Epic Newspaper Layout Fails That Are Pretty Hilarious

Editing can be hard work and it goes without saying that you need to have a keen eye for detail.

But these editors? I think they must’ve either been drunk or just decided to do this work in their sleep because these mistakes are BAD.

REALLY BAD. You’ll see what I’m talking about.

Let’s take a look.

1. A good idea for security.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

2. Come on, Serena!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

3. George! How could you?

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

4. Looks like she’s doing okay…

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

5. That damn Blueberry Festival ruined everything.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

6. Looks like a maniac.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

7. I did. Now what?

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

8. What the hell is going on here?

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

9. Literally running.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

10. He landed in the pool?

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

11. Mixed messages.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

12. I don’t think that’s the dealer.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

13. They look kind of young…

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

I had a good chuckle at those, they sure were EPIC FAILS, huh?

Have you seen any really bad mistakes like these lately?

If so, please share them with us in the comments!

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Nice and Wholesome Things That Should Put You in a Good Mood

We can all use as much good news as possible because of how much the world has flipped upside down in the past month or so.

While a lot of social media and the Internet in general is just one sad and depressing story after another, we want to bring you to and put a smile on your face!

So enjoy these wholesome posts and remember, this too shall pass and we’ll come out of this stronger than ever!

1. I like this!

2. Let me help you out.

3. Now I’m smiling!

4. Wow that is cool!

5. Quite a feat.

6. Great parents.

7. Supporting each other!

8. Meet some new pals!

9. Very proud!

10. Good boy, Sarge.

11. Playing along.

12. As pure as it gets.

Those posts were delightful, weren’t they?!?!

We want to hear from you! Tell us how you’re doing in the comments and tell us something nice and wholesome that you’ve done, read about, or seen lately!

Be safe out there and be good to each other!

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History Memes to Make You Laugh and Think

What do you consider a really good meme?

I think it consists of two parts: it has to be funny AND it has to be clever and make you think. At least a little bit…

And these historical memes do just that!

Here are some funny ones that might even make you crack open a history book so you can learn more about the subjects they’re poking fun at.

1. Don’t you hate that?

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

2. Ummmm, not really sure…

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

3. Didn’t work out so well.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

4. I have something else in mind.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

5. I wonder what happened?

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

6. Dude, you’re blowing it.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

7. Uh oh…here we go.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

8. What’s the point, really?

Photo Credit: Cheezburger


Photo Credit: Cheezburger

10. Is that what happened?

11. He wasn’t playing around.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

12. Dirty little rat…

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

Funny and informative! That’s what I’m talking about!

Have you seen any really good history-related memes lately?

Please share them with us in the comments!

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People Talk About Their Favorite Jokes That No One Ever Laughs At

Has this ever happend to you before? You have a joke in your head that you think is absolutely hilarious.

You tell the joke and then…NOTHING. Crickets. Not a laugh anywhere to be heard.

Hey, it happens to the best of us, right?

AskReddit users opened up and shared their embarrassing stories.

1. This is a classic.

“A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel sticking out of the front of his pants.

The bartender looks at him and asks, “Hey, you know you have a steering wheel sticking out of the front of your pants?”

Pirate looks at him and says, “Argh it’s driving me nuts”.”

2. It’s up there.

“Look up at the ceiling.

That’s a pretty good ceiling. It’s not the best, but it’s up there.”

3. Take me to the other side.

“Guy yells to a stranger across the river, “I need to get to the other side”.

Stranger yells back… “You are on the other side”.”

4. A real gem.

“My favorite time on the clock is 6:30. Hands down.

This is SO under appreciated by my husband, family, and friends..”

5. One day you’ll get it.

“One of my best friends is seven days younger than me. Whenever we disagree on something, I tell her she’ll understand when she’s my age.

She never finds that funny.”

6. At least you’re laughing.

“Everytime they bleep out someone’s last name on tv for anonymity I go “omg I can’t believe his name is [insert first name here – Insert any swear word here]”

No one else finds it the least bit funny, but I laugh every single time so that’s okay.”

7. So many cards.

“I handed my father his 50th birthday card

He looks back at me tears in his eyes and says

“One was enough”.

8. Remember to use the brogue.

“Why does an Irish chef only add 239 beans to his soup?

[In a thick Irish brogue] Because one more would be too farty!

I just get stares, but when I first heard it I laughed so hard I spit out my soup.”

9. I like this one!

“What do you call a Frenchman in sandals?

Phillipe Floppe.”

10. A real zinger!

“Why does a chicken coop only have two doors?

Because if it had four, it would be a chicken sedan.

My absolute favorite.”

11. Looks of confusion.

“If I have left over food at a restaurant and the waiter asks “Do you wanna box for that?”

I respond “I’m not much of a boxer but I’ll wrestle you for it.” They never laugh. They just look confused.”

12. But why?

“Medic: Sir, I think you need to stop masturbating.

Man: Why should I stop?

Medic: I’m trying to examine you.”

13. Where does my name come from?

“The young Indian boy had spent most of his life in a quandry.

He felt different yet.

But couldn’t figure out why.

he was just so depressed. He went to the Chief for answers.

He asked the chief how his brother Red Deer Running had gotten his name.

The chief answered in his typically poetic way.

When Red Deer Running was born, at the moment of his birth, the first thing his mother saw was a beautiful deer running off into the forest.

And so Running Deer was named. It is the custom of our tribe to name the offspring according to the spirits in nature visiting upon the birth. Then, the boy said to the Chief.

And how did my sister “Thundering Bird” get her name? The chief described again, how at the moment of her birth Thundering Bird’s mother had heard a roar of thunder and looking up, saw a bird flying in the sky.

The boy asked again, how his cousin “White Crouching Bear” had been given such a name.

And the chief, looking down once more at the boy, explaining the traditions of their tribe.

White Bear’s mother had seen a rare white bear crouched over a stream at the moment her baby’s birth. Then he asked the boy.

“Why do you ask, Two Dogs Fucking?””

14. Can’t stand her.

“Two cannibals were making dinner the first cannibal says ” I can’t stand my mother-in-law”.

The second cannibal says “well then, just eat the noodles”.

15. Pay attention…

“These three dudes crash on an abandoned island turns out the thing is infested with cannibals, not to worry though as the cannibals have a tradition and say that they’ll let them live if the guys accomplish two tasks for them. The guys don’t have much choice in the matter so they agree, the first task is to go into the woods and come back with ten of any kind of fruit.

One dude makes it back before the others with ten apples, he is then told that in order to live he has to cram all ten apples up his ass without making a single sound. He lasts till the third and screams, the cannibals kill and eat him.

A few minutes later the second guy comes out of the woods with ten cherries, he does pretty well but when he makes it to nine he giggles and the cannibals kill and eat him.

Later the two dead guys meet back up in the afterlife and apple guy asks, “what happened man? You were so close to freedom!”

“I know, but I saw Jack coming out of the woods carrying pineapples.””

Ouch…those made me feel uncomfortable and humiliated…and I wasn’t even there!

How about you?

Do you have any jokes that you think are hilarious that no one else seems to care about?

Tell us about them in the comments!

We’ll decide whether you’re funny or not!

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Epic Travel Fail Pictures That Will Keep You Laughing

Travel influencers and magazines may give you the impression that you can go anywhere and be able to take a perfect picture.

Unfortunately, there are forces conspiring against your perfect selfie. Rain, cloudy skies, fog, or crowds are just some of the obstacles that might get in the way of your awesome vacation.

That’s why we compiled a list of these travel fails. We’re sure people were bummed out the moment, but at least they all have a story to tell now.

20. Grand Canyon Fail

It still looks beautiful though!

My first time visiting the Grand Canyon and this happened. from pics

19. The Totally Straight Tower of Pisa

Yep, it’s not leaning anymore!

A friend of mine travelled all the way to Italy and somehow managed to take a picture of the leaning tower of Pisa that doesn’t show it leaning ? from Wellthatsucks

18. Havasupai Falls: Expectation vs. Reality

And reality hits hard!

Hard-to-obtain permits for a 10mi hike to see Havasupai Falls from Wellthatsucks

17. It Could Be Literally Any Bridge

But it’s the Golden Gate Bridge.

Go to the Golden Gate Bridge they said. Get there early they said. from Wellthatsucks

16. One Man’s Idea of a Close-Up

Close-up of the trees though.

My friend is on vacation in Hawaii, and she asked this man to take a picture of her. He told her, “I got a close up.” Bless this man. from Wellthatsucks

15. Not The Most Auspicious Paris Visit

She captured a historic moment?

My moms first time visiting Paris from youseeingthisshit

14. Great Documentation of This Epic Hike!

120 mile solo hike. Asked an elderly passerby to take a photo for me. I checked it right away but he struggled enough with the touch screen that I didn’t ask him to take another. from Wellthatsucks

13. It Could Be The Top of *Any* Rock

But it was New York City’s Top of the Rock.

I was in New York for the first time in my life. My wife and I spent almost 10 hours on a plane, crossed the Atlantic Ocean and flew 7,500 kilometers. We climbed the top of the rock to enjoy a view of central park. We had only one day in New York and this view will always be with us. from Wellthatsucks

12. Under Construction, Sorry!

Big Ben will look beautiful again someday, just not now!

I finally got to see Big Ben from funny

11. A Beautiful Hike Just For This Slippery View…

Is anyone else getting vertigo just looking at this?

Hicked one of Norways most beautiful trails for 3.5 hours through the rain to be rewarded with this stunning view from Wellthatsucks

10. St. Louis’ Gateway Arch Still Looks Cool

Visited St. Louis for the first time and was told I had to see the famous Gateway Arch.. from Wellthatsucks

9. Another #GrandCanyonFail

It’s still beautiful!

8. A Magnificent View of This Mt. Fuji Painting!

Visited Mt Fuji for the first time. The view was magnificent. from Wellthatsucks

7. The Majestic Salkantay In Perú

This is a mountain you see on the way to Machu Picchu.

My view of the mountain I trecked about 15 hours to see from Wellthatsucks

6. There’s Never Enough #GrandCanyonFail

It seems there are quite a few cloudy days there.

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4 Y E A R S AGO #grandcanyonfog

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5. Mt. Rushmore Is Still Amazing

It’s just too bad he wasn’t able to see it.

Travelled 2,000+ miles to Mt. Rushmore. It is what it is, I guess. from Wellthatsucks

4. A Wonderful View of Times Square!

The view from my 65th floor “Grand Times Square View” hotel room. from Wellthatsucks

3. Yet Another Wonderful View of Mt. Fuji!

Well, the fog is quite striking.

To the guys who finally got to see the Golden Gate Bridge & the Grand Canyon: This is my view of Mt Fuji, Japan

2. Great Wall of China #SelfieFail

He took the fog well.

The day I visited the Great Wall of China. from Wellthatsucks

1. A Cool Shot of Taj Mahal

Just not how they expected it.

Went to see the Taj Mahal this morning. from Wellthatsucks

Alright, those are some pretty hilarious travel fails, but we want to hear from you!

Do you have an epic travel fail shots you want to share? You know what to do… post them in the comments!

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Wholesome Things Happening in the World Right Now

Things are very heavy in the world right now, but guess what, it isn’t all doom and gloom!

In fact, there are a lot of great things being overshadowed by bad news and we think you’d like to know about some of them.

Let’s look at some wholesome, positive things going on in the world right now.

1. Questions from the kids.

2. Getting real.

My sister wanted me to check her writing assignment today. (shes 8) from UnexpectedlyWholesome

3. Real-life heroes!

Nurses and doctors heading to NY. from HumansBeingBros

4. A great example.

Columbia CEO is a bro from HumansBeingBros

5. Nice work!

My local Chinese restaurant fed 100 people for free today. This is what community is all about. from HumansBeingBros

6. Fire truck birthday greetings!

Local Fire Department is thinking about the kids from MadeMeSmile

7. Helping out their neighbors.

In my super small indiana town from HumansBeingBros

8. Brings a tear to your eye.

My Great-Uncle visits his wife every day. She’s in an Assisted Living facility as she has Alzheimer’s, so he can’t go in right now for safety reasons. That doesn’t stop him from showing his endearing love. from HumansBeingBros

9. I hope a lot of landlords are doing this.

A text from our landlords this morning from HumansBeingBros

10. Happy birthday from a distance.

Free happy birthday service, from a distance from HumansBeingBros

11. Take care of your neighbors.

12. Thank you!

A man in Morristown, NJ standing outside the emergency room with this sign. Remember to say thank you to those on the front lines! from MadeMeSmile

13. Brighten up your day.

14. Keep an eye on people.

Jenn’s a human being a bro. Thank you Jenn. My county has the highest count of COVID-19 in our state. from HumansBeingBros

15. That is great!

He turned himself into a potato. Funniest shit I’ve ever seen from MadeMeSmile

Let’s keep it positive!

Have you seen any good, wholesome, and positive things lately?

Please share them with us in the comments!

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A Teacher Took Clever Revenge on Kids Who Slacked on Group Projects

High school is a rough time for everyone. But the people who get overlooked when that’s talked about are usually the teachers. It can be a pretty rough job, especially when you have students who seem absolutely hell-bent on failing and/or dragging others down with them.

One shrewd teacher decided to fight back against this, and told the epic tale on the subreddit r/ProRevenge.

Chapter 1, Part One: The Backstory

The story kicks off in earnest when the first group project of the semester is assigned.

Chapter 1, Part Two

Chapter 1, Part Three

Chapter 1, Part Four

Chapter 1, Part Five

Chapter 1, Part Six

Chapter 2, Part One: The Setup

The writer goes on to explain that slackers are mostly the seniors, specifically three we’ll be calling “Larry, Moe, and Curly” from here on out.

We pick up talking about them:

Chapter 2, Part Two

Chapter 2, Part Three

Chapter 2, Part Four

Chapter 3, Part One: Immediate Fallout

Honestly, this is some Machiavellian stuff right stuff right here.

I don’t know how the teacher finds time to hatch plans this devious while also, yanno, teaching.

Chapter 3, Part Two

Chapter 3, Part Three

Chapter 3, Part Four

Chapter 3, Part Five

Chapter 3, Part Six

Chapter 3, Part Seven

Chapter 4, Part One: The Project Comes Due

What’s amazing in this story is that no matter how bad things get, how much of a corner the slacker students are trapped in, they find a way to to stick to their guns and steadfastly not work.

It’s almost impressive.

Chapter 4, Part Two

Chapter 4, Part Three

Chapter 5, Part One: The Results

The original post has a subplot at this point about the teacher’s attempts to tutor and the students attempts to use that tutoring against them. The whole thing is a classic case of “If you spent your effort working instead of avoiding it, you’d be fine.”

In any case, the epilogue is ridiculous, but not surprising (except for the bit about acid and wedding drones. Read on.)

Chapter 5, Part Two

Chapter 5, Part Three

Chapter 5, Part Three

Chapter 5, Part Four

Chapter 5, Part Five

They say teaching is a very rewarding job. Presumably that reward comes mostly in the form of knowing you’ve made a positive difference in the lives of your students, but maybe occasionally it’s also the reward of besting a foe.

On behalf of all of us who have ever had to work with a group project member who wouldn’t pull their weight, we salute you.

What’s the worst student you’ve ever been around? Tell us the story in the comments.

The post A Teacher Took Clever Revenge on Kids Who Slacked on Group Projects appeared first on UberFacts.

Amazing Things We Probably Wouldn’t Have Without Women

It shouldn’t surprise anyone that women contribute to every last facet of society, every last nook and cranny of every business, every last piece of the world in interesting and invaluable ways. They run businesses, they’re inventors, they’re teachers and mothers and scientists and literally everything in between.

And without these 10 women, we’d be without some pretty essential things we take for granted every single day.

10. LGBTQ rights.

Marsha P. Johnson was a gender non-conforming drag queen who helped found the Gay Liberation Front and played a central role in the 1969 Stonewall Riots.

She continued to advocate until her death in 1992. If you want to know more about the way she paved a path for LGBTQ rights, there are more than a few documentaries you could nab.

9. Tollhouse Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Ruth Graves Wakefield ran the Toll House Inn with her husband in the 1930s, and noticed that her customers really loved her butterscotch nut cookie.

She set about experimenting with something different, originally figuring to work with melted chocolate in a dough. Ruth ran out of time, though, and ended up crushing a Nestle bar with an ice pick and using the “chips” in the dough instead.

Props to Ruth and whoever pissed her off enough that day that she felt the need to go at a chocolate bar with an ice pick.

8. Monopoly.

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Today is #NationalPlayMonopolyDay! In 2017 we had this gold Monopoly board on display as part of the exhibition "Jeweled Objects of Desire" which featured objects from the private collection of Sidney Mobell. Mobell created the gameboard in 1988 out of 24-karat gold. The cards, game pieces, hotels and houses are all handmade in solid 18-karat gold and are also set with gemstones. The history of the board game, "Monopoly," can be traced back to the early 20th century. The earliest known version of the game, known as "The Landlord’s Game," was designed by American, Elizabeth “Lizzie” Magie, and first patented in 1904, although Charles Darrow is credited with the game’s invention. Today the game is distributed by Hasbro, which also distributes all of the games developed by Milton Bradley. . #AtTheMuseums #Monopoly #SidneyMobell #TheLandlordsGame #Hasbro #LizzieMagie #CharlesDarrow #BoardGames #Game #JeweledObjectsOfDesire #Gold #Gemstones #Gems

A post shared by Springfield Museums (@springfieldmuseums) on

Love it or hate it, Monopoly has played a role in most of our lives. Lizzie Magie was an American writer and game designer who invented a game called The Landlord’s Game back in 1904.

It involved players creating wealth and forming monopolies, and was a direct inspiration for the family game night staple we all love to hate.

7. Coffee filters.

If you really enjoy your morning (and mid-morning and afternoon) cups of coffee without grounds floating in them, thank Melitta Bentz. She was a German housewife who hated grounds in her coffee, and didn’t stop trying until she figured out the perfect way to filter them out.

It was a page from her son’s school book, and she filed for the patent in 1908.

6. CCTV.

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Living in a neighbourhood that was prone to crime, with little or no Police intervention, Marie Van Brittan Brown, feeling very uncomfortable with the situation, took it upon herself to patent the modern home security system. And that technological invention has been in use all over the world, for more than 50 years. She was a nurse, and her husband was an electronics technician. She worked long hours and often got back home at night – to a crime-prone neighbourhood of Jamaica, Queens, in New York City. Her husband, Albert Brown, was hardly home on many nights due to the nature of his work. His absence and that of the police (in the neighbourhood) prompted her to desire a way to see and hear who was at the door from anywhere she was in the house. #seekfoundation #stem #womeninstem #MarieVanBrittan Brown #nurse

A post shared by SEEK Foundation, Inc. (@seekinc) on

Criminals around the world probably don’t love Marie Van Brittan, but the rest of us should – in the 1960s, she was frustrated at how long it took police to respond to complaints in her neighborhood and took matters into her own hands.

Wanting to feel safe, Marie created a closed-circuit security unit that monitored visitors through a camera and projection system, and received a patent in 1969.

5. Sanitary napkins.

Around 1926, an African-American woman named Mary Kenner figured there had to be a better way to deal with period flow than a rag in her underwear. She developed an adjustable belt with a built-in pocket.

Her genius invention was pretty much ignored since Mary was black, and wasn’t patented until 1056.

4. Edible ice cream cones.

Can you imagine ice cream without cones? Well, thanks to Agnes “Queen of Ices” Marshall you’ve never had to – she founded a popular central London cookery in the mid-19th century, and in her 1888 cookbook, shared a recipe for “cornets with cones.”

It’s the first publication of its type, and obviously, genius.

3. WiFi.

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#hedylamarr ?

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In 1940, Austrian actress Hedy Lamarr worked with composer George Antheil to develop a device that would allow radio transmissions to go undetected by the Nazis during the war, thereby preventing attacks.

She received no recognition or cash at the time, and doesn’t hold the resulting patent. The invention led to the WiFi and Bluetooth technology we use today.

2. Windshield wipers.

Do you enjoy being able to see while you drive on a rainy day? So did Mary Anderson, a NYC real estate developer in the early 20th century.

She noticed how hard it was to see while driving in the snow and developed a hand-operated tool to keep the windshield clear. She patented the idea in 1903.

1. Central heating.

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It's cold today huh?…..so a Blackman created the in home radiator (see previous post) then some years later this black woman upgrade it to a central heating system …..also she gave you the control for it, yes the thermostat……stay warm & give thanks twice. …. Cuz yeah. … A black woman did that……. Lear her name ?????????????? Reposted from Alice H. Parker (b. 1895) was an African American inventor known for her contribution to the heating furnace. She invented a furnace that supplied central heating for entire homes and buildings, which was patented on December 23, 1919. #aliceparker #blackqueen #blackgirlmagic #blackgreatness #blackexcellence #dreaminblack #supportblackwomen #drkingsilky #already #blackgirlmagic #blackfacts365

A post shared by Mila Mansa (@divacoolchick) on

In 1919, natural gas was used for industrial heating purposes, but it hadn’t been considered for use in residential homes. Alice Parker was an African American woman from New Jersey, and she had the idea of using a centrally located heat source and pipes to spread heat through homes.

I, for one, would like to raise a glass to this woman.

We definitely need more lists like this one in the world – let’s feed them to our kids while we’re in charge of educating them for the foreseeable future, no?

What’s your favorite invention by a woman? Book? Film? Let’s grow our list in the comments!

The post Amazing Things We Probably Wouldn’t Have Without Women appeared first on UberFacts.

Tweets About Sheltering in Place That Are Actually Funny

There’s nothing funny about what’s happening in 2020. But there’s a lot funny about the ridiculous situations we’re finding ourselves in while we try to wait it out.

All over Twitter people are sharing their stories about what it’s like trying to work, learn and socialize from home whilst occasionally braving the toilet-paper-crazed outer world.

This collection of recent coronatastic-fail tweets look at the lighter side of the struggle. Maybe by the end of this we’ll all at least have some good stories?

10. Tinder in the time of this craziness….

9. “Vince Adultman, nice to meet you”

8. Who’s teaching who?

7. General chaos

6. “I don’t keep up with politics”

5. Two sides to every coin

4. You know you can drink at home, right?

3. Maybe just use up one of your nine lives

2. A common enemy

1. No excuses

Honestly, that’s just a tiny taste. Twitter’s kind of a gold mine right now. Go enjoy the jokes now before we all get sick of them. (No pun intended?)

What’s tripped you up about staying at home?

Let us know in the comments. It’s like we got anywhere to be.

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11 Memes to Help You Escape Reality

Feeling like you need a break from your everyday life? Let memes transport you away!

Memes are created by people all over the world, so if you think about it, scrolling through memes is really like being a sophisticated globe-trotter, taking in the cultures and perspectives of all the world’s peoples.

Or maybe it’s just fun. Whichever perspective helps you more. Let’s explore some memes together and feel like we’re doing something today!

11. Could you BE any more you?

Via: someecards

10. Yeah, I’m lettin’ loose

Via: someecards

9. Appetizer anxiety

Via: someecards

8. Bruh that’s a choke-hold

Via: someecards

7. Dogs abhor a vacuum

Via: someecards

6. “Ok but why?”

Via: someecards

5. Spontaneous generation fails again

Via: someecards

4. Bet they all still canceled D&D tho

3. We’re all kids at heart

2. Give me one good Riesling not to

1. We all have a legacy

Wasn’t that exciting? Those memes could have come from anywhere! Like very stupid messages in internet bottles, floating along the waves of bandwidth. It’s beautiful, really.

Which one was your favorite?

Vote in the comments.

The post 11 Memes to Help You Escape Reality appeared first on UberFacts.