Sitcoms That Taught Us How to Parent

I grew up in the golden age of sitcoms. My family watched them for hours and hours.

Then we used them as a springboard to discuss the dangers of smoking marijuana, hanging with the wrong crowd, driving too fast and knowing friends of friends who got pregnant in high school. You know, all the tough issues.

What we didn’t realize is how much we would let TV families influence the way we parent. Let’s take a look at what I mean.

1. When Dr. Huxtable explains to Theo how regular people live.

Our kids are dumb and we tell them so. Also, don’t take us for granted.

2. When “Boy Meets World” showed us sometimes our relationships fall short.

But life is short too and we should commit to making them better when we can.

3. When Dan and Roseanne spend time with their daughters on “Roseanne.”

Kids and parents may not share the same interests, but time spent together is priceless…even if you’re uncomfortable or bored.

4. When Mike goes to a party where kids are doing cocaine in “Growing Pains.”

Jason Seaver was one of the coolest dads on TV. So, when Mike admits to being at this cocaine party, Jason doesn’t freak out. He listens and talks Mike through the decisions he had to make and then gives him credit for doing the right thing.

5. When Sophia and Dorothy enter a beauty pageant together on “Golden Girls.”

Mothers and daughters have a special bond even into their golden years.

6. When Danny Tanner has to back off DJ’s love life in “Full House.”

It’s hard to see our children dating and falling in love. In this episode, Danny has forbidden DJ to see her new boyfriend, but figures out the heavy-handedness only makes things worse. In this episode, Danny and DJ really communicate their feelings about their issues.

No, we’re not perfect parents because of television. But these TV shows were about love and family, and sometimes when we don’t know what to do, we can reflect on when we could watch TV together with our own parents and talk about our worries and problems.

And it would all turn out okay. Jason Seaver told us so.

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Funny Posts About Being Home With Kids ALL THE TIME

If you’re home with kids right now, you know there’s no escape. The house is starting to feel a little claustrophobic and everyone and everything is getting on your nerves.

Good times!

If you’re in this situation, these posts will make you laugh…and then cry… and then hopefully laugh again.

Let’s go!

1. The store is now closed.

I’m working from home for the next 3 weeks. I have ONE child. Y’all mommas with one child know how bored they can get…

Posted by Stephanie Craig on Friday, March 20, 2020

2. Everything’s fine.

3. Fight to the death.

4. Might as well.

5. Your life story.

6. What to do?

7. Why not take a snooze?

8. Whatever works right now.

9. You got punk’d.

10. That’s good work!

11. Being held hostage.

12. An essential document.

Hey, keep your heads up! We’re all gonna get through this.

How are you holding up? Talk to us in the comments! We’d love to hear from you!

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Strange Things People Are Panic Buying During these Crazy Times

If you’ve gone to the grocery store in the past few weeks, you’ve seen the chaos. The aisles are packed, the shelves are empty, the people are losing it.

I was in the store the other day and a guy was seriously freaking out because the store was out of…wait for it…Manwich. That’s not a lie, I swear.

The point is that people are loading up on and hoarding weird stuff…and here’s more proof.

1. Whoa, slow down!

2. Don’t drink it all tonight.

3. Rice and TP party.

4. The guy loves his Sprite.

5. Cooking for the whole neighborhood.

6. He has Corn Flakes too, so he’s good.

7. Going his own way.

8. For the birds.

9. He’s gonna be VERY busy.

10. It’s high in antioxidants?

11. This is weird.

12. I respect this person.

13. One huge omelet, coming up!

14. And finally, this brave soul…

Okay, don’t lie to us, we know you’ve been hoarding something.

What is it?

Toilet paper? Hand sanitizer? Ranch dressing?

Tell us in the comments!

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People Are Getting “Pandumbic” Tattoos and They’re Hilariously Awful

For some reason people have decided that getting tattoos dedicated to the coronavirus is a good idea. You know, kind of like the Baby Yoda drinking a White Claw tattoo that we saw a few months ago.

Let’s just not question anything anymore, okay?


1. A lot going on in this one.

2. Don’t forget your mask.

3. Not yet…

4. This is amazing.

5. Plain and simple.

6. Actually a pretty cool tattoo.

7. Mean little germ.

8. It’s the end of the world as we know it.

9. Don’t sneeze on me.

10. A solid entry.

11. It’s all in there.

12. Looks very ominous.

Hey, to each their own, I say…

Do you have any DUMB tattoos? Well, don’t be shy!

Share some pics with us in the comments!

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Funny, Random Photos for Your Viewing Pleasure!

We like our pictures funny and we like them random.

That’s how we do it because we know that’s how you like it

So what do you say? Are you ready for another batch?

Let’s start now!

1. Clearly living his best life.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

2. Had a long day.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

3. How’d that pic turn out?

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week


Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

5. Keep this handy.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

6. Makes sense.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

7. Murphy is a LIAR.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

8. Just back it right up.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

9. Want some candy?

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

10. Are you enjoying that article?

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

11. I hope you’re hungry.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

Funny, funny, funny!

Have you seen any hilarious memes lately? Well, don’t keep them all to yourself!

Share them with us in the comments!

The post Funny, Random Photos for Your Viewing Pleasure! appeared first on UberFacts.

The first “Made in…

The first “Made in …” label was created in 1887 in England to discourage foreign goods and to encourage consumption of domestic-made goods; this ultimately backfired when Britons bought more goods made in Germany than domestic made ones.

The post The first “Made in… appeared first on Crazy Facts.