Period Memes that Perfectly Proclaim the Pain

Periods suck. Period. Periodically a period strikes and for a certain period of time, the period positively permeates the person’s pastimes. Periods have the propensity to propagate perplexing pains and panicky perceptions which place periods firmly at the pinnacle of experiences we’d prefer to push away. Period.

Peruse these period pieces to more pleasantly process the particular pain of these pesky periods.

10. Color coded

I’m just gonna lie here ’till it’s over.

9. Bloody hell

“You’re gonna be OK! Say the goddamn words!”

8. A quiet place

May as well shout it from the rooftops.

7. The end of the road

This is my final resting place.

6. Fruitful endeavors

To be fair, those apples are being total jerks.

5. Mixed messages

If only you could just block this number.

4. That’s SO Raven

Oh, snap!

3. Jelly belly

But it was the last one and it was banana flavor, who wouldn’t cry?

2. Step away

Chucky didn’t come to play.

1. What do your elf eyes see?

The beacon is lit, Gondor calls for aid.

If you’re dealing with a period right now, we all wish you godspeed. You can do this. You can win this. You WILL live to fight another day. Period.

What’s the worst thing about all of this in your opinion?

Go ahead and vent about it in the comments with us.

The post Period Memes that Perfectly Proclaim the Pain appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About the Things That Recently Made Them Happy

It’s important to see the bright side of life.

Even when the chips are down and you feel like every single thing in the universe is actively working against you, you have to remember that there really are great things about existing on Planet Earth.

So let’s get happy!

Here’s what folks on AskReddit had to say.

1. Feeling good!

“I went for a 3mile walk with my dog.

I could not do this last week because my knees are so bad. I got a cortisone shot and now I can take my buddy for long walks.”

2. Skate or die!

“I skate on my lunch breaks and have been trying to land a trick I haven’t landed in a while, the 360 flip. Before I went to skate, my girlfriend texted me and told me to have a good session and that she knows I’ll land the trick today.

I landed the trick today. That made me happy, but her text was what made the day for me.”

3. A new house.

“We finally were able to see the house we’ve been wanting to see and made an offer. Hopefully the buyer accepts and we can start packing up our rental. It’s in the area we want our kids to go to school in, down the road from our favorite wing place (we can literally walk there) and it’s in a beautiful neighborhood.

It was on the market two months ago, but the sellers took it off because of the whole covid shit. Then they postponed putting it back on market to paint the inside. We’ve been wanting to see it and we’re afraid that it was a list cause.

The seller accepted our offer!! I couldn’t be happier!!”

4. Peaceful protests.

“I went to the George Floyd protest in my small town. The protesters were 95% young people who were engaged and well behaved.

The Sheriff came out and listened to what they had to say.”

5. Get moving!

“I got closer to fitting back into my smallest pair of pants.

Been overeating and underexercising lately and kicked myself in the ass two weeks ago to get it together.

I’m getting there, slowly but surely.”

6. Supportive parents.

“I finally came out as bi to my parents after years of being scared and while they were hesitant at first, they both called me today and said they support me no matter what.”

7. Fun and wholesome.

“I’ve been working on a model train set with the guy I recently have started seeing. It’s a fun, wholesome project that we’re both excited about.

I bought some miniatures for it and sent him a picture like “look what I got” and he responded “those are awesome but they’re the wrong scale, but it’s ok, we will just make a diorama just for them”.

The trains he has are N scale and the miniatures I got were HO scale, which would basically make them Amazonians walking around the city.

My last relationship literally called me “stupid and lazy for not reading the label” if I bought the wrong drink or sauce. But the fact the new guy remained positive, knowing I was just excited about the project, and just wants to make a bunch of fun projects with me really brought a smile to my face.”

8. Common ground.

“Argued with my father about the protests.

We have a lot of disagreements politically but today we found common ground.

It feels good.”

9. Good luck!

“I got an email from LA county asking me submit my diploma and transcripts. This is for a job I applied for 14 months ago. I don’t know if it means I’m going to get an offer, but if I do it will be life changing. My last job went kaput and I’m worried about life after unemployment runs out.

If I get it, the job will pay 40% more than my last one and I’ll finally be truly financially secure.”

10. A new path forward.

“My best mate is 4 1/2 months sober. He gained a lot of weight drinking and eating like trash but over the past few weeks has hit the exercise routine and healthy eating habits like a goddamn champion.

He walks 5 miles everyday and is doing physical activities on top of it. Today he’s on the mend from a bit of bruising a soreness…what from? He spent the afternoon with me kicking the footy. What a legend. I give him six months and he’ll be half the person he is today.

Today I’m just happy about his new path.”

11. A nice change of pace.

“I live in Switzerland, today was the first day some of my coworkers who I haven‘t seen in 3 months returned to the office.

It was just really nice, everyone seemed happy and at ease, it was a nice change of pace.”

12. Sounds like a great day.

“Finding the motivation to get up, eat a balanced breakfast, and ran for two miles with my dog.

Then we sat by the pond under willow trees for a hour in quiet. It was so blissful, I forgot how much I loved it.”

13. A great connection.

“My husband has been gone for months on a rotation for the Army.

I got to FaceTime with him for a little while. That’s what keeps me going most days is that I’ll get to spend at least some time talking to him on FaceTime.”

14. I like this story.

“I jogged past a group of young kids sitting on their porch with their wiener dog. The pup thought it was playtime and started chasing after me, and the kids after him. I wasn’t entirely sure he was friendly but he was a tiny thing so I stopped to pet him and he was super nice.

When the kids caught up, they scooped him up and apologized, and one of them said she liked my hair. It was a pleasant exchange.”

How about you?

What’s something that has made you happy lately?

Tell us in the comments!

The post People Talk About the Things That Recently Made Them Happy appeared first on UberFacts.

When Your Nephew Says Someone Is Watching You Sleep…It Gets Creepy

Children say creepy stuff – so often, in fact, that there are threads and websites dedicated to parents and caregivers being able to tell their stories online.

Some of them are fairly mundane (as these things go), or even easily explained. We’ve sort of accepted at this point that kids can see things we can’t, and maybe even remember past lives since they’re so “new” to earth.

There are times, though, that I imagine it’s quite hard to sleep after a kiddo says something completely random and creepy…and this little boy telling his nephew that the “other man” watches him sleep and night definitely falls into that category.

I would think.

He’s told his cousin not to come into his room until he’s awake (because yeah, kids watching you sleep until you wake up is intensely creepy. The kid doesn’t listen (because he’s a kid) and finally, OP (original poster) got a bit huffy with him about following directions.

The Other Man Watches Me. from CreepyKids

The kid’s answer? It’s not fair that HE can’t come in the room when THE OTHER MAN watches OP sleep every night!

My face right now, y’all.

This guy had a good suggestion, and I hope OP has asked his nephew to draw this other man. I mean, because it’s important to identify the people in your room at night, obviously

Image Credit: Reddit

While this chap thinks perhaps it’s a person at the window, and cameras are in order. Just for peace of mind.

Image Credit: Reddit

And yeah..there’s the ghost angle.

Image Credit: Reddit

What do you think is going on here? Ghosts? Intruders? Kids being weird?

Tell us where you side in the comments!

The post When Your Nephew Says Someone Is Watching You Sleep…It Gets Creepy appeared first on UberFacts.

Enjoy These Quality Facts That May Teach You Something

Surprises are great!

And our amazing fact sets are always full of them, so be sure to read through a bunch of other ones that we have on our site.

Are you ready to learn some new facts that we’re pretty sure you didn’t know before?

Let’s take a look!

1. They will really wear you down.

Lay off of those things!

Photo Credit: did you know?

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2. Makes sense to me!

To heck with the cold weather.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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3. Get it on!

And make it good! It’ll be beneficial for everyone involved!

Photo Credit: did you know?

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4. Does this sound familiar?

I feel like I’m here this a lot lately…

Photo Credit: did you know?

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5. No proof…yet…

But maybe someday…

Photo Credit: did you know?

Source 1

6. That’s pretty crazy.

Here’s to new discoveries!

Photo Credit: did you know?

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7. At greater risk.

They go hand in hand.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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8. Casualties of war.

Sounds like a terrible way to die.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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9. This is awesome!

These folks were real badasses.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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10. Suffering from OCD.

What a strange life he had.

Photo Credit: did you know?

Source 1 Source 2 Source 3

Some great facts in there, no doubt about it!

Now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, please share something interesting that has surprised you lately.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post Enjoy These Quality Facts That May Teach You Something appeared first on UberFacts.

People Confess the Most Hurtful Thing a Doctor Ever Told Them

The doctor-patient relationship is one of the most sensitive trusts we have and it’s the one that can hurt the most when it’s callously broken.

Here’s the thing. Just because someone was smart (or lucky) enough to get through medical school and land a job, it doesn’t mean they know everything about everything (or even everything about anything outside their scope of expertise).

Not only that, but people are still formed by their experiences, their prejudices, the words and actions of their parents…which is to say, sometimes doctors aren’t very nice, or very tactful, and should have just kept their big mouths shut.

Here are 15 times like that, and I’m guessing most of these people are still working on getting over it.

15. Omg it’s Elaine Benes.

He asked me if I felt lonely

I said I don’t think of myself as lonely

He wrote down Lonely and underlined it.

14. What does that even mean, though?

My female doctor, now retired, once told me I had great birthing hips. I’m a male.

13. Unless he was talking about the size of the lump, I guess.

I went to get a lump on my groin checked out, and had to remove my underpants.

The doctor started a whole speech about “size isn’t everything”, which isn’t what I went there for.

12. Teenage girls get the short end of every stick.

When I was in middle school until 10th grade, I would get violent nausea anytime I got hungry.

It felt like my stomach was on fire, and I would miss a lot of school from feeling like shit (although I was a good student and wasn’t falling behind in any way). After a lot of fighting with my mother who accused me of exaggerating, she agrees to take me to a gastroenterologist to be checked out. Before agreeing to do an endoscopy, the gastro accused me of exaggerating because I was a teen girl and that’s just apparently what young women do, he suggested I was just making up these symptoms for attention, and then asked me point blank if I was lying about my pain level to skip school and suggested I had a mental health issue I was trying to cover for.

I had fucking GERD and severe acid reflux, as confirmed by the endoscopy he reluctantly agreed to perform on me. Instead of letting it go, the gastro made a point of angrily telling me that I had “the stomach of a 80 year old man” and must have been intentionally eating in a way to fuck up my stomach.

I have a family history of stomach problems and GERD. I don’t understand why it was so implausible that my brother could have acid reflux at a young age, but I must be a hysterical liar when I claim to have the same symptoms in my teens.

11. Maybe it was supposed to be a compliment? Sort of?

He said I should be happy carrying around a bit of weight.

Because in drought the fattest cows die last…. Seriously wtf

10. Imagine having the gall to tell someone they shouldn’t have procreated…after the fact.

When I was about 4 I got diagnosed with child asthma, doctor told my mum it was her fault because she decided to have a child despite having asthma herself…

9. I mean, at least she said nothing was wrong with you? Ugh.

I had gained a lot of weight around my mid section a few years back, and my periods stopped. I was scared, young, and thought I was pregnant, but the tests came back negative. I went to a doctor to have myself checked out and she did some basic tests before telling me.​

“There is nothing wrong with you, you’re just fat”

I already had some body confidence issues, but hearing it from my doctor, when I was trying really hard to get in shape, really hurt, I worked hard to lose weight, but my belly wouldn’t shrink, I was starting to feel really sick, and went back to the doctor, who again told me it was that I was just fat. I was crushed.​

A year later I went to the hospital for something unrelated, and it was discovered that I had a giant Ovarian Cyst, about the size of a newborn. It was throwing off my hormones, making me gain weight, among many other issues. I have since lost weight and am feeling super confident now, but that doctor really messed me up for a long time.

8. And that’s how that doctor died…

In the ER, about six months pregnant, with heavy spotting and no noticeable fetal movement. Idiot doctor is unable to find the baby’s heartbeat.

Just looks up at me and says, “Yep, probably dead in there.” He couldn’t possibly have said it in a more casual, offhand manner.

Note: I delivered my son three months later, perfectly healthy.

7. This kind of doesn’t surprise me.

First hospital visit: “there’s nothing wrong with your foot, now get your shoe back on and get back to work you fucking malingerer” after a solely visual inspection.

2 days of getting smoked all day long

Second Hospital visit: “Why are you walking on that foot, it’s obviously broken! Someone get that soldier some crutches!

6. To be fair, treating two-year-olds has to be rough.

Wife took our 2 y/o daughter to the doctor because she was sick and her behaviour seemed to be changing. She couldn’t eat or drink. Our local doctor said that’s how kids are sometimes and just monitor her behaviour.

As we were pretty sure there was something definitely wrong we kept seeing different doctors. Last one said we were acting hysterically and our behaviour were a problem. 5 days later our daughter seemed to had a seizure so we went to the hospital. Our daughter had a brain tumor and the doctor at the hospital said this should have been recognized sooner.

He was astounded that we’ve seen 5 doctors all blaming us as parents to “just be acting up over nothing”.

5. You have to advocate for yourself, for sure.

“It’s all between your ears” after missing at least one, but probably two crippling vitamin deficiencies by not ordering the right test.

It took me two and a half years of thinking I was lazy and pathetic before I went to another doctor and got diagnosed.

4. I think she might have chosen the wrong profession.

“I’m sure it’s not that bad”

The intake nurse at the in patient psychiatric unit I was checking myself into after a suicide attempt following a sexual assault.

3. I mean it’s not bad advice, but it’s not always the right advice, either.

Was having digestive issues I eventually learned were a result of my undiagnosed cancer.

Doctor suggested I should wipe better.

2. They’re just sadists with newer magazines.

Different kind of doctor, but a dentist (after poking that sharp piece of steel into my not dead yet gums)

“Oh come, on, it doesn’t hurt that much!” after I jumped and said “ow!”

I looked at him, got up and walked out.

I now have a very nice dentist

1. He was just being (mean and) helpful.

I went to get an earache checked and the first thing the doctor said was “Yeah so I’m gonna put you on some medicine for the ear but we’ve gotta do something about your face, your acne is absolutely terrible.”

Thanks doc.

I am appalled and secondhand angry, how about you?

I’m totally sorry if this has ever happened to you – tell us about it in the comments if you want!

The post People Confess the Most Hurtful Thing a Doctor Ever Told Them appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About Things That Only Exist to Piss People Off

You might think there are a ton of people and products and experiences that only exist to anger the general population, and honestly…you might be right.

These 16 people certainly had no trouble coming up with long lists of minute but irritating crap that most of us encounter on an all too regular basis.

What can we do about it? Let’s get together sometime and find out, because I’ve had enough.

16. I’m telling you, some people just think they’re practical jokers.

Those pull tabs on seals that don’t work unless you really put your back into it.

Then they give suddenly and the contents of the container fly out and make a hug mess

15. It’s like a game literally no one can win, and nobody asked to play in the first place.

The fake X on advertisements, or the ones on mobile that have 2×2 pixels that you can never hit and instead click the ad.

14. This does not make anyone buy anything.

How commercials are intentionally louder than the show.

Fuck that!

13. This just causes instant rage.

When a screen loads up, and then readjusts right when you are trying to click on something.

Which then causes you to click on the wrong thing.


12. Seriously, what is the point?

Car alarms.

People basically ignore them because they go off too easily, and then nobody ever catches their car being stolen because of the false alarms.

So basically, you have a giant siren attached to your car that makes everyone else in the neighborhood hate you.

Here’s a pretty good article on how useless they are

11. It’s like some kind of federally mandated gag gift.

The “new” red gas cans.

The Fed gov’t started requiring a new spout that has a valve that completely prevents you from being able to pour gas out of it.

Seems to serve no other purpose than prevent people from being able to use a gas can without pouring gasoline all over the place.

10. I’m surprised it took so long to get to this.


9. I have the feeling a lot of people think this way.

I swear my fucking boss only exists to piss people off.

8. Just remove the superfluous buns!

The inequality of the number of hot dogs vs. The number of buns in a pack.

7. Just thinking about it makes you sweat, right?

Unnecessary hard to open plastic packaging around some of the least valuable items.

6. Do not go for those bonus points, friends.

Slime as gifts for children. Bonus points if it’s a slime kit that the parent needs to help them make. So not only do I get to TRY and get this shit out of my carpet, I have to help them make it first.

I regret all the times I suggested people get it for my niece as a gift. I know she loves it, but I couldn’t understand the evil eye my sister in-law would give the gift giver until my kids got a slime kit, and I got roped into making it.

5. Anything that pops up to cover a whole page, honestly.

The pop up to subscribe in the newsletter of a website that covers the entire fucking page.

Of course I will subscribe to it on the first time I’m visiting your website.

4. Who is this helping?

That stupid crimped packaging that comes on knives, scissors, ect that is impossible to open and sharp as hell when you finally do tear it open.

3. Poor design is enraging.

Door handles for doors you are supposed to push to open

2. That’s why you gotta have a fake email handy.

Mandatory e-mail sign ups when visiting a website or using a service.

Even some doctors and dentists require you to do it now.

1. Also how long it can take you to figure it out.

Fake drawer handles on furniture.

Seriously, I’m sitting here getting more irritated by the post!

Is something missing? What would you add?

Tell us in the comments!

The post People Talk About Things That Only Exist to Piss People Off appeared first on UberFacts.

Cooks Dish on the Essential Ingredient Too Many People Forget

Everybody has their own unique style, and that goes double when it comes to people who create. Whether you’re a writer, an actor, an artist, or sure, a chef, you surely have that color or phrasing or ingredient that makes your end product pop.

But what if there was a simple ingredient you could keep in your kitchen at home that would wow your guests, make your dishes extra good, and maybe even encourage your kids to eat what you fix?

I don’t know about you, but I’d want to know – and these 16 cooks are dishing up their secrets.

16. You gotta listen up when someone deploys a secret weapon.

Grated Locatelli pecorino romano cheese. It replaces salt in every Italian recipes I have. It’s my secret weapon. I use it in pasta sauce, in meatballs, in the breadcrumb when I fry chicken cutlets, in the stuffing for my stuffed mushrooms, on top of pizza. My mom used to sprinkle it on salad. I use it on artichokes. In green beans.

My wife hates it. She says it smells like vomit (which it does). But I use it on everything and she gobbles it down like it’s manna from heaven.

It imparts a salty, nutty taste to everything it’s in. It gives simple chicken cutlets an irresistible depth of flavor. A back-of-the-tongue, almost umami flavor.

It is made from 100% sheep’s milk and is really expensive when compared to that dried out, sandy-feeling Kraft Parmesan cheese most people use.

15. This makes a huge difference but also it’s expensive.

Subtle, but I usually use vanilla bean paste instead of vanilla extract in most of my baking.

14. It seems so simple, but people do really struggle with the right amount of salt.

Fucking Kosher Salt.

Table salt, iodized salt, the Himalayan pink salt, sea salt; they all have their places as either “get your kid their iodine’ or as nice finishing salts with their own flavor, but all those recipes you cook with?

All of them are tested with Kosher Salt, usually Diamond Kosher. The flakes are the perfect size for getting a consistent level of salt in a dish.

Use it.

13. I never would have imagined.

Unsweetened chocolate in chili.

Also, I think dried chili peppers are something a lot of people are afraid of (if they didn’t grow up in a house that used them) that adds immense depth to the flavor of a dish.

12. Someone is throwing down some serious knowledge.

Seeing a lot of salt, butter, and vinegar/citrus in this thread. Those are all definitely essential, but here are some other useful ingredients:

Onion soup mix is a “chef’s secret” that’s so well-known it’s hardly a secret. But it’s fucking great. It’s super savory and super sweet.

On the subject of sweet, adding good old sugar to “non-sweet” things is why a lot of restaurant food tastes so addictively good.

A personal favorite spice of mine is smoked paprika. Smoked paprika is god. Buy it in the Mexican aisle for extra savings.

MSG also kicks ass. You don’t have to be a lunatic and order actual MSG powder online, just use MSG-heavy ingredients like tomato paste, soy sauce, or sazonador total (sazon).

11. Okay freezing it is a life-changing idea.

Fresh ginger.

I grab a decent sized piece from the grocery store , cut it into 1-2 inch pieces, throw it in the blender with about 1/4 cup of water and blend…no need to peel.

Then freeze it flat in a plastic bag and break off a piece whenever I make a sauce or marinade.

10. If you’re going for flavor, don’t count the calories.

Full fat anything – you’ll end up using less to achieve body and a fuller flavor in your dishes.

Cream, plain yogurt, cottage cheese, quality butter, quality mayo, etc.

Quality of dairy and fats is important.

9. But not the kind that gives you a rash?

Sumac. It enhances so many dishes.

Lemony. Peppery. Sumac

8. Say it with me: stock instead of water.

Maggi liquid seasoning is amazing in soup!

Also, people under use stock – anything that absorbs water as it’s boiled (rice/quinoa/bulgur) can be cooked in stock to make it not taste bland.

7. Could it really be that simple?

Do you want that yummy Chinese flavor?

Fermented black bean paste.

6. Ice cream and chocolate cake, really?

Fresh lime juice goes with EVERYTHING.

Bacon, cheese, tomato based dishes, cumin, chicken, pasta, ice-cream, chocolate cake. Everything everything.

5. Bonus, they keep forever in your fridge.

Worcestershire and oyster sauce are pretty irreplaceable flavours that I don’t think many people use all that much.

4. I’ve had those in my spice cabinet for literal years.

Bay Leaf

How did I get through this whole thread and not see the magical Bay Leaf?

3. Never forget the acid.


It adds a missing flavor to lots of dishes.

2. I never would have imagined.

Nutmeg – freshly grated.

On all cauliflower dishes, potatoes (mashed Mmmh), Sauce Béchamel, sometimes zucchini, celeriac.

1. That all sounds pretty simple.

Butter and olive oil mix, more garlic than the recipe calls for and Chinese 5 spice.

Wow, I never would have guessed some of these in a million years?

Are you an accomplished home or professional chef? What would you add to the list? Let us know if you think anything important has been left out!

The post Cooks Dish on the Essential Ingredient Too Many People Forget appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Creepiest Things They’ve Seen in the Middle of Nowhere

I’ve seen so many horror movies over the years starting from a very young age that the idea of being in a remote area all alone is always creepy to me.

Who might be lurking out there?

Am I accidentally going to stumble upon a human sacrifice in the woods?

What’s in that abandoned house up on that hill?

The possibilities are endless, really?

Instead of just imagining them, let’s dive into some TRUE stories that AskReddit users experienced in remote areas. Prepare to be scared!

1. This is very weird.

“A little over 18 years ago I had just gotten out of the military. I drove all the way from Louisiana to my home town in Montana, without incident.

I spent a few days at home and then got back on the road because my new home destination was Boise Idaho. It was February so instead of going straight down the length of the state I cut across the panhandle of Idaho into Washington. The highway going straight down through the state is really twisty and very dangerous in the winter.

So I crossed the state line into Washington. It was a Sunday and it was very very early in the morning. As cliche as it sounds there was quite a bit of fog in the air. I had been driving for a while and I really had to use the bathroom.

Now normally given how I was out in the middle of nowhere I would normally just pulled over on the side and took a whizz but since it was so foggy and hard to see I thought it safer to just wait until I hit the next small town.

So I drove for maybe 5 more miles and I started seeing signs for a town. I can’t remember for the life of me the name of the town but I think it was Linden or Linder something like that. It was on I90 going into the Spokane valley So I head towards the sign which was a right turn off the interstate and its a short drive up this road and I reached the town. It was small but I thought nothing of it since I was from a small town in Montana.

Now here is where things get odd. There was not a single person to be found. There were cars and business but not a single person to be found no one walking the street no logging trucks driving everything was just as still as the air. I stopped at a gas station. It was one of those 1 in all places that did car repair tires etc, but no one was at the counter.

I thought well maybe it’s just really early. So I went around to the side to see if the bathroom was locked and it was. As I made my way back around to the front of the building saw a delivery truck it was a coke classic truck. Except it wasn’t moving its head lights were on the hazard lights were on and the passenger and driver side doors were open just sitting there in the middle of the street.

Yes I was getting a bad vibe so I got back in my car and went back the way I came I got back to i90 and thought again about just pissing on the side of the road but honestly I was too afraid. I continued driving until I hit Spokane honestly I was more than a bit freaked out and had completely forgotten I had to piss.

I didnt see anything creepy or hear anything creepy but the stillness in the air and the complete lack of life human or animal was just terrifying and unsettling.

I looked on the map to where I was once I got to Spokane which was a rand McNally’s map (because GPS on phones was just not a thing yet) and I could not find it at all on the map even as I was writing this I looked at Google maps and nothing by the name Linden Linder or otherwise is on the map. I still to this day will never forget that feeling of just freaky displacement I felt there.

When I got to Boise I told my friend about it and he thought I was just trying to rip off silent hill or resident evil and honestly I can’t blame people for saying that but at the same time that was the reason I wouldnt piss on the side of the road. I kept recalling the part in RE 1 where the hikers were killed by the murderous dogs.

Anyway if you stuck around this long thanks for reading and if you know of a town on hwy 2 between Coeur d’lene Idaho and Spokane Washington people let me know. If you are from there I mean no offense but your town is creepy as fuck.”

2. Awful.

“I’d been at football training with a few of my cousins when I was about 10 years old.

We decided to take a walk before our parents picked us up, so we went along the canal towpath. My cousin looked down in the canal and say a really nice jacket floating along and being a weird scavenger person decided to reach in to fish it out.

Well, the jacket turned over. And so did the man wearing it. He also had no face left.

Not gonna lie, that was rough.”

3. All those eyes.

“Me and a friend decided to take our 4x4s and go camping in the mountains.

I wake up middle of the night because I need to take a piss. So I put on my headlamp and I walk a bit further from camp and as I’m doing my business, I hear rocks ruffle behind me as if they’re being walked on. Anxiety rises. I finish up and turn around, and as my headlamp faintly lights up the area around me. All I see eyes, about 20 of them and just staring at me. My breathing stops. And I literally freeze where I’m standing. And then I hear a “maaa’aaa(goat blest)”.

It was a fucking herd of mountain goats that were intrigued by the ape in their backyard. Almost gave me an aneurysm.”

4. What are you doing here?

“My husband and I were hiking up a mountain in the Pacific Northwest.

It’s perpetually muddy due to a large number of waterfalls along the sides of the trail, so there’s no way you can avoid getting at least a little dirty.

Around an hour and a half up the trail, we passed two men wearing black suits, black hats, black glasses, holding black leather briefcases and wearing black dress shoes. Completely clean dress shoes. And immaculately clean, pressed pants. Not a spot of dirt or a wrinkle on either of their clothes.

As we passed each other, one of them whispered something in German. I looked back at them and they were both standing still and looking back at us, staring.

It was all so surreal.”

5. Summer camp.

“When I was about 7 or 8, my parents sent me to a local summer camp that they would pick me up from in the afternoons. I never really liked it because the kids were mean, everything was either broken or not clean, and the counselors obviously didn’t care.

I remember the girl’s changing room had a door that lead out to the woods but the doorknob was gone so it was unlocked all the time and you could see into it. This was primarily where the girls changed into their bathing suits and there was usually someone blocking the view while we changed so the boys couldn’t look in.

Well, one day I’m changing alone and someone wasn’t blocking the door. I look over and see an eye peeping in through the hole watching me change. I pull the rest of my clothes back on quickly and run out to tell my twin brother. I tell my dad that I don’t want to go back to that camp anymore and he begrudgingly takes us out of the camp pretty soon after because he knew how much we hated it.

Years later, the camp has been closed down for many many years and I’m asking my dad about it. He gets really grim and tells me it shut down because a 13 year old boy had raped 7 year old girl in the woods right behind the girl’s bathroom a few weeks after I had told him about someone watching me change.”

6. Bigfoot?

“Cowlitz River. Washington State.

Camping with my dad and sister me buddies, early 90s. Something was throwing rocks and sticks into our camp. We shined a flashlight out and caught a reflection of eyes and a silouete. Very very tall. Kept throwing stuff in our camp randomly for about 15 minutes. We just stoked the fire really high. In the morning I woke up to heavy footsteps in our camp and something reeked. Woke up my dad.

He shook the tent and yelled. Whatever it was ran off.”

7. Scary.

“My girlfriend and I were hiking along some abandoned railroad tracks and we get to a small bridge going over a little creek. I’m about to go explore under the bridge when she points something out. I look over and in the woods across from us I see a guy.

I’m like whatever and keep headed down to the creek area and then the guy stands up and he’s naked. We immediate back track pretty quickly to get away from there and once were like 1 minute down the trail I look back and this naked dude is just standing in the middle of the trail watching us walk away.”

8. Abandoned building.

“So when I was 15, my friends and I liked to climb abandoned buildings.

We found one down my the river. About 3 stories high and in pretty bad condition. I remember there were no stairs initially and we had to pull ourselves up. We climbed to the top via broken stairs after that. At the top was a small open room where someone was living.

We walked in to look around and immediately noticed the walls were covered in pictures. Pictures of women tied up, naked, obviously in pain in all sorts of positions. Some appeared dead but they were from magazines. We never got out of a building and away from an area so fast.

Looking back, it was probably just serious bdsm porn but 15 year old me dipped out.”

9. Interrupters.

“Walking on the beach with my boyfriend and we had walked to a giant rocky cliff to makeout.

Somebody was just gazing at the ocean, crying and shaking. Mind you, this is late at night, like around 9:30 pm. We asked him if he was ok, he apologized and practically ran back down the cliff (away from the dangerous areas).

My boyfriend and I watched him until he reached the public area and decided to call it a night. Im pretty sure he was going to jump.”

10. No way!

“This took place in the Australian bush around 10/11 at night.

I was 17, leading a staggered column of about 60 Cadets to our detachment campsite. Due to light discipline rules, only myself at the very front of the group and the other flight commander at the rear had torches on. This was so that any vehicles coming along the trail could see us and so that most of the cadets could maintain their night vision(we were camouflaged up and thus difficult to see at night).

As we walked along I periodically looked to my sides, and kept seeing what looked like dew drops on the ground. Almost like tiny blue gems glinting in my torch light either side of the road.I had to maintain my position in the formation, so I couldn’t get a good look at what they were.

However, after a while we stopped for a very brief break, and I took the opportunity to have a closer look. Walking over to the side of the trail I spotted a small cluster of the “diamonds” and focused my head torch on them. Rather than seeing diamonds or dew drops or anything remotely pleasant, I instead saw a group of about 5 large spiders just crouching in the leaf litter and staring at me.

They looked like huntsmans which are about the size of an adults hand. Sweeping my head around, I realised there were thousands of the things. All over the ground, some on the trunks of trees, and everywhere around me; glaring at the light affixed to my head.

I had a very brisk walk back to the formation and attempted to play it cool while screaming in my head. Being a massive Arachnophobe, I have no fucking clue how I managed to set up a tent and spend the next week in that cursed forest.”

11. Won’t do that again.

“I was in a large wooded area near my bf’s home, with him, hanging out nearly at midnight. We had gone in pretty deep and it required a good amount of climbing. The closest path was maybe 5-7 min climbing down so it was highly unlikely someone could be at that spot, that time of the night, besides us.

As we were kissing and stuff he thought he saw a shadow move 20 – 25 feet to the left of us, climbing, but it stopped suddenly when my bf looked at it. He told me to be wary and that exact moment we saw a dark figure climbing a little up but diagonally, like he tried to go directly above where we were.

We didn’t move and watch him till he closed the horizontal gap and was directly above us maybe 15 feet of steep downhill thick forest. Then he began to come towards us.

Without skipping a bit my bf grabbed my hand and we almost ran downhill till the path. We made it in less that two minutes while still holding hands and listening to the man running behind us. We ran as fast as we could down the path and out of the forest where there was a cafe and some basketball and tennis courts next to the wooded hill, and of course, people.

As we realised we came really close to be mugged or worse, we vowed never to go there at night again.”

12. OH MY GOD.

“I found the body of a murdered woman in the woods when I was 10.

I was collecting cans to trade in for money and walked to a party spot in the woods and she was lying face-down in the grass. This was in ’97 or so and I found out a few years ago it’s become the center of a local urban legend and the story going around is quite different than what I experienced.

It messed me up pretty bad for a while.”

13. On the outskirts.

“I used to work in low income home weatherization, basically giving free shit away to help lower electricity and gas bills and make the home more comfortable to people who really needed it; installing doors and insulation and so forth.

One step in qualifying a home is testing combustion appliances to make sure they’re not emitting carbon monoxide into the living space, because if they are and we seal up the house we could kill the whole family.

During a pre-inspection of a home on the outskirts of the city, I ask to see the owner’s water heater. He tells me that it’s in the basement, which is fairly normal, and I tell him I have to inspect it before work can start. So, he goes into the kitchen and starts moving the refrigerator. Turns out the entry into the basement is underneath carpeting beneath the fridge. I should note that I went and did thousands of homes over the years, and had never seen such a thing.

But, whatever, needs to be done regardless and so I pull out my flashlight and shine it down the stairs, to check out the layout but really to look for black widow spiders because fuck black widows. At this point I notice a dead cat, mostly down to a skeleton. Not my favorite sight but really common in crawlspaces and basements. I take a few steps down the stairs and continue my spider check, and notice another couple of small animal skeletons.

At this point I start to worry about gas, or poisons, or something equally dangerous, and start looking closer. There are animal skeletons everywhere, at least ten on a cursory look. Some of them are so degraded I can’t determine what they used to be. I also happen to notice that this guy is waiting at the entrance a little too quietly, with his hand on the door.

Something clicks in my brain and I get this immense sense of danger. I’m about four steps from the door being clear to close, I have no partner on the job with me, there’s death all around me, and I realize just how hidden the entrance to the basement really was.

I noped the fuck out, told the guy I needed extra tools and would be back, and marked the job as non-feasible for health and safety as I was driving away. I have no idea if I was actually in any danger, it could have been completely innocent; but I still remember the adrenaline rush and sense of doom, and sometimes you just don’t take chances.

What about you?

Have you ever seen any scary stuff out in the middle of nowhere?

If so, talk to us in the comments!

The post People Share the Creepiest Things They’ve Seen in the Middle of Nowhere appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About the Most Unsettling Things They’ve Seen in Remote Areas

When I was in high school, my friends and I used to get in the back of a pick-up truck and we’d drove around out in the country in the middle of the night for hours just to have an adventure and creep ourselves out.

It was spooky and a lot of fun. Sadly, we never happened upon a Satanic ritual or anything like that…but there are a lot of weird and creepy things going on out there in the middle of nowhere…

Let’s see what AskReddit users had to say about the things they’ve seen in remote areas…

1. A hike…in Transylvania.

“Went on a mountain hike in Transylvania with a group of friends from school, and way up, after maybe 12-14 km of trekking, we saw a house….was in the middle of nowhere.

It had a barn, with a few animals, couple of cows, chicken, etc. As we get closer, we see a few people, a guy and 5-6 women. Not sure if there were more inside. The dude comes to greet us, barely speaking the language. We had a hard time understanding what he’s saying.

They lived without electricity, gas, anything. This is in the early 90s, so there’s no internet, mobile phones to worry about. At least for most people.

Anyway, they all looked weird, kinda dumb expressions on their face, we can barely understand eachother. They asked us who’s the president now, and if we want some milk. They look at our clothes and shoes weirdly, curious…like who knows when is the last time they had human contact.

Or maybe there were more crazies around those parts…dunno. Not sure to this day what was going on. It’s not typical in the region, so we kinda freaked out, especially cause the dude looked a bit disturbed, and we were too young.

We were looking around to see if there’s more of them, paranoia was getting to us, thinking there must be a village nearby. What was also weird is that all the women kept their distance, and never got close to us. Like he was guarding them, or checking us out, if it’s safe for them.

One of my friends kept saying we don’t want their milk, and we need to go, cause it’s getting dark. We walked calmly for a while, then when we thought we’re out of their sight, bolted like crazy out of there. Needless to say, we camped after a few hours, and we always had one person awake to keep watch.

We told people that were living in the villages near that area, about the “mountain people”, and they didn’t believe us. They said nobody lives there, up in the mountains.”

2. Get outta there!

“Doing urban exploration in a dilapidated church at night, on one of the floors was this circular motif in the floor where i guess a podium or something was.

There was fresh blood on it as if something was killed there. When we went in the basement later on, we heard someone running upstairs.”

3. Voodoo hut.

“Okay so one time back when I was like 11 me and my friend were walking through the woods because he said he had something he wanted to show me. We walked down the path for a good 20 minutes until he suddenly started walking through some closely planted thin trees.

Despite my confusion I followed him until he suddenly stopped in a clearing and there was a round mud hut infront of us, he told me he was too scared to go inside so I did instead. The floor was lower down then the floor itself and there was a little fire put in the centre, it was surrounded by DIY wooden bench things.

Although that was odd in itself, the real show stopper were the walls, every inch or the mud walls were covered in animal skulls held up by wire, these would range from a small sparrow skull to a deer skull. It was a pretty neat sight tbf. Outside of the hut was another small bench which had the phrase ‘Where heaven and earth meet’ carved into it.

Cut to January of this year and me and my Mum tried to find the weird voodoo hut again in the woods, while we did come across the hut it had sadly been demolished and all but a few of the skulls had been taken. It just kinda looked like someone had jumped on top of it after stealing all of the skulls for the what I can only imagine to be some vulture culture collection.

It’s kinda sad it had to go but I still remember like it was yesterday.”

4. The sixth person.

“It was dark and I was sitting around a bonfire with four friends in rural North Carolina.

We had been drinking and they had smoked a bit (I wasn’t at the time) and were taking turns telling stories. A lull came in the conversation and the black silhouette of a sixth person stood up and faded into the surrounding darkness. We decided that we’d had enough for the night and packed everything up before walking back to a friends house.

All five us swear there was a sixth person there but don’t remember any kind of discernible characteristic besides they seemed to be covered in shadow.”

5. Cult activity.

“Back when I was a kid some friends and I came across people in robes chanting around a campfire out in the woods on the edge of the town we lived in.

We were staying at a friend’s house for a birthday party/sleepover and went for a late night walk. This was back in the late 80’s during the satanic panic. Looking back now, I’m sure it was just some teenagers goofing around, but at the time it scared the living bejeezus out of us. One of the girls with us had a panic attack and started hyperventilating.

Got pretty serious, but we finally managed to get her calmed down.”

6. Time to turn around.

“I was driving through rural parts of Missouri with a buddy.

We drove down a single lane road that had no exit. At the end of the road, there was a group of deer corpses laid in a perfect circle.

I’d say there was at least 10 deer.”

7. Camping out.

“Was camping a couple of years ago when I heard movement outside my tent.Thinking it was my friend I called out to him but there was no answer.After a minute the movement stopped so I left my tent and sat outside it for a while

10 minutes passed when my friend that I thought had been moving came out of his tent looking for his phone.He denied that it was him who was outside the tent.It was only him,myself and my gf at the time so I said it must have been an animal.

At that point we both heard something move very close to us and saw the silhouette of a person watching us.Don’t ask me why but we both got up and started to approach the person who began to run away.We chased him/her for a minute but gave up when we noticed them drop stuff from their hand.

Not only did they drop my friends phone that he couldn’t find but mine and my girlfriends as well

The person was in our tents…..”

8. House in the woods.

“When I was a kid, I used to live on a tiny property in the woods. My house was basically built around where stables were once. My room was, back when it was still stables, where the hay was stocked. Before getting to the creepy thing I need to say some other stuff:

– When you were in my room you could sometimes smell hay out of nowhere.- My dog was always refusing to go upstairs because something was scaring the shit out of it there.- You could sometimes hear knocking on doors (they were 3 entrance doors in my house), sometimes all at once.

Now that this have been said, we can go to the fun thing. So my room had a big ass window that gave a big view over the woods and my garden was basically a clearing. Once, I fucking heard a kid giggling from upstairs. I ran there only to find my window open, and something running out in the woods.I spent 2 more years in this house and fucking felt insecure the whole time.”

9. Skin Walker?

“Small town in a relatively rural area. A few years after the fact, I’m now relatively certain it was a Skin Walker.

About 10 years ago, I was at my dad’s house for the weekend in Kentucky. The Appalachian people are very superstitious, hailing from the Scots-Irish people and just never losing that side of them. My dad wasn’t superstitious, I thought, and was not one to be easily scared. It was about, I dunno, 10 at night and we randomly decided to go into town to get some McDonald’s.

Daddy always insisted on walking in front of me and I always assumed it was so I wouldn’t accidentally step on a snake but now I don’t think that’s the case. So, he turned on the porch light and opened the screen door. He had put one foot on the porch and there was this God awful sound.

I will never in my life forget it. There was a screech followed by the sound of a crow. But it wasn’t a crow. The best way I can describe it is if a person was mimicking a crow call.

My hair stood up on the back of my neck and my dad retreated into the house. He slammed the big door and locked it, something I had never seen him do. Before I could ask a question he said, “It isn’t safe. We can go tomorrow morning.”

And so we did. But the rest of the night, we stayed inside. My dad didn’t even go outside to smoke a cigarette. He even let the (outside) dogs stay in the house. We never talked about that again but that was one of the scariest moments of my life.”

10. Not a good memory.

“When I was really young, we were on a family trip and me and my older brother took a ride on a boat. I remember my mom telling us to avoid the “big floating thing”.

She thought it was a buoy to signalize a dangerous rock under water or something. Being kids, of course we went straight there to explore it. So turns out it was not a buoy. That was a body of a tourist that went missing a week ago, as the police informed us a few days later. Creepy thing is he was one of a group of people that had disappeared together.

I believe they never find the rest. So, not a good childhood memory.”

11. Time to go.

“I was jogging at night with headphones on in a park with dense trees and bushes. The over growth was taking over the path and it was difficult to see so I turned the flashlight on my phone on.

I started to see a fire burning ahead but couldn’t really make it out (I take my glasses off when I jog). As I got closer there’s a clearing and I see a big big fire raging and no one around. So I pause a minute and fish my glasses out and find out that yes, there’s 6 people standing there actually.

Perfectly spaced apart from each other and they all turned at the same time to look at me.

I turned 180 and sprinted the fuck out of there.”

12. Not so sure anymore…

“My friends bought a huge chunk of property in southern Colorado in the San Luis Valley.

I went out for a month to clear 10 acres of forest for greenhouses to be built. I was there by myself the entire time and had to stay in a tent because there was no infrastructure yet. One night I was sitting on the edge of this overlook before bed and the entire canyon below me lit up with a huge flash of light and then was gone immediately.

I was kinda freaked out, but got over it and just went to bed. A few days later I was talking to a rancher a couple miles down the road and he said the morning after the night of the flash he found 3 of his cows in that canyon with all the blood drained out of their bodies and their eyes and some of their organs were removed.

There weren’t any tire tracks or any sign of struggle whatsoever near the cows. And let me tell you, this property was in the middle of NOWHERE. Needless to say I was pretty freaked out the rest of my time out there. Lots of weird shit like that was going and the entire area just had a very weird “vibe”.

I’m normally a very pragmatic person and not interested in the supernatural at all, but after my time in the San Luis Valley, I’m not so sure anymore.”

13. Do not sleep.

“I was on a canoe trip down the Shenandoah River with my wife. The only public property on the river is the islands, so that’s where people camp on multi-day trips.

Came across two women around dusk using a machete to hack into the brush on an island to camp, and my wife and I decided the island would be a good place to stop. We paddled a half mile down the island and set up camp near the river bank.

We were woken later by the sound of a machete hacking through the brush on the island and the two women maniacally screaming and laughing and shouting that they were going to find and kill us.

Didn’t sleep much that night.”

14. Very creepy.

“My boyfriend and I were backpacking through rural Tasmania a few years ago. While on a bus, we were discussing our plans for the ensuing two weeks. The girl in the seat in front turns around and offers us a place to stay in her town. We declined as we were headed elsewhere first, but she gave us her mobile number and said that she and her partner would love to have us.

A few days later we decide to take them up on their offer. We call her, and she says they’re happy to host us. So far so good.

They meet us at the train station and immediately something feels off. It’s really difficult to explain, but it’s that primal, ineffable feeling in your guts that tells you that something isn’t right. We ignored our guts and followed them.

They lead us straight out of town. We ask them where we’re going and they say that they live on the outskirts. This town is creepy as fuck. It’s an old mining town that has been largely abandoned, and as we walk the 15-odd minutes to their home the houses get shittier, with boarded up windows, overgrown gardens and no people in sight.

Eventually we reach the house at the very end of the town. It’s their house. We go in.

Set up in the middle of the living room is a single mattress with a sheet hanging around it. They show us around the house except for one door which stays closed. When I asked what was behind it they pretended not to hear. Our room has a made bed, chest of drawers and looks like a normal room. It seems weird that they sleep on mattresses in the living room when they have a “guest room”.

We go back into the living room and look around. Knives. A lot of knives. My boyfriend asks if they go hunting? No. The partner hands one of the knives to my boyfriend and asks him to open it. It’s a massive fucking bowie knife with what looks like blood staining around the edges of the blade. My boyfriend laughs awkwardly and sets it down.

They have a tattoo gun – “to practice”. My boyfriend asks if they have any tattoos. No. There’s a small axe at the door. I ask if they collect wood. No.

Suddenly the guy says he wants to go to the shops. We agree quickly because we’re creeped out and want to get back into the town.

The four of us leave and they start walking in the opposite direction to the town. I say that the town is back the other way. The guy says this way would be more interesting because it goes up through the trees. He says that they have never been up the mountain before but he knows the area and it would take the same amount of time.

I tell my boyfriend that I’m freaking out but he thinks it’s ok. We follow them into the trees. The path goes up the mountain. We are going in the total opposite direction of the town.

The girl turns around to her partner and whispers – “so where was the place again?”

My boyfriend and I freeze. I say I want to take the road back to town and start walking.

When the four of us arrive in the one shop in town – no one recognises the couple. And this is a really small town. We make an excuse that we want to go look at sights and that we’ll catch up with them later, and instead book a hotel room and freak out.

I did some snooping on the area. Their house had an extra room (behind the mystery door) and a basement. The path that we were taking led straight out of town and up the mountain. There was no way it could loop back into town.

So yeah pretty sure we narrowly avoided being murdered. Or maybe they were just massive weirdos. Tbh the creepiest thing was the fact that there was no drug paraphernalia at all – the state of the house and the weird behaviour would have been understandable if they were intoxicated but that wasn’t the case.”

Now it’s your turn!

In the comments, tell us about any unsettling encounters you’ve had in remote areas.

Please and thank you!

The post People Talk About the Most Unsettling Things They’ve Seen in Remote Areas appeared first on UberFacts.

This Is How Dollar Stores Actually End Up Making Money

Shopping at dollar stores is awesome. You need something cheap, you run in, you grab it and you’re on your way home, with tons of money still in your pocket.

But have you ever looked around at all those $1 price tags and wondered how this place even stays in business? They don’t ever seem to raise their prices to keep up with inflation like other businesses do — what gives?

The answer is actually surprisingly interesting. You see, dollar stores aren’t actually the best places to score deals on household items. This is because it’s almost always cheaper to buy something in a large quantity or supply, like what you’re able to find at Sam’s Club or Costco.

Though dollar store prices may seem cheap, that’s because you’re only getting a tiny amount or quantity of a product. The stores capitalize on this higher per-unit cost.

This becomes even more confusing to suss out when a small amount or quantity of a product is sold in the same size box or container as that of a large quantity.

A 15-foot tube of aluminum foil sold at a dollar store comes packaged in the same size box as a 75-foot roll.

All of this makes the dollar store strategy feel kind of icky.


Because some people can only afford to buy tiny quantities of things at a time. If you’re poor or just barely making ends meet, you may have to buy just a few rolls of toilet paper at a time because you can’t afford to spend $25 on a jumbo pack at Sam’s Club, even though that jumbo pack is cheaper when you break down the cost per roll.

What’s your favorite way to save money while shopping for groceries or household items?

We’d love to hear from you! Let us know in the comments!

The post This Is How Dollar Stores Actually End Up Making Money appeared first on UberFacts.