Check out These Memes of Your Dreams and Nightmares

They say “Don’t let your memes be dreams.”

What does that mean? I have no clue.

But I look at memes so much that I do sometimes dream about them, so maybe it’s a warning. A warning not to spend so much of my time on dumb internet stuff. Listen, nobody can tell me what to do, so I’m going to keep collecting and sharing memes, because I’m reasonably certain they’re going to be currency soon.

Here’s some particularly valuable ones for the vault:

13. The first step is envisioning it

12. Hotter than my shower karaoke

11. But can they do it in bed?

10. Other dads fear him

9. Binge-waking

8. The defining moment of a generation

7. Came to chill

6. So controversial, so brave

5. Now legal in all 50 states

4. It’s a pretty great vicious cycle

3. Both with express delivery

2. Pull your 2 pounds of weight, pupper

1. Since childhood…

Ah, that’s the good stuff. I may not be rich in money, or friends, but I am very VERY rich in memes.

What are the memes of your dreams?

Don’t be afraid to share in the comments.

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A Mattress Store Employee Took Petty Revenge on a Demanding “Karen”

Anybody who has ever worked in retail has a million horror stories about difficult customers. The “Karen” has become a meme-able archetype for this; a demanding, self-important shopper who treats the whole experience like a battle to be won; and not through wit or charm or bartering skill, but through tantrums, volume, and confrontation. It’s enough to make anybody want to take a little petty revenge.

Hence this story that popped up, fittingly enough, on r/PettyRevenge:

Karen demands her price. from pettyrevenge

Basically, Karen wanted a better price, and she probably could have got one, if she had just bothered to treat the employee like a person.

There’s a lesson to be learned here. Being a jerk might have the exact opposite effect you’re looking for.

Another user refers to this phenomenon as the “asshole tax.”

And unlike most taxes, this one has a lot of support.

But is it truly effective if they never know?

One could argue the net effect is 0.

But there may be no helping some people.

Maybe everybody wins?

It’s just so difficult to have sympathy with someone who acts so ridiculous.

How does she find all her connections anyway?

Of course, we could stop giggling for a minute and try to break down real human behavior.

But at the very least, we can take this as a cue to be nicer people, for everybody’s benefit.

So I guess that’s the real message here. The person working on the sales floor or behind the counter or in the kitchen is just trying to do their job, a job for which they are more than likely underpaid, and unless they’re actively antagonizing you, you owe them courtesy and respect. So give it, or pay the asshole tax.

Got any retail horror stories?

Let it out in the comments.

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People Who Shouldn’t Have Cut Their Own Hair

We all get a wild hair sometimes and think we could do just as good a job giving ourselves a cut and/or color as our stylist does.

And for those of us who have given into the urge to try, we’ve all realized emphatically that’s not true.

These 11 people, I’ve gotta think, have learned that lesson now. But at least they took these pictures to share with the world.

11. I can never unsee this but I really wish I could.

Gimme three of dem wispy plasma globe looking mutha fuckas from Justfuckmyshitup

10. Put. The scissors. Down.

hit me with that simple jack 2020 from Justfuckmyshitup

9. I mean maybe this isn’t that bad?

Hmmmm from Justfuckmyshitup

8. He can’t have been sober.

Froggy Chair hair shouldn’t exist :/ from Justfuckmyshitup

7. That might be the face of regret.

Shaved off all my hair. Unless? from Justfuckmyshitup

6. I have a feeling this is totally on-brand.

give me that craft beer look from Justfuckmyshitup

5. Business in the front, rehabilitation home party in the back.

It’s ALL party in the back. from peopleofwalmart

4. I call this one the “Iron Curtain”.

You can see the pain in his eyes from Justfuckmyshitup

3. The guy in the back, though.

The dude in the back is like wtf from FuckMyShitUp

2. Where does Netflix find these people?

Watching 100 Humans on Netflix and look at this dude… from FuckMyShitUp

1. He’s had this haircut his whole life and no one ever said a word.

Hmmm interesting… from Justfuckmyshitup

I cut my own bangs once and realized that a) I hated bangs and b) I should never do that again pretty much right away.

Have you ever tried to cut your own hair?

Are there pictures?

Please share!

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Essential Skills and a Genuine Life-Saver You Can Learn from YouTube Videos

While we’re all stuck insid, why not use that time to learn a new skill? Luckily, the power of YouTube makes it easy!

Yes, we can all get lost in a bunch of useless “how to” videos on YouTube, but these skills can actually help you be more productive, live a better life and feel better about yourself!

So, without further ado, here are seven essential skills you can learn from YouTube videos!

1. How to Change a Tire

Nothing is worse than getting a flat tire in the middle of a long road trip. Standing stranded on the side of the highway won’t get anything done. Luckily, Howdini provides an excellent tutorial on how to change a tire.

From learning how to mount a spare to understanding safety measures, you’ll be back on the road in no time.

By the end of the video, you’ll never want to call for roadside assistance again.

2. How to Tie a Tie

Take notes, gentlemen!

Tying a tie should be a top priority for any self-respecting man. At some point, you’re going to need to stop letting your dad or girlfriend fix your crooked necktie before your job interview.

By watching this video, you’ll not only master the simple art of a clean knot, but you’ll be able to do it in just 10 seconds. Once you lock down the pattern and practice a little, you’ll be looking super suave for your dinner date.

And if all goes well, you’ll be able to tie the knot at your wedding.

3. How to Cut an Onion Without Crying

For amateur home chefs like me, mastering the art of chopping an onion often comes with some teary consequences.

Fear not, fellow aspiring cooks. Put away those sixth-grade science class goggles and gloves and be prepared to prep in peace.

All you need to do is watch the video above and you’ll soon discover the secret spots to avoid on an onion.

So break out your sharpest knife and a quality cutting board and start slicing!

4. How to Improve Your Handwriting

Does your handwriting still look like it did in fourth grade? If so, it’s time to clean that up.

This tutorial video will show you the fine points of writing, including a full breakdown on form, spacing, size, slanting and alignment.

Tighten up your penmanship and people may just wonder if you actually wrote that cover letter by hand.

5. How to Ride a Bike

Riding a bike should be a rite of passage. And if you didn’t practice with training wheels as a toddler, there’s still time to learn this essential skill.

No matter if you’re an adult or a kid, the Cycling UK video will have you feeling like a Tour de France pro sooner than later.

Just don’t forget your helmet!

6. How to Meditate

Sometimes we all just need to chill. And in our stress-driven, social media focused society, achieving some zen perfection can be extremely rewarding.

The art of meditation can be a great tool to rely on when you need to unwind and clear your mind. This video breaks it down into five simple steps.

Just take it one at a time and you’ll be feeling just fine.

7. How to Do Basic CPR

Although we all hope to never be in an emergency situation, knowing CPR is a valuable essential life skill that you need in your toolbox. Mastering the technique takes some practice, especially because someone’s life is literally in your hands. This two-minute YouTube tutorial video will show you all the necessary components to performing basic CPR.

Just remember to breathe.

Which one of these essential life skills do you need to start studying? Are there any additional must-have skills that you think everyone should know?

Let us know in the comments section below!

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John Krasinski Is Sharing All The ‘Good News’ Stories That Are Happening

Of course, we all know John Krasinski from The Office, but since then he’s become one of those celebrities that people just really like. A lot.

So when he asked Twitter users to send him some good news, you just knew that people were gonna listen and play along.

Here’s the tweet that got the ball rolling.

And people played along and sent their responses for Krasinski and all of Twitter to read.

1. Way to go, Coco!

2. Congrats to you!

3. A parade for you.

4. When they come marching in.

5. Glad to be here.

6. Keep up the fight.

7. Good job, Vancouver!

8. Baby steps.

9. All dressed up.

10. At the theater.

11. What a great story!

12. New best friends.

Those are great! I’m glad he did this and that people made all of us feel a little bit better.

How about you? Please share some good news with us in the comments!

We’d love to hear from you!

The post John Krasinski Is Sharing All The ‘Good News’ Stories That Are Happening appeared first on UberFacts.

People Admit the Pointless Things They’d Buy If They Suddenly Became Billionaires

I’ve thought about this question before…

What kind of stupid stuff would I buy if I won the lottery tomorrow…?

A pool filled with Jello, maybe? The possibilities are endless!

AskReddit users opened up and shared their thoughts.

1. This sounds awesome to me.

“A 1950s style movie theater with balconies and ushers in pillbox hats and shiny brass buttons. It’d be enormous, to fit as many as possible in comfort, with a massive screen and top-of-the-line modern sound system. Tickets at the box office only, cheap prices for all but luxury balconies. High paid staff. Classic concessions, at low prices.

Movies shown would be chosen by me, daily. All my favorites. I’d record an introduction for each movie like Walt Disney, while sitting in a leather back chair in front of a fireplace, wearing a velvet smoking jacket and reading a book. With a corny “Oh, hello there. I didn’t hear you come in. Tonight’s picture is special to me because,” etc.

We’d do theme days. Like Star Wars, in order of episode, on May 4th every year. Or Friday the 13th marathons on Friday the 13th.

Movie genres would be a big range (PG13 and R after 8), but as they would be my picks, there wouldn’t be much drama, romance, or Oscar bait. Horror, sci-fi, action, adventure, and comedy though? Oh yeah.

It would operate at a perpetual loss, but I’m a fuckin billionaire, what do I care?”

2. Don’t do it!

“One of those roomba lawn mowers.

If it’s anything like the vacuum then i’m still putting in time watching it making sure it doesn’t get stuck somewhere or need cleaning.”

3. Think BIG.

“I thought about buying the most ridiculous PC setup ever, but then realized I wasn’t thinking big enough.

As a billionaire I could instead buy a company to engineer PCs that would be obsolete in less than a year on my behalf.”

4. A great idea.

“I’d commission someone to build me a superhero outfit just so that when I have kids and a family.

I can have them ‘stumble’ onto it and pretend that I was a vigilante in my early years.”

5. A what?

“A giant boulder.

Hear me out. Ever hear of Levitated Mass in Los Angeles? They brought in a 340 ton boulder as a permanent public art installation at LACMA. The project was estimated at $10 million. I’d like a similar boulder, brought in from a similar distance for my backyard.

I want people to wonder, “Why?” And “How?” Whenever they visit my home and see a large boulder sitting in my yard, serving no purpose but to make people wonder.

They’d have to dismantle pieces of my home, or demolish my neighbor’s home to get such a boulder into my backyard.

Perhaps I’d use it as a cornerstone of my house, which would otherwise be made of modern materials, visible from the inside as well as out.

It’s the most baller thing I could possibly do.”

6. Never wear them twice.

“New pair of socks everyday.

One of the best feelings in the world.”

7. Always have it on hand.

“A sack of hammers.

Then when anyone says something that pisses me off, I’ll point at it and say “you’re not dumber than that are you?!””

8. You do you.

“I’d buy a snake. Habitat and everything.

And not a cheap one either, an expensive ass snake. Like a 2,000 dollar snake.

Then I’d pay someone to take care of it, but the point is I bought a snake.”

9. I like this one.

“An island and turn it into a republic.”

10. What band?

“I would buy all tickets to a “insert popular music artist” concert. At the day of the concert I would appear too late to the concert and leave the place after 5 minutes. When the artist stops playing after seeing me leaving, i would heavily complain.

That’s it.”

11. Hype it up.

“I’d pay someone to be my hype man. No matter where I went, there’d be someone hyping me and keeping the mood right.

Like, I’m buying groceries and my hype guy is there going “Yooo getcha sad asses out my man’s way! We got parties to get to and fine women to kiss!””

12. The ultimate LEGO tribute.

“All the Lego sets, and a house to display them in.”

13. This is for you, friend.

“Ten metric tons of lucky charms marshmallows delivered to a friend.”

14. Well, that’s a lot of help…

“A billboard advertising nothing.

“Headaches? Trouble sleeping? That’s rough, buddy”.”

15. I’m on board with this.

“A huge garage and scores of classic cars, especially muscle cars from the 1960s and very early 70s.”

16. I need to become friends with this person.

“Giant. Fucking. Ball pit.”

Not bad, not bad at all!

How about you?

What would you buy if you suddenly had a billion dollars?

Tell us all about it in the comments!

The post People Admit the Pointless Things They’d Buy If They Suddenly Became Billionaires appeared first on UberFacts.

Spot-On History Memes That You Didn’t Learn in School

Memes are just great and history is one of my favorite things in life.

Anything that brings the two together brilliantly is a winner in my book, so you know I love these 12 spot-on and hilarious memes.

If you’re on the same page, take a gander. I don’t think you’ll regret it!

12. The mystery is kind of great, though.

Image Credit: Imgur

11. Seriously what would be more uncomfortable than this?

Image Credit: Imgur

10. If there is more apt imagery I’ve never seen it.

Image Credit: Imgur


Image Credit: Imgur

8. In theory, yes.

Image Credit: Imgur

7. Small victories, big costs. Dab.

Image Credit: Imgur

6. People just never learn.

Image Credit: Imgur

5. They just couldn’t leave it be.

Image Credit: Imgur

4. Information that definitely would have been valuable YESTERDAY.

Image Credit: Imgur

3. For very legitimate reasons.

Image Credit: Imgur

2. I mean…

Image Credit: Imgur

1. You’re all civilized now, cherrio!

Image Credit: Imgur


I’m reveling in all of this nerdiness, how about you?

Which ones were your favorites? Tell us in the comments!

The post Spot-On History Memes That You Didn’t Learn in School appeared first on UberFacts.

10 Daily Habits of People Who Hardly Ever Get Sick

It’s extremely important that all of us take care of ourselves. It’s not only a good idea for us, but also for other people that we come into contact with.

Now is also a good time to learn about the things we can do to stay as healthy as possible.

Here are 10 daily habits of people who rarely get sick.

Try to practice these tips every day moving forward! Let’s all stay healthy out there!

1. Press elevator buttons with your elbow.

Photo Credit: Unsplash,Arisa Chattasa

It might seem like a small one, but this is important. Try to do this with all surfaces that many other people touch.

If you can’t use your elbow to do things, use a paper towel.

Better safe than sorry!

2. Drink a lot of water.

Many of us are guilty of not drinking enough water every day. Staying hydrated helps flush your system of germs that could potentially make you sick.

Family medicine physician Renee Miranda of the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Centers ays this is how much water you should drink:

“Take your weight in pounds, divide in half, and this is approximately how many ounces of water you need a day.

For example, someone who is 150 pounds needs about 75 ounces of water a day.”

And there you have it.

3. Sleep is good.

Photo Credit: Unsplash, Adi Goldstein

Believe it or not, your immune system suffers when you don’t get enough sleep.

Getting those zzzzzzzs allows you to rejuvenate and recuperate.

Shoot for at least 6 or 8 hours of sleep per night.

4. Clean it up.

It’s important to disinfect your phone AND your keys, especially right now. Your phone screen is picking up germs all over the place and then you’re putting that screen up to your face when you make calls.

Your dirty phone surface is also transferring germs to your keys, your computer, etc.

Use bleach-free disinfecting wipes to clean your items. Trust me, this is a good idea.


Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A lot of people still don’t get a yearly flu shot, even though health professionals say it’s the single most important barrier between you and that nasty flu.

You can still get sick if you get a flu shot, but you’ll have milder symptoms.

6. It’s good for the soul.

Not that it’s news to many of us, but stress is not good for our immune systems. That’s why it’s important to take some time out of your day to practice yoga or meditation (or both).

Yoga and meditation really are good for your soul and both help you relieve stress and calm down.

7. The Big Z.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

I’m talking about Zinc. Although study results haven’t been conclusive, one study shows that people who took zinc in the first 24 hours of having a cold had those nasty colds for shorter durations.

If you do take zinc, use a lozenge or a syrup so the zinc stays in your throat where it can help fight a cold or virus.

8. The great outdoors.

It’s incredibly important to GET OUTSIDE. I know most of us are holed up in our houses or apartments right now, but you can still take a walk around the neighborhood or go for a jog.

Or maybe you’d rather go for a bike ride. The point is, we’re all so attached to our computers for work that it’s making a lot of us unhealthy.

So get outside, get some exercise, and breathe in the fresh air!

9. Make it hot.

Photo Credit: Unsplash,John-Mark Smith

Research shows that drinking HOT drinks can be beneficial to your health. It can help reduce sinus problems by improving mucus flow through your nasal passages.

Try some hot tea, or some warm water with any of these things added to it: cinnamon sticks, organic lemon juice with honey, or just raw honey by itself.

Good stuff!

10. Take care of that nose.

I feel like most people don’t do this, but it’s important to flush out your nose with a pure saline wash. You can do this with a neti pot or any of the other contraptions that are sold at pharmacies and grocery stores.

This is important because the germs that cause many infections and viruses are airborne.

Now go forth and be as healthy as possible!

The post 10 Daily Habits of People Who Hardly Ever Get Sick appeared first on UberFacts.

Helpful Life Hacks That You Can Learn on YouTube

YouTube can be your best friend these days. After all, with so much free time and nowhere else to go, why not learn a thing or two that can save you time and impress your friends and family? While taking shortcuts may not always be the right decision, there are times where salvaging a situation or doing something yourself can pay off big time.

Here are six incredible life hacks you can learn just by watching YouTube videos:

1. How to Brew Kombucha

Health aficionados swear by kombucha. And while the flavor isn’t for everyone, the health benefits of drinking this magical elixir are intriguing.

By watching the video tutorial above, you can become your own brewmaster right at home. Simply gather the necessary ingredients and witness the wonderful science of fermentation unfold right before your eyes. Raise your glasses, everyone!

2. How to Speed-Read

Now it’s probably not a good idea to speed read through your girlfriend’s six-paragraph text, but that doesn’t mean the need for speed can’t come in handy in other situations.

For those stuck at home in #socialdistancing mode, reading a book can be both relaxing and rewarding. However, you can actually make your reading experience far more efficient using some of the tips outlined in Ron White’s speed reading tutorial. Did you finish this sentence already?

3. How to Make Perfect Hard-Boiled Eggs

Tired of eating scrambled eggs every time you make breakfast? There’s nothing more delectable than a perfectly cooked hardboiled egg. Yet, many amateur home cooks are terrified of tossing an egg into boiling water and waiting for the perfect moment to pluck it out.

Stop settling for those overcooked, dry yolks. And stop dealing with an undercooked, slimy mess. The YouTube tutorial above will ensure your eggs come out perfectly every single time. Just make sure to have an ice bath ready!

4. How to Save a Burnt Cake

Baking is definitely an art…and a science. There’s a certain level of creative freedom afforded to making a cake. And if you don’t follow the instructions, you can end up with a burnt mess of a “dessert”.

Now, if you accidentally overcooked your cake, you can still salvage it. Pull out a cheese grater and start sanding away at any burnt edges before you start slicin’.

5. How to Frost Cake Like a Pro

Now if you managed to actually bake your cake to moist perfection, you’re going to need to frost it. Instead of slathering on some sloppily conceived frosting, learn how the pros do it.

Of course, there’s no baking pro better than Martha Stewart. Check out her Kitchen Conundrums video to learn what tools you’ll need to deliver a professional quality cake.

6. How to Pack a Suitcase

Ever wondered how to fit 10 outfits into one suitcase? Well, depending on how extravagant your wardrobe is, there may just be a way to make it all work.

Travel pros can attest to the importance of a well-packed suitcase. And by watching this video, you’ll be shocked at how efficient you can pack for your next vacation. Maybe you’ll be able to sneak an extra bottle of wine after all.

Are you ready to test out these newly acquired skills at home? Are there any interesting life hacks you care to share?

Let us know in the comments below!

The post Helpful Life Hacks That You Can Learn on YouTube appeared first on UberFacts.

It Takes Over 7,500 Bricks to Build the Winchester Mystery House out of LEGO

I’ve never been really into LEGO myself, and as my two sons are still too small, I haven’t been introduced as a parent either yet. I’m sure that will change.

Recently, at a writing retreat, the others built the Millennium Falcon out of LEGO, though, and it was pretty impressive.

Fun Fact: I also learned that LEGO is the singular and the plural, so you never say LEGOS if you know what you’re doing. Or, like me, want to pretend that you do.

I am properly obsessed with hauntings and weird stuff, though, so the Winchester Mystery House and I are well-acquainted. If you’re not, a quick rundown – it was owned and built by Sarah Winchester, the wife of the man who made his fortune selling Winchester rifles.

Image Credit: Winchester Mystery House

After a medium informed her she was being haunted by the people who were murdered by his guns, and the only thing that would appease their spirits was continuously building the house, she did just that. There are all sorts of oddities inside, like staircases into the ceiling and doors that open to the outside…on the upper floors.

She worked on it continuously from 1886 until 1922.

Image Credit: Winchester Mystery House

Which is all to say, it’s a huge house. And now, someone has built it using LEGO.

The LEGO block model of the house was built for the new LEGOLAND Discovery Center Bay Area and took over 200 hours to assemble. They used over 7500 plastic bricks and 400 different elements in a pretty darn good attempt to capture the details of the whimsical facade.

Image Credit: Winchester Mystery House

Every LEGOLAND Discovery Center features a LEGO model of a local landmark, and Bay Area residents overwhelmingly voted to honor the Winchester Mansion for theirs.

It will be on display at the new facility in Milpitas, California, when it opens.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoyed the pictures!

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