What Never Fails to Make You Cry?

I simply can’t watch videos about dogs being abandoned or about to be put down or sick or injured ones.

Why, you ask?

Because they make me cry, okay?!?! There, I said it!

What always makes you cry?

Here’s what AskReddit users had to say.

1. A beautiful letter.

“My late partner passed away from leukemia at 38 years old. He hid a letter for me in our room incase he didn’t make it. It’s the most beautiful and eloquent thing I’ve ever read.

He talks about regretting not being able to see my hair turn Grey, or seeing me accomplish my dreams. He gives me permission to fall in love again, be messy, and move forward. The level of support is so encouraging.

It’s also a heartbreaking read and I’ve only read it 3 times. I will read it again on the 2 year date of his passing at the end of this month.”

2. Horrible.

“One particular patient I had working in a trauma center. 19 year old girl I’d never seen before, and didn’t know at all.

She was ejected from a vehicle and then crushed because her boyfriend was trying to show off. I was training new staff, and they were at the end of their training so I was only in the room to provide supervision and step in if necessary and I spent the entire trauma holding her hand (on her request) and trying to comfort her and keep her mind off of the injuries to both of her legs.

Her last words were spoken directly to me: “this really hurts. Can I go to sleep?”

I cried for days after. I’ve never had a patient’s death hit me as hard before or after.”

3. Sad.

“I live with my autistic son and when he is with me and not with his mother I have literally no time or energy to think.

When I am alone every future for him plays in my mind and I can’t think of a happy ending. Some day he will lose me and his mom and will be alone in a place for people with special needs.

And I read tons of articles and others how this all is for autistic people like him. It breaks my heart every time to think about him as an elderly person who has a broken heart but can’t communicate it straight.

I hope I will be live long enough to outlive him, I am just 20 years older.”

4. Brutal.

“The scene in Saving Private Ryan when the medic gets shot and d**s on the field with the rest of his group desperately trying to save him.”

5. Pets are family.

“One of my cats stopped eating on Friday, and Saturday we took her to emergency after we got the bloodwork from our regular vet.

Some sort of super aggressive bone cancer, and making the decision to euthanize her is the hardest thing I’ve done so far.”

6. Gone too soon.

“My daughter’s best friend d**d in a car crash a couple of years back.

She was 18.

She’d been coming to our house since she was 4 or 5.

She’d become a part of our family. Even when her and my daughter would have the silly arguments kids have when they become teens and a bit more independent, she’d still make herself at home the next time she was round.

She had a smile that lit up the room.

When I think about the night she died, I cry.

When I think back to the heartbroken faces of 8 teenagers that appeared at our house an hour after it happened, I cry.

When I think about how her family must feel, I cry.

When I think about how her death has impacted my daughter’s life, I cry.

When I think about how her life could’ve turned out, I cry.

Even writing this, tears run down my face.”

7. In recovery.

“I’m a member of a 12 Step program and in meetings we give out chips or keychains for different amounts of clean/sober time.

After giving out multiple years, one year, six months ……. etc etc, the meeting chair will ask if there’s anyone new or “coming back” (relapsed and is returning to the program) who wants to take a 24 hour chip.

When anyone gets up and takes their 24h chip, the room INVARIABLY gives them the loudest applause and cheers and welcomes them back.

The whole room knows how much courage it takes to come back and how scary it can be to get up and walk to the front of the room for that chip. It’s such a beautiful thing to see and it makes me cry every time.”

8. What I missed…

“It’s my kids.

When they were little, my mom had a brain aneurysm, my dad spiraled into a deep depression and they lost their home and business. At the same time, my mother in law has a stroke and my in laws’ finances collapsed and they were on the verge of losing their home too.

So I worked crazy hard to be everyone’s rock. I worked multiple jobs to help out my family. When I wasn’t working, I was taking care of them emotionally and physically. I so drained that i didn’t have much left to give to my kids.

I missed soccer games and school plays and trick or treating and first words and countless other things. Thankfully, my wife was there for them. So they got to experience all the good things in childhood….I just wasn’t there for it. Even when I was physically present, I was exhausted and cranky.

Now they are teenagers and don’t want to be around me. I just want to hold their hands, tell them that I love them and do something fun with them — anything at all, I just want to be with them. But my chance to hold them, teach them new things and experience the amazing joys of childhood with them are long gone. It tears me up inside….I’m bawling on the couch right now typing this.

Yes, all the work paid off. Amazingly, both my mom and mother in law are alive (with physical impairments). My parents lost their house and business but they’re in place that works for them. And my in laws went through bankruptcy but were able to keep their house. I’m glad it worked out. But god….it hurts thinking about what I missed.”

9. RIP.

“I miss Robin Williams.

Remembering that he’s not around anymore always makes my eyes sting a little bit.”

10. Addiction.

“Whenever my addict Daughter gets arrested (4 times in the last two weeks).

Whenever a look at a picture of her. Whenever I remember a memory of her when she was little and she was still my angel. Whenever I try to think of something I could do to help her and realize that I’ve already done everything a parent can do, and it hasn’t helped .

I cry when it gets cold out, and wonder if she is stuck out the night somewhere, cold and lonely. I cry when I look at her 8 year old daughter, that My wife and I are raising. I cry a lot lately.”

11. A sad song.

“Hearing ‘The Living Years’, by Mike and the Mechanics.

My dad is still alive and I hug him whenever I can.

But man, this song hits me in the feels.”

Okay, now it’s your turn.

What always makes you cry?

Talk to us in the comments! Thanks!

The post What Never Fails to Make You Cry? appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About the Most Awkward Ways They’ve Seen Folks Try to Flirt

Do you know what the term EFO means?

I’ll tell you what it means: Embarrassment For Others.

It’s when you see something some awkward and cringeworthy that you get embarrassed for the person it’s happening to…who isn’t you, by the way.

And I personally get a lot of EFO when I see people try to flirt with each other.

AskReddit users talked about the most awkward ways they’ve seen people flirt.

Let’s get weird!

1. Just like Michael Scott.

“I bartend weddings at a resort and I was stuck next to the dance floor in a really small room a few weeks back. The bride and groom were precious but the people who attended were…wacky to say the least.

One gentleman in particular could probably compete and win a Michael Scott look and act alike contest. He was goofy, free spirited, but did the awkward stuff like push people out of their chairs to dance or (very poorly) do the worm.

Through the latter half of the night he was dancing with a younger woman, despite having a ring on his finger while her not so much. He would lean in for a kiss and she would slowly pull away awkwardly.

She pulled him out of the room a couple of times but they kept returning to the dance floor for their awkward slow dance and missed kisses. As the night progressed he kept trying and more frequently.

I never saw a kiss, only extreme awkwardness.”

2. A real charmer.

“I had an account on OkCupid and a guy messaged me saying something to the effect of “you have a lazy eye, but it’s okay because you have a nice eye color. I got surgery to correct my lazy eye. I can work around your lazy eye. Message me back.”

Yeah, I didn’t message him back.”

3. Let me tell you about my fish.

“My ex and I were out bowling one time and I went to grab us beers.

I come back to a guy going into detail about his extreme fish collection and how she should check out his fish.”

4. The lingerer.

“Was out with a couple of girlfriends this weekend. One guy proceeds to sit at our table.

Within five minutes his friend joined him (friend barely said a word). Guy 1 was quiet and mumbled and asked my girlfriends and I each at least 3 times what we did and then asked my friend if he could eat some of her food.

They lingered for like half an hour at least…it was weird.”

5. He blew it.

“The worst experience I ever encountered was at a Final Fantasy symphony orchestra concert in Atlanta.

This guy approached my sister and I wearing a large Squaresoft blazer and velcro shoes. It was the nerdiest thing I have ever witnessed. He proceeds to ask my sister what her favorite Final Fantasy song was. Then he uttered this gold.

“You remind me of Aeris. Can I be your Cloud?”

I walked away from that with an uncontrollable gut wrenching laughter and left my sister with that guy. Whenever I see her at holidays I always bring it up.”

6. Not a good year.

“I kept running into this girl throughout the day.

Towards the end of the night, I saw her at a WaWa and so I said, “D**n girl, your nickname must be Visa, cause you’re everywhere I want to be”.

There was a store full of people to witness this. 2004 was a trying year for me.”


“At a previous job I overheard a guy hitting on one of my cubicle neighbors. It was his last day at the company so it seemed like his thought was “now or never man, gotta at least give it a shot!”

He comes over and awkwardly lets her know he has two tickets to an event, and wants to know if she’d want to join him and grab dinner while loudly and repeatedly blasting nervous fa**s the entire time he’s talking.

She tried to let him down easily, and I stared blankly at my monitor and used all of my strength to keep quiet. I felt bad for the dude, and more power to him for trying, but it makes for a funny mental image now.”

8. Poor guy.

“I was at a party with some good friends. There was this guy there that I think was only invited out of pity. Poor guy.

Anyway, the party is going fine, people are in all the common rooms chatting and eating. The poor shmuck, we’ll call him Bryant, comes up to me and asks if I’ve seen his phone. “No” I say. He lost it he says. Can I call it he asks.

Alright, no biggie, I ask for the number and call it. I walk with him to the other room, which was the darkest most out of the way room in the house, and I hear it rigging. Bryant then proceeds to pull it out of his pocket and says “oh, I guess it was in my pocket the whole time.”

I begin to leave. He then, interrupting my stride, throws an arm around my shoulder and says, “well now you have my number”. “Yep” I say and proceed with haste out of the room.

I can see how he may have thought is was a good idea. It was not.”

9. Trainwreck.

“I was working at a club. This girl wanted to dance with me. I respectfully declined because security guys aren’t allowed to dance with girls and would get fired.

All night she kept asking her friends to come up to me to dance with her. I was flattered but still said no.

At the end of the night she came up to me drunk and said “I’m really drunk right now. If you don’t go home with me tonight, I’m going to drive my car into a fu**ing tree tonight!”

That kind of made me cringe. I bought her a taxi ride home.”

10. Bad move.

“I was at a restaurant one night and one of the guys in our group thought the waitress was gorgeous. He would try to strike up a conversation with her whenever she came to the table but she wasn’t having any of it.

In a last ditch effort to impress her he asked for some extra napkins and after she dropped them at the table, he wrote his number on one and the folded it into an approximation of a rose. Then he walked up to her, while she was waiting on another table, and gave it to her.

He interrupted the customer that was in the middle of giving his order. Total d**k move. He was heartbroken when she never called him.”

11. Creeper.

“So I was at Burger King with my mom and little brother. Not a huge fan of Burger King so I asked her to get me a salad and I’d go find us a seat.

I go to the back corner area and grab a table and just sit and wait on my phone. Out of the corner of my eye I see this guy start scooching closer towards me. Eventually he’s about a table away. So suddenly he starts chatting with me and me being a socially awkward shy person I just sort of nod and stuff to what he’s saying.

Suddenly he turns the chatting into this weird flirty/cocky look-at-me sort of attitude. He starts telling me he was in the navy (no way he was either, he wasn’t even 18 yet) and he starts talking about prostitutes! Asian prostitutes that he met and hung out with on his Navy adventures. Starts hinting he’s not a virgin.

I’m super uncomfortable and trying to see where the F**K my mom was to end this conversation. She’s over with my brother smiling at me probably thinking I’m hooking up with this guy. Then he changes the subject to can I maybe text you sometime? I flat out said “no, I don’t have texting” (which was true) so he like throws his number that he apparently already had written down at me.

He then tells me to text him because he works at Walmart and can only afford texting, not calls. I’m like “uh…” And he like leaves in a dramatic floaty type of way. He sort if spun out of the booth. My mom finally comes over and wants all the “juicy” details and I tell her what happened. Her “happiness” of me possibly getting a date turns into hysterical laughter. It was one of the weirdest encounters ever.

Moral of the story: don’t tell a girl you slept with Asian prostitutes. It’s not impressive.”

12. That’s bad.

“My aunt’s best friend’s son has had a HUGE crush on me since I was six years old. When we were 12 or 13, he proceeded to sing me ‘Hey There Delilah’ but switched it out with my name and sang it in front of my aunt’s family.

I still cringe when I think about that. And at my sweet 16, he made a twenty minute long speech about how important I was to him in front of all my friends, family, and my boyfriend at the time.”

Now it’s your turn!

Tell us about the most awkward time you’ve ever seen someone try to flirt.

We’d love to hear your stories in the comments!

The post People Talk About the Most Awkward Ways They’ve Seen Folks Try to Flirt appeared first on UberFacts.

On-the-Job Annoyances That Make Folks Want to Quit

My job certainly has some annoyances.

But even on my worst days, I know that other jobs will have their own annoyances too.

The grass is always greener, right?

But some jobs are beyond annoying. As these posts prove, some jobs are the worst.

Here are 15 examples where people promise that their particular grass is not greener.

First, there’s dealing with kids. And their parents.

1. Fevers and sniffles do not make happy campers

Please leave snot-monsters at home.

I worked at an indoor play park, it was cool, because we could have fun after closing. But really annoying when parents broughttheir sick kids thereand didn't care.

Image credit: Whisper

2. Grumpy parents need not apply

They suck the joy right out of everything, don’t they?

Working at a kid's play center was the worst. Parents are total a**holes.

Image credit: Whisper

3. It doesn’t get much better when they grow up.

At least no helicopter parents, yeah?

Teaching high schoolstudents over the summer was an awful job. Some were great, but the ones that were bad were absolutely unbearable.

Image credit: Whisper

4. And don’t forget the adults who act like children

They might be the worst ones of all.

My current job is the worst. I am receptionist for 400 of the most entitled a**holes ever!

Image credit: Whisper

Then there are stores, where customer is king.

5. It’s hard to imagine it being worse than fast food

Unless you have a perverse love of putting the canned goods on top of the produce. ?

Being a bagger at a grocery store is a terrible job. People treat you like you're incompetent and worthless. They don't even treat you like a person. Even worse than fast food.

Image credit: Whisper

6. That pretty much says it all

On the bright side, you could get all your shopping done without a second trip.

Walmart is literally the most annoying job ever.

Image credit: Whisper

7. Definitely not the place to be if you like things to stay neat and tidy

Now I’m going to feel bad every time I take a box off the shelf.

Most annoying job ever? Working in a grocery store. Fixing aisles perfectly then coming back in less than five minutes to see that they are back to the way they were before.

Image credit: Whisper

8. But I’d rather straighten the boxes than clean the toilets

I just literally can’t even.

Working Walmart overnight maintenance sucks. Someone once pooped in the urinal....

Image credit: Whisper

9. Manual labor is definitely not fun

But still preferable to the bathroom situation.

The most annoying job I ever had was cart pushing for Walmart. Our mule was broken 80% of the year I worked there.

Image credit: Whisper

And as annoying as it is to receive calls from telemarketers–just imagine how it must be for them.

10. Frankly it sounds terrible

Especially considering no one answers their phones anymore.

Worked in a call center for a large data storage and shredding company. No employee there was treated as a person. We were all treated like things, and told how replaceable.

Image credit: Whisper

11. I mean, did this person work at the same place as the last person?

Because that has to be illegal.

I lasted one day in telemarketing, then had a seizure because they wouldn't let me take a food/water break or have my anticonvulsants on time. I left in an ambulance and never went back.

Image credit: Whisper

Last, but certainly not least, are the odd jobs that don’t fit into a category, but all have their generl terribleness in common.

12. Imagine being a jerk to the person who’s supposed to save you

And imagine having to save them. “Still want that towel?”

When I was life guarding at a resort people would ask me the most ridiculous questions. Do you guys deliver pizza? Can I park there?Can I have a towel? How much to stay another night?

Image credit: Whisper

13. I didn’t even know this was a job

It sounds pretty awful.
I wonder if it would be any better in a more appealing climate?

Selling meat out of the back of a truck door to door in the Arizona desert during the summer was the most annoying job I've ever had.

Image credit: Whisper

14. When you gotta be a bouncer, and you don’t even get tips

I’ve never understood people being upset about being carded.
Like, how dare you think I look young?

Liquor stores are the worst. Gotta card everyone and they get pissed off. Then you have drunks who come in and you gotta deny them. Usually have to throw them out as well.

Image credit: Whisper

15. Side gigs are hard work

Sometimes the money’s not all it’s cracked up to be.

My side job is stripping. It's good money but probably the most annoying job I've ever had...

Image credit: Whisper

Those all definitely make me feel better about the little peccadilloes (as Moira Rose would say) that I deal with at my job. What about you? Tell us in the comments.

The post On-the-Job Annoyances That Make Folks Want to Quit appeared first on UberFacts.

These People Are All Keeping Big, Juicy Secrets

I don’t like secrets. They kind of eat away at you, like they have a life and mind of their own and just can’t wait to emerge into the big, scary world and do their damage.

Sometimes they come to you when you don’t ask for them and sometimes they’re the result of your own dubious decision-making, but either way, we feel like we have to keep them close for as long as we can.

These 14 people are admitting to sitting on some pretty juicy ones, so check them out.

14. I…wish I had not read this.

I walked in on my ex girlfriend.letting the dog lick her out while she brushed him. It was clinical as f**k, it was “the only way she could get him to not move while she brushed him”.

Zero enjoyment on her face. It was multiple levels of odd.

13. What a mess.

A good friend of mine is Indian and gay, which she knows her family won’t accept. She about to have an arranged marriage to a man, who is also gay.

Neither of their families know the truth and are excited about the upcoming wedding. The groom’s boyfriend is part of the wedding party.

They plan to have children via ivf at some point.

12. You can’t trust people.

I know his kink, he knows mine. It’s basically mutually assured destruction if either of us ever turns into that big an a$$hole.

11. What a horrible woman.

My stepmom threw away a family heirloom that was gifted to me to make my already poor relationship with my dad worse.

I didn’t figure it out until many years later, but my dad has passed now and she was never popular with any of my family or any of his friends to begin with.

10. A huge understatement.

I had sex with my mormon boyfriend before and after he went on his mission, and also either directly before or even after he’d proposed to his now wife (he didn’t think it was particularly important to tell me that he’d found a good mormon fiancé in another town already).

This is a big no-no in the mormon church.

9. Some secrets shouldn’t be kept.

One of my brother’s military friends sexually assaulted me while my brother, his friend, and one of my friends were hanging out playing pool and drinking. My brother knows because I told him the night it happened. My family also knows.

The dude is married and has three kids. Initially my brother was furious and talked about shooting the guy, but now they’re friends again and the reasoning he gave me was “everybody cheats.” Except none of it was consensual and I’m not a piece of s*%t.

His wife showed up in my “People You May Know” on Facebook and I’ve contemplated telling her.

I plan on telling the wife, and yes, my brother cheated on his partner to be with his current wife. He’s also in the military and that’s how he knows the douche in question.

8. They need to be outed.

Not sure about life ruining, but basically someone spammed another person with what they thought were anonymous death threats + told them to kill themselves, then fled the platform they did it on and now are fairly successful on another.

Definitely weird knowing someone’s a shitty person + having evidence and several witnesses while their fans / friends dont and think they’re a sweetheart.

7. She better watch her back.

One of my coworkers smokes meth at work. In the last three months I’ve found probably half a dozen pipes she’s left behind because she’s too fucked up to remember to hide them. About a month ago she started leaving these passive aggressive notes (usually when the boss shows up) about how she’s the only one who does her job

I showed her the folder on my phone and told her if she leaves another bulls*%t note for me to read, I’ll call the boss, then I’ll call DHR.

6. I hate this.

More like a secret amongst me, my mom and siblings, but it’s how abusive my dad used to be. Still is but he has improved.

My brother barely even speaks to my dad anymore, he caught the majority of the abuse when we were teens.

Mum passed away 2 years ago and since then he has stopped majority of his abusive behavior. Whether of not it was intentional or not I haven’t figured out.

But every now and again I’ll just have flashbacks of all the violent and aggressive bulls%*t he pulled.

5. Time to sober up.

Wouldn’t really ruin his life but it would be embarrassing.

One of my buddies is a furry, like a massive furry.

I was looking for some old call of duty videos we made in like 2009, I was just searching the old Gamertags, trying to figure out where they were and a page for a furry website popped up.

It had all his basic info on it, with an up to date age, I looked around the page and found an IRL pic from his room that I recognized. It had like 8 years of almost daily uploads/interactions on there.

Haven’t told anyone, can’t really.

Not going to be the guy that just bullies him or tells our other friends, he’s not hurting anyone. But I’m also not gonna tell him I know, cause that would be mad awkward.

I’m terrified I’m gonna let it slip when I’m drunk.

4. This is downright hilarious.

My mom is the most straight laced, uptight person you can imagine and she works very high level financial jobs for the government.

What no one else knows is that she has a tattoo on the back of her leg of a bear with p**ises instead of legs- like where it’s legs would be there are just massive d**ks. She wears tights or pants to cover it all the time, as far as I know I’m the only person that knows about it. She was a very wild teenager and met up with an “aspiring tattoo artist” (aka rando with a tattoo gun) in a hotel room to get a tattoo of a bear when she was 16- the guy got a little excessively creative and gave her a bear with dicks for legs.

It is so vulgar that if anyone saw it I think there’s a good chance she’s lose her job, or at least have some serious explaining to do. I once asked her why she doesn’t get it removed and she says it’s her “symbol to her stupid youth”.

3. That poor girl.

The family of a good friend (let’s call her Ashley) is very religious. To the point that they only let her go to school or out with people they approved (I was the “good girl” who was allowed to go out with her to have fun) So, I was with Ashley during her rebellious stage in which She got into everything her family hated, got piercings, drank alcohol, dated guys (there was a video of her in a threesome that we had to delete from a guy’s cell phone), and even has a couple of tattoos.

The point is that she is now of legal age and her family treats her as the exemplary girl that she never gave problems with the minors of the family. She is in a 1-year relationship with a boy from church that they approve of and with whom she “had no relationships” because they are expecting marriage.

If they knew the things she did in her adolescence, they would completely disown her, she would take away all the financial stability that she has from her since she continues to live with her parents. And all her neighbors would stop talking to her because her father is the pastor of the church.

2. As long as they’re happy.

My friend who got married (to a girl) is gay.

I live in an Asian society where being Gay is still stigmatized.

He told her he was mostly gay and interested way more in men than women in their first year of marriage. Divorce is also very stigmatized. They have a secret open relationship where she is free to pursue whoever she wants and the same applies for him.

They are currently in their 60s. Both are like each others best friend and are very close.

From what I can tell, they are happy with each other. Just not romantically.

1. He must know.

One of my closest friends went to an Ivy League college. He very much acts like it on a regular basis.

I know (but he doesn’t) that his parents bought his way in. His grades were far too mediocre.

Human beings are just so complicated, y’all.

What horrible secret do you wish you weren’t keeping? Confess in the comments!

The post These People Are All Keeping Big, Juicy Secrets appeared first on UberFacts.

The Department of Defense Is Evaluating UFO Data That Might Be Released to the General Public

Anyone who grew up on “The X-Files” can’t help but think that “the truth is out there” was more than just a catchphrase.

And as it turns out, we could finally begin to learn a little bit more of that truth very soon.

I’ve never seen a UFO, unless you count the cow-abduction road signs in New Mexico.

But I definitely think it’s a little bit silly and hugely egotistical to assume that in the whole vast cosmos, our planet is the only one to sustain intelligent life.

It turns out, the U.S. government has seen enough unexplained evidence that they think so too.

Who that’s heard the audio of Australian pilot Fred Valentich’s encounter and subsequent disappearance can deny that something has visited us?

The U.S. government doesn’t refer to them as UFO’s anymore.

Maybe that’s considered a little too hokey and little-green-manish now, so they instead describe them as UAP or Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, which can take in a broader range of encounters.

Just last year, after videos filmed by Navy pilots was leaked to the public, the Department of Defense established a new task force for investigating these phenomena, or UAPTF.

Not only that, but Popular Mechanics reports:

When Trump signed the coronavirus relief and government funding bill into law in December 2020, it contained the IAA for Fiscal Year 2021, which means the UAPTF must report its findings to Congress by June 25.

That’s June 25 of this year.

The Director of National Intelligence who served under President Trump at the time went on Fox News recently to talk about the project, and it sounds like he’s a believer too, stating that the reports will cover:

[UAP that make] “movements that are hard to replicate that we don’t have the technology for, or traveling at speeds that exceed the sound barrier without a sonic boom. In short, things that we are observing that are difficult to explain.”

The note about the sound barrier is particularly relevant.

Image credit: U.S. Navy, via Flickr

Here’s why, according to Popular Mechanics:

When an aircraft increases its speed, pressure waves build up on it and eventually coalesce into a single shockwave. When the plane outruns that shockwave and travels faster than the speed of sound in air, it causes a sudden change in pressure, which in turn creates the sonic boom. There’s no publicly available scientific data to suggest any aircraft can break the sound barrier without producing a sonic boom; while engineers can take steps to try to reduce sonic booms, physics says it’s impossible to outright eliminate it.

Which means that if the government has proof of aircraft that defy physics, then they have proof of civilizations more advanced than our own.

And so, although a watchdog group will be evaluating how the Pentagon handled UAP reports:

the Pentagon itself will be busy this month reviewing all the data they have been collecting under the UAPTF project ahead of that June deadline to release the information.

And it’s not all going to be blurry videos and darting shapes, either. There’s actual concrete data.

According to a source from The Debrief, a contributor to Popular Mechanics:

“Some of the best evidence acquired has come from measurement and signature intelligence (MASINT), rather than from videos or still images.”

Suddenly I’m on the edge of my seat waiting for summer!

What do you think? All an elaborate hoax, or FINALLY some transparency?

Let us know in the comments!

The post The Department of Defense Is Evaluating UFO Data That Might Be Released to the General Public appeared first on UberFacts.

These People Got Embarrassing Notifications While Someone Else Had Their Phone

The obvious solution to this problem is to set your messages not to display when your phone is locked, but I guess if someone else was actually using your phone, that might not always work.

If there was a foolproof solution, these 16 people would surely be all ears after these cringey moments of others seeing notifications on their phones that honestly, all parties probably wish they hadn’t.

16. Just so sweet. Ha!

My boyfriend and I send each other shit randomly during the day like “FedEx me that pecker” or “flap them t**s my way”.

I was showing my mom something on my phone once and he sends “gonna slap u with my d%*k tonight”

15. It may not be what it seems, but she’s not going to believe that.

My mum was looking up stuff on my prescription app on my phone when a message came in from a group chat I’m on, a group chat named pornographic material.

I turned Instagram notifications off after that.

14. This is actually kind of sweet.

I remember when i was like 13 my mom was showing me something on her phone. My dad was away on a business trip and texted her. I said oh dad texted you. She’s like whats it say?

And i read it (in my head thank god) and it said something like “i cant wait to make love to you again” 13 year old me just turned red and handed back the phone.

13. Beautiful.

My friend made this fake account on Twitter and followed me exactly at the time my teacher had taken my phone away.

The notification read @analfister6969 has followed you.

12. Everyone is sorry.

“Gonna f*k your a$$ so hard tonight, love <3”

Sorry for you having to see that, mother

11. It’s probably not the worst thing he’s seen, honestly.

I had this roommate my sophomore year of college and we had a very weird, close personal relationship. I was in my Spanish prof’s office hours and she was waiting for me at the cafeteria to get lunch together. Just before going in I texted her and asked her to get me some fries, and then I turned off my phone. I was showing my prof my paper on my laptop screen, very much forgetting that I had iMessage set up on my laptop.

I’ll never forget the look on his face when a notification from my roommate came in with her (jokingly) saying “I’ll get you fries but only if you sensually feed them to me while you call me daddy”. Suffice it to say, that was my last time visiting his office hours!

10. That’s a topic for therapy.

Imagine my conservative 15 yr old little brother’s face when my bf texted “I’ll destroy your p**sy” while we were watching some stupid goat on youtube.

9. I have questions.

My friend sent a poop pic while my then girlfriend was checking the weather for us one morning.

8. Teen movie level awkward.

Not exactly a bad message but I leant my jacket to my crush and it had my phone in it’s pocket. Someone sent me a message so she got it out to give to me but unfortunately she had sent me a message before that and saw that her name was marked with a heart.

Awkward night after that.

7. An awkward explanation.

A friend of mine sent me a message for the first time in 4 months that was just

Right as my GF held the phone…

6. At least he laughed.

Story apps can give really interesting ones.

My favorite that popped up while my boyfriend was holding my phone was something like, “Mike misses you! Come back and play!” Or something like that.

Of course all he did was pull the drop down menu down to see the full notification and laugh.

He teased me about it for hours.

5. Bless his heart.

I was showing my grandma some pictures. She chuckled a bit and quickly handed me back my phone. I looked at it and saw that my boyfriend (now husband) had texted me saying “I hate it when I’m pooping and my dick touches the water. Big d*%k problems.”

We laughed about it, but my husband is still horrified by the thought of my grandma knowing about his “big dick problems.”

4. What else can you say?

Not really my phone but I had text notifications on my computer, was working with a vendor and sharing my screen, my SO picked that time to send me a text that said “that was the most amazing s^x we’ve ever had last night!”.

I silenced the notification as fast as I could but the vendor went quiet for half a minute and then said “good job!”, so got out of that awkward zone pretty well. I never shared my screen with notifications active ever again.

3. No good explanation, really.

When I was in high school, my friends and I had the habit of giving each other funny contact names on our phones based on jokes we came up with. To this day my high school friend’s contact names are things such as River B*%ch, Jeff the Sl*t, Baby America, Sugar Mama, etc.

When we were juniors, a girl who was obsessed with my friend led to his contact name becoming “Booty Lord” with some rather suggestive emojis following it. Everything was fine and dandy, until a few months later when I had forgotten about it.

I was applying for a leadership position in a club I was a member of and was required to get two letters of recommendation. For the second letter I asked one of my teachers, who happened to be a very conservative man in his late 70’s, if he could write one for me. Being the lazy son of a bitch that he was, he told me to write the letter myself saying all the things I wanted him to say, and he’d sign it.

After I finished typing up the letter, I handed him my phone to let him read and approve it before I printed it out. About 45 seconds after I gave him my phone, he (very loudly and incredulously) said “Booty Lord??????” and gave me a horrified look and shoved the phone back into my hands.

That was hard to explain.

2. This might be my favorite story ever.

Not my phone, but a Hangouts notification that popped up on the screen while my new boss was standing behind me to train me on a new program.

The message from my husband asked “how’s the Pooper?”

I was so focused on the task that she saw and read it before I did and collapsed to the floor in hysterical laughter. I read it and immediately lost it too.

In tears from laughing we were frantically talking over each other – her trying to apologize for the unprofessional reaction, and me trying to explain that Pooper was our dog’s nickname because he was getting over a bout of diarrhea!

The rest of the office was so confused!

1. High five?

My aunt was like “hey, is that the new samsung, can I see it?” I say “sure”, and then I got a text from my gf, “Good news! I had my period!”


So, so awkward, y’all. Woof.

Has this ever happened to you? Share the story in the comments!

The post These People Got Embarrassing Notifications While Someone Else Had Their Phone appeared first on UberFacts.