People Discuss the Most Hypocritical Things They’ve Ever Witnessed

There aren’t too many things in life that people as mad as hypocrisy…especially when it’s a real WHOPPER…

But if you spend enough time on this planet, you quickly realize that a lot of people out there are, unfortunately, big hypocrites.

I guess it’s just part of life and we have to deal with it…

AskReddit users talked about the most hypocritical things they’ve ever witnessed.

Let’s check out their responses.

1. Calling the kettle black.

“I was having a hard time getting a job after college.

My step grandmother called me every single name in the book. Every variation of “deadbeat dependent loser” you can possibly think of. Almost every singe time I saw her.

“No self discipline, no drive, too dependent on others. I cant believe you can’t get a job. I taught my daughters how to work. You’re definitely your mothers child. I had expectations for my own kids. All I knew is I had to work.”

This is the same person who never had a job in her life, wasn’t able to collect her own social security since she never paid into it, and was 100 percent dependent on my grandpa.

Way to call the kettle black. It got so bad, I had to stop talking to her all together since each convo would just be putting me down.”

2. Yikes. Sorry.

“My ex-wife, shortly after we separated, told me when/if I started seeing someone that she would want to meet them before our kids did. Which makes perfect sense.

Two months later the guy she had an affair with moved from NC to FL and in with her and my two kids. I still haven’t met him and it’s been six months.”

3. The rules don’t apply to me…

“My friends who b*tch about people who break lockdown, then go on to break lockdown for “sleepovers” and “girly nights” the same day they were criticising others.

Infuriatingly entitled.

“Others must follow the rules but they don’t apply to me”.”

4. Typical.

“When I was going through my college party phase I ended up hanging with kids who graduated from a local Christian school.

They drank, did drugs, and bragged about premarital s*x like a lot of college students.

When you talked about politics though, they immediately would go on and on about the moral failings of society and how it needs to be more Christian yadda yadda.”

5. Your dad sounds like a blast.

“Just my dad in general. Here’s some highlights.

As a child, he’d often tell me I had to think for myself, but then he’d beat me if I said things he disagreed with. Sometimes, he’d pose questions to me, and then hit me until I guessed the chain of logical jumps that led to the conclusion he was looking for.

He once went on a 4 hour rant about how my generation are all dirty communists and Muslims are all terrorists and a big gay conspiracy and other such nonsense. I couldn’t get a word in edgewise, but he had the gall to end with “I’d be willing to change my mind if anybody were willing to have a discussion with me, but nobody’s willing to talk with me”.

In high school, he sometimes made fun of me for being a creature of habit. He’s had the same routine, worn identical oufits, and eaten the same lunch every day for the past 20+ years at least. I didn’t have much say in my routine back then anyway. School ate up most of my time, and it’s not like my parents allowed me to get together with my friends.

Similarly, he’d make fun of me for not having friends. I did have friends, but to him they didn’t count because he’d never met them, because he never allowed them to visit, because he’d never met them. He has one friend that he sees outside of work once a year, and often times not even that.”

6. Pretty bad.

“Televangelists preaching how we should live modestly while they own several private jets to fly around the country spreading the word of The Lord.

Sometimes they’ll come on TV saying God came to them in a dream saying they needed more.

Jesus would fly coach if he flew at all.

I believe Jesus also preached about taking in the displaced, etc?

In 2017 Joel Osteen was not allowing hurricane evacuees into his megachurch.”

7. Harrassment.

“I’ve been repeatedly s*xually harassed by a gay man before and have even had to make sure he didn’t find out where I lived so he couldn’t keep doing it. When I explained this one time to my co-workers one sneered and said I was just being homophobic and assuming it was harassment.

I said the man has repeatedly attempted to convince me to sleep with him despite my refusals, attempted to find my home, and once tried to trap me in a public restroom to make sure he couldn’t lose track of me. If I was a woman in this situation would my coworker even think of telling me that I was overreacting?

Fortunately the rest of my crew supported me and tell him it was hypocritical to assume s*xual harassment can only happen to women.”

8. Bad move.

“A girl who posted about how she doesn’t eat beef because she loves cows.

The next day she posted a photo of her new designer leather handbag.”

9. That’s bad.

“My dad hates illegal immigrants…

And he was once deported from the US from entering illegally as an immigrant.”

10. You’re right!

“People wearing Blue Lives Matter regalia beating police officers with an American flag.

That’s peak hypocrisy.”

11. Come on, people!

“My brother wouldn’t let his kids go to school because of covid, but they went to hockey practice and games.

All 3 of them got Covid.”

12. Point taken.

“People who get really upset about animal abuse and claim to be “animal lovers”…

And then go eat a double cheeseburger at McDonald’s.

Cognitive dissonance is alive and well.”

13. Always goes this way.

“My ex would get mad at me for having guy acquaintances – not even friends really, just from classes or work .

He policed my phone and my life and the f*cker was CHEATING on me.”

Kinda makes your blood boil, right?

And now it’s your turn!

In the comments, tell us about the most hypocritical thing you’ve ever seen. Thanks in advance!

The post People Discuss the Most Hypocritical Things They’ve Ever Witnessed appeared first on UberFacts.

Folks Share the Most “Surprising” Advice They Got From Their Grandpa

I come from a pretty buttoned-up Midwestern family – we don’t talk openly about things like sex or…life, especially not with our grandparents.

But if Reddit is anything to go by, I’m practically alone in that. Look at this post:

My grandma once chastised me for wearing underwear to bed because I need to "let my taco air out". What bizarre advice have you gotten from the older and wiser? from AskReddit

To the delight and revulsion of all of us, there were thousands of replies in this thread. Here’s some input people received from their grandfathers in particular:

1. Amen.

My grandparents gave each of their grandkids money for college. Not a fortune, just a few hundred dollars a year to buy a couple books.

So I’m over my grandparents to get said money and my grandmother leaves the room to get her cheque book.

My grandfather motions me over and says, “Don’t make it with any Catholic girls because they don’t use birth control.” Nevermind the fact that we’re Catholic…

So my grandmother comes back and gives me a cheque and we talk and whatnot and as I go to leave, my grandfather yells out, “Get yourself some ‘jimmy-hats’ with that. F*ck I always hated those things, but these days they keep you from catching that AIDS.”

– Fuqwon

2. Bird is the word.

“If your bird touches the urinal, it will fall off.” -my grandfather

It took a while to shake the anxiety from peeing.

– [user deleted]

3.  Check out that username.

My entire family (50+ people) gathered for my Grandparent’s anniversary, as we knew my Grandma would not be with us much longer.

My Aunt asked my Grandpa the secret to their almost 60 year marriage.

The crowd of divorced and remarried and divorced and remarried hooligans hushed to hear his words. “Eat fish. And f*ck 5 times a week.”

My Grandma, barely awake due to the morphine, patted her husbands hand lovingly, nodded and gave me the last big grin I saw from her. She was gone a week later.

– Fish-x-5

4. Vroom vroom.

My grandfather once told me how to have sex on a motorcycle.

Awkward silence followed.

– ethnicallyambiguous

5. Them’s fightin’ words.

Always assume anyone who punches you has the will to kill you. Act accordingly and always treat a fight like its for your life. -Grandpa

– kegman83

6. Watch out.

My husband’s grandfather told us to never befriend any couples, because one wife will run off with the other husband and leave the other two sad and lonely.

We live with married housemates, I wonder what he thinks about us now…

– charcoal_feather

7. Um. Yes. Yes, I do.

Told my Grandfather that my wife was Pregnant again, a pause, a chuckle, “You know what causes that right? wink”

– zerbey

8. Cat got your tongue?

My grandfather is a very straight-laced individual. Was in the Navy in World War 2, raised a family of 7 kids, and in every other respect is just an older, Catholic Hank Hill minus the alcohol.

I was at his house helping him with a computer or something one day and his cat went up to its food bowl and started eating. My grandfather grabbed the cat’s tail and lifted its rear end a few inches off of the ground. The cat responded with a little meow/purr thing, a generally happy sounding noise. My grandfather turned to me slowly and said, “He likes it when I do that. I think it gives him some sort of…sexual thrill.”

Not sure if there’s any advice in there but it was pretty bizarre.

– mmmbacon914

9. Everything in moderation.

“Martinis are like t*ts. One isn’t enough and three is too many.” -grandpa b

– Dermisgermis

10. Light ’em up.

“A cigarette’s got fire on one end and a fool on the other.” –my grandpa when I was like 12

– Jim_Gaffigans_bacon

11. Wingman?

when i was in middle school, my grandfather told me, “get as much p*ssy as you can, as often as you can, for as long as you can. when you get to be my age, pretty girls ain’t nothin’ but eye candy.”

when i was a freshman in high school, he was visiting. my girlfriend was over, and my mom went to the store. she asked my grandfather to keep an eye on us, and informed him of the “open door” rule (about leaving my bedroom door open while she was over). he said, “what the h*ll? are you trying to raise an exhibitionist?” when my mom left, he called me downstairs and told me, “what the h*ll are you doin’ down here? get your *ss back up there and f*ck that little girl while you have the privacy to do it. who knows how long ’til your mother comes back?”

– yetzer_hara

12. Um…

Grandpas word of advice for me when I started dating a vegetarian “don’t let her lie to you, they may say they’re a vegetarian but at some point in their lives, all of them have meat In their mouths”

– neyxport

13. Gross.

Never tell your girlfriend/wife that she’s attractive. One day she’ll build up enough confidence to cheat on you with someone better looking.

Edit: For clarification; my recently divorced grandfather told me this. I don’t agree with it whatsoever.

– BroDontPokeThatBear

14. No use crying over it?

i was playing with flashlights at my grandfathers and he told me, ” stop spilling my milk.” he iterated further by saying, ” batteries are like milk. if you waste all your milk now you wont have any left for cereal later.”

– [user deleted]

15. Eternal mysteries.

My grandfather who died when I was four used to always walk tell people (including me) “Wet birds don’t fly at night.”

I still don’t know what the f*ck it means…

– OleToothless

I remember my grandpa once told me his mustache had special feelers. Not sure what that meant. Maybe I don’t want to know?

What’s a memorable bit of advice you’ve gotten from your grandpa?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Folks Share the Most “Surprising” Advice They Got From Their Grandpa appeared first on UberFacts.

What Extra Rules Did Your Family Add to Board Games and Card Games? Here’s What People Said.

Playing games with my family is like wandering into a snake pit. It’s every man or woman for themselves and things get UGLY…

And most of it seems to happen because people are constantly making up or revising the rules as the game progresses. It’s not a pretty scene, people…

But I guess I’m not alone, because all kinds of other people have extra rules for board games and card games.

Let’s see what folks on AskReddit had to say about this.

1. A total scammer.

“In Monopoly, we have a rule that my sister can’t be the banker.

Otherwise, it’s like watching Oceans 11.”

2. Improvising.

“My grandmother was deaf/mute so when we played Uno instead of saying “Uno” we knocked on the table quickly twice.”

3. Taboo.


You can play 3 player (cutthroat) Taboo. The rules don’t really change but the scoring does. There’s a Ref (watching for taboo words), Guesser (can’t see the card) & Talker (can see the card)

The guesser and talker will get 1 point each for each successful guessed word. Taboo words are scored 1 point to the Ref.

At the end of the round, roles rotate like normal (clockwise). After everyone has two turns “talking”, rotate the the other way (counterclockwise). This lets everyone get a turn guessing and talking with each person.

I prefer this way because you don’t get stuck on a winning, or losing team. Everyone plays with everyone. and there’s never a 4th person out.”

4. The game of world domination.

“We had a variation on Risk where everyone write down their moves and attacks and all the moves and attacks were carried out simultaneously.

First the troops were relocated (only able to move one country). Then attacks rolled (once again, you could only attack a neighboring country and if you won, you could occupy it. But you could not keep pressing the attack until the next turn.

If 2 or more countries were attacking each other, they all rolled the max number of dice. Ties were then rerolled.”

5. Good idea.

“In Scrabble, the person who can make the longest word goes first, highest points breaks a tie.

This makes the game more fun by ensuring there are lots of places to play your letters.”

6. New rule.

“In every coop game (Pandemic, Castle Panic, whatever), there is usually someone who tries to tell everyone what to do.

I can accidentally be this person. So, I implemented the “right hand man” rule. IF the person whose turn it is want advice (IF), they can only get it from the person on their right.

Nobody else can say anything. Makes things way more enjoyable.”

7. This is good.

“Rule for my kids with all board games.

Winner cleans up, loser or lowest score picks next game, tantrums/rage quitting gets you banned from the next game session all together.”

8. Never heard of this game.

“Waddingtons Go (a game of traveling around the world).

Rule in the actual game was you had to roll exact to get into a place, but it ended up with too many dice rolls doing absolutely nothing. One player ended up just stuck in one place for literally half an hour, before then getting somewhere else and then being stuck for another half an hour. They did virtually nothing all game. (Really, that rule means the game should be called Waddingtons Stop.)

To combat this, we came up with a house rule that you have a “3 strikes and in” – if you fail to get the right number 3 times, you automatically get to your destination, to stop the game being dull.

We haven’t actually tried this yet because since playing it (when at the end of the game we came up with the rule) we’ve had a pandemic that has prevented me from going back to visit my parents who have the game…”

9. Hurry up!

“One rule used for many board games: If someone takes too long with his/her move, anyone can fetch the 3-min hourglass from the shelf and set it on the table. once the time runs out, the move is over, regardless of.

Another rule for Scrabble: Any word is valid if you can find it in any book in our library within three minutes.”

10. Time for some Trouble.

“Trouble is a fun little game.

Unfortunately, with the wife and son, we only have three players. Four players makes it even more fun, so we have a fourth player we call “Bob.” Bob gets the last turn in the cycle. Someone rolls for Bob, and then the three of us agree on what Bob’s best move is.

It’s especially fun when you have to agree that Bob’s best move is to take out one of your own pieces.”

11. Haha, that’s good.

“My uncle told me stories about how whenever he played Monopoly at a friend’s house, he would always bring a few $500 bills from his own set and use them.

He never let them win.”

12. This is pretty in-depth.

“In Clue, once the killer has been discovered, and it’s one of the pieces in play, the game becomes a chase.

The remaining player turns are rolls to get out of the mansion through the doors in the Hall. The killer tries to catch the remaining pieces and kill them. Secret passages only work if you roll even numbers in that room.

The killer rolls twice per turn and cannot use secret passages.

Edit: If the killer wasn’t one of the played pieces, then the game is over—they couldn’t defend themselves and surrendered after being discovered.

The killer kills other players by landing on the same space as them between rooms, or by rolling a higher number than them in the same room. If there are two players in a room with the killer, Killer must announce who they’re going after. After one attack, killer’s turn is over.

Players must escape by leaving the hall through the doors. Entering the hall is one move. Leaving the hall is another. You should try to have at least one more move upon entering the Hall to get out safely. If rolling a 3 would get you into the Hall, a 4+ would get you out.

If no players make it out alive, the killer wins, stacks the bodies in the cellar, locks it, and pretends that none of this has ever happened.

Extra fun: at the start of the game, before dealing to players, place an evidence card face down in each room. When you enter the room, you can look at the card and place it back face down. You’re sleuthing, after all. If all players have seen the card, you may turn it face-up.”

Did your family ever have any unusual rules for games?

If so, tell us about them in the comments.

We can’t wait to hear them!

The post What Extra Rules Did Your Family Add to Board Games and Card Games? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

What If You Could “Restart” Life? Here’s What People Said.

Have you ever seen the show Crossing Over with John Edward? It was really popular around the early 2000’s, though it probably shouldn’t have been.

In it, self-proclaimed psychic Edward would use a series of what are basically just parlor tricks to make it seem as though he was talking to the dead.


I’d be much more interested in a show with this premise, called STARTING Over with Random Redditors.

You die and the first thing you see in the afterlife are three buttons: "Next level", "Spectate" and "Restart". Which one do you press and why? from AskReddit

Restart seems like the way to go for me, and a bunch of people agreed:

1. What do you know?

If I could re-start knowing what I knew then, then restart. If not, then Next Level.

– TheSurveyor-01

2. A somber answer.

Restart. Hands down restart and not to avoid two divorces (the first one I wouldn’t be sitting here the dad of two awesome teenage boys.) Not to try again to make better choices or success. There is only one reason. A day at 19 still haunts me.

I was sitting around the house bored and broke and asked my mom if I could borrow $10 to go shoot some pool. She said why do t you call Ben y’all always have fun without spending money… I didn’t call Ben. Coroner determined he shot himself about 5 min after the convo I had with my mom. I should have called Ben.

It’s 20 years later almost. Ben was the warmest, nuttiest, most unique person I ever had the pleasure of calling friend. We grew up in boy scouts etc together. I miss Ben


– Goturnawrench

3. Play it safe.

Restart seems like the safest since spectate could be forever and next level could be hell

– BT9154

4. Practice makes perfect.

Assuming that this were to play out like a video game and I as the player can recall everything I learned from my previous play through, I would restart.

There are so many moments that I would change, so many stupid decisions that I would avoid making, so many people I wouldn’t even consider associating with.

It would alter the outcome of the rest of my life but I like to think I’d end up a better, wiser person for it.

– KosherNate

5. Only 26?

I just thought to myself: Restart because I didn’t capitalize on life to the fullest extent like I should’ve

… then just realized wait a second, it’s not over I am here and 26, I need to capitalize to the fullest extent before it’s too late!

– Evil_Pizz

6. A solid investment.

Restart. Invest in Bitcoin when it becomes a thing.

Then I’ll know to hold it until it hits 39K.

– TheGrayPerson

7. The good ol’ days.

I’m restarting. I refuse to be reborn into this bleak *ss looking future.

I’d rather go back and be a kid again in the 90 where it was fun and while it had its problems, at least it wasn’t a sh*t show of social media mush brains.

It was better when knew to just keep sh*t to ourselves. I turned 18 in 00 and sh*t has sucked hard since 06.

– Ang3l1ckD3m1n

8. Chillin’ like a villain.

“Restart” but play the bad guy next go-round.

– One_Star_Waitress

9. Aw, that’s sweet.

Sounds corny, but restart.

So I can meet my wife and daughter again for the first time.

– NaltedPog

10. Cherish it.

Probably restart. I wanna see my kids grow up again.

I’d never thought that I would love anything as much as I do them and yet here we are.

– JarodColdbreak

11. Strats.

Restarting the level means you know to save the health jars for after the first boss and that there’s not much ammo in Ravenholm.

Though all the dialogue options are the same

– TSM-

12. Questions answered.

Why would you possibly think you’d have no memory of it?

This is clearly being made as an analogy to video games, and in video games the entire reason why you’d restart a level is BECAUSE you know and remember what’s gonna happen.

There’s no logical way to conclude you wouldn’t your memories in this scenario.

– theinsanepotato

13. Simple as that.

Restart baby

– Catacomb82

14. Are we sure?

“Restart” strikes me as the worst option of the bunch. Given that I just completed the first level, pushing “restart” would almost certainly wipe my save clean, and start the whole thing over, erasing any memory I might want to save for future use.

Especially considering just how much of the game’s enjoyability depends on where you spawn, it seems like a bad idea to just start over from the beginning, because a bad spawn could severely limit what you can do.

– maleorderbride

15. What a rip off.

Sh*t, no button to send me back to the main menu and switch some settings around?

– ImaginexMovies

In all likelihood, we won’t get a chance to start over, so we better make the best of things now.

What option would you pick, and why?

Tell us in the comments.

The post What If You Could “Restart” Life? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

Great Dog Videos We Know You’ll Enjoy

TikTok really is the gift that keeps on giving…

And I’m not even talking about the content on there that features actual human beings. Pssshhhhhtttt, I push that stuff to the side when I’m browsing!

I’m all about the dogs, PERIOD.

And, lucky for me, there are tons and tons of awesome dog videos for all of us to enjoy on TikTok…so I guess we do have to give humans a little bit of credit for uploading that stuff for us…thanks, I guess…

Anyway, enough about people! Enjoy these videos featuring DOGS.

1. I’m right beside you!

What do you think you’re doing?!?!


#callyourdog #dogchallenge

♬ original sound – Joey Senft

2. Getting in his morning exercises.

And one, and two, and three, and four. Nice work!


Pupdate: Do you remember Vincenzo (light blue collar)? Well here he is 6 months later, doing his morning exercises! @lordbowie #puppytiktok #puppydog

♬ Monkeys Spinning Monkeys – Kevin MacLeod

3. I love this oldtimer!

What a great face you have!


what even is that face???. I promise I pet her after I made this video. #doggo

♬ dont pet challenge – The Real Cooper

4. I’m calling out for you.

I need more of these videos in my life, ASAP.


Sorry for the shake camera work i was lolling #truelove #petslover

♬ True Love – P!nk ft. Lily Allen

5. This is what mornings with a husky are like.

Does this look like fun, or what?


Mornings with a Husky #goodmorningvideo #funny #funnyvideos #funnyhusky #husky #huskiesoftiktok #fyp #foryoupage #foryou #huskies #happy

♬ original sound – Jennafer Salisbury

6. Got her dancing shoes on!

Look at her go!


i swear this dogggggggg ??? #goldenretrieverlife #goldenretriever #fypシ #fyp #dancingdog

♬ original sound – DJ Moody

7. Just splish splashin’ around.

Are you ready to come out yet?


#goldenretrieverlife #oursisbroke #naturalbornswimmer#icallbullshit

♬ original sound – user9774220170182

8. I think he’s definitely dreaming of cookies.

Hey, there’s nothing wrong with that!


is he eating cookies in his sleep? #asmr #Bye2020 #cute #puppy #snooze #goldenretriever #sleepy #tinymicrophone

♬ original sound – Atlas the Golden

9. Wait a second. What am I seeing back there?!?!

Your little buddy might need a break.


WAIT FOR IT!!! ? #fyp

♬ original sound – Jake Lyons

10. In love with his favorite toy.

Well, is that adorable, or what?


When he’s got his favorite toy…#InLove #Homemade #fyp #fypdoesntwork #fypシ #dogsoftiktok #dogs

♬ original sound – Robert Collins

11. No privacy for you.

And I mean EVER AGAIN.


No privacy ever #dogsoftiktok #fyp #dog #noknock #foryou #gsd #viral

♬ original sound – Scott Tavlin

How about you?

Do you have any dogs in your house?

If so, please share some photos of them and tell us a little bit about those creatures.

Do it in the comments!

The post Great Dog Videos We Know You’ll Enjoy appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About the Extra Rules Their Families Added to Board Games and Card Games

Since when are you allowed to run another player’s car off the road in the game of Life? Calm down, calm down, I’m talking about Life, the board game.

But still, I don’t remember that specific rule being in the directions, do you?

What I’m trying to hint at here is that people create new rules for games all the time…and I’m not sure if that’s a good thing…

AskReddit users shared the funny and strange extra rules their families made up for board games and card games.

Let’s take a look.

1. Uno!

“When my mother-in-law was suffering from dementia we would play Uno with her and just let her play any card she wanted to play.

She was at a point where she couldn’t follow the rules of the game but she did understand that she should put down a card when it was her turn.

So we just let her play whatever she wanted, it introduced a fun chaotic element to the game and she got to enjoy participating and spending time with us.”

2. Pretty creative.

“”The Mugging Rule” in Monopoly.

If I land on a space that you are currently occupying, I can choose to mug you.

We take turns rolling the dice, if I roll higher, I steal $100, if you roll higher I go to jail.”

3. Here’s the deal.

“In Trivial Pursuit, we have a rule – if the player being asked doesn’t know the answer, they can ask the room.

The room doesn’t actually answer, but they say whether they know the answer or not. If nobody knows the answer, it’s considered an invalid question, and another card gets drawn instead. (if someone in the room does know, but the player being asked doesn’t, then it’s just a plain old “pass”)

My Dad knows a lot of stuff … I mean, a LOT. When he was a kid he read the Encyclopedia Britannica for fun. Basically, the rule was born from, “If even Dad doesn’t know the answer, then nobody does and it’s a terrible question.”

4. Fun!

“At the end of Scrabble you make up a story with all the words on the board.

We never looked at the tiles for scores, we just played to get the best words on the board.”

5. Anything goes.

“Literally ANYTHING goes in Monopoly.

Whatever business deals you make in Monopoly are valid, like paying some insurance each round so that if you land on their rent properties you are immune.”

6. Don’t nuke yourself!

“Nukes in Risk.

If you roll three sixes when attacking you defeat every army on the territory you’re attacking into.

If you roll three ones, you nuke yourself and lose every army in the territory you’re attacking from.”

7. Don’t say sorry.

“If you say sorry while playing Uno, you pick up 2 cards!

Slap that +4 down with authority!

Also, if you have exactly the same card as the one that has just been played, you can jump in and play your duplicate regardless of if it’s your turn or not.”

8. Are you paying attention?

“In Catan, when you roll a 7 or play a knight, you have to move the robber.

but you can move it back to the desert and claim any resource you want from the “bank”.”

9. Time to lay down.

“Phase 10.

After a person has laid down, if their set has any wilds, other members are allowed to take the wilds as long as they provide the card the wild was representing.

You’re only allowed to do this if you can lay down in the same turn.”

10. Sounds cool.

“In high school, my group of friends loved to play Clue.

Unfortunately we found the game got a bit stale after a few nights of playing.

So, we actually designed our own board “extension”, containing additional rooms, and created new cards for extra weapons and characters so it was more challenging to determine who the killer was.”

11. It’s like real life!

“My sister and i play “Life Sucks”.

It’s Life but you only get paid if you land on payday, not if you just pass it.

Basically you end up with a pile of loans and it’s a struggle to get out of debt.”

12. I’ll have to try this.

“We have a generic version of Jenga that has the company name printed on one of the logs.

When someone pulls that log, they have to yell “kielbasa” in Fozzie Bear’s voice (keel-BA-sa).

It never gets old.”

13. Good idea.

“The phantom.

When playing Cards Against Humanity, a random card is added by the phantom each round.

Surprisingly, the phantom frequently keeps up with us. It’s a lot of fun when everyone says “oh, that was the obvious best one” then realizes no one is claiming it.”

14. All kinds of rules.

“Boggle: youngest child is allowed one and two letter words since she’s learning to read, and she’s allowed to have her sight-words list available for reference to help her practice them.

So far it’s working because she’s finding three and four letter words on her own!

Uno: stack draw 2s or draw 4s until you can’t no mo. Unfortunate soul that can’t stack draws all.

Beer pong: Gentleman’s rule. If the ball rolls back you fight to retrieve it. Winner gets a free shot. Trick shots must be very specific in nature because all loop holes are fair game.

Canasta: The Unicorn. All wilds canasta worth 2000 points. This causes table flips.”

Did your family have extra rules for board or card games?

If so, tell us about them in the comments.

We can’t wait to hear what you came up with!

The post People Talk About the Extra Rules Their Families Added to Board Games and Card Games appeared first on UberFacts.

Teachers Discuss the Worst Things Substitutes Did While They Were Gone

It’s gotta be kind of weird to be a teacher and just hand your classroom over to a stranger when you take a day off.

But that’s what the substitute teaching game is all about, folks! And it’s also a total crapshoot about what kind of individual will be teaching your beloved students for the day…and anything can happen.

Teachers shared their stories of substitutes gone wild on AskReddit.

1. So many…

“I’ve had so many bad subs.

One sub made an elementary student cry insisting her own name was misspelled and made her stand up in front of the class and admit her name was spelled wrong. I asked that she not return but I still saw her around as other teachers had her sub.

Another one worth mentioning was supposed to be my sub for the last 2 weeks of school because I went on maternity leave, this time teaching at a 7th-12th grade school. Ignored all my sub plans, played on his cell phone the whole time, and then like 3 days in got upset at the students and told them off.

And then they watched as he walked out to the parking lot and drove away. Thank goodness some kids went and told the office. When I came back it was like my room had been ransacked!

It was awful.”

2. Sleeping on the job.

“Went to sleep for 1.5 hours.

My class was freaking amazing—the sweetest, most thoughtful group I’ve ever had. When I got back the next day, I asked how the sub was.

Me: How was the sub?

Them: uhhh… he was fine. He kinda took a nap for a while.

Me: WHAT?! What did you guys do?

Them: Worked quietly so that we wouldn’t wake him up. Eventually we ran out of work, so we just had silent reading.

Me: For how long?

Them: From when we started working until it was time to go outside.

Me: That’s a really long time! Look, I am glad that you guys were so thoughtful, but if something like that ever happens again, please wake the sub up. It’s not safe for the sub to sleep. He needed to be awake in case something happened.

Them: We would have woken him up if we really needed to. But we also figured he probably really needed the sleep.

Seriously. The SWEETEST class ever!”

3. Pretty rude.

“Re-arranged my room.

Not in a “Moved Student A away from Student B and put her by Student C” way.

In a “Move the giant rug over to the opposite corner of the room, and completely change the layout of student desks, and rearrange a bookshelf” way.”

4. Not cool!

“Left my perfectly prepped and neat desk an absolute disaster.

Did not follow the lesson plan and… took my gel pens!”

5. Sorry…

“There was a harpsichord in the front of the classroom used both for demonstration and performance.

Not knowing what he was doing, the sub tried to tune 3 notes that had gone mildly out of tune while I was away.

He managed to break the strings on all 3 notes and left a message inside reading: “Sorry about that . . .””

6. What?!?!

“I had a sub give out my cell phone number to my high school students so they could call me and give me excuses as to why they weren’t taking their test while I was gone.

I was LIVID.

I complained to the sub office, and that teacher never subbed for my building again.”

7. Was he drunk?

“He peed in my desk chair. Swear. To. God.

He apparently peed in my chair and the students noticed it and mentioned it to him. He ignored them and just sat there anyway with a huge puddle of urine on the floor.

The kids called security on him.

I came in the next day and sat in the chair. It was wet and about that time a security guard stuck her head in the door and said “Don’t sit there, that guy peed in your chair…””

8. What am I doing here?

“I taught middle school Math and English in the 90s and the sub didn’t know how to convert a decimal into a fraction and kept insisting that the students who did know how to do it were wrong.

She also apparently didn’t know how to pronounce five of our twenty vocabulary words and didn’t know what half of them meant.”

9. Runnin’ wild.

“She let the kids run wild and do whatever they wanted (first graders). I was out because my dad died.

Thank God my team realized what happened and all pulled together and cleaned the room/put it back together before I returned to work.”

10. That’s…weird…

“I had a substitute decide that my plans weren’t good enough for her and she went rogue.

She decided to show my students videos of animals giving birth on YouTube.

I taught English…”

11. Wow…

“I came back after being gone ONE DAY and my students told me the substitute teacher flipped over tables in a rage and was escorted from the building by a cop.

What actually happened is that the sub left the room to take a 20 min phone call and the kids thought it would be funny to flip the tables over. The substitute then had to flip the tables right side up while yelling at the kids.

Then, during lunch, my Special Ed. Co-teacher came into my room to set up and caught the sub MAKING OUT WITH A STUDENT. Turns out she was 18 to his 25 and the 20 min phone call was to set up the lunch meeting.

The principal then had him escorted from the building by the resource officer. This is why I say having a sub is more work than just coming into school myself.”

12. Ignored the instructions.

“I caught the flu the week my students had a district benchmark test. I could feel that I was coming down with something, so I stayed late to put together really in depth review packets and slideshows.

I wrote pages of directions for the substitute, and separated the reviews out by class numbers. I even included my personal number and told them to call me any time if a student had a question they couldn’t answer. I spent about 5 hours putting everything together after school, while battling around a 103 temp.

The substitute completely ignored my instructions. She instead took every single piece of construction paper and cardstock in my classroom from my personal locker that I had left open for her in case she needed something, and had the students make flip books about their feelings. They used thousands of pieces of paper and craft supplies, probably around $100 of my own personal supplies.

This was for freshmen in high school. I’m still bitter.”

Okay, all you educators out there!

Tell us the worst thing a substitute teacher ever did when you were gone.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post Teachers Discuss the Worst Things Substitutes Did While They Were Gone appeared first on UberFacts.