Parents Share the Funny Things Their 7-Year-Olds Are Saying and Doing

You know that kids do and say some hilarious and bizarre things on a pretty regular basis.

Do you ever stop to wonder what’s going on in those little brains of theirs?

It might not even be worth your time because kids are just on a totally different level.

Parents took to Twitter to talk about what their 7-year-olds have been up to…hang on for this ride.

1. This kid seems pretty smart.

It took me another 20 years to get this way.

2. That’s very insightful.

This kid is going places.

3. We can all use this one.

I’m right. You’re wrong.

4. Just got showed up.

In a major, major way.

5. Maybe don’t go out in nature for a while.

Let’s be friends!

6. How is this even possible?

I’m the funniest person in the universe, right?

7. That’s VERY expensive.

Don’t hold back now. Buy the kid some stones!

8. I’ll be ready in a bit.

This outfit sounds like a masterpiece.

9. Getting creative in the tub.

We all did this, right?

10. I was thinking maybe more like NOON.

That’s much too early.

11. That was a great performance.

Be sure to give them positive feedback.

12. That is an expert move.

A future member of Mensa, perhaps?

13. A healthy breakup.

You don’t hear about too many of these, do you?



Hahahaha. Those tweets sure are funny!

Now we want to hear from all the readers out there.

In the comments, share some of the more ridiculous things that your kiddos have said and done recently.

We’d love to hear from you!

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The “Leonardo DiCaprio Pointing” Meme Sure Is on Point

Have you seen Quentin Tarantino’s latest filmOnce Upon a Time in Hollywood?

It hit theaters in July 2019 and was another very interesting film in the career of the legendary director.

The movie also produced a pretty hilarious meme that folks on social media can’t seem to get enough of.

There’s a scene in the movie where Leonardo DiCaprio’s character points and now people on social media are using the image to make funny memes that “point out” funny and obvious things.

Photo Credit: Columbia Pictures

Here are some of the funniest examples out there.

1. I love when that happens!

Hey, it’s a wonderful life! Get it?!?!

2. Oh, it’s begun…

I’m glad he pointed it out…when it begins…

3. The women are little.

Hence, the name of the film…

4. I see what you did there.

We’re in the ENDGAME now.

5. I think I see him.

He’s right there!

6. They’re all around you.

I knew they named it that for a reason.

7. And there’s a little fire.

What would we do without Leo?

8. I know that dude!

That’s very exciting.

9. Call me by your name.

Have you seen that one yet?

10. Gets them all fired up.

What is that sound I hear…?

11. You better mute that RIGHT NOW.

How rude!!!!

12. Oh, he got out alright!

Leo nails it again!

Those are pretty hilarious!

Have you seen any good “Leo pointing” memes lately?

Or maybe you even made your own?

Please share them with us in the comments!

Let’s see what ya got!

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Hilarious Tweets About Looking at Our Screen Time Reports

Have you checked your screen time report in the last little while? If not, go ahead and take a look. We’ll wait for you…

Yikes, right?

It makes sense though, why our screen time has gone through the roof. Most of us are confined to our homes 99% of the time and the people we live with are driving us insane. So the only natural thing to do is stare at your phone and fall down various rabbit holes all day, right? And, as a result, our screen time reports are out of control.

These people know the truth…

1. You can’t even believe your eyes.

Is your mind blown?


I get it, okay?

3. Well, this is life now.

But hopefully not forever…

4. I don’t need any reminders.

Can we please change the subject?

5. That’s when you know it’s REALLY bad.

You’re doing the unthinkable.

6. Think about that one.

Maybe YOU’RE to blame?

7. Get out of my face.

And don’t come back!

8. You’re doing a great job!

Way to go! A whole 36 seconds!

9. Just checking in…

To make sure you’re not losing your mind…

10. How is this even possible?

Giving you a whole new perspective about time.

11. Hang your head in shame.

Look at what you’ve done!

12. Talk to the hand!

Because I don’t want to hear it.

13. That’s all anyone wants right now.

I hope we can all get together soon! Stay safe out there!

Hahahaha. Funny and, more importantly, accurate.

So how about you?

Have you looked into your screen time reports at all?

If so, tell us what they look like in the comments.

We want to hear from all of you out there!

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Two Giant Teddy Bears Are Bringing A Lot of Fun to Their Locked Down Neighborhood

What we’re living through right now is really hard and no one really saw it coming. People are stuck at home, out of work, and desperate for any kind of good news or enjoyment.

That’s why Ted and Ed, two giant teddy bears, are doing their part to bring a HUGE dose of wholesomeness to their neighborhood in England. The duo are known as “The Moors Bears”.

People in the area can routinely see Ted and Ed doing various chores in their front yard or having some fun and blowing off some steam. And the photos are great! Be sure to follow these lovable guys on Instagram and on Facebook.

Now, let’s see what they’ve been up around their neighborhood!

1. Ready for karate practice?

Wearing the whole get-up and everything.

2. Decided to read outside.

Hey, it was a nice day!

3. May the Fourth be with you!

We have a couple of Star Wars fans on our hands.

4. A lazy day in the yard.

Kick back and read the paper.

5. The car is getting a little dirty…

Let’s give it a wash!

6. Time to tee off.

Better keep an eye on Ted’s scorecard…

7. Game day!

What should we play first?

8. Doing some heavy lifting.

They need to finish that patio.

9. Household chores are never quite done, are they?

At least it’s a nice day outside.

10. The great outdoors.

Camping out sounds like fun right now.

11. You mow. I’ll rake.

Team work makes the dream work.

12. They are crafty bears, aren’t they?

They set up their own little sewing shop.

What a great idea! And what a great way to keep the spirits of people up during this whole mess!

What are people doing in your neighborhood or your town to try to be positive right now?

Please share your stories in the comments.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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Royal Pet Portraits You Need to See

These royal pet portraits are AMAZING.

They come to us from a company called Crown and Paw and, let’s face it, all our pets are royalty to us and they deserve to be immortalized in that way.

Do you think your dog may be the reincarnation of a noble canine from centuries ago?

Well, here’s your chance to let the whole world know about it!

Let’s look at these works by Crown and Paw. Be sure to check out their website, as well.

1. Just look at that piece of work!

The bird is very pleased with this representation.

2. Out in nature, where he belongs.

A former nobleman…

3. What the duck?

This is brilliant!

4. It doesn’t really get any better than this.

Royalty of the highest order.

5. Absolute perfection.

One eye isn’t slowing this cat down.

6. Look at this fella.

A very serious pooch.

7. Awwww. Good dog!

Love the pearls!

8. Double trouble.

They just totally look like they’re descended from royalty.

9. From the Victorian era.

Prim and proper.

10. They nailed the underbite.

He loves it!

11. Here’s a great reaction video.

See how much joy these portraits bring to people?

12. And finally, there’s Millie the hedgehog.

That’s all, folks!

Was I right about this one or what?!?!

So cool!

I don’t currently have a pet, but I can think of a ton of family members and friends that would want these for their dogs and cats.

Have you had a portrait done for your pet?

If so, please share a photo with us in the comments!

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