Is It Wrong for Young Men to Opt Out of Society and Focus on Video Games? Here’s How People Responded.

I’m not personally into gaming, but I have some friends who definitely are, and I will admit that the ones who do it spend A TON OF TIME playing video games.

Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I guess it depends on the person. To me, it doesn’t sound very appealing, but I guess it’s a lot better than some of the other things men could be doing in their spare time…

So, is it bad for men to focus on video games and hobbies instead of “traditional” things like relationships, marriage, and families?

Here’s what AskReddit users had to say about this.

1. Opting out.

“There are a lot of whiny articles recently about how men don’t go to university at the same rate as young women, don’t work as many hours as they used to, and in general participate less in society and rather play video games or something.

This naturally comes at the expense of traditional life attainments such as working yourself to death, having an insanely expensive wedding, and being the sole provider for a family that will eventually kick you out.

If you read through these articles, you will find that the theme is men bad because they refuse to play the social role written for them. It’s mostly from the perspective of how this creates problems for women in the long run, but still that’s the core of it.

Contrary to what these journalists would have you believe, I think these young men are acting completely rationally when opting out of this life script. There just aren’t enough incentives to play this role, it is too risky and too exhausting, and I can personally see how one would derive way more satisfaction from hanging out with ones mates, playing video games, or being in a band. Young men don’t owe society anything.

We should just live and let live, and let people enjoy their lives in the way they want to, instead of judging them.”

2. Not worth the effort.

“As a young white man who did want all those neat lil’ things like marriage, family, house and all that jazz, I’ve found the reward not worth the effort.

The cost of living is just too damn high. If I did get the family and the house, I’d never see them since I’d be working all the time to ‘provide’…

What’s the point in taking on all that responsibility just work myself to death and not even be around?

I never see my brothers or friends with families anymore… and their families dont see them either.”

3. An interesting POV.

“It was practically always like this for men, only before the modern age men didn’t have a choice.

There was nothing else besides the only possible life plan of starting to work hard while you were still a kid and keep doing it until you died, spending more time on work than on your loved ones – spending more time on work FOR your loved ones. (Feminists call this “privilege” and think women were oppressed by them not being forced into this role.)

If you think about it men sacrificed their dreams, aspirations, their health and their lives for their families, and all they got in return was …their families, and some respect.

Modern ideologies demolished that all and when they still expect men to work like oxen they offer literally nothing in return, just shame and ridicule and hostility.”

4. From a divorced guy.

“I’m Gen X, divorced with kid, ok 9-5 job, rent small apartment in a big city and I’m perfectly content playing video games nights and weekends.

I don’t desire to do anything (or anyone…) else. I’m also happier now with no responsibilities to be a husband and help maintain a household. Plus, my kid is now old enough to play video games with me.

We have a lot of fun together that way. Life is good, no complaints.”

5. It’s up to you.

“Whether you’ve been married or not, if you work a steady job and support yourself, you’re entitled to do whatever you like. If that means chilling out at home in your own free time playing video games, then so be it.

I have a steady partner, no kids (just 2 cats). We both work and split everything 50/50. In our free time, we’re chilling, playing games, doing whatever we fancy.

As far as I’m concerned we’ve got it good. Neither of us wants kids either.”

6. In a weird place.

“Also Gen X. Also a gamer. Single & never married. No kids.

I’m making pretty good money now but I’m in this weird place. The responsible thing is to never spend money and prepare for retirement. I don’t really like working nor do I feel any sense of accomplishment from it. Sometimes I’ve had a community/tribe from work that was valuable to me but I haven’t had that in a decade.

I have two options; I can retire now and live as frugally as I have up to this point for the rest of my life or I can stay on this treadmill for another 20 years and retire to umm… no clue what. I’ve defined my life by living frugally and I’m not sure I’d know what to do with ‘all that money’.

I don’t like old people in general and all the opportunities to settle down and have a family are now long gone. I squandered my youth under same jaded theory that bettering myself would be some magic bullet to avoid dying alone. Now I’ve bettered myself and I have money.

I spent my whole life trying to avoid being a stereotype and now I’m a creepy old man stereotype. Maybe I’ll be part of the coming ‘Creepy Old Gamer’ stereotype in a year or two.”

7. Stop policing me!

“It’s strange how everyone is obsessed with policing what men do on their spare time.

I want to stay in (especially in winter), play some games, and save money (because bills and mortgage).

Other people stay in and watch their Netflix, reality tv, gossip tv, news, sports… but somehow my gaming is an issue?”

8. Breaking norms.

“It’s so strange how some of the same media outlets that encourage women to “break social norms” and to go against society to be who they want to be, are now criticizing men for doing just that.

I’m not going to take either side here on whether social norms are good to follow or not, but at least be consistent with whichever viewpoint you take.”

9. Not a good thing.

“Well, Japan has a lot of this going on and they are practically losing an entire generation of self-imposed monks.

This isn’t boding well for Japan as a whole.”

10. Content with myself.

“The last girl I went on a date with explained to me that she’s been on 55 first dates in six months!!

Here’s the thing… I am financially, emotionally, and otherwise stable. I have everything a woman would want in a life partner. I am in shape, I work hard and make a lot of money, I have hobbies that I’ve turned into effective side hustles, I travel and socialize, I would say I’m at least an 8 to 9 in attractiveness, and so on.

She wasn’t having it though… Like what does this woman expect in men that she can’t find a partner in 56 opportunities? I think this is a big issue, because it shows to me that woman’s expectations are getting absolutely bat sh*t crazy.

As a business man, I look at the value proposition and the risk/reward in committing to these expectations and it has turned me into a player, that runs through women like they are candy. If I live on never married but have the opportunity to have s*x with who I please, I would be completely content with myself.”

11. More power to you.

“Yeah i live that way because of a series of crippling mental problems but i know a load of people from college both men and women who do it completely by choice since they just don’t see the value in running the rat race like their parents did.

If you can live a happy life doing the bare minimum you need to do to keep yourself fed, sheltered, and happy then more power to you.”

12. A female perspective.

“30 year old chick here, my life is work, gaming, gym and motorsport. I’ve had my tubes tied and can’t ever see myself getting married because screw that level of stress and responsibility.

Most of my friends are single guys basically living the same lifestyle and I can totally see why it’s so appealing. A few of them would love to settle down and have kids but chicks aren’t interested because of their lifestyles, which makes me laugh as most of these chicks don’t want to be stay at home mums and give up their careers.

You’d think a chill guy that would be happy taking care of the house and kids would be perfect for them.”

13. Here’s a hot take for ya.

“It’s interesting that when men start to uphold some self-respect and not compromise their standards we’re called commitment-phobic.

I see this a lot with my female friends in that 28-35 age range who continuously complain about men not wanting to “stick it out” with them or are “intimidated” by their confidence but in reality they still expect the men they date to tolerate behaviors and attitudes that men would tolerate when they were in their early to mid 20s.

They’ve made little to no evolution in their character and still subscribe to an immature doctrine of how men should just tolerate and condone their behaviors just because “that’s what men do” and fail to realize the hypocrisy in such a misandrist take.

Add to the fact that men are becoming more accustomed to having our grievances ignored and unsupported by the opposite s*x and society as a whole, we’ve been able to find peace and happiness in our solitude and in things that provide us the happiness we don’t receive and get from the opposite s*x.

Recently a woman who I had been sleeping with for a couple months asked me to date her and I told her I prefer we stay friends. She insisted I tell her why, why I would turn down such an opportunity – “I mean I’d date me” were her words.

I finally caved and told her I’m turned off by the fact she sh*ts on men on a weekly basis on her IG story and having such a bias and negative attitude toward my gender is not the type of thing I want to endorse in a potential partner.

I even asked if she would ever be interested in dating a man who spoke negatively about women on a weekly basis and she said, I sh*t you not, “No but that’s different cause what I say about guys is true”.

And this woman isn’t an outlier to the issue, these type of women are rampant in the dating pool and they are very good at grabbing the attention of men because they can present themselves initially as interesting, intelligent, and open-minded but they turn out to be one-dimensional, ignorant, and arrogant. I blame Amber Rose.”

Okay, now we want to hear from you.

What do you think of this issue?

Sound off in the comments and tell us what you think. Thank you!

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People Debate if Nuclear Energy Is the Best Option for the Good of the Environment

Whenever the word “nuclear” is mentioned, some people seem to get nervous because of the negative connotation it has.

But maybe nuclear energy is the ideal component we need moving forward when it comes to concerns about the environment?

I really don’t know much of anything about this subject, so I’m gonna leave it to the folks on AskReddit to debate this one for me.

Let’s take a look at what they had to say about it.

1. Here’s a hot take.

“The amount of long term waste with solar and wind is undeniably higher than with nuclear energy. Nuclear power plants in America that are not on fault lines are safe and are designed to be impossible to melt down (really).

A decentralized power system will always be more expensive than a centralized one, and we have the ability to make our grid carbon neutral in a matter of years. What are the downsides?

Why are politicians ignoring this obvious option. I’m not even talking fusion, just fission.”

2. Fear mongering.

“Of course people don’t talk about it, they hear the word nuclear and they think of Hiroshima, Chernobyl, Nagasaki.

The idea of nuclear energy has been pushed to be something feared.”

3. Fired up.

“This gets me f*cking mad.

Chernobyl was an incredibly outdated reactor already at the time it exploded, there was a human and structural mistake and were talking about a time when you were allowed to smoke inside f*cking hospitals, let’s be honest it would never happen again.

And Fukushima just makes me laugh cause it was literally caused by a freaking tsunami.”

4. Perceived as dangerous.

“You can compare it with air traffic: Aeroplanes are statistically the safest method of traveling, but when something goes wrong there are hundreds of dead people, so we perceive it as dangerous, altough it is actually the safest way of travelling.

The same goes for nuclear energy: It is the safest and most efficient way to produce energy, even when you include (very rare) terrible cases such as Chernobyl and Fukushima.”

5. The best option.

“It’s all about energy capacity per acre of land. I heard a Ted Talk and the scientist was saying that to have the UK use only solar, it would require about 1/3 of the land to be covered in solar cells.

Plus, the solar system installed in the Mojave Desert which impact the Desert Tortoise habitat. Wind farms actually ensnare bats, birds, etc. Both however, only work on small portions of land (where the sun shines or the wind blows), but even these power sources are subject to mother nature.

Nuclear on the other hand is incredibly energy dense per acre. If we had invested in nuclear years ago, we would be on generation 250. Also, nuclear energy only produces steam. And finally, we have the land use available to store nuclear energy should we finally get a national plan on how to deal with it.

Again, it’s what options do you have today to solve climate change – warts and all?

Nuclear is the best.”

6. Fission and fusion.

“People are too afraid that a nuclear bomb will go off or something, which can’t possibly happen at a power plant.

Fission and fusion are the only renewables energy types we should even bother pursuing.”

7. Those politicians…

“The 1980s scared people away, once the majority of people who remember those times are dead, nuclear will be easier to push.

Nuclear being bad was the truth for them, people don’t like when you questions something they’ve fundamentally believed for decades, they will just push the discussion away.

Politicians ain’t discussing nuclear because they know this.”

8. Some good info.

“Nuclear plants in their traditional forms have numerous technical issues that can end up prematurely shuttering the plant. Graphic cracking for example.

There’s no denying that nuclear energy is great for base load generation normally provided by thermal fossil fuel generators but the cost of building nukes in their most updated and safe hi-tech forms is enormous compared to adding renewable capacity and using hydro storage or battery with renewables!

Obviously not every energy system is the same but in modern economies by the time FF thermal generation shifts off we could engineer completely renewable systems!”

9. Stigmatized.

“Chernobyl kinda put a stick in it. However it was because of faulty construction.

Nuclear energy provides constant, clean and efficient energy. If you want green energy, go Nuclear.

Today’s process is much safer with more knowledge and understanding in past mistakes. It is the best way to go forward. It’s because of either misinformation, fear and the general media/public view on it.”

10. We need new options.

“Yes nuclear has it’s benefits and fission is simple enough that I understood it when I was 10. And safety management is done very well, using the same principles as with aviation.

But the downsides to the rare but certain f*ck ups are so serious that they change nations and the planet. And we still don’t know the long term effects of all the strontium and other fall out chemicals we all carry around in us, along with every other mammal.

Are you are aware that our governments lied their rectums off about this, ruining lives and careers? And still are? That doesn’t necessarily negate the possibility but reasonable people hesitate in the face of interest-groups-fueled government f*ckery.

Your statement about centralized vs decentralized power systems is bold.

And the long term waste – what are you talking about? And the energy involved in the entirety of each cycle (and hence, the total cost) … are you are aware of how they compare?

Ultimately we need new and better nuclear power options in general and the ultimate aim is to get to a position of having endless energy available that is cheaper than water. Development depends on it. And the trick will be creating power cycles that remove the additional carbon and other compounds from the system over time.”

11. Not the way forward.

“The future of the energy industry is not nuclear.

I’ve spent my career so far building and running electricity companies, and there are a few simple facts that have become apparent:

In modern, deregulated electricity industries, off-grid low voltage generation (think household solar panels) is rapidly reaching cost/performance parity with on-grid power. Investment in storage-based supply in batteries (as opposed to peak generation such as fossil fuel) is f*cking massive – renewables and batteries are projected to take 80% of the $15.1 trillion forecast investment in new power generation.

We will reach a tipping point in about 2035 where transporting electricity (colossal steel pylons and cables across countries) is more expensive than generating it and storing it close to the consumer What this means: Tomorrow’s electricity grids are distributed, made of many small nodes of generation and consumption, and not made of giant power plants with long inefficient transmission lines.

Today’s solar and wind plants can be spun up to utility scale in under a year. A nuclear plant has historically taken over 8 years to build and cost massive up-front capital. Nuclear plants are also designed to have operating lifetimes of 60+ years. Investing in nuclear is not only making a bet that nuclear will stay at the top of the price/kWh curve, but also that it will be there in a decade’s time and then stay there for half a century.

What this means: Nuclear is not only a losing bet based on current economic forecasts, but it’s an absolutely colossal bet that ties you down for 70 years whether you win or lose.

Pro-nuclear research is tainted by pro-nuclear lobbies and governments. Schrader-Frechette found that the majority of research that has pro-nuclear conclusions is funded by parties with conflicts of interest.

Fossil fuels are dying anyway (never fast enough, sadly), so the true question is not if we go renewable but which renewable to take, and it seems we can’t take for granted that pro-nuclear attitudes are based in unbiased critical thought. What this means: It may not even be true that nuclear energy is a good option – nevermind the best option – if we cannot trust the research.

Now, this sucks for me. I’m a huge physics fanboy, and thorium reactors and fission are absolutely my favourite ideas for future energy production. I’m attracted to space-age nuclear ideals at a very emotional level – I know how it feels – but the facts just aren’t panning out that way.

In the end, it’s not true that politicians are ignoring the “obvious” nuclear option. This is a very serious issue that very, very many of the worlds smartest are working on, and the sensible option is already the one we’re taking.

Turns out scientists are largely pretty good at what they do. Who’d have thought?”

12. Fearful of nuclear.

“The fossil feul industry obviously has a vested interest to keep people fearful of nuclear. They’ll spend lots of money on add campaigns covered with nuclear bomb explosions and zero facts.

I read recently that nuclear deaths per year is even less than some other green energies, wind iirc and that has to be a wake up call for those that are fearful. As for fossil fuel, its a no contest in comparison.

Fossil fuel has powerful lobbies, powerful corps and the republican party receives about 90% of their donations or something.”

What do you think about this?

Is nuclear energy the way to go for the good of our environment?

Talk to us in the comments and share your thoughts. Thanks!

The post People Debate if Nuclear Energy Is the Best Option for the Good of the Environment appeared first on UberFacts.

Doctors Discovered a New Organ Inside Our Heads by Accident

Are you ready for another dose of weird science? Doctors at the Netherlands Center have accidentally discovered another organ inside the human head.

As it turns out, this new organ happens to be another set of the many glands that help secrete who-knows-what throughout our bodies.

While conducting research on patients with head and neck cancer, oncologists in the Netherlands noticed something strange.

Using positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) scans, a new type of diagnostic imaging, doctors noticed two areas of the brain unexpectedly light up.

This came across as quite the surprise. So, these scientists did what scientists do best; they investigated even more.

The new findings were not an anomaly. As it turns out, all 100 of the patients scanned displayed the same results.

Researchers suspected that this new organ was a set of salivary glands – yet another addition to the three pairs we already have in our heads.

To confirm their discovery, scientists cross-analyzed their findings with Amsterdam UMC.

There, doctors searched cadavers (yep, dead people!) and found the same mysterious new glands.

This new organ, dubbed the tubarial glands, is a critical discovery for those in the oncological field. Glands can be seriously affected by radiation, so knowing where they are is essential when creating a treatment plan.

Damaging the glands during radiation can have serious effects on a person’s quality of life. Complications from radiation can include trouble swallowing, speaking, and eating.

It’s possible that doctors were unintentionally causing these glands harm before their discovery. So, this is a huge step towards creating more effective treatment.

Here’s a video about the new glands!

What’s your take on these new glands in your head? Are you totally disgusted or relatively unbothered?

Let us know in the comments!

The post Doctors Discovered a New Organ Inside Our Heads by Accident appeared first on UberFacts.

Artist Uses Dirty Vehicles to Create His Unique Pieces

It’s not every day you see this kind of artwork.

But that’s what makes an artist named Nikita Golubev so unique. Golubev lives in Russia and when he sees a car or a truck covered in dirt and mud, he sees a blank canvass on which he can share his drawings with anyone who happens to be in the area…and for those of us who follow his Instagram page.

Golubev says, “I just wanted to start up something new, to work fast on big surfaces. And dirty trucks helped me with that. It became some kind of giant sketchbook, which I share with people.”

And we’re sure happy that he does share it! Let’s take a look at his work.

1. Is that Free Willy?

I thought so!

2. Up, up, and away!

I, for one, can’t wait for summer…

3. Beware of the lobster claws.

You don’t want to get pinched, do you?

4. Some kind of mechanical mouse creature.

Sort of creepy, don’t you think?

5. This is going to be an epic battle.

Who will come out on top?

6. This one is really cool.

And a little bit creepy.

7. Praying hands.

Send some of those thoughts our way!

8. Dancing in a circle.

A nice break from the workday.

9. Time to float away.

Just make sure to come back…

10. Cheers to all of us!

Let’s have a safe and happy 2021.

11. I think you forgot something.

You gotta catch that truck if you want your phone back!

12. Here’s some video of the man in action.

Very cool!

Okay, now we want to hear from all the readers out there.

Do you have any talented artists that you like to follow on Instagram or Twitter?

If so, please tell us about them in the comments and share some links with us.

Thanks a lot!

The post Artist Uses Dirty Vehicles to Create His Unique Pieces appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Strange Things They Believed as Kids

Think back to when you were just a little kid…

If you can remember, you probably recall that you thought about AND believed all kinds of weird stuff. Don’t try to deny it!

What strange things do you believe when you were a kid?

Let’s see what people had to say about this.

1. Don’t touch those!

Or else…

2. I’m getting bigger!

I would be a giant by now.

3. What do you mean I don’t need them?!?!

That is bad news…

4. Eat the crust.

Never skip it!

5. You’re in for a big surprise.

It could go any way!

6. That’s why it’s called a “restroom”.

Now I want one of these.

7. That’s a racist song!

Oh, wait…never mind.

8. Not for everyone…

I don’t think I could pull that off.

9. Looking up to the sky.

That’s a big boat.

10. That’s one huge conveyor belt.

Kids sure do think funny, huh?

11. The woman in the toaster.

Well, isn’t that adorable?!?!

12. Worried about the “holey” priests.

What’s gonna happen to them?!?!

13. Three big things.

I really like the one about the sting rays.

Now we want to hear from you.

Yeah, you!

In the comments, tell us about the strange things that you believed when you were a kid. Thanks in advance!

The post People Share the Strange Things They Believed as Kids appeared first on UberFacts.

All of These Employees Have One Thing in Common: Failure


And…it looks like you blew it. Yes, I’m speaking to the people who are responsible for the work fails that you’re about to see, but I’m also looking at YOU, buddy.

We might not know each other personally, but I have a feeling that you’ve messed up royally at your job lately and you need to be scolded…

So, just keep that in mind…and know that I’ll be watching…

And, with that, it’s time to enjoy epic work fails by other people!

1. I’m pretty sure that spells out P-O-O-P.

Oh, boy, this is not good.

Not sure if intentional or oblivious, but this architect did a crappy job. from onejob

2. That was a nice surprise.

But the pizza joint is missing a cutter…

I guess they decided to include the cutter as a premium topping from onejob

3. You deserve a break!

Nice work on this one!

Finished labeling the package, boss. from onejob

4. Elmo has now been possessed.

What do you have to say about this?

Elmo born with eyes on the back of his head from onejob

5. Hmmmm. Can’t seem to get past this screen.

Does anyone have suggestions?

Teachers making quizzes from onejob

6. I’d probably skip this place if I were you.

They’re eating people!

Food may contain human flesh from onejob

7. Do you think anyone fell for it?

I’m guessing NO.

You were close here. from onejob

8. I have to think about that one…

You know what, I’m really not sure…

I honestly want to know how someone manged this from onejob

9. Just go ahead and use it whenever.

It has no expiration date!

Legend has it that it’s still good to this day from onejob

10. Free coffee for sale!

What a deal!

Task failed successfully from onejob

11. Don’t try this at home.

Also, this is false advertising.

That’s definitely not "Bath" Sponge. from onejob

12. This was from a “professional” bakery.

Now, how does that work…?

hAppY BiRthDay COlleEN (from a professional bakery) from onejob

Okay, it’s confession time…

What’s the biggest fail you’ve ever been guilty of at work?

Talk to us in the comments and SPILL YOUR GUTS. Thanks in advance!

The post All of These Employees Have One Thing in Common: Failure appeared first on UberFacts.