This Artist Uses Tech to Show What Historical Figures Really Looked Like

Sometimes it can be hard to imagine what people from the past looked like before cameras were invented.

Yes, we have paintings and sculptures we can admire, but it sure would be nice to know what ancient leaders and famous artists of centuries past REALLY looked like.

Well, thanks to a photographer and artist named Bas Uterwijk who specializes in computer graphics and 3D animation, we have an idea of what some famous figures from history might have looked like.

Uterwijk started tampering with the likenesses of historical figures in 2019 and his work is really something. Here are some faces that the Dutch artist made come to life.

Let’s take a look.

1. Is that Bill Shakespeare?

Why yes, it is!

2. Albrecht Durer.

A German painter, FYI.

3. Portrait of a lady.

This one is pretty interesting.

4. That’s Lady Liberty.

If she was a real person…

5. Alexander the Great.

A giant historical figure.

6. Emperor Caligula. 

A lot of crazy stories about this fella.

7. They lived in Pompeii in AD 79.

What they must have seen…

8. Playwright. Politician. Philosopher.

Taken from a sculpture. I like this one.

9. Marcus Aurelius.

An emperor and a philosopher.

10. Julius Caesar.

We all know what happened to him…

11. The one and only Vincent van Gogh.

A master Dutch painter.

Those are awesome! I love all the detail. His creations seem to jump right off the screen.

Who else would you like to see given this treatment?

Share some fascinating historical figures with us in the comments. Thanks!

The post This Artist Uses Tech to Show What Historical Figures Really Looked Like appeared first on UberFacts.

Things That Looked Very Different Once They Were Cleaned

There are few things in life that are as great as seeing before-and-after photos of the magic of power washing.

And if you get to do that power washing yourself…you’re in for a HUGE treat. I’d even say that it’s therapeutic.

So if you’ve been a little stressed out and you want to see some very satisfying pictures that will satisfy your soul, you’re in the right place. These photos will relax your mind, calm your soul, and bring you some inner peace…at least I think they will…

Enjoy these pics and maybe they’ll encourage you to get out there and clean some of your own stuff!

1. Now this, I like!

I like it a lot!

Is this powerwashingporn enough? from powerwashingporn

2. Prove them wrong!

With your cleaning skills!

Roommates thought the sink was permanently stained. I got bored in quarantine and proved them wrong. from powerwashingporn

3. A whole new place to relax.

Well, this sure looks cozy.

Power washed patio then built a canopy! Sorry. No vid. from powerwashingporn

4. I love it!

You did a great job!

Feast your eyes, you powerwashing freaks! from powerwashingporn

5. That’s a cool cityscape.

Hey, you have some serious artistic abilities.

I’ll finish washing the fence tommorrow. But untill then… from powerwashingporn

6. A fresh, new look.

We’re all here for it!

Looks almost like fresh paint! from powerwashingporn

7. That’s pretty nice looking.

Also, your mom is right.

I told my wife I was taking pictures for my friends on reddit. She said ‘They’re not your friends’ from powerwashingporn

8. A colorful deck.

And you never even knew it was there!

Half way there from powerwashingporn

9. Get rid of all that grime.

No more slipping and falling.

Now we won’t slip going down the stairs from powerwashingporn

10. A whole new world out there.

That’s a pretty nice view, don’t you think?

I didn’t even know we had multi-colored tiles. from powerwashingporn

11. Give that baby a bath.

It’s working hard for you!

Very dirty tractor from fall from powerwashingporn

I love those! Isn’t it satisfying to see the before and after? Ahhh… it calms my OCD so much!

And now we want to hear from you! In the comments, share some cool links and websites with us that you think we should check out.

Please and thank you!

The post Things That Looked Very Different Once They Were Cleaned appeared first on UberFacts.

People Shared Their Epic Cooking Fails and They’re Something to Behold

This is not good. Not good at all…

What you’re about to see might cause you to experience a range of emotions. You’ll probably laugh, you might cry, and you’ll most likely cringe and shake your head in disgust.

Because these photos of cooking and baking fails are not pretty…

Let’s take a look at the damage that took place inside these kitchens. You’ve been warned.

1. The absolute worst.

Looks like you’re gonna be working a little overtime tonight.

5 minutes before close after a 12 hour shift… from KitchenConfidential

2. The stuff nightmares are made of.

Never try that again!

I tried to bake. from ExpectationVsReality

3. What a fun hobby!

Hmmm, nice try on that one.

Bake bread they said… an overnight rise will taste so good they said… put in the fridge they said… it’s so a rewarding hobby they said… from Wellthatsucks

4. It was obviously a great holiday!

The perfect texture, I think.

Happy Thanksgiving from my little sisters first ever turkey! from pics

5. Looks like something out of a horror movie.

This is pretty scary.

Apparently using a syringe to inject the filling of a jelly bun doesn’t work that well… from shittyfoodporn

6. Didn’t work out so well.

Better luck next time.

Tried cooking a sweet potato in my new air fryer today… from Wellthatsucks

7. Have a Corona Cake!

Actually, you should trademark that.

Attempted to make Flower Pancakes for my wife as a mothers day surprise but they ended up looking like Corona Cakes from Wellthatsucks

8. Totally and completely defeated.

You gave it your best shot…

This is what defeat looks like. from funny

9. It looks like something else.

I just can’t put my finger on it…

I tried to make a cake with a lobster shaped dish from Wellthatsucks

10. This is outrageously bad.

But we commend you for trying!

Birthday Cake attempt this weekend from nailedit

11. Lucky the house didn’t burn down.

Gotta be careful with fire!

12. Is that a dead dinosaur?

That’s kind of what it looks like to me…just saying…

What my brother was trying to make vs what he actually made from nailedit

13. The perfect pairing.

You are a wizard in the kitchen!

My own invention: eggplant with a side of melted knife from shittyfoodporn

Maybe those people should stay away from the kitchen for a while…just a thought.

And now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, tell us about your worst cooking or baking fail. And share some photos too if you have them! Thanks!

The post People Shared Their Epic Cooking Fails and They’re Something to Behold appeared first on UberFacts.

Do Yourself a Solid and Read These Hilarious, Random Tweets

Help us help you, okay?

We want to be of service to you during these rough times we’re all living through and the best way we know how to do that is through supplying you with hilarious tweets that will make you laugh and forget about the world for a little while.

So do yourself a favor and just trust us on this, okay?

Sit back, take some deep breaths, and let the funny business take your body over.

Hey, it’s what we do…enjoy.

1. I love this!

More of this, please!

2. I really hope they appreciated all this hard work.

Go and tuck yourself in!

3. Why do I find this so funny?

You have to admit, it is pretty funny…

4. Can I catch a ride with you?

How much for a ticket?!?!

5. You’re not alone on that one.

I don’t get it either…

6. This is a pretty strange tour…

But Todd does have a pretty nice Camaro.

7. They do seem to have the life.

Play in the trash. Lounge out in nice yards.

8. That makes no sense to me.

It never computed. Ever.

9. I do wonder about this sometimes…

Any Australians care to weigh in?

10. I’ve had all three.

My favorite is the bath burger. By far.

11. What the hell am I doing here?

I don’t belong here…

12. He did the right thing.

Sibling rivalry is no joke.

Have you seen any really funny stuff online lately?

Well, don’t keep it to yourself, share it with us in the comments!

We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post Do Yourself a Solid and Read These Hilarious, Random Tweets appeared first on UberFacts.

People From Other Countries Share Quirky Things They Love About America

Hey, they like us! Well, at least they like some of our weird quirks…and I guess that’s better than nothing.

In case you didn’t read the title of this article, I’m talking about folks from other countries and the strange and quirky things they like about Americans.

I guess we do tend to entertain the rest of the world with our music, movies, TV, and fashion, so it’s only natural that a lot of folks around the world would pick up on the weird things we do.

Let’s see what they had to say!

1. We need to stop saying this ASAP.

It’s not a good look for us.

2. We need to Lysol this entire house.

Yeah, I guess we do say that.

3. It’s the best part of the year!

Halloween lovers for life!

4. My house is as big as three football fields.

Wow! That’s impressive!

5. Wait, it’s not?

I’ve been lied to all these years!

6. Now, this is one of the best things about the U.S.

We don’t tolerate that over here. Not even for a second.

7. That means were done.

Just so you’re sure.

8. Let’s eat! Keep it coming!

Hey, it’s what we do.

9. We did it!

I guess that is kind of weird…

10. Get your head out of the gutter!

Oh, wait, that is kind of funny, I guess.

11. Pasta salad is LIFE.

One of the best things about summertime.

12. Don’t catch the ‘Rona!

Hey, that’s kind of catchy!

Okay, now it’s your turn!

In the comments, tell us what quirky things YOU like about Americans.

And tell us what country you’re from, please. Thanks a lot!

The post People From Other Countries Share Quirky Things They Love About America appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Tweets So Entertaining You Might Jump for Joy

Might as well jump!

Man, now I really want to listen to some Van Halen…

But instead of doing that, we’re going to enjoy and then laugh at some hilarious tweets from the wordsmiths out there on Twitter. And there are a whole lot of them, trust me…

So are you ready to jump for joy AND get your laugh on?

Let’s get it going right this instant!

1. This is a universal mom thing.

I know I’ve seen it on many occasions.

2. This is the most accurate tweet I’ve ever seen.

You know it’s true!

3. Those folks are in for a surprise.

Never heard of something like this before.

4. A little paranoid, are we?

Am I dying? What is this?

5. That is infuriating.

Just throw the whole thing away.

6. What do you think?

Now you’ve upset me greatly.

7. What are you doing on here?

Well, this is depressing.

8. I would be living in fear, too…

What does it all mean?!?!

9. That was a big introduction to this lucky fella.

Can’t wait to see the rest of him!

10. Classic Dad joke, right here.

Another zinger from Pops! Boom!

11. Seriously, that’s his problem.

I’m with you on this one.

12. That was a close call.

What’s that creepy sound…?

How about you, ladies and gentlemen?

Have you seen anything particularly hilarious lately?

We’re talking about memes, tweets, jokes, photos, etc. You know, all the good stuff that keeps us laughing during these trying times.

If so, please share them with us in the comments. Thanks!

The post People Share Tweets So Entertaining You Might Jump for Joy appeared first on UberFacts.

Random Tweets That Made Us Seriously Chuckle

Get ready to smile and get ready to possibly even GUFFAW.

Yeah, that’s right, we’re here today to make you laugh your butt off with some carefully curated tweets that we are 100% positive will brighten your day in a major way.

What else can you ask for, really?

So let’s jump in feet first and let the laughing begin! Enjoy!

1. This wasn’t part of the deal.

Hold on just a second!

2. They really need to figure that out someday.

It is quite ugly.

3. This is very true.

Put that down and back away. Slowly.

4. That doesn’t sound like a real excuse.

Are you trying to get one over on me?

5. Good question…

Let’s sit down and try to talk this one out.

6. You are really something else!

Did you just hear that?!?!

7. I think it’s the big one on the left.

But that’s just a guess.

8. That’s the way it works.

Don’t let your friend down, okay?

9. That’s a good life plan.

I’m on board with you!

10. Wow. That is a total disaster.

Well, now you’re stuck with it.

11. Those don’t seem like a good idea.

We need OPEN AIR, people.

12. Seriously, make it worth his while.

This is a really good point.

Those sure hit the spot!

And now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, share some funny stuff that you’ve seen on social media lately.

We want memes, tweets, jokes, photos, etc.

Do you think you got some good stuff for us! Well, bring it on!

Please and thank you!

The post Random Tweets That Made Us Seriously Chuckle appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Stories About When Someone Challenged Them at Something They Were an Expert At

Have you ever bit off more than you can chew? If so, you know that it’s never a good feeling when a person who is highly skilled at one specific thing rubs it in your face and makes you look like an idiot in front of a group of people?

Or, maybe the opposite thing happened and YOU were the one who was an expert at something and you got to throw it in someone’s face?

Do these situations sound familiar?

Let’s see what AskReddit users had to say.

1. Didn’t see that coming.

“Medieval Faire, 2002.

Carnie running the fencing game picks me out of the crowd for being tall, and challenges me to a free bout against “The Master”.

Not a lot of people fence, so his gambit probably worked most of the time, but when he handed me that saber, I handed him his *ss.”

2. See you on the court.

“A guy from work challenged me to a tennis match.

He must’ve been a hotshot back in his day and tbf as far as mid 40’s go he wasn’t bad.

I however was national team, whooped his *ss 6-0, 6-0. I would’ve eased up but when I warned him I’m pretty good, he laughed it off.”

3. Movie buff.

“Went to a couples night once and the guy had wall to wall movies and framed posters in his basement, super into it.

Mentioned I used to be a movie nerd but not so much anymore. He challenged us to a movie trivia board game, kinda in a condescending way and I tried to politely decline but my gf insisted we play.

They went first, missed the question then we ran the table. Never heard from them again.”

4. Chess match.

“I’ve played chess since I was young and was the best player in the middle school chess club.

The guy who owned the pool hall me and my juvenile delinquent friends hung out at was talking about how dumb kids are these days and said nobody in my group of hoodlums could play chess.

I beat him soundly, then again in the rematch.”

5. Pitch perfect.

“I have perfect pitch.

It’s not a thing I can turn off, notes simply ARE a pitch clear as day, much like how red is clearly distinct from green.

Any who, music class in junior high. Teacher explains that Mozart had perfect pitch and walks over to the piano, plays a note and says “and just by hearing it, he’d be able to tell you what now that was… now can any of YOU do that?”

At the time, I honestly had no idea this was rare. Raise hand, teacher with a smug look points and me and is gobsmacked when I answer correctly with note and octave. Figures it’s pure luck so does it again and asks me to face the other way. I answer correctly again.

Tries it with chords, sequences and two hands worth of notes. Still right every time. Ends with me playing back a short sequence after listening to it blind.

That day, I learned that perfect pitch is actually kind of rare.”

6. Showed him.

“My father in law challenged me about the capabilities of DVD. Specifically he claimed that you could only have widescreen video (not 4:3) on a DVD disc.

At the time I was employed as a DVD author. I authored the very first commercially available feature on Scenarist. I am literally acknowledged in the first edition of “DVD Demystified” as an expert. I had already by that time personally authored literally hundreds of DVD’s with 4:3 video.

He knew all of the above at the time, yet still insisted I was wrong.”

7. Don’t even try.

“For most of 2020 so far.

I am an infectious disease expert (PhD from a Microbiology and Immunology program) and suddenly all my former high school classmates think they know more than me.

They watch the news and learn a new vocabulary, and they bestow themselves a doctorate.”

8. Big-time gamer.

“I used to play fighting games competitively all over the world. Never made one of the top slots but I could usually hold my own. One of my best game was Super Street Fighter 2.

Went to a bar by work one day and they just so happened to have an SNES set up with SF2. I order a drink, pick random characters and just f*ck around for a bit. Some guy comes in and immediately starts bragging to his date that he’s the best SF2 player ever.

I asked him to play some games against me and offered to buy him a drink if he could beat 2 out of 3. Twelve games later I am completed hammered and he finally gives up and leaves.

Still don’t remember getting home that night.”

9. I bet this happens all the time.

“So it’s the Saturday after Thanksgiving a few years ago and I’m out with one of my old college friends and her extended family. We had just graduated the year before.

We post up at a bar outside for the game, everyone’s pleasantly mid-afternoon buzzed. Her uncle, whom I hadn’t met previously, asked what I do. I hated answering this question in 2017, especially with middle-aged adults, because they would invariably try to start something.

At the time, I worked at an immigration law firm. Predictably, as soon as I tell him this, he asks what I think about the wall, etc. I give him my usual answer “bipartisan immigration reform, Gang of Eight, etc.” He tells me not to give him the rehearsed crap, he wants to hear what I really think. I say Oh I don’t really want to get into it, let’s enjoy the game.”

But he keeps pushing and I’ve had a couple beers, so against my better judgment, I engage. This maybe 50 year old man becomes FURIOUS as the discussion carries on because I keep citing court cases and how our immigration system actually works.

The kicker is at one point he says “Just because you have all these statistics and citations doesn’t mean you know any better than me.” I just gave up and got another beer after that.”

10. Let me show you how it’s done.

“Not me but my friend used to ride a unicycle as a kid. He worked construction and they were working at a house that had an old unicycle

The other workers tried riding it and immediately fell off. My friend walked over to it and inspected the unicycle like it was the first time he ever saw one them said it didn’t look that difficult.

They all laughed at him and he said he thought he could ride it. Eventually one of them bet him $100 he couldn’t ride it. He jumped on it and immediately rode down the street.”

11. Duel.

“When we were having a couple drinks on friday after work, I was challenged to a shooting, by a colleague. Little did he know I’ve been shooting air rifles competitively ever since I was thirteen.

Not to say I am the greatest, but I’ve made it to the national finals for my country multiple times, and came third and sixth. I have all the special clothes and gear and such you need to make it to such a level.

The next day, saturday, we showed up to the range i always shoot at. Its not a day I usually train so not many people recognize me. I beat his *ss left right and center that day. Out of 600 points, he scored about 200-250 if i remember correctly. I got about 580 which was about average of what I used to shoot.

He had to buy me a fancy bottle of whisky and now we shoot every two or three weeks together. Fun times.”

12. It works.

“Far from an expert. Far from proficient.

But I’ve been told Jiu Jitsu doesn’t work by several froggy drunk dudes.

It works. It always works.”

13. Don’t mess with me.

“The property management company for my homeowner’s association insisted that I had received emails that I never received. So I asked them to prove that I had received them. They said they’re sure I received them.

I’m a software engineer and at the time I had just finished an enterprise email delivery system (like an in-house Constant Contact). I knew the rules of the CAN-SPAM Act by heart. I KNEW exactly how their system worked.

So this real b*tch of a property manager said “I know how email works. You wouldn’t understand.” I mentally did the arrogant knuckle crack and started to explain – very methodically – how email delivery works and how they’d track various actions.

I spent about five minutes detailing my credentials and why I was absolutely certain they had never sent me the emails they alleged I received. When I was finished, the HOA board just agreed to waive the fines.”

Has something like this ever happened to you?

If so, please tell us about it in the comments.

Thanks a lot!

The post People Share Stories About When Someone Challenged Them at Something They Were an Expert At appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About Weird Quirks Their Bodies Have

We all have weird quirks with our bodies.

Some of us are double-jointed, some of us have webbed toes, and others have birthmarks that look like Elvis.

The possibilities are endless!

But they’re all unique in special in their own way…and also kind of weird.

Let’s get weird with some folks on AskReddit.

1. Blurred vision.

“I can blur my vision at will.

Apparently some people can and some can’t. Means we can see those 3D eye puzzles immediately by just changing our vision. Has something to do with depth of focus.

Also great for watching horror movies or graphic scenes. Looks like I’m watching but everything is blurred. It’s like a visual censor switch.”

2. Check this out.

“My spine is about 2 inches to the left of where it should be in my lower back.

Cool party trick.”

3. Interesting…

“I only sweat on one side of my face and have a green eye and a blue one.

It’s called Horner’s syndrome, had it since birth.”

4. A new thing.

“Several years ago I underwent bariatric surgery.

Ever since shortly after I eat I peel off a series of strong sneezes.

Apparently it’s called “gustatory rhinitis”. Never had that pre-surgery.”

5. Are you human?

“I can spread all of my toes out really far from each other, with none of them touching at all.

It sounds insignificant, but every person I show ends up giving me a big reaction.”

6. Some eye issues.

“My eyes are not level.

Makes sunglasses look crooked and hard to trim sideburns evenly.

Also my right eye tear duct weeps sometimes.”

7. To the right.

“My head is tilted to the right (by default lol not that I can’t tilt it to the other side, it’s just my normal resting position).

My parents told me that’s how it’s been since I was a baby. No problems with bones or muscles as they’ve had it checked for years.

Doctors say it might be caused by a muscle in my eye which makes me tilt my head to see lines as straight.

I’ve never met anyone with the same case.”

8. Thumbs.

“I was born with an extra thumb on my right hand.

Unfortunately it was removed because it wasn’t functional and hindered the other thumb, but the remaining thumb is very strangely shaped and has a gnarly scar.

It’s also mostly not functional.”

9. You’re lucky!

“I can eat anything I want and I don’t really seem to gain weight or get fat.

I’m almost 40, still eating donuts and pizza whenever I want, still crushing bags of candies and chips every night and still have a 6 pack and look better now than I did when I was in the gym 4-5 days a week in my 20’s. My body seems to have learned how to process junk food like it’s clean protein.

People think it’s odd and make comments about it pretty often when they see me eat. I get a kick out of their confusion and curiosity. My BIL’s professional medical opinion is that I have a false leg.

All my blood work comes back great on an annual basis too.”

10. Like a superpower.

“I heal surprisingly fast.

Wipe out on skateboard and get nasty, deep scrapes? Gone with a scar in a week or two.

Cut my finger? Fold the skin back over, don’t touch it, healed overnight”

11. Ahhhhh!

“I was born without a uvula and I can spit out of my nose through a hole in the front of my mouth.”

12. That’s annoying.

“I aggressively sneeze during and after every hot shower for at least 45 minutes straight.

It’s horrible.”

13. Crackin’ and poppin’.

“All of my joints crack, pop and grind.

I sound like a glowstick all the time, especially if I’ve been sitting for more than ten minutes.”

14. Pitch black.

“I have really good eyesight in the dark, like I couldn’t read a book in pitch darkness but I could see stuff.

It p*sses my fiancée off as I’ll walk into a room at night and everything’s pretty much visible so I don’t turn a light on.

If we’re going to bed and I do this she then follows expecting me to have turned the lamp on but nope because I think it’s pretty light still and then she ends up tripping over something because apparently it’s really dark ?”

15. Unusual.

“I can sleep while standing up.

I found this out during a summer bridge program I went to the summer before I started college. The counselors told us to stand up in the back if we ever got tired during class.

Little did I know just how tired I was going to get.”

Does your body have any odd quirks?

If so, please tell us about them in the comments.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post People Talk About Weird Quirks Their Bodies Have appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss the Worst Financial Decisions They’ve Seen Folks Make

I hate these kinds of stories.

I’m talking about the ones where people blow all their hard-earned money either through a scam, recklessness, or just plain bad luck. And, sadly, it happens all the time.

AskReddit users talked about the worst financial decisions they’ve ever seen.

1. Ouch!

“A private company announced a special dividend to all shareholders as of date of record one-month in the future. $1.30/share dividend.

There was an option holder with 300,000 options at a $0.10 strike price.

He did not exercise them. Had he exercised his options for $30,000, he would have been paid $390,000 the following month.”

2. Some people…

“I used to work for a company with an actuarial Department. There was a lovely young woman working in the call center with a masters degree in data science.

She was constantly talking about how frustrated she was with making $16/hour in a call center when she had a masters degree in data science, yet no matter how many times I told her to apply to the actuarial team she wouldn’t do so. The actuarial team was HUGE about promoting within.

I saw many people who wanted to learn more about what they do who had no experience whatsoever get excepted into the team because they wanted to learn. This girl was a shoo-in. And yet she never even tried despite the fact that there were always openings.

She also shared with me that she was $180k in debt for that master’s degree. Last time I checked in with her she had left the job completely and is now in school for art. (Insert facepalm emoji here.)

But my favorite was before I was even an accountant. I worked for a small CPA firm as a receptionist during tax time. I saw a full-grown woman sit down on the floor and start crying because she owed $900 in taxes that year when she had made about $150k that year.

I rolled my eyes so hard that I hurt myself. Later that day I had a guy who owed $750k to the IRS and said “woohoo! That’s way less than last year!””

3. Sad stories.

“The client who joined an MLM and racked up half a million dollars worth of losses before finally listening to us and quitting.

The client who spent $40k on Farmville over 3 months.

The clients who give their adult children allowances that exceed my salary, fancy cars, and houses without expecting them to ever hold down a job themselves.”

4. Bad idea, sir.

“Watched a client walk out of my office after I explained the risk in liquidating his 401K to start his own business.

He started it with no management experience or business model, real “fly by the seat of his pants” kinda guy. Wanted to start a career flipping houses in a college town, turn them into upscale rentals.

Did it in a bad neighborhood and lost EVERYTHING.”

5. Oops!

“My brother had a long standing client of around 10 years get married after only knowing a woman for 12 months. He was almost 55, she was in her early 30s.

55 y.o. man wanted to add her as a signatory on his retirement account. Basically giving her 100% power over the account. A quick soft credit check showed she was not good with money.

My brother offered up many different options as to how to give her access to the money but with limitations. He even straight up refused to do it, saying that he needed to think about it for a few days.

The guy came back in the next morning saying he would file a complaint against him if he didn’t set it up. My brother said that he would need to get the documents notarized, and sign a waiver that this is against the institutions advice.

The guy comes back in later that day and finalizes the deal.

You can guess what happened within about 6 months.

The account had around 600k in it to begin with, and she had managed to run off with about 65k before the account was frozen by my brother for review of withdrawls.

The man was f*ckin p*ssed and tried to lawyer up twice. Neither time did it even go to court.

His advice is that if you are married and have investment accounts, just keep them separate unless you REALLY have a reason to give them access.

You can totally notify the agency about your marriage, and sometimes in certain situations the spouse can get limited info confirmed for medical bills and such.”

6. Terrible decisions.

“Making over $250k (sometimes WELL over), no withholding, not paying estimated taxes throughout the year, can’t afford the tax bill with the return EVERY YEAR, then b*tching because they can’t afford the installment payments on the taxes they owe from two years ago.

Sell your gaudy McMansion, take your teenage daughter’s credit card away, let your drunk driving son stay in jail and get a public defender, and tell your b*tch wife to stop spending all day at the tennis courts sipping mimosas.

Get your sh*t together and pay taxes throughout the year like the rest of us. You aren’t being persecuted by the IRS, you’re just an idiot.”

7. Wow.

“I work for a bank. One of our branches had a customer who was basically homeless. Then, he wins the lottery!

Over the next few months, the staff watched him come in to withdraw thousands of dollars every day to spend on extravagances. Everyone tried to convince him to sit with a financial advisor to help him make the most of his money.

Less than a year later, he’s in slightly better shape than when he started; he’s at least able to live in the car he bought.”

8. Come on!

“I’ve had a client where I noticed this guy’s credit debt always remained hovering $13k to $15k… I asked him why he only makes minimum payments on his credit card instead of paying it off, because I see he has roughly $11k sitting in a bank account.

Interest per month on that credit card bill is roughly $250, and according to his repayment patterns it will take him roughly 19 years to pay it all off.

His answer to me is the bank charges him $7.99 per month for his bank account if his balance dips below $10k… So to save the $7.99 per month this guy is paying $250 in interest on his credit card.”

9. Gotta do your research.

“What I’ve seen, countless times, is someone who started a business with ZERO research, no understanding of what running a business involves. (Here’s a hint: practically every business involves paperwork and deadlines.).

The business models come in waves… for a while it was Barbecue shacks, then it was cupcakes, then house flippers, then food trucks. I think they see it being done on TV shows that make it look fun. It isn’t fun when they come to me with debt, tax levies and lawsuits. IRS and state labor department and health department on their backs, and suppliers taking them to court for unpaid bills.

Some of them cashed out their retirement account to buy a business; others put their house up as collateral for an SBA loan. it’s a nightmare. If they had come to an accountant first, we might be able to help them (or even better, dissuade then).

I usually see them after 18-24 months of screwups and by then it’s usually too late to rescue them.”

10. Those fees add up.

“I’m a banker. Banks charge fees for using other bank’s ATMs.

I had a customer that would check his balance and then do withdrawals daily at a foreign ATM. Guy did not have a lot of money to begin with and because he did this, would overdraw his account and get slapped with an overdraft fee which put him in the hole further.

We ended up taking away his ability to overdraw his account. Dude was p*ssed but it helped right the ship a little.”

11. All gone.

“Bank advisor here, a customer got an inheritance, about 200.000€, and just spent in like 2 years, not investing it or putting into a savings account.

Didn’t even buy something big like a car our part of a house, just spent too much every month for two years and it was gone”

12. The car game.

“Claims Adjuster here, and I see it happen all too often – trading in vehicles with negative equity.

Why? Why can’t you be financially responsible and pay off your vehicle instead of rolling the leftover loan onto that new shiny machine you just can’t resist, and rinse/repeat a couple of years later. Your loan is just getting bigger and bigger.

I had one client (recent, otherwise I had more than that) – who totaled his vehicle. He blew past a stop sign and collided with another vehicle. Guess what friend, out of that $70,000 you still owe to the bank because you’ve traded in 4,5 vehicles over the years – we are only covering you for what your current vehicle is worth today, around $25,000 or whatever it was .

Depreciation applies unless you have the proper endorsement in place. That means you will be paying the bank for the leftover loans of some vehicles, none of which you own.

Own one vehicle, one loan – if you ever totaled your vehicle, insurance will provide you enough to cover the loan. If it doesn’t quite cover it because of high interest, it sure as hell isn’t a $45k loan left.”

13. Listen to your accountant.

“Best friend is a CPA, and when he had his own practice, he had some pretty big-name clients (Senators, musicians, pro athletes, etc.).

One of the biggest mistakes people made were thinking they were smarter than an accountant. His biggest challenge were the people who heard about the “sovereign citizen” nonsense. To no one’s surprise, a random guy on YouTube doesn’t know more than an actual CPA with 40+ years experience.

At least a few of these new-found “sovereign citizens” ended up doing time for tax evasion.”

Have you ever seen someone make a really terrible financial decision?

If so, please tell us about it in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post People Discuss the Worst Financial Decisions They’ve Seen Folks Make appeared first on UberFacts.