If You Spend Too Much Money on Your Pet, These 13 Tweets Are for You!

I think it’s ridiculous when people go so far as to leave money in their wills to their dogs and cats…that’s taking it a little bit too far.

But I don’t think it’s ridiculous to pamper the hell out of your pets and treat them like family members, because they are.

If you have a furry best friend, you probably spend WAY too much money on them…which is totally fine by us.

Enjoy these tweets!

1. Totally selfless.

2. I think he likes them.

3. Lookin’ sharp!

4. I’ll be here every day.

5. Camping out for this event.

6. Let’s cut her a break.

7. Someday…hopefully…

8. Working for the right reasons.

9. There’s gotta be a word for that.

10. This is all for you!

11. No regrets.

12. You made the right call.

13. Priorities, priorities.

I told you those tweets would look familiar…

How about you? Do you spoil your pets?

In the comments, tell us the most outrageous thing you’ve ever bought for them!

Let’s see what ya got!

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10 Funny and Embarrassing Zoom Fails

If you aren’t good at using Zoom, you better get your act together quickly or you might end up being ridiculed in an article just like this one.

Because of the current situation, most people are using Zoom or similar apps to hold meetings from home and for school, as well.

And you just know there are bound to be some major fails…

So let’s get started!

1. Mute is your friend.

2. Duuuuuuude,that’s not good.

3. We can see you…and your drugs.

4. This will live forever.

5. Put some pants on!

6. He blew it!

7. Please don’t do that!

8. All kinds of disturbing sounds.

9. Spell it out for me.

10. That’s really embarrassing.

Yay for embarrassing others!

Have you been a part of any major Zoom fails yet?

If so, please share your stories with us in the comments!

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Panic-Stricken Buyers Are Still Leaving This Garbage on the Shelves at Grocery Stores

As the world gets crazier each day and we get used to spending all of our time at home, there’s been a rush at grocery stores to attempt to stock up on the essentials…and the non-essentials.

But some poor products are being left behind like a sad afterthought…

You’ve probably already seen this at your preferred store, but these photos will really drive the point home that folks won’t buy some products even in the middle of a crisis.

1. Not gonna happen!

2. I’ll take ’em!

3. They’d rather starve.


4. Yucky stuff.

5. I’m with them on this one.

6. A hard pass.

7. They don’t sound that horrible…

8. Those both just sound weird.

9. Not in my house!

10. Maybe they’re really tired of that song…

11. Free market research!

Those pics are pretty funny and hopefully we won’t have to deal with this madness for too long…

What’s the scene like at your local grocery store?

Tell us what’s going on in the comments, please!

We’d love to hear from you!

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Fashion Fails Captured in the Wild

All fashion is a personal choice. You have complete control over what you wear, so you should choose wisely.

But…as you will see in just a minute, a lot of people don’t pay attention to that rule, or maybe they just don’t care.

Are you ready to see some major FASHION FAILS?

You’ve been warned…let’s begin…

1. I don’t see a zipper.

Totally insconspicuous from CrappyDesign

2. Perfect placement.

Blursed_Shirt from blursedimages

3. Nice and classy.

Imagine having to wear this for your job from CrappyDesign

4. Kind of disturbing.

Someone Thought This Was A Good Dog Graphic from pics

5. A very odd choice.

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#意味ある? #笑笑笑笑笑笑。

A post shared by 宮川大輔 (@miyagawadai) on

6. Takes some balls to wear that outside.

Today in NYC… Yes, that’s the actual baby’s face. from funny

7. Don’t do that again.

We decided grandma shouldnt wear her Bahamas tshirt with a sweater. from funny

8. Mixed messages.

I’m not sure I understand from CrappyDesign

9. Had an accident?

Crappy skirt from CrappyDesign

10. Is anyone actually gonna wear this?

Fashion is evolving. from CrappyDesign

11. Did you get that at Spencer’s Gifts?

Wallet chain ankle crocs – thank you small town malls from ATBGE

12. Not the same…

Someone needs to work on differentiating their O’s and A’s from CrappyDesign

13. Classic eyeball shoes.

Why the duck…. from ATBGE

14. The second pic in this set is even better…

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Seventh Heaven SS20

A post shared by Seventh Heaven (@seventhheaven) on

Yowza…those fashion choices are not…great.

How about you?

Have you seen any really bad clothing designs lately that made you cringe?

If so, please share a photo with us in the comments!

The post Fashion Fails Captured in the Wild appeared first on UberFacts.

Hilarious and Accurate Tweets About Dogs

If I’m in a foul mood, my mind immediately drifts to one very specific thing.


Those lovable mutts just have the power to put me in a good mood in an instant.

Here are some funny and accurate tweets that all dog lovers will be able to relate to.


1. Not for you.

2. No matter the size…

3. Your offspring.

4. We all do this at one point or another.

5. An important role.

6. I feel this tweet deep in my soul.

7. Puppy talk.

8. You work for me now.

9. Pissing off the parents.

10. Isn’t that interesting?

11. I completely understand.

12. Pssshhh, look at that…

13. We’re done…about that dog, though…

As the saying goes, we really don’t deserve dogs…

How about you? Are you a dog lover?

Show us a pic of your pooch in the comments and tell us a little bit about them.

Please and thank you!

The post Hilarious and Accurate Tweets About Dogs appeared first on UberFacts.

Hilarious ‘Starter Pack’ Memes for You to Enjoy

I’m not sure why I think these “Starter Pack” memes are so hilarious, but I just do, dammit!

In fact, I think it’s probably my favorite meme of the past few years. Yes, there are other great ones, but there’s just something about these that really tickles my funny bone.

So, in celebration of this glorious viral meme, let’s take a look at 12 hilarious examples of “Starter Packs.”

1.  Those quotes are so accurate.

This one cuts deep…

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

2. Totally nails it.

The sunglasses really complete the entire ensemble.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

3. I see this get-up a lot out there.

Do you know who my Dad is????

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

4. The ladies are good at it, too!

The jeans say it all, people.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

5. I’ve seen this guy a million times in my life.

He’s usually named “Chad.”

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

6. “We’re all in this together.”

I trust them!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

7. I’m in love with this meme.

The Karate Kid, Just One of the Guys, Back to the Future, the list goes on and on…

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

8. Remember the good old days?

When we used to be able to hug people…?

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

9. We’ve all been here before.

The feeling of defeat.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

10. Hahahaha. So good.

Especially the part where you accidentally knock over the motorcycles.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

11. All of these are 100% accurate.

They all just scream “I’m better than you.”

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

12. These crystals should help you out with your chill vibes.

Are you feeling that energy?

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

So good! And so true to life!

I can’t get enough of these!

How about you?

What’s your favorite “Starter Pack” meme?

Please share it with us in the comments. Thanks a lot!

The post Hilarious ‘Starter Pack’ Memes for You to Enjoy appeared first on UberFacts.

Funny Memes to Get Your Day off to a Good Start

A lot of folks can’t start their day without coffee, or a hearty breakfast. I can’t really get started without a dose of memes. Which works out great for me, because they’re way cheaper than those other things. They’re basically giving them away for free all over the internet.

If you, like me, need some memes for your day, just sit back, scroll down, and enjoy this random collection of the good stuff.

10. Bottom left every day, baby

Via: someecards

9. There’s no weigh I’m doing that

Via: someecards

8. Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it

Via: someecards

7. It’s much batter for you

Via: someecards

6. Playin’ fast and loose with those late fees

Via: someecards

5. Microwave microaggressions

Via: someecards

4. Dab-nabbit

Via: someecards

3. I’ll drink to that

Via: someecards

2. Hnnngg

Via: someecards

1. It was time for Thomas to go…

Via: someecards

That’s at least as beneficial as a good breakfast, right? And makes me less jittery than coffee. Memes are definitely the way to start the day.

Which one is your favorite?

Vote in the comments.

The post Funny Memes to Get Your Day off to a Good Start appeared first on UberFacts.

People Recall The Dumbest Reason They’ve Ever Been Dumped

All relationships are hard. There’s an episode of Seinfeld where Elaine says one of the most important relationship aspects is being able to break up nicely, and though it was a joke…it’s also kind of true.

It’s also an apt reference, because some of these really stupid reasons to break up would have been right at home on the show.

17. I guess it depends on what sort of movies you watch.

“I love you so much and want to spend the rest of my life with you.

We have to break up, if it’s really meant to be then we will end up together again like they do in the movies.”

16. Definitely count your lucky stars there.

I was “too clingy”

She got mad every time I hung out with anyone that wasn’t her.

15. There might be a reason for that.

“I don’t feel a spark of anything when we kiss anymore”

At that time I got hit in the mouth with a bat and couldn’t kiss her for the past month. If you didn’t want to be with me just say it or at least come up with a better lie to dump me over

14. I’m guessing that probably didn’t happen.

One of my exes dumped me saying that he wanted to “be like paul” from the bible…

13. Keep it classy.

I (a 14 year old) wouldn’t take her (a 14 year old) virginity in a Burger King bathroom.

Welcome to Ireland.

12. That’s called getting what you deserve.

I bought my GF one of the World of Warcraft expansion packs for her birthday. She started playing again — like she really got into it — and I hardly saw her. She’d play all night and would come to bed as I was getting up.

To be clear, that made me want to dump her. But, what ended up happening was she started playing with her ex and it apparently rekindled their feelings for each other, because she dumped me after a couple of weeks of this shit and got back with him. But, by that time he had moved away, so their relationship was entirely limited to playing questing or some shit. And, then they broke up again after like a month of this. At the time it was horrible, but now I can’t help but laugh.

TL;DR ex dumped me for a Mage.

11. The other reasons are insignificant.

I got dumped because the headlights on my car didn’t come on automatically when I started my car.

I’m assuming he had other reasons, but this is what I was told. And I love laughing at it!

10. I’m not sure I’m buying this one.

Made a girl smile too much.

She had braces and it cut up the inside of her mouth.

9. There are adults, supposedly.

We went to rival colleges and I had graduated from the “bad” one.


8. This is definitely a Seinfeld moment.

My boyfriend broke up with me because he was moving away to go to puppet school.

7. Wow. That’s a very committed cat person.

My ex’s cat was named “Ben”. The girl I was dating’s cat was named “Bundles”.

One day, I called “Bundles”, “Ben”. She asked me what I just called her cat. I thought about it, and then remembered that was my ex’s cat’s name. I laughed and told her and she was super unimpressed. Broke up with me the next day.

6. This is kind of a compliment.

Shared this before here, but this has and will always take the cake for me.

College GF’s Dad won 1 million dollars in the state lottery over winter break. Broke up with me over the phone, telling me “now that I’m rich, I can’t afford to date regular people like you. That’s really the only thing wrong, you’re just regular.”

5. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

After going out with this guy for 6 months I asked him if we were dating and he immediately ghosted me.

4. Did he, though?

The girl told me she thought this boy who she had a crush on for a long time was gonna ask her out.

She said this to me. Her then bf.

3. There is definitely more to this story and I am here for it.

She thought I killed her horse (it wasn’t actually her horse) with voodoo (it hung itself) because I was jealous (it was a horse.)

2. Giving up tuna would be really hard, tbh.

“We have to break up. I mean, we can’t even get married… you’re allergic to fish!”

She chose the occasional tuna sandwich over me. I laughed and still tell the story so I guess it’s a win!

1. …how old were you though.

She found out the truck I was driving was owned by my mom.

I’m thinking most, if not all, of these people majorly dodged a bullet.

What’s the dumbest reason anyone ever dumped you? Please, share it with us in the comments!

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Dog Tinder Bios Meant to Poke Fun at Millennial Stereotypes

In case you haven’t noticed, Millennials have grown tired of taking everyone’s sh*t. They’re punching back, and one of the most Millennial ways to do that seems to be making fun of the stereotypes people have put on them. Turning the tables, in a way.

And if there’s a more Millennial thing than making fake dog Tinder bios to poke fun at the dumb bios you see 10 of every time you log on the site, I don’t know what is.

Please, enjoy the 10 examples below.

10. Why does she look and sound exactly like Carrie from Sex and the City?

Image Credit: Imgur

9. And yeah, this dog’s face and description also go excellently together.

Image Credit: Imgur

8. Of course he’s drinking a Coors.

Image Credit: Imgur

7. Not an open mic night!

Image Credit: Imgur

6. That’s definitely a designer jacket.

Image Credit: Imgur

5. I relate to this dog.

Image Credit: Imgur

4. I can’t decide if it’s the flower crown or the # that really makes it.

Image Credit: Imgur

3. He did everything before it was cool, even the beard.

Image Credit: Imgur

2. I honestly just can’t stop looking at that dog’s neck.

Image Credit: Imgur

1. Why does that hat fit her so perfectly?

Image Credit: Imgur

These are just too funny and I would totally go on a date with whoever wrote these. No doubt.

What’s your favorite/least favorite stereotype on Tinder? Let’s share below!

The post Dog Tinder Bios Meant to Poke Fun at Millennial Stereotypes appeared first on UberFacts.

A Guy and His Roommate Have a ‘Forbidden Room’ Arrangement, but His Friends Think It’s Wrong

Anyone who has ever had a roommate knows that it’s pretty hard to find a good one. If you manage to hook up with someone that makes co-habitating more easy than hard, most people are more than willing to work out any small kinks.

Which is the case with this Reddit poster, who is living with an autistic man who gets easily overwhelmed by crowds. Since OP (original poster) enjoys having people over and hosting parties, they came up with a compromise – a locked room where the roommate could retreat when things got to be too much.

Seems normal, right? A great example of compromise and understanding each other’s differences?

AITA for not letting my friends enter the Forbidden Room? from AmItheAsshole

Well apparently his friends didn’t think so, and demanded to be able to use the “forbidden room” whenever they wanted to get away (or just to be nosy, I presume).

Image Credit: Reddit

Even though it might seem obvious to all of us that OP is NTA (Not The A**hole), apparently his friends are so terrible that they actually convinced him he was being unreasonable or something?

Image Credit: Reddit


Image Credit: Reddit

But no one on the thread thought he or his roommate was TA (The A**hole), and indeed, everyone thinks they need new friends.

Image Credit: Reddit

Making new friends is hard once you’re an adult, so maybe he should just try reconditioning the ones they have.

Image Credit: Reddit

Or turning the Forbidden Room into a gaming and Netflix sanctuary and the two of them could just be awesome together and ditch everyone else.

Solid plan, if you ask me.

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