A US IT worker outsourced…

A US IT worker outsourced his own job to someone in China at 1/5 the salary. He was only found out because a security audit discovered suspicious VPN activity. Evidence even suggested he had the same scam going across multiple companies in the area. All told, it looked like he earned several hundred thousand dollars […]

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Crazy Facts 2020-08-13 13:32:44

The four kings in a deck of cards represent real rulers. The King of Diamonds shows Julius Caesar, the King of Clubs displays Alexander the Great, the King of Spades depicts David of Israel, and finally the King of Hearts shows Charles of France.

The post appeared first on Crazy Facts.

Crazy Facts 2020-08-13 13:27:30

On November 7 1944, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected to a fourth term as President. The 22nd Amendment to the Constitution was later passed in 1951, limiting a president’s tenure in office to two terms of four years each. As a result, Roosevelt remains as the only President to have served for more than two […]

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