Let’s Take a Look at the Existential Crisis of Being a Millennial 29 Year Old

For anyone who hasn’t experienced it in life yet, it’s hard to convey just how weird it is being 29. You know that you’re at the end of your 20’s, and thus coming to the close of the part of your life where anyone is likely to refer to you as “young.”

This makes you start reevaluating absolutely everything, including just how different your life is from that which your parents had when they were at this juncture.

As always, memes express it best. Here are the questions you may find yourself asking…

10. What’s for dinner?

I feel called out as I specifically wrote a review about this recently.

9. Is it the right time?

These things are sensitive and need to be handled correctly.

8. Can I go out?

Why would you even want to, though?

7. Why tho?

Maybe some things are better left in the past.

6. Will I be next?

It’s the closest thing to a vacation many of us could even hope for.

5. Can we chat?

An example of a positive generational shift.

4. Who’s a good kitty?

I don’t care what they say, he’s my baby.

3. Have I watered them today?

It’s especially devastating when you fail even at this.

2. Can I afford it?

I guess I could have done this at home, but my wood isn’t as nice.

1. Can we hang?

Oh boy oh gee I hope he lets me live slightly.

Best of luck to all my fellow millennials out there. You’re gonna need it.

What’s the biggest difference between you and your parents?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Let’s Take a Look at the Existential Crisis of Being a Millennial 29 Year Old appeared first on UberFacts.

If You Were Able to Stop Time for 20 Minutes a Day, What Would You Do With That Time? Here’s What People Said.

Let’s all be superheroes for a few minutes!

We’re going to play a fun game called “If You Could Stop Time for 20 Minutes a Day, What Would You Do With That Time?”

This is gonna be fun! And…it’s nice to dream about a little bit of extra time since most of us are so darn busy day in and day out.

People on AskReddit talked about what they’d do…let’s see what they had to say.

1. Good plan.

“Whenever I’m in a heated argument, I’ll stop time to think of a good comeback.

If I can’t, just put something in the other person’s mouth and restart time.

Walk away from the chaos.”

2. Take it down a notch.

“Honestly the mornings can be kinda hectic in our house so I’d stop time to enjoy a cup of coffee in peace and quiet.”

3. Take advantage of it!

“As a tennis player I would stop time for milliseconds at a time allowing me to hit perfect shots.

After a couple of years I would perfect this art, slowly establishing myself as a top tier player. This would allow me to dominate tournaments like the U.S. Open, winning me millions in sponsorships and tournament winnings.

Decades later, while going down as the best player of all time, I would cement myself in history. My remaining years would be spent relaxing in exotic places with my supermodel wife.”

4. A little time to relax.

“Exercise, read, cook.

Basically any activity that takes up a huge part of my daily activity so I have more time to relax.”

5. Do I know you?

“Go to an amusement park and swap out children from families in close proximity.

Not to the point where the child becomes lost, but to the point where like 5 or 6 groups of people are looking at each other funny.”

6. Don’t worry about what they think.

“I’d go for a 20 minute jog in the neighborhood without the fear of neighbors seeing fat me trying to run.

Plus I wouldn’t have to worry about cars too I guess.”

7. Mess with ’em a little bit.

“I’d just wander through my neighbors houses and adjust their settings, hide their keys/phones/etc, disconnect their router and leave a suction cup dildo on the bathroom mirror.”

8. Awwwwwww.

“I’d go hug my grandma without her knowing.

Then 20 minutes would be over and she’d be there on her couch playing animal crossing like “I feel so loved right now for some reason!””

9. Quality time.

“Every day at 5:30.

So I could pick up my kid at school without traffic and be able to spend more time with him.”

10. Use it however you want to.

“Does it have to be all at once? If I could split it up, I would walk around the city and apply karma to people.

Litter? I’ll freeze time and throw it back at you.

Refuse to wear a mask? I’ll freeze time and draw a mask on your face with a sharpie.

Being a jerk to the cashier? That $20 in your pocket will find it’s way into the tip jar.”

11. Let it out.

“Scream extremely loudly without worrying about alarming people.

Because the way this year has been…I need me a fat healthy scream to let it all out.”

12. Fix them teeth!

“Go into my dentist office and apply a huge credit to my account so I could finally go and get my teeth fixed!

I wouldn’t even need to do it everyday, just once so I could get them fixed, not have to hurt every time I eat, or worry about another piece of tooth just fracturing away and I could honestly live a happy life for the rest of my life!”

13. People are gonna lose it.

“I;d remove things from people’s hand and place it in their other hand.

I’d swap people’s drinks with ketchup.

I’d flip the tag of everyone’s shirt in the room out.

I’d place things into people’s pockets. Notes that say “meet me at the usual place” and stuff.”

14. The good and the bad.

“20 minutes would be an insane amount of time to do things.

Arrange to visit someone who needs to go away, pause, kidnap, escape, success!

Want a new car, find what you want at a dealer, pause, drive car away and hide it somewhere nearby, change number plates, done.

If you pre-plan 20 minutes is huge! You could over turn governments over a series of weeks, steal millions, own whatever you want, escape almost any situation where death wasn’t certain (e.g falling).

You could be a super hero or villain.”

15. What now?

“I’d pause time without planning ahead.

I’d probably end up spending the whole 20 minutes trying to figure out what to do.”

Okay, folks, now we’d like to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us what YOU would do if you could stop time for 20 minutes every day.

We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

The post If You Were Able to Stop Time for 20 Minutes a Day, What Would You Do With That Time? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss the Nicest Celebrities They’ve Dealt With at Their Jobs

I know that celebrities seem like they have it all, but I think one aspect of their lives that would be kind of a nightmare would be dealing with people in their everyday lives.

I know, I know, they signed up for it once they decided to become an actor/singer/etc., but it’s gotta get old to have people always bothering you and wanting a photo with you when you’re just trying to have dinner with your family or go to the grocery store.

But still, people do like to hear stories about their encounters with bigwigs in ordinary situations.

AskReddit users talked about dealing with celebrities at their jobs.

Let’s see what they had to say.

1. It was her.

“Amanda Seyfried came into the coffee shop I used to work in.

I made her a coffee and she even complimented me on it!

When I asked if it was her, she said, ‘No but I get that a lot.’

Two days later she posted a photo on Instagram where she was obviously in the same small town.

It was totally her.”

2. Sir Ian.

“I was working at a theatre café trying to get through the usual rush before the show started when I realized I was serving Sir Ian McKellen!

I kept my cool and was disappointed to learn that the guy who was in the bar with me didn’t know who he was!

We both loved Ian’s Ugg boots though.”

3. Please don’t.

“I met Morgan Freeman when he came to my work (a symphony hall) for a show.

He was so nice, he was asking me all these questions about my life, and his voice sounded even better in person.

I held it together pretty well but as I was walking away I said to my coworker (too loudly) “omg I’m gonna pee my pants.”

And he tapped my shoulder and said “please don’t.””

4. We miss him.

“Robin Williams was in town for a performance and was having an issue with his computer.

He brought it in for repair and spent the time waiting hanging out with us, taking pictures, cracking jokes and talking to us.”

5. Hmmm…

“Several years ago I worked at a nice, sit down pizza restaurant.

One night Miley Cyrus (Party in the USA era) and her whole family came in.

I waited on them. When it was time to bring out their pizza I put it on the table and said, “It’s a pizza party in the USA!”

She did not find it as amusing as my coworkers did.”

6. That was nice.

“I used to work at an oil company where we dispatched over a radio…

A driver was delivering to Ben Affleck’s house and mentioned that it was my birthday.

Ben got up into the cab of the truck and got on the radio to wish me a happy birthday!”

7. Big mug.

“This happened to a girl I work with but still awesome.

Nick Offerman came into the coffee shop we work at and ordered a large coffee.

When she gave him the mug he looked at her and said ” that’s a satisfyingly large mug” did his awesome laugh and sat down giggling at the mug.”

8. Maybe they’re just normal folks.

“I was working at a restaurant when Cameron Diaz and Jason Segel came in.

They were so nice and actually tried to help us bus their table!”

9. Funny.

“I was a barista at the time, and Brad Garrett (from Finding Nemo, Everybody Loves Raymond) came in.

It was a busy cafe and I had TONS of fun with customers there, while trying to be as efficient as possible.

I also had THE COOLEST eyeglasses ever at the time, they were rectangle with triangle shaped arms made of stainless steel.

It’s important that you know how cool these were (R.I.P. ?). Anyways, Brad comes over to watch me make his beverage. We make some small talk, and now Brad is wearing my glasses and impersonating me. ” I am a fancy barista, look at how cool I am with my weird glasses…” he says.

So I immediately shot back, in my most Brad Garrett-y voice: ” oh look, I’m Brad Garrett, I’m SOOOO funny and I’m a giant human” (said while walking around like Shrek). He laughed. I laughed. He even came back the next day asking where I was!

It’s the friendship that never was, but always should have been.”

10. Not a shocker.

“Taylor Swift came into the store I work in while she was in Westerly, Rhode Island and completely ignored all the workers and customers.

Her very attractive body guard was pleasant and chatted with us though!”

11. Oops.

“I work at a Starbucks drive thru and one day Kevin Bacon came through! He was wearing a beanie and sunglasses (at night ?) and I wasn’t 100% sure it was him so I decided to test it.

Right before he was gonna drive away I said “have a nice night, Kevin!” He said thank you very politely, then as if remembering he didn’t want to be recognized he mumbled “sh*t” and drove away.”

12. That voice, though.

“My mom, my sisters, and I were visiting Philadelphia on July 4, 2006. We went to the hotel penthouse to play a board game.

While we were playing, my mom realized that Lionel Richie was across the room and was being interviewed for the July 4 festivities. She was so excited that she stopped playing the game and started whispering her responses to anything Richie said as if they were having a conversation.

When he finished the interview, he walked by and my mom introduced herself. He was extremely pleasant, warm and friendly. He said to my mom, “Very nice to meet you, ma’am.” He then turned to my sisters and me and said, “You guys probably don’t know me. You probably know Nicole.”

I said, “No, we don’t go to school around here, so probably not.” He just stared at me, smiled, and gave my mom a hug. Once he left, my twin sister said, “No, you idiot, Nicole Richie. She’s on TV.” I said, “Oh, yeah, sure.” I still wasn’t sure who she was until I looked her up later.

In any case, Lionel Richie was very kind, and even though my mom apologized profusely for “bothering” him, he assured her that he always liked meeting fans and their families.”

13. That’s a weird comment.

“My family own a Mexican restaurant on the south side of Chicago. One day three men come in and talk about the charity work being done in the area. I nod along and go about serving them. One gentlemen in particular looked especially familiar but I couldn’t place him.

Eventually, they ask me about The Shawshank Redemption, if I have ever seen the movie. I said no. They point to one of the men, not the one who looked familiar, and said he was in the film. I shrug and say, “that’s cool”. All this while the one who looks familiar refuses to make direct eye contact with me, like he was shy. I almost said that he looked familiar but I didn’t want to bother them while they ate.

Eventually they finished and left, but not without telling me not to get knocked up at a young age. Later that day I tell my older brother about the encounter. He pulls up pictures of the cast. The shy gentleman who I recognized – Tim Robbins. Thanks for the life advice, Tim Robbins, 12 years later and I’m still not knocked up.”

How about you?

Have you ever had to deal with any celebrities at your job or out in public?

Tell us about your experiences in the comments.


The post People Discuss the Nicest Celebrities They’ve Dealt With at Their Jobs appeared first on UberFacts.

These Before and After Animal Adoption Pics Will Melt Your Heart

About a year ago, my parents rescued a dog from a local rescue. They hadn’t had a dog in the house in over five years since their last one had passed away, and I think they were a little bit nervous about it.

But Coco has been an absolute delight and my parents absolutely love her to pieces!

It just goes to show you how much love and happiness that animals bring into our homes.

Are you ready to meet some rescue animals that will melt your heart? Let’s take a look!

1. Fred’s getting fat!

And that’s a good thing!

When I found Fred on the side of the road he was skittish, neurotic, and sweet as could be. One month later he’s still all those things, but now he’s fat too. Love him more every day. from BeforeNAfterAdoption

2. Don’t get a pet if you don’t “want to deal with it anymore.”

But we’re glad that Dooby is now living his best life.

This is my precious little man, Dobby. He was dumped off at a shot clinic. The owner said she did not want to “deal with him anymore“. I cannot imagine the pain that he was in. He has made a miraculous recovery and is a very special little guy! from BeforeNAfterAdoption

3. Rescued from the streets.

This one was a major turnaround.

Phoenix was rescued from the streets and was covered in hot tar. Little over a month later, he looks amazing, he loves humans and is ready to enter a loving home ? from BeforeNAfterAdoption

4. We’re going to take care of you.

And we’ll keep you safe.

When we met her in the shelter my daughter immediately started whispering in her ear “your okay, we’ll take you home and keep you safe, we love you already” from BeforeNAfterAdoption

5. Now you can relax and enjoy yourself.

Look at how calm she is in her new home.

After 4 years in the street, Annie found her home with my parents. First day vs 1 week later from aww

6. Keep losing those pounds.

Way to go, Shiloh!

Fed junk food and never given any exercise her whole life, Shiloh couldn’t walk more than 10 meters before having to stop and rest. 3 months later, she’s lost 30 pounds and can walk over 1 km without stopping! from BeforeNAfterAdoption

7. What a good boy!

Clearly enjoying his new home.

This is Edgar before and after getting adopted. (My first shelter pup, Steve, is in the back there.) from BeforeNAfterAdoption

8. A heart of gold.

Bringing joy to her owners every single day.

After surviving severe neglect, heartworm and mange, Waffle still has a heart of gold and loves everyone she meets. She makes us smile everyday! from BeforeNAfterAdoption

9. Who the hell would do this?

People are really terrible sometimes.

My next-door neighbors abandoned their dog and got a new puppy. She was in the shelter for a full month before I realized what happened. This is Missy in the shelter, and when she realized she’s never going back. from BeforeNAfterAdoption

10. Look at this transformation.

Hello, Midnight!

My Midnight’s transformation from BeforeNAfterAdoption

11. He loves taking car rides!

And he’s loving his life now!

Ride from the shelter VS. Ride for fun from BeforeNAfterAdoption

12. Saved from underneath a car.

You did a good thing. Bravo!

One year ago, Jake was found underneath a car, alone and half frozen. He was 4 weeks old and his mom was gone. Now he’s the biggest kitty with the most personality that I’ve ever met. from BeforeNAfterAdoption

I can’t get enough of these pics!

And now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, please share some photos of your furry friends.

Thanks in advance!

The post These Before and After Animal Adoption Pics Will Melt Your Heart appeared first on UberFacts.

Check Out These Hilarious and Very Specific Posts

Social media sure does bring out some strange folks, don’t you think?

You think you know what someone is really like and then, BAM! You happen to see their Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter page and then you see a whole new side of them.

Because it’s on these social media sites that people like to get very, very specific. And we’re about to see a whole bunch of examples of exactly what I’m talking about, friends.

Are you ready to get oddly specific with some complete strangers? Of course, you are! Let’s take a look.

1. I’m with you, kid.

Just take me away!

This kid is going places, with owls. from oddlyspecific

2. This is a very specific paradox.

Rick Astley for the win!

Favorite paradox from oddlyspecific

3. Here’s the rundown on life.

Do you agree with this?

Also suspiciously relatable from oddlyspecific

4. I did this last night!

We really have a lot in common!

We’ve all Been There from oddlyspecific

5. I had the same thought when I saw this.

You did too, right?

I mean, yea… from oddlyspecific

6. A lot of weirdos out there…

This person is really out there.

Yeah sure, it’s the house… from oddlyspecific

7. Those darn Hondas!

Let’s sound off about them!

Because… from oddlyspecific

8. That’s exactly how it went down.

Don’t believe me? Go watch the movie again!

Yeah Titanic was great from oddlyspecific

9. Gary strikes again.

This guy really needs to be put in his place.

How dare he?! from oddlyspecific

10. Santa is out on the prowl.

I think he’s gonna score big time.

that is quite in depth from oddlyspecific

11. This just spun out of control.

Guys…be careful out there…

That escalated quickly! from oddlyspecific

Well, those certainly were…specific. Very specific…

And now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, please share some funny posts you’ve seen lately that you think we’ll enjoy.

Thanks a lot, fam!

The post Check Out These Hilarious and Very Specific Posts appeared first on UberFacts.

Let’s Get Down to Business With These Funny Memes

I consider myself a great businessman first and foremost, so I’m here to let you in on the ground floor.

These memes are funny, original, and they’re going to instantly make you laugh and put you in a better mood.

If that doesn’t happen, I’ll refund your money ASAP.

Does that sound like a deal? Okay, then let’s get down to business, friends!

1. Well, that kind of backfired, I guess…

Back to the drawing board!

Photo Credit: The Chive

2. We all need some of these in our lives.

No more Cheeto dust all over the house.

Photo Credit: The Chive

3. Well, now you have.

Now I can’t un-see this…and I’m disturbed.

Photo Credit: The Chive

4. That did the trick.

The vino will flow.

Photo Credit: The Chive

5. Come on people! Wear your masks!

It’s really not that hard.

Photo Credit: The Chive

6. It looks like several of the food groups are represented here.

A well-balanced diet!

Photo Credit: The Chive

7. Oh, I’m sorry about that…

Old habits die hard.

Photo Credit: The Chive

8. That joke never gets old.

He’s still bitter about the whole rib thing.

Photo Credit: The Chive

9. Okay, now I want an alpaca.

And yes, I also love sleep.

Photo Credit: The Chive

10. Just ignore that dumpster fire.

And continue to look at cat pics!

Photo Credit: The Chive

11. Looking good! Feeling good!

We’ll all be back at the beach soon!

Photo Credit: The Chive

Now it’s time for more funny business.

In the comments, please share some funny memes, tweets, jokes, photos, etc.

Thanks a lot, amigos! We appreciate it!

The post Let’s Get Down to Business With These Funny Memes appeared first on UberFacts.

Thrift Stores Have A Lot of Weird Items. Here’s the Proof.

I’m not a person who really enjoys going to thrift stores, but I have enough friends that like them, so I’ve spent a pretty good amount of time browsing through the shelves and racks.

And, even in my disinterested state, I’ve noticed that these places of business are filled with…well…very strange items for sale.

Are you ready to check out some really odd things that folks found in thrift stores? Let’s get weird!

1. Need some new art for your wall?

This is definitely a conversation starter.

2. This is very creepy.

I’ve never seen a candle like this before…

3. This needs to hang in the bar up the street from me…

I’ve seen some stuff at that place…

4. Let’s get physical!

And enjoy some Bible verses!

5. High art, right here.

I call this, “A Day in the Life of a Feline.”

6. Have a seat with Jesus.

Let’s have a chat, shall we?

7. Can anyone explain this to me?

I’m very confused by this…

8. Wear this t-shirt proudly.

Not sure what it means, but still…

9. This is just weird.

Especially if you’re supposed to wear them with your brother.

10. A lot to take in here.

Let’s break this down…

11. For all of you with terrible Catholic guilt out there.

And that includes me!

12. Ready for some heartfelt stories?

I know I sure am!

Okay, now it’s your turn!

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever found at a thrift store?

Let’s get crazy in the comments! And share some photos, too, if you have them!

The post Thrift Stores Have A Lot of Weird Items. Here’s the Proof. appeared first on UberFacts.

These Funny Posts Are Also Oddly Specific

If you want to get to know someone, you know what you need to do?

You need to pay attention to their social media accounts, people. I’m talking about their Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook pages.

Oh sure, you’ll get to know a person by spending time with them in person, but it’s those inner thoughts and feelings that come out on social media that really let you know what an individual is like.

And folks sure do like to get SPECIFIC with their posts. Oddly specific, in fact.

Let’s take a look at some examples.

1. I mean, we all want this, right?

At least I know I do…

Who wouldn’t want this though from oddlyspecific

2. People need to relax…

We’re not gonna microchipped…I don’t think…

Meetball madness from oddlyspecific

3. It’s all over.

I mean, how can you possibly compete with that?!?!

gnocchi from oddlyspecific

4. Let’s get weird together!

Not to mention painful…

It do be like that from oddlyspecific

5. I kind of want this in my life.

You don’t ever have to leave that tiny area. Glorious!

This belongs here from oddlyspecific

6. Bottoms up, everyone!

Also, this is very accurate.

specific indeed from oddlyspecific

7. I feel you on this one.

Books for the win!

Sometimes, sometimes sex is cooler from oddlyspecific

8. I’m not gonna spend the money on that, I swear.

You probably shouldn’t have mentioned that…

agreed tbh from oddlyspecific

9. This is starting to get insane.

Just let me live my life!

HOAs violate your property rights from oddlyspecific

10. Rinse and repeat.

This looks pretty familiar.

Hmm, oddly specific and oddly relatable from oddlyspecific

11. You can’t escape Mr. Sheeran.

He’s literally EVERYWHERE.

Pretty scary indeed from oddlyspecific

Now we want to hear from you.

Have you seen any really funny posts that have made you laugh lately?

If so, please share them with us in the comments. Thanks in advance!

The post These Funny Posts Are Also Oddly Specific appeared first on UberFacts.