Funny Memes Just For You

Just checking in. Are you doing ok? Are you getting enough memes? And also vitamins I guess?

I can’t really help you with the vitamins or the toilet paper or what not, but I can get you memes. Oh BOY can I get you memes.

So before you head off into whatever else you’ve got to do today, enjoy some nice memes that will make you happier, smarter, and taller.

12. Bae caught me shoppin’

Via: someecards

11. And now I have a car

Via: someecards

10. Screw that, be you

Via: someecards

9. I do NOT bless you

Via: someecards

8. The only way to go is up

Via: someecards

7. Failing upward

Via: someecards


Via: someecards

5. And we LOVED IT

Via: someecards

4. Porcelain Paralysis is real

Via: someecards

3. Ope

Via: someecards

2. He pleas for the cheese

Via: someecards

1. SUPER social distancing

Via: someecards

Whatever you’ve got on your plate for the rest of the day, we hope these memes have made it all feel a little bit better.

For real though, how are you?

Let’s talk in the comments.

The post Funny Memes Just For You appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About the Times When They Saw Spoiled Brats Get Hit by ‘The Real World’

We all knew kids like this growing up. Kids whose parents bought them whatever they wanted whenever they wanted it. And they treated other kids like crap because they were basically allowed to do what they wanted with no consequences.

But, every once in a while those kids get what’s coming to them.

And it is sweeeeeeet justice.

AskReddit users shared their stories about spoiled kids getting smacked in the face by the real world…I think you’re going to like these…

1. Dumped and banned.

“When the high school principals daughter who previously got away with all kinds of garbage behavior ( vandalism, dinking, major. bullying ) got caught vandalizing a lecture hall in uni she was unceremoniously dumped and banned.

Parents whined for months on fb about their poor baby’s unfair treatment and the fact that her applications to other uni’s were being denied.”

2. Not normal.

“Spending $50 on food a day is not normal. College girl got cut off from her parents (drinking and not going to class) and had to get a job. She put on Facebook about how she’s gonna go hungry and needs money.

People offered her food and to make her dinner. She said “that’s okay I just need about $40 to get through the day I don’t like to grocery shop”.”

3. From the 1970s.

“Sorry about the length.

I was a school bus driver in the 70s. During height of court ordered busing, so I ferried poor kids to the rich side of town, then rich kids the other way. Lots of entitled brats but one stands out. Super entitled kid, constantly defying rules. Eventually I caught him (with too many witnesses) attempting to set a bus seat on fire with his lighter. School officials were called.

Hearing with officials and rich dad — and he’s banned from all buses rest of semester. Dad offers to pay for the damage and quietly accepts the punishment. Then comes the surprise.

Next morning when I arrive at 6:00 am to clean my bus (regular task every morning), rich kid and Dad are standing there. Dad introduces me to my “new personal bus cleaner” for the rest of the year. He brings kid every morning and forces him to wash and clean the floors on my bus before taking him on to his school.

By end of year, entitled kid is actually working hard, and being friendly. We’re getting along pretty well and I help him out sometimes so he can get on to school. Kid turns out OK when all is over.

Good move by his Dad.”

4. The rules still apply to you.

“When I was working at a public library, we had a few local celebrities come in from time to time. Most of them were nice, but one had a real stick up his arse. He would bitch about having to stand in line, and about late fees, and about everything else. We would just say “sorry, those are the rules” or “thank you for being patient” even though he wasn’t.

One day, he and I were apparently both having a bad day, and when I told him there was a limit on how many DVDs or video games he could check out at a time, he slammed his hands on the desk and raged, “Do you know who I am?!” This is a grown-ass man, mind, I was a little college student who barely looked old enough to drive.

I was sick of his low-key bullying, so I just looked at him and said, “Yes, I do, Mr. X, and the rules still apply to you. Which of these would you like me to put back?”

He was stunned. I don’t think anyone had ever actually told him that the rules for everyone else did in fact apply to him as well. He was a little nicer after that. Not a lot nicer, but still.”

5. Ivy League.

“On the subject of college kids: I went to an Ivy League school in the town I grew up in. Being an Ivy, there were a ton of spoiled rich shits around. One of my high school friends pledged a rich fraternity, and while he was cool, his frat bros were horrible.

During one winter break, my friend decided to throw a townie party at the frat as a pseudo HS reunion. One of his frat bros was still in town, so he decided to attend the party too.

I had seen this guy at a few parties during the year, and he was the worst kind of frat douche. Harassing women left and right, drinking to excess and trying to start fights, and bullying everyone with “Do you know who my family is?” lines.

While that kept most of us students from hitting him because we had something to lose, it turns out the same shit doesn’t fly with a bunch of big angry farm boys who weren’t used to taking shit from a preppy douche with a superiority complex.

I ended that night by peeling a few of my former HS football teammates off this guy before they killed him for throwing a drink at one guy and slapping another girl’s ass.”

6. What a story.

“A kid in college was a roomate of a friend of mine. He was always bratty and spoiled but hung out with us as if he were a good friend and we let him chill with us because sometimes he wasn’t bad. Then one day we heard him arguing with his mom on the phone that he needed more money.

From the ensuing argument we learned that he had, in less than one year, burned through 30 grand that his parents gave him for food and discretionary spending. Mind you he was not paying for tuition, or lodging or his car with this money. It was basically just food money, as all those other things were also already covered by his parents.

He was calling his mother some really nasty things, and hung up on her. Then his father called and they got in an argument cussing each other out. At the end of that call he threw his iPhone at the wall and shattered it (this was the original iPhone).

Turns out they cut him off and basically he had to drop out of school and drive back home (out of state) because he couldn’t afford to do anything anymore (and of course was too good to work a pleb’s job).

He added me on Facebook about a year later, and was a late blooming 9/11 truther (Obama was president by this time) and the only thing I ever said to him on FB was a simple reply correcting one fact he was wrong about in his 9/11 conspiracy theory. He then posted like 4 replies in quick succession telling me to open my eyes, and then blocked me.”

7. Didn’t feel bad for him.

“One of my favorite things about the military is that in a uniform, nobody can tell how privileged or unprivileged you might have been. It’s a total blank slate, and for many, it’s humbling to not get to/have to wear your social status on your sleeve.

On my second ship, there was an E2 who grew up very wealthy, and was an ass about it- he wasn’t afraid to let us know. He thought that he was better than his peers.

There’s a stereotype of the enlisted guy who “thinks of himself as an officer” as a way to pretend that means anything. That’s this guy in every way and he would try to get out of “shit enlisted work” because he was going to be an officer, probably even a commanding officer of a ship.

So there we were, a few hours into his first deployment and this motherfucker gets violently seasick. It lasted for days.

I don’t know if youve ever been around someone who can’t open their eyes without yacking, but it’s awful. You really feel bad for them- it’s hard to watch someone go through.

Not with this guy.”

8. A big shock.

“I will admit that I was a bit spoiled growing up, though I didn’t think I was a brat. My mom had a maid that came in several times a week.

When I went to college, several things were very different for me. I knew to clean up after myself but cleaning a bathroom was completely new.

The biggest shock was laundry. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing or how. I knew I was supposed to use detergent and softener, but I thought any soap would do and didn’t knew what softener was. I had no idea how or when to add them either.

Reality hit when a campus security guard came in and I asked how I much of the dish soap I was supposed to use and the man started laughing. He did help me get the right soap after and explained how to operate a washer and dryer.”

9. Not used to roughing it.

“I used to repair trails for the Forest Service, and I wouldn’t call anybody a “brat” necessarily, but we’re all pretty spoiled when it comes to manual labor and sleeping on the ground.

On day 1, the bush plane flies the crew out to a grass airstrip about 40 miles east of town. Then you shoulder your pack, grab an axe and a shovel, and start hiking up the canyon. Usually in the rain.

Until you watch that plane disappear over the ridge, it’s hard to imagine what you’ve signed up for. Hard labor all day every day. Working, cooking, and camping in the rain that whole first month. No phone, no mail, no roof, and if you forgot something, you’ll just have to live without it until the road opens in July. Wolves and mountain lions circle the camp at night, sometimes bears come for your food.

Everybody struggles for the first month. You’d see the kid who’d been the “hard guy” on his high school football team start to sit through lunch with his head in his hands, just licked. Guys who were in the “1000 lb club” at their gym slumped up against a tree all evening, eating peanut butter for dinner because they were too beat to cook.

Demanding as the job was, it wasn’t really a physical issue. The best workers on the crew were hippie-Jesus types with noodle arms who read Marcus Aurelius around the campfire at night.

They just took everything as it came, because no matter what… it just kept coming. Them and the Mormon ranch kids. I don’t know how those kids came up, but nothing brought them down.”

10. He didn’t last.

“When I joined the Army. Guy who had the Infantry tattooed on him didn’t even last 2 weeks in basic training.

He cried and yelled “I shouldn’t have to get yelled at to do something”.”

11. Humbled.

“In high school one guy was a real jerk to everyone, he had no sense of anyone but himself and everyone kissed his butt because he was not only Valedictorian of his class, but also star football, basketball, tennis, and track star.

He was “top dog” for all the extra curriculars as well. He made my best friend cry multiple times just being an ass toward her and she had the unfortunate luck of being in his grade. He was also known as a player, just dating whoever he felt was hot enough for him, but would also put out for him. He honestly thought that nothing bad could ever happen to him because he was just that special.

He graduated high school and went to his school of choice and immediately came out as gay on social media. Not too long after that he got his first boyfriend.

Before the semester was even finished, his boyfriend cheated on him and he flunked out of his college and ended up having to go to another school. Last time I saw him he was super polite and seemed to be rather humbled by his experience outside of our tiny town.”

12. Got what he deserved.

“My friend has this entitled younger brother, who acts like the world revolves around him. While his dad is stern with him, his mom babies this behavior, and he can get away scot free with almost anything.

He gets angry very easily, and even at the slightest things. I was over at my friend’s house, and while we were downstairs, we heard a loud crash from his brother’s room.

It turns out he was playing fortnite on his TV, and threw the controller into the glass table, which shattered.

My friend called me later in the day over discord, and told me how after his dad came back, he grounded his brother for a month, and he wasn’t allowed to play video games or go over to a friends house. He had to pay for a new table with his allowance, and had to do chores.

He got what he deserved.”

13. Totally entitled.

“Went on a double date with my boyfriend, his friend, and his friend’s date. The whole evening, she was rude, snobby, and overall a demanding person that felt entitled to whatever she wanted. She was rude to the waitstaff and suggested we tip them nothing for refusing to refund her order after she ate the whole thing, and complained about everything.

On the car ride back, she started driving, then halfway through the drive, announced she didn’t want to drive anymore. The rest of us had been drinking, so we all refused to take over.

She said “fine, but I’m not driving either”, let go of the steering wheel, and slammed on the breaks. We got rear-ended, and it was her car, so no cost to the rest of us, but it was instant karma for her behaviour and attitude.”

14. Let’s hope he learned a lesson.

“My dad owns a bar, and one night there was this rich kid with his friends, boat shoes without socks, the whole thing. He was giving one of the bar tenders a tough time because he was on the shorter side. This kid was bothering the bar tender for about half an hour until finally he got my dad to come out.

My dad basically yelled at the kid about how the bar tender enlisted in the military and fought in Afghanistan and how ashamed he should be to make fun of an honest, hardworking veteran for his height. The kid left the bar nearly crying, and I hope that experience helped him change for the better.”

Take that, bratty kids!

Have you ever seen anything like this happen in your life?

If so, tell us about it in the comments!

The post People Talk About the Times When They Saw Spoiled Brats Get Hit by ‘The Real World’ appeared first on UberFacts.

We Think You’ll Love These Funny Tweets

We don’t have to take everything so seriously all the time.

I know, I know, there are a lot of terrible things happening in the world right now, but you still need to make your soul feel good and you need to LAUGH. It’s very important for your mental and physical health.

So with that advice, I present some very funny memes to put you in a good mood.

1. Deal with it later.

Photo Credit: someecards

2. Boom! Mom burn!

Photo Credit: someecards

3. Oh no…not again…

Photo Credit: someecards

4. Off to a good start.

Photo Credit: someecards

5. Big pimp style.

Photo Credit: someecards

6. You’re not sleeping tonight.

Photo Credit: someecards

7. Hey o! Showed him.

Photo Credit: someecards

8. Need some new cartridges.

Photo Credit: someecards

9. It’s been a while…

Photo Credit: someecards

10. Oh shit!

Photo Credit: someecards

11. So demanding…

Photo Credit: someecards

See what I’m talking about? Good for the soul! Let’s keep the laughter going!

Please share a funny post that you’ve seen lately in the comments below.

Please and thank you!

The post We Think You’ll Love These Funny Tweets appeared first on UberFacts.

Hilarious Memes About Gettin’ Drunk!

What do you like to drink?

Beer? Whiskey? Gin? Zima?

I’m a pretty simple man when it comes to booze. I like lager beer and vodka sodas. THAT’S IT.

Oh, and I’ll drink some tequila once in a while. Also, I do have the occasional whiskey…

And then there’s…you know what? Never mind, we’ll get into some other time. Here are some good drinkin’ memes for your enjoyment!

Bottoms up!

1. No snack is safe.

Photo Credit: someecards

2. Stay classy.

Photo Credit: someecards

3. It’s gonna be brutal.

Photo Credit: someecards

4. That’s all you need.

Photo Credit: someecards

5. I never said when.

Photo Credit: someecards

6. One more won’t hurt you.

Photo Credit: someecards

7. You’re doing great!

Photo Credit: someecards

8. Gotta soak up the booze.

Photo Credit: someecards

9. I got it!

Photo Credit: someecards

10. Nice work!

Photo Credit: someecards

11. This is disgusting.

Photo Credit: someecards

12. Here I come!

Photo Credit: someecards

13. I’d like to know the backstory.

Photo Credit: someecards

I think I need a drink after looking at those memes… how about you?

What do you like to drink when you want to let loose?

Talk to us in the comments! Let’s compare notes!

The post Hilarious Memes About Gettin’ Drunk! appeared first on UberFacts.

Take a Look at These Funny ‘Your Music Saved Me’ Memes

This whole thing started with a photo of a girl holding a sign that said: “Your Music Saved Me.” (I think she was at a Hoobastank concert).

So, of course, people on social media started to pair that image with ridiculous and funny photos that would make us all laugh!

Let’s take a look at these funny memes.

1. Big fan of this.

2. I would go to this show.

3. There goes Pikachu.

4. Killin’ it!

5. Looks like a killer mosh pit.

6. No idea who this is…can someone help me?

7. Ditto over here.

8. The nerds!

9. Epic Sax Guy.

10. More cowbell…

11. Knew this was coming…

12. Space Ghost.

13. This might be my favorite.

Boy, those sure are funny.

Are you a fan of these memes? If you had to make one of your own, what band or artist would you choose?

Tell us all about it in the comments! Please and thank you!

The post Take a Look at These Funny ‘Your Music Saved Me’ Memes appeared first on UberFacts.

Disturbing Images That May Make You Want to Bleach Your Eyeballs


I don’t have an answer as to why these weird and cursed images exist, but they’re out there and we all have to deal with them…and for that I am sorry…

Let’s take a look…try not to shriek in terror.

1. Have fun, kids!

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

2. I hope you brought your appetite!

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

3. Jesus Christ, Almighty.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

4. Not horrifying at all.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

5. I’m impressed.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

6. Why did this have to happen?

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

7. Just a normal part of class.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

8. Holy shit, this is awful.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

9. Just enjoying the view.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

10. Don’t want to run into this in the woods.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

11. Best Man?

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

12. This seems like a GREAT idea.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

13. Best babysitter of all time.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

Yuck! Yuckkkkk! I didn’t need to see those photos, but there’s no going back now…

What do you think? Which image creeped you out the most?

Talk to us in the comments!

The post Disturbing Images That May Make You Want to Bleach Your Eyeballs appeared first on UberFacts.

Memes About How Paul Rudd Never Seems to Age

Paul Rudd is a national treasure.

Most people got introduced to the funny, handsome actor in the 1995 movie Clueless and since then, Rudd has gone on to star in a lot of great movies.

And you want to know something else? THE MAN DOESN’T AGE.

The guy turns 51-years-old next month and he looks better than ever.

Let’s enjoy some funny memes about the great Paul Rudd.

1. I mean, look at this guy.

Photo Credit: RuinMyWeek

2. He can do it all.

Photo Credit: RuinMyWeek

3. Looks even younger than before…

Photo Credit: RuinMyWeek

4. It doesn’t make any sense!

Photo Credit: RuinMyWeek

5. The ageless wonder.

Photo Credit: RuinMyWeek

6. I believe in him.

Photo Credit: RuinMyWeek

7. He was actually born in the 1800s.

Photo Credit: RuinMyWeek

8. Just a lil’ baby.

9. Aging in reverse.

10. Just like butter.

11. He aged just a little better than this guy…

12. It would’ve been a much different movie.

13. Just look at that angel!

Photo Credit: RuinMyWeek

Oh, Paul…please never change…

Are you a big fan of Paul Rudd?

Tell us your favorite movie that he’s in down there in the comments.

I’ll start! Role Models!

The post Memes About How Paul Rudd Never Seems to Age appeared first on UberFacts.


The actor James Finlayson’s catchphrase “dohhhhhhh!” inspired Homer Simpson’s catchphrase. Dan Castellaneta was to utter an “annoyed grunt” while recording for the Tracey Ullman Show, so he said “dohhhhhhh”. Matt Groening felt that faster would be better and Castellaneta shortened it to “D’oh!”

The post D’oh! appeared first on Crazy Facts.