20 People Ponder Things That Would Make 2020 Go Even More Downhill

In the past year, there have been massive fires in Australia, California, and the Amazon. Worldwide carbon emissions from various types of businesses, human activity, and burning fossil fuels have also made a dent in our year, and not exactly for the better.

On top of COVID19, a contagious disease spread by the novel coronavirus, countries such as Saudi Arabia have seen swarms of locusts, and Zagreb, Croatia experienced an earthquake.

Naturally, Reddit commenters had something to say about realistic doomsday scenarios that could make 2020’s first quarter hold its beer. They’re not pretty, so let’s hope for the best while giving these some thought.

20. California Gets an Epic Quake

“The ‘Big One’ finally happens in California that we’ve been warned about our entire lives.”


19. Hurricanes Are Coming

“Hurricane season is coming up!”


18. Grocery Store Closures

“Grocery stores are forced to close due to employees being infected by the Corona virus.”


17. Revenge Of The Coronavirus

“The Coronavirus could mutate to become deadlier. Or we could just realize it is deadlier or has long term effects we didn’t know about.”


16. Solar Flare-Related Power Outage

“Unexpected solar flare completely shuts down all electronics & internet for a long period; would be HORRIBLE for the quarantined (am in there ? )”


15. A Geyser Eruption

“If Yellow Stone erupted, you might as well grab a good bottle of your choice and kick back.”


14. Getting Rid of All Privacy

“The EARN-IT Bill being passed by Congress.

It effectively ends internet encryption and any perceived internet privacy we still have: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-bill-governments-not-so-secret-plan-scan-every-message-online


13. *Any* Possible Disasters

“Any disasters during this pandemic. Imagine if this is still spreading rapidly in April with mass quarantines, and a tornado outbreak on the likes of 2011 super outbreak hits. Injured normally have medical to go to, but if it’s all filled up by sick patients, well…let’s just hope it doesn’t come to that.

Everyone in the states, count yourselves lucky that this outbreak didn’t hit in july-september and hope it gets cleared before then. Imagine if this was widespread during a Category 5 hurricane impact, when they normally tell an entire region to scram to other parts of the country.”


12. Past Disasters Are Tough Too

“I live in Nashville and we’d pretty much just come out of a pretty bad tornado that wrecked a good chunk of the city.

Then this corona virus garbage. And most of us are service industry or freelancers (musicians, photographers, videographers) so we’re really getting hit hard with all this quarantine mess.”


11. Success Of The Sinister Kind

“North Korea “successfully” launching a nuclear warhead that lands either in South Korea or Japan, then sparking an international incident.

Or Russia invading the Baltic states.”


10. Big Brother Happens For Real

“This virus doesn’t just clear up on its own, the vaccine takes longer than estimated to develop but it’s not a cure for those that already have it anyway and then the virus mutates.

International borders are closed, the military begins patrolling to make sure people are not sneaking in. Whole towns and cities are now closing to outsiders, people begin to stop trusting their neighbors or people they don’t know.

Governments stop behaving democratically and urge the population to report their own family, friends and neighbors to the authorities if they look sick.

Nobody has a job, money doesn’t matter because it has no use, violence is a feature of life, the government has gone to ground and then reports that the military has started shooting civilians at the borders begin to circulate…”


9. An AI Takeover

“Either IBM’s Watson or Google’s quantum computer becomes self-aware, humanity fails the vibe-check.”


8. Instability in Iran

“The most likely if Iran collapses, the nation is being destroyed by the virus and their have been mass protests for months on the end, them shooting down the jet liner only added to it and the virus is just making things worse.

Iran collapsing will lead to possibly America going to try to “create stability” but it definitely won’t and will cause even more problems, a whole new wave of terror groups would likely form, think of it if isis was actually an effective military force with the equipment, training and financial support to back it up and you have what parts of the Iran military could become, add to that nuclear material, not even weapons grade, just the ability to have it and make some kind of dirty bomb.

The collapse will also lead to an even bigger refuge crisis as well as other terrorist groups moving in to carve up the land, in short when Iran collapses and it probably will, its gonna cause the whole middle east to get worse.”


7. Revenge of The Extroverts

“Many people leave this obligatory quarantine also leaving behind their sanity (except the introverts and anti-socials) and potentially making things worse such as the economy and stuff.”


6. A Postponed Election

“A postponed election.

This is obviously a US issue and I’m not taking political sides. But postponing the election because of things like caps on how many people can be in the same area seems possible.

Edit: People are mentioning the Constitution as if crazier shit hasn’t happened in the past four years.”


5. No More Coffee!

“Coronavirus runs rampant in Brazil, taking out the majority of the worlds coffee production.”


4. This Nightmare Scenario

“You get fired, after your company gets bailed out to keep jobs. And your firer or boss collects a massive bonus at the end of the year to boot. Plus he poured sugar in your gas tank, and impregnated your daughter.”


3. Space Construction Projects

“Demolition of our planet to make way for an interstellar expressway, I guess.”


2. Queen Elizabeth’s Passing

“Queen Elizabeth dies.

Economies would go crazy.”


1. And, The Unthinkable!

“Cats 2: 2 Cats 2 Curious.”


They say it’s best to hope for the best while preparing for the worst. Is there anything you think should’ve been added to this list?

We look forward to hearing these scenarios (while also knocking on wood).

The post 20 People Ponder Things That Would Make 2020 Go Even More Downhill appeared first on UberFacts.

Europeans Discuss American Problems They Don’t Understand

We do things very differently than the Europeans. Inches vs. centimeters, coffee vs. tea, and currency notes that are all the same color.

But our differences are slightly deeper than this. Governments, banks, and transportation systems work differently in the United States, and that can be hard to wrap your head around.

In a Reddit thread, Europeans and other non-US nationals talked about things in the USA they just don’t understand. Their posts show we have a lot to learn!

20. Voter Registration is a Trip!

“Registering to vote.

As a Canadian, you’re automatically enrolled when you turn 18 and get a notice where your polling station will be for every election.”


19. Taxes Not Include in Cost

“You have $4.50 in your pocket. The fancy drink is advertised at $3.99.

Do you have enough money to buy it? Dunno!”


18. Uneven Double-Standards

“Here is one i cant understand:

Strong violence on tv : No one bats an eye..

Nipple slip : Everybody loses their minds.”


17. Ads For Prescription Medication

“Australian here:

The tv ads for prescription medication always gets me. Like really specific medication too, not just a new over the counter pain killer.

I think it’s good to research medication if you have a condition to be informed about your options. But it’s so bizarre to see ads for it in between property brothers episodes and ads for Taco Bell.”


16. Actually, Ads All The Time…

“Why do you have so many Ads on TV?

When I visited I swear there were Ads every 5 minutes and they last so long! I honestly don’t understand why anyone watches TV when it’s like that.

Speaking of Ads, the prescription drug Ads are fucking creepy and weird and ya’ll should stop that.”


15. The Use of Fax Machines

“American here:

When I was studying in the UK I had to send some financial documents back to the US. The only way these documents were considered valid was if the original was mailed in, or if I faxed a copy.

When I asked the printing office if they could fax it for me they looked at me like I was an alien and said the school hadn’t owned a fax machines for like a decade.

Then they asked me if I still use a VCR.”


14. So. Much. Tipping.

“Tipping. Just pay your staff!

Tips should be a bonus not a base.”


13. Private Correctional Facilities

“Privatized prison system

I want to clarify that I am an American. Former military member (army infantry) did some time in Germany and got knowledge on how there system works. It feels like the United States creates laws out of thin air so you can continuously break a law and have a constant chance of seeing a jail see for the slightest thing every day. When you add in police aggression into the mix you pretty much flip a coin whenever you get pulled over (depending on how good the cop is. Honest police will give respect and in return receive and have cooperation, police on power trips….well we all have seen some form of how bad that can go.

Being from New Orleans, Louisiana (which houses the most inmates in the union) you feel not only a constant threat to protect yourself from criminals but also from the law. With lawmen not In check it almost feels like they want you to end up in jail for a broken tail light (New Orleans prisons are no fucking joke) it’s a real problem everywhere from big city, to small town USA and I believe is fueled by a privatized prison system.”


12. Just How Do Credit Scores Work?

“How your credit score system works.

I will never understand why using a debit card, so only spending money you actually have, doesn’t have a positive effect on your CS but paying your credit card every month has.”


11. Unusually High Water on Toilets

“I don’t know if this is considered a problem for Americans but it sure as hell was a problem/inconvenience for me while I was there.

Unreasonably high water level in the toilets like, holy shit my balls were almost touching the water. FUCK THAT”


10. Lobbying, aka Legalized Bribery

“Lobbying, i never understand how every politician on both sides gets away with legalized bribery and everyone just accepts it.

I understand the need for specialist interest groups to promote their ideas but to be allowed to visibly finance a politician and rate their friendliness to your cause with no repercussions is insane to me.

It’s bribery no matter how you dress it up.”


9. Location-Dependent Prescription Costs

“While watching Chelsea vs Manchester United yesterday on NBCSN, during halftime there was a Good Rx commercial where the guy is asking a woman if she would like to fill her prescription, he pulled up the phone and showed her that the same pill can cost from $10 to $90 depending on the area. And that Good Rx can help her fill the prescription with the cheapest prices.

Now someone please explain to me how in the ever loving fuck is it possible for a drug to cost 10x more depending on your location !? Don’t they have constant prices like in the rest of the civilized world !?

Edit: the answers to my inquiry are even more fucked up. What the fuck America!? You’re getting robbed in broad daylight.”


8. A High Homeless Population

“The amount of homeless people and the amount of homeless mental patients.”


7. Berating People For How They Eat

“Caring about other people’s food.

As a Pole I don’t care how do you like your pierogi, pyzy, kartacze, bigos, etc.

But damn me if I ask in the US for a “well done” steak. Or if I order a Hawaiian Pizza.”


6. People, Like… LOVE Their Flag

“How strongly Americans feel about the flag. I saw a photographer get torn to pieces online because someone was standing on the tiniest bit of the flag and people went fucking ape shit. In the UK most people probably couldn’t spot if the Union Flag was round the wrong way.

Edit – Just in case you were wondering which way round the Union Flag goes…In the half of the flag nearest the flagpole, the wider diagonal white stripe must be above the red diagonal stripe, as Scotland’s St Andrew’s Cross takes precedence over Ireland’s St. Patrick’s Cross. It is most improper to fly the flag upside down, but nothing people would lose their shit over, it’d just be some knob head like me who’d point it out.

Also thanks for the gold.”


5. Right On Red

“Having to remember that cars can turn on a red light.

I know this is a thing. I’ve known this for ten years. I still forget and nearly die every time I need to cross a road when I’m in the US.

ETA: I have learned many things in this comment thread, and am formally changing my answer to “traffic laws varying between states”. The red light turn thing still terrifies me though.”


4. Suing For Everything

“The fact that Americans refer to a 24h clock as “military time” you mean just regular time?

Also, suing culture.

Got injured? Sue!

Fell down some stairs? Sue!

Fight with neighbour? Sue!”


3. University and College Loans

“Student debt.

I pay €20/Semester tuition in Austria.”


2. Treating Politicians Like Stars

“The idolization of politicians.

They are public servants, similar to a courthouse clerk or a city hall coordinator. They are not rock stars. You don’t need to scream their name, buy their merch, fully commit your life to them and believe everything they say.

Just… treat them like public servants. Sure, they get power and position, but hold them accountable when they abuse it.

Don’t let corporations and politicians take over, the political system is created by the people, FOR the people. It just… boggles the mind.”


1. Not Driving Manual Cars

“Not European but Driving manual cars.

Where I’m from, most people learn stick at 16-18.”


Listening to other people’s perspectives is always interesting, isn’t it? It’s true that some of these posts harp on some of the negative aspects of society, but that gives us all a chance to improve for the better and continue to take part in the more positive things we’re known for.

Are you from Europe or another part of the world? If there’s anything you thought was missing from the discussion that you’d like to add to this list?

That’s exactly what our comments section is for. Post away!

The post Europeans Discuss American Problems They Don’t Understand appeared first on UberFacts.

A Law Firm Hired a Chef to Hilariously Screw With a Security Guard

Some people get a badge and are on a huge power trip. And while we should show the same courtesy and respect to someone in a uniform with badge ensemble that we’d show anyone, any kind of power-tripping also deserves an eye-roll. Also, thinking outside the box so we can all go about our days, bruised ego notwithstanding.

Here’s a story about how such thinking got this poor baker out of a jam when all he was trying to do was deliver some damn bagels to an important customer.

 The story is called “The day I was hired and fired from a law firm.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

After he and another baker completed the orders, he had to deliver half of them on his way home.

Photo Credit: Reddit

He just needs to find a place to park.

Photo Credit: Reddit

He meets his protagonist.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Sam The Security Guard guards parking spaces with his life.

Photo Credit: Reddit

But Bob has an idea.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Fully employed, OP completes his task of bagel delivery.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And they all lived happily ever after, except Sam.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Isn’t it sad when someone with a tiny mind and a big badge goes out of his way to keep someone from doing a simple job? Sam, you need some hobbies!

What do you think? Have any reactions to this crazy story?

Let us know in the comments!

The post A Law Firm Hired a Chef to Hilariously Screw With a Security Guard appeared first on UberFacts.

16 History Facts You Probably Didn’t Learn In School

There are only so many things teachers can get into during a school year, so unless you decided to dedicate yourself to the study of history, there are a great many things you’ll never hear about unless you stumble across them on accident.

Even if you do decide to dedicate your life to studying history, your focus will likely have to be so narrow that there will be many, many things outside your purview.

So, for all of us, here are 16 things that – for varying reasons – no teacher is probably going to bring up.

16. I knew this but it still blows me away.

Native Americans weren’t granted citizenship until the 1920s.

Aboriginals, the native owners of Australia were not even considered human until 1967.

It was 1947 for natives in Canada.

15. That’s a man I could work for!

Captain Bartholomew Roberts the pirate gave his pirate crew a bedtime.

Gotta have your eight hours so you can make that pillaging tomorrow!

14. This is one of my favorite things about history.

How much in common we have with people of the past.

Pictures, sculptures and carvings going all the way back showing sex, drugs, drinking, partying and graffiti that you would see on an abandoned building or train today. The plight of the middle class and class struggles vs the upper class is the same today as for thousands of years. If we could listen to a court jester, their jokes would ring true today more than likely. Outside of technology making things faster/easier in a sense, were still doing/enjoying/complaining about most of the same things we have been for millenia.

“Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it” and “theres nothing new under the sun” is real.

13. I mean. I’m glad we have bananas?

The US government went to war in Guatemala over bananas.

12. They really don’t teach you about this in school.

How bad the rape of Nanking was.

11. I had no idea!

Hitler’s nephew served for the US in WW2.

10. We don’t like to talk about it.

It took me an anthropology class in college to learn about human zoos.

That is zoos where white people paid money to see aboriginal people from various regions in cages. It happened all over the world, including in the bronx zoo in, like, the 1920’s. I had never heard about anything like that in any schooling before that, and I doubt most people have.

9. Sometimes movies can teach us things, too!

Well, until I saw Lincoln, I had never heard of Thaddeus Stevens, who seems to be a much greater believer in the equality of men than many.

8. The good old days?

The Tulsa Race Massacre.

In the early 1920s Tulsa Oklahoma had a very affluent black neighborhood called black wall street. Basically many African Americans were doing better financially than whites. White folks were angry about their success and wanted their land. An African American was wrongly accused of assault by a white girl and the whites used this as an excuse to attack the neighborhood including dropping bombs from WWI era planes.

Many were killed and beaten. Over 10,000 people were left homeless due to houses and businesses being burned down.

This is the greatest single incident of racial violence in US history.

7. We already knew he was a d*ck, but…

Stalin son killed himself in a concentration camp yet Stalin mocked him until his death.

6. Men really don’t deserve to run anything.

The Japanese military kidnapped hundreds (if not thousands) of Korean and Chinese women during WWII and forced them to be sex workers for the Japanese military.

Some Japanese women were even drafted to be comfort women, but they didn’t know what they were being drafted for until they were there. It’s actually a pretty common thing in many wars, because the military wants to keep the soldiers “pure”. By kidnapping these women, they know that they aren’t riddled with STD’s. It’s very sad, especially because when the war is over, many of the camps are cleared and these women are forced to find their way back home, without even knowing the war is over.

If they aren’t too afraid or ashamed to go back home, they’re usually turned away from their families because they are so ashamed of what happened.

5. Way too many stories like this from all over the world.

About the Lost children of Francoism.

These children were abducted from Republican parents who were either in jail or had been assassinated by Nationalist troops during the Spanish Civil War and Francoist Spain. These children were then given to families that would practice Catholicism and nationalism. However this lasted after 1975, when Franco died. By then this practice was already a trafficking business run by nuns, doctors and nurses.

My mum is a Lost children and she has told me that almost anyone has found their parents.

4. So much awful out there we’re never taught.

Turkey genocided Armenians.

Those stats just kinda get tossed in with WW1, so they don’t really stand out. Until you look and see that it didn’t have anything to do with the actual war. ” Hey everyone is pretty busy with the Germans, let’s get rid of these Armenians.”

3. I have no idea why humans can be so horrible.

That Argentina pretty much eliminated the black race.

They had ways to get rid of the men first. Not as much for the women though. Once the male to female ratio drastically dropped (Black population) the women were pretty much forced to sleep with white men, in order to wash out the “Black”. The Black population was so low, the Argentine government pretty much removed the “Black” option as a race. Crazy how they succeed.

2. Uncomfortable to think about, really.

If you go back far enough, everyone’s ancestry contains rape at some point.

1. Not surprised.

Central Park, in New York, was created under eminent domain and razed a predominantly black and Irish community called Seneca Village. Most of the inhabitants were compensated but many felt they did not receive fair market value.

According to the Louise Chipley Slavicek, author of New York’s Central Park, the pro-park lobby were largely “affluent merchants, bankers and landowners”, who wanted a “fashionable and safe public place where they and their families could mingle and promenade”.

It took me forever to write this article because I was off Googling details for some of these!

Were these surprises to you? Did you already know about some of them?

I’m always fascinated to learn about everything I don’t know!

The post 16 History Facts You Probably Didn’t Learn In School appeared first on UberFacts.

You’ve Probably Heard of Déjà Vu, but What About Déjà RêVé?

Most of us have experienced déjà vu at one point or another. It’s an eerie feeling that makes you pause and wonder just what the hell is going on…and it’s usually the most mundane things that trigger it.

But have you ever heard of déjà rêvé? It’s basically the opposite of déjà vu, “already dreamed” instead of “already seen.”

Déjà rêvé occurs when you experience something in real life that you feel like you have dreamed before. It’s kind of creepy, to be honest. And there’s really no time limit on this weird phenomenon.

Some people who have reported experiencing déjà rêvé claim that these dreams, almost like prophecies, happened years before they actually experienced it in real life. One study showed that déjà rêvé experiences were common in people who had received electric brain stimulations to treat epileptic symptoms.

Photo Credit: iStock

The study suggests that the feelings of déjà rêvé, or “already dreamed” feelings, could be the result of something occurring physiologically in the brain.

Scientists think this could lead to a better understanding of how dreams work.

Photo Credit: Unsplash,Richard Ludwig

Déjà rêvé means not only thinking you’ve dreamt a real-life situation before, but also that you sometimes feel like you are dreaming at the moment you realize it, even though you are awake.

The participants in the study described their déjà rêvé experiences in three ways:

Episodic – where they could remember an exact day or time that they had the prophetic dream, even if it was years ago.

Familiarity-like – where people have a dreamy, hazy memory about their dreams that you might remember in the morning after you wake up.

Dreamy-state – participants who felt this way didn’t experience the recalled-dream memories of others. Instead, they say that the experience itself (while awake) was strange and like a dream. Some even described it as nightmarish.

Dreaming is still a big mystery for the most part, but maybe studying déjà rêvé will eventually give us more insight into how the human mind works.

Pretty trippy stuff, right? Has this ever happened to you? If so, please tell us about it in the comments!

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Twisty Riddles To Kill Some Free Time

There are days when you’re looking for ways to pass the time – and improving your logic skills has to be one of the better investments of your free time!

If you agree, we’ve got 6 twisty riddles that will pair perfectly with your morning cup to get those brain juices flowing!

Let’s go!

6. Full of holes.

5. Heavy, poor, but full of silver…

4. Invisible but needed?

3. Not the classic couple.

2. Holes and more holes.

1. Don’t let it lick you.

Continue reading to check your answers.







Did you solve them all? Which one did you think was the cleverest?

Let us know in the comments and thanks for playing along today!

The post Twisty Riddles To Kill Some Free Time appeared first on UberFacts.

A Ton of Broadway Musicals Are Now Online for Free

Unsurprisingly, the arts are the thing that’s making everything bearable right now. People are giving their gifts to the world for free, streaming them online, and we’re eating it up like we need it to live.

Which, honestly, I think we do.

Broadway, like every other place where hundreds of people gather together in person, is temporarily closed. It turns out that doesn’t mean you have to miss your favorite shows, though!

BroadwayHD, a theatre streaming service, has been bringing shows into people’s homes since 2015. Normally, it costs $8.99 a month or $99.99 for a year of shows – but for now, you can have a week’s trial for free.

They feature shows from Broadway, the West End, and many other venues in between and offer a huge roster of productions that include Cats, The Sound of Music, and The King and I.

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"She Loves Me" is now streaming at BroadwayHD

A post shared by CultureSonar (@culturesonarpix) on

They’ve got a library of 300 shows, actually, and are also curating playlists for those who love the song and dance numbers more than the shows in their entireties (think a list of Sondheim’s best of Andrew Lloyd Weber’s brilliance, all in one place).

There’s definitely something for everyone – or at least, for everyone who loves theatre. You can squeeze as many performances into a free week as possible (then use your husband’s email address to do it again!) or you can choose one of their payment plans to keep it going.

I know this is definitely the way I’m going to be killing some time!

What’s your favorite show? Is it available? I’m sure you’re checking right now!

The post A Ton of Broadway Musicals Are Now Online for Free appeared first on UberFacts.

Parents Can Download Over 100 Sesame Street E-Books for Free

It’s practically a full-time job trying to keep kids entertained (or at least it sure feels that way sometimes).

Adding to that challenge is the fact that doctors want parents to limit their children’s screen time — TV, movies, online videos, video games, etc. — to curb some of the negative effects of consuming too much media.

Good news for harried parents out there: you can now download 110 Sesame Street e-books for free!

Photo Credit: Sesame Street

The e-books are available as part of the Sesame Workshop’s “Caring for Each Other” initiative, which aims to help kids and families stay active and healthy with more time at home on their hands.

Photo Credit: Sesame Street

The free e-books are available for a wide array of devices: Apple, Google Play, Nook, Kobo and Amazon.

Titles like “All Tucked in on Sesame Street” and “Sleep Tight” make perfect bedtime stories, while others like “Elmo Visits the Dentist” can help teach children important lessons about the world around them. There are even e-books available in Spanish.

Photo Credit: Amazon

More than 100 eBooks translates to hours and hours of reading for children, which means Sesame Street made parents’ lives a whole lot easier for the time being.

What’s more, Sesame Street is offering a whole host of other helpful tools and resources for parents, including activity and coloring pages, tip sheets for talking to kids about complicated topics and educational games that cover topics like handwashing.

What was your favorite book growing up? How about your fave Sesame Street character?

Let us know both in the comments!

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Wholesome Doggo Posts We Think Will Make You Happy

Let’s play a game…

You’re given the choice between being deserted on an island with a group of people…or a group of dogs… what do you do?

I think I know my answer. Dogs all day! No question about it!

I’ll reconnect you human beings once I get off that island, thank you very much.

In that spirit, here are some great doggo posts to put you in a good mood.

1. Packing on the pounds.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

2. This is Rory’s spot now.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

3. What are you doing here?

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

4. What is all this crap?

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

5. We have to look serious.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

6. So, how was your day?

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

7. This is over the line.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

8. Now what am I supposed to do?

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

9. Waiting on the homies.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

10. See the difference?

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

11. Gonna be the best day ever!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

12. They’re both enjoying this time.

13. That is good news!

I know I’m a much better mood right now after looking at those posts!

Will you do us a huge favor?

Share a photo of your pooch in the comments and tell us a little bit about them!

The post Wholesome Doggo Posts We Think Will Make You Happy appeared first on UberFacts.

Hilarious Parenting Tweets for the Moms and Dads of the World

We have a roundup of hilarious tweets that are going to make you laugh and shake your head at the same time.

Why? Because these tweets are hilarious and accurate about the daily struggles of parenting.

Are you ready? Let’s dig in!

1. That’s cute…and kind of sad.

2. Big win!

3. The continent of Syrup.

4. Following your lead.

5. Speaking the truth…this time.

6. Just throw him!

7. This kid has a bright future.

8. That’s a bonus.

9. Do you remember those days?

10. Sounds like a blast.

11. Might as well…

12. Can’t take it anymore!

13. Learn something new every day!

14. He has arrived.

Do those tweets about being a parent speak the truth, or what? Okay, parents, we want you to sound off in the comments!

Tell us some funny or humiliating stories about your kiddos in the comments!

Now’s your time to expose them and get some revenge!

The post Hilarious Parenting Tweets for the Moms and Dads of the World appeared first on UberFacts.