Veterinarians Share the Worst Pet Names They’ve Ever Heard

It’s definitely a pastime to make fun of ridiculous, made up, not-pronounceable baby names for human beings, but what about the things people choose to name their pets?

What about those poor dogs, cats, bunnies, and other animals out there with truly terrible names?

It’s high time we bring their plights into the light, and these veterinarians are on the front lines – so let them reveal 22 truly awful names.

22. Spelling is hard, to be fair.

The vet tech entered Popsicle’s name as “Popcycle” and I have never been more offended.

My cat doesn’t even have pedals or anything for riding what the hell.

21. That would inspire questions.


Envelope is the name of the cat in the Sir Charlie Stinky Socks books.

They are my son’s favourite books at the moment!

20. It’s sort of an apt name for a dog.

My old neighbors apparently thought it would be a good idea to let their 3 year old name their dog.

The dog was named Dump Truck.

19. Somebody didn’t think that through.

So I’m not a vet, but I’m deeply involved in the horse world. There’s a “discipline” called halter, and many of the horses are genetic atrocities to begin with. They’ve been bred to the point of uselessness.

When naming quarter horses, many breeders like to create a registered name that incorporates the parents’ names and bloodlines. So, somebody bred together the stallion Kid’s Classic Style and the mare Lookin’ Touchable. The best name that the breeders could come up with for the foal?


Yeah. That’s the best they could come up with.

18. Delicious.

In the South, I was in a waiting room with someone who brought their chicken named Tikka.

Like chicken tikka.

17. But why, though? Ew.

Sexy – for a chihuahua.

Just made the whole consultation very awkward.

16. But…you know what, never mind.


Our daughter was three when she named the all black cat.

I still have no idea why she named him that.

He does appear a bit chunky like a well fed raccoon now.

15. Not very creative, huh?

I lived in the Marshall Islands for a few years and I noticed that all black male dogs are named “lakilimej” (black boy), all white male dogs are named “lamoujouj” (white boy), all brown male dogs are “laburaun” (brown boy), and all black and white dogs are named “oreo”

14. He earned those titles.

Not a vet but I took in a cat from a family named Lord Whimsalot III.

Yes, there were previous Lord Whimsalots. We nicknamed him whimmy.

13. Some kids just have a knack.

One of my boys wanted to name one of our dogs Meat Stack.

(My son was 6 when we adopted the puppy).

Same kid wanted to name his brother Turtle Flower when he was born.

Needless to say he is not in charge of naming things in our household.

12. You might want to stay away from that cat.

There was once a guy that was selling his black cat. He called it “Ustaša”.

Ustaša was a group of soldiers from Croatia in the 1990.

They are taboo today because of the crimes/things they did.

11. I hope no one wants to eat it.

Old neighbor lady had a cat named “face”

because it had a beautiful face, she said.

10. Someone took their parenting role seriously.

Ex gf was a vet nurse.

She came across a cat in the system called Horatio Bradshaw Roadwork.

9. Is there…a story?

My brother in law named his cat Salad.

8. See, that’s a good tale.

My cat’s name in John Hinckley, Jr., because he was a stray that stalked me for a year and killed things to give me as offerings.

7. I refuse to believe they realized what they had done.


I kind of hope they let their toddler name the cat, and the toddler just made a silly sound.

When I was little I apparently wanted to name our cat “tit” because I thought it was a nice name.

6. I actually love it.

My roommate had a dog called Taquito and we once had to go to the emergency vet at night because it was having trouble breathing.

The dog goes in with the vet and maybe half an hour later a vet’s assistant comes out, goes straight for the latino looking couple at the other end of the waiting room and just asks them “taquito?” They were looking sooo confused and slightly offended, especially since the assistant kept repeating it when they didn’t answer.

My roommate was slow on the uptake with it being the middle of the night and just being frozen on the spot by the awkwardness of the moment, but she finally spoke up and said “Taquito is my dog”.

No one looked at each other for the remaining time we were there.

5. Sometimes people are hard to love.

Mom owns a vet practice so had a lot of these.

Best/worse pet parents named their cat D.O.G. and their dog C.A.T.

James Bond was my favorite doggy (Pekinese). He was hilarious.

There were so many Mittens, Fluffys, Spots and Buddy’s they got lost in the sea of animals.

Worst story was a rescued golden retriever who was so malnourished they nick named him Pancake. Sadly, Pancake’s kidneys were done so he dies 2 days after he was rescued by the local animal control. The two days I got to feed and spend time with him made it all the harder to realize he could have been saved if his family had let him go instead of leaving him chained up in the yard before they left.

I hate people a lot of the time.

4. Don’t Google it.

Vet tech here.

Worst one was hands down “Tubgirl96.”

It was a name given to a sweet, young adult female cat.

The owners thought they were funny.

3. Kids are brilliant.

My first pet that I can remember getting was a fish when I was about three or four years old.

I named him Clock because I happened to be looking at a clock when my mom asked what I wanted to name him

2. Noooooo stop it.

I’m a vet.

Senior year in vet school, all the students meet in the morning to review what’s coming for their service that day (surgery, internal medicine, onco, etc) and pick cases.

On the roster one day was a dog named Ni**er. This was rural Washington in the ’90s, so not the most enlightened place or time.

We had one Black student in our class – a smart and fiery woman. After some gasps from the students, she claimed the case and set about to read up on it.

The people and the poor dog showed up, and this student went in to get the history. I can only imagine the looks on the owners’ faces.

The student said the exchange went something like this:

Vet Student: “Hi, I’m Future Dr. X – I’ll be working with you today. I see your dog is named Ni**er. For today, let’s just go with Lucky.”

I can’t recall how the rest of the case went, but this was a proud moment for our class.

1. You gotta stand up for your dog, man!

My dogs name was Freddie.

The vet put it in as Freddy.

I felt so ridiculous, and never told them ‘that’s not how he spells his name.”

What is wrong with people, y’all? I mean, come on!

What’s the worst pet name you’ve ever heard? Share it with us in the comments!

The post Veterinarians Share the Worst Pet Names They’ve Ever Heard appeared first on UberFacts.

People Who Got Surprised By Their DNA Results Share Their Stories

Most people who decide to spit in a little tube and send it in to be analyzed just think it would be fun to find out what countries our ancestors hailed from – if the stories our parents and grandparents have always told are correct.

Some people who are adopted or who suspect they haven’t been told the whole story about their conception or heritage, might do so with a few more hopes.

Then there are people like these 14, who went in expecting a bit of fun and ended up with whole new families instead.

14. Is…is someone going to tell her?

My cousin took a test and goes on and on about how she’s almost completely Irish. Our grandpa was German.

I’d heard from my mom as a kid that my aunt’s biological father was probably her friend’s father.

I’ve looked the family up on Facebook and my aunt looks just that friend.

My cousin seems to have no idea of any of this.

I don’t think my aunt does either.

13. That’s an understatement.

Same here. At the age of 60, I discovered who my real father was and that I have 9 half-siblings.

He was a bit of a dog!

My father and I chatted a lot until he passed away last year.

One of my sisters lives nearby and we’ve spent quality time together.

12. Gonna have to find a new brag.

My ex-husband’s family were proud of their Dutch heritage and claimed to be one of the founding families of the historically Dutch Holland, MI.

His ancestry results didn’t show any Dutch ancestry.

Instead, he had primarily English/Irish ancestry.

11. A happy ending.

Not me, but a friend never knew who his father was (mom had a weekend fling in college and never contacted the guy after) and his wife helped him use to try and track him down. My friend reached out and the guy was obviously surprised, but flew across the country to meet him.

They have a great relationship now, the dad attended his wedding, and they try to get their families together a couple times a year or so

10. Sacre le bleu!

One of my best friends has a very French last name and her family was always very proud of their French heritage.

Until her dad took a DNA test and found no French in their background

9. This sounds awful.

A friend discovered that her father was not really her father.

Her mom had an affair and she was the result. It tore her family apart.

Her “father” did not know he was not really her father.

Note: she was 45 years old when this happened.

8. No one wants to hear that.

That my father is a registered sex offender (parents are divorced).

7. A brother!

Not me, but a family friend.

He did the test and found out he had a half-brother. Turns out his dad had an affair a while back, and that kid was a product of that affair.

6. People never change.

My dad and Aunt found out they had an older brother!

Long story, my grandfather had a fling before he met my grandmother, never even knew he had a son, went and lived his life and some near 60 years later, BOOM!

Ancestry test, here you go!

So another really good story from this one.

5. Aww, I love this story.

A full 100% older brother. My mother got pregnant by my father before the were married. Scandalous in 1960. So, with my father’s knowledge of the situation, mom left town, and lived with my aunt until the birth.

Mom gave the baby up for adoption, and then returned home.

A couple years later, she married my dad and had three more children together, including me. Fifty five years later, after both my parents had died, my aunt let it slip that me and my siblings that were not the only children of our parents. To paraphrase from Star Wars, there is another.

My sister took a DNA test, and a couple of year later she got a hit. Soon thereafter, we met our new big brother and his family (wife, kids) and have become quite close.

4. This is all very mysterious.

So, I did the health DNA one 18 months ago because I wanted to see if I had the breast cancer gene, as there is several incidences on both sides of my family. Got my results and became very confused, it claimed I had no Italian despite my father’s grandma literally coming over from Sicily in 1920.

It took me a few minutes to realize what that actually meant. My parents have been together since my mother was 14, I was born when she was 17, and my father joined the military and married my mother. Called my mom and she literally said “that’s interesting.” Then she asked me not to talk to my father and she would explain everything the next time I visited. She did not, and just refused i talk about it.

Honestly, I was just shook. I did not see it coming and it was never even presented to be a possibility to me. My sister ended up doing a DNA test and it showed that we were half siblings. I went no contact with my mother 4 months ago, due to this incident and several others.

I haven’t told my dad but I realize at some point the truth is going to come out, my sister matched with some of my fathers relatives while I did not so if anyone checks that shit, they’re gonna be asking questions.

3. Surprise!

My dad has a cousin living in Utah. The family has always lived in Pennsylvania.

For the timing to work, his grandfather hooked up prior to coming to the US in 1918 or his grandmother had a kid and gave it up when she was like 14.

Either way, that kid would have been my Dad’s aunt/uncle which we never knew about.

2. More family to love!

Not me, My wife

A few years ago my wife and I both took the 23 and me test. One of her matches came back with 23% which is high for someone non-family. She messaged him and they started talking. He was about 10 years older, said he was adopted and the only thing he knew was some basic biological info. From his age that would have put her mom at 14 but her mom never said anything about it. So the two options were her mom got knocked up young or Grandma had a secret love child.

So she asked her youngest Uncle who said when he was a kid he remembered his sister going away for a few months because she was “sick” and the family just pretended it never happened. He also said that before his mom (my wives Grandmother) passed she told him all about it.

So my wife now has a Brother, a sister in law and nieces and nephews.

1. Well that’s insane.

My son is my 4th cousin.

(We adopted him as an infant from an agency.)

Fun to find that we are actually related!

These kinds of stories are so fascinating, don’t you think?

If you’ve got one to toss on the pile, please do so in the comments!

The post People Who Got Surprised By Their DNA Results Share Their Stories appeared first on UberFacts.

People Shared the Funniest Signs They’ve Encountered

You gotta keep your eyes peeled, or you might miss the good stuff.

I’m talking specifically about the multitude of signs that you see every single day without giving them a second thought.

Well, we’re here to inform you that it would be in your best interest to stay focused and pay attention to all the signs out there because there are a lot of hilarious ones to enjoy.

And you’re probably missing some good ones…because life can move pretty fast.

We think the signs in this collection really hit the funny spot. Let’s take a look!

1. A little Math humor.

Can you say “Nerd Alert”?!?!

You’re obsessing about this! from funnysigns

2. Read it. Know it. Live it.

These folks aren’t messing around.

Coffee menu from funnysigns

3. Oscar did what you asked of him.

This is kind of brilliant.

Well That’s A Good Way from funnysigns

4. Joe caused a lot of trouble in these parts.

No more accidents!

We all know that one guy… from funnysigns

5. Wrap it up, folks!

Do you think this actually works?

Think about it next time from funnysigns

6. This guy speaks for a lot of people out there.

He’s a real pioneer.

Target from funnysigns

7. Let’s just get this straight.

I feel this one deep in my soul.

Just to be clear from funnysigns

8. The Roomba has escaped!

This could get very ugly…

Roomba on the run! from funnysigns

9. I like this.

Who would throw rocks at an animal?

sign in India from funnysigns

10. This is amazing!

Way to go, fellas!

Stubborn from funnysigns

11. Let’s settle this once and for all.

Are we clear?

Am I in the right place? from funnysigns

12. You can do it!

A little encouragement never hurts.

Push! from funnysigns

Now we want to hear from all the readers out there.

In the comments, share some photos of the funniest signs that have made YOU laugh.

Please and thank you!

The post People Shared the Funniest Signs They’ve Encountered appeared first on UberFacts.

Hilarious Signs You Need to Take a Look At

Hey, there!

Signs, signs, everywhere there’s signs!

You know what I’m talking about, right? I’m referring to all the funny advertisements and other assorted signs that you see on a daily basis but that you don’t really pay attention to all that often.

Well, we’re gonna change that today, because you’re about to see some hilarious signs that we think are gonna make you laugh in a big way.

Are you ready to chuckle? Let’s get down to business!

1. I’ve often wondered this myself.

Anyone out there have some answers?

Found on r/memes from funnysigns

2. Don’t hide any more bodies here, please.

This dumping ground is now off-limits.

No trespassing from funnysigns

3. I need one of these for my house.

I’m tired of folks just stopping by!

The good news is we do accept debit cards. from funnysigns

4. Freddie Mercury for the win!

Wear a mask, folks! Freddie says so!

We will, we will… Think of a better title next time from funnysigns

5. Poor Pete…he never had a chance.

He will be missed.

F from funnysigns

6. This sign is right on.

I don’t see anything wrong with it, do you?

Spellbound ! from funnysigns

7. Don’t trust this cat!

He’s been lying for years about this.

wonder how many times someone knocked before the sign was made from funny

8. Drink ’em if you got ’em!

Might as well, right?

Heard from funnysigns

9. This is really clever.

I wonder where they got the car…

That’s a big muffin from funnysigns

10. Roger sounds like a lot of fun.

The guy lived life on his terms.

Not all hero wear capes. Some create signs of miserable joy. from funnysigns

11. This seems to be working…

Is someone missing a Wet Floor sign out there?

Well… from funnysigns

12. El Arroyo strikes again!

They’re always at the top of their game!

This isn’t what I signed up for from funnysigns

How about you?

Are there any signs you’ve seen lately that have really made you laugh?

If so, please share them with us in the comments. Thanks in advance!

The post Hilarious Signs You Need to Take a Look At appeared first on UberFacts.

These Knockoff Brands Are Sure to Make You LOL

It’s knockoff brand time!

I knew you’d be as excited as I am!

Because these imitation brands of big-name products provide a stream of never ending laughs.

You love them. I love them. WE ALL LOVE THEM.

Let’s take a look at some that are pretty hilarious, shall we? Start now!

1. That title seems a little bit familiar for some reason…

I just can’t put my finger on it…

coming to your nearest bookstore from crappyoffbrands

2. Break me off a piece of that Kat Kot bar!

I wonder how they actually taste…

I love these from crappyoffbrands

3. Otherwise known as “Tom and Jerry.”

“Cat and Rat” has a nice ring to it, though…

Cat and Rat..,.. from crappyoffbrands

4. Play the game that families just love!

And you get to yell out “UM” when you win!

U M from crappyoffbrands

5. Sounds a little bit like “Wednesday Addams.”

Am I right about this one?

Thank you, clearance aisle from crappyoffbrands

6. I feel like I just stepped onto a movie set!

It’s like Hollywood has come to life!

Two for the price of one! from crappyoffbrands

7. China excels at this kind of stuff.

Peppa Pig is literally everywhere!

Crappy or genius? from crappyoffbrands

8. Your wish did not exactly come true, did it?

Well, better luck next time.

Ordered a Pickle Rick pipe off… from crappyoffbrands

9. That’s a good company.

Keep an eye on them, they’re on the rise.

Aggle protduc from crappyoffbrands

10. This all looks very familiar…

To a certain TV show that I’ve seen before…

Biohazard Boy from crappyoffbrands

11. Dr. Perky! I love it!

Give it a shot! You might like it!

Well alright from crappyoffbrands

12. Batman had one too many drinks.

Well, now he’s totally useless…

Batman from Infinity War from crappyoffbrands

13. I wonder what this character’s name is…

Leo the Lion?

Totally not r/funny from crappyoffbrands

Those are great!

And now we want to hear from you.

What do you think is the best knockoff brand that you’ve ever seen?

Share some photos with us in the comments. Thanks!

The post These Knockoff Brands Are Sure to Make You LOL appeared first on UberFacts.

Fun Facts People Just Learned About Nature

Nature sure is amazing.

It’s amazing that I don’t even believe it half the time. I mean, have you SEEN pictures of those deep sea fish? Or the fossilized imprints of dragonflies with six foot wingspans?

Those things EXIST (or existed) in the real world, and here we are just going about our day pretending it’s fine.

It’s not fine. It’s ridiculous. And somebody oughta do something about it, like, say, take to Twitter and share random facts.

Enjoy these ridiculous nature realizations.

10. Beavers

Don’t let them fool you, it’s all because of their strict Cheeto diet.

9. Cats

This might be why my cat is physically incapable of being sweet.

8. Harvest mice

This phenomenon is what top scientists refer to as “the cutest thing in the entire whole wide world.”

7. Supervolcanoes

The Earth is angry and waiting to strike.

6. Turtles

This almost seems like an inefficient use of space.

5. Owls

The more I learn about these creeps, the less I trust them.

4. Donkeys and lambs

“Lol what?” – lambs, probably

3. Hammerhead Bats

This is the villain in a 90’s kid’s cartoon.

2. Yellow watermelon

Why do I feel like I’m gonna get superpowers if I eat one of these?

1. Eggplants

Letting anything in nature be simple would just be overeasy.

The words have been said before but they’ve never rang more true: crazy how nature do dat.

What’s your fun nature fact? Teach us something fun about the world around us! Please!

If you can, share it with us in the comments. We love learning stuff like that.

The post Fun Facts People Just Learned About Nature appeared first on UberFacts.

Funny Knockoff Brands You Have to See to Believe

Pass me the Dr. Gulpster!

Or maybe the Dr. Rocket?

Okay, well if you’re out of those, I guess I’ll take the Dr. Thunder…

In case you have no idea what the hell I’m talking about, I’m referring to knockoff brands of Dr. Pepper. There are a ton of them out there for some reason, and I’ve always found them to be quite hilarious.

And, as you can probably imagine, there are knockoff brands for just about every kind of product out there, and they’re all pretty hilarious.

Are you ready to see some of them? Let’s take a look!

1. I can’t believe it’s not…

Man, there are a whole lot of these, huh?

What not butter! from crappyoffbrands

2. Something doesn’t look right here…

I can’t quite put my finger on it.

X-post from r/hmmm from crappyoffbrands

3. The exact opposite.

I wonder if it still keeps you warm…?

I love finding things like this at thrift stores. from crappyoffbrands

4. I love this guy.

A pretty funny story, if I do say so myself.

Oof, Starbucks. (Reposted from r/memes) from crappyoffbrands

5. Which one do you prefer?

Gimme that GFC!

Offbrand of offbrands from crappyoffbrands

6. You get what you pay for.

Don’t go cheap on any kind of cleaning robot!

Mother knew I wanted a Roomba but didn’t want to waste that much money on one. So she found one for a bargain! Note, it has zero vacuuming ability. from crappyoffbrands

7. Good thing your name is Mike.

Otherwise, it would have been embarrasing.

Paid $10 for it and didnt realize til I put it on.. at least it has my name on it from crappyoffbrands

8. This is blasphemy!

How dare you drag this name through the mud!

Who killed Orange Julius? Orange Brutus [Philippines] from crappyoffbrands

9. I think it might be FONY.

At least it’s kind of cheap…

Looks a bit… phoney doesn’t it from crappyoffbrands

10. That’s not a good sign…

I wonder if these are big sellers…

Saw this in a secondhand group. Not Uggs, but… from crappyoffbrands

11. I want Dave all over me.

Wait, did that sound weird?

My favorite soap from crappyoffbrands

12. Time to take a trip to Iran!

I need some Burger Next in my life.

Yum Yum from crappyoffbrands

What’s your favorite knockoff brand that you’ve ever seen?

Tell us about it in the comments.

And please share some pics if you have ’em. Thanks!

The post Funny Knockoff Brands You Have to See to Believe appeared first on UberFacts.

10 Times Kids Embarrassed Their Parents in Public

Kids like to say some crazy stuff, and sometimes their outbursts happen for all the world to see and hear.

These 10 parents tell us all about the times their kids just wouldn’t STFU and said some of the most embarrassing things imaginable.

Get ready for some hilarious confessions… and some cringeworthy ones at that!

1. Well that’s funny!

Not just funny… but REALLY f**king funny!

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. So how did your daughter come up with that plan?

Because I’m thinking it’s not a horrible plan.

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. I bet that made you stop RIGHT away.

“She doesn’t know what she’s talking about!”

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Oh boy… that’s not great!

Sometimes I think we just need to explain this stuff to them.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Okay, this is adorable and so self aware!

I hope you were really mean to her after this. ?

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. This kid is my favorite kid ever!

Spoiler alert!!!

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. OMFG… kid… shut up…

You’re probably not that skinny yourself ya know?

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Well, could she? Hmmmmm???

I mean… maybe she was just being honest?

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Wow… that’s daddy’s little girl!

I have mad respect for her knowing these lyrics, though.

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. The correct answer to that is “Yes. That is a real ninja.”

Photo Credit: Whisper

And if you don’t stop talking, she’s going to ninja you!

Wow… those parents are absolute saints.

What did you think? Do you have kids? Have they said some crazy stuff in front of strangers?

Share your story in the comments and let us ALL enjoy!

Don’t be stingy!

The post 10 Times Kids Embarrassed Their Parents in Public appeared first on UberFacts.

People Online Are Obsessed With “Sea Shanties” and We’re Here for It

Who would’ve thought that sea shanties would be the next big thing? The internet has a way of reviving old trends through viral videos, but this takes that phenomenon to a whole different level.

Now, we can all feel like 19th-century pirates sailing across the seas to Tortuga or the Bermuda triangle.

When web-dwellers hop on a trend, they don’t do it lightly.

As always, folks on the internet dove head first into creating some stellar content here.

Naturally, ultra-talented musicians came out in droves to add their own spin to the classic sea shanty.


Shanty time. #viral #singer #shanty #scottishsinger #fyp #scottishtiktok #cooncilhooseoftiktok #singing #scottishsong #irishsong

♬ original sound – N A T H A N E V A N S S

Even the acapella versions are stunning.

Check out the awesome layering and harmonies Nathan Evans, a singer from Scotland, added in while covering “The Wellerman,” an 1860s whaling song that originated in New Zealand.


The Wellerman. #seashanty #sea #shanty #viral #singing #acoustic #pirate #new #original #fyp #foryou #foryoupage #singer #scottishsinger #scottish

♬ Wellerman – Sea Shanty – Nathan Evans

Of course, more singers and musicians had to hop on this trend.

Here’s Evans’ version completely with baritone, bass, and double bass parts to give the tune an epic, well-rounded sound.

While all that musical talent is pretty epic, the internet has had a couple mixed opinions about this new trend.

Some love it, some hate it, and some are utterly confused by it.

We get it – sea shanties are definitely not for everyone.

They’re definitely not the something you’d hear playing on the radio’s Top 40.

Plus, some people are just been plainly taking the trend way too far. I’m talking about full-blown EDM remix level too far.


Thanks for the support? Full song in Bio. #seashanty #banger #fyp #foryou #foru #stitch #bass #duet #xyzbca #xyzcba #sound @_luke.the.voice_ @nthnevn

♬ original sound – ARGULES

In a way, that’s kind of epic. In another way, that’s horrifying. Who knows what lies ahead for the sea shanty trend?

Perhaps a fully produced musical is just on the horizon!

What’s your take on the internet’s recent obsession with sea shanties?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

The post People Online Are Obsessed With “Sea Shanties” and We’re Here for It appeared first on UberFacts.

Tesla Drivers Can Set Their Horn to Any Sound…Including Farts

Just when you thought technology couldn’t get any stranger, Tesla drivers can now set their horn to any sound.

Yes, any sound.

That includes farts, screams, airhorns, vuvuzelas, and literally any other noise that you could ever imagine.

Thanks to this latest software update, drivers can now honk out the tune of their dreams.

They say give the people what they want if you want a successful company. This might be an equally wonderful and terrifying step in that direction for Tesla.

Already, tons of Tesla owners have taken advantage of the software update and installed the customized horn of their dreams.

Check out some of these (both epic and questionable) choices from the Tesla community.

You can’t go wrong with installing a classic meme into your car’s software.

However, there is one small caveat. This feature is only available to those who own cars with the optional pedestrian speaker.

There’s another bonus for those who have that feature: your Tesla can function as the sound source during a party. Who needs a crazy expensive surround sound system when you can a crazy expensive electric car to do the same thing?

Basically, you can feel free to have an impromptu party or even bring the jams with you.

What better way to celebrate your new investments in dogecoin than by blasting out “RIP Harambe” on your newly updated Tesla – aka portable sound system and walking (driving?) meme.

That’s certainly one way to troll people in public. Though these features don’t work while the car is on the move, they still have the ability to startle any passerby’s by epic proportions.

What do you think of these custom Tesla horns?

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The post Tesla Drivers Can Set Their Horn to Any Sound…Including Farts appeared first on UberFacts.