Women Share What They Think is the Worst Thing About Being a Man

I’m what you might call “a man.” And as far as being a man in this society, I really don’t have many complaints. But this post by Reddit user canadianreject565 was nonetheless interesting. They ask:

Women of Reddit, what do you think would be the worst thing about being a man? from AskReddit

There were over 37 thousand responses. Some of them from men who didn’t seem to read the first three words of the question, but many from women putting in their two cents. The results were interesting.

1 . Finances.

The constant pressure in society that the man has to pay for meals, drinks, etc. I feel like it all would add up really quickly.

– WaffleDeWisdom

2. Emotional burdens.

As a woman, I think we feel more comfortable crying and expressing our sadness.

Men get sad too, and it’s about time they feel free to express it as easily as women do.

– [user deleted]

3. A lack of outlets.

Not having your emotions taken seriously, then lashing out because of it and then seen as violent because you just want to be understood.

I had that with abusive parents but normally people don’t treat me that way because I’m a woman.

I can’t imagine what an entire life of not having your feelings acknowledged in a healthy way feels like.

“Suck it up and be a man”

– Plantdas

4. Do we even lift, bro?

People expecting that I could fight.

– MultipleAutism

5. Childcare problems.

Not being able to take care of children without getting dirty looks.

– [user deleted]

6. Shoutout to this user for calling out the “man cold” thing.

I would not be allowed a moment of weakness.

Bad day? You can’t cry unless your mother just died.

Hurt yourself? Suck it up and go to the hospital.

Feeling self conscious about your body? Nobody cares.

Feeling ill? SoMOne HaS a MaN COld!!!!!

– LondonFogAddict91

7. Some instances may be rarer, but nonetheless unjust.

Being arrested for defending myself against an abusive partner.

– theflexorcist

8. Don’t do the creep.

Being called creepy if I don’t look the best or if I try to get a girl

– HappyLittleAccident4

9. A perspective on education.

I’d be afraid to be a male teacher.

How easy would it be to give a girl student a grade a failing grade they deserve or just pissing them off any kind of way, but it’s a crazy one who ends up accusing you of something awful?

– huggedup

10. Don’t add insult to injury.

Being abused in public by a women and having people laugh instead of intervening to help you.

– Mooncakequeen

11. Everyone should be allowed their freedom and dignity.

Having an even harsher reaction when I’d go against gender roles.

​I mean as a woman, there’s backlash sometimes, but there’s a whole movement very publicized that tells me that I can do whatever I want, and fuck the nay-sayer.

​I don’t feel a man that would want to do something “for girls” or “for woman” as that much support.

– Marawal

12. Just take it.

Most women think there’s nothing wrong with being abusive and cruel with men. It’s so upsetting watching women treat men like absolute shit.

To top it off, men are expected to still act like “a gentleman” and also they’re not allowed to feel vulnerable, or to feel sad, angry because some lady was just “a little sassy” when in reality she was being abusive piece of shit

– NeuroticCrab

13. Under pressure.

Being expected to be the “breadwinner” generally by society

Being less likely to gain custody of my own kids in a separation

Being “disposable” in times of war

– AmyBums88

14. Fewer fish in the sea.

Overall, I think it’s more difficult for guys to get dates.

– bduk6

15. Watch yourself.

I talk a lot of shit for a 5’4″ girl.

I’d be getting my ass beaten on a daily basis.

– anokayapple

I’d be interested to see if anyone has yet posted the reverse of this, and collected the results.

What would your answer to this question be?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Women Share What They Think is the Worst Thing About Being a Man appeared first on UberFacts.

Families That Were Total Relationship Dealbreakers for People

When you’ve been dating someone for a while, at some point you will meet each other’s families. It’s usually not a huge deal (but bonus points if you really like them), but apparently sometimes it’s a total turnoff.

I would never have thought it, but these 12 stories totally changed my mind – I wouldn’t have stayed in these relationships either!

12. There’s definitely something not right there.

“I had a boyfriend who had a creepy habit of flirting with his mother. His mother was equally odd and made loud comments about my sex life with her son. She’d also ring me up to nag me into moving in with him. She was, in all honesty, one of the reasons I broke off the relationship.”

11. Oh my god, she was dating George Costanza!

“My ex’s family had this tradition of insulting the birthday boy/girl while they sat silently eating a slice of cake. The rules were you could say anything and they just had to take it. When it was my ex’s sister’s birthday, they said really awful things to her, then turned to me — as I sat there, shocked — and said, ‘Don’t you have anything to add? Play the game with us!’

I was like, ‘Nah, man. I just met all of you yesterday.’ I knew then that I never wanted to celebrate my birthday with them because it would end with me in tears. Luckily, he dumped me in front of my whole family about three months later (during our Christmas party!).”

10. That’s a double NO right there.

“I was about to have sex with a guy when his mother walked into his place to pick up his laundry.”

9. I’ve gotta think this was a sign.

“My ex left my birthday party because his mom called him and told him she wanted a pizza. He didn’t come back, either, even though he lived less than 10 minutes away.”

8. Definitely an awkward situation to walk into.

“This guy brought me home to meet his parents, but I wasn’t aware that they weren’t on board with his orientation. He introduced me to his mom, who stared daggers at me, as if to say, ‘Why the hell are you with my son?!’

When we went to his room to hang out, I could see he was texting his mom. They were texting in Spanish, which I can read, and she was pissed: ‘I forbid this. I am your mother!’”

7. I’m sorry, what was that?

“My boyfriend’s mom decided I was a witch because I gave him one of those cute little ‘voodoo’ dolls that were popular a while back. (It was themed for luck on exams because he was nervous about midterms.)

Apparently, the logical response to your son dating a witch was to have a family friend ceremoniously burn chicken bones and then stash them around your kid’s dorm to get rid of the girlfriend. I guess technically it worked?”

6. What kind of grown woman does this?

“My high school boyfriend’s mother referred to me as his ‘little whore.’ First of all — ew, slut shaming — but he was also the first boy I ever kissed and I was a virgin, so it was all very confusing.” 

5. That sounds unsanitary.

“They were massive hoarders! They had magazines piled up in their living room from 15 years before, and when they moved, they filled an ENTIRE 18-foot moving truck, four cars, and a pickup truck with their junk.

When I tried to convince them to get rid of some
old broken furniture, his dad snapped at me.
They were convinced that when they died, their kids would be able to sell all the stuff and make a huge chunk of money.”

4. I can see how that happened.

 “I once dated a 25-year-old guy who told me that he enjoyed cuddling in bed with his 23-year-old sister. I always tried to forget it, but I never really could. It just spoiled the relationship for me.” 

3. She didn’t even feel bad. That’s diabolical.

“My partner’s mum was bitching about me on Facebook and didn’t realize I could see it. When I called her out on it, she said, ‘Oh well, shit happens.’” 

2. How does that even work?

“My ex’s mom reported me to the police for ‘kidnapping’ him when he came to my house once.” 

1. This just keeps getting worse.

“I once went on a couple dates with a guy on my block who I found out lived in a tiny studio apartment the size of a small single-car garage with his mom. He was 25 and they shared a bed.”

People are so awful, truly. I think I can never be more stunned by it, and then…

Has this ever happened to you?

Tell us the story in the comments!

The post Families That Were Total Relationship Dealbreakers for People appeared first on UberFacts.

People Who Broke off Relationships After Meeting Their Partner’s Family

One of the big moments in any romantic relationship is being asked over to meet the other person’s family – one at a time or all at once, it can be a daunting experience.

Most people don’t expect that they will adore their partner’s family, every last one, but most of us also don’t go into the situation figuring they’re going to spell the end for your budding love affair.

For these 13 people, though, their partner’s family was a total dealbreaker.

13. This is the grossest thing I’ve read in a while.

“The first day I met my ex’s father, he bragged about how he left his ex-wife (my ex’s mom) because she wasn’t enough of a trophy wife for him, and that is what he deserved. He then told us his current girlfriend was originally his housekeeper, but he ‘just couldn’t keep his hands off of her.’”

12. I honestly don’t want to know the rest.

“His mother told me she’d always sort of had a crush on her own son — after admitting that he slept in her bed until he was 12, which was coincidentally when she got remarried.” 

11. He’s lucky he didn’t get punched in the face.

“My ex’s dad called me a ‘doxy’ while in an argument with my ex. After some googling, I found out it essentially means ‘whore.’” 

10. This is way too much information.

“After I slept with my ex for the first time, his mom said to me, ‘Doesn’t my son have a really big dick? His brothers’ aren’t that big, and he definitely didn’t get it from his dad.’”

9. I would have run away screaming, too.

“When I was 18, I met my boyfriend’s mother after a couple of weeks of dating him. She freaked out, told me I was the perfect girlfriend, and immediately started asking when we would get married.”

8. This is awful.

“He took me to meet his parents and neglected to tell them that I’m black. The looks of sheer horror on their faces made me want to leave immediately. Over dinner, his mom kept saying ‘I hope this food is alright, I don’t know what ‘you people’ eat’.

His dad asked what my parents do, I said dad is a welder and mom is a custodian at the high school. He responded with ‘typical.’ I stood up, walked out, and called my dad from a 7-11 pay phone. Never spoke to that guy again.”

7. It’s like a gender-swapped Jane Eyre.

“My ex’s dad lived in her attic. I only found out when I walked in on him using the bathroom (with the door open) in the middle of the night. I woke up my ex in a panic and said we needed to call the police because there was a strange man in her house, and she explained that it was her father. He never properly introduced himself beyond saying ‘Sorry we met ass-first,’ and everyone else acted like it was completely normal.”

6. Image the complexes she would give your future kids.

“My ex’s mom photoshopped my face in all of our pictures because I ‘just needed a few things fixed.’”

5. What is happening here?

“My ex’s mother referred to her ex-husband, son, and DOG as ‘my lover’ and every time we were over, she would insist on sitting in my ex’s lap on a loveseat across the room while I sat on the couch alone. No regrets on getting out of that one.”

4. She knew they were close but not close.

“I started dating one of my friend’s brothers. I knew my friend and her brother were close, but I didn’t know how close. The longer we dated, the creepier it got. The last straw was when a big incident happened at our house and he kissed her face all over and consoled her while she was crying instead of me.”

3. I would have left halfway through.

“When I first went over to my ex’s parents’ house for dinner, I did the polite thing and offered to help clean up after eating. I ended up doing all the washing up for a six-person dinner alone.”

2. This sounds completely gross and unsanitary.

“My ex’s parents had 20+ dogs. The dogs were split into three groups which could not mingle without attacking the other groups. At any given time, I was suffocated by at least seven dogs in their tiny, cluttered house. They had to rotate the groups of dogs through the designated sleep, eat, and potty areas. You can probably imagine how well that went.”

1. That girl needs some therapy.

“My ex’s sister told me she’d break my neck if I didn’t like her, and his mom said I was pretty but would be prettier if i got a nose job.” 

These are just awful and I cannot believe people like this exist in the world.

Has anything like this ever happened to you?

If so, please share the story with us in the comments!

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Hacks for Getting Through the Long Days Stuck at Home

A lot of us never planned on spending quite so much time alone with our kids. I’m mostly a stay-at-home parent, and before all of this madness, we went on some kind of outing every single day – the library, art class, music class, the park, the splash pad – and those mornings out helped my sanity.

Parents now are having to get creative (my own attempts have been hit or miss), and these 13 people really tapped into their most-genius minds to come up with these fantastic hacks.

11. That might work with older kids.

My toddlers would pull it off, put it on their head, and run inside the room.

Tired of your kids barging in while you try to get some work done at home? Underwear on the doorknob works wonders! from funny

10. If you gotta play LEGO, at least make yourself something pretty.

I bet she could sell those, actually.

9. I mean, you need ice for your beverages.

This is very industrious!

8. This is seriously next level.

I’m not doing it, but I’m impressed.

7. It probably entertained her kids for several minutes, too.

A double bonus, then, because those are lovely.

6. Put those ladies to work!

They’re supposed to be hardworking princesses and stuff, right?

5. Those diapers have MANY uses.

They’re not great at absorbing poop, but you know. Other stuff.

4. That’s one way to get your kids to pay attention.

And it’s also gross.

3. There’s literally no other way to keep them out of the cabinets.

And this won’t work, either, but at least you’ll have a clean house.

I’m working from home for the next 3 weeks. I have ONE child. Y’all mommas with one child know how bored they can get…

Posted by Stephanie Craig on Friday, March 20, 2020

2. This is brilliant.

That one blessed hour I can’t imagine.

1. That seems like a learning experience, too.

Girls that code ftw!

"Daaaad, we’re bored!" (Day 1 of lockdown)"ummm ok, strip this laptop down, and this desktop, and then rebuild them"….my god it’s the most peace and quiet I’ve had all week! from pcmasterrace

I’m definitely going to be trying these, how about you?

How are you keeping your littles entertained and contained while you try to work or keep the house clean or stop them from eating all of the snacks in a single day?

Share with us in the comments!

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Kids Who Have Had Enough “Quality Time” With Their Parents

We’re hearing a lot from parents these days about how much togetherness is just a bit much. We’ve got no alone time, no privacy, it turns out our kids aren’t joys to have in class, and our bosses have no kids and can’t figure out why our productivity has dropped.

At least stores and restaurants can deliver booze.

But what if you’re a kid who has had enough family time, has no end in sight, and can’t drink?

Think about the children!

13. I’m not sure that’s how it works.

But I’ll take the quiet time, sucker.

12. The smart-aleck is strong with this one.

Also, his shoes are A+.

My kid came downstairs in the same pajamas he’d been wearing for three days so I told him to go change from funny

11. No one is in the mood for it, okay?

Literally no one in the entire world.

10. Just a little?

Wait a few more months, kid. We’re going to be insane.

9. There must be a caveat to the whole “unforgivable” thing.

Like if you’ve been stuck inside with your family for weeks on end.

8. I hope your fake drinking skills are on point.

Otherwise, you definitely drank toilet water.

7. What are you, some kind of idiot?

And you’re supposed to be in charge!?

6. The kid thought he was being clever but he didn’t know.

The depths of our current despair are astonishing.

5. She’s taking it to the next level.

Teenagers have been prepping for this moment for years.

4. You fell for it.

Maybe you wanted to, just to pass the time.

3. When you know you shouldn’t laugh, but…

It’s the apocalypse. There are no rules.

One of my kids put whiteout on my soup can. Not even mad. from funny

2. Okay but that’s funny. I don’t care who you are.

Yes, even if you’re a mom with chin hair.

1. See, he gets it. No rules.

Don’t be mad you didn’t think of it first.

These kids need to set up a Zoom happy hour of their own with juice boxes and Cheez-its and no adults allowed.

If it will give me 30 minutes of time to myself…

I’ll set it all up myself…

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This Dad’s Solution To His Kids Fighting Over His Lap? This Awesome Triple Rocking Chair.

If you have more than one child (or one child and pets, or more than one pet) you likely know that problems arise when they realize you only have one lap – and someone else is already in it. My 17 month-old and my puppy regularly oust each other from that warm, cozy spot between my folded knees.

Reading a book is, of course, the time when laps are at a premium, and for one father, not being able to hold all three of his babies and tell them a story was too much – so he did something about it.

This was the first "outing" of my StoryTime Rocking Chair. It won first place at a Fredericksburg art exhibit. Rose, at…

Posted by Hal Russell Taylor on Friday, August 30, 2013

Hal Taylor is, in addition to being a father with three kiddos, a master craftsman. He loves reading to his kids, but after the third one – a daughter named Rose – was born, he realized he’d run out of lap (but not love).

He created a beautiful, one-of-a-kind (for now) masterpiece he calls the Storytime Rocking Chair. There are seats for at least 3 kids (I think you could do 4, with 2 on your lap).

Cherry StoryTime front view

Posted by Hal Russell Taylor on Friday, August 30, 2013

And if you’re thinking this is something you could make yourself, well…not if you’re as good with wood craftmanship as Hal is.

He told Bored Panda “there are over 200 precisely cut and shaped pieces of wood which I use to make up the 19 back braces. That is more pieces than you will find in 20 normal rocking chairs.”

Recently finished StoryTime

Posted by Hal Russell Taylor on Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The man-hours and materials are two reasons he’s selling his hand-crafted rocker for around $7,000 online.

If you’ve got the cash and a bunch of kids, I’d say it’s a piece that would be handed down for generations to come.

What do you think? Talk to us in the comments.

The post This Dad’s Solution To His Kids Fighting Over His Lap? This Awesome Triple Rocking Chair. appeared first on UberFacts.

Images That Depict the Hell That Is Working From Home With Kids

Not too long ago, working from home was the dream. You can set your own schedule, only shower when things get really dire, wear pajamas all day, eat ice cream for lunch without judgment…but only if you’re child-free, or your kids are old enough to go to school (or you pay for them to go to daycare).

If you work from home while young kids live from home, well…the work part should be in quotations.

A fact that these 15 images illustrate perfectly.

15. It’s impossible to do it all at the same time.

But if you’re staying home all of the time, feel free to touch your face.

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mum life ? #crazyAF #sendtequila #mamadisrupt

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14. You learn to be very productive in very short spurts.

But I mean. It’s not a perfect system.

13. I was just waiting for it.

The quiet time lasted longer than I expected.

12. They’re getting soooo much screen time.

There’s no such thing as too much right now.

11. You really just need the right motivation.

Now, where to find a microscope and some “willing” blood donors.

10. The “say no to chocolate” is particularly true.

Also pouring the entire bottle of wine.

9. The kids are eating so. much. food.

Most of it is junk and I just don’t care.

8. They don’t respect any other boundary you’ve set.

So why would you think this one would be any different?

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Working from home can be a challenge. Conference calls and small kids don’t mix sometimes. We are trying a new system that’s working pretty nicely. I took an old cookie sheet and painted a traffic light on it. Added an old fridge magnet to signal to the kids when they can visit dad in his office. Please excuse the overall messiness of the the sign-All I had was a grinder wheel to cut the metal. I’m still learning how to use chisel brushes for lettering. If you try this at home, a sharpie paint pen would work much better. I should have staggered the design with carbon paper instead of just freehanding-that’s what I get for being lazy on prep work I guess. #handmadesign #workingfromhome #workingfromhomesolutions #workingfromhomewithkids #upcycleculture #upcyclistfurniture

A post shared by #UpcyclistFurniture (@upcyclistfurniture) on

7. Yes, they are adorable.

Yes, they are giant distractions. Both can be true.

6. That seems like it should about cover it.

I mean, you’re wrong, but you tried.

5. You can call CPS, but they’re probably really busy.

I could use the break.

4. I have recently relegated myself to the closet office.

It’s a lot cozier than one might think.

3. I bet it took most people less than two weeks to get there.

Teachers are going to be getting so much booze for gifts whenever we’re back in school.

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? Can anyone relate?! ? Give me a double tap if you can! . ?? Stay strong everyone. You may be trying to create a minute by minute schedule for your kids, but what we all need right now is to feel loved and comforted. Don’t worry about them regressing in school, go with the flow and take each day as it comes. . Today was a tough one for us, with tantrums, hits and testing the boundaries, and it was only day one! ??‍♀️ But I’m not going to dwell on it, as there are plenty more days like this to come. There will be the best of times and the worst of times. But we’re all in the same boat. Sending love guys ? . ? How was your day? Are you channelling your inner Mary Poppins or turning into Miss Hannigan?! . . . . #selfisolation #workingfromhomeproblems #workingfromhomelife #workingfromhomewithkids #workingfromhometoday #toughdays #keepcalmandsmile #katrinahassan #sparkjoylondon #tomorrowsanewday

A post shared by Katrina ~ KonMari Consultant (@spark_joy_london) on

2. And he’s definitely not sorry about it.

Nor will he offer to in any way assist in the process of putting back together.

1. Even if she’s NOT so great…

Add to cart.


As someone who has “worked” from home for nigh these many (3) years, I can confirm all of this.

Raise a glass, my friends.

We’ll figure out a way to make this work eventually.

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