A Mom Got a Woman off Her Back by Using Sign Language

Sometimes, for some bizarre reason, someone latches on to you in a store because they believe you work there and they are entitled to your help and (all of) your patience. It’s like we have a neon sign above our heads flashing INFORMATION HERE.

Most of the time, we can set aside our irritability and get the needy so-and-so on their way so we can get our own business done. But sometimes, we have our hands full or we’re running on limited time. And, then gloriously, an opportunity appears to let this other person know, yes, they are being jerks.

Here is one mom’s story about how she was able to shake off one of these leeches and embarrass her at the same time.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Mom had her two small children with her on an errand to buy work party supplies.

Photo Credit: Reddit

For some reason, this woman begins demanding her help.

Photo Credit: Reddit

She even complains about her to a real employee and then rudely asks if she’s deaf!

Photo Credit: Reddit

Then, she gets a brilliant idea and I don’t think this woman will ever ask anyone if they’re deaf again.

Photo Credit: Reddit

How this woman made it to adulthood without someone knocking more sense into her I don’t know. But it happens and I hope after this lesson, this particular lady takes a long look inside herself and makes some changes.

We need more nice people in the world and less self-entitlement, agreed?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

The post A Mom Got a Woman off Her Back by Using Sign Language appeared first on UberFacts.

8 Films About Motherhood That Will Tug at Your Heartstrings

Being a mother means tapping into strength you didn’t know you had. Sometimes we feel misunderstood and often unappreciated. But deep down, we know we wouldn’t rather do anything else.

These 8 movies understand us and our complex feelings of giving so much of ourselves to our children.

See if you agree!

1. Away We Go (2009)

Maya Rudolph and John Krasinski play Verona and Burt who embark on a cross-country adventure while Verona is pregnant to see where they want to raise their baby.

Along the way they connect with family and friends and come to terms with growing up and growing a family.

Photo Credit: Big Beach Films

2. The Kids Are Alright (2010)

Julianne Moore and Annette Bening are couple Jules and Nic, whose children, played by Josh Hutcherson and Mia Wasikowska, decide to find their biological dad.

Mark Ruffalo plays the sperm donor who never expected this to happen.

A very modern take on motherhood and middle age.

Photo Credit: Focus Features

3. Boyhood (2014)

Patricia Arquette plays single and divorced mom Olivia in a role that earned her a Golden Globe and an Oscar.

Filmed and told through son Mason’s (Ellar Coltrane) point of view over a time period of 12 years, Olivia struggles with finances and an abusive partner as she raises her son and daughter.

Photo Credit: Hoody Boy Productions

4. 20th Century Women (2016)

Annette Bening plays bohemian boarding house owner Dorothea raising her son Jamie (Lucas Jade Zumann) in the 1970s.

A photographer (Greta Gerwig) and a spirited teen (Elle Fanning), along with Dorothea, end up shaping Jamie’s views on feminism and motherhood.

Photo Credit: A24 Films

5. Lion (2016)

The story of a little boy lost in a train station before getting taken in at an orphanage then getting adopted by an Australian couple (Nicole Kidman and David Wenham) is bittersweet and shows how dear our parents are to us.

The boy, played by Sunny Pawar and Dev Patel, grows up and returns to India to find his biological mother and discover his native country.

Photo Credit: See Saw Films

6. Lady Bird (2017)

Lady Bird (Saoirse Ronan) and her mother, Marion (Laurie Metcalf) frequently clash but their fierce love for each other comes across as they live, shop and explore Sacramento together in this excellent Greta Gerwig comedy.

Photo Credit: IAC Films

7. Tully (2018)

Mother-of-three Marlo (Charlize Theron) struggles with a new baby and some serious postpartum issues until she hires a nanny named Tully (Mackenzie Davis) who helps her overcome her pressures.

Photo Credit: BRON Studios

8. The Farewell (2019)

Awkwafina stars as Billi, a writer visiting China to see her grandmother who is diagnosed with terminal cancer.

The family keeps the news away from the matriarch but quickly arranges a wedding as an excuse to bring everyone together before she passes.

A poignant and insightful film, this comedy will make you appreciate the mother and grandmothers in your life.

Photo Credit: Big Beach Films

These movies examine and celebrate the love between mothers and children–and all kinds of mothers too, blood related or not.

There’s something about a child that brings out that level of commitment in us.

Kids can make us crazy, sure, but they also bring out the best, most loving versions of ourselves.

Now, go call your mom!

The post 8 Films About Motherhood That Will Tug at Your Heartstrings appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Most Hilarious Things They’ve Ever Seen

Laughter is good for all of us and we need a whole lot of posts like this right now to put us in a better mood and to take our minds off the news of the world.

So what could be better than having all kinds of different people talk about the absolute funniest thing they’ve ever seen in their lives?

AskReddit users shared their stories.

1. Like a cartoon.

“A guy was sprinting down the hall in college, obviously in a hurry. Well, there was a floor mat right before the stairs at the end of the hall.

The mat slipped as soon as he ran on it so he lost his balance but because he has momentum he KEPT ON RUNNING up the stairs, trying to catch himself. SOMEHOW he recovered and just ran out of the building. I could not handle it.”

2. That is great.

“This kid was bugging my friend so she lunged at him like she was going to attack him. He turned to run and ran face first into a pole.

She started laughing and turned to run away because the teachers were headed our way and ran face first into another pole. Both ended up in the nurses office with matching bloody noses and I laughed so hard I had an asthma attack.”

3. Drunken shenanigans.

“This drunk dude at a bar was telling a group of us that there was a guy sitting in a chair outside staring him down. Our friend had poor eyesight, and it didn’t help that he was piss drunk, but he was absolutely convinced that the guy outside wanted to fight him.

We looked outside onto the patio area, and sure enough, there was a “guy” in a chair with an evil look on his face, facing the window to the bar. I should also add that this was close to Halloween, and the “guy” sitting in the chair was a stuffed scarecrow with a pumpkin for a head, with a mean face drawn on it.

We almost let our friend loose on the thing, but it was fucking hilarious watching him rant how he’s going to fucking kill the guy, and to watch his back because the scarecrow probably had friends with him.”

4. How is this even real?

“Once, during college, a group of us saw two blind people walk into each other, and one bounced off and landed in a trashcan. Obviously, this was a shock to both, and the trash can blind person shouted “What are you blind?!”, which was met with a very apologetic “…Yes?”

I will never laugh that hard again. Hell, I’m laughing at it again now just typing this.”

5. Real smooth.

“At work in the lab one day, a senior coworker is up on a ladder and tries to pull a 60lbs power supply unit that costs $70,000 out of the rack we were repairing. Thing falls 7 feet, annihilates a table and another 35k with of equipment and slams on the floor. Coworker looks down from his perch and says, “Cha Cha real smooth” and goes back to work. I fucking lost it.

(I work for a multi billion dollar defense company that had about 50 replacements in the back room. No big deal. But his absolute do-not-give-a-fuck response nailed me.)”

6. You are not Superman.

“In high school one of my friends lived on a cul-de-sac near our school, so this became the nexus of a bunch of gatherings. Our senior year a bunch of us are over there and, being bored high schoolers without much money, came up with a really dumb way to entertain ourselves.

In our infinite wisdom we decide that one person is going to climb into the bed of a pickup truck and hold the handle of a little red wagon, which will be on the ground behind the truck. People will ride in the wagon and hold on for their dear lives while the truck goes up and down the deserted street.

Surprisingly, this does not end in immediate catastrophe. For the most part people just sit in the wagon and are pulled gently along, or crouched so they could bail quickly when things went inevitably awry. That is, until the foreign exchange student decides he’s going to take a turn.

He wants to do something more impressive, so he lies on his stomach on top of the wagon, taking a Superman pose. The guy in the truck bed obviously thinks it’s a bad idea, but he shrugs his shoulders and tells the driver to hit it.

The driver accelerates and the wagon immediately slides out from under our poor foreign friend. For a split second it seems gravity itself is shocked at our stunning stupidity and he hangs in the air, one arm still magnificently outstretched, his other hand on his hip. Then the forces of nature recover their senses and the guy falls flat on the ground.

Fortunately he was left with nothing more serious than a few scrapes for his trouble, and we stopped doing this stupid stunt before a funny story became a hospital trip.”

7. Got your words mixed up.

“We were bringing lunch to the teachers at school and my daughter announced that we made a special soup for Mr. S because he’s a virgin.

Mr. S is a vegan.”

8. Those things are dangerous.

“I was walking through downtown when there was a Segway tour going on across the street. One of the people in the Segway tour lost control and slammed into a pole. I still laugh uncontrollably when I think about it.”

9. A terrible person.

“Posting for my mom, unfortunately I didn’t exist yet when this happened.

So my aunt (mom’s sister) is an incredibly awful person. She has a voice like Ricky’s mom in Better Off Dead, was horribly spoiled by her grand parents (first girl born in 4 generations), and just vindictively mean. She’s the kind of person who goes well out of her way to demean people and convince people everyone hates you. She’s also 5’2” and over 300 lbs.

One day at a family gathering, she goes to sit on a wicker chair. The chair disintegrates under her. She then, while still on the floor, angrily looks at her mother (owner of the once chair) and yells, “what the hell is wrong with your chair?” My mom had to run out of the room she was laughing/crying so hard.”

10. Not gonna work out.

“I was desperate for cash in my late teens so I took a 12 hour shift in a banana packing factory. I ended up working on a conveyor belt – picking the good ‘nanas, throwing away the bad ones…you get the gist.

About half-way through the most soul-sucking, mind-fucking, monotonous working day of my life, I witnessed a man carrying a box of bananas slipping on an escaped banana on the floor, throwing the whole box of lovely yellow fruit into the air and crashing epically into a 6 foot stack of banana boxes.

Naturally, I buckled like a broken stool, rolling around the factory floor pissing my sides. When I managed to compose myself, I realised that no one else had laughed, nor even so much as looked up from the hypnotic conveyor belt.

I decided factories weren’t for me and went back to the books.”

11. Hallelujah!

“I was a Walgreens cashier in an extremely religious neighborhood full of rich old Baptists.

One day a woman comes in to buy cigarettes and is something like three dollars short. She starts digging around in her giant Mary poppins bag, holding up the line. Wastes a good five minutes on it before she dumps the entire thing out on my counter. There, in the detritus of a middle aged housewife’s bag, was a crumpled up $10 bill.

She yells “Hallelujah! The lord is lookin’ out for me!” And hands me the folded up bill.

I unfold it, and it’s one of those fake tens people give waiters as tips. The ones with the Bible quotes on the inside.

Me: God wants you to quit smoking.”

12. Touched by an angel.

“The lady in front of me did a yard sale while waiting in line for the ski lift. For those of you who don’t know, a yard sale in skiing is when you wipeout and loose all of your gear in the process. This lady was in front of me talking to her friend one moment and the next she had exploded with gloves, poles, helmet, goggles, and skis going all different directions.

Somehow it looked like her coat was trying to escape as well. I’ve never seen anything so unexpected, violent, and harmless at the same time. I had to get out of line until I caught my breath from laughing. Nothing caused it. She did not get touched by anything. She just went down hard completely out of the blue.”

13. This is awful and hilarious.

“My best friend used to fight in karate tournaments and was actually pretty good. One time there was no one in his age/belt class to fight so he was invited to fight in an exhibition fight with another kid who didn’t have anyone to fight.

Well, they were wearing head gear so you couldn’t really make out their facial features very well so my friend didn’t realize that he was fighting against a kid with Down’s Syndrome.

He beat the ever loving shit out of this poor kid. The whole time people were telling him to take it easy and giving him dirty looks and shit and he just kept on obliviously beating that kid’s ass.

To this day he’s still known as the guy who relentlessly beat up a disabled kid. He will never live it down as long as I’m alive.”

14. What the f**k?

“I am a northern lights tour guide. Was going for a hunt with a Spanish family, parents and maybe max 5 years old kid. Kid was talking of course only spanish for the whole night. Suddenly we see very beautiful and rapidly moving lights, something that even I don’t see often.

The kid suddenly yells with crystal clear english: “What the fuck?” Me and the parents both just lost it.”

15. Sounds painful.

“In grade 8 gym class, a kid clotheslined himself with a volleyball net. He ran face first into it and his legs went flying out from underneath him. It was like a fucking cartoon.”

Those are hilarious!

What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever seen?

I mean the hands-down most hysterical thing?

Tell us in the comments!

The post People Share the Most Hilarious Things They’ve Ever Seen appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About the Most Hilarious Things They’ve Ever Witnessed

One time, I saw my brother get hit by a very fast-moving ski lift chair in Colorado and it was probably the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me in my whole life.

It was seriously amazing and it still makes me laugh even though it happened about 20 years ago.

What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever seen?

AskReddit users shared the stories that still make them laugh.

1. Dad and Pepper the cat.

“Probably only funny to me in the moment, but to this day one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen.

When I was a kid, we had a cat named Pepper. Pepper was in the front yard, hiding in a bush and darting her paw out at my dad, who was jumping back and forth around the bush, playing with her.

Little did he know, our neighbor was standing across the street, staring at him. Neighbor clearly could not see the cat and probably thought my dad had lost his mind.

The dramatic irony of the situation hit me all at once and had me in stitches. Dad is inexplicably dancing around a bush. Neighbor is puzzled. The image still gets me to this day.”

2. The pumpis.

“One time in 5th grade we had a discussion about the human body, and we got to the point how to pronounce the word penis. We all did good, except this one kid, Daniel. He tried to say it, but ended us saying “pumpis”.

Me and my friends we’re laughing so hard i almost peed myself. To this day, me and my friend still laugh at that moment LOL.”

3. Look out below!

“I work late nights at an on-campus bakery at my college, and it was the last night before winter break. Since there wasn’t a whole lot to do, we were just goofing off and being dumbasses (along with our manager). Our bakery is located inside of another building, and there’s a gigantic window where people inside the building can see into our bakery.

We were tossing around stale donuts, and as soon as this one guy walked by the window, my co worker chucks a donut at the window as hard as he can, and this guy jumps straight in the air, looks around, then finally realizes what happened. He just sort of stares at us, stunned, while we waved. I think I almost pissed myself after he walked away.”

4. My abs hurt!

“We had a power outage at work, so they decided to send us home early. The daughter of the firm’s president was your stereotypical spoiled rich girl, and was probably a size 10 but was squeezing her ass into size 8 pants because she couldn’t accept she wasn’t a single digit size.

She got excited about going home and did a high kick. Her pants split from her knee all the way up the back of her ass with the most cartoonish RRRRRRIIIPPPPPP!

The look of shock and embarrassment on her face was worth the price of admission.

I was laughing so hard I fell on the floor. My abs hurt the following two days.”

5. Is this train moving?

“I was living in NYC and the city had just opened back up that day after a huge hurricane. I was waiting on a subway train and there were delays, obviously.

A man with a bike was huffing impatiently and craning his neck out the door. After a minute he started shouting to the conductor.


Everyone on the train started to give each other that look which says “ugh, this asshole.” It was the day after a hurricane, what was he expecting? He kept shouting until he got an answer off the conductor that the train would not be moving.

“OKAY, THAT’S ALL I NEEDED TO KNOW, THAT’S ALL I NEEDED TO KNOW,” he replied and scooted off the train, dragging his bike up the stairs. The doors to the train immediately shut and the train departed the platform.

Everyone cheered, and I’m not kidding, they really did.”

6. The bullfrog.

“I was partying in Havasu with my buddy and walked in on him and a girl hooking up in our tent. No big deal, it was a big tent. I went to the other side, told them to ignore me (we were all really drunk) and laid down.

She got uncomfortable, and he walked her back to her campsite.

When he returned, he went to take a piss outside of our tent, while talking to me through the wall of it.

I hear “uh oh” and I ask what’s up. He had started pissing, but never took the condom off and it was filled like a water balloon hanging off of him.

We couldn’t stop laughing. I still refer to him as bullfrog, and this was over 20 years ago.”

7. On the cattle farm.

“I used to work on a cattle farm. A local fellow lent us a bull for some heifers, and claimed that he was a quiet, lovely boy.

He was not. He was angry, mean, and had a habit of trapping you in a cubicle, thus forcing you to climb out of the barn siding. We rang the neighbour and complained; he would have none of it.

Three months later the neighbour turned up to collect this bull, and confidently declared that it would remember him. He opened the yard gate, walked down the row of cubicles… and the bull appeared at the other end of the passage and began trotting towards him, tail swishing.

This man, without changing his gait or attitude, turned on his heel and marched right back out of the shed. It was a perfect example of forward to reverse motion without any pause. My boss and I were in tears from laughing.”

8. Horse shit!

“Years ago, my younger brother was helping me wash my horse. He happened to be wearing slip on sandals with little holes perforated all over the soles of them (poor choice for being around a horse, I know).

Anyways, the grass was soaked from the water and my horse pooped…my brother stepped backwards into the poop, and it came gushing through the holes of his shoe and went all over his foot. Lol it still makes me laugh every time I think about that.”

9. Oh no!

“A few years ago, my entire extended family went to spread my grandmothers ashes at the beach and when we waded in about knee deep, my brother threw the ashes into the air instead of tipping them into the water. He got smacked with a face full of grandma, started crying, and then had to dive into a wave fully clothed to get her off of him.

He was 30 years old. It must have been 10 seconds in total, but I, a grown woman, peed myself laughing and it a fantastic send off for her.”

10. I need to see The Burger King.

“I was with my best friend at Burger King and while we were eating some mid 40’s woman was screaming at this small, very pregnant, and very mad 20ish year old manager and the woman was DEMANDING to speak to The Burger King.

I have never laughed so hard in my life.”

11. Hilarious and terrifying.

“Two friends and I were walking home from school one day when we stumbled upon a wheeled cabinet on somebody’s curb, likely going to scrap.

One of my friends, who is massive in height and width, decided to body-board the cabinet onto the street for all of a few seconds before having it collapse under him. Side panels shot out; screws and all. Wheels absolutely blew up.

It was like watching a firework malfunction.

He fell flat onto the wreckage while my other buddy and I almost ACTUALLY died of laughter. I mean that I laughed so hard, I wasn’t able to breathe and began panicking because very little air was getting through.

I managed to scare myself back to a calm state, and practically crawled home.

Hilarious and terrifying.”

12. Next time, close the sunroof.

“Was stopped at a light years and years ago and this dude is riding his bike over a median in the road, huge freakin median like a foot high or more. He ends up just totally eating shit right over the handlebars face first onto the pavement. My friend and I were baked off our asses and just died laughing, and this dude gives us the shittiest look ever.

Didn’t realize the sunroof was open and he could hear us mocking him.”

13. A bloody scene.

“Worked at a pizza place, new guy knocked a bucket of sauce off a table. It was just me and this guy working that day, I walk in the back to see him covered almost head to toe in sauce, with a look on his face like he had just got back from ‘Nam. Sauce everywhere, the ceiling, walls just all over the place. Dude was so upset about it. Told him to go home and change while I cleaned up.

I felt so bad for him because he legit thought he was gonna get fired. But the look on his face as he was standing there looking like an extra from Carrie was fucking priceless.”

14. He showed you!

“My friend was showering in the dorms and some guys stole all of his clothes and towel and left one sock for him.

He emerges smiling wearing the sock….. on his left foot.”

And hilarity ensued!

Those were great! How about you? What do you think is the funniest thing you’ve ever seen in your whole life?

Tell us about it in the comments!

The post People Talk About the Most Hilarious Things They’ve Ever Witnessed appeared first on UberFacts.

Wonderful Dog Posts That Will Give You a Fuzzy Feeling

Dogs are our best friend for a reason. Because they’re wonderful!

You know it. I know it. We all know it. So let’s dig in!

Here are some quality dog posts we think will make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

1. Go get those Cheetos!

2. Looks like a crime scene.

3. Dog yoga.

4. Look at him go!

5. Takin’ out the trash.

6. Major guilt trip!

I am being guilt tripped because i cannot play and need to work from home. This is high level manipulation. from aww

7. All kinds of fun.

8. He’s trying to concentrate.

9. There they are!

10. The good old days.

11. Needs some pets.

12. Floor slappers.

13. My favorite place, too.

Those sure made me feel great!

How about you? Do you have a pooch at home? Share some pics and their names with us in the comments so we can get to know them!

You can never have enough dogs in your life!

The post Wonderful Dog Posts That Will Give You a Fuzzy Feeling appeared first on UberFacts.

Funny Parenting Tweets for All the Moms and Dads out There

One of the things Twitter is great for is so frustrated/annoyed parents to sound off and give us the straight dope about parenting.

It isn’t all fun and games, friends.

Here are some funny parenting tweets to tide you over until the next round…

1. Keep it down!

2. Do it today.

3. No one’s turning it off now.

4. Oh shit!

5. A fun new game!

6. Whatever…doesn’t matter anymore.

7. Not on the same page.

8. Way too soon.

9. Time to start drinking.

10. The whining table.

11. Our house is now a buffet!

12. Not this year…

13. It’s already been that long?

Moms and dads: we’re here for you if you want to vent to us.

Hey, you know where you can do that? In the comments below!

Tell us a funny or crazy or annoying or maddening story about your little angels.

The post Funny Parenting Tweets for All the Moms and Dads out There appeared first on UberFacts.

These Pictures of Vacation Fails Might Make You Feel Better About Being Stuck at Home

We’re all housebound right now and we’re longing for the day that we can get in our car or board a plane and get the hell out of town when this whole nightmare is finally over.

But maybe going on vacation isn’t as great as it sounds…

Here are some photos of vacation fails that will make you feel a little better about being stuck inside your house…at least for a while…

1. That’s not good.

My moms first time visiting Paris from youseeingthisshit

2. Can’t see much down there…

My first time visiting the Grand Canyon and this happened. from pics

3. I’m sure you’ll be back there soon…

This photo my dad took of me at Machu Picchu from Wellthatsucks

4. Is that smog or fog?

Went to see the Taj Mahal this morning. from Wellthatsucks

5. It’s beautiful!

Go to the Golden Gate Bridge they said. Get there early they said. from Wellthatsucks

6. The City of Lights.

Wife and I visited the Eiffel Tower for our honeymoon. from Wellthatsucks

7. A great snapshot.

My friend is on vacation in Hawaii, and she asked this man to take a picture of her. He told her, “I got a close up.” Bless this man. from Wellthatsucks

8. A beautiful view.

I was in New York for the first time in my life. My wife and I spent almost 10 hours on a plane, crossed the Atlantic Ocean and flew 7,500 kilometers. We climbed the top of the rock to enjoy a view of central park. We had only one day in New York and this view will always be with us. from Wellthatsucks

9. That’s a bummer.

Rented a car and took a 2 hour drive outside of Berlin to see die rakotzbrücke just to discover the water was drained and the whole area is under construction. from Wellthatsucks

10. Damn snow plow!

Went on vacation and paid extra for a room with a view of the mountains. No one mentioned that the snow plow ran right outside our window. from Wellthatsucks


I finally got to see Big Ben from funny

12. Fog as far as the eye can see.

Woke up at 230AM to make a 2 hour drive up 10000 feet to see the sunrise atop Haleakala. Have you ever seen such beauty? from Wellthatsucks

Okay, maybe I am better off at home instead of on a beach somewhere…

How about you? Where do you want to go once all of this is done and we can leave our damn houses again?

Talk to us in the comments!

The post These Pictures of Vacation Fails Might Make You Feel Better About Being Stuck at Home appeared first on UberFacts.

These Pictures of Vacation Fails Might Make You Feel Better About Being Stuck at Home

We’re all housebound right now and we’re longing for the day that we can get in our car or board a plane and get the hell out of town when this whole nightmare is finally over.

But maybe going on vacation isn’t as great as it sounds…

Here are some photos of vacation fails that will make you feel a little better about being stuck inside your house…at least for a while…

1. That’s not good.

My moms first time visiting Paris from youseeingthisshit

2. Can’t see much down there…

My first time visiting the Grand Canyon and this happened. from pics

3. I’m sure you’ll be back there soon…

This photo my dad took of me at Machu Picchu from Wellthatsucks

4. Is that smog or fog?

Went to see the Taj Mahal this morning. from Wellthatsucks

5. It’s beautiful!

Go to the Golden Gate Bridge they said. Get there early they said. from Wellthatsucks

6. The City of Lights.

Wife and I visited the Eiffel Tower for our honeymoon. from Wellthatsucks

7. A great snapshot.

My friend is on vacation in Hawaii, and she asked this man to take a picture of her. He told her, “I got a close up.” Bless this man. from Wellthatsucks

8. A beautiful view.

I was in New York for the first time in my life. My wife and I spent almost 10 hours on a plane, crossed the Atlantic Ocean and flew 7,500 kilometers. We climbed the top of the rock to enjoy a view of central park. We had only one day in New York and this view will always be with us. from Wellthatsucks

9. That’s a bummer.

Rented a car and took a 2 hour drive outside of Berlin to see die rakotzbrücke just to discover the water was drained and the whole area is under construction. from Wellthatsucks

10. Damn snow plow!

Went on vacation and paid extra for a room with a view of the mountains. No one mentioned that the snow plow ran right outside our window. from Wellthatsucks


I finally got to see Big Ben from funny

12. Fog as far as the eye can see.

Woke up at 230AM to make a 2 hour drive up 10000 feet to see the sunrise atop Haleakala. Have you ever seen such beauty? from Wellthatsucks

Okay, maybe I am better off at home instead of on a beach somewhere…

How about you? Where do you want to go once all of this is done and we can leave our damn houses again?

Talk to us in the comments!

The post These Pictures of Vacation Fails Might Make You Feel Better About Being Stuck at Home appeared first on UberFacts.

Key Strategies to Keep Your Dog Safe in the Car

Many dog owners like to have their pals with them in the car, whether that’s a quick run through town or a multi-day road trip.

The downside is that dogs are regularly involved in car accidents which can, at the very least, scare or shock them or cause injuries. Sadly, sometimes, dogs can be seriously injured with broken bones and spinal damage, or even killed. According to an Automobile Association of America survey, only 16 percent of dog owners use proper restraints that can minimize the chances of injury or death to a dog in case of an accident.

If you truly want to be a responsible dog owner, take a look at these eight ways to keep your pet safe when they’re in the car.

1. Keep them in a crate when in the car.

Hard and soft sided crates can be used, but they need to be latched down.

Photo Credit: Amazon

2. Line the crate with blankets.

At least it gives them a soft place to lay down on the way to the park, but it will also provide extra protection in case of impact.

Photo Credit: Flickr

3. Install a back seat barrier.

For bigger dogs and smaller vehicles, a back seat barrier can keep your dog secured safely in the back.

Photo Credit: Amazon

4. Buckle them in with a dog seatbelt.

Yes, there are such things. Yes, they work.

Photo Credit: Amazon

5. Don’t let them hang out of the window.

Your dog may love to do it whenever they are in the car, but it’s not safe in the event of an accident. At the very least, the debris that blows into dogs’ ears when they do this can be very irritating and cause injury and tenderness.

Photo Credit: Pikrepo

6. Keep your dog in the back seat.

A deploying airbag can be deadly to a dog. They need to stay in the back seat no matter how much you envisioned your boy riding shotgun.

Photo Credit: Flickr

7. Small dogs can use pet car seats.

Car baskets work too.

Photo Credit: Amazon

8. Final safety tips.

Bring along plenty of drinking water and avoid leaving your dog in the car alone. Even with the windows open, cars heat fast.

If you have to run into a shop or a restroom and it’s less than 70-degrees outside, five minutes max should be okay.

Photo Credit: Pexels

The key is to keep your dog restrained, preferably to the back seat, to keep accident-related injuries to a minimum. And, perhaps a more immediate benefit is to let you drive without the distraction of a dog jumping around the car or falling into your lap.

Taking your dog places is fun for them and for you, but keep it safe–restrain your dog.

Got any tips you’d like to share? Let us know in the comments!

The post Key Strategies to Keep Your Dog Safe in the Car appeared first on UberFacts.

There’s an Adaptation of ‘Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret’ in the Works

If you’re a female of a certain age, then it’s highly likely that Judy Blume – and Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret, especially – was a formative book in your adolescence.

See, we’re from a generation that didn’t get much of a sex talk from our parents. Despite being hippies in their youth, are moms regressed into some kind of Puritan thinking by the time their daughters hit puberty – sex and reproduction was something that happened behind closed doors, that no one talked about, and that good girls certainly didn’t ask about.

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⭐⭐ NEW EPISODE ALERT ⭐⭐ . . welcomed dream guest @emmaladyrose for Episode 36, in which — at long last! — we discuss @judyblume’s Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret. tune in to hear us swap middle school stories and discuss mean girls, gossip, awkward puberty moments, and how we experienced religion as kids versus how we experience it as adults. ? . . click the link in my bio to listen on @applepodcasts and @spotify or check out www.ssrpodcast.com for more listening options. ? . . #SSRpodcast #podcast #podcastinglife #bookloversofinstagram #amreading #booklovers #bookworm #bookstagram #bookfanatic #igreads #booksbooksbooks #instapodcast #amlistening #podcastinglife #badassbookbabes #freelancer #bookaddict #booksaremylife #bookpodcast #bookaholic #girlswhoread #bookish #instabook #bibliophile #booknerd #kidlit #yalit #bookobsessed #areyoutheregoditsmemargaret

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We still had questions, though. We were still getting hair in weird places, we were starting out periods, we were kissing boys and wondering why it felt so good…and Margaret was right there with us, asking those same questions.

It made us feel normal, and trust me, that was a feeling we clung to tightly.

Now, we’re mothers ourselves and I know that I plan to do my best to be open and honest about all of those topics with my kids, but hey – if we can also watch the movie version of Are You There God…together? So much the better!

Back in February, Judy Blume announced that she’s been in meetings about bringing her books to the screen, and that Kelly Fremon Craig, who directed Edge of Seventeen, had signed on to write and direct Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret.

This is excellent news, as I feel strongly that the story can only be done justice by another woman’s hands.

The film found a home at Lionsgate, where president of production Erin Westerman seems to share our excitement for the project.

“This title was an anthem when we first read it as teens, and it remains timeless and relevant because nothing has captured the coming-of-age experience with the same authenticity, truth, and respect.

For that reason, Judy Blume is a beacon for women and girls.”

Craig agrees; in fact, she reached out to Blume more than two years ago because she felt she was the right person to helm the project. She’s described reading the story as “a rite of passage for women and girls. Women remember were they were when they read it. I can’t think of another book you can say that about.”

Are You There God? It’s Me Margaret has been both praised and banned in the sixty years since its publication, with many feeling that its frank discussion of all things puberty and religion isn’t appropriate for its intended audience.

For some of those reasons, Blume has said she never wanted to see a film version happen.

“For years, I never wanted to see Margaret adapted.

Even when I went out to LA, I thought, ‘Nobody can do Margaret.’

And by the end of the week, I was like, ‘Wait a minute. I would love to see Margaret done well. Why not? What I am waiting for? I’m 80 years old. If I want to see it, I better hurry up.”

Lionsgate and Craig seem like excellent choices, and in an era of honest teen movies, the atmosphere seems perfect for an entrance by the OG angsty teenage girl.

Mused Craig,

“There’s something so timely and full of truth and I remember for me at that age, it felt like a life raft at a time when you’re lost and searching and unsure.

This book comes along and tells you you’re not alone.”

Yes. Exactly that.

And even though nothing will ever replace the feeling of reading Blume’s words for the first time, it would be awesome and surreal to hear them in Margaret’s voice, too.

Luckily, we’re all about to have the opportunity to do just that.

The post There’s an Adaptation of ‘Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret’ in the Works appeared first on UberFacts.