Wedding Photographer Had the Perfect Response to Bride Wanting to Cancel After Seeing Her Black Lives Matter Post

Twitter heaped support on a photographer who clapped back at a bride demanding a refund of her deposit when she saw the photographer’s Black Lives Matter social media post.

The bride had sent a message to Shakira Rochelle, the photographer she’d contracted for her upcoming wedding. In it, she claimed Rochelle must be “unstable” if she felt like lending her support to the movement and that it would be too “embarrassing” for her to have Rochelle at the wedding. After insisting “all lives matter,” she demanded the return of her deposit.

Here is her Instagram post on her take on Black Lives Matter.

“Shakira Rochelle Photography stands in solidarity with the black community. The black lives matter movement has my endless support,” she wrote.

Twitter user Q first posted Rochelle’s DMs with the bride on Twitter where it went viral.

The first DM is from the bride expressing her disappointment that her wedding photographer decided to stand up for the Black community.

The bride and her fiance simply “can’t bring themselves” to work with a photographer who would do such a thing and questions Rochelle’s mental health.

Rochelle responds with her standard operating procedure which says no refunds for cancellations.

She also thanks the bride for the lovely donation of her deposit to Black Lives Matter.

Photo Credit: Twitter

The bride wrote back, “You will be hearing from our attorney.” For what that’s worth.

Q captioned the viral tweet with, “I love it here.” The tweet so far has been retweeted nearly 200,000 times and has more than one million likes. Q even tweeted Rochelle’s contact information in case anyone would like to book her for their events.

As for the attorney threat…

And as this guy pointed out, so what if the bride is one of those “all lives matter” people and her photographer is choosing to support a hugely marginalized community? Rochelle is a professional service-provider with a human brain that allows her all the free will to think whatever she wants. It has nothing to do with this bridezilla’s wedding.

But the icing on the wedding cake is the gratitude for the donation!

Another excellent point about deposits.

But the outpouring of support for this small-business owner was incredible.

Shekira Rochelle’s Photography can be found here. If you’re needing photography services in Cincinnati, OH, check her availability.

Don’t wait. Everyone wants this talented lady now!

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A Girl With Tourette Syndrome Made a Video of What Her Eating Dinner Looks Like

Sophie Adams is 16 and was diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome after seeking help for some tics when she was nine. The tics, which are repetitive and involuntary, are often characteristics of the disorder, and may look like rapid eye-blinking, shoulder movements or blurting sounds or offensive words.

Sophie uses social media to spread awareness about Tourette Syndrome, as well as dispel myths and also to show what living with it is like. Recently, she uploaded a video to TikTok of her eating dinner. The video has been viewed nearly 7 million times.



♬ original sound – sophie.adams04

In the video, Sophie is having dinner with her friend, who also has Tourette Syndrome, and some other people. Their different tics show how challenging it is to do something as simple as eating dinner. Sophie eventually reaches across the table and pushes some drink glasses over. Ice and liquid spread across their dinner table.

Another video shows the mess and cleanup after the glasses are overturned.


Aftermath of my tics

♬ original sound – sophie.adams04

Sophie hopes her videos show others how varied the tics can be and she says even though some accuse her of faking her tics, it won’t deter her from using TikTok to educate people.

People living with Tourette Syndrome have unique tics. In her videos, Sophie encourages others to not be afraid to show their differences.


#tourettesawareness #tourettes

♬ original sound – sophie.adams04

That’s a lesson everyone should hear.

To learn more about Sophie and her life with Tourette Syndrome, follow her on TikTok and Instagram.

She’s a pretty wise teen with a great outlook on life and a positive attitude.

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This Cute Bat Loves Being Petted and Even Makes Happy Noises

Here’s something very sweet.

A bat makes adorable, squeaky happy noises while getting pets.

His name is Jeddah and he’s a juvenile bat. The video was made by Mandi Griffith, a staffer with Sydney Wildlife.

This is Jeddah. He loves to be tickled, petted and scratched. Look at that blissful face. Jeddah is a Grey-Headed Flying-Fox. I usually clip my videos quite short when it’s all one behaviour being shown, but this bliss went on and on and I just couldn’t bring myself to deprive you of any of the lengthy joy. I particularly loved the yawny and sniffy bits about half way through. And I love the curl of the tongue as he yawns.

This bat was not releasable due to injuries.  He is in care with a vaccinated and licensed bat carer. This bat is not a pet.  He was a baby hand raised for release, and became an education animal. He is used to being handled.  He actively solicits attention and cuddles. There have been suggestions that this bat is terrified and the squeaks are not cute. This bat is in bliss and is able to get away from the carer at any time. He is choosing to be stroked. He solicits attention.

This particular species of fruit bat is known as a megabat and is native to Australia. They’re one of the largest bats in Australia with a wingspan of a meter. Their conservation status, unfortunately, is vulnerable, as their numbers are decreasing.

Photo Credit: YouTube

Isn’t he adorable? Say it with me, “Awwwwwwwwwwww!!!”

Alright, if bats were this cute, would you want one as a pet?

Let us know in the comments!

The post This Cute Bat Loves Being Petted and Even Makes Happy Noises appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Stories of Huge Mistakes They Fixed Before Anyone Noticed

Have you been in this situation before?

Maybe it happened at work, or maybe it happened out in public, but you BLOW IT and FUCK UP in a huge way and you go into panic mode.

Now you need to fix your FUCK UP before anyone notices.

It’s a race against the clock but somehow you pull it off.

Whew! That was a close call!

AskReddit users shared their stories that are just like this.

1. Whoopsy daisy.

“Fucked up numerous times working on live applications. The best one was accidentally deleting the user table.

I was trying to delete a subset of users and managed to hit the key to run the statement before I’d written the “where” clause. If you don’t have a “where” clause to tell the database which records you want to delete, it just deletes all of them.

Luckily, the user table was only ever read by the application on log-in, so no one was going to notice unless they happened to log-in in the 2 mins or so it took me to load the records back in from a back-up.”

2. Working with acid.

“Working at a laboratory that used acid solutions to dissolve geological samples for various tests, my technical manager left a component of a machine in a plastic beaker filled halfway with concentrated hydrofluoric acid, unlabeled, in a fume hood that other people used regularly, “to see what it would do”.

I dumped it in a neutralizer and this asshole had the balls to yell at me for ruining his “test”. I told him it would etch and dissolve the part because it was glass, and he didn’t require a test because that’s already a known property.

Had someone spilled it on even a gloved hand, the hydrofluoric acid would pass through protection and enter the bloodstream without sensation, where it would leach calcium out of the bones, wreaking havoc on the nervous system causing a horrible, agonizing death.”

3. In the trash.

“I once had a roommate who didn’t speak English too well. She was moving away, and she was leaving in a hurry, and before she left she asked me to “take care of” a big bag of what was apparently clothes.

I assumed those were trash she didn’t want to take with her, and she just didn’t have time to throw them away, so once she left, I took that bag to the trash canister outside. A few hours later, that interaction just came back to my mind and seemed strange to me. I went back to the trash canister, the bag was still there, and brought it back inside.

The next day, she came back to get it and thanked me for “taking care of it”. She was a nice, poor girl from a rural region that was already struggling in the city, and I don’t want to think about what would have happened if I had to tell her that I threw her clothes into the trash.”

4. A wonderful song.

“Worked at a record / video rental store. After work on a weeknight, we close at 10pm, clean the store, count the register, lock the safe and go home.

When we clean the store we would often play a CD someone may have returned or which we wouldn’t normally play. Tonight it was 2 Live Crew’s ‘Banned In The USA’ CD with their hit single, ‘Pop That Pussy’. We put this on and crank it and start falling over laughing.

The bass is insane. We have 8 speakers set up around the perimeter of the store, all on shelves hanging near the ceiling. We hear this loud “THUNK” and cannot pinpoint what it was. We notice a speaker is “missing”… then find the corpse. It had jumped off it’s shelf and split into several chunks in the aisle.

Our night manager acted fast. “YOU!” she said, pointing to the 18 year old cashier. “Here’s $10. Go next door to Walgreens and get wood glue!” He’s gone. We start seeing if we can piece it back together. He returns. We glue it up and gently set that bitch back up on it’s shelf and left the speaker wire oh-so-gently unhooked.

The store closed about 6 years later and the manager never found out! We won! Yay Miami bass! Yay Pop That Pussy!”

5. Life and death.

“I was mixing IVs at the hospital.

Someone had put the wrong bag in the wrong bin. I didn’t notice.

I proceeded to make a batch of epidurals out of the wrong medicine. No one caught it. It somehow made it to the OB floor.

I came back into the IV room and saw the empty bag hanging and my stomach dropped. I called OB to ensure none had been used and to make sure it wouldn’t. Brought them back and wrote myself up.

If I hadn’t caught it, it would of caused major issue’s including the possibility of killing the patients. There were 12 syringes if I remember correctly.

I learned a very valuable lesson that day.”

6. Chicken drama.

“This is great timing, I was just thinking about this a few hours ago.

I rented a room from a couple and one of the rules was that I could not enter their yard. In their yard they had all sorts of animals a lovely quaky duck, a few cats and chickens. The chickens were in a big coop cause the cats hunting instincts were still to prevalent.

One weekend they asked me to feed the chickens while they went on a trip. On the last day of feeding all the chickens got out (5), and I noticed just in time to rip one of the chickens from the cats mouth.

After another hilarious 30 minute chase I’d put all the chickens back in the coop, minutes before they came home. I don’t think they noticed.”

7. That was awesome!

“Years ago, I lived in DC. One morning, riding in on the Metro I was changing trains from the Red line to the Blue. I heard the door chime and realized I wasn’t going to make this train. As I stopped, a guy bumped into me and ran on around and jumped on the train as the door chime sounded again. As he passed, I heard a thump and saw his cell phone hit the ground.

In one motion, I knelt down, grabbed the phone, stood up and under-armed the phone 20 feet and hit hit smack in the middle of his chest. He caught the phone, and looked up right at me in shock- then the door closed.

I said to myself, “Well, damn. No one saw that so I can never brag about it.” Then I heard a voice behind me say “Holy shit! That was awesome!” Guy who sat in the office right next to me was coming up behind me, heading into work at the same time. So since Tony saw it, I get to brag about it!”

8. That’s not good.

“Working on a presentation and managed to misspell the CEO’s name.

We’d been working on it for weeks, the name had been there probably since day 3 or 4. No one spotted it cause who would be dumb enough to get it wrong? I finally caught it about a week before it went to the presentation.

Definitely one of my sections, so glad I got it before it could do damage.”

9. A lucky break.

“Worked in an IT company. Had to switch of the routines for data backups because of I even don’t know anymore. Forgot to switch them on again. After around 2 years I noticed it more by coincidence. Felt very warm and sweaty instantly.

If data loss had happened, that would have been the end of the company. And the end of my career of course.”

10. Almost a bad accident.

“Caught a coworker pulling safety pins out of a support stand for a rather large and heavy jet engine component. I had two guys under the component and she was about to pull the last pin when I stopped her.

She was working with knowledge from a different style engine, and would have been correct on that model. In our model, she would have dropped a ton of metal on two guys.”

11. That would’ve been very embarrassing.

“I am a University professor.

I was watching porn one morning and closed my laptop without closing the browser. I then went to class, plugged the computer into the teaching station, and opened the screen. I was saved by the very brief delay between the image on my screen being displayed on the teaching station and it being displayed on the projector.

I managed to rip the HDMI cable out just before I projected to 100+ students.”

12. Catering.

“I work in catering, on multiple occasions have noticed food that has managed to be packaged on site, hasnt reached its sell by date (most foods we label with a sell by date of 3 days after packaging) and yet has mold on it. I’m sure I dont have to explain the consequences of that, physical or legal.

Also one time i was on my break and the food on sale was curry and somehow the one batch they happened to serve first managed to be ice cold because some how they managed to forget to heat that one up.

Luckily I was the first person to take some so I picked it up before the customer otherwise there would have been issues.”

13. Don’t play with fire.

“I was lighting matches and throwing them around a yard beside the one that I grew up in and bf it was so sunny out I couldn’t see that I started a grass fire and it had gotten big. ( the grass was also dead) I managed to find an old oil drum, tipped it over and rolled it all along the perimeter of the growing bush fire.

If I hadn’t had that barrel I would have burned down several graineries and possibly vehicles. If it had gotten into the tree line, my yard would have gone up. Only you know about this. None of my family.”

14. Dodged a bullet.

“Was going on a three night backpacking trip with friends, it was my job to round up three breakfasts.

At REI I picked up what I thought were six packages of freeze dried eggs hanging from a peg. Turns out only the first was eggs, the ones behind it were Neapolitan ice cream. The packages were identical, only a small label indicated the contents.

Fortunately for me the first day and night of the trip we were harassed so badly by biting flies and mosquitoes everyone wanted to abandon the trip as nobody brought bug spray.

I only discovered my mistake days later. Bullet dodged.”

Whew! Those were some close calls!

Now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, tell us your personal stories about mistakes you fixed at the very last second before anyone noticed.


The post People Share Stories of Huge Mistakes They Fixed Before Anyone Noticed appeared first on UberFacts.

How Can 2020 Possibly Be Redeemed? People Offer Their Opinions.

This year has been very…challenging so far.

Every single thing that could have gone wrong seems to have happened and we’re only halfway through 2020.

But, as you know, it’s important to remain positive and to at least hope that things will get better.

So let’s all be good to each other and pray that things turn around quickly.

Folks on AskReddit offered their opinions on what could possibly redeem 2020.

1. That would be amazing.

“While searching for a Covid-19 treatment, someone discovers a cheap broad spectrum anti-viral.

Think the discovery of penicillin, just for viruses.”

2. Keep your fingers crossed.

“Someone discovers how to cure cancer cheaply and easily.”

3. A personal victory.

“I currently have a crush on a girl who works at the bank. I’m not sure if she is interested in me as well. I get a little nervous when I talk to her. I think she already knows I am interested in her.

If I get the chance to ask her out on a date and she says yes, I will climb a mountain and yell with happiness that she said yes.”

4. Let’s feel the love.

“Love, understanding, patience.

For me 2020 is like winter in Game of Thrones. So what would redeem 2020 is for people to realize that life is crazy for everyone but when we work together with love, understanding and patience we can go through anything and actually thrive.

It’s like the saying goes: when the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives. Humanity is the ultimate pack. If people realize this we will not only have redeemed 2020 but every single year after that as well.”

5. They should do this.

“The government forgiving my wife and my student loans for being essential healthcare workers.”

6. Please!

“Everyone actually judging people by their actions and the end of identity politics.”

7. Have to act now.

“Governments and massive organisations taking climate change seriously and actually doing something about it to reverse the problem….”

8. A big change.

“A drastic change of how our governments are functioning and how the officials that are supposed  to protect us are operating.

It’s time that the main goals of a country aim to protect its people – not profit off of and harm all who serve to protect the corrupt at little personal gain.”

9.  The well being of all.

“A sense of humanity and responsibility amongst everyone.

When humans feel responsible not just for themselves but for others, the good and well being of all.

That would redeem everything.”

10. Let’s hear it.

“To have all the governments, secret services, special forces, security/intelligence agencies, secret religious ‘guardians of the truth’ societies, etc WORLDWIDE come clean with all their dirty secrets, lies and misinformation.

Fucking waterboard the lot of them if that’s what it takes. Then, when everyone is on the same page and the conspiracy theorists are happy (they can be quiet for a while then, too), we can actually start to right some wrongs, and maybe, just maybe, humanity can advance in unity towards a common goal.

No one gets out of life alive, most of us ultimately want the same things, so if we can get our shit together, start playing on the same team, share knowledge/resources, and have some fucking compassion/empathy/respect for one another, 2020 might be salvageable. I dunno.

Send everyone to their rooms and don’t let them out until they’re ready to give it a go??”

11. Wouldn’t that be great?

“David Bowie is found to not be dead after all but has spent years in hiding recording new music.”

12. Smoke up!

“The cure to COVID-19 turns out to be hidden in cannabis plants and the whole world decriminalizes’ it making it legal worldwide.”

13. Real progress.

“World wide ban on punishment for being lgbtq+.

Not yet marriage everywhere. Just no more beatings and executions. No one going to jail for being queer. I would also hope that the BLM protests make a big change. Less murdering black trans women would be a nice touch.”

14. Wouldn’t it be nice?

“Benevolent aliens landing on Earth and staging an intervention, bringing gifts of science, knowledge and humanity.”

15. A new health standard.

“Not sure about the rest of the world, But I know what could be great for America.

Covid 19 bringing a complete reset in the health industry. Changing it from ridiculously priced treatment to affordable prices for basic human rights.

Not only that, but due to the protests a complete change in law enforcement as well so there’s no situations where law enforcement has the ability to shoot down someone non hostile.

These two changes would be well worth the 6 months of quarantine and poverty Covid has brought on the world.”

Okay, now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, tell us about how you think this disastrous year can be redeemed.

Please and thank you!

The post How Can 2020 Possibly Be Redeemed? People Offer Their Opinions. appeared first on UberFacts.