People Share Their Instant Red Flags That Are Turn-Offs

Part of having a good relationship is discovering which off-putting traits to look out for. These kinds of things are usually referred to as “red flags,” warnings that the person you’re with has things they need to work on, and in the long run, is not going to be a good fit for you.

Discussions of LOTS of common red flags came up when user xCombust took to r/AskReddit to pose the question:

What is an instant turn-off in a relationship? from AskReddit

There were thousands of answers. Some were incredibly specific, but others were variations on repeating themes. Here’s a few examples of the latter.

1. Selfishness can be subtle.

Always wanting you to be there for them but not returning the favor

– Straciabuttfluff

2. Love definitely does NOT mean never having to say you’re sorry.

Refusal to admit they have done anything wrong. Never apologizing.

– OhBlaDii

3. Belittling your partner’s interests is probably a power play, and not a welcome one.

Putting the other person down when they’re interested in/excited about something.

– rithult

4. If there’s not a name for this in psychology yet, there should be.

Not sure what it’s called, but intentionally causing a fight because they enjoy the making up period.

– BorderlineGiant-

5. You’re the protagonist of your life, but not of the world.

A big red flag in either a romantic relationship or just a friendship for me, is when the person you’re talking to is always either the hero or the victim in every story they tell.

Usually a pretty good indicator or how they view themselves / interact with the world, and it usually means they’re going to be “my way or the highway” or “everyone else is to blame for everything”

Both are insufferable qualities

– InsolentFoolBoy

6. Nobody likes a possessive partner.

My ex always told me to not meet up with some of friends anymore. That’s always a red flag. I didn’t stop meeting my friends but I stopped meeting her pretty soon.

– Baapu_

7. Sensitivity is one thing, fragility is another.

Low self-esteem to the point you have to dance around their feelings constantly out of fear they’ll blow up over the most miniscule things.

– TheVillageLooney

8. Take some initiative!

When you realise there would be no plans, unless you are the one to initiate them

– babymoat

9. If you can’t laugh together, what can you do?

Not having the same sense of humor. How horrible to be laughing and the other person doesn’t think somethings funny.

From like a core humor standpoint. Hard to explain but I’ve been in this situation during a date and it’s soooo awkward to realize you don’t find the same things funny.

– sambamthankyamaam

10. We all want someone in our lives who helps us move forward.

Having no ambition.

– oneluckytrooper

The show BoJack Horseman has one of the greatest lines of dialogue I’ve ever heard. Following a bad relationship, a character named Wanda remarks, “You know, it’s funny, when you look at someone through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags.”

Basically, it’s important to keep a head on our shoulders and respect ourselves enough to recognize when we’re not being treated right.

What’s an instant turn-off for you?

Tell us about it in the comments.

The post People Share Their Instant Red Flags That Are Turn-Offs appeared first on UberFacts.

Women Talk About Things Men Think Are Sexy, But Aren’t

If you’re looking for some dating advice, there’s possibly no better source than AskReddit. There’s also possibly no worse source.

It’s hard to tell really, because it’s all anonymous and these people might be giving terrible feedback. But it’s interesting nonetheless!

Especially when a question makes a really big splash, like:

Women of Reddit, what is something Men do that they think is sexy/attractive but really isn’t? from AskReddit

One or two opinions on the topic came in. Then about fourteen thousand more.

Let’s explore, shall we?

1. If you go too fast, she may get too furious.

Drive really fast and recklessly. I would like get home in one piece

– Regallybeagley

2. I’d never heard the term “Tinder squint” before, but I get it.

The Tinder squint which they think makes them look like a moody lead singer on an album cover, when it actually makes them look like Renee Zellweger smelled a fart

– idiosyncrassy

3. A common theme was that there’s nothing appealing or impressive about being mean.

Trying to show how “alpha” they are by treating other people like shit.

No, Trent, being a dick isn’t sexy and you look pathetic.

– DangerousRiver9

4. There’s a saying in film-making, “show, don’t tell.”

Explaining that they’re great at sex.

– keepusguessing

5. Don’t do the Barry White voice.

I had an ex that would put on his “sultry” voice and tell me it’s time for bed.

It really came out sounding creepy and not a bit romantic.

Physically, we had good times but I had to cringe past his verbal intro.

– Agreeable-Landscape

6. Many responses could be summed up with “weird flex, not ok.”

Bragging about things that they shouldn’t brag about to make themselves seem more “manly”. i.e., not caring about their hygiene or skincare, not knowing how to look after a child, not knowing how to cook, not wanting to clean up after themselves or clean a house, not wanting to read books to better themselves or trying new things, etc etc.

Even worse when they shame other men for it.

– milkcustard

7. Not even letting her respond is maximum mansplaining.

Trying to prove that they are smarter than me. Dude i want to be able to have a normal conversation with you.

Stop interrupting me and actually listen for a second. You might recognize that I too have something interesting to contribute to the conversation.

– just_rebekka

8. Don’t punch a whole in the drywall, Keith.

Some boys think being loud and destructive is somehow cool and attractive, especially when drunk.

They don’t realize it makes normal men and women look down on them

– KeliGrein

9. The only thing worse than antiquated traits are antiquated traits done badly.

Order my food for me. Not in a cute, I know what she wants kind of way but a dominant asshole kind of way.

I once was taken on a date, he insisted in driving and drove like a jackass there and back, blasted the same T-pain song over and over, then as we proceeded to order, he ordered everything for me, from the water to my horrible salad. I STILL PAID HALF THE BILL!!!!! One of the worst dates ever.

0 out of 10 would reccomended dating this guy.

– ChayoteSoup

10. If you gotta spell it out, it’s not that great of clout.

i H A T E when guys brag about having some clout on social media, i do not care how many followers you have i care about you as a person!!


11. Money’s nice, but if there’s not something more to you, what’s the point?

Bragging about how expensive their house/car/boat/etc. is or how much money they make.

It’s great to share your passions and talk about your job but if all you’re interested in is material items and money I’m immediately turned off.

– sleeeeepypanda

12. If you’re gonna talk the talk, walk the walk.

Going to into great detail about all the things they’re going to do when they get you in bed, and then doing exactly zero of those things.

– misspaperwait

13. If you’re getting into fights, nobody’s winning.

Talking about fights they’ve gotten in, saying how bad they wanna beat another guy’s ass, saying “I could kill that guy” or other belligerent things.

I do not care if you punch things. I do not care if you can overpower other men. I do not care if you are capable of killing people.

Just be a good person and make good choices. Your pissing contests do not interest me.

– kahluaann

14. You need to be able to examine the common factor in your problems.

Talking about how ALL their exes are crazy.

No, you’re the crazy one dude.

– imabanddork

15. And of course, the inevitable response:

Sending dick pics

– lisvargas

So gents, take note. If you’re already not doing any of that, good for you. If you are, consider an adjustment. Most of these things aren’t too hard, after all.

What would be YOUR answer to this question?

Let us know in the comments.

The post Women Talk About Things Men Think Are Sexy, But Aren’t appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Their Tinder Horror Stories and They Are Really Something

There are plenty of people who have had perfectly fine experiences using dating apps. They’ve facilitated lots of casual fun and lasting relationships and we’re not here to bash them across the board. However…

Pretty much everyone who has ever used Tinder or a similar app has a horror story about it. Sometimes they’re mortifying, sometimes they’re funny, sometimes they’re just bizarre. Lucky for us, there’s now a huge collection of them thanks to this question posted on r/AskReddit:

What is your Tinder horror story? from AskReddit

Let us take you on a journey of a few stories we’ll try to title appropriately to enhance your reading experience.

1. The Mom Bomb

He told me that he and his mom were a “package deal”.

I was mortified and there was no second date.

– McConnells_Neck

2. A Thief in the Night

This one girl who was a regular came in and told me about an awful tinder date she had. Not sure of the specifics, but it wasn’t bad enough for her to not bring him home afterward. He leaves the next morning, she brushes it off as a one night stand, and a few days later, her debit card gets declined.

Odd, since she is a bartender herself at a fairly busy place in our city and is good about saving and usually flush with cash. She goes to check her debit card, turns out there were a bunch of charges at Best Buy, Grubhub, a bunch of other stuff. Curious, she checks her credit card too. There she found a bunch of charges for streaming services. Netflix, Hulu, sling, everything.

She goes to confront the guy and finds out he deleted his profile. But she remembers a friend they had in common on Facebook. She reaches out to the mutual friend to try and track him down and it turns out he did the exact same thing to that mutual friend.

Not sure if what the outcome was but she was out for blood after a mediocre hookup turned into a serious case of identity theft.

– sciamoscia

3. Mai Tai Ask You a Question?

I went on a tinder date a couple months ago on a sunday afternoon. Met up with the guy around 3, he had a really good energy and was funny and complimentary.

The place we wanted to go had a long line, so we went to another restaurant on the water for a drink and appetizers. He started slamming down Mai Tais. I had one, he had 3. They were STRONG. Like, I was tipsy borderline drunk off of one. The bar had a 2 mai tai per person limit, but he found another bartender to get his 3rd.

He got drunker and drunker and started telling me he loved me, joking at first but getting increasingly serious.

As we left he asked me to marry him, I kind of laughed it off, and was like “maybe we take it slow, we just met each other.” He got so mad he stormed off and left me on a street corner.

Then as soon as he got home (it was 5 pm) he started texting me “come over.” And “I miss you.”

– Transformwthekitchen

4. Next Level Creep

I messaged a girl who wanted to meet up, so I go out to the coffee shop and she’s not there.

I ask her what’s up and she totally admits to being a dude catfishing me just so he could check me out in public, and goes on a rant about what a shame it is that I’m a lesbian because he’d totally fuck me.

I feel like the creepiest part for me was that he never once tried to get nudes or anything, which I’d at least understand the effort for, he just wanted to stare at me in public.

– Allison314

5. Nobody Nose

Went on a date after talking to this guy for a few weeks and I told him I was thinking of getting my nose pierced but was afraid it would hurt.

We are walking through a park in broad daylight and this dude takes a safety pin out of his pocket and fucking jams it through his nostril.

Blood pours down his face. He laughs and says “see? No big deal.”

Dude. W t f.

– CoyoteaParty

6. The Pyramid Scheme

A chick said she was having a “work party” at her house and I should come over. It’s byob, so I bought a 6 pack for myself.

Went to her place and noticed more than half of the people were younger (17-18, while I was 21 and the girl was also 21). Then they gathered everyone in the living room and proceed to talk about the job. Turns out it was one of those pyramid scheme recruiting gatherings.

I just sat there drinking my beer (only one drinking) for 2 hours because I thought it was rude to leave because they were telling sob stories and saying how much this “job” had helped them. Sat there listening to some “head of the group guy” saying how we can make millions in a short amount of time. Saying bullshit like “you see my bmw 3 series out front? That’s a company car that you can drive around in, if you do what we do”.

[…]Two or three weeks later she sent me a text (unfortunately we exchanged numbers) asking if the “head of the group” guy can call me and ask me questions on why I’m not signing up and how I thought the group session went. I didn’t reply but sure enough the dude called me and I politely said it’s not for me but he kept pushing. Finally I had to tell him to fuck off.

And that was the end of that. Never went to “work parties” for a tinder date again.

– amijohnsnow

7. The Kratom Catastrophe

I had read recently about some stuff called Kratom, that is supposed to make you feel really relaxed and euphoric, and I had tried to make a tea from the recommended dosage the previous day, but I didn’t feel anything off of it. So I figured if this stuff was supposed to make you be cool and euphoric then the best time to take it would be for a first date! and since I didn’t feel anything from it the first time I figured I should take more.

So I wrapped a LOT of it (Kratom is usually sold as a greenish, super bitter powder) up inside of balls of deli meat and swallowed those whole before the date.

I then went to the lunch feeling nothing, until I met the girl and sat down, at which point I suddenly came to the realization that I was a few seconds away from projectile vomiting up all that Kratom and Deli meat in the middle the restaurant. I excused myself, got up from the table, walked a few steps towards the bathroom until I began to violently vomit. At which point I covered my mouth with my hands, began choking on my own vomit as I sprinted towards the bathroom, leaked a trail of vomit all over the floor in a path towards the bathroom, then continued to violently projectile vomit into the trash can in the bathroom. I then spent a while to clean my face and wash my arms and hands which were soaked in vomit.

I then returned to the table and tried to survive the rest of the lunch date without dying of embarrassment. I felt like a huge asshole and was really embarrassed.

– joenotson

8. The Number 1 Fan

So I met this girl on tinder and went for a lunch date. We had a pretty good connection so we decided to have dinner as well.

After having a few drinks one thing lead to another and ended up back at my place, we hooked up and went to sleep.

Middle the night I wake up. She’s intensely staring at me while she’s crouched behind the bed. I asked her if everything is alright, she said yes and got back into bed… I thought “little creepy, but probably nothing to worry about.”

She lays down to cuddle with me and she’s wet. At the time, I was like “damn I must just be a stallion.” Fast forward to the morning, she’s gone and there’s a wet puddle beside the bed.

she peed on my floor

I still don’t understand it. I had a bathroom, but maybe she just got lost and couldn’t hold it?

I did not hear from her again.

– GravyxNips

9. Chocolate Milk?

This happened just after I decided to get into the dating scene after a traumatic end to a three year relationship.

So it’s 00:45 and a tinder match messages me asking what I’m doing, then invites me to go out with her. I think it’s a bit late, but the clubs are open for 3-4 more hours so why not? I should take opportunities, right? I’m a single man in his 20s for the first time.

She says she’ll pick me up (Driving in towards the town from outside of it) and I put on cologne and a nice shirt, get ready to go out. I go to the car, my match is in the front passenger seat and her friend is driving. I think it’s pretty weird but having a friend along isn’t super off so I get in and ask which club we’re going to.

“We’re not going out-out, just out.” My match says as we drive off.

“Where are we going?” I ask, feeling a little uncomfortable.

“Just into town,” she replies.

They drive to a nearby bridge with a carpark under it and park, turn the radio up and start chatting. The Girl driving pulls out a 1L (2 pints) bottle of chocolate milk and starts drinking it, they talk about the most boring shit, barely include me in conversation and start rolling cigarettes.

After 15 mins they get out of the car to have a smoke, I get out too. My tinder match is wearing Fluffy white slippers that light up with each step. I turn and face them, “I appreciate you guys picking me up but this really isn’t my scene, I’m going to head off, have a nice night.” They were very offended.

– Kaldenar

10. Stick To It

After a movie date with a guy I met on tinder, we came back to my place. We’ll call him Dude. I told him we could hang for a bit but I have work in the morning so I would need to go to sleep soon. Dude said that was fine, but he was hungry and he was going to order food. Ok sure. Dude orders 2 large subs from PotBelly and a milkshake. Downs it. No judgment, he’s 6’4, 210 lbs, younger still growing, by all means. I didn’t think anything of it until later…

We end up messing around a bit and fall asleep in bed. I wake up to my front door opening and closing several times over a 5 minute period. My dogs are going nuts, and it’s 1am. What the heck is this guy doing?? I open the door to my room that opens up to the rest of my apartment and my bathroom is to the left where the light is on and the door is wide open, I walk around the corner to make eye contact with Dude who is in a squatting position over my toilet, with a stick, poking around in murky brown poop water that is milimeters from overflowing onto my bathroom floor. Horrified, he yells, ” Stop looking at me! Go back to bed! I have it under control!” I’m still waking up trying to understand what i’m seeing and what’s going on, and I just start nervous laughing I don’t know what else to do. He yells, “Why don’t you have a plunger?!?” And I said I don’t know I never needed one until now!! He tells me to go back to bed he has it under control, i’m so disturbed, tired, can’t process what’s happening and have work in the morning I go back to bed. I remember hearing him peek in my room a bit later and heard, “I fixed it.” and then heard him leave and my door close behind him.

The next morning. I hesitantly approach my toilet to find the water is down. But there is something poking out from the bottom of the toilet like he didn’t get it all. Upon further inspection, what I was seeing was the tip of a stick. Some gloves, towels and BBQ tongues later I pulled out approximately 3 foot of stick from my toilet that had broke off, followed by several other stick fragments. Dude had broke several sticks. I heard my door open and close so much, because he was going outside to look for a stick, one would break, he’d go get another. Dude had left drippy poop water stains all over my bathroom floor. He also left my apartment soo fast, that he left his underwear, and undershirt and socks…

After work that day, I went straight to the store and bought a plunger.

Lesson learned.

– areyoureadyreddit412

Yanno, reading stories like that are kind of the perfect fodder I need to not feel bad about being extremely lazy about trying to date.

What’s your Tinder (/other dating service) horror story?

Tell us in the comments.

The post People Share Their Tinder Horror Stories and They Are Really Something appeared first on UberFacts.

Jack Black is on TikTok Now and You’re Gonna Want To Check it Out

Since the Internet became a part of our lives, there have been a lot of questions.

Well, we can all breathe a sigh of relief on that last one. The long wait is over. The Tenacious D / School of Rock / Kung Foo Panda / Nacho Libre legend himself has finally graced the short video platform with his presence, and it’s a pretty grand entrance.

Reminding us that he does in fact have some pretty sweet moves, JB laid down an energetic, eclectic, hat-dropping dance hit as his inaugural post.

@jackblackQuarantine Dance ##reallifeathome ##distancedance ##happyathome ##boredathome ✂ @taylor♬ original sound – jackblack

This was followed up shortly after with something he’s referring to as the Blub Challenge, which apparently consists of just kind of making slow fish noises for as long as you can. Honestly, the written word can’t do it justice, you just need to watch.

@jackblackBlub blub blub blub blub blub blub blub… ##BlubChallenge##normalpeople ##checkthisout ##lifeathome♬ original sound – jackblack

Obviously, his presence was universally hailed.

Source: @neko_channn

His output essentially radiates positivity, which isn’t going unnoticed or unappreciated.

Source: @kaitlinkallee

Everyone else should just delete their accounts. So says…Steak-umm?

Source: @streakumm

And the #BlubChallenge is really tougher than it looks.

Source: @mannbilly

It might turn into yet another one of those pervasive things that are impossible to explain to your grandparents.

Source: @taylor

Basically, we all Stan.

Welcome to TikTok, Mr. Black. It’s a weird world and I suspect you’re about to be its unlikely ruler.

What would you like to see from Jack Black now that he’s on the platform?

Let us know in the comments!

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A Man Went “Full Karen” When Threatened with an Unfair Eviction

There’s a lot of tension these days between landlords and tenants. Often this is talked about broadly, but sometimes a case study in a particular battle makes for an interesting read. Enter Jesse Case, a comedian from Nashville who found himself needlessly threatened, and responded in turn.

So that’s the plan. To go “Full Karen.”

One might think that would involve speaking simultaneously to every manager on earth, but it went a little differently than that.

Jesse posted the message from his landlord, as well as his response.

Here’s the text  a bit larger. Sorry we can’t resize it, but you’ll get the gist in the coming comments…

It’s bad enough when a landlord starts just throwing out random new rules and making empty threats like they’ll be legally enforceable, but it’s extra hilarious when they accidentally involve winged insects in the language.

The response Jesse receives doesn’t exactly seem to have hit home.

Land owners often try to pull fast ones on tenants whom they know are unlikely to be familiar with all the laws concerning what they can and cannot do. Unfortunately for them, we live in the age of Google searches, so that info isn’t exactly hard to find.

Most everyone was pretty appreciative of Jesse’s style.

And a new meme was spawned that I think needs to get way more play now:

Still, Jesse is a man of the word and will adhere to the letter of the law:

Really, it’s a steal anyway.

1,400 bucks vs 1,400 bugs – what’s the difference?

We hope you’re all safe and sound in your own homes. If you have trouble, don’t hesitate to reach out to local tenant associations which can help you out!

What’s a time you went full Karen?

Tell our manager about it in the comments.

The post A Man Went “Full Karen” When Threatened with an Unfair Eviction appeared first on UberFacts.

Jokes That Are Technically Correct…but Not “Correct” Correct

The clever joke. Everyone laughs at it and you feel pretty smart. But it wasn’t, like, correct correct.

More, like just technically correct. And, therein, lies the funny part.

Here are 13 smugly smart examples.

1. I Suppose…

Better check the meter from technicallythetruth

2. All the Jokes…

My local newspaper has jokes.. from technicallythetruth

3. Those are Technically Wings.

4. You, Sir, are Correct.

5. It Clearly Isn’t Always Beautiful.

6. In 1665, All There Was Was Bubonic Plague.

7. Maybe They Should Call It Mystery Flavor.

8. But Look at It’s Sweet Face.

9. Ask a Silly Question.

10. Sundaes Are Snacks.

11. Please Don’t Eat the Cook.

12. What Have You Done?

Well he’s kinda right from technicallythetruth

13. A Food Funny.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Yeah. Not right in many ways, but not so off the mark either. But these kinds of jokes are pretty funny when they come to you. Know any?

Leave them in the comments! We need your intelligent, and weird, point of view.

The post Jokes That Are Technically Correct…but Not “Correct” Correct appeared first on UberFacts.

Teachers Sure Are Having Fun With Their Students Over Zoom

If you’re a student or a teacher at this moment, you know that you’re going to be spending a lot of time on Zoom for your classes.

So you want it to be interesting, right? Yeah, that’s what these teachers did. They’re making sure that their students don’t get too bored during this unusual time…and they’re doing a great job!

Take a look.

1. This guy is great!

2. That’s Harry Styles!

3. In a tropical paradise.

4. This guy wins everything.

5. That would be helpful.

6. Big flex.

7. Will this sword work?

8. I like the looks of this.

9. Oh yes, they did!

10. Meet your new assistant.

11. A good little helper.

12. You get an A!

13. Close enough…

Kudos to these educators for going the extra mile.

Are you a student or a teacher? How are you dealing with having your classes online?

We want to hear from you, talk to us in the comments!

The post Teachers Sure Are Having Fun With Their Students Over Zoom appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About Awkward Situations That All of Us Can Relate To

Some embarrassing situations are just universal. You know what I’m talking about.

Getting rejected by a boy or a girl. Getting dumped in public at the Olive Garden during Homecoming…oh wait. maybe that was just me.

The point is, we can all relate to very awkward things that happen life. AskReddit users shared what they think are awkward situations that we can all relate to.

1. They’re not interested.

“Picking up on everyone being disinterested in what you’re saying and you’re totally bungling the story the longer it goes on as their disinterest rises.

You’re desperately trying to keep the narrative ball in the air and you know it’s all falling apart but your dumbfuck mouth just keeps talking as your dying dignity screams at you to shut the fuck up.”

2. What your name, again?

“When you’ve had multiple interactions with someone but you can’t remember their name but it’s gone too far to admit you’ve forgotten it so you just have to call them love or mate forever.”

3. A loud stomach.

“Having your stomach rumble in the middle of a quiet class or meeting.

Both in college, and at store meetings, my go – to cover-up strategy was to furiously flip through pages of notes to try and drown it out.”

4. No thank you.

“Someone trying to initiate a handshake after you’ve just washed your hands.

It’s either a few awkward seconds of quickly drying your hands on your jeans, or shaking their hand anyway and seeing the discomfort in their eyes.”

5. Never again.

“Watching a sex scene with your parents.

Visited my aunt and uncle seven years ago and we were hanging out watching TV. My uncle clicks through channels and stops on Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay. Within minutes it’s the shaved p*ssy party scene.

My aunt and uncle sit there in silence watching not saying anything until the scene is over while I sweat bullets. If you put an acorn between my butt cheeks I could have cracked it.

A few months ago I visit again. Uncle flips through channels. It’s Starship Troopers. Within minutes it’s a sex scene and the boobies are out.

I’m not visiting anymore.”

6. Other peoples’ parents are a drag.

“Being at a friends house as a kid and the friend’s mother starts yelling at your friend.

Being at a friends house as a kid and the friend’s father walks in only wearing underwear.”

7. Not you. Them!

“When you think someone waves at you so you wave back, but they were waving at someone behind you.”

8. Oh…thank you…

“The fake smile on your face when you receive a terrible gift.

Wanted the Smash Mouth CD with All Star on it when I was a kid. My aunt wound up getting me the Len CD with Steal My Sunshine on It. Apparently I hadn’t heard the song yet back then even though it was all over the radio. My disappointment was immeasurable and my day was ruined. I faked a half smile.

Decades later I love Steal My Sunshine and I should have been happy.”

9. That’s no fun.

“Saying “hello” or “how are you” to somebody and getting 100% ignored.”

10. On a constant loop.

“When you are videochatting, start talking and because of the delay you interrupt each other all the time.

Stop talking, start again, interrupt the other one, stop talking.. Never ending story.”

11. I’ll see you later…oh…

“When you’re saying goodbye to someone, and then you both end up walking in the same direction.

Or when you turn and walk into a wall with people watching.”

12. Feels like an eternity.

“That walk down a long hallway toward each other where you’ve clearly seen the other person, but they’re too far away to say something, so you do the awkward look around until you get close enough to say “hey” and keep walking.”

13. What’s it gonna be?

“When you go for a hug but the other person goes for a handshake, so you start with a handshake but do a weird hug at the same time with your hands in each other’s crotches.”

14. We’ve all done it.

“Stalking someone on social media and accidentally liking a comment from months/years ago.”

15. Stay in the back.

“When you’re walking on a sidewalk with 2 other friends and you’re the person that does not fit so you have to stay behind them.”

16. Humiliation at its finest.

“When the server brings your food and says “enjoy your food” and starts walking away and you say back, “you too”.”

Yikes…a lot of these look pretty familiar, don’t they…?

Okay, now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us some more awkward situations that we can all relate too.

Let’s keep this cringe-fest moving forward!

The post People Talk About Awkward Situations That All of Us Can Relate To appeared first on UberFacts.

A Mom Cheers Up Walmart Employees With Her Hilarious Post-Its

If you think shopping at Walmart can be maddening, try working there. Especially in these trying times where stock is low and tension is high.

One photographer and mother attempted to show employees at her local Walmart their hard work under hazardous conditions was not unnoticed. Amy Cook is a mother of five who relies on the supercenter for groceries and other household supplies.

As a gesture of her appreciation for the extra work she saw Walmart employees put in to keep the store clean and operating, she made some hilarious post-it notes and brought them along on her shopping trip.

Went to Walmart this morning to fill the cupboards and freezer (also had some old guy behind me in line call me an idiot…

Posted by Amy Cook on Friday, 20 March 2020

Her post said this:

“Went to Walmart this morning to fill the cupboards and freezer (also had some old guy behind me in line call me an idiot under his breath knowing I would hear him so I promptly spun around and informed him that I have 5 children and was only buying a normal amount of GROCERIES)…and decided to spread some cheer and hopefully giggles in this stressful time.

My goal was to reach the stressed overworked employees and make them laugh especially with all of the horrible customers they have been dealing with and the exhausting back breaking labor they’ve been putting in to keep the shelves loaded as best they can. To all retail employees, we LOVE and appreciate you and hope for your health and safety! I hope you found these entertaining and not annoying.

Side note: If you saw these shopping I hope they made you laugh, please don’t run to Walmart just to find them…practice safety and stay home unless you need groceries. And WASH YO HANDS.

Thank you.”

She left her funny notes all around the store for the employees to find, and hopefully get to laugh and smile, at some point in their stressful days.

Posted by Amy Cook on Friday, 20 March 2020

She aimed to bring a little lightness to a new and often frightening situation.

Posted by Amy Cook on Friday, 20 March 2020

She even left some pop-culture references guaranteed to make even the most exhausted worker giggle, if only for a moment.

Posted by Amy Cook on Friday, 20 March 2020

And good, sound quarantine advice.

Posted by Amy Cook on Friday, 20 March 2020

Post Malone got his on his own post-it.

Posted by Amy Cook on Friday, 20 March 2020

Have we tried uninstalling and reinstalling the world?

It has a virus.

Posted by Amy Cook on Friday, 20 March 2020

Allergy symptoms are extra annoying this Spring.

Posted by Amy Cook on Friday, 20 March 2020

Burn. Go State!

Posted by Amy Cook on Friday, 20 March 2020

Simpler times.

Posted by Amy Cook on Friday, 20 March 2020

A sign of these times.

Posted by Amy Cook on Friday, 20 March 2020

Well, we’re waiting.

Posted by Amy Cook on Friday, 20 March 2020

In case you were on the fence.

Posted by Amy Cook on Friday, 20 March 2020

Have you got plenty of toilet paper?

Because apparently it’s worth more than gold.

Posted by Amy Cook on Friday, 20 March 2020

What about chicky-nuggies?

Posted by Amy Cook on Friday, 20 March 2020

There’s the nuggies.

Posted by Amy Cook on Friday, 20 March 2020

There’s a limit to how many boys are allowed in the yard.

Posted by Amy Cook on Friday, 20 March 2020

We’re living in a strange world now.

Posted by Amy Cook on Friday, 20 March 2020


Posted by Amy Cook on Friday, 20 March 2020

I’m sure Amy’s notes cheered up employees, customers and anyone else who saw them. She didn’t post anything we weren’t already thinking!

Alright, now we want to hear from you! Which of these were your faves?

Let us know in the comments!

The post A Mom Cheers Up Walmart Employees With Her Hilarious Post-Its appeared first on UberFacts.

These Tweets Show the Frustration People Have Keeping Their Parents at Home Right Now

Did you think that this would be the time our worlds turned upside down like a terrifying version of Freaky Friday? Not only are we expected to make a roll of toilet stretch for a month, bake our own bread and homeschool our children, but we now have to ground our own parents.

If you’re having problems making mom and dad cancel their plans and stay in their rooms, you are not alone.

These 20 tweets show others feel your pain.

1. A WHAT Party?!?!

2. Rage-sobbing Is the First Step.

3. The Rats in the Sewer Will Appreciate their Increased Vitamin Intake.

4. The Birds Have Been Finding their Own Birdseed for Millions of Years.

5. Shut Down the Buffets!

6. 60 Is the New 25.

7. This Is Revenge for Them.

8. It’s Like They Are Teenagers.

9. Putting You in a Home, I Tell You.

10. But You Can’t Go Live With Your Auntie and Uncle in Bel-Aire.

11. Pass the Pills.

12. Lungs, Schlungs.

13. The Worry is Real.

14. A Gentle Reminder.

15. Whatever Works.

16. Peter, Go Home.

17. Where Are We Meeting?

18. Why Won’t They Listen?

19. Maybe They Will Tire Themselves Out Trying to Open the Door.

20. Italy Knows.

All kidding aside, our parents and their friends are the most vulnerable people in our society right now, along with immunocompromised people. It’s imperative they take extra steps to protect their health.

So, if your parents are listening to you, keep trying.

They didn’t give up on us.

The post These Tweets Show the Frustration People Have Keeping Their Parents at Home Right Now appeared first on UberFacts.