11 Parenting Tweets That Are the Cream of the Crop

As you all know, cream rises to the top, but with so many hilarious parents giving us their best humor on Twitter every single day, it can still be hard to skim off the very best ones all by yourself.

That’s where we come in – and these 11 tweets are really some of the ones you shouldn’t miss this week.

11. Time for a life lesson.

Make a list of things Mommy doesn’t want to do every day.

10. Subtle but important difference.

If you say so, Dad.

9. It’s almost like he’s…not human.

I’m just saying.

8. Wait until you’re 40.

Things are downhill from here.

7. We know these consequences all too well.

And yet we keep buying Legos.

6. Way too early for any conversation at all, tbh.

Why do they want to talk before coffee?

5. It can go either way.

Depends on what else has been going on that day.

4. Plus all of the song and dance numbers.

That’s got to be a bonus.

3. It’s the best show there is.

According to anyone under the age of 10.

2. You really can’t expect anything else.

Definitely doing it right.

1. It’s not a long list.

And none of it is fresh.


Parenting can be a universal experience in some ways, don’t you think? After all… we were all children. Even if we don’t have children ourselves, we understand that dynamic of at least being around parents and seeing their struggles firsthand… because we’re causing them. ?

So that’s our hot take! What’s yours? Which of these have you already shared with a friend?

Tell us below in the comments!

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Tweets From People Who Might Love Their Dogs More Than Their Life Partners

I have a feeling that this article is going to resonate with a lot of folks out there…

Why, you ask? Because I’ve seen countless examples of people out there who seem to like their dog more than their spouse or their partner.

You think I’m crazy? Well, you’re about to see the proof, my friends…

And then you’ll never doubt me again! Ever! About anything!

And I think these tweets might even resonate with YOU…let’s take a look.

1. Don’t even worry about him.

You’re the ones I really love.

2. Hmmm. I don’t like the sound of that.

What do you think it means?

3. We all know who she loves more.

There’s really nothing you can do about it.

4. Get a free pass.

On pretty much everything.

5. Starting to hurt your feelings.

Might need to go to couple’s counseling…with the dog.

6. Give it a rest, okay!

The dog is driving a wedge between the two of you.

7. This is what it’s like.

Oh well, that’s life.

8. Let’s have a talk.

Good, she’s not around…

9. I agree with this philosophy.

You’re doing the right thing, sir.

10. Not you, the dog.

Oh…never mind…

11. You sound a little annoyed.

Are you annoyed yet?

12. This is gonna be great!

No, not you! The dog!

13. I think it might be true.

Hey, it is what it is.

Do you have any pooches at home?

Well, we want to meet them!

Share some pics with us in the comments and tell us a little it about these furry friends of yours!

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“Safety First” Does Not Apply to These People

Safety first!

How many times did you hear that when you were growing up in school, at home, and at various jobs you might have worked?

Well, apparently it didn’t really resonate with everyone out there, because these folks look like they’re about a millimeter away from something really terrible happening…and we’re worried about them!

Take a look at these photos of people who clearly aren’t too concerned with their safety…even though we all are.

1. Can’t you find another surface?

You’re making me nervous!

*Faint wheelchair noises in the background* from OSHA

2. It was a different time…

I wonder if that thing tipped over.

Woodstock 1969 sound crew members being craned up to their stations from OSHA

3. That’s a heater?

You’re gonna have to figure out a different way, pal.

Heater at my job site. from OSHA

4. It looks totally safe.

Are you sure you’ve done this a million times?

"I’ve done it a million times. This is totally safe." – My coworker from OSHA

5. I’m surprised that works!

Hey, nice job!

Posted this on r/idiotsincars but thought this community would appreciate this sight I stumbled on the way back to work today. from OSHA

6. That’s really not good.

Let’s have an asbestos party!

A contest that nobody wins. from OSHA

7. Good Lord, get out of there!

Definitely an accident waiting to happen.

Yeah that should be fine from OSHA

8. Don’t stand up too quickly.

I really hope you don’t get startled.

Right above the toilet. Good thing I’m not 6’1”. from OSHA

9. It’s cool, it’s only been 26 years.

What could possibly go wrong?

Today at work. from OSHA

10. Everybody hang on tight.

How do you think this ended?

Thanks guys! from OSHA

11. I’m gonna go ahead and put my foot…

Right here!

Stairwell was a bit tight for a ladder, no problem though, my coworkers are always there to support me! from OSHA

12. This is making me nervous.

About to be a bloody mess up in here.

No need to lock out, this’ll just take a second from OSHA

Be careful out there, friends… because apparently a ton of you are taking some INSANE risks.

But first, we want to hear from you in the comments!

Tell us about a dangerous situation that you wiggled your way out of at some point in your life! At work, school, home, etc.

Thanks a lot!

The post “Safety First” Does Not Apply to These People appeared first on UberFacts.

Cooking Fails That Will Make You Shake Your Darn Head

Do you feel like your skills in the kitchen have improved during the pandemic and the lockdowns because there’s not really much else to do?

If so, then you are NOT like these people. Not at all, actually, because, based on these photos, these people shouldn’t even be let near a kitchen…or an oven…or even a toaster.

Take a look at these epic fails that took place in the kitchen and say a special prayer that these folks get their acts together soon…

Let’s see what happened.

1. Well, you failed.

Don’t try that again!

We tried to make "Ladybug Rolls." from ExpectationVsReality

2. Who’s ready for a tasty, historical dish?

I don’t think that went over too well…

Tonight was foreign culture night in my house so I decided to cook a traditional dish from Pompeii from funny

3. Oh, my…

I can’t say I’ve ever seen that before.

4. The Book of the Dead!

You need to burn that thing. Trust me.

5. That is absolutely horrifying.

That also needs to be incinerated.

My friend made a “hedgehog” for her 14-year old son’s birthday from shittyfoodporn

6. That’s a sign.

And it’s not a good one.

7. Take it home with you!

You have a new best friend.

Someone left a bread pudding in the back of the oven for 5 days. So here is my new pet rock, Charlie. from KitchenConfidential

8. Oh, there it is.

I was looking for that…

….Found the spoon honey from funny

9. Not a good day.

You need some new kitchen equipment!

Came home late from work, drop my open sandwhich in the parking lot. Go to make pasta, the first pot slips and I pour it all on the ground. Make a second pot and the handle straight up breaks and my pasta goes everywhere. Didn’t eat; had a lil cry. from Wellthatsucks

10. What am I looking at here?

Never seen this before…

Boiled an egg this morning and I think something went horribly wrong from awfuleverything

11. She really tried…

But don’t let her near the grill again.

12. Yikes. That is scary.

There’s no way anyone ate them, did they?

I baked some strawberry cakes in cat molds. Once iced, they looked like burn victims. from mildlyinteresting

Yowza! Those are definitely not good. I mean, they might TASTE good… but boy do they look like s**t!

How about you? Have you had any bad cooking mishaps lately?

If so, please tell us about them in the comments and share some pics if you have them.

Thanks fam!

The post Cooking Fails That Will Make You Shake Your Darn Head appeared first on UberFacts.