Hilarious Moments Were Brought to You by Online School

We’re all trying our hardest right now to patch together something that looks like a normal life. We’re doing online or hybrid school, we’re working from home, we’re wearing masks, we’re explaining as best as can to our kids.

Humor is one of the only ways we’re keeping it together, though – that old adage, if you don’t laugh, you’ll cry seems truer than ever.

And so, without further ado, I present to you 11 hilarious moments that never would have been possible without online school.

11. A romance for the ages.

You gotta make do.


#duet with @bigboyami shot my shot #zoom #uni #college #ubc #zoomclass

♬ Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom!! – Vengaboys

10. Every day is a good day to wear a crazy hat.

Dreams really do come true.


Call me the Lone Ranger ?? #crazyhat #zoom #gonnaknow #soawkward #woody

♬ original sound – Conor Driscoll

9. Like I said, we’re all doing our best.

That includes professors.


#Cal #ZoomUniversity

♬ original sound – Rayyan

8. Well you’ve gotta shoot your shot.

Good for her.


Well that didn’t go as planned ? #fyp #zoomcrush #fml #foryou

♬ youre cute – ro

7. Talk about living in an echo chamber.

I am dead now.


I WAS HEARING MY ECHO AND I RESPONDED TO IT LIKE AN IDIOT IN THE BREAKUP GROUP?? #fyp #zoomuniversity #foryou #online #business #breakoutrooms

♬ original sound – Sara Mae

6. That Hogwarts letter is coming.

Just six more years.

5. It’s a brave new world.

Who wouldn’t want to bring grandma to school?


I open up my Snapchat to see my cousin sharing our grandmas ashes in a zoom call ??‍♀️? #fyp #zoom #kidsoftictok

♬ original sound – Paige

4. The teacher we didn’t know we needed.

He’s a hero for our times.


Just a little update for you guys?♥️ #fyp #foryou #tiktokteacher #teacher #school

♬ original sound – Mr. Pyper

3. Bless anyone teaching virtual preschool.

I mean virtual school at all, but preschool especially.


Miguel is always the first one online and usually asks “DID YOU MISS ME?” ? #onlineschool #prek #virtualteacher #virtuallearning

♬ original sound – Valeria Ruiz

2. He needs more buddies I guess.

Don’t we all.

1. I mean maybe you still are.

If you taught him to be so clever.

I’m dying, and thankful that we’re still all able to laugh.

But I think we’ll all still be thankful and ready when things finally go back to “normal.”

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People Share Their Really Bad Teacher Stories

There are more good teachers than bad ones, but as with every profession, there are a certain number who have burned out, eaten from the wrong apple, or just plain never should have gone into teaching to begin with.

And while we’re usually all about praising the amazing teachers who keep our lives running smoothly, today we’re showcasing some Twitter responses to the question: tell me your bad teacher story.

11. The best revenge is living well.

But seriously who says that to a kid?

10. I actually think this is illegal.

Also, gross.

9. This is straight up appalling.

What on earth is wrong with straight men??

8.That is six kinds of wrong.

I hope her mother went off.

7. I cannot believe this is a thing that still happens.

Prison is the place for them.

6. She just…denied a medical condition?

Like? I don’t even know what to say.

5. Even if you don’t get it at home…

Why does anyone think this is okay?

4. This makes my blood boil.

Punishing kids for being too good?

3. I want to have words with this woman.

None of them are nice.

2. I suppose there are probably rules about toys and school.

Lame rules.

1. That’s not how biology works.

This man was a TEACHER.

I’m appalled, though I’m not sure why I’m surprised.

Do you have a bad teacher story? Please share it with us in the comments!

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10 Teachers Who Are Very, Very Bad at Their Jobs

Usually, you hear about all of the great, amazing, above-and-beyond stuff that teachers do in service of our kids’ educations every single day.

In every job, though, you will find the people who are definitely in it for the wrong reasons, and it’s appalling to read about the kind of damage they can do.

We’re supposed to be able to trust our teachers, but these 10 kids found out far too early that’s not always true.

10. Why do some people think they know better than doctors?

Like…so many people.

9. It’s called consequences.

No sympathy here.

8. Ask her how many languages she speaks.

I’m guessing one.

7. I’d say that earns the kid a pass.

That teacher should get his or her a$s kicked.

6. I would like to smack this lady straight upside her head.

How many Black kids have similar experiences?

5. What on earth is this nonsense?

Except truly awful?

4. I wonder if she brought some aloe for the burn?

This had to be so satisfying.

3. Both of these are bad.

Only one is criminal, though.

2. What a trash human.

Throw him away.

1. It’s disgusting.

I’m sad that it’s also not uncommon.

I want to find some of these people and slap them silly!

Share your terrible teacher story with us in the comments – I want to be BIG mad.

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A Family’s BBQ Was Crashed by Dozens of Giant “Robber” Crabs

No, not the kind of crabs that you need to inform your intimate partner about, either. Those are scary, to be sure, but they’re not giant…and also we know how to get rid of them.

Instead of that horror show, try picturing this one: you’re enjoying a nice, relaxing campground getaway with your family. You’ve had a great day, and as dinner time nears, you bust our your grill and meats and get the BBQ underway.

A BBQ that’s soon interrupted by dozens of gigantic crabs crawling up the tables and over the chairs, all in search of food.

Probably not human food, but who are you to say for sure?

If you’re thinking this sounds like a bad horror movie, I doubt Amy Luetich and her family would argue with you, even if it did really happen to them.

Since the Luetichs are Aussies, however, they did not run away screaming. On a scale of 1 to those spiders that kill everything they touch, coconut crabs are nothing more than a source of entertainment down under.

The family smiled for the photos while the crabs nosed around like small dogs for food. They’re robber crabs (also called coconut crabs) and are the world’s largest land crustacean.

Which, of course they are, because we all know by now that Australia doesn’t do pint-sized anything.

Image Credit: Pixabay

The grabs can weigh between 8 and 9 pounds  and grow up to over 3 feet in length (width?) so these guys will definitely let you know when they’re around.

And dozens of them?

I don’t think I would be as chill as the Luetichs.

I guess that’s why they get to live in Australia and I don’t.

The robber crab gets its name because they’re known for walking away with people’s belongings – including food, as they stole from the Luetichs – and are a protected species on Christmas Island, where the encounter took place.

Here’s a video of those crabs… um… robbing!

Leutick had this to say about the crabs…

“They started to climb up to the table, and another climbed onto the barbecue.

We kept our tents away from where we had eaten, but one of the families said the whole night they could feel one tapping on the outside of their tent.”

Well, that’s creepy AF!

By the way, the crabs can live up to 50 years, so there’s a chance they talk about where to find the best human food and other things that catch their beady little eyes.

Anyone else thinking of the crab from Moana all of a sudden?


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Parenting Memes to Brighten Your Morning

There’s nothing like an applicable meme to kickstart your day. It makes you laugh, it girds your loins, and it reminds you that millions of other people just like you are waking up to do the same thing.

Here are 14 memes we think definitely fit the bill, so open your eyes and enjoy!

14. I mean it happens to the best of us.

Just go and have a good time.

Image Credit: Instagram

13. Just some peace and quiet.

And in lieu of that, alone time.

12. But you’re too tired to fool around.

Netflix and dozing it is.

This will be me tonight!

Posted by Appetite for Honesty on Sunday, June 19, 2016

11. That’s probably a bit too subtle.

I’m just saying. He’s a man.

Image Credit: Instagram

10. In this case, it’s accurate.

But then we just go to bed.


Posted by Happy You Happy Family on Sunday, August 28, 2016

9. Why does it bring us so much joy?

Are we evil? Do we care?

8. It’s a long list.

And no, it’s not always their fault.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

7. You feel so free and unfettered.

You’re definitely drunk on it.

6. It’s not that they don’t care.

They’re just not going to change anything about their behavior.

Image Credit: Instagram

5. Yeah just give up the ghost.

I’m 41 and my mom is still trying.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

4. At least they’re working together.

Take the win.

3. Even the cat wants in.

You’re the most popular person in the house.

Image Credit: Facebook

2. Quiet is not the dream you want it to be.

Quiet is trouble.

1. And you’re a good mom.

But maybe not that good a mom.

Feeling ready to kick the day in the teeth?

There’s no better feeling than that!

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This Woman Made a Wig Out of Her Shower-Drain Hair

There are many reasons that women lose their hair. It can happen with age, hormonal changes, or because of genetics or having naturally thick hair that thins itself on a regular basis.

Whatever the reason, there’s a good chance that you – or anyone else that uses your shower – have made a joke here and there about how you could make a whole wig out of the hair that clogs up your drain.


Day 19, 1000 hairs #showerhairchallenge #W2Step #tiktokfashion #CoolRanchDance #travelbucketlist BestThingSince #hair #wig #extensions #wow #fyp #new

♬ original sound – nemanja majstorovic

You probably would never have thought to actually, you know, do it – which is how you and Liz Lele are different.

The background actress (extra) from Brooklyn has been as bored as the rest of us during the mess that is 2020, and while stuck at home, she decided to start collecting and counting the hair she loses in the shower (or at other times, like when she brushes her hair).

She told Buzzfeed that she “started keeping track, collecting hair that came out randomly, or from brushing or washing my hair.”


Day 38: 3467 Hairs #showerhairchallenge #wig #wigmaking #haircollecting #wigtutorial #tutorial #diy #hair #hairtransformation #hairflip #viral #fyp

♬ North Memphis – Pharmacist

Healthline says it’s normal to lose between 5-100 strands a day, and even though Liz was collecting that easily. She kept going, wonder how much she could save over time.

“After a few months, it became the size of a hair extension.”

The accomplishment (?) had her thinking about making an entire wig to donate, but she knew that would take a long time at her current collection rate.


Day 25: 3057 Hairs #showerhairchallenge #hair #wigmaking #wig #wigs #lacewig #fyp #viral #xyzbca #hairtransformation #haircut #hairdonation #hairflip

♬ What You Know Bout Love – Pop Smoke

So, she asked other people to donate. Her hair collection has risen to around 4,000 individual strands.

Even with people sending their own hair, and more of Liz’s falling out every day, she thinks it will take about a year to have all of the hair she needs.


Another donation #showerhairchallenge #showerhairchallengetutorial #hair #wig #wigmaking #hairdonation #GimmeSomeTruth #hairtransformation #fyp


We’re all finding ways to keep busy, I guess, and if you – like Liz – don’t get easily grossed out by hairs that aren’t attached to heads, maybe you could try making a wig out of your shower hair, too?

Just remember to wash it first.

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Yummy Pumpkin Recipes to Try This Autumn

Sometimes I wonder why we only make pumpkin-related desserts for a few months out of the year, but then I realize that if they were readily available all year round, we’d all be at much higher risk for diabetes.

Now is the season, though, so please – check out these 17 recipes and get cooking.

17. Pumpkin Rigatoni

Because savory food wants to be festive, too!


My new fav pumpkin recipe ?? #hellofall #pumpkin #fall #pasta #easyrecipes #pumpkinseason #worldpeace #homecooking #fallrecipe #foodtiktok

♬ Food – Densky9

16. Pumpkin-Stuffed French Toast

Because breakfast is the best.


Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Stuffed Brioche French Toast ? #traderjoes #ScaryStories #traderjoesfoodreviews #traderjoescookbook #tiktokcooks #pumpkin #fall

♬ Send Me on My Way – Guy Meets Girl

15. Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffins

Like Starbucks, but better, because you didn’t have to leave the house.


Copycat starbucks pumpkin cream cheese muffins:)) #cooking #MyArt #pumpkinspice #cookwithme #easyrecipe #fallbaking

♬ Lofi Chill Hop Nation – Lofi Radiance & Neat Beats & Lofi Hip-Hop Beats

14. Brown Butter Pumpkin Bread

You’ll never make banana bread again.


Brown Butter Pumpkin Bread W/ Spiced Streusel ?? #FallRecipe #BakingRecipe #Pumpkin #Fall #LearnonTikTok #Baking #Dessert

♬ Autumn Leaves – Frank Sinatra

13. Harry Potter Pumpkin Pasties

Not the kind you put on your boobies.


Making Harry Potter’s Pumpkin Pasties! (Full recipe in comments) I’m so glad fall is here!! #harrypotter #pumpkin #pumpkinspice #hogwarts #pastry

♬ Harry Potter – Movie Magic And His Solid Gold Soundtracks

12. Chocolate-Stuffed Pumpkin Snickerdoodles

There are so many words I like in that sentence.


pumpkin snickerdoodles stuffed with chocolate ? full recipe on my ig! #pumpkin #cookies #spookyseason #foodvideo #quickrecipes

♬ backyard boy slowed and sad remix – LLusion

11. Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls

There should be a cinnamon roll for every occasion.


pumpkin rollz for days #tiktokcooks #pumpkin #cinnamonrolls #fall

♬ original sound – nick.digiovanni

10. DIY Pumpkin-Spice Latte

Stay home, y’all.


How to make pumpkin spice latte! Full recipe on my blog ☕️ #tiktokpartner #learnontiktok #pumpkinspicelatte #psl #pumpkinspice

♬ FEEL THE GROOVE – Queens Road, Fabian Graetz

9. Pumpkin Dump Cake

Even easier than pie.


So we’ve all decided to skip straight into #halloween & #spookyszn right? Perfect bc I love pumpkinspice. #fyp #recipes #fallrecipe

♬ She Share Story (for Vlog) – 夕依

8. DIY Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew

Now there’s really no reason to go out.


PUMPKIN CREAM COLD BREW #starbucks #starbuckscopycat #coldbrew #pumpkincreamcoldbrew #pumpkinspice #pumpkin #pumpkineverything

♬ original sound – Eliza??

7. Pumpkin Pie Cheesecake Bars

Two of your favorites, perfectly married.


Pumpkin pie cheesecake bars ? #pumpkin #spooky #spookyseason #dessert #cake #recipe #baking #fyp #foryou #Spooktember

♬ Lets Link – WhoHeem

6. Too-Cute Pumpkin Roll

This looks so hard; people will be impressed!


happy october ? #fyp #foryou #foryoupage #caketiktok

♬ FANTASTIC MR FOX – miyokonii or amaramation ?

5. Pumpkin Pancakes

They’re vegan AND gluten free!


easiest pancakes ever & so yummmmm ?? #pumpkinpancakes #fallrecipe #healthyrecipe #plantbased

♬ Skate – Trees and Lucy

4. Pumpkin Spice Latte Macaron.

That’s right. I said macaron.


PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE MACARONS?! The best fall baking. #baking #TikTokCooks #fallbaking #macarons #pumpkinspicelatte #recipe #macaron #pumpkin #cooking

♬ original sound – Matthew Merril

3. Pumpkin Cheddar Biscuits

More savory pumpkin recipes, please!


yes I’m part of the problem #pumpkinweek #cheddarbiscuit #tiktokcooks #homecooking

♬ Are You Bored Yet? – Origgek

2. Pumpkin Mug Cake

Ditch the extra dishes, but not the seasonal flavor.


Pumpkin mug cake ?☕️??? what spooky snack should I make next?! #VibeWithUs #TikTokCooks #pumpkinmugcake #mugcake #mugcakerecipe #fallbaking #fyp

♬ original sound – Nicole Renard

1. Pumpkin Pie Overnight Oats

First thing in the morning and already made? I’m in.


it’s never too early for #pumpkin ? #ArtLessons #oatmeal #oattiktok #vegan #easyrecipe #breakfastrecipe #tiktoktaughtme #educationaltiktok #oats

♬ Backyard Boy – Claire Rosinkranz

I’m going to try so many of these, y’all.

If you have a favorite recipe for fall, please drop it in the comments!

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Turkey Cinnamon Rolls That Will Make Your Thanksgiving Morning Totally Extra

Some folks don’t plan to have breakfast on Thanksgiving morning. They like to save up and starve themselves, leaving plenty of room for the main course of turkey and dressing and potatoes – not to mention the dessert course of pumpkin pie – that they know is coming soon.

In our house, we go easy, with a pan (or two) of ooey, gooey cinnamon rolls first thing in the morning. They go great with coffee, you can eat as many as you want, since calories obviously don’t count on Thanksgiving, and you don’t even have to make them from scratch.

Image Credit: Pillsbury

Protip: The Rhodes brand frozen rolls are as good as anything you’re going to make yourself.

If you want to steal our idea, go for it – and if you want to go extra hard Thanksgiving morning, too, you’ve gotta tackle these adorable and delicious-looking turkey cinnamon rolls.

Image Credit: Pillsbury

All you need are cinnamon rolls, some bacon, a few piece of candy corn, some candies for the eyes, and maybe some pretzels to make these festive little gobblers come to life.

Image Credit: Pillsbury

You stick the bacon like the fans of a tail, put the candy eyes and candy corn nose on the front, and use the pretzel sticks for feet.

Image Credit: Pillsbury

It hardly takes longer than 20 minutes, and if your kids are up early (I know they are) you can definitely rope them into helping.

The promise of a warm cinnamon roll with bacon should be bribe enough to get some help from anyone in the house, if you ask me!

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Miniature Movie Dioramas That Will Charm the Hearts of Cinephiles Everywhere

While some folks may claim that what Hollywood puts out are “just movies,” the rest of us understand that good storytelling has the power to transform us as humans – and sometimes, as a society, too.

Film lovers get it – and they’ll also get why this movie buff spent his weeks and days creating the scenes from his favorite movies in miniature.

If you know, you know, and these 20 dioramas are completely charming.

20. Fargo

It’s dark, but accurate.

19. The Truman Show

It even kind of looks like Jim Carrey!

18. All About My Mother

Even a miniature Meryl commands the room.

17. Fight Club

I know plenty of people who would hang this up.

16. Vertigo

This one might be my favorite.

15. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

What a perfect addition to anyone’s library this would be!

14. The Life of Pi

This captures the feeling of the movie so beautifully.

13. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

This just looks absolutely magical.

12. Man on a Wire

I dare you not to gasp.

11. Get Out

I didn’t think anything could be as stunning as the film itself.

10. Bohemian Rhapsody

It’s music of another kind.

Image Credit: Glass Cathedrals

9. Portrait of a Lady on Fire

That blue background is the perfect choice.

8. Out of Africa

Those giraffes are amazing.

Image Credit: Glass Cathedrals

7. E. T.

All of the magic, in miniature.

6. To Kill a Mockingbird

That tree, though.

5. Goldfinger

In glittering gold, of course.

4. JoJo Rabbit

I have a lot of feelings right now.

Image Credit: Glass Cathedrals

3. Moonrise Kingdom

Man if I wouldn’t love to have this one.

2. Blade Runner

Those colors really make the whole thing.

Image Credit: Glass Cathedrals

1. Marianne and Leonard: Words of Love

This just took by breath away.

From one film lover to all of the others, I am so glad I’ve seen these.

What’s your favorite scene from one of your favorite movies? Tell us in the comments!

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You Won’t Be Sorry You Scrolled Through These Funny Parenting Memes

I think parenting memes have got to make up a good fifty percent of what comes across my feed. A fact for which I’m extremely thankful, because if there’s one thing I need on a regular basis, it’s a laugh.

If you feel the same way, scroll through the hilarious and on-point parenting memes we’ve gathered below!

13. Oh, dads.

They’re just the same everywhere.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

12. I mean Roseanne was a pretty good mom.

On the show, not irl.

Image Credit: Instagram

11. Their expressions are amazing.

Outtakes are the best.

10. Friday and Saturday nights are no different than regular nights.

Don’t @ me.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

9. Yes, you are normal.

That doesn’t make it easier, though.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

8. While they strew 100 other things about.

You still have to clap.

7. Sometimes it’s a perfect circle.

Thankfully not too often.

Image Credit: Daddy Files

6. Where do they all gooooooo?

We may never know.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

5. How dare you eat in front of me.

Don’t you know everything you have is mine now?

Image Credit: Instagram

4. It’s definitely the latter.

But you can pretend it’s not if you want.

More like just avoiding everything I need to do.

Posted by momcode on Thursday, July 28, 2016

3. Tiny tyrants, the lot of them.

Good thing they’re cute.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

2. You don’t want to interrupt.

This qualifies as a break.

Image Credit: Instagram

1. Those are the hardest days.

When you think the clock must be broken.

Posted by momcode on Thursday, June 23, 2016

Did we hit the nail on the head? Or did we hit the head on the nail?

Let us know which of these was your favorite in the comments!

Please and thank you!

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