting them to move. I’m fighting to keep the truck and trailer from jackknifing, brakes locked up and tires screaming, but these guys are NOT moving, and I’m still going 35-40 mph when I reach them.

The only thing I can do at this point is try to thread the needle between them, so I center the truck in the middle of the roadway and hope neither of them tries to close that small window. At the very last second, the guy who’s standing in the middle of our lane jumps out of the way. He was so close I was seriously worried our big rear view mirror might hit him in the head! I missed hitting him by mere inches.

This all happened in a span of about 5-8 seconds. There was no car anywhere on the road, we were way out in the middle of nowhere, and it was pretty obvious, based on their behavior, that these two guys were up to something potentially nefarious. I didn’t stop. I’d come WAY too damned close to killing these guys. My heart was literally in my throat, and it was pounding so hard I was having trouble breathing.

I didn’t even realize until afterward that when I’d slammed on the brakes my wife had slid off the seat and onto the floor (this was before seat belts were mandatory). She groggily gets up off the floor and asks me, “What the hell happened??” She’d missed the entire ordeal.

/ Certainly not “unexplainable”, but it scared the SHIT out of me! I’ve never come so close to killing someone in my life, and I truly hope I never do again!

15. He may never know.

A driver drove past me by my right side.

I was driving in a single lane street next to a cliff on my right and a mountain (no road) to the left. I slammed my brakes and let it sit for some minutes before driving again.

To this day I’m not sure of what I saw

14. My stomach dropped.

Scariest thing was this dude who was hitchhiking except something was strange about him. He wore his hoodie down when it wasn’t raining, it was actually a hot humid night in Alabama, and also his other arm was behind his back.

When I passed him by I looked on my rear view mirror and saw behind his back was a shotgun.

13. It’s a whole mood.

I’m probably too late to this thread, but almost two years ago my brother and I were making a cross country journey and were planning on stopping off in Arizona to see some friends. There were highway notices everywhere that there was an escaped convict as soon as we entered Arizona, and it was about 1am so we were already in a bit of a strange mood.

Something about the drive through the desert felt super eerie, and so one of us mentioned it and we started joking about the spooky claims people make while traveling through the area (aliens, skinwalkers, ghosts, etc). While we were having this conversation this crazy looking animal ran across the road right in front of us. At first I thought it was a deer but it looked too wolf-like to be a deer. BUT it moved like a deer and was too lanky to be a coyote and it had a long tail like a cougar. And it was big.

I slammed on my breaks and it ran off into the brush. We both just started screaming and then laughing. We have no clue what it was. At first I thought “cougar with mange” after we had a minute to process it but the more I thought about it the less sure I was of what it was we saw.

12. I hope no one else stopped, either.

This reminds me of a time my brother and I went on a camping trip. We were running late and by the time we were nearing our campsite it was pitch dark outside. We were driving down some narrow mountain roads when we saw a group of 3 hitchhikers on the side of the road.

They were dressed in all black. I couldn’t even see their faces. Just dark shapes standing by the side of the road, one of whom started walking out into the street. I got a terrible feeling in my gut the second we saw them. My brother is the type to slow down and help stranded campers but he must have shared my gut feeling because he veered around them and said something like, “someone else will have to help them.”

Anyway, pretty uneventful story but it gave me the creeps at the time and your story reminded me of that feeling.

11. This could have had a sad ending.

I had just gotten back to the high school after a state dance competition. It was 2am and I’d been up since 4 that morning, so I was extremely tired. I only had to drive 7 miles from the school to my house, and it was a very rural area, so I figured I’d be fine, but I was exhausted. About 1 mile in, I started to see shadowy people walking on highway. Scared the crap out of me.

The next thing I remember is waking up in my bed that morning. I went outside and found my car in the driveway, turned off but still in drive, with the keys in the ignition. I still don’t know exactly how I got home. That said, I am known for sleepwalking. Yikes!

10. Call the police.

It wasn’t exactly something I saw, but some point halfway through my drive home, at about 8:30 ish at night, a guy started following me. It couldn’t have been for very long, because I didn’t notice he was there until I pulled into my driveway and he parked there at the entrance, got out, hiking his horn and screaming some sort of nonsense.

Bunch of s*%t like “we f**king know where you live! F**k you!” over and over again and not saying anything about why he had followed me. F**kin terrified me.

Worst thing? Happened two days ago. Still have no idea why or who it was. Been staying at my mom’s bc if some random angry man knows where I live then for the time being I don’t live there

9. A stroke of luck?

This happened to me when I was 20 years old and my car was about a year and a half old. I was driving home from work at about midnight, coming through residential streets. The boulevard that I was on was four lanes with a cement divider that had plants in it along the way. I was halfway through an intersection, and my car stalled. My foot was on the gas, and suddenly the car was dead. Luckily, they were no other cars that I could see, so I brought my car to a stop, put it in park, and started it up with no problems.

Then I looked up.

Coming straight at me we’re headlights. Someone had turned from a side street and instead of going across the median to turn left going down the correct side of the street, they had turned left into my lane thinking it was only a 2 Lane Road.

Had my car not stalled when it did, I would’ve plowed head first into that car. In the five years that I own that car, it never stalled again.

8. A moose story.

My family used to go out on little drives together sometimes for fun in the spring to watch all the run off water from the snow melt. We live in the rural prairies of Canada. Were on a back road slowly winding the edge of a prickly hay field with a tiny trickling ditch river beside us, its the golden hour, the returning geese are dotting the water gathered in the fields for miles. A scene Van Gogh might wanna paint, ya know?

Anyways, we’re driving along when this enormous moose thunders out of nowhere at top speed right in front of our car. She heads through the field right beside us and straight toward some water that had pooled at bottom of a little hill in the field. Very wide puddle, but looked maybe a foot deep at most. She made it a few feet in to the water then suddenly fell into an unsuspecting abyss below and vanished completely.

I don’t even know how long it was but it felt like ages, she eventually emerged ~40ft away on the opposite side of the “puddle” and kept on running like she didn’t just slip in to mariannas trench.

Its about 6ft from hoof to shoulder on a female moose. Theyre absolutely huge, larger than horses and she completely vanished. Ill never forget it.

7. Definitely strange.

It was in the dead of the winter and in the middle of night a girl was dancing around on the highway. I almost hit her because it was snowing but I managed swerve.

So I got worried and turned around on the next ramp and when driving back she had just disappeared. I was probably just sleep deprived but it felt so real.

6. You hate to see it.

Driving on one of the reservations in New Mexico and came across a car completely stopped in the left lane. We slow down to pass the car and see the victim of a hit and run in the road in front of the stopped car (it wasn’t them, they stopped when they came across the body). We pulled over, my Dad and husband got out to see if they could do anything.

Unfortunately he was long gone and others had called the police. We didn’t witness the accident and couldn’t help so we left so that we wouldn’t be in the way.

The worst was that we still had a few hours left of driving that night. It was super foggy and I was terrified someone was going to jump out into the road from out of the fog.

5. You probably don’t want to know.

First, I was driving home from visiting family late at night. I was on a 2 lane highway in the middle of nowhere. Farms all around and spotty cell phone reception. If you didn’t have headlights on, you couldn’t see anything. My radio started cutting out and my headlights started getting dimmer all of a sudden. I turned the radio off and was just listening to the silence as my headlights were getting worse and worse, when all of a sudden, I hit a huge bump in the road. My radio came back on LOUD and my headlights were at full brightness. It was the weirdest car thing I’ve ever dealt with. But I would have been screwed if I’d broken down out there.

Second, driving home from a friend’s house in the city at 2am. As I’m coming around a corner I see this creature crawling along the road. It was definitely larger than a raccoon, but smaller than a medium sized dog. It was moving slowly and sort of wobbled as it walked. I slowed down because I wanted to see what on earth it was. As I get up along size it, it scurries directly toward my car and I stepped on the gas. I looked in my rearview mirror and nothing was there. Still not sure what it was…

4. A cautionary tale.

This is my grandmother’s story, she’s 85 now. This was in London, England.

When she was in her early 20’s my grandmother was walking home from work late at night (actually I think it was early hours of the morning after a night shift).
She noticed a man walking behind her for quite a long time that she thought might be following her. She continued walking and he was still behind her, if she slowed down so did he, she crossed the road and shortly after he would cross the road too.

She knew there was a secluded alleyway coming up that she had to walk down to get home and panicked. The man walked ahead of her at this point and went down the alleyway. My grandmother saw a milk float and flagged down the driver and asked if she could get in with him as she thinks a man is following her.

The milk man agrees and as they drive past the alleyway she turns her head to look down it and the guy is standing there against the wall obviously waiting for her to turn into the alley.

Every time I go out late at night she gives me cab/taxi money and tells me this story.

3. Never stop.

Around midnight at Rio de Janeiro and two boys on foot (maybe 16, 17 y/o) with machine guns attempt to make me stop the car by pointing their guns at me, screaming “stop, stop” and closing the road with their own bodies.

It was a sharp turn and I entered exceptionally fast because there were almost no cars at the street and I was rushing home, and that’s what made me react as not stopping.

The entire thing lasted only for a split second, as I barely saw their faces. On the next split I started wondering: “WTF, I have almost just died tonight.”

2. That’s amazing.

I was on a run to pick up 3 cars on a trailer from Virginia Beach back to Iowa some years back. I drove the entire way there without stopping except for bathroom (about 20 hours if I remember correctly), and had planned on grabbing a hotel room when I got there and sleeping before turning around to come back home.

I wasn’t tired when I got there after drinking a few 5 hour energy during the trip, so I loaded up the cars and turned around and figured I’d stop when I got tired.

It got to be pretty late at night and I was driving through the mountains of West Virginia and starting to get tired but didn’t see anywhere to stop for a while that didn’t look too sketchy.

All of a sudden, I see a person crawl up out of the ditch and lay down on the side of the road. I’m doing 75 or so with 3 cars on a trailer, going down a mountain, so I couldn’t exactly slam on my brakes or anything… So I just dialed 911.

I said “I don’t know if I’ve just been awake too long or what, but I’m pretty sure I just saw someone climb up on to the road from the ditch”.

They said they would check it out and that they were getting the same call from a couple other people.

I decided that I would stop at the next exit and find somewhere to stay.

Next morning, I turned on the news in the hotel and it said that the guy had crashed his motorcycle a day earlier, and barely alive, climbed up to the road and died as soon as he got up there.

1. Weird AND creepy.

Me and a few of my friends in college went on a hike my freshman year. We had a few tokes by the river and started heading back to the car. It was starting to get dark out so we turned our phone flashlights on for the last 5 or so minutes of the trek.

We all piled in my 01 Civic (there were 6 of us) and I switched the key and turned on the headlights. I shit you not about 30 or so feet in front of the car, just within the tree line stood a 40 or so year old man butt a$$ naked. He stared at the car with zero f**ks and just stood there.

I dont know what the f**k he was doing or why he was there but i’ll never forget that “is this real?” moment we all had. We all think he must’ve been high on something or he was just a wild dude lurking in the shadows. He straight up looked like tom hanks in cast away.


I have no desire to see any of these things through the darkness, let me tell you.

If you’ve got a creepy story that belongs on this list, please share it in the comments!

The post Creepy Things People Have Seen On the Road While Driving at Night appeared first on UberFacts.

Amusing and Strange Moments Captured On Google Street View

I remember back in middle school I got a computer program that allowed you to look at street maps all over the country.

No images, just maps…and I thought it was the coolest thing since sliced bread!

Little did I know that one day I’d be able to see what other places actually looked like all the world!

And I also didn’t think I’d see the weird things that are going on around the world.

Let’s take a look.

1. This spaceman seems to be lost.

On the side of the road in the middle of nowhere…

Photo Credit: Google Street View

2. This is kind of creepy.

I wish I knew the backstory on this one.

Photo Credit: Google Street View

3. Randomly captured a fire.

I bet that doesn’t happen very often.

Photo Credit: Google Street View

4. They’re trying to escape.

Ghosts, maybe?

Photo Credit: Google Street View

5. Doing the dab!

She must’ve seen the Google Street View car!

Photo Credit: Google Street View

6. There is a sea monster on the loose.

Horror at the beach!

Photo Credit: Google Street View

7. Play that air guitar, sir!

He’s having a good day at work.

Photo Credit: Google Street View

8. Be careful with that thing!

This looks dangerous!

Photo Credit: Google Street View

9. Someone is getting their car Saran Wrapped!

Prank or revenge?

Photo Credit: Google Street View

10. Is that a UFO?

I’m pretty sure that’s a UFO.

Photo Credit: Google Street View

11. What the hell is this?

A little disturbing, to say the least.

Photo Credit: Google Street View

12. Livin’ the high life!

This guy is riding off into the sunset.

Photo Credit: Google Street View

Have you ever seen something really unusual when you’ve been out driving?

If so, tell us your stories in the comments.

Please and thank you!

The post Amusing and Strange Moments Captured On Google Street View appeared first on UberFacts.

Tweets About Autocorrect That Are Ducking Perfect

Autocorrect is a mechanism in our phones and other devices that’s supposed to save us from our own clumsiness and lack so spelling skills so we don’t look like idiots in our textual correspondence.

And yet, more often than not, it feels like they actually cause the idiocy to occur.

Would we be better or worse off without it?

Let’s let Twitter decide.

15. Mighty mighty

That changes quite a bit.

14. Let them eat cake!

Gather the flour and begin the revolution.

13. Wait, what?

A weird but effective threat.

12. Steak out

Panic is the best sauce.

11. Can’t do anything right

It’s just predicting the future at this point.

10.  Friar tuck

Everything is on fire now.

9. Conspiracy theorist

Oh no, not you too.

8. Work ahead

There’s still so much to do.

7. Busting out

Oh, do tell.

6. The age limit

It’s like a child lock but in reverse.

5. Absolute bloodbath

I’m calling the FBI immediately.

4. A 12 pack

Nobody works out that much.

3. The big apple

I need a thing I can pet, not park.

2. Holiday spirit

Yeah, it me.

1. Absolute maniac

Maybe your phone has been overtaken by the spirit of The Joker and you just don’t know it yet.

Don’t know if autocorrect is a force for good in this crazy world or a force for evil. Maybe chaos.

One thing’s for sure – it’s given us no shortage of jokes.

Maybe that was the true intent of the software all along…

Is autocorrect worth having or not?

Tell us your opinion in the comments.

The post Tweets About Autocorrect That Are Ducking Perfect appeared first on UberFacts.

Posts That Are Aggravatingly and Technically Correct

There are truths and then there are technical truths.

Things that you can’t deny, though every fiber of your being wants to, because they’re just too pedantic to warrant acknowledgement.

And yet, you gotta give it up. Here are ten posts that are gloriously, technically true.

10. T H I N K

Being correct while missing the entire spirit of the post, attaboy.

9. Layer by layer

He’s out of line, but he’s right.

8. You gotta testify!

There’s a theatre in my hometown called The New Theatre.
It’s been around for more than 50 years.

7. Numbers don’t lie

This is a great example of why statistics without context can be less than useless.

6. The pocket conspiracy

Has someone informed Jim Gaffigan of this?

5. Bullet time

I’ve seen this posted so many times and like…where are you getting that number from?

4. Summon the Grouch

What am I, chopped liver? Also I think I’m standing on some chopped liver.

3. Rock and roll

That’s gonna be the name of my Rush cover band.

2. Support the cause

This is what you get for leaving your prompts so open ended.

1. Absolutely brutal

The game has been changed forever.

Those are some good, technically correct posts. But we’re done now. Or rather, we’ll be done in 41 words. Because I’m still typing, and there are a couple more lines to go.

What’s the best technically correct thing you’ve encountered lately? Was it said by you or by someone else?

Tell us in the comments.

Ok we’re actually done…now.

The post Posts That Are Aggravatingly and Technically Correct appeared first on UberFacts.

More Hilarious Quotes From “The Office”

The American version of The Office was a cultural phenomenon. It ran for over a decade and in that time produced 188 episodes.

Not all episodes were the same length but doing a little back of the napkin math that’s somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 hours of comedy.

And so much of it was gold. Like these lines.

15. Live and let live

Weirdly inspiring for a Dwight thing.

Image: NBC Universal

14. Taco tuesday

We believe in you buddy, you’ll get ’em next time.

Image: NBC Universal

13. Blah blah blah

She knows what’s up.

Image: NBC Universal

12. The good ol days

This is actually oddly heartbreaking.

Image: NBC Universal

11. Try, try again

Lovin’ the hat look, Jim.

Image: NBC Universal

10. Raise me up

Ya done good, kid.

Image: NBC Universal

9. Worm guy

Creed is mysterious and powerful.

Image: NBC Universal

8. Culinary arts

It’s the perfect meal.

Image: NBC Universal

7. Party time

Well now there are zero, so.

Image: NBC Universal

6. Deep dive

Is that what it’s truly all about?

Image: NBC Universal

5. Meet Schrute

Yeah, that’s understandable.

Image: NBC Universal

4. Exactly right

This is one of my favorite lines.

Image: NBC Universal

3. Giving up

Hey, that’s something.

Image: NBC Universal

2. Need for feed

Don’t we all.

Image: NBC Universal

1. In a blanket?

A man of simple dreams.

Image: NBC Universal

Now if you’ll excuse me I’ve gotta go start my ninth rewatch.

What’s your favorite TV quote of all time? Or your favorite TV show of all time. Either works for us.

Tell us in the comments!

The post More Hilarious Quotes From “The Office” appeared first on UberFacts.

A Person Taught Their Boss a Lesson About Why You Need To Warn Customers About Closing Time

It’s time to go!

Today we have an interesting story from Reddit about a worker who taught their manager a lesson that they’d be wise to heed in the future.

Take a look at this story and how folks on Reddit reacted.

Start now!

Proved to my manager that it’s better to warn customers of closing time

“I used to work at a store that was open until 2AM every night of the week, so as you can imagine, when 2AM rolled around I was always ready to get out of there.

Around 1:45AM, I would walk around and let each customer know individually that the store was closing in 15 minutes, and ask them if they needed help finding anything before then. I did this for about 4 months working there and never had a problem, other than the occasional super rude customer who would completely ignore me and keep shopping until like 2:30/3 or whatever.

Or occasionally, especially on weekends, drunk people would come in after 2AM and just ignore that we were closed, because we weren’t allowed to lock the door or turn anyone away.

Usually I was alone by 1:45 since business really slows down, but one night my manager was still there. When she saw me go and tell customers the store was closing in 15 minutes, she was p**sed. She told me I could NEVER tell a customer the store was closing. She said it was incredibly rude and put too much pressure on them.

Fast forward to a few weeks later. I have still been giving customers a 15-minute heads up, because frankly I don’t think it’s rude to tell someone your store is about to close, especially at 2AM. Here is when I see my opportunity.

A woman had come in around 12AM. She seemed pretty out of it, and was wandering around the store aimlessly this whole time, but occasionally bringing something to the counter, asking me to hold it, then coming back and asking me to put it back because she changed her mind.

I had the feeling she could spend all night wandering around the store, so I decided that this would be the one customer I wouldn’t warn about closing. 2AM rolls around and I say nothing, and I proceed to say nothing all the way until 4:45AM when she finally leaves the store.

I literally got a call at 8AM the next day from my manager, furious that I had closed the store almost at 5AM. I innocently told her that the woman was still busy shopping the whole time, and I remind her that it’s extremely rude to tell a customer that the store is closed.

The next night when I went in for my shift, they had made the 15 minute warning a universal rule. We were all supposed to warn customers the store was closing, PLUS we were supposed to turn people away if they showed up after 2AM. Score!

Afterward I admitted to my other coworkers I had done it intentionally to show management how dumb their decision was, and I’m glad I did it because we never had to let another drunk teenager into the store after 2AM again.”

And this is what folks on Reddit had to say about this person’s story.

This person thinks they did a good job…and it’s always been a good idea!

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader argued that the manager’s behavior in this situation is just plain odd. I think I agree. And there’s a safety issue to think about, too.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This Reddit user said that this move doesn’t even make sense from a business perspective. You’re wasting money!

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader called this a total no-brainer. Amen!

Photo Credit: Reddit

Finally, another person said that the manager was totally clueless on this one and that their position defies logic. Yup!

Photo Credit: Reddit

Have you ever taught your boss a lesson at work?

Or maybe a co-worker?

Share your stories with us in the comments. We’d love to hear from you!

The post A Person Taught Their Boss a Lesson About Why You Need To Warn Customers About Closing Time appeared first on UberFacts.