A Person Said if You’re a Parent and Your Adult Children Don’t Speak to You, It’s YOUR Fault

It can be hard to claim things like always or never when it comes to other people’s families – relationships are complicated, after all.

So when this person on Reddit came out with their Unpopular Opinion that, if adult children refuse to have anything to do with their parents, it’s because the parents were terrible.

Dear Parents Whose Adult Children Don’t Talk To Them – It’s Always Your Fault.

You were the adult when they were a child. If their first instinct, as soon as they get out from under your thumb, is to completely ignore you forever, you need to own the fact that you messed up as a parent at several, consistent, points along the road throughout your child’s upbringing. They hate you for a good reason, and they’re probably better off without you in their lives.

There are a number of forms of abuse that range from over-parenting, to neglect, over-discipline to straight up negative enabling behavior.

I have friends who don’t talk to their parents because the strictness was so suffocating, and friends who don’t talk to their parents because they were lazy bums who never took an interest in their child’s life. There are tons of other reasons kids abandon relationships with their folks, but the one thing that stays true through all of these experiences for me is that it’s always the parents fault.

This is mostly about relationships that end as soon as the kid leaves the house, not necessarily relationships that break down during adulthood, although the same reasoning could be applied in a lot of these cases too.

As you can imagine, people had some thoughts.

14. Don’t expect closure.

Living through a lifetime of people telling you it’s your fault, it’s hard to deprogram yourself that it isn’t the case. I’m still in the middle of deprogramming that mindset. What eats away at me is that a lot of people aren’t in my life anymore (due to distance, ailment/death, etc).

There is never any closure even if these people aren’t in your life anymore. It’s always a battle to fight for your mind and sense of self.

13. This sounds stressful.

I’m 15 and my parents can’t look past IISc or IIT. JEE looks like such a sham to me like there are so many students taking the exam and only the top 50 or 60 get to the best colleges, there is so much competition and it’s not like there is a huge difference between the kid who comes 10th or the kid who comes 150th. It’s just 1 mark difference that can throw you off hundreds of places.

This coupled with the outdated reservation system, which does more harm than good, completely makes a ridiculous thing out of this and it’s even more frustrating to see people pinning their hopes, their entire lives, on performing in this circus of an exam.

12. It’s all math.

There is this thing called the Social Exchange Theory that states that if a relationship’s costs outweigh the benefits then it will likely break off as it is not interdependent nor healthy.

When parents fail to realize that they are costing their kid more than they are providing for them (this includes time, emotional, health, and material costs/benefits) then their kid isn’t going to want to be in that relationship.

And In parent-child relationships it is even more crucial that the kid’s needs are being met and that they are being presented more benefits than costs.

Take it from me, as someone who has been royally fucked up by my parents and whose relationship with them has slowly deteriorated- there are MANY ways that a child can be neglected.

11. Maybe it’s not too late?

Both my parents had their shortcomings, my dad wayyyy more than my mom, but since I’ve moved out, they’ve both been actively trying to be better parents and I couldn’t be more grateful for that.

My dad and I will always but heads but he’s trying and that’s what matters to me.

10. When the roles are reversed.

As an adult, I feel like my mother needs more from me emotionally than she’s ever provided. It’s a hard thing to explain. But 4-hour phone calls where I might get three sentences in?

Every time I visit she wants to keep me awake until the sun rises, talking about herself? Woman needs a friend or a therapist and I’m not ready to be either.

9. How tall are you, though?

I haven’t talked to my parents since 1999.

That’s to preserve my own sanity and peace of mind. In truth it was the smartest thing I’ve ever done and I have no regrets disavowing two malignant narcissists

I have a list of grievances with them as long as my leg.

So long in fact it’s a wonder CPS didn’t take me away from them when I was a child.

8. They have to be willing to work on themselves.

Honestly, if most parents would just get some sort of therapy, the world would have so much more peace and family relationships might actually be able to last.

7. That doesn’t seem right.

Trust me, wonder no longer bc CPS prob wouldn’t have helped unless you were half dead. They came to our house, took a look around the rooms, questioned us WITHIN EARSHOT OF OUR MOTHER and then walked out.

Imagine if we told them the shit that had been happening to us and then they decided “it wasn’t valid enough” and didn’t take us with them- we would’ve just ratted out our mom in front of her and been left to deal with the consequences. So we lied bc they didn’t do their job properly.

How can you question a kid without setting up a safe environment?

6. Sounds like an excuse.

The issue with my folks is they believe therapy to be pseudo science. So even when every person has told them see a therapist, when they finally do they don’t take it seriously and they don’t approach it with an open mind.

They simply write it off, end up spending money for something they don’t actually believe or want to attempt to understand.

5. Makes your heart hurt.

I had an abusive alcoholic mother. She used to beat us daily, put cigarettes out on me, mentally abuse us and try and turn us against our dad. When I told my dad about it at around 8 he tried to get custody of us.

The courts decided the best course of action would be to keep us with our mother and assign a social worker to ‘help her be a better parent’. Well it didn’t work and the abuse carried on.

F*ck social services and f*ck the courts they’re all useless.

4. The guilt can be too much.

My mother is much the same way. I think, deep down, her mentality boils down to “why get a therapist when I have children I can unload on?”. She gets deeply offended when I finally reach a limit and ask her to stop calling me for every problem she faces in her life. She then proceeds to try and guilt trip me about how if I won’t help her then:

  • she has nobody else to help her
  • she would have to pay someone else to fix the problem and how much money it would cost
  • how she wasn’t the worst mother in the world and is owed this

Since my father passed away, it has been a situation where her demands of me creep up, reaches a tipping point, and we have a blown up argument where I have to explain that I’m her son, not her handyman/therapist/fixer. Her expectation of a mother-child relationship is extreme.

3. An excellent point.

Even if you were half dead they would have done f*ck all. I ended up in the hospital every couple of months. My dad beat me so hard he broke vertebrae in my back. They visited – but like you said it just wasn’t safe. Then they left and I got a beating for them being there in the first place.

Went extremely low contact with my dad about 20 years ago. He’s dead now. I didn’t go to the funeral and I regret nothing. People were always giving me shot for wanting nothing to do with him but they didn’t know who he was. I still talk to my mother though obviously our relationship is difficult. I love her deeply though. She was a victim of him just as much as I was.

Still I don’t agree with the OP. It’s not always the parents fault. You can’t be that absolute.

The child might be suffering from paranoid schizophrenia or something like that.

2. Sometimes it’s as simple as that.

My parents did not see me as a part of the family.

It hurts really bad.

I was 32 when i figured out its not me its them.

1. In that case…

Hello fellow child of narcissists! Been no contact with mine since 17.

Literally the most dangerous people I’ve ever encountered. Cheers!

I’m not sure where I stand on this one. I actually think that a lot of the time, he’s probably right, but not every time.

Surely there are times when a kid gets involved with drugs or the wrong crowd or a new religion and turns their back on loving, well-meaning parents. Right?

Tell me your thoughts down in the comments!

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Society Stop Stop Making People Insecure About These Things

People struggle enough with self-esteem and loving themselves without bringing other people’s judgement into it.

Society-at-large just can’t seem to help itself from passing those judgements, though, and it can really suck the joy out of the world for people.

If we want to be happier, and freer, people say judging other folks for these 11 things really has to go.

11. Anything you can’t control.

The way you look in any form that was a result of your genetics.

The way you look period. Some people dress a certain way because they’re depressed, some because they want to be different. Some people have much bigger fish to fry than putting on appearances for others.

10. Especially for men.

Being short.

It’s amazing that it’s socially acceptable to make fun of a short male like everyone is in on the joke.

Those same people would never make fun of someone to their face who is obese or has a birth defect or acne, etc, but being short is obviously something a person has no control over.

9. No way to fix it.

Receding hairline, is just natural man.

8. It’s ok to say goodbye.

Not associating with a toxic family or family member.

The “blood is thicker than water” thing is bs. Some families are abusive, manipulative, neglectful, etc.

If you choose not to have them in your life, that’s perfectly ok.

7. There are all sizes of everything.

Small d*cks, yes it’s tiny I GET IT.

6. Liking anything, really.

Liking pretty things. Too many people have this idea that pretty things are childish and you need to be moody and ironically dark.


5. People are doing their best.

being poor

It’s not a choice, I am doing the best I can and just because I receive food stamps or any other type of assistance doesn’t make me a POS. I see a lot of hate for poor people, like we are supposed to fit this stereotype with dirt on our face and stained up clothes.

It isn’t so far fetched to think my ‘designer’ clothes come from a thrift store, my nails are press on from the dollar store and my iphone is so old it still has a headphone jack.

4. This should not be awkward.

Buying condoms. Please, it’s really important.

3. It’s really none of your business.

Being a virgin

p*nis/breast size

Whether we’re wearing makeup or not being allowed to wear makeup

Having the next shiny gadget that will get replaced soon

Having and expressing your emotions without being called a bi*ch or a pansy

2. It’s just natural.

teeth, they aren’t meant to be fully white and perfectly aligned, having some skewness and discoloration is ok as long as its not affecting you.

1. There’s no one route.

Where you should be success-wise at a certain age. I’m 23, graduated college, but couldn’t get a job in my field right after graduating. I’m living with my parents to save money on rent, working at a restaurant, and growing my skills that I learned from college, while working on myself. I’m severely insecure and realized recently that for the past ten years, I have been constantly striving for a level of perfection that is absolutely impossible and calling myself a failure for it.

I woke up to the realization that I was getting serious anxiety and was limiting everything I did. It’s just that I’m not exactly ready for the world of adults. I’m terrified and unsure and it doesn’t help hearing people despair over how they “ruined their lives” when they aren’t that old. The pressure to get somewhere in two years demotivates me sometimes. It’s something I’m fixing, but I don’t like hearing people force time limits on others and reprimand them if they never fulfill it or haven’t.

I saw a post here about a few days ago asking 25-year-olds how they screwed up in their lives (or something along those lines) as if 25 is the deadline for achievements.

It’s good to have deadlines, but everybody grows at their own pace and has roadblocks in their lives that slow them down. Heck, the human brain apparently doesn’t stop developing at 25 and grows even after 60 years old. Some people genuinely do try but get so discouraged that they give up and then get ridiculed for not doing anything. I only learned recently that my 30-year-old cousin just got over a terrible drug addiction that cost his job and almost his livelihood for years. But he got out, finished college, and is a changed man getting better jobs and doing better.

There’s always time.

I am in, y’all. I say, if no one is getting hurt, live and let live. I will cheer you on.

What other things should we stop making people feel insecure about? Let’s use the comments to make a longer list!

The post Society Stop Stop Making People Insecure About These Things appeared first on UberFacts.

People Think We Need to Stop Feeling Insecure About These Things

People tend to come up with plenty of reasons to feel insecure about themselves, their choices, and their life. Our society can feel half built on making other people feel bad about themselves, even when some of things aren’t anything they can control.

If you agree that it’s time we stop so much judging of others, here are 12 things people think we should let go caring about right now.

12. You have to take care of yourself.

Not having relationships with some or all family members.

Some people just suck, and someone has to have the misfortune of being related to them.

11. Boring jobs pay bills, too.

Your job. Too many people are elitist about someone’s occupation and look down on essential workers.

I have a stable, relatively well paying job as an accountant and I have had several comments from friends and family making fun of me or making snide comments about how boring my job/life is like I’ve totally sold out because I’m not a teacher or an artist.

I think because it’s such a safe career choice they feel like they’re not punching down but it just makes me feel really lame and embarrassed.

10. It takes all types.

Being too shy to jump into conversations!

I have become so discouraged from talking at all.

9. Everybody poops.

Bowel movements! As someone with IBS, it happens a lot. Yes I was in the restroom for 20 minutes. There’s nothing I can do about it.

It’s much harder on me than it is on you.

8. Not everyone can afford braces.

Crooked teeth. They grew In that way and my parents (divorced) both had insurance on me, but argued over whose responsibility it should be.

Well now it’s mine but I can’t afford it.

7. Let people be happy.

Excitement. Let people be excited about shit. Let them like things you don’t. Let people express powerful positive emotions. And cry. And get deep into how to show anger respectfully.

The worst feeling is being super excited about something and then getting put down for it. Makes me want to burst into tears when it happens and it makes me want to do it when I see it happen to others too.

That type of embarrassment is hard to handle and recover from.

6. Let people like things.

Everything that doesn’t harm others but makes the person happy. Be silly, enjoy yourself. Make snow angels in the rain, I don’t care.

5. It is what it is.

Dark eye bags

I like my eyebags I am just tired of people giving me unsolicited advice about it. I am also tired of others telling to use makeup to hide them, like no thank you.

4. Dancing is supposed to be joyful.

One thing I will never make fun of someone for is how they dance. I don’t care if they dance “white” or if they have no rhythm or if they’re just moving side-to-side; if they’re having fun, that’s literally all that matters.

Making fun of someone who’s having fun will kill that fun, and I refuse to be a killjoy.

3. People are never happy.

*not * being active on social media… get off my back

Odd how important it’s become, more odd that some folks assume other folks think it’s equally important

2. Everyone has different dreams.

I’m a cleaner and I’ve literally had people say to me after I tell them; ‘so you studying or what are you looking to do?’ ‘i’d never clean toilets’ and the worst one was ‘so, just haven’t found your dream job yet?’

Like, no, Greg. I’m OCD and have ADD, this is my dream job. I’m on my feet all day, I get to make things perfect and the satisfaction is incredible for my mental health, I’m able to support myself and my son and and I also get to help the elderly and disabled, who wouldn’t want to have that chance on a daily basis.

Also, clean your fucking toilet Greg. It’s nasty as hell.

1. A real issue.

Mental health struggles.

There’s nothing wrong with taking time to figure out what process works for you, despite what other people tell you.

Mental health / mental illness is a real issue for a lot of people, and society in general has a hard time understanding them and are quick to judge, making the ones who struggle with it feel insecure about asking for help and getting treatment.

Shame this stigma still exists in 2021.

I think we would all feel so much freer if we could agree to mind our own business.

What would you add to this list? Tell us what else we should let go in the comments!

The post People Think We Need to Stop Feeling Insecure About These Things appeared first on UberFacts.

Funny Memes That Are Here For You in Your Time of Need

If there’s one thing we can rely on in this crazy world, it’s probably memes. There’s nothing certain in this life except for death, taxes, and memes, after all. They are ever-present. Ever-growing. Ever-multiplying.

And we can step outside into the digital atmosphere and catch them on our tongues like binary-coded snowflakes, each unique, but similar, each fleeting, and yet part of a cycle of creation that will endure forever.

Sorry, got a little lost in my flowery language there. Desperately trying to put this liberal arts degree to work, I guess. Anyway, here are some great memes.

10. Very true

I can hear the triumphant music playing mockingly in my head.

9. Saving grace

Why are you the way that you are?

8. Flip the switch

They’re approaching like 700 episodes at this point, it’s only a matter of time.

7. Behold the pale horse

“I’m like, the bringer of the foreboding, or whatever.”

6. Quit bugging me

Thank you, I am uncomfortable.

5. Break it down

There’s really just no getting around it.

4. My number two priority

Bruh don’t put this in my head.

3. A spirited debate

How do you solve a problem like Maria?

2. What’s in the box?

It’s more like pressing the button will give someone who’s already a millionaire a million more dollars, and we’re scrambling over each other to slam it.

1. Owl be seeing you

These things are just full of surprises.

Thank you memes, for being there for us. Day in and day out. You soldier on. You are always here.

What are your favorite kinds of memes?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Funny Memes That Are Here For You in Your Time of Need appeared first on UberFacts.

These People Have Amazing Talents That They Definitely Can’t Put on Their Resumes

I think everyone in the world is really good at something. Now, whether or not that something is marketable or impressive to many people, well, that’s up for debate.

That said, sometimes our random talents can be both impressive and useless when it comes to making money and stuff, and I would argue these 15 people’s definitely falls under both umbrellas.

15. Just keep swimming.

Survived meningococcal meningitis at 18. They told my poor mother it was up to me whether I made it through the night.

Got through a mental breakdown at 30.

Proud to be a fighter.

14. There’s a feather in your cap!

I once killed two ogres with one cantrip. Minor Illusion is really good if you use it right.

13. Everyone is better off.

Working evenings and weekends, I turned the dumping area behind my school into a outdoor classroom, nature area and thriving pond.

12. That’s gotta feel nice.

I’ve lost a good bit of weight recently and now my d*ck is visibly bigger.

I keep catching sight of it in the mirror as I pass and then realising that it’s mine.

11. So far, anyway.

I have no refractory period.

10. I’m sure this would impress some people.

Wrote and ran a D&D campaign with a group of friends for about 3 years. We met every week, only missing a few sessions if people were too busy or sick or something. It was some of the most fun we ever had

We started at level 3, and ended at level 20 with a TPK. It was glorious. The best part was that the end of the campaign involved the party going back in time to stop an evil pantheon of gods from destroying another pantheon and causing the world to plunge into ruin.

So their deaths ultimately ensured that the timeline was maintained, thus preventing any paradoxes.

9. The reward is in your heart.

It could sound stupid, but I saved a lot of stray animals. Not only saved, but also found them safe homes and loving families as well. Doing it on my own, not as part of organisation or shelter.

It takes a lot of nerves, time, money…and a lot of tears, because some of them I find a little too late..

But at the end, knowing that some innocent souls got a better life thanks to me, is the best reward possible, although it’s not something to be put in a resume.

8. So you have to eat that second slice of pie, for your instrument!

I can play drums on my belly.

7. Confidence is always applicable.

I am proud of myself.. but no idea how to put that on my resume though.

6. Depends on where you’re interviewing, I guess.

I beat the Sephiroth secret boss on Proud Mode in Kingdom Hearts Final Mix.

5. You can do it, too.

I was a meth addict for ten years and stopped cold-turkey because I hated the person I had become. One month later my dad was killed and eventhough my brain screamed for me to stop the heartache with dope, I didn’t and I have been clean for almost 11 years.

I am now almost done with graduate school and I would never put this on my CV or resume, but everyday I am proud of myself and what I have accomplished.

Update: I also wanted to say to anyone out there struggling with addiction; I know life seems overwhelming and horrible and it doesn’t seem like you can escape. You can it will be difficult, but I promise you that a difficult life clean is much better. Keep trying and keep your head up. You can do it I believe in you.

4. That shows serious commitment.

200 million runecrafting experience on old-school runescape.

Yeah, I’m a bad boy.

3. But she’s not a chef.

That i successfully made a souffle at 13.


2. You’re multilingual!

Probably something common with a lot of people, but i learned how to speak / read / spell english only by playing video games since i was a kid.

Never had any classes or anything.

Even if it’s a kind of “Informal English” , i still think it’s a pretty good and self rewarding accomplishment…

1. Way to keep a cool head.

Saved a drunk woman from choking on her own vomit.

You’re welcome, Francesca.

I’m loving these, and feeling a little sad I’m not more secretly impressive.

What would you put on this list? Share with us in the comments!

The post These People Have Amazing Talents That They Definitely Can’t Put on Their Resumes appeared first on UberFacts.

12 Times Adults Asked Really Dumb Questions

If you’ve spent any time working in customer service – retail, at a restaurant, at a call center, or anywhere else that faces the public – then there is a 100% chance you’ve got an entire journal’s worth of unbelievably stupid interactions.

People, it turns out, really aren’t that smart…and also, they tend to think they’re the most important person in the world to literal strangers.

These 12 stories should bring back some not-so-great memories, but they should be good for a laugh.

12. If only that first one was true.

That owning a fitbit does not make you skinny and today I had to explain to a couple that just because the amazon echo box doesn’t state that it uses wifi.

It will still use it as it needs it to be a smart home device.

11. Maybe she’s magic.

My first job at 16 was Party City. One day, I’m blowing up balloons at the balloon counter and a lady comes up to buy some latex balloons. I ask if she wants us to fill them and she said no, she’d do it at home. Making small talk, I said oh you must have one of the party time helium tasks at home.

“No, I blow them up with my mouth. You just put the string on them and they float!”

I do the multiple blinks, trying to work out in my head what she’s just said. She fully believed she could blow up the balloons with her mouth and the magic was attaching a string. I tried to give this woman an impromptu chemistry lesson. She insisted.

I still think about that magic woman to this day.

10. This happened on Seinfeld.

That you can’t return the shorts that you’re currently wearing…

9. I think you’ve found the problem.

That I couldn’t help them diagnose their internet connectivity issues if they don’t find their modem’s power cord.

8. You’ll have to pick one.

I understand you want to protect your personal information but I cannot send you what you want unless you give me your address!

7. That cook though.

Here are a few favorites as a bartender:

A drink is LIQUID. Bad Idea to shake it around.

Yes, the “no smoking” sign also applies to people who are addicted.

Yes, the people on the tables around you are drunk. And No, I’m not going to kick them out. (srsly, what were they expecting when entering a bar at 2am?)

You Still have to pay the entire meal, even though you only ate half of it. (especially because they asked us to pack other half for them to take home)

No you’re not allowed to test our liquor by taking a shot unless you buy a shot.

The kitchen door as well as the backroom door are closed for a reason and that reason is not to hide “the good stuff” EDIT: I was informed by my cook that he is, in fact, “the good stuff”


Your Kid is not going to get alcohol from me. (most of the time I can kinda understand the question, as legal drinking age when accompanied by your parents is only 14 for light beverages here in austria, but that kid looked like it still went to primary school!), and I don’t care that it’s his birthday.

No we’re not running an illegal smuggling business in the back, you just watch too many movies. (also, did you really believe that I’d tell you if it were the case)

No you can’t pay in insert weird Cryptocurrency here (I’ve had that twice, AFTER explaining to them that we don’t take CC)

I don’t know your “regular”. You’ve been here twice, and one of those times I wasn’t even working.

6. That’s not how this works.

A very pissed high society woman came to the store saying her brand new 3000 dollars Microsoft surface bought by her husband was defective because she could not get internet when she was on the move. I wondered if she had a version with a 3g/4g Sim card but quickly realized she was talking about wifi.

I tried explaining to her how wifi works and that she could not use her own wifi outside her house but could share her smartphone internet connection. She would have none of it. She said I was lying to her and making fun of her and asked to speak to my manager who then proceeded to tell her the exact same thing. She left almost screaming…

5. Everyone’s got a sad story.

My business is not a charity. We don’t give you whatever you want just because you have a sad story.

4. Bless her heart.

My mum once went on holiday across the country and asked me for the home WiFi password cause the hotel she was in wanted her to pay to use theirs. “But I have it at home!” She didn’t get it and thought I was being so cruel not letting her use it.

3. There are so many of us!

In a couple different lines of business, I’ve had women start to give me the “I’m a single mom” sob story and I say enthusiastically “I am too!” and you can see the wind go right out of their sails that I’m not going to cut them a deal out of pity.

2. He must have felt like getting frisked.

I worked at the airport and someone wanted to go through TSA with a 2 liter bottle of Coca Cola. I calmly explained that liquids weren’t allowed through security. The man gave the most genuine chuckle I’ve ever heard and said “oh! This isn’t Coca Cola! It’s gasoline!”

My coworker beat me to a reaction cause he very loudly exclaimed “What the fuck???”

1. Are you sure?

You can’t apply a coupon if you 1) don’t have it with you and 2) doesn’t even apply to wtf you ordered.

Bless the people who commit their careers to helping other humans make their way in the world – it’s not easy!

If you’ve got a great story you’re dying to share, our comments are open!

The post 12 Times Adults Asked Really Dumb Questions appeared first on UberFacts.

People Who Dodged Some Serious Bullets and Came Out (Mostly) Unscathed

Everyone dodges a few bullets here and there – mostly metaphorical, thank goodness – and they can really help us take stock of our lives and what we need to change.

These 13 near-misses were big enough that there’s no way these people were the same afterward.

Check it out and see what I mean!

13. Your mom was right about your headphones.

A literal police car. The police were chasing someone and I was crossing the road and my dumba** was walkin slowly and the police car nearly grazed me.

Look both ways and take off your headphones when you cross the road kids!!

12. Luck was on his side.

I had a cardic arrest about four years ago. Dropped dead(ish) in the middle of my shift. Found out after I woke up about a week later that:

A) the manager who saw me fall was a former life guard and knew proper CPR

B) an ambulance happened to be passing about two blocks away

C) probably the best cardio unit in my state was a ten minute ambulance ride from where it all happened.

Walked out of the hospital about two weeks later, full recovery.

11. A happy ending.

This is a weird one, but the family that adopted me probably helped me dodge a huge bullet. I was born to a poor teenager and she just happened to go to a particular solo adoption agent who just happened to know my adoptive parents personally. My parents were only in the state for such a short amount of time (military fam) that it’s wild they’re the ones who managed to adopt me. They also were the mom’s second choice at first, as other families were trying to get me. From what I understand, it is a miracle that I ended up with the parents I have now.

Anyway, they’re the best family I could ask for. Seriously, they’re saints. Supportive and kind and hardworking people. My mom is my best friend. My sister is on the spectrum and taught me more about accepting myself than anyone else ever could. My dad and I didn’t have a perfect relationship, but he taught me some much-needed lessons about adulthood that I probably wouldn’t have understood so wholly without him. I often think about what kinds of families I could’ve ended up with, maybe a wealthier one, but I got them instead. They’re all a bunch of loving weirdos and I grew up with so many friends who had abusive parents, parents who hated each other, siblings who were downright cruel, etc. They never made a show of me, like lots of adoptive parents do, and they’ve always supported my far-fetched ideas. They were just… this amazing blend of structured and chill. For example, I loved farming and horses as a kid, so my parents homeschooled me and allowed me to spend every other week at our family friends’ farm, helping take care of the horses and just having fun doing farm stuff, while making sure that I was always on top of school.

Also, I was born with some health issues— my mom was a nurse and my dad a medic, so they took amazing care of me. They’ve also always respected my extreme introversion and shyness, when other people have tried to push me to pretend to be something I’m not. My brothers and sisters were much older than me, so they were able to look out for me when I was a dumb teenager, while relating with me and showing me a lot of empathy.

Another cool thing— my parents have said that they love having a young kid at an older age, as they’re old enough to be my grandparents. I’ve introduced them to things they would never have known about otherwise, and dragged them along to places and trips and events that they ended up liking a lot. One time, my dad drove me for five hours (and let me skip school) to see my favorite band on their last tour. The show was at a bar and we had an incredible time, and my dad was hit on by tons of gay dudes all night; he was very flattered and it was so fun. We also toured some local gastropubs that day and it reignited my dad’s passion for farm-to-table cooking. If we didn’t have each other, we both would’ve missed out on so much. We all just… complete each other. I feel like I really was born to be in this family.

Finally, they are black, and I am half-black. We live in an area that’s like 99% white and I was teased quite a bit as a kid, but they always had my back. They gave me a lot of perspective, as my mom literally grew up under Jim Crow laws. They taught me to be kind when it’s hard to be, and to defend myself when no one else will.

I’m so lucky.

Sorry for the “hypothetical bullet” answer, but yeah.

10. What on earth.

Just before starting HS, I got hit by a car doing 35 mph, while riding my bike. (T-boned) My bike went under the car, I was thrown up, smashed the windshield out with my back, was flipped over the car, and landed a perfect no hop landing, on my feet, like a gymnast (minus the arms raised flourish at the end).

The entire accident was witnessed by a firefighter who was watching out his window, literally standing right next to his emergency radio, and called for an ambulance.

The lady who hit me got out of her car, yelling, “I’m a nurse, I’m a nurse, lie down.”

I had no breaks or fractures, just a bruised ribcage.

9. Wait for it.

My GF and I were going to see Cats, the movie. Our Uber pulls up and straight away we notice something about the driver. To this day, we can’t articulate what it was, other than to say he just felt “off”. We got into he car, already hesitating and a touch anxious. He looks at us in the rear view mirror and makes a comment like “two lovely ladies in my car tonight” or some weird sh%t.

A few minutes in, he makes another semi-sexual innuendo comment about “riding” with him. My friend notices the handle of a knife just poking out the side of his jacket. She says “hey can we stop at 7-11, we need to grab a Gatorade real quick.” So we go in and refuse to come back out.

We’re considering whether to call the Police or not (it was so creepy, but what would we say? “Ah, some dude was creepy to us?) And while we’re hesitating, he winds down his window, brandishes this fucking hunting knife at both of us, screams something about devil-women and then just tears it out the parking lot.

To this day, my GF and I are so thankful that we got out of that Uber. Otherwise we would have made it to the movies in time and we would have seen Cats.

8. Life isn’t always fair.

I had a high school math teacher survive an aortic aneurysm.

IE his aorta, the blood vessel carrying oxygenated blood out of your lungs gets a hole in it and the blood starts leaking/shooting into your thoracic cavity. This is very fatal. It was Friday afternoon (payday).

He was in line at the bank. This bank was next door to a hospital. A trauma surgeon and EMT crew were both in the line behind him. They called him the miracle man. Teacher was a prick but lived.

7. It wasn’t meant to be.

7.92 Mauser rifle bullet.

When I was 15ish I was very depressed and got very drunk, found my great grandfather’s WWI captured German rifle, found some bullets from that time, loaded it, and put the rifle in my mouth and pulled the trigger.

Thankfully the bullet was not loaded properly / was a dud for being 90 years old at the time, and did not fire.

6. What a relief.

Almost proposed to a girl who had been cheating on me with a pile of shit that called himself my best friend.

This was years ago, and I’m getting married at the end of the month to the love of my life. Life has a way of working itself out.

5. Sends a chill straight down your spine.

My first husband and I were separated. He showed up at my apartment building unannounced and someone let him in because they recognized him from when he lived there. He wanted to come upstairs, but I met him in the lobby instead, where there were cameras and other people. He had never been violent towards me, but it didn’t feel right to allow him into my space.

He asked me to go for a drive with him and I refused. I offered to help him get help (mental health issues that he refused to treat). He declined and drove away.

He was missing for a few days but turned up several states away visiting a friend. A few days after that he took his own life using a handgun. We found out later that he’d purchased the gun here, and headed straight out of town when I refused to get in the car with him. To this day, I am thankful that I never got in that car with him. He’d never even talked about buying a gun before, I had no idea he was armed. Who knows what would have happened.

4. He was supposed to live.

My great grandfather was in the merchant navy in the war. He was in the engine room at the bottom of the ship and his friend came down to take over the shift early. Minutes later a torpedo struck and everyone at the bottom of the ship couldn’t escape and died.

My great grandfather would’ve been one of them otherwise. Then, he was in the sea for a while and happened to be picked up by some Portuguese fisherman who saved him.

Then, all part of the same tale, he escaped death again. He was meant to be on a flight back to the U.K. but got kicked off last minute to be replaced by VIPs. That plane got shot down and everyone died in it.

3. Lucky he was there.

Literally. I was walking back to our barracks in Afghanistan talking with my peers and my staff Sergeant. We get to on part my staff Sergeant grabbed my collar and pulled me back.

Right there was a unexploded 40mm grenade projectile from a launcher sitting where my my foot was about to land. Big yikes.

2. I’m holding my breath.

My dad was going through severe depression 10 years ago and my life was equally shitty for a whole multitude of reasons, and it was rubbing off on me.

I spent what felt like half an hour crying on the floor and working up the nerve to pull the trigger, then when I finally did, the safety was on; I sold my gun the next morning.

Wish my dad was able to say the same 3 years later (R.I.P.)

1. Violence always escalates.

Well, about 15 years ago I dated a guy for less than a year. It was an awful, abusive relationship and I was happy to get out of it when I did.

About… 8-9 years ago, I saw him on the news. He strangled his girlfriend to death. He then dismembered her and lived with her body for a month or so before he was caught.

Edit: wow. Thank you for all of the awards. I’ve actually written about this before on askreddit under a “have you dated a serial killer?” Question. Here was my answer which gives a bit more detail on it.

“Not a SERIAL killer… but I dated a killer.

He was not a killer at the time.

We were young, and met on a dating website. He went to my high school but graduated a few years before me. The first… month? Was ok.

Then he changed.

We had a huge fight one time because he said something silly. I don’t even remember what it was, but I playfully threw a pillow at him. He immediately flipped out, punched a hole in my door and told me he’d make it so I would never have anything to come back to.

Another time, he FINALLY got a job. Didn’t have one when I met him and I was paying for everything. After job searching for months, he got one. It’s his first few days at his new job, and all of a sudden he doesn’t want to go in. No reason, he just doesn’t feel like it. I tell him he better get to that damn job or he’s going to lose it. After a lot if arguing, he gets ready and we both get in the car so I can drive him to work. As I’m driving, it gets MORE heated and he starts strangling me while I’m at a red light. The red light was right next to a gas station and I pull in there while his hands are around my throat. I manage to get him off me and I get out of the car and scream, “what the fuck?!”

“I’m sorry. I blacked out. You just… pissed me off so much! I told you I didn’t want to go to work!”

The relationship lasted less than a year. He cheated on me with some girl, and for the first and only time in my life, I was GLAD someone was cheating on me. You can go live with her and be someone else’s problem now.

Then years later when I saw him on the news, I felt really bad for that thought.

He had handcuffed his then girlfriend (who had just had his baby) to the bed, and strangled her to death. He thought she had cheated on him. He then dismembered her body and lived with it for a month in their apartment. Eventually, the smell tipped some people off along with his gf not being seen by family in a bit.

The baby was ok though and was taken in by the girl’s family.

He went on the run, but was later caught and is currently in prison.”

No news article though. I have posted a news article with it before and got banned. Hopefully with all the info I gave you, plus someone guessed the state below, you can find it for yourself so I don’t get banned again for “posting personal information” by posting a public news article. Lol.

I’m all for taking stock of my life, but I’m glad nothing like this has forced my hand!

If you’ve had a close call in your life, share the details with us in the comments!

The post People Who Dodged Some Serious Bullets and Came Out (Mostly) Unscathed appeared first on UberFacts.

Funny Memes That Will Bring You Good Luck

There’s an ancient superstition: if you see at least ten good memes in one day, and you make a wish upon the tenth one, you will have good luck for the following several weeks.

Usually I don’t go in for superstitions, but considering this one came about in ancient times when there were not yet any memes, I think they might have been onto something.

Is it true? Only one way to find out. Let’s look at these ten good memes and then all make wishes for something, and we’ll see if our fortunes turn in the next couple months. Ready? Begin!

10. Getting snippy

But he’s my emotional support crustation.

9. Gone fishing

I understand the fish part, but the ice?

8. An unholy union

It’s the most widely spoken language in the history of humanity and it makes absolutely no sense, go figure.

7. Fight for your life

Meme aside, this is actually cool as heck.

6. Stair master

You must release your inner animal, allow it to be free.

5. Bedside manner

“We started doing this a while ago and now we just kinda keep doing it, I dunno, I just work here.”

4. Pushing my buttons

Why do you think they call it a keyboard?

3. Alive and dead

I feel like this is incorrect but I don’t know enough about quantum physics OR women to dispute you.

2. Rig it up

He’s about to play some serious Cruisin’ USA.

1. The circle of life

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but this one is worth about one buck.

Welp, there’s ten good memes, make a wish! But don’t tell me what it is, or it won’t come true!

What superstition do you still follow?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Funny Memes That Will Bring You Good Luck appeared first on UberFacts.

14 Times People Kept it Really “Trashy Classy”

It usually doesn’t take much for people to show you their true colors, especially in an age where we’re all showing each other everything all the time on the internet.

You’re not always gonna like what ya see. Here’s some unbelievably trashy recent behavior, via Reddit.

14. Get the shot

Check the speedometer in the background. This is a moving car with no hands on the wheel or eyes on the road.

MLM hun thinks taking pictures of her fake nails (while making sure to show off her Benz) is imperative while driving 60mph. from trashy

13. The rat pack


Someone slashed two tyres and spray painted the words Contagious Rat on a medical doctor’s car in Barcelona from iamatotalpieceofshit

12. Give it up

Ah yes, the ultimate place for public discourse. A bridge wall.

Graffiti in my area from trashy

11. Accidents happen

I hope somebody dents your door off.

Trashy human (sry if repost) from trashy

10. A clean break

There’s so much wrong with this I don’t even know where to begin.

This was posted in as restaurant facebook group from trashy

9. Cut the lights

Do you live next door to the actual literal Grinch or?

Why on earth would anyone do this from trashy

8. Snitch tips

You do know that servers could lose their jobs and restaurants could lose their licenses if they serve alcohol to underage people, right?

My friend waited on two underage kids who tried to order drinks. Stiffing servers has always made someone a bad person, but during a pandemic when benefits have run out and restaurant employees are struggling more than they already did? Despicable. from trashy

7. Good parenting

“I suppose I could use this as an opportunity to teach my kids about one of life’s hard truths, but instead I’ll just extend the heartbreak for two years and give my neighbors a corpse to deal with.
Then brag about it.”

“Good parenting” from trashy

6. Sick burns

You do know that you can like, be a Christian AND wear seatbelts and stuff, right?

This gem is from an old friend. They blocked me soon after I left the comment in green. I would 100% do it again! from trashy

5. Mind yourself

Are you getting paid by the tear, my dude?

POS professor still wants student to attend zoom meeting despite her father’s funeral being the same day. Says “it could take your mind off things.” from iamatotalpieceofshit

4. Flower power

Imagine doing this and then posting about it like it’s charming or something.

Trashy from trashy

3. Got ya pegged

Imagine just adopting “screw the elderly” as your new proud ethos.

Pour one out for Aunt Peggy from trashy

2. Bullying

Um, pretty sure this would be unacceptable even in normal times.

Ah, a genuine asshat in its natural habitat. Twitter. from iamatotalpieceofshit

1. The paper trail

Remember when this was our big concern? Good lord.

trying to profit off of a crisis from iamatotalpieceofshit


Remember to stay classy out there, everybody.

What’s the trashiest thing you’ve seen lately?

Tell us in the comments.

The post 14 Times People Kept it Really “Trashy Classy” appeared first on UberFacts.