Funny Memes to Help You Relieve Your Boredom

We’re living in very BORING times, people. Know what I’m sayin’?

A lot of times I find myself bored to tears, actually. So what to do…?

I know! Look and laugh at funny memes! Just like Colt 45, it works every time!

1. Yes, he was.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

2. Still thinkin’ about it.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

3. It’s all coming together!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

4. Looks like fun.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

5. Ha! This took me a second.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

6. It’s true.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

7. Totally bored.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

8. This is NOT COOL.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

9. Here we go…

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

10. I don’t think so…

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

11. Now what?

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

12. Who is this guy?

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

13. Get it!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

14. Speaking the truth!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

Hey, I’m not as bored as I was a few minutes ago! And that’s a good thing!

How about you? In the comments, tell us what you’ve been doing to relieve your boredom lately!

The post Funny Memes to Help You Relieve Your Boredom appeared first on UberFacts.

Some of the Best Burns on Twitter That Make Us Laugh

There’s an art to a killer burn – it has to be timely, appropriate level for the prior tweet, and to be accessible by a large amount of people.

If you get it wrong, no one will laugh (or they’ll think you’re mean). If you get it right, you’ll be a legend – just like these 14 people did recently on Twitter.

14. I feel personally attacked by this content.

Seriously, check yourself. No one is accomplishing anything.

13. That is quite an easy solution.

Also, people who tag artists in insulting tweets/reviews are just the absolute worst and deserve what they get.

12. That is not an accident.

Backing into the mailbox is an accident.

11. That’s quite a flex.

When you’re the best, you’re the best.

10. This man is on fire!

But seriously, group projects are the worst.

9. The burn just keeps going.

And improving as it builds.

8. That should never be a thing.

Whoever created it deserves whatever is coming to them.

7. Key word is “used” to.

We can all do something really stupid once.

6. I mean it also means it’s time to get out of the water.

Because grip or no grip, the water is still getting cold.

5. That’s the sort of thing that really sticks with you.

Middle schoolers are absolutely evil.

4. If only I could stroll past a panda on my walk.

Also, yeah. Was this image created in the year 2001?

3. Brothers are the worst.

And teenage brothers really take the cake.

2. That is exactly the sort of lame burn I would expect from Nickelback.

That’ll do, Nickelback. That’ll do.

1. This is so wrong I can’t look away.

Why have some people been raised by animals?

I’m in awe of these people’s craftmanship! Amazing!

Which one was your favorite? Tell us in the comments!

The post Some of the Best Burns on Twitter That Make Us Laugh appeared first on UberFacts.

Interracial Couples Discuss What Surprised Them the Most About Their Partner’s Culture

You know when people say that “at the end of the day, we’re all the same?” It sounds nice, but it isn’t really true.

Different races have different customs, traditions, beliefs, etc. And when people of different races get into relationships, they learn things about their partner’s culture.

AskReddit users shared their personal stories about this.

Let’s see what they had to say.

1. Not very affectionate…

“My boyfriend is half Japanese, and his very un-emotional relationship with his mother, and his father too, was a huge shock to me.

My parents are european immigrants from the Balkans, and they’re incredibly affectionate. My brother and I are affectionate with each other and will hug anytime. I hug my parents nearly every day (before the pandemic).

I grew up holding hands with my cousins in public, but my boyfriend absolutely hates PDA of any kind. We’ve gotten into numerous arguments about physical affection in public or even at parties around our own friends.

Naturally he thinks my relationship with my family is very weird. Because we hug…”

2. Running late.

“Being late to social gatherings is so ingrained in their culture that showing up right on time is considered rude. She has literally made me pull into a parking lot and wait so that we were at least ten minutes late to dinner at tita’s house.

And we were still the first ones there by far.”

3. Keep it coming!

“I learned very quickly that when you are eating food at my Greek SO’s house, you always leave a little bit on your plate. If you don’t they’ll say “Oh you’re HUNGRY!” and pile 5 times as much food onto your plate.”

4. Let’s cut the BS.

“My wife had to deal with Korean people who will frequently comment about your appearance as a greeting.

My aunt meeting my SO: Hii nice to meet you! your face is so small.”

5. I like the sound of this.

“I’d never seen someone cry tears of joy eating good pasta until I met my Italian girlfriend.”

6. That’s interesting.

“When I was dating a Mexican, I’d go to his family parties and they would play the most foul mouthed gangster rap. Fuck tha police blasting at a 5 year olds birthday. Abuelas and abuelos up and dancing to it.

I made a comment about how liberal his parents and grandparents must be. He said “oh they dont know English. This absolutely wouldn’t fly if they knew what it was about.””

7. When in Sweden…

“First Christmas in Sweden with a big Swedish family and everyone took back 6-8 shots of snaps (45% alcohol) during dinner after 2-3 glasses of wine pre-meal and not one person acted drunk.

I spent the evening stupefied at the alcohol tolerance. It’s not just that they drank more than should be possible, but they acted so NORMAL after.”

8. Too much touching.

“Being so touchy touchy. I’m Asian and she’s Hispanic, ‘nuff said.

Also what surprised us was the foods. There were so many things present in our opposite cultures but used in a lot of opposite ways. Like certain ingredients used savory in one culture and sweet in the other and so in. But a lot of ingredients in common.”

9. A tale of two cultures.

“Black British with a Jamaican family. Married to a white British guy.

Was most shocked by funerals. When we had his nannas funeral I was shocked that people were invited and only immediate family. We did the funeral, then went to a pub and there were sandwiches, cakes, tea etc then everyone was heading home by 5.30pm.

Jamaican and Caribbean funerals are NOTHING of the sort. People turn up because they knew the deceased person years ago. Some people don’t even make plans to go to the funeral they arrange to go to the “after”. There’s hot food served like a properly catered function in a hall or centre, there’s sound systems set up, and people dance.

Also sometimes a couple old men in hats playing dominoes. There’s also usually a “nine-night” so nine nights after the person passes away you hold a big party essentially to chase away bad spirits. Lots of music, drinking, food, smoking, etc.”

10. Let’s go down the list.

“A few things (I’m white, he’s Haitian)

The family drama! There is ALWAYS some kind of drama at any given moment of the day!

Eating super late on holidays like Christmas or thanksgiving. I swear “my moms cooking it should be done by noon” is loosely translated to “we arnt eating until 9’oclock at night and someone still has to run to the store a couple times.

Intentional tardiness. I like to be early for things and he can just dilly dally around and be okay being late for things. His mom can’t leave the house until about an hour after she has to be somewhere.

The excessive pushing to get married and have kids! I attended his brothers Haitian wedding and the entire time “when you guys going to get married” “when you guys going to have kids?” I swear for the entire 6 hours.

The partying! I’m cool with this part though! Everything’s a party!”

11. A family affair.

“I’m white that married a Mexican. The biggest thing for me was that EVERYTHING is a family affair. Like, I call my family every other week or whatever, but my husband’s family does everything together.

My first taste of this was when we were dating, and it took the whole family to switch out his mattress for a bigger one. I was like, you couldn’t do that yourself? He looked at me funny when I said that.”

12. Time to eat.


I grew up in a house where my dad is a good cook and we’d always have family dinner together so I thought I was in a food oriented household.

Well a month after I started dating my husband he brings me to a big family dinner. Grandparents were there and all the aunts and uncles. Twenty people around one of those big lazy Susan tables. I was the only white person in the whole restaurant.

They would all be chattering away in Cantonese and suddenly I’d hear my name followed by laughter and a big scoop of something landed in my bowl. Not wanting to be rude I tried to eat everything. If I was really unsure I leaned over to my boyfriend or his mom and ask what it was and their answer invariably was “it’s good, you’ll like it”

On the drive home my boyfriend said I had been the dinner entertainment because everybody thought it was hilarious that this little blonde girl ate everything, they even ordered a few really authentic dishes just to screw with me. But I ended up impressing everyone because I didn’t bat an eye.

He told me later that was the night he decided he was gonna marry me because I whole heartedly jumped into his culture and tried everything. I’m to a point where there are dishes I know I don’t like but if something new is in the table I always try it.”

13. All about the Benjamins.

“How open his family is about money. I never knew how much my parents make I have no idea how much money my sister makes. But I know my sister in law makes 5k more a year than my husband because every time one of them gets a raise they call each other to gloat (no bad blood just an ongoing sibling rivalry. I think she’s gonna win honestly)

I know what my father in law makes and every year he goes over our taxes with us so he knows down to the penny what my husband and I make.

It’s honestly so refreshing to not have a taboo about money. It’s made me so much smarter financially. My husband and I bought a house two months before we got married and ended being house poor. We didn’t have any spending money outside food bills and mortgage.

I felt no trepidation going to my mother in law and asking her to help us nail down a budget and savings plan for the next six months to help dig us out of the hole we were in.

Some of this is cultural but some of it is just his family being very very open with each other.”

14. Very honest.

“Hispanic culture has zero version of political correctness. They are extremely blunt. “Hey you look like you got fat” isn’t uncommon.

The people have a better view of life in many ways than I grew up. Much more family focused.”

15. Wow, that is crazy.

“Back in high school I dated a Lebanese girl. We had to date in secret because her family was super strictly against her dating anyone especially a Non-Muslim and Non-Arab guy.

Anyway eventually her cousin found out that we were having sex and that information got to her dad who ended up sending her and her sister back to live with their uncle in Lebanon because “America corrupted his daughter”. I never saw her again.”

16. That’s nice.

“How accepted I am into their family.

I come from an emotionally mentally and often physically abusive home . My family is american. I was very much a true life cinderella. I was strangled by siblings and told it was my fault. If I fought back, I was punished with severe beatings.

I was never good enough even with the highest grades or best behaviour, but my siblings barely passed school and it was celebrated with huge fanfare.

I am now dating a Hispanic man. His family is so comforting and helpful and loving. It’s crazy. The only time I got hugged in my family was when I was losing my cool over how unfair everything was. And it was always I love you all equally.

No just I love you, not it was I love you all equally. His family is just hey I’m going hug love you and leave. Or I missed you. Or be careful. Or behave and a kiss blown.

I actually had to have a talk with my SO because I’m not a big hugger. I have trauma that is stirred up by hugs from people. It’s a trigger for me. Because a hug with both arms up top can very quickly be one strangling. And it has before. So I had to have him talk to his family. Because it was seriously messing with me.

And his family was totally cool about it.they constantly offer what I assume would be mom and dad level help in a happy home. They are always asking if I’ll be there for holidays. They sent me a present for christmas even though we’d only been together for a couple months.

It’s insane just how accepting and loving a healthy family is. And I’m not sure if it’s the healthy family relationships or if it’s the culture difference. But I love it.”

Those responses are really interesting.

We’d like to hear from you. Have you ever dated someone of a different race? If so, what surprised you about their culture?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments, please!

The post Interracial Couples Discuss What Surprised Them the Most About Their Partner’s Culture appeared first on UberFacts.

People Dish on the Best Way to Start a Conversation With Your Crush

Having a crush on someone is delightfully painful in all of the best possible ways. It usually doesn’t end that well, but as you get older, you realize that’s okay – sometimes it’s better to have the illusion of something than the reality, after all.

If you’re wanting to shoot your shot with your crush but aren’t sure how to start the conversation, here are 16 suggestions from people who have been there.

15. Learning more about them is always a great way to start.

Ask them about their hobbies/passions/interests.

Not only will you learn more about them but it will make them happy and enjoy your company more.

People like talking about things they love.

I could talk about sewing and beekeeping all day.

14. If you’re looking for a certain type of person.

Who was your favorite figure that contributed to the fall of the Byzantine Empire?

13. That’s how you know whether to walk away.

Ask 3 questions

Ask them what they have done today

Ask a follow up question or relate it back to something if you can before asking a follow up (Did it take long? I use to do insert what crush did here. Was it difficult?)

If they gave an answer longer than a sentence, then ask them a question about themselves but have this set up beforehand depending on how long you have known this individual.

If they give a sentence answer, try another follow up question.

If they give one to two word answers, it means they’re either busy or not interested so you’re shit out of luck.

12. I can actually see how this could lead to a fairly hilarious conversation.

I don’t like sand.

11. To be fair, that’s an interesting topic.

A few years ago I ran into my crush and the only thing I could think to ask him about was to ask how much he knew about squatters rights law.

We’re married now. 10/10 would recommend this channel of discussion.

10. Anyone who can’t sympathize isn’t worth your time.

You heard about Pluto? It’s messed up, right?

9. Not enough people get asked this question as adults.

What is your favorite dinosaur?

8. You need to know right away what sort of person you’re dealing with.

Do you like cheese?

7. Listen – what a novel idea!

Compliment them on something they’ve accomplished not a physical trait they were born with. For example, don’t compliment their eyes but rather their running ability or singing etc. Then say you wanted to get to know them better. And then ask questions and listen. Good luck!

6. Things are classics for a reason.

How u doin’.

5. …so maybe we could watch the show together sometime?

“i wish they taught us more about vikings”

4. Go with what we all have in common.

Idk, I matched with a girl on Tinder and simply opened up with “How’s the apocalypse going?” and we had an amazing conversation.

3. Only use this if you’re a Psycho… ?

Do you like Phil Collins? I’ve been a big Genesis fan ever since the release of their 1980 album, Duke. Before that, I really didn’t understand any of their work. Too artsy, too intellectual. It was on Duke where Phil Collins’ presence became more apparent. I think Invisible Touch was the group’s undisputed masterpiece. It’s an epic meditation on intangibility. At the same time, it deepens and enriches the meaning of the preceding three albums. Christy, take off your robe. Listen to the brilliant ensemble playing of Banks, Collins and Rutherford. You can practically hear every nuance of every instrument. Sabrina, remove your dress. In terms of lyrical craftsmanship, the sheer songwriting, this album hits a new peak of professionalism. Sabrina, why don’t you, uh, dance a little. Take the lyrics to Land of Confusion. In this song, Phil Collins addresses the problems of abusive political authority. In Too Deep is the most moving pop song of the 1980s, about monogamy and commitment. The song is extremely uplifting. Their lyrics are as positive and affirmative as anything I’ve heard in rock. Christy, get down on your knees so Sabrina can see your asshole. Phil Collins’ solo career seems to be more commercial and therefore more satisfying, in a narrower way. Especially songs like In the Air Tonight and Against All Odds. Sabrina, don’t just stare at it, eat it. But I also think Phil Collins works best within the confines of the group, than as a solo artist, and I stress the word artist. This is Sussudio, a great, great song, a personal favorite.

2. If this works just go ahead and propose.

Wanna see my Gundam collection?

1. It’s tried and true for a reason.

What music do you listen to?

If you can establish some common ground, you have an excuse for conversation whenever a new album you both like is released.

Ah, these take me back to the exciting/terrifying days of being single!

Do you think any of these would work? Do you have any tried-and-true approaches that do? Share with us in the comments!

The post People Dish on the Best Way to Start a Conversation With Your Crush appeared first on UberFacts.

Hilarious Tweets Written By Women This Week

There can be no doubt about two things: women are hilarious, and Twitter is the perfect showcase for their humor.

Please see Exhibit A: these 13 near-perfect tweets. Please enjoy!

13. This was an episode of Seinfeld. Lol.

12. We definitely didn’t expect this.

11. A very apt description.

10. Confession: I am too old to understand Instagram stories.

9. Let’s all get crazy.

8. This is my favorite tweet of the modern age.

7. Alcohol brings its own fun.

6. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

5. He’s hunting. Ha!

4. It’s felt like that since 2016 tbh.

3. It’s time to lower expectations.

2. It’s somewhere in the middle.

1. Hahahahaha someone will get mad about this.

I’m giggling and I’ve gotta say, I really needed that today!

Do you have a favorite Twitter account that always gets you laughing? Share it with us in the comments!

The post Hilarious Tweets Written By Women This Week appeared first on UberFacts.

Have You Ever Been Dumped For a Dumb Reason? These People Have!

Breaking up is hard…and I guess having an actual reason to do it is also hard to find, for some people.

I refuse to believe these 14 reasons are real and not just something people made up to avoid talking about the real, actual reasons they needed to get away from their current partner.

14. He obviously hasn’t spent much time with actual ladies.

Actually had a guy dump me because I’m a carpenter, and according to him, it’s just not lady like

13. So…was it too late?

I was dating a guy whose parents didn’t like me. It was a long distance relationship, and so we mostly chatted online but also made occasional phone calls. So we were talking on the phone, and at one point I said, “You shouldn’t have to choose between me and your parents…” The conversation continued, we decided to break up. We stayed friends. Something like 10 years later, we were talking online when the subject of our breakup came up. Turns out he thought I had said, “You should have to choose between me and your parents…” and decided that he wasn’t going to do that. I would never give someone that kind of ultimatum, that would be ridiculous. It blew my mind that a single misheard word caused us to break up, and we didn’t realize it for 10 years.

12. I think this is a perfectly good reason tbh.

When I was 12 we played spin the bottle and i made a kissy “mwah” sound before we kissed. An hour later she sent her best friend to my soccer game to break up with me.

11. Another misunderstanding!

I was dating a girl in college. After a month or so I told her that I loved hanging out. We were out somewhere and she looked at me funny but smiled and we carried on with the date. Not long after she suddenly has issues meeting up and I eventually hear through a friend of hers she doesn’t think it’ll work out. I decide not to pursue the issue even though I thought things were going great.

Roll on 6 odd years later, bump into each other. Long conversation later it turns out she thought I had said I loved her and she thought it was all too soon and panicked etc. So could of all be averted if we had a conversation about it but nevermind.

10. Wow what have you done to anger God, my friend?

“God told me not to date you. I’m sorry.”

And guess what: this happened TWICE.

(With two different girls)

9. I’m not sure exactly what to make of any of this.

Not dumped, but shut down.

I asked her out and she sort of freaked. “Like…on a date? A date-date?! Oh shit…I want to say yes, but I can’t. Every time I’ve dated a guy I liked we ended up hating each other. But I want to, but I can’t. So….I know! You’re my gay friend! I can’t date you, because you’re gay! Awesome! I have a gay friend now! Oh shit, I’m late for class! Bye!”.

I was like “What…..what the fuck just happened?”. The other people of our social group were similarly confused.

8. Monster.

I said love you, she got mad I forgot the I.

7. Imagine breaking up over dinosaurs.

Starting dating this girl. She’s like 29 with a Master’s degree, really sweet and cute, so I’m excited about the potential. On our 3rd date we were driving to a late night event at a science museum and she asked what I was most excited about seeing and I said I’ve always enjoyed the dinosaur fossils and she said “…..oh.” and got real quiet.

After 5 seconds of silence I asked if she didn’t like dinosaurs or something and she said “It’s not that. It’s more than….well…..I’m not sure how I feel about dinosaurs.” Which led me to ask “Um…by feel….you mean, you…?” And she said “Well, I’m just not sure if they are real.” (*Beat* I look over quizzically.) She continues “Like, they’re not mentioned in the Bible, so I don’t know if they existed.” I tried to get through the night and to be fair there were some decent jokes. When we walked into the natural sciences wing there was a picture of Darwin on the wall and she said “Hey look, there’s your best friend,” and later we were standing in front of a a skeleton of a raccoon and I said “So just to be clear. Your position on raccoons is….yes….no…….maybe?”

She was a pretty nice girl and we had fun on the first two dates, so I tried to tough it out, but the dinosaur thing just ate at me for days. Like a week later I called her from the office and this was our conversation:

Me: “Look, we gotta talk. I don’t think this is going to work for me.”
(10 seconds of silence)
Her: “……’s the dinosaur thing, isn’t it?”
Me: “Yeah. Yeah……it’s the dinosaur thing.”

6. What a psychopath.

“Dumped” might be extreme, but on a first date, girl asked me to go buy her popcorn literally as the movie started, so I did, whispered as I was getting up, “you want butter on that?”.

Brought it back and she says, “Is there butter on this?” I said, “yes, I asked and you said ‘yeah’” and she said, “no, I specifically said, ‘nah’”…

I thought she was joking or something, it was like a Seinfeld bit. So I said, “Well, maybe this just isn’t going to work out.”

And she said, “I think you’re right. Thanks for nothing.”

And fucking left.

But she took my popcorn. She should have thanked me for fucking that.


5. That’s…something.

I wish I still had the text … Long story short. She was mad I DIDN’T grab her ass … In public.. On our first date.

4. No good deed goes unpunished.

Apparently I gave her too much anxiety when I bought her a coffee that one morning and she broke up with me the same week

Edit: I gave her the drink in front of my locker in high school before class started. but I didn’t buy her a coffee it was a hot chocolate. Where I’m from in Canada getting someone a “coffee” can mean just any drink. I got her a hot chocolate cuz she was a picky eater and didn’t like coffee or tea. But I liked her and wanted to surprise her with a warm drink on that cold day.

3. High school boys. Smdh.

Not me but one of my friends who’s a senior in high school got dumped by her boyfriend who she dated for almost 2 years. He dumped her because he didn’t want to go to the school dance. A few days later he texted her to tell her that he wanted to get back together but she declined. He could have just told her that he didn’t want to go and still be her with her or just go to the stupid dance.

2. Talk about bad timing…

“I’m not ready for a relationship”. I thought it was a bad time to bring that up since we were engaged and had been together for almost 2 years.

1. Bamboozled is like the only word for that.

Same, was talking to this girl, I (f) tell her that I’m a Gemini bc she asked me my sign, she then asked me my moon and rising signs which are also geminis, she blocked me on the spot after like 4 months of going out and talking, bamboozled to this day

I mean, come on – grow some balls and tell them the real reason…but if these are the real reasons, maybe grow a brain instead.

What’s the dumbest or strangest reason someone broke up with you? Share it with us in the comments!

The post Have You Ever Been Dumped For a Dumb Reason? These People Have! appeared first on UberFacts.

People Give Advice on How to Strike up a Conversation With Your Crush

It can be difficult to approach someone you like, whether it’s a crush you’ve had for a while or someone you’ve spotted from across the room. Pickup lines are great…if they work.

If you don’t have a good one of your own and don’t want to fall back on cliches, check out these 14 pieces of advice (of varying degrees of seriousness, of course – this is Reddit!).

14. It’s a Sith legend, let me tell you about it.

Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis, the Wise?

13. Definitely avoid yes or no questions.

Presumably you already run in some circles with and/or know something of the interests of your crush.

When asking about your crush’s interests, avoid yes/no questions or list requests; instead, ask for explanations, insights or stories.

For example, rather than ask what your crush’s favorite movies or musicians are, ask how your crush became interested in a certain kind of music or the movies of a certain director or actor.

12. Definitely a good one right now.

What TV shows are you watching right now?

11. I’m pretty sure this is the premise of a Seinfeld episode.

capitalism or communism?. So you know what you’re dealing with

10. Like a job interview, but worse.

Step 1: Ask him/her what their biggest flaw is

Step 2: Interrupt him/her with something you think is lackluster.

Step 3: Offer several recommendations to fix said flaw

9. The question is fun, and the answer could actually tell you a lot about a person!

I do questions similar to a voight kompff test.

You receive a windfall of money, and can go on any trip anywhere in the world for a month. Where do you go and what do you do?

8. If you want to date someone who can bullshit like mad.

Take any object and debate on whether it’s a salad, a soup, or a sandwich

7. Do you like jazz?

Depending on the response you know everything you need to know. If they like jazz and/or if they like the Bee Movie. What more do you need to know.

6. This sounds…kinda douchey.

I’d always jokingly ask if she missed me. This annoys her so much she asks me something in return.

Cue a nice, old casual conversation between the two of us that usually lasts half an hour as that’s the time it takes for the next student to arrive and, depending on who it is, either joins the conversation, doesn’t care, or drags one of us away.

5. It must be a match made in heaven.

So we both got buckets of chicken…

4. This is such a hard question to answer.

Top 4 favorite movies of all time, it’s the best when it’s a movie you wouldn’t really expect from them or haven’t heard of.

3. All valid questions if you ask me.

What is your name?

What is your quest?

What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

2. I feel like this could go either way.

If she/he is quite attractive, during a conversation that involves a bit of more in-depth talk, like aspirations and what not, find a good way to segue into “What do you feel are 3 amazing things about you that have nothing to do with your looks”.

It’s a good one. Leaves a solid impression if you actually genuinely wish to know her/his feelings on themselves. They’ll remember it and that’s a good thing.

1. Bahahaha make them laugh.

Do you work at the zoo?

Because you look like a keeper.

We cannot be held responsible for what does or doesn’t happen if you pull any of these out of your pocket!

What’s your most effective pickup line? Funniest? Share it with us in the comments!

The post People Give Advice on How to Strike up a Conversation With Your Crush appeared first on UberFacts.

10 White Claw Slushie Recipes We Want to Try

Flavored, alcoholic seltzer is everywhere right now – literally every brand of booze (plus some new ones) are getting into the game. People like them because they’re light, they’re low in calories, they give you a buzz, and they don’t include any gross sugar substitutes.

And, it turns out, they’re the perfect foundation for a yummy summer slushie, for those hot days when you need to take the edge off while your kids soak the backyard.

Here are 10 recipes I definitely want to give a go.

10. Mango, Orange Juice, and Rum.

Drinking rum makes me feel like a pirate. Which is obviously a good thing.

@filipefiuza_How to elevate your white claw ? ##foryoupage ##foryou ##fyp ##whiteclaw ##alcoholic ##bartender♬ Tipsy – Club Mix – J-Kwon

9. Raspberry Vodka.

Oh, so we’re adding more alcohol? I can get behind that.

@laurlaurr9♬ original sound – morganhardyyy

8. Mango, Mango Chunks, and Vodka.

Give me all of the mango, but only if it’s from Mexico.

@alexvictoria69##foryourpage ##whiteclaw ##quarantine♬ Tipsy – Club Mix – J-Kwon

7. Mango and Frozen Peach.

Simple and delicious, I’m betting.

@laurlaurr9♬ original sound – morganhardyyy

6. Mango, Mango Chunks, and Tequila.

Like a margarita, but…not better. Still delicious.

@catherineleighgraHELLO NEW FAV DRINK! basically a skinny frozen marg ##whiteclaw♬ White Claw Wasted – Fresh Cake

5. Raspberries, Strawberries, and Vodka.

The fruit makes it healthy, I think.

@emilyrieserwHiTE cLAw WAstED… ##4u ##foryou ##4youpage ##whiteclaw ##4upage ##whiteclawsnolaws ##quickrecipes♬ White Claw Wasted – Fresh Cake

4. Ruby Grapefruit and Tropical Fruit.

Just pretend you’re drinking it on a beach somewhere (that’s not crowded).

@shittydogmoms##foryou ##whiteclaw ##leapday ##newontiktok ##podcast @uptownpupdallas♬ Tipsy – Club Mix – J-Kwon

3. Lemon, Mixed Berres, and Vodka.

Because vodka pairs with everything, to be honest.

@bobcats24.7white claw mixed drink ya feel♬ Tipsy – Club Mix – J-Kwon

2. Black Cherry Lemonade.

This seems like something I could talk my husband into tonight.

@shittydogmoms##foryou ##whiteclaw ##leapday ##newontiktok ##podcast @uptownpupdallas♬ Tipsy – Club Mix – J-Kwon

1. Black Cherry, Mixed Berries, and Vodka.

You don’t see enough black cherry in the world these days, if you ask me.

@dacarlzzz7I did a thing ##whiteclaw ##smoothie ##whiteclawsmoothie ##yummy♬ Roses – Imanbek Remix – SAINt JHN

If you try any of these, please share your results and your favorites in the comments!

What’s your favorite flavor of White Claw? The jury is still out for me!

The post 10 White Claw Slushie Recipes We Want to Try appeared first on UberFacts.

Memes to Delight the 1980s Kids in the House

Hey, my fellow 1980s kids! We were, without a doubt, born in the decade that was somehow the best to grow up in, but the absolute worst in so many other ways (fashion, omg).

Not the music, though. I will defend 80s music until the day I die.

If you, too, came of age during this priceless decade, here are 14 images that will take you back to the old days.

14. This will be the single image that describes parenting in the 80s.

My parents didn’t smoke, but I believe I was in the minority.

13. My parents had this alarm clock until I was well out of college.

They really don’t make things like they used to.

12. Close your eyes and inhale deep.

You know you can smell it, too.

11. That old pizza box definitely brought back memories.

And idk how we ever lived not knowing we could rent a certain movie on a Friday night.

10. They were way more likely to be intercepted and read, I can tell you that.

Passing notes was not for the faint of heart.

9. You always assumed they were probably the people moving in next door.

I was never so happy when my parents moved us to a new house and my bedroom was upstairs.

8. She would not hear complaints, either.

Kids today with their princess hairbrushes have it so easy.

7. I think I had blocked out this memory until now.

A picture is worth 1000 words.

6. If you close your eyes you can see the welts, too.

And no, your teacher didn’t care whether it stung.

5. I have never seen anything more 80s in my entire life.

Hasselhoff will never die in our hearts.

4. You hoped it was full of lemonade or Kool-Aid.

It was a bad day when you opened it to find iced tea.

3. That terrifying moment when…

But were you going to slow down? Never.

2. A nearby playground had one of these and I was so excited to try to kill my own kids.

They’ve since removed it I have no idea why!

1. You had better make sure there were no rocks underneath it.

But you always somehow missed one, didn’t you.

Sure, our parents weren’t perfect, but if they had been, there wouldn’t be so many therapists with thriving careers now.

We’re helping the economy. It’s our small contribution to the world.

The post Memes to Delight the 1980s Kids in the House appeared first on UberFacts.

Off-Brand Fails That Tickled Our Funny Bone

The say that imitation is the best form of flattery, but some of these off-brand products flew a little too close to the sun.

Whether their names are inappropriate, misspelled, or just plain wrong, they’re bound to make you laugh.

13. I kind of want to buy this just for the kitsch.

I wonder how many people would notice.

Image Credit: Teechip

12. That is just one big ol’ hot mess.

It sounds like you’re getting way more than you’re paying for, too.

Image Credit: IGN

11. Is it just me or does this sound like some kind of fetish?

It’s probably just me.

Image Credit: Tumblr

10. When you’re stuck at home, these are your sandwich cookie of choice.

The originals aren’t boring enough.

9. He’s not a sponge, he’s a sandwich.

He does still have a snail for a pet and loves jellyfishing though, I see.

Image Credit: Tumblr

8. This guy sounds more like he could do your taxes than save the world.

Roberts and robots are definitely not the same thing.

7. I honestly can’t stop staring at this.

I’m trying to decide which name is actually better.

Image Credit: HyVee

6. Would you really, though?

There’s only one way to find out.

Image Credit: HEB

5. This is legit terrifying.

Why does the genie’s face look like that?!

Image Credit: Tumblr

4. I suppose it could.

But I mean, it’s probably not.

Breakfast with a side of contemplation… from crappyoffbrands

3. That’s quite the clever mashup.

Though the illustrations could use some work.

A Car’s Ripoff from crappyoffbrands

14. Is it a knockoff or just a translation issue?

We’ll probably never know, but that red balloon gives me the heebs either way.

I found a Japanese knockoff of the movie “IT” from mildlyinteresting

1. Grab some erasers – er, pencil toppers – and teach your kids some new vocab at the same time!

So posh, these ill-tempered birds. Probably Brits.

Watch out for the ill tempered birds!!! from crappyoffbrands


I don’t know about you, but I feel much better about myself now – and isn’t that what the internet is all about?

Which one of these made you laugh the most? Tell us in the comments!

The post Off-Brand Fails That Tickled Our Funny Bone appeared first on UberFacts.