Random Tweets to Make You Laugh

Today’s selection of tweets is something special, in that there’s no rhyme or reason to any of them, nor any connective thread other than that they are funny.

And if you need more than that from a tweet, you’re too high-maintenance of a person.

So for everybody else, let’s just laugh.

15. Seeing red

When you’re here, you’re family.

14. Do the math

I need to know what let up to this epic battle.

13. Judge not

How’s come you won’t evaluate me based on what I feel like I probably am?

12. Quick fix

Please hold, your call is very important to us.

11. Spill the beans

It’s all the same ingredients in different combinations.

10. The daily grind

This is very, very alarming.

9. Alienating questions

Boy, this is a fun little throwback to a simpler time, huh?

8. Mythical creatures

Excuse me, how high are you right now?

7. Try, try again

God bless these terrible cultural nostalgia cycles.

6. Mr. Pots

No, they’re right, this required your attention.

5. Everybody gets one

God abandoned us long ago and we absolutely deserved it.

4. Let them eat cake

Well next time maybe you’ll be more specific.

3. Going through a lot

And the idiot next to me is parked over the line.

2. The ultimate revenge

That’s a bold strategy, let’s see how it works out.

1. The real MVP

And all the haters doubted him.

That’s at least fifteen laughs right there. An infinite value for no dollars down. What a time to be alive.

Who are your favorite funny people to follow on Twitter?

Tell us in the comments.

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We’re Thankful That These Memes Exist

Memes. Where do they come from? How did they all get here?

Nobody knows.

Some believe that memes are naturally occurring, like the patterns in rock strata. Others say they were placed here by an extraterrestrial intelligence for reasons beyond our understanding.

Me? I think they reproduce in the traditional way.

But no matter how they got here, we’re lucky to have them. Let’s admire some now.

13. Game over

There will be no fairytale ending tonight.

Via: Someecards

12. Catch some rays

There’s no better feeling than this.

Via: Someecards

11. Burn it down

The living embodiment of the “this is fine” cartoon.

Via: Someecards

10. Making an exit

This is an especially awkward thing to do when you work from home.

Via: Someecards

9. Coping mechanisms

Can’t get hurt if you’re already dead.

Via: Someecards

8. Horse play

Why does she always look like she’s severely confused?

Via: Someecards

7. Noticeably white

I can’t tell if this lady would be insufferable or endless fun.

Via: Someecards

6. Brush by

Wait how am I the kid in this meme?

Via: Someecards

5. Musical genius

The most rudimentary form of self-promotion.

Via: Someecards

4. Special delivery

Turn on the oven because I’m bringing the heat.

Via: Someecards

3. Super cool

For best results, repeat endlessly the entire night.

Via: Someecards

2. Flushing bride

Didn’t think I’d end up jealous of a urinal today but whatever.

Via: Someecards

1. To the skies

This is the weirdest sequel to Up.

Via: Someecards

Scientists are hard at work trying to find out how these memes came our way. When they finally get to the bottom of it, I think the answer may just astound us all.

What do you think memes are?

Tell us in the comments.

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Super Hot Memes Just for Your Eyes

I think a whole lot of super hot memes just walked in.

Play it cool, play it cool.

Guh, what if they just walked over to us right now? Wouldn’t you DIE?

I can’t remember the last time I saw a group of memes so fine. I’m gettin’ a little warm under the collar.

Oh crap, here they are!

12. A dry run

I doubt they’re even familiar with TV.

Via: Someecards

11. Cut it off

“Give away the razor, sell the blades.”

Via: Someecards

10. Nightmare scenarios

I’m less confused by the cigarette than I am by the lanyard.

Via: Someecards

9. Breathe easy

Nobody nose the trouble I’ve seen.

Via: Someecards

8. Mini me

Thanks man, I’m gonna keep you around.

Via: Someecards

7. Do the math

Simplify your life by simplifying fractions.

Via: Someecards

6. Made you look

I want to go back to when I was living in blissful ignorance of this text.

Via: Someecards

5. The trickery challenge

Kid literally doesn’t know what’s good for him.

Via: Someecards

4. Retweet

Why wood we do that?

Via: Someecards

3. The red-nosed pain dear

There are few fates worse on this planet.

Via: Someecards

2. That’s a wrap

I mean rap isn’t taxpayer funded but I get what you mean.

Via: Someecards

1. Feel the warmth

I’ve never been so envious of a monkey before.

Via: Someecards

Guh, that was everything I’d hoped it would be and more. Wait till the gals back home hear about this.

What kinds of memes are the best in your opinion?

Dish out your thoughts in the comments.

The post Super Hot Memes Just for Your Eyes appeared first on UberFacts.

Interesting Wedding Cakes That Might Want to Look at Twice

The day you get married is supposed to be magical.

Everything is supposed to work out according to plan and there should be no surprises or accidents.

And one thing that you and your guests will definitely remember is that cake. Forget about the Best Man speech and the Father-Daughter dance…no one will recall those events.

But the cake better be beautiful and it better be tasty…or else you’ll be haunted by that memory forever.

And I have a feeling that’s what happened with these folks because these cakes are…well, you’ll see…

Let’s take a look.

1. This is totally hilarious.

“Why is there a wedding?”

This cake was supposed to spell "Wiser Wedding" from ExpectationVsReality

2. I’m not sure what kind of cake this is…

It looks like internal organs or Spaghetti-O’s.

Hearty Wedding from ATBGE

3. They really did a number of the faces of these two.

Do you think they were pleased with the final product?

4. Are those chicken tenders?

Did Applebee’s cater the wedding AND make the cake?

Saw this on my fb feed…from a wedding… from shittyfoodporn

5. Some very interesting choices here.

Hey, to each their own, right?

This…my buddies wedding cake! from funny

6. What’s more romantic than road kill?

Nothing, as far as I know.

This road kill wedding cake from ATBGE

7. Not even close!

I hope you asked to speak to the manager.

I present to you, our wedding cake. I will admit they got the color right. That’s it. Yes I’m serious. from nailedit

8. Wow, this is pretty weird…

Not really sure what they were going for.

This “cattle brand” themed wedding cake that looks like a crusty, infected nipple from weddingshaming

9. Elegant. Dignified. American.

Red and White Dynamite for the win!

My cousins wedding cake… from trashy

10. Taking some notes from Borat.

What a strange world we live in…

Trashy Wedding Cake Topper from trashy

11. Wow…I’m guessing this was in the South?

But I could be wrong…

Look at this wedding cake from trashy

Those are pretty wild, huh?

How about you?

Have you seen any crazy wedding cakes? Or maybe YOU had a crazy wedding cake?

Share some pics with us in the comments, please!

The post Interesting Wedding Cakes That Might Want to Look at Twice appeared first on UberFacts.

10 Golden Retriever Puppies Enjoyed a Purple Dragon Reading to Them at Storytime

I’m gonna go on the record about something that I feel very strongly about.

I’m talking about Golden Retrievers. I don’t care if you think they are boring, generic dogs that only suburban soccer moms have. I’m here to tell you that they are one of the most gentle, loving, and all-around outstanding dog breeds out there.

Okay, now that I’ve said my peace, it’s time to move on to the story!

A totally adorable litter of ten Golden Retriever puppies sat and watched (they’re also well-behaved) as a robotic Dalton the Storytelling Dragon read to them in Redlands, California.

And it’s not the first time it’s happened either. Here’s another litter of Goldens getting into the reading spirit with Dalton.

Dalton the story telling dragon made his first appearance for the “Sweetheart” litter tonight! #sunnydreamsgoldens #daltonthestorytellingdragon #sweetheartlitter #hudsonxgidgetpups? #goldenretrieversofinstagram #puppyvideosofinstagram #cutestpuppies #puppiesatstorytime #puppyluv

Posted by SunnyDream's Golden Retrievers on Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Don’t they seem totally enthralled by the story?

Hey, these dogs like fairy tales, what else can you say?

This is all going down at a place called SunnyDreams Goldens, in case you wondering, because I know I was! If it was closer to me, I’d be making a trip there to meet and possibly buy a couple of these pooches.

Enjoy this video and just try to tell me that isn’t one of the most adorable things you’ve ever seen in your life.

I told you it was freaking adorable!

And now we want to hear from all the readers out there.

We’re all about the cute and fuzzy animals here, so we want you to do us a big favor: in the comments, share some wholesome and heartwarming videos, photos, and stories about animals that you think we’ll love.

Thank you in advance!

The post 10 Golden Retriever Puppies Enjoyed a Purple Dragon Reading to Them at Storytime appeared first on UberFacts.