North Koreans are especially proud of Kim Jong Il for his “inventions”. One of them is the Gogigyeopbbang or double breaded meat, which is essentially a hamburger.
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North Koreans are especially proud of Kim Jong Il for his “inventions”. One of them is the Gogigyeopbbang or double breaded meat, which is essentially a hamburger.
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In 1921, the 15-year-old former emperor of China, Puyi, decided he wanted to have a telephone. His advisors were afraid it would give him too much independence since Puyi usually had no contact with the outside world. But when he finally got his phone, he just used it to make prank calls.
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The word “Cliché” originates from the clicking sound made when printing plates are used to create the same text over and over. The plates used in this process are also known as “stereotypes.”
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Lake Tahoe at one time was named Lake Bigler in honor of the popular third governor of California. However, once it was revealed that Bigler was a Confederate sympathizer during the US Civil War, his name was removed from the lake and renamed Tahoe.
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It just seems to be a fact of life: There will always be feuds between different generations.
Typically, those fights are between older generations, who look down upon or criticize younger generations (see also: Baby Boomers and literally every other younger generation).
But now, Gen Z-ers are getting in on the action and throwing some major shade at Millennials. And of course they’re doing it on TikTok, the most Gen Z platform ever made.
According to researchers, Millennials are people who were born between the years 1981 and 1996. Gen Z, on the other hand, are people born between 1997 and 2012. They grew up in very, very different times, especially as it relates to technology.
It all started with this video from user @wholesam:
@wholesam Stop bullying millennials! They’re pretty cool
He made fun of Millennials for using the word “adulting” and for taking coffee breaks. Other people quickly piled on, however.
They took serious issue with Millennial’s love of “Harry Potter:”
@mayalepa inspired by @wholesam
They also apparently think Millennials use the word “doggo” too much:
@kavyewest finally able to jump on the #millennial hate trend
so happy to be here #fyp @wholesam
However, at least one person pointed out that Gen Z threw a hissy fit when Millennials started using TikTok — so I guess this feud goes both ways after all!
@mortgagesareboring The circle of life #millennial #over30 #millennials
Dang, what else will Gen Z-ers take issue with next? Avocado toast? Student loan debt? Living with your parents? Lack of work ethic? Now they’re starting to sound just like the Boomers. You can hardly tell them apart!
Do you agree with the Gen Z assessment of Millennials? Will we ever live to see a time when generations don’t fight with each other?
We’d love to hear your opinions!
Let us know in the comments!
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Even when people say “I have no regrets”, I have a feeling that they at least have a few…I know I do.
But you can’t beat yourself up about that kind of stuff or you’ll never get out of that “woe is me” thinking that plagues a lot of people. We all go through that from time to time but you have to always keep moving forward and looking to improve.
The question posed to people was “What did you learn too late in life?”
Here are some interesting, personal stories from folks on AskReddit.
“Eventually helicopter parents will need to be cut off if you want to live your life.
This shit never ends. Not at 20, or 25, or 30.”
“Stay away from people who always see themselves as the victim in situations.
Especially when they are family and you feel obligated to deal with their drama for the sake of family.”
“Your parents aren’t right all the time.
I feel like if kids realized this earlier in life, maybe they wouldn’t hold their parents to unrealistically high standards.”
“That my own happiness is the thing I need to focus on.
Doing stuff alone is OK, and actually gratifying.”
“That being alone is better than being with the wrong person.
Red flags should not be ignored and you can’t change a person by loving them.”
“Hard work doesn’t sell itself.
And hard work doesn’t necessarily mean success or reward.
Some of the hardest workers in the world are broke and joyless.”
“To take care of my teeth.
It’s costly and headache inducing right now.”
“I’m in my early 30’s and I realized a few years ago that this is the only body I’ll get so I need to take care of it.
I’ve always been overweight and I’ve lost 76 lbs in the last year and a half. I’ve also been taking better care of my teeth and my skin and I’ve been much happier since I started taking better care of myself.
Only 10 more pounds to go before my BMI is under 25!”
“Nothing will change on its own, you have to change it yourself and no one coming to help you unless you help yourself before.”
“Being lonely for any reason – not enough friends, not enough good friends, moving to a new situation and leaving old friends behind – can lead you to make some pretty foolish social decisions.
Even people who are normally quite confident and good at picking up on social cues will find themselves acting oversensitive, desperate, and/or falling into some pretty ill-advised infatuations.”
“It’s embarrassing for me, but reading.
But reading naturally, not forcing myself to do it. I’m 24, and 3 years ago I finished my first chapter book. I was so happy.
I have since thought myself how to read complex literature. But yeah, definitely how to read well.”
“It’s OK not to have a romantic relationship in high school or even college.
I started wigging-out about it when I was like 13, I can’t believe how much energy and stress I expended on a situation that was totally fine and normal.
I was definitely not ready to have a relationship in high school or probably even college, I just wasn’t mature enough or in the right place.
I completely over-romanticized (pardon the pun) the whole concept. It solves a lot of problems, but it brings a whole host of new ones.
I also didn’t realize how much my friends and others I saw were exaggerating or even outright lying about how great it was to be with someone, all the sex they were having, and how perfect and happy they were.
As it turns out, making people believe you are a happy couple is way easier than being one.
My single days were the times when I grew the most and followed my dreams the most effectively. Being in love and partnered is great, but it’s a trade-off.”
“Getting things done feels much better than doing nothing.
We all need to relax, but being lazy gets you nowhere. Pick up a creative hobby and make something; exercise, volunteer. Spend the majority of your time being active, and then rest when you need to. The world is much more interesting than your couch.
Took me a very long time to realize this.”
“It’s easier to stay in shape than to get back in shape.
Learning this the hard way at 22 after a few years of not taking care of myself.”
Now we’d like to hear from you.
In the comments, tell us about the lessons you think you learned too late in life.
Please and thank you!
The post What Did You Learn Too Late in Life? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.
I think it’s never too late to learn anything, but there is definitely a feeling of guilt and even stupidity when you realize you should have known something for years.
But hey, that’s life!
And you can’t dwell on those things for too long or you’re bound to get really depressed. Know what I’m saying?
Let’s see what people on AskReddit had to say about the things they learned too late in life.
“It’s ok to be single at any point in your life.
There’s more pressure as you get older to find someone, and loneliness is definitely powerful and can be crushing at times, but you should definitely be happy with yourself, and it sucks people and society can make you feel like you are doing something wrong just because you are single.”
“That if you take care of yourself, work on your social skills and just learn from mistakes you will be attractive to the majority of women, especially after 25.”
“Wouldn’t exactly say too late, but now I’m 32 I’m actually learning how to eat properly and manage to stop binge eating as much.
I’m still fat but slowly losing weight.”
“One small mistake can lead to a life time of regrets and misery.
I told myself to pull over when I was driving late at night but ignored it and I crashed head on in the freeway.
I am now crippled and almost cost my family the entire wealth because of the lawsuit (which the guy dropped thank God) and we were approved for medical (thank God for that too).”
“That self esteem is what brings you inner peace and happiness.
Nothing external will if you don’t have inherent self worth and love yourself.”
“If you wonder why you don’t feel great and full of energy and happiness like when you where a kid, it’s not that you’re just older. It’s because you’re not sober, not eating well, and not exercising. I just turned 44 on Thursday and feel like I’m 21.
Two years ago I felt like I was 75. I got dead sober, and forced myself to start jogging every evening. At first I could barely run down the block and back. Now I can run for miles and not even be tired, just sweaty. Once I started running my body started craving good food and not junk.
I got serious about my diet and now can fit back in same jeans I wore in college.
It’s worth it man, and it’s not even hard.”
“That time goes by fast.
If you want to really do something, don’t wait till tomorrow.”
“It doesn’t make you weak to ask for help. In my case this relates to my clinical depression. For a long time I thought that depression was just feeling suicidal.
Depression can be a lot of things for lots of different people. In my case I just felt lethargic and completely unmotivated. After seeking help from doctors and attending therapy and getting medication I feel much better now.
If you feel like you need help, ask for it. On average I think most people are kinder than you think if you take the time to explain your situation.”
“Budgeting and Saving.
Treating your monthly salary as your target spend each month is terrifying, and I’m now tethered by debt and only just now coming out of it (well…. Making progress).
If I could do one thing differently, it’s just plan my money. Even something small like 1 or 2 less nights out a month might have made all the difference in later life now.”
“Here’s the list ya’ll:
Nothing good happens after midnight, just go to bed
Always double down on an 11 in Blackjack
Get the right tools for the job
Always have a backup plan
A closed mouth gathers no foot.”
“Hardship and being an adult.
I was sheltered from anything remotely hard and got everything handed to me, but i was not spoiled. I didn’t get everything i wanted, that i had to work for, but everything i needed was provided.
example: taxes, paying bills, writing / reading / signing contracts, how to cook, and similar things.
I also didn’t learn how the world worked, I’m past 30, and its not long ago that I realised that companies exist to make money, and if you cant increase the revenue for the company, you wont get a job.
So, I’m not prepared for adult life, and I’ve been an adult for way longer than I was mentally prepared for.”
“Invest in what you use.
That is, buy shares in companies that provide services you use. Assuming you use them because they are good, so will other people, and that will help with their success.
I was a Netflix customer when they were doing DVD by mail. I had a Gmail account by invitation. I did all my Christmas shopping online at Amazon in 2001. I bought pet food at (ok, not a perfect system). I’ve been a Costco member for 20 years.
My portfolio would be a lot richer if I invested in businesses I use.”
“Don’t waste ANY time worrying about what people think of you.
Their perception of you is always a reflection of themselves.”
“You should do what’s the best decision for yourself, not for everyone else.
You are your best friend and the only one who will always and forever on your side.”
“I spent lots of time being angry and upset that I didn’t have a silver spoon until I realized how easy life gets when you take responsibility for your own damn self. It wasn’t THAT late, but late enough.
Once I got it together and figured out that I could do whatever I set my mind to doing, within reason, it’s gotten so much better.
Always remember, life owes you nothing, it actually depends on you. You owe everything to your future life. You cannot control destiny or the past but you can prepare for that which you cannot control.
Get busy.”
What do you think?
Do you have any regrets about learning things too late in life?
If so, tell us about it in the comments.
The post People Open up About What They Learned Too Late in Life appeared first on UberFacts.
It always breaks my heart when I hear about vulnerable people getting scammed and losing a ton of money.
I feel like this happens to older people quite a bit and you have to question what kind of evil people do these kinds of things.
But, the sad fact is that scams are everywhere and you have to be careful.
AskReddit users weighed in on what big scams people still fall for.
“Those Microsoft scam calls.
It works so well that they have offices.”
“The Sauna Slim Belt was a thing in my country for almost a decade.
People never lost an inch of fat, only got marks from the heat which the belt produced.
Pure Scam.”
“Not gonna lie, I attended one of those pyramid scheme meetings at my friend’s insistence and man it was filled with low-income people and the whole thing was clearly targeted at them.
Felt really bad seeing how they were being sold dreams of earning a lot of money and stuff. Such a scam.”
“Online charlatans that will share their “secrets” if you buy their course.”
“These Facebook posts imitating real companies saying you’d win whatever they’re offering, despite the page being created hours ago and the only post being said giveaway.
The comments are always tragic to read.”
“Those phone calls that claim your social security number is suspended due to criminal activity.
My own mom fell for this unfortunately.
Tips to avoid this kind of scam (if you live in the US):
Your SSN will never get suspended.
SSA/FBI/IRS will contact you directly through mail not by phone.
Scammers are experts on phone spoofing; the phone numbers may look legit but they’re not calling from them.
Don’t panic if a scammer does have your information; it was all obtained through hacking a website where you filled out a form. Be sure to clear auto form fill data. Always have strong, hard to guess passwords
Never confirm any personal data even if it’s 100% correct over the phone (they want you to verify this)
Pay attention to unusual background noise. (Our scammer played a blaring siren noise after transferring the call to the “police” during the entire conversation. My mom only figured out it was a scam when she heard background noises of an Indian street)
No one will call saying you’re going to be arrested. Arrests only happen in person with an arrest warrant signed by a judge.
Government agencies do not take payments through gift cards nor ask for the codes and pins when you deposit money on them.
Gov agencies won’t stay on the line with you the entire time you’re withdrawing and depositing money especially past business hours. At all.
Always have antivirus software; viruses are the common way to steal your data and scam you.”
“Mobile games which are designed to be bad so they can frustrate you enough to buy their currency.
Failing that, the game will feature spam-clicking until you run out of energy, which will spawn a “buy more energy” pop-up, hoping you will buy lots of it by accident.”
“I have several clients that fell for the scam where when you do a password reset on a bank web site and they text you a code to complete the password reset and the scammer calls you for the code.
If you receive a code via text, never tell it to someone else.”
“You’ll get a job at X organisation if you pay X amount.
It’s always a scam!
You never have to pay someone to work for them.”
“Nigerian Prince emails.
I can’t believe people still fall for them, but apparently it’s a multimillion dollar industry.”
“Weight loss pills and weight loss tea.
And in this vein: detoxifying teas, shakes, etc. that claim to clear years of sludge and fecal build up out of your intestines which will boost weight loss.
If you had fecal matter building up in your GI tract you’d know about it and your pants size would be the least of your concerns!”
“Penis enlargement pills.
“They do sell a lot of weird things in sex shops. They have this stuff called Mr. Big Cream. It says, “Rub it on your dick and your dick gets bigger.” Great. Wouldn’t your hands get bigger too?”
RIP Robert Schimmel.”
“”I’ll pay in gift cards… is that ok?”
Remember: if they don’t want to use Paypal (goods and services only), Venmo, or even cash face to face, you’re probably being scammed.”
“Buying a timeshare.
My friend let me use his timeshare but i had to attend a meeting (to sell me one) but i would receive a free gift for the 1.5 hour meeting. I had to meet someone first before the bigger meeting, they asked how much i make.
I said 20k a year.. they said that’s not even enough for the free gift, you don’t have to attend.”
“Expensive coffins, diamond rings, bottled water, timeshare promos.
What the fuck is up with coffins? Hell the whole funeral thing is expensive and your guilted into it bc “it was a love one and you want to honor them right”.
I remember when my bfs uncle died and the family went down to the funeral parlor and his grandmother (mother of the deceased) was just bawling as the officiant went through their options and “packages”.
The grandmother just kept saying over and over in tears “I don’t want you to think we didn’t love him or anything we just don’t got a whole lot of money.”
Made me really bitter toward the whole thing.”
“Hey babe!
I’ve just come into some really
opportunities with this amazing team of women, and since that opportunity is still available of course I thought of you
They’re looking for hard working ladies
who want to empower each other by starting their own businesses!
I know that sounds scary but just wait until you see the paycheck at the end of it
You can be your
and take control of YOUR finan- lol just kidding could you imagine
Now we want to hear from you!
What are some scams that you think people still fall for?
Talk to us in the comments!
The post People Discuss What Big Scams Folks Out There Still Fall Prey To appeared first on UberFacts.
People still get scammed ALL THE TIME.
Whether it’s by fake emails or texts or the old-fashioned way of someone knocking on your door to swindle you out of money, these scammers are EVERYWHERE.
So it’s best to be informed about what the hell they’re up to, right?
Here’s what AskReddit users had to say about scams that people still fall for.
“I got caught up in Amway when I was a teenager. I was waiting tables and this super charismatic guy started working there. He got a bunch of us to go meet with his mentor and the guy had a house on the beach, which he was probably renting, and I remember him showing us this stupid model car saying he was going to get a real one some day by believing he would.
Well, I bought the little $75 starter kit, the one they sell you to demonstrate the products and use them yourself. They actually weren’t horrible. I even went to a meeting. It was at the meeting that I went “WTF did I get myself into?”
They were truly like a cult. It was scary. I think that experience is part of why I’m so antisocial and don’t like going to group things… I just have flashbacks to this cultish Amway meeting. All they needed was the summoning circle and robes, I swear.
So I just stopped going to meetings and didn’t contact them again. The guy and his mentor both harassed me for months with threatening phone calls.
Telling me I owed them money if I quit because the $75 was just a down payment on the products they gave me. I just ignored them and they finally went away.
First and last time getting into some mess like that.”
“Jim Fucking Bakker.
A couple months back, Jim Bakker got sued by the state of Missouri for trying to sell a fake coronavirus cure. I guess stealing millions from his own church 30 years ago just wasn’t enough…
My nephew, who is around 22 or 23 now is a youth minister, when he first started doing minister training or whatever it’s called he went to a camp that Jim Bakker and his son own and trained there for like a year.
He’s so young that he probably hadn’t even heard of what the Bakkers are most famous for (being con artist pieces of shit) and I never talked about them around him because he was an adult choosing his own path. But man did I hate it.
To this day he’s still good friends with Jim’s son.”
“I was in the insurance industry as an auto damages appraiser. The biggest one is the anti-insurance body shop that will “fight for you.” or that pans itself as “a quick fix shop” or that “pays your deductible”
No, they wont. Every one of those places is going to fuck you in the ass. Collision repair centers are absolutely, 100% in a symbiotic relationship with insurance companies, because SO FUCKING MUCH of their business comes form insurance jobs.
If the shop claims to hate insurance companies, run the fuck way, because if you use them, your life will get very aggravating, very quickly.”
“Online reviews.
A huge percentage of them are written but the seller (if good) or by a competitor (if not).”
“Door-to-door magazine sales. No that kid is not getting sent on a camping trip if you will just buy subscriptions to Boys Life and Wine Aficionado. Most of the time they are a traveling troop that goes city-to-city, pulling the same scam each time.
Honestly, just door-to-door sales in general are usually a scam. Don’t trust the guy trying to sell you a new roof, or a driveway resurface, or a spanking new Hoover vacuum at your front door. Need a new roof or driveway? Call your insurance company and get a list of reputable companies.
Even if you aren’t filing an insurance claim, they will happily give you the name of several companies that can be trusted.”
“Had an older coworker who you just couldn’t believe. Have many stories to tell, but this is just one for this thread.
Coworker in his late 60’s fell for dating app scams SO MANY FUCKING TIMES. These women always needed money for something and he obliged. Then when they’d come “meet” him something else would come up.
He never talked to one of these women on the phone. Always text. Best excuse was “she has a text only phone” So a beeper? NO! A text only phone!
Anyways he sent one scammer 4 $500 Amazon gift cards during a shift.
Another one got $500 transferred, said she lost it, then got another $500 and he called her stupid.
Thought he was talking to a porn star and getting special pictures which he showed us. Other coworker looked her up, and found that same picture on google images. Guy getting scammed, got mad, found the actual porn star and messaged her. Then demanded he gets actual special pics, she has no clue wtf he’s talking about since he’s been talking to a scammer.
Wire transferred insane amounts of money once a week, from $5,000 – $7,000. Bank would say sir, you’re getting scammed. He’d tell em fucking send it or he’d take his business elsewhere.
Once he was finally broke and got nothing in return he found out he was getting scammed and called the FBI. Which reported it to our higher ups, which in turn got him fired for being a security risk.
While we don’t know the actual amounts our best guess placed it somewhere between $50,000 – $100,000.
We told him he was being scammed for months before this point.”
“Diamond rings.
You waste thousands of dollars just for the ring, and if you don’t, the idea is that you “don’t think she’s worth anything”. Annoys me so much. (This is coming from a 22 year old female).”
“Faith healing.
Where people are suddenly cured from cancer, blindness, and can walk again through the power of God.”
“Self Publishing.
It’s a vanity press with a new name. Everyone would love to get their name on a book, but instead of having to go through the process of finding a publisher who will sign you and pay you to print your books, they’ll just have you fork over the money to get published.
And then, the real fun starts. There’s a book fair in city X, and every major book publisher is going to be there. It’ll only cost you another $1500 to have your books on the table.
And a film studio might be interested. $5,000 to get them really interested.
Oh, and this guy will interview you on the radio. For $1600.
By the way, they won’t sell your books. That’s also your job.
They’re all scummy companies. Don’t ever hand money over to Xlibris or any other self publishing company. Your name might look nice in print, but it’s going to cost you a lot more than you’ll ever get from it.”
“Getting a new phone every year for 1200$ to then use it for the same 5 apps that everyone uses, which run perfectly fine on 200$ phones.”
“Title loans/payday loans.
Please, just fucking don’t. Read the WHOLE DAMN THING if you’re really desperate. I’d rather just eat rice and beans for a week. Or just go to a credit union/bank/whatever and get cash advance on a new credit card and pay that bitch off before a month goes by.
You might fuck up your credit if you don’t pay, but you won’t get your car taken.”
“The Mormon Church has $100 Billion despite being totally debunked over a century ago.
The whole religion is predicated under the notion that Joseph Smith Jr was able to translate the “Reformed Egyptian” on the plates. Now the plates themselves were (conveniently) lost, but we do have an example of the language itself thanks to the papyrus from which the Book of Abraham is supposed to have been translated from.
Unfortunately for the church, we have the Rosetta Stone, which instead reveals said papyrus to have nothing to do with Abraham, instead being a pagan funeral rite. What this means in practice is that Joseph Smith did not have the ability to translate said “reformed egyptian” and thus could not have translated the plates from which the Book of Mormon came.
This leads us to a few possible avenues, none of which prevent the religion from being false.
He genuinely found plates, but was unable to translate them, and either made up the translation or had delusions that he could.
The plates didn’t exist, which is my personal belief due to his character.”
“That raising children is a ‘joy’. Sure it’s necessary for our species to survive, but spending all your money to take care of you and someone else, spending the remaining time you have to help them turn into well adjusted human beings and ‘giving’ them everything to meet social expectations of what a good parent is, just so they can become adults and leave your exhausted mind and body in the socially sanctioned prison we call an ‘old age home’ to die REALLY DOES NOT SOUND LIKE A JOYFUL LIFE.”
“The old pyramid scheme still works despite being old and every trait of it being widely known.
Sometimes you can’t beat a classic.”
What do you think?
What are the big scams that people still fall for?
Talk to us in the comments and let us know what you think!
The post People Share the Biggest Scams That Folks Still Fall For appeared first on UberFacts.
The definition of a paradox: “a situation, person, or thing that combines contradictory features or qualities.”
Whether you realize it or not, you use them all the time and you hear them and read them all the time, too!
So we’re about to see all kinds of paradoxes!
Let’s have some fun with folks on AskReddit!
“No one goes there because it’s too crowded.”
“The future ain’t what it used to be.”
“Entry level position requiring 5+ years of experience.”
“I hate myself, but I think I’m better than everyone.”
“Trust me when I say this, trust no one…”
“The Paradox of Tolerance.
“In order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance.””
“Nothing is impossible.
If nothing is impossible it’s possible for something to be impossible.”
“If you enjoy being taken out of your comfort zone, you can’t be.”
“Berry Paradox: here’s a version from Wikipedia “The smallest positive integer not definable in under sixty letters” (which contains 57 letters) so haven’t you just defined that integer?
I find it interesting because I wrote a paper on parallels between it, compression, incompressibility, and Kolmogorov complexity. Language and symbolic representations are weird.”
“The heap of sand one.
If you have what you agree to be a “heap” of sand, and remove one grain, then it’s still a heap, right?
So if a heap -1 is still a heap, you should logically be able to keep going until you have a “heap” of 1 grain of sand.”
“Zeno’s Paradox.
If you want to reach a wall and you’re 10 meters away, then travel half the distance. Then, travel half of THAT distance, and do it again, and again, and again.
Mathematically, you will never reach 0, thus you will never reach the wall, but physically, you will.”
“The cannabis paradox.
Back in the early 20th century, when they were pushing to make cannabis illegal, the primary reason was to go after people of color. So they made a law stating that in order to legally possess cannabis (which they called marijuana for purely racist reasons), they had to have a valid license of ownership. In order to be able to apply for that license, they had to have cannabis in their possession.
So people of color, wanting to stay within the realm of the law, would go to the police station, with cannabis in their possession, acting in good faith to apply for a license to carry cannabis. And then they would subsequently be arrested for being in possession without a license.
I can’t say this is my favorite paradox, but it’s by far the most chilling example of how logic plays ZERO factor in institutionalized racism, and it never will.”
“The grandfather paradox – if you travel back in time and kill your grandfather then you wouldn’t have been born.
But if you weren’t born then you couldn’t kill your grandfather which means you did get born, etc…”
“You shouldn’t go in the water till you know how to swim, but you cant learn to swim without going in the water.”
“The Astley Paradox.
If you ask him to give you the movie UP, and he declines the offer, he will have let you down, but if he accepts, he has gave you up.”
“Schrödinger’s immigrants.
Immigrants who are somehow lazy and leeching off social services while simultaneously stealing all all the jobs.”
“The Fermi Paradox is one of my all time favorites!
The Fermi paradox, named after Italian-American physicist Enrico Fermi, is the apparent contradiction between the lack of evidence for extraterrestrial civilizations and various high estimates for their probability (such as some optimistic estimates for the Drake equation).
The following are some of the facts that together serve to highlight the apparent contradiction:
There are billions of stars in the Milky Way similar to the Sun.
With high probability, some of these stars have Earth-like planets.
Many of these stars, and hence their planets, are much older than the sun. If the Earth is typical, some may have developed intelligent life long ago.
Some of these civilizations may have developed interstellar travel, a step humans are investigating now.
Even at the slow pace of currently envisioned interstellar travel, the Milky Way galaxy could be completely traversed in a few million years.
And since many of the stars similar to the Sun are billions of years older, the Earth should have already been visited by extraterrestrial civilizations, or at least their probes.
However, there is no convincing evidence that this has happened.”
You know the drill…
Now it’s your turn!
Tell us your favorite paradox in the comments!
The post What’s Your Favorite Paradox? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.